FULL SHOW: WCRA Showdown Rodeo at Helldorado | 2018

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[Music] it's a beautiful day for rodeo and there is no city that has ever done rodeo better than Las Vegas this via store at Thomas & Mack Center where legends have been made both buckles have been earned and dreams have come true speaking of legends there's a good look at one the greatest the sport of rodeo has ever seen 23 time champ of the world Trevor Brazil and rodeo has always been a family affairs a good look at barrel racer Lisa Lockhart and her nephew stretching it out there the reigning champ of the world in the PBR just Lockwood this is the WC are a showdown hello everybody and welcome to the first WC RA I'm Justin McBride and joined alongside by PBR co-founder Cody Lambert five-time the world champion steer wrestler Luke brain queen oh and fellows this pretty exciting day Cody I know for you it is because you've seen all of it from rodeo to the PBR and to see them come together is pretty cool yeah there's been so much great rodeo action and PBR action in this arena and it all come together with the greatest contestants and I know that's something you and I talked about a little bit is we get to see weekend week out the best bull riders in the world compete on the best bulls but it's really exciting I know especially for you and I because we get to see the best rodeo athletes compete against some great stop yeah it is and they and for decent money to that's what's something that's really exciting to see the guys get to ride and rope for more money well in Lucas a return to you I know this isn't you would have loved to been competing in but I'm glad we've got you here in the booth with us and talk about the opportunity that this format does provide for for these contestants getting on the bestop getting to run the best stock and for some good money yeah that's for sure you know everywhere we go all year we don't get opportunities like this for these Cowboys comes to Pina eight of the very best in the world on some of the very best stock it is special what excites me is the PBR has been producing world-class events for 25 years to be able to mix rodeo in with it that's just the right step for rodeo and right step for the Cowboys and I'm excited to be a part of it obviously I'd like to be competing but I'm glad to be right here be able to watch it well and I think that's the thing that's got us all so fired up is this format of getting to see the best compete big payday as we mentioned four hundred thousand dollars in total prize money twenty five thousand to each event winner and you're gonna get to see it all because it's going to be right here on ride pass and on ride DB top four will go tomorrow and then the final two showdown a they're all going to compete today so talk a little bit more about this new exciting format let's go to Kate Harris yeah guys a quick look at the day sheet it's easy to see the caliber of talent that's here in every single event but Shaun Gleason here with us PBR CEO what else makes this event so unique well the format's unique it's an eight-man format tomorrow we'll cut it down in half we'll go four and then two and in crown a champion in each discipline so that makes it a little unique format that isn't usually seen in rodeo all of our fans are used to seeing you in bull riding but now here we are at a rodeo so what's PBR looking for in this partnership well you know we announced yesterday that the W CRA was aligned with PBR and we did announce that before but we got into details about our plans and it really is W CRA is the first time that a rodeo organization has entered the space that isn't looking to just grab a smaller share of a shrinking pie like they do want to bring investment to the industry so we're gonna create some big events combined with PBR and and take them out east and other places in the US that don't have rodeo fans like big events riders do - so guys sounds like the start of something really exciting for everyone thanks cadence you know I know Shaun Gleason PBR CEO and all parties involved have worked really hard to to bring this thing to fruition and a lot of opportunities in the future possibilities are limitless for this and Kelly let's talk about some of the guys in the rough stock events that are here to take advantage of those opportunities well it's it's just the who's who of bareback rider saddle bronc and bull riders we've got a couple walking in here looks like rider right and his uncle Coburn Bradshaw - both really good bareback riders Salladhor saan saddle bronc riders as we look at the bareback riding we turn to Tim O'Connell and Casey Phil doesn't get doesn't get much better than that know that they're the most dominating bareback riders we've seen in years maybe ever they're up right up there with the greatest of all time if they're not the best of all time and you could argue that either one of them is better than the other yeah and then the bull riding up there just Lockwood the reigning world champion Cooper Davis age Kim Z's here so get to see all those guys go out it's going to be really fun Luke what about the timed events I know it's more of the same with some different names yeah for sure you know if you look you have in the team roping Caleb Driggers and junior Nagata Caleb in my opinion can throw his rope as far as anybody he's in the same class as speed Williams hb2 Evans from a long time ago he knows how to get rid of the rope but he's also great horseman jr. he's gonna clean him up no matter where they're where they're at Caleb handles his cattle well when they're on long rope but if something gets a little wild juniors not afraid to get after him yeah take a look at the steer wrestlin tyler fierce and a guy you know really well he's got great horsepower lisa lockhart haley Kinsel Ellie Miller in the barrel racing and of course go back to the champ Trevor Brazil and tuff Cooper also in that calf roping yeah for sure I mean it's the like Cody said who's who of time - Bence barrel racin it's gonna be one of the most exciting events I'm gonna get to be a part of and I'm excited for everybody that's involved I can't wait to watch it we got to take a break but there's a whole lot more to come when we come back [Music] Hey well welcome back everybody and if you are a fan of western sports rag pass is where you can go to get all the action from the junior high finals Calgary Stampede national high school finals the days of 47 there's a full schedule coming up for you a lot of good stuff for everybody to get to check out guys is we look at that schedule and seeing the kind of events that are going to be out there for people to get to watch it's pretty cool cos you've competed in pretty much all of those yeah we all have and it's it it's a good thing to bring rodeo together like that this is such a great start right here in Las Vegas yeah and I love the fact that all of this new content it just gives people a chance to get to know all of these great athletes yeah definitely all the way from the junior high finals you got kids you can watch in the tie-down roping the chute dog and then you get into the high school finals too you know all the way through the the sport of rodeo these guys have an option on our chance to be followed and that's what rodeo needs they need a fan base that can follow these kids from a young career all the way into their professional career and that's what's exciting about dried passes given the opportunities Cowboys only that now they're able don't get sponsors hey look at I'm being seen I'm gonna be able to you know help promote your product everybody knows if you don't have a sponsor insured it's hard to get up and down the road so another cool deal with it yeah speaking of great athletes Kate Harrison is standing by with one right now okay I am Court sure he knows this arena pretty well five-time minify our qualifier so safe to say you've nod your head at least 50 times inside this arena so feel like you're coming home in the month of May yeah it's exciting I've never been here in May you know getting on for this mount of money and getting on a nice horse you know it to me it's right now it's the first round the NFR or something like that and she there's only two rounds here she kinda gotta let it all hang out and it's gonna be I think this'll be even better speaking of two rounds because you are used to having ten rounds here how much does that change it up for you and add an added element to it I think it's a way better if you ask me just for the simple fact nobody thinking about ten rounds everybody's thinking I got a win today to get to tomorrow so there ain't no safety enough there ain't no D enough there ain't no if answer bus or just go not on the average more on the go well best of luck today guys one of them watching out for thanks Caden that is definitely a guy to be watching out for he's already had a huge year winning the American already a lot of money sky can ride Cody yeah he can really ride he nearly won the world a few years back and and he's got a horse called bulletproof today that we don't know a lot about but you know courts chair is gonna be going at him yeah you talk about you heard he mention just two rounds of competition you're starting out with the only eight guys here Luke it's a pretty good chance for somebody to know that all they've got to do is everything they can yeah that's right it doesn't matter if it's two rounds here ten rounds in December for the national finals when I was here it's one head at a time you go out and try to win the go around every time and that the average take care of itself now I know that you know in the finals average pay is pretty good but if you could stay ahead of them the go rounds it's all gonna pay out right here you have to stay ahead of them in the go around it's only two three steers you get to run a chance 30-some thousand dollars you better be going for first every time yeah and that's one of the things that's that's got me fired up for this is that your goodness get to see the stock rise to that occasion to give these guys a chance to win yeah there's great bucking horses and bulls here and the guys got to make it count on every one of them and you talk about that not being such an average he'll you're gonna see guys really pressing here I mean they're like in the roping events they're gonna be getting it out of their hand pretty fast yeah they're gonna be blowing the barrier out and reaching as far as they can because they know every other guy in or if that's what they're doing they're trying to get out to get the ropes either hand get on a fast get a fast time it is going to be exciting time to bids are gonna be stopped drug stocks gonna be ranked and it's all coming up in just a bit stay with us no place has ever done rodeo like Las Vegas and the historic Thomas & Mack Center has seen legends made champions crown and dreams come true there's one of the legends I'm talking about the greatest of all time 23 time champ of the world Trevor Brazil and rodeo has always been a family fare with a shot at Lisa Lockhart and Jess Lockwood right there just stretching it out he's the reigning PBR champ of the world getting ready for an exciting day and that first dunk you see are a showdown thank you for joining us everyone on dry pass and right TV I'm Justin McBride it joined alongside of PBR co-founder Cody Lambert five-time world champion steer wrestler who frankly no and that's this a pretty exciting day Cody I know you've been around in rodeo for a long time and been there since the beginning of the PBR and to see him come together it's pretty cool yeah it is and and being a part of this rodeo just any part of it meant something to me cuz a first rodeo around I'm gonna I'm definitely gonna watch it but watching these great contestants then so much to me just because because every single event is just the best it's good let's go to the intros right now start getting here the bombs going off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Las Vegas 66 jump make welcome to the greatest athletes in Western sports let's bring on the bareback riders brought to you right now laid out by the two-time and reigning champion of the world Teemo tunnel [Applause] [Music] let's turn now to the team Roper as we begin with the headers and bringing them in as a two-time champ world Tennessee's Ted masters [Music] to the backside we go and the healers to maybe the greatest of all time in that event I didn't legend the eight-time champion the world of sailing a mr. rich Skelton let's get classic and go to the plastic event approval rodeo as a saddle bronc riding led by the youngster from Utah the defending champ of the world rider rights [Music] go to the fastest the ladies of pro rodeo and making a minute right now is the reigning champion of the world sailing to Delhi they're the top barrel racers in the world let's go to the big man of the steer wrestlin begin with a talented Mississippi led by the defending world champion Tyler Pearson [Applause] [Music] one of the most exciting events that you will see all day as we say hello to the tide and ropers lit up on the team aware of Cooper [Music] bull riding is business and business is good let's welcome the bull riding contingency let out by the defending youngest PDR champion of the world Montana's Jess Las Vegas 65 champion stand in front of you but there is one cowboy where his buckles might shine just a little more than the rest he is the winningest cavalry in a rodeo history and the 23 time champion of the world Saylor from Decatur Texas the one the only Trevor Brazil [Applause] [Music] Las Vegas one time collectively will you welcome the professional athletes of the WC RA well friends at this time I'd like to invite you to stand gentlemen we ask that you remove covers we pause together bless this arena in this event and join together in a word of invocation let us pray our grace is Heavenly Father we come to you this afternoon thankful once again for another opportunity you've given us together here today finally we just simply thank you for the gift of life you bless each and every one of us with today selfishly we'll ask for your hand to protection over each and every one of our athletes each and every one of our fans father today will also ask for a special blessing over the men and women who fight and defend our country even as we stand and gather here today father will ask for guidance over the leaders of our great nation and together we'll ask collectively once again for forgiveness as we know every breath we take fall short of the glory of your name today we ask all these things in the name above all names amen we live in the greatest country in the world the United States of America isn't that right Las Vegas [Music] [Applause] now with that being said we respect the rights of all citizens to engage in peaceful protests it's a fundamental freedom that makes our country great but Vegas let me be clear when our national anthem is sung and our flag is flown we will stand without a doubt in the world of the Western sports every time our flag is flown every time our national anthem is under played we will stand we will stand for those who have fought we will stand for those who can't but most importantly will stand for those who have made the actor ultimate sacrifice for each and every one of us on a battlefield today inside of this arena we will also stand for the men and women that protect our borders right here at home so I'm gonna ask you on a Saturday afternoon as you make welcome the United States border patrol are you proud to be Americans and are you proud of the red white and blue [Music] today it is a great honor to welcome to the arena floor for the singing of our national anthem this is the lovely and talented miss Siena paglia you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming [Music] right then our flag was still there oh say does that star-spangled banner [Laughter] or the land of [Music] ah [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] well in the words of the great Chris LeDoux the anthem is now over and the grand entry is going out and it is time to rodeo hello everybody Justin McBride here with Kody Lambert and joined by four-time champ of the world bobby bowden president of the WCR a bob thanks for joining us thank you for having it how fired up were you about to see Jim yeah dang they're as fired up as the pilots crack in the backyard but like the guys behind me they're they're lucky they're a bunch awesome guys getting on awesome horses and my whole career I waited for the PBR to step foot in the rodeo business and thankfully we're finally here and no looking back now set up for a good day man and let's talk about the matchups we're going to get to seeing some of these great bareback riders yeah today today you gotta see some mid to high 80s I don't think you'll see anybody go down at the bareback ride all this you all know about it stands out on that list for you is ya guys for giving to advance well when you look into look at the guys they're all awesome they're what's going to make this make the difference today is what they've got on a mic I pick is Richmond champion or Clayton Bigelow those are going to be action-packed electric right in front the bucking shoes there be a lot of fun and you said to me report right here levers you know I'll do well about getting the pin set how important of a job is that in this kind of scenario where everybody's got a chance to win well when you promised the greatest riders in the world you can't prove it unless you bring a great opponent opponent for him and Bob he's done that he's that he's up against a whole lot harder challenge because we can buck the Bulls more often than we can the horses so they can kind of go from one venue to the next the horses might have to travel a couple thousand miles to get there that good look at Stephen dent right there get getting set to go and but let's move to his matchup first against health record this is a horse of the Pickett Pro rodeos this black white pain is going to kind of beer off to the right and he's every other job he's probably gonna switch leaves and have some change ups he's he's real electric kicks good has good timing but if Stephen Stephen if I was gonna fault his ride and sometimes he doesn't keep his chin tucked and let's talk about that a little bit because this thing I've known him since he was a baby I've known this guy for all of his life it and I know he's someone that got in with you at a young age when he first started rodeo and professionally so you know as much about Stephens riding as anybody here he looks to me in the last couple of years though that he's gotten better oh no really yeah he's I mean like I said earlier everybody here they're they're the best and so I mean we're splitting hairs in this at this point and so everybody has a little bit different style based on the way that you know works for them or the way they're built Stephens a big style guy and I mean he can muscle through things when when when going through the right stuff doesn't necessarily work but like I was saying I think if he'll keep his chin down when this horse is ducking in switching leads I think he'll stay ahead of them if he gets his chin up I think you'll find him kind of get into his hand and just a little loose at the end in which point they might not mark him as well then you talk about the splitting hairs how good all of these guys are Cody let's talk about the judges and the bareback right because this is a tough job to have because all all of these guys are that good yeah they're that good and the horses are that good so you have to really be critical of the guys you have to be you have to really reward them for the great stuff that they do but you have to be critical for when they made a mistake even if even if there was a difficult horse to ride and they hit him lower they spur over his neck or something like that that has to separate the winners from the not winners is there anything can we see high eighties this yeah if somebody's in the low 80s they should be disappointed today I can't wait to get to watch all these guys you know you talk about Steven Hammond to me he's had a resurgence the last couple of years I've seen him at the American he's looked good last year at the National Finals Rodeo I thought he went through a point in his career work you know I thought maybe he's getting a little bit older he's getting banged up his elbows bothering him it looks like all that stuff's out the window now well you know what he did is he went he kind of went home for about a year he focused on riding saddle broncs and he actually gave me his regen I needed a Reagan who says here you can have my knight gonna need it anymore he got the affair back good for you and I was in the locker room Oh earlier and the love of other bareback riders were teasing him about this blue glove Richy champion said that he knows that that blue glove has been on more bear backs than he has been on no doubt about it but I mean if you got something that feels good and it works why quit that's how long I used to fall ropes at ten years Cody finally made me get a new one yeah yeah Steven he'll uh he'll take a minute to make sure his hand and stuff is right in there he'll I kind of tease and he'll he'll crack it back about three or four more times before he finally slides up there but this horse saying in a way saying time when he does turn now there he's he's pretty electric he last time I saw him was at Kissimmee at the RAM circuit finals and and they did pretty good on him but I could see where he would make you look kind of silly if you if he just got a little behind fellow Nebraska's and Hillier helping him out there court chair it's like he's about set to go he knows this horse is going to leave quick and so he wants to make sure that that he's got a good seat there when he leaves because if you're a millisecond behind when you reach up the spur that horse out you're toast ahem right on top [Applause] they lose I I would have said I was surprised a horse it and kick as much as he did he act like he wanted to go to the left and he's out of the right hand delivery and he's kind of up close to that fence but I felt pretty good I'm not sure that the neck rope didn't hang and kind of point him down that gate because that horse wants to go to the riot and when he finally turned out he was he was aimed towards that left fence and just for everybody watching at home to me this is without question these toughest most physical events in the sport of rodeo yeah they even when everything goes right you still get beat up [Music] the horse ball staying close let him show off to the judges okay what does a good job or turning this toes out but does a bad job by using the pickup that shows just how strong everything is because as long as your back and under everything he's just in perfect control the whole time but as soon as he sets up or weakens just a little bit yeah look at this ride I mean his toes are out he's beating the horse the ground horse is kicking a lot of action has it that was a great ride good stuff we told you guys these were the best bareback riders in the world and they are showing it as we move over to J or Zane now and beyond Bob's Bobby this is a seven year old this is a younger horse that I'm not sure he's quite developed a solid pattern yet but but I know he's a good horse I've seen some video of him from the winter rodeos it's been probably going on 60 days since he's been bucked Sparky's had these horses in and been granting them been preparing him for this rodeo so I'm excited to see what he'll do you know this J arbors Ain is going to go for it horse just a little more to him at the beginning just because he's big he was pulling junior into his hand just a little bit and and then he almost just got nice pretty nice right there at the end yeah and that's a that's an important thing with eight of the best guys like that something gets a little longer on your whatever it's gonna it's gonna cost your score some and because these guys okay I don't I don't know that you can run in rank enough horses for that was a good ride was a good ride if I was gonna just if I was if I was just gonna be critical a little bit this for about two jumps he got a little bit into his hand and left foot wasn't quite as good as his right but still an excellent ride does a big horse and and when they don't cave yourself when they move forward a little bit just like a bull I mean there doesn't make him easier right get a lot stronger don't really they do let's go down this one of the matchups you liked early Bobby and Clayton Bigelow Stevie Nicks yeah this is a this is a really cool horse from Canada I saw some I saw some outs on this horse in San Angelo and and Mercedes Texas and this horse is really electric and if this horse does what he did all all this year he's going to turn out and turn kind of parallel the bucking chutes and almost stay in one spot jump and kick and be real electric about it did you hurt Cody what do you look for in this one well I wait I love Clayton Bigelow he's a little guy but he's so strong and he's so fast and and his Peter even everytime he's really fun to watch I think he's got a gold buckle in his future yeah there's no doubt about it I've seen him when he first came around and I'm he's always trying to win first his stuff [Applause] now he's kicking platon - Burt ogres neck just wants it they took a horse to a few jumps to figure out what do you want to do but he really got good shy that's something that he had to do there that one when the horses turning back he just had to had to wait him out there Bob a little bit I mean he didn't he held his feet for about one jump and then he took it to him right here no matter what that horse was fun when he was backing up and freaking out fighting had fun right there well let's send it down there now to Kate Harrison with Casey field well this is an arena that goes without saying you've had a ton of success in a lot of gold buckles inside Thomason Mac how special is it to be back here oh it's been a little while so it feels really good to get back here in the Thomas and Mack something about Vegas electricity here in this building is a lot of fun I look forward to this horse here looking for a big score goes without saying had a lot of success and a lot of different formats and different rodeos what is it that's so intriguing about what we've got going on here this weekend teaming up with the PBR and the credibility that it brought to our sport and and the media package things with that is amazing I'm looking forward to the rodeo business growing and getting better along with the PBR we look forward to seeing you in just a few good luck thank you very much thanks Kate Casey Phil he's one of not only my favorite bareback rider for just one of my favorite people he's a good guy he is and he's this guy's mentor they call him Hollywood Mason Clements and he is his little Casey field I mean right down to the mustache he lost he's coffee is - yeah he's copied his riding style I mean when he turns out here you watch him and then you watch Casey field and you know you know who he's patterned himself after well he picked a good guy to make that pattern actor with yeah yeah no doubt this horse is down a little little more work he's not working as you saw when my horse started to turn back Mayson it kind of got his feet rolling starts spurned and then that horse got a buttonhook back there surprise them a little bit when we talked about the judge in there what do you do with that that's a great difficulty this horse is there that horses that horses bucking jumping and kicking and dropping and then goes to turn him back with it makes him even tougher to stay in the middle on and and he Mason just keeps going at him there yeah I thought that was a good job I mean like Cody said the degree of difficulty that horse was far and away a point in the house better than anything else that we've seen just because of degree of difficulty it's hard to judge the guys are so good and the horses are so good it's hard to judge but you got to go at them those guys and then you know these guys will 84 and a half right they're gonna go next to Tim O'Connell you know this guy's going to go at him yeah this this should be good this horse ought to fit him really well I mean not that a lot of them don't this horse should circle around the left and be pretty quick jump and kick it's a big horse Tim and a very big guy but this this would be good watching [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know there's one there's one thing and Cody knows this when you bring especially if you bring a younger horse like a seven-year-old like that that hasn't been exposed to the pyro and haven't been exposed as a smaller arenas sometimes they don't do exactly what you want them to in effective you live with that week in week out oh yeah we deal with it all the time and and Tim O'Connell had to unfortunately here you could not ride one better than that but you can see how horses sweating he washed out he got nervous and he used up his energy stressing over the situation and didn't buck as well as he probably does outdoors and and really no different than an athlete you know you take the first time somebody gets on tour in the PBR and if they're nervous and sweat it out like that they're not gonna write their bull either and I mean these horses are a lot the same yeah I just gave him a rear ID the horses are so great here I thank guys there's eight guys you got to give him a chance to get in the top four guy rides that good how did you just have to give him another one absolutely because now you talk about that top floor Tim O'Connell on the outside looking in at this point setting in fifth as we move on to Richmond champion now this is a guy that blasted onto the scene with a big win it's the American a few years ago first million-dollar winner that even a million one hundred thousand and one day this guy wrote and it wasn't a fluke was the thing about it you know it a lot of people didn't know Richie at the time but he went on the into the national final several times and there's a really good bareback yeah he's proven that that that win was no fluke that was just the start of a lot of great things to come and he's really I mean he's really got in season I mean he rides all kind of horse was really good right now is a cool horse this horse has been around for about four years but bucks like a Colt and this should be exciting that this should be the round right here you can tell this horse is pretty touchy in the chute cuz Richie's being real gentle about how he's flats up there do you have them have a little you see in the bull riding also you know they're just like they got a short fuse in there you don't want to mess it you got to be aggressive enough to get them where you want them but you don't want to mess with them too much yeah and you see they've got that soft cotton rope around that horse's neck just wrapped around the gate and somebody's holding it it's not tied but that's just for the horse and the rider safety so if that horse tries too rare it'll help help keep his front end on the ground as soon as the gate comes open they'll pull that rope off [Applause] good ride first off it was a really good horse is solid and but being nitpicky I don't think that was the best ride I think I think he's gonna come in about third right now yeah he was he was conservative for as good as this horse was to rise do you think he played it a little close to the best there yeah he did especially right about here yes but when you talk about this format we'll only four of them we're gonna move on out of these eight moves and clear up to second judge Micah yeah well and you know that's the funny thing about when a horse and a rider's electric when you're in person and you're on that on the dirt it does look and feel different than it does when you're watching it from you know a camera a little bit elevated now this is the guy it told me he was gonna win it today this horse is a little bit stronger should make a circle around that left jumps pretty high in the air and kicks a little flat that's the only thing that makes them a little hard is that he kicks kind of flat but Casey will eat him up tell you this a guy whose dad you rodeoed whiz knew really well great Louis field pretty cool to see Casey and all but he's accomplished yeah I never and is a great friend in case he's got that personality and he and he [Applause] well Casey made a good ride there's always I mean you that's hard to fault his ride I mean really good rides the horse honestly I wasn't as impressed with the horse as I have been in the past well it looks like do you think that's enough force to move him out of this round into the four rounds I'm putting that just out of it by half a point well there was a look at the standings there Casey filled in fifth by half a point Caleb Bennett the big winner of the first eight guys to go 86 points followed by Richy champions we're gonna send it on down to Kate with the winner Caleb any gate he was just taking a look at the leaderboard and found out yourself that you're moving on to the number one spot in this kind of forum has it pretty excited to know you don't have to wait tomorrow is when they're passing out the big check yeah you know that is a neat format I like the way they've got this set up gives everybody everybody a chance this long round cut it in half bring y'all for back tomorrow's and then a ride off showdown around you know that the anticipation the excitement that last round is what Rodeo is all about remember the rounds I look forward to so it'll be fun to watch and hopefully fun to participate in there you're going to totally won sleep away well nicely done thank you very much we'll send it back to you guys thanks Kate well really exciting so far the bareback riding was outstanding in there is a lot more to come when we return welcome back to the W CRA and it is time for this saddle bronc riding Cody Lambert a lot of great matchups right here I know there's a lot of these guys you're excited to watch I'm excited to watch all of these guys they're as good as they get there's a couple more bronc riders out there that aren't on this list that surprised me but they they were invited by where they finished last year the World Championship the NFR the American winner and where they were this year standings as well as last year's and so here's a world champion Jacobs Crowley I really like the way this guy Spurs him out and he really sets his feet if I got a a knock on his on his riding he doesn't really get much drag with his feet all the way through the horse he kind of he really sets his feet as good as anybody ever but great spur out and he's getting swing back horse there they did charm Doubront Jacobs crawling this is a guy that is always in the mix it seems like you know he's he's won the World Championships is but he's always competing for one even if he comes up short time yeah I think they really they really have trouble bucking him off I think he'd get some road and he goes out of everything that he get has and he he gets that one a little low that a couple times there during this ride but they're still pretty dang good ride on a strong horse great start for Jacob's ride much Cody if those guys get ahold of them with their feet does that get a little more out of your horse so that it can you got to be in time with a horse you can knock a horse out timing Jacobs great at that because he stays in rhythm with him really well and and he helps the horses as he bucks hearts our baton who went then fr last year Welch Oklahoma [Applause] pretty good ride there or sucking around the right with his head down no sir I don't know I I've been away from it so long I love this this is this is my favorite event in rodeo and and I can't tell you how good the horses are going to be but I hope there that's a good horse but I hope they're better than that and just to let everybody know you how many times you go to the national finals in this event and this have been I went three times times we'll see 79 there you don't think that would be a score that would move on in the top four with the with the guys that are here but as we see in the team rope and you never know just go now to Cobra and brash I know this a guy you're pretty high on his right yeah he's kind of got a perfect he just gets it done he's mr. kotas strokes right there at the first and a snapping little horse a little trouble and that that was honeymoon well then we talked about you know when you say mr. stroke this and that at the very beginning of the show we talked how the judges have to be so critical of these guys to be able to split them up yeah and he said I'm a little low the second time and then he missed he missed two three four jumps he's got to be disappointed I'm disappointed that they marked him 77 points after that making that many mistakes because I think they should use a little more spread than that and now we also got mark out five points off each side so you can get deducted ten points if you missed your horse out on each side yeah you miss a horse out you lose five points that's the rule here and so a spur a spur out is very important I at all times to get you started but it's also important on your score here well here's the guy that I don't think you're gonna have to worry about the mark out rule much on porch here Hill's for one out he's gonna spur one out and he's gonna spar one for eight seconds to really a good bronc rider and he's a guy he's been a good bronc rider his entire career but I think he's just get [Music] Buchan heart with his head up his [ __ ] heart and droppy he says the sound is dropping but the horses hits coming up at the same time pork did a good job with not that easier one two rides and it looked at me like that was a really good aggressive right like he had to speed up to catch up to that horse you know I think so I think you did a good job there took a little while to get started but he's getting under that rein and going at him it's kind of a thin neck on that horse so though that wasn't a good score on a horse that didn't feel that good and for me it seems like the bareback riding in the bronc riding the finish is huge that's the last thing the judges see even if you mess up a little bit at the beginning if you can finish strong makes a huge give heads definitely have it always has and it always will it's the last thing on their mind Zeke Thurston now real fancy the brung ya and and I just asked Zeke about this horse that he said is really good and look like that horse ducked and dived there and kind of got even lifted up over his swell right there and got him buck down well I'm gonna have to watch the replay here cuz I was looking down at my notes we're gonna get another look at it here Zeke coming up short good spray and this horse did have some moves not a horse out some moves but he's jumping and kicking through him if Zeke will stay under that rein and get his feet set it just it just doesn't always work perfect every time so a no score for Zeke be a little disappointed about that we move on to rider right and a pretty exciting little guy to watch right here oh gosh he's a he's an incredible winner you know he gets it done he just gets it done over and over again and he's not very old and you see guys throughout the history of the sport certain guys just are more exciting to watch honey whether it because they're little guys are just so style or whatever it is they're just exciting yeah and he wins so much you get almost get tired of watching him win and you're going you want to knock something in it he just comes out again and makes a great riding you think wow everybody but he was tired of it yeah he's never gonna get tired of winnings [Music] she talked about this horse he's got smart guy smart guys kind of got his head down he's a been the NFR in the bareback riding and the saddle bronc riding he's got his head down in the shoe which which it doesn't make him hard to spur out but it makes it hard to get under the rain and he might spur over his rating so he's going to try to get him to pick his head up when he where he can lift on his rain and get underneath it where it sets him down in the saddle a little more then pull him out over the front of the saddle [Music] this every time he's up there he lifted on that rain and getting his feet out front and making a great ride you can't fault him and not only thing in that night just just give him more horse yeah yeah we don't know if smart guy was enough horse he's kind of a hopper but he made a really good ride on it and that's all you know that's the thing and all you can do is the best you can with what you're drawn yeah you got a man you got to make the best ride you can every time and try to win every time so the important thing is to get in the top four today but they're trying to win first and right now he's in the top four a lot of few good guys anyway left to to kind of sweat through and we're gonna be moving next to one of the this Isis young rising stars in the saddle bronc ridin Mike I watched this guy on television a couple of times and I thought he's the best bronc rider go on a night and I still think he is you know and I remember last year Cody as Brody crest gets set you you would hear about this kid that won this big rodeo and then he won this big rodeo and you're thinking maybe this guy's for real then you see met the NFR you're like oh man yeah he's for real I'd never heard his name one time I watched salinas rodeo on television and he and he wrote he wrote really well there he won that rodeo but he didn't win the short dough and I thought why he's the best bronc rider there though and then he comes back and he wins Cheyenne he wins Pendleton he wins the NFR average nuclear world champion he's the real deal I've had some friends in Wyoming say he Spurs them so hard they jump backwards so that has a lot to say about cowboy on their back tell you what he's got a wrestling background too and I've heard a lot about his wrestling that he's that uh he had quite a high school record as a wrestler he's already graduated from college he's - you know every good rodeo athlete over the years and then you hear they've got a high school wrestling background some of them even a college wrestling background Steven Dean who was seen in the bareback rider state champion wrestler Nebraska the two sports are very comparable they fit well together a fitness and a toughness and single-mindedness you got to get it done and you and you got to hold yourself accountable in that first and that's kind of what fits with rodeo this guy here this guy here is a one of the all-time greats already I think he's he's just really fun for me to watch I was visiting with Steven dent last night at the at the hotel and he said this was the matchup he wanted to see today Brody kress on this horse Julia I asked Brody about Julia and he said he said they had some trouble with her at the NFR and and he said the times of the other times he's seen her she looked like a really good one [Music] Julia's got real square servers and if you'll notice Brody made a great ride not not a good ride a great ride but he had trouble getting his spur out of the front end his right spur a couple of times as she's circling around there I don't know if he did on the left side or not as a great spur out enough to take the lead I've seen so far so but I'm so high on him that he's just always my favorite I look at that looks like the best horse I've seen and yeah you know no no mistakes right there from Brody looks like he's limping a little bit from not using the pickup man I don't know I don't know if it's an old injury I don't think he heard it jumping off but it's it's possible well he goes to the lead 87 points best bronc ride we've seen so far I thought like is worth every point to sterling Crawley be up next sweating bullets abroad you know you guys were talking about wrestling background with the rough stock several years ago he's packed baseball gear with people and we would always play a game and it was amazing how many guys could pitch the ball catch the ball hit homeruns we have Trevor Knowles Billy booth and it guys like that then we're baseball players in high school college unbelievable athletes and the way these you know these athlete - absolute our boys are they're all on went first so it doesn't matter whether they're competing at a baseball game football or rodeo they're always going out there do their best it was some of the funnest times I had rodeo and playing baseball with these guys and you bring up a great point the athleticism and you see it in in all the events you know it is on full display I don't know sweating bullets but sterling Crawley has reeled the rainout to this horse so he must buck with his head pretty low I was watching him measure his rain there and it and he looked like he was taking it as long as that's kind of a leap of faith you got to take to it you don't know the horses the contractors LG well I'd be hard to do that if you didn't know it as much as it looks like he gave me but it's the ones you want because you can get your feet higher in the neck and it just helps you set down in that silence okay okay if one of them bucks with their head on the ground that's what the bronc riders really like and you know as long as his rein looks here this horse has to buck with his head on the ground or somebody told him a story some guys have the rein short and feed it through their hand or is that a tough thing to do in the belt a really tough thing to do but it's you can feed it through your hand you can't gather it back up if it's too long so if you start out with it this long you must really know that horse is gonna buck with his head on the ground and it's hard to feed it it's hard to feed just the right amount time Murray was really good at an ego he'd go almost the same rein on every horse and just let him work for what they needed but he was always guided I thought was guy murder I talk about that how difficult it can't be what it is too long and when the reins too long it's when your reins too long it'll make you walk out over the front of the horse every all the rodeo announcer say if your reins too long you come out the back end but actually it makes you good to get out over it because you can't you've got nothing to lift on this set you back down in the seat and if your reign is if your reign is too short you pull you down in the seat you might not be able to set your feet in the front end but it's a lot easier to stay on with a short rein than it is a long ring here we go [Applause] [Music] it was worth the time and to shoot to get out good shot on out that would be a fun one to ride that flank strap kind of slipped back I don't know if that's gonna play an effect on how that horse bucked or not but you were right on the rain yeah she got her head down there she wants it down she wants it down and sterling obviously knew her he didn't give the great spur out but it was decent but he's going on pretty good here he's got a laying against the rain no instead of lifting on it out there to really set his feet see if it'll be enough to get him in the top four doesn't look like it the only right option I I don't know why I couldn't see there must have been some kind of a an equipment issue because the flank didn't look like he was sweat set quite right so I don't know if they thought about it that is a rule if their horse is improperly flanked that that is a rule that give me a rewrite so obviously he's gonna take the rear I'd to to try to advance to tomorrow he's got yeah without question yeah yeah always got two I couldn't seem to have a conversation about it over there Bobby mode who is in the booth with us for the bareback riding getting it lined out I would say she was him I would say she is improperly frank I'd go with that if that's still trying to stay in common would I go really bare backs yeah no kidding his rear ID will be in the bull riding there's a good look at Brodie crest had the best ride that we got to see out of the first aid by far Forks here and write it right right now at fork place let's send it down to K tears well Brodie 87 in this one first time Thomas and Matt competing just this past November now you come back in May and get it done again you're liking this arena already aren't you yeah you know the atmosphere in this arena having this this good setup with all the fans are they're really close and everything's loud it's amazing I wish I could ride in this arena every day now tell us a little bit about your ride how are you able to fight and rhythm on the back of that one you know Jewish she's a good horse I've got to see her a lot I've never got to get on her but but heard a lot of good things she's a little bit weird in the chute and then she got me raised up about the third jump you just got to keep going there you know she felt good she just kind of she's a little fat or somebody when my legs are coming back stuff is getting tight but you just hammer down and keep pushing even if you get raised up you just got a gas it a little more and gets that back down took us through it like a true veteran well done thank you very much I know you'll like that one Justin absolutely Kate Brody Chris look great in the bunk bronc riding he deletes the top eighth round you'll get to see him again in the fourth we'll be back well welcome back to the W RCA Bell racing is up next Kate Harrison Jordan me now here's a look at him what do you like in here that they've all been here before these girls are all out there setting arena records they're going so you could look at any of those eight and see names that have either broken records in this arena taken home world title have a qh a world champion barrel horses i mean it's one of the best resumes you could find but I guess that's what the WCA is all about that's exactly right matching the best eight seeing who can move on to the four out okay a lot of our friends are used to seeing you a lot of our fans used to seeing you sideline reporters around the bull ridings got a little experience out me arena though also don't talk about myself just now I'd like to spotlight everyone else but I did I grew up wrote in my entire life in California so went to state every single year state championships Nationals for a few those years as well as what is this for you then you get to watch this kind of a format with these kind of competitors I love it I absolutely love it you know what though every year I've always come to Thomas and Mack and watched makes you think do I give it a shot do I go out there and then I see how expensive these barrel horses are I'm like I'm gonna stick to working that price their expansion of these horses they are horsepower is everything in the barrel racin I mean these ladies do an outstanding job of riding them as we gonna start it off with IV Conrado but these horses are pretty amazing cake they are an IV is a great one to talk about with this because there's so many different horses that will see her on throughout a season even when she's in Las Vegas last year's the Palomino mare she always rides JLo there's Tibby baby so many horses that IV could get on and she's so good at just cowgirl enough and getting it done it doesn't matter the horse that she's going to ride because that's why I become rider does we've seen her at the American we've seen her here so she's one of those girls that got great horses underneath the bird but it's a lot of what she's doing - let's go through the basics a little bit of the barrel race and got to get around all three barrels don't want to knock any of them over yep either you're going to the left and two rights or right into left's fastest one out is one that goes home with the biggest paycheck you like to keep it simple McBride I know what was that was that nice and said to you for anybody that's ever been to the National Finals Rodeo or any of the great rodeos across the country people love this event but it's easy to follow along and it's so close it's so competitive it gets really excited who's gonna cross the line first and this last National Finals bring you back to round number three when we're here at Thomas and Mack I don't [ __ ] arena record was broken and then here cups Haley Kendall two or three girls later it breaks the record again and then here she comes out this round number three [Music] she's writing here this is a toasty this is awards to idea first usually run so this isn't one I named a few horses earlier than IV rides this isn't one of those this is toasty it's owned by Jason Marlin Charlie Cole same guys who owned slick by design that Michelle McLeod qualifies on so not the typical Willard horse that she rides shoulder bumped in there got in just a little too tight and exactly what you said we don't want happening five-second penalty Garrity there's a thing you don't expect that when we see the team broken you never can tell Jionni actually drove all night a lot of these she was there competing made the drive out here all night long just got in this morning after drive like that not what she wanted to happen here inside Thomas and map knowing it it is a it's not all just glitz and glam rodeoin for a living water travel going through it you see the barrel come down that's a five-second penalty and a lady that everybody loves to cheer for just walk woods Aunt Lisa Lockhart yeah no one knows this arena better than her 11 in a four qualifications for the past 10 years so you're talking at a good number of runs inside here at least a hundred and ten runs inside of this arena and when you talk about the horsepower case Lisa Lockhart knows what good horsepower oh yeah we're going left here a lot of ground that's a way to get started not only is she penalty free but the other runs we were seeing there were for teens and then plus the penalty here's the one first one 13 8 and you watch when she goes around this second barrel I was trying to help her no you are you get into this barrel racing this is kind of the same kind of deal that you do in the bull riding - okay you cut up and get into it well hey you did just that Lisa get it done veteran here and Rosen at horse a veteran here as well so really exactly what you expect from the Levin time and a part wildfire Amberly more here yeah this time she's on Jack her big sorrow a Wiley Mitchell ran Jack this is her horse two years ago at the likes these big arenas this big field not the time she was looking for but I was actually just talking to Amber Lee very first time she's ever ran this horse because again a lot of these ladies are rodeo in other places we're figuring out a way to get horses here to ride so hats off to everyone come together friend Wiley Mitchell's horse you know I see she's a little wide on some of the barrels there comes in the time comes into play but when you're looking at a field of eight [Music] yeah they're all three years waiting thank you that is what sister does there's a reason why that's the AQHA barrel horse of the year moves into second place right there a good solid run for Nellie won the world on that horse the same exact arena she's modeled consistency and now you see why yeah cool blue roan right there she set a new average record this year at the NFR on that horse I 10 runs breaking the record set might leaves a lot heart so a good competition going on [Music] Homa she grew up here yes because it was looking good wasn't it was looking really good and and without that on the third barrel that little hiccup right there no telling how fast she could have been yeah Leila six-year-old - defame horse told me house had been to very many rodeo so to come into Thomas and Mack and had it going after the first that is a big deal you know is something that you talk about this horse maybe not being as seasoned of a rodeo horse and that had come into this kind of an atmosphere he's pretty impressive yeah and it was only about 48 hours ago she plays second in the round and shrugged Oklahoma now she's at first excellent versus watches on Heartbreakers frozen heart Genesis Brown of an NMR right here in the same exact arena puts herself into the top four now setting in third right there with a clean run penalty free that's that's what they're looking for yeah I was talking to Haley Kenzel of course say Marina but that doesn't by any means mean the same exact pattern so that's why if you're looking at the times at home we're waiting to confirm or not if it is the same pattern but may sometimes house girls ready could it be it's slightly bigger pattern it is a longer arena the rain is a little bit different because the way everything is situated in here then deer in the NF are same building those same type of environments that they're seeing here's a girl you were just talking about I gotta see this girl happy in there [Applause] speaking of money so not only 2008 the American one more than any other barrel racer this year at the NF r even with the trip right there in the backside of the third second all of this so you were gonna do that something else I just knew it you see Haley Kenzel her just Lockwood's been spending some time together she does awesome she does Lisa Lockhart awesome also doing great Jessie might be a good luck charm for these barrel rolls yeah we noticed a few of those horse a trip right there on the backside but the thing is so fast she told me that her horse is so gritty and really quick that even a trip like that and she still ends up coming back tomorrow well some great runs right there we take a look Lisa Lockhart leading the way let's check in with Anthony Lucia alright Nellie reigning world champion like I said with Kyle and like I said what Tyler you know you guys have competed here just a few months ago for the national final but you come into this a head-to-head competition and you actually rode sister how special is it to know that your horse is gonna do her job every time she's so consistent it's just a great feeling getting on a horse like that because you trust them so much so you're your big family person you've always got family around you who's here today supporting you my dad came down with me he's a big fan well we are big fans of Nellie Miller we can't wait to watch you tomorrow try to take the win at the W CRA Thank You Anthony there's a good look at Lisa Lockhart this lady is no stranger to win it and building bull riding to come when we return [Music] welcome back to the W CRA we got a little soda bronc ride and left to take care of before we move to the bull ridin free ride for Sterling trolley Cody I haven't seen this horse before hi I'm a seen any of them before I'm not sure a Vietnam talked about how important it is to finish strong but sometimes if you don't get started off and tap and everything in scene gate it's really hard to ever kick I could get a good spark that horse was really hard to get in time with because these because it just hits hard and his choppy there and but he did he didn't get a good spot and he couldn't hold him now he's just don't think he never got his feet he's never got his feet to stop in the front end and it was just it was just tough going all the way through 78 and a half not gonna be enough to put him into that four round let's go down now as we get ready for the bull ridin to Kate Harrison who's were just Lockwood yeah last time this guy was in Las Vegas became PVR's youngest world champion I'd to be back in this city get back to those winning ways yes this city is where champions are made yeah don't make it in this city you're not gonna make it many other places well you've already made it here so now it's just continuing that you just got to watch our Aunt Lisa Lockhart get it done in the barrels as well it's pretty neat to be a family affair because typically we just have you in the bull riding yeah whenever I can make it a family deal it's the it makes it that much more fun makes it great to have these rodeos you got a good one here we're gonna see outlast how important is it to get the most points out of this bull no and it's only top four that move on it all starts and ends with you riding so if you don't do that job you're not going to have anything else to do keeping it simple well said best of luck thank you thanks Kay there's a good look at the list of guys and goals we're going to be seeing today Cody this is one of those lineups where they can ride a ball or they might only ride one or two or they might write not write it out I have seen these Bulls before so I'll have a little more information about them go ahead you have seen the bull before a lot of big names on there a lot of championships between them starting off with Cooper Davis and jellies gangsters that's a pretty sweet matchup yeah it's probably the best bullying around they're all really good I tried to get her as a even a matchup with Bulls I was thinking they could score anywhere from 88 to 91 on all of these bulls and that was my plan for them to not be able to just walk through if they got to do everything right to make it back they got to make the whistle here but everybody that makes a whistle should make it back yeah PVR's last Cowboys standing also going on this weekend Cooper competed in round one of that last night he looked pretty good one the realtor that looked like those that looks like a really good Cooper and that's the way I like to seem right Shelly's gangster's gonna kick out of here and make a round or two to the left maybe a little more than that and then gonna kick and go to the right good timing but a strong bull it's been getting better it seems to me like yeah I got full they got Houston just after way wet and he's gotten stronger he's got longer bigger to this year [Music] davus about set to go leaning on the gate a little bit curry yeah maybe a little bit there I think he's I think he's good and Cooper's about ready right there that's not what I want to start it yeah that wasn't the way he's expecting that bull to go we know and that was a really good ride I think my favorite part of this ride was how you can see Cooper getting a little back a little bit raised up and instead of just glancing and trying to hold it went out he did open up with that outside leg and allow himself to get his weight shifted over the inside instead of just laying back and trying to hang on now these Bulls like in any event they have a mind of their own they're gonna go do whatever they feel like they need to do to get the cowboy off as a sterol doing steer wrestlin or anything like that do you see it more common in the bull riding though or they kind of stick their pattern well you get it they get a pattern down yeah and they do but like that Shelly's gangster hung his horn just a little bit here's Cody Nance on rodeo time he Cody's unpredictable rodeo time sound predictable but it's gonna be [Music] is not easy to ride who ever write that Pell days never ride well he didn't look like he had much of a pattern he just cut all over the place and showed he was step 2 stair stepper step with him right yeah and that's the thing guys can't draw a bead on that boy he's bunk Nance off before but this guy he refuses to let go yeah it's easy to be a fan of codeine and this is just a weird feeling not a good feeling bullets don't like all over the place kind of bull but he's getting it done there I disagree I think he should have been a little more than that I don't think he should have been Cooper but 85 points would have been closer than 83 and 3/4 good ride by Cody Nance bull fatten has gotten off to a great start in and just going to keep it coming because this next matchup it doesn't and you can't draw it up any better than this Cody Claudio Montaigne jr. and catfish John yeah catfish John he does have a pattern Luke he's gonna go to the right as soon as they open the gate and he's probably still going to be going to the right when the whistle blows and I think Claudio is gonna be right with you jump for joy looks like pretty good speed he goes and he'll step he'll step forward a little bit everyone smile everybody can't ride that bull but the great ones should ride him and Claudio just wanted even a couple of weeks ago on that bull he knew what he was in for he had a big smile on his face when he's seen that that was his draw because as you said the guys they know what they get with catfish John it's round and round to the ride and he's not for everybody but if you're an elite bull rider he's for you and the great bull riders making the look a little easier than he really is big but they're the only ones that ride him we said this stocked up to where they could ride them all so 47 and 3/4 right there it's that's good a tough bull riding good to see you you know you see it in in all the events but in the bull riding it's like one guy does good and it just sets the pace and and they all get pretty fired up and feed off of that that moment momentum gets rolling everybody stands bumped up really impressive young guy right here you know he coochie on the Castros he's tough to buck off and I don't expect him to get bucked off that I like this bull night sweats yeah night sweats at JW Hart's little bull and he is he's strong around there the left it hasn't been written but a couple of times in his life and for big job Luciano better do everything right this could be the round right yeah I mean this this bull is that good and I think Luciano is also so what does the issues that bull leaning on him or why is he not getting out of there it's a cultural thing then guys can get a little too picky in the bucking chute on these bulls and yes a lot of times they can go from not that good in the chute to really bad in the chute the hell you best I've lost my voice yelling at these guys before so I'm not gonna do it today good job Luce y'all know because he beat the bull around to the left he had to wait on him but he never got completely centered on there looked like that bull got out there to the left a big long jump and then sucked it right back around he was a really good job of night sweats to think about what he needed to do cuz he's got him he's got his weight tilted to the left he's got he's got Luciano tilt to the left so he decides to go to the right and whip him right on out of there that's a bucking bull right there JW Hart has got to be proud of that bull hey JW Hart gets it done with those bulls absolutely well the hits just keep coming with the bull power cuz these guys do not get a break [ __ ] smack this is a smart downtown number one bull that's the number one bullet number two goal writer in the PBR excuse me I didn't have a my monitor wasn't working and you know what Ramon comes up a little short there and you were talking about that bull gets stronger as he goes that's a big strong guy that they do not buck off very often when these going to the left I think that shows the power of Smackdown and our big strong smack yeah talking smack a smack down calf and he's got it got smackdowns moves but he's got a scarier look to him and it ain't over till it's over that's right shorty go I'm trying to get a hold of even I think that was a really good nice thing of Ramon to save shorty like that let's go now down to the PRC a champ in the world Sates Kimsey talented talented bull rider right here hey one of the most talented I've ever seen he's got exactly perfect form he's got all the confidence in the world I'm I'm telling you he's change is really really good and he's got a really good bull here in Gambini he's got a really good bull he can touch this this boat can come out of the shoot backwards OE we've had him on the left hand deliver he's been going to the right right just coming that backing out and going to the right so chat Berger changed him to a left hand delivery or over to a right hand delivery since he wanted to turn to the right to see if he comes out clean but I've seen him back out the chute on this side too let's H doesn't care which way they go he can ride them wherever they go and I wish that he went note in the PPR everyday because I think he can ride those kind of bulls and I think that's a big part of what makes sage so good is because it doesn't matter he doesn't have to have a bolt do a certain thing to have success against him he's gonna match them blow-for-blow no matter where they're at or what they're doin you see so many guys get one-sided you know the bull needs to spin into their hand or this or that it's not the case and it's typically not the case with the champions you've got to be able to get it done it's just got such correct posture to it just always looks good and he's doing it sage sage he's got a trick riding background too you know he's so you know his balance and his athleticism is there knowing how to adapt to every situation no matter what event you are I think like you said Justin really helps you become a champion and stay on top I guess a Gambini must be leaning against the back of the chute the way they're pushing their but he's sure looking it he's looking for you he came out dude he's gonna Dover ride [Music] so is that a typical move by Gambini does he usually go out there and then you come back well yeah he can do that but say just was riding Eamonn and he just got caught watching the paint dry he's gonna ride him to that fool jumps out of it and say just tried to hold the position he had instead of fix that thing he's just a little on the inside he looks great right now it just takes a jump out of it I mean sage would love to have that one back because that bull can't buck him off if they ran him back in right now absolutely I mean that's a textbook move that you're supposed to be able to come back with he's asking for a review he's asking for a review felt like it was close enough and he didn't make it on time it was a challenge fight and I think you know that's a good thing cuz it was closing is you'll see back on the replay it looked like he might be in danger of his free arm hit him as he jerked him into his hand there but hey you gotta try it available I would I would definitely I doesn't see what the time was I didn't see what the unofficial time 7:00 change right here's what I'm talking about right stop him right there so the time he's got to stop there so the next seconds there that he was still gritting it out yeah probably will not count and that is from the elbow to the hand gotta stay on for eight seconds cannot touch the bowl with your free arm and you've got to have the bull rope in your hand even if you're in bad shape flying through the air as long as you got a hold of your whole row but haven't touched the ground yet could still get to school it would have really beneficial if we had a clock but you talking about the replay it in the bull ride how do you know they get a game to a score I didn't ever see the clock but but it made it back to the replay that is something the rodeo industry has needed forever we've you know we've seen it in the PBR forever but this this is your livelihood whether it's missing a horse out or marking a horse out in the bronc riding freehand knocked down to the steer wrestling just anything barrier in the timed events this this stuff determines our livelihood and it'll have that option I think is is crucial I just wish the PRC would adopt that at the national final available if they have it came out six red buttons and stuff Kimsey good call by sage to ask for the replay bet this guy right here I don't know that I've ever seen anybody with a better start in his career in Las Vegas than Joe's AV told him this guy's like a Acrobat he can make some moves on a bull bit better so impressive you can ride all different kind of bulls I just going on fuzzy back to the middle Oh awesome you're gonna see this guy hey he's not hobble it too bad right now is he was a good good ride was a good ride and he during every good ride there's a chance where you can give up the ship and that's not on his mind he is planning on riding this bull all the way through living large disabled they haven't rode lately fleet he's gotten a lot stronger that was awesome that was great he just looked like he opened up was going at it the whole time it was what I didn't hear sages score either 87 and 3/4 is the score it's good enough for the lead right now but in my humble opinion and I will never be a judge that could have been 90 oh yeah I want to beat the judges over the head of my mind Luke you're the enforcer I guess give me your mic in mind I'll just go I start taking care of people well great way to close out there's a look at Kimsey score right there 84 place in four got one guy left that can bumpy just lock wood fire and smoke you know he's he won the American this is one of the two bulls that he rode there but this bull bucked him off right at the whistle at Billings the other day so and fire and smoke usually goes to the left moves forward both times the last two times Jess has been on him he's fun to the right and was a little different but it doesn't matter just needs to ride him wherever he goes and I think the Bulls been a little bit better with Jess when he swing to the right he's stayed a little tighter you get tired when this bull goes to left he can have a lot of forward and and really get tougher guys and he's all bull and a young guy [Music] let's see Mike Justice struggling we got the American and for him to be able to ride that bull there to win it or help him win it his sure confidence booster hopefully he'll carry that into this dis Bend right now yeah surely he should he should do it here on the left today [Music] good job by Jeff Lockwood not many guys have gotten along with fire and smoke when he goes to the left like that the way he moves ahead he will rare you back and he tried to rare Jess back and he had him sitting down he wasn't in perfect shape but he's a tough little guy and he was getting the job done without question really good stuff from Lockwood right here and I think I again I'm not a judge but that should be every bit enough play was 87 points which was a good score is a good ride he's way too close to Joe say because Joe say so eighty seven and three-quarters to 87 that's the spread set in the top four really really good round of bull ride no for the first eight I don't think you could ask for any more out of the Bulls or the guys there you see Joe's a beat or Lemmy leads away time with Claudio let's send it down to Kate Harrison with Cooper Davis we saw Cooper get it done earlier in the weekend around one of the PBR moving on here how big is momentum right now in your career no it's a big deal right now you know I feel really good and I've got you down and you know I don't know if I've been this comfortable season so it's the biggest part of it right now you're used to moving on to drafts where there's 15 of you if you get to the final two it's just you and another guy how different is that in head-to-head matchup like this you know I like it I like something too and I like not having to pick a bull so whenever I get there I don't have to I'm terrible picking them so when I get there they can draw it let me know what I need to get on with obviously don't know what happened there you go in that case this format is working out nicely done we'll send it back to you guys Thank You Kaden guys first round in the books we know who's moving on out of there the top four but y'all think of the first performance oh it was good there was ups and downs and there was there was issues here and there but it was a great rodeo and I really enjoyed it Luke I thought it was awesome you know these guys came here to win you see some guys not hustle but they did a great job in terms of Brazil's in two events tomorrow that's awesome as we take a look at the team rope in there Cody you pointed out Trevor Brazil Rick Skelton getting in there steer wrestling Luke any surprises no obviously that's a great group of guys all have had he wrote in here last year so he knows the big deal I'm expecting seolin come through Tyler Pearson getting in there saddle bronc riding Cody yeah pork share that all great all great guys two world champions two future world champions yeah look good Brody Chris did not disappoint barrel racing of course Lisa Lockhart's at the top yeah obviously you know doesn't matter what horse she rides she has the confidence in this building to get it done Nelly Miller last year world champion another person Haley Kendall Marty Yates he was the guy that you said could be the fastest in the tie down or opening up and out that he was fries in these situations but he's got a tough field Caleb Smith he got put three world champions against Marty aids but I still pulling for Marty the bull riding was outstanding Cody the bull riding the guys came through and the Bulls came through it was great josée Cooper Davis men's gray tried to start it off with audio all of them yeah absolutely there's a look at the bareback riders Caleb Bennett get in the wind Mason Clements rounding it out yeah that was a great bareback riding too I can't wait to see I can't wait for the four round now I was so excited about this format and to get to see all of the best competing head-to-head now now I can't wait to get to the four around and hit up another notch it's gonna be great and then and then the top to come back and match each other heads up after that so it's gonna be a great rodeo tomorrow that's gonna be exciting go ahead that's gonna be exciting you got your four-man so these guys go in there top to comeback these guys are friends but obviously you guys know when you back in the box are getting that chute it's you against that animal you can't worry about what that other friend of yours is doing in the animal they have drawn doesn't matter if they're three two you have an animal you have to go be three one on in the steer wrestling same in the other events you have to go do your job well guys it was a lot of fun today we got to watch a great rodeo can't wait to see how it all plays out getting to that for around tomorrow and should be a lot of good stuff to get to watch so we are all looking forward to it to say the least here at the WC RA hey everybody Matt West here thanks for watching the PBRs youtube channel make sure you subscribe to catch all the top moments from the Professional Bull Riders while you're at it make sure you download the ride pass app and catch all of the PBR action today [Music]
Channel: PBR
Views: 404,277
Rating: 4.7418809 out of 5
Keywords: PBR, PBR Bull Riding, Bull Riding, Cowboy, Rodeo, Professional Bull Riding, Professional Bull Riders, Sports, 2020, Western Sports, Western Athletes, Western Lifestyle
Id: 1l1lYcweH4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 11sec (5171 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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