FULL SHOW: Austin 15/15 Bucking Battle | 2017

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ah world number 1 ket Pacheco the toughest sport on dirt dozen clay favorites as danger took center stage last week in Springfield yes Lockwood is face down in the dirt leaving the door wide open for last season's check this week Austin Texas plays host to the PBR World Championship race where double points are on the line and time is running up for Cowboys looking to make their move [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the PBR has brought the big guns to the Texas capital as Austin swings open its doors for the sports elite for the first time since 2001 expect an eclectic crowd as well as electrifying action as these Austinites get set for another series of head-to-head matchups defending PBR world champ cooker Davis had the hot hand last week reminding everyone how he won his title last year while defending world champion bucking bulls sweet prose bruiser sent a not-so-subtle reminder of his own in Springfield is 47 in the quarter bodes well in his battle with Pearl Harbor a TX is the stage as the front and center yet again it's time for another 15 15 bucking battle on CBS and look at this less than 500 points separate the top four mishchenko still your world but a para Seto Davis and Lachlan they are all right there hello again everybody alongside two-time PBR world champion Justin McBride I am Craig um er Mak last week we all were witness Cooper Davis gobbled up 850 points that tends to make a statement but this is a sport where momentum can be fickle yeah and I think we could really see it shift in this 15 15 bunking battle Craig and the reason I think that is because of Cooper Davis's matchup against big cap none of the guys get along very good at all with this bull on the other hand Eduardo has a really good rematch with mystical visible that he's come up a little short on before but I think he gets the job done here today and if he does that's going to put all the pressure squarely on ket Pacheco who has not been good at all as of late I know you're fired up but I think Cooper Davis would respectfully disagree with you he's standing by with Leah Garcia to keep his momentum Cooper needs to get past big cats give us a rundown of your experience with that bull from there you went from six in the world standings a third last weekend do you think you're getting in these guys heads good so I can't worry too much about what their thoughts are good point let's check in with shorty Gorham to hear his thoughts on the champion this bull race well Lee I got it I got agree with Cooper Todd Davis right there I think he's riding really good too 2017 is shaping up much like the 2016 world's title race for both the Bulls and the Cowboys Cooper Davis is on a roll right now he looks really sharp looks really in control fact I think the best of all the riders and other animals that I that I've been so impressed with a sweet pros bruiser this is a bullet every time I watch him I just get more and more and more impressed with him the 2016 champ looking like it's gonna do at the end of 2017 guys shorty brought up some big names let's show you the matchups here in Austin we're gonna start with Brazilian Claudio Montaigne jr. will go up against Cooper Tires Semper Fi shorty just mentioned bruiser well he will be our second bull out he'll face Brazilian Marco Gucci but as we work our way down squirming wing will have his hand full aboard speed demon here are your top men in the world as you turn the page Lockwood will face Jack shot that's the bull that we thought te keepa Schaffer would pair up against great the past couple of weeks but has given him problems we've talked about Davis and big cat you mentioned a paris ido and mystical and they will we will finish it off with te keepa Shaco facing utter lover but we start with a different Brazilian this is Claudio Montaigne jr. who has been in four different bucking battles this season back yet to register the qualified ride and Semper Fi is going to make it tough on him yeah here's the thing though I think that Claudio is the favorite in this matchup if and only if his head's in the game if he's all-in on this ride he's gonna ride this bull no problem but here's a here's a deal with semper fights gonna have a little hop and skip and usually around to the left he wants to get guys down over his shoulder onto his head the first second jump out of here when you talk about Cooper Tires simplify this bull has such a resume 49 outs just in the built Ford Tough Series but you started hitting at it you have to ride this bull the right way which not many guys are able to do this Bulls been out eight times this year you only got a point register ride is dry work harder here and it's gonna stay that way in 2017 because Claudio did not do what you said yeah in a little bit of the timing issue with this bull the hostage skip talking about you'll get to see it here on the replay from semper Phi right around here and cardio is pretty good right around the corner but you watches the ride progresses where his head goes he's a little inside comes out just fine now here he's in good shape still all he's got to do was hold stay there instead watch for his head goes right here it's going to come up and everything is going this direction and simplifies still coming to the left patio has got to be more in the game than that [Applause] Montaigne junior ranks 17th in the world coming into this weekend so far not able to make up any ground on his friend ty Kiba Shaco who's number one let's see what Marco Agusta can do this is a rematch these two have met before it was this year Mac it didn't last very long in the buffing battle in Kansas City that went 2.1 yeah you can see the bull scores there from bruiser he's in second right now in the standings but we were talking about momentum just a little earlier and I feel like the momentum in the bull race has shift at all so I feel like bruising even though season number two is now the front-runner well after his out last week whew I think would argue with you that's forty seven and a quarter not only sent a statement but as we go back it was an exclamation point yeah and this is just you're just getting to see two seconds worth of what this bill is really capable of and he just gets better as a ride four dresses the longer a guy can stay on loser the higher of the air he's going to get in the more show he's going to have and just to clarify that was the out were they paired up in Kansas City bruisers last out at you were Paul was against Jess Lockwood we're unfortunately for Lockwood he Kayode him in that 1551 busting battle last week in Springfield to know what he did the lockwood a week ago Mac bruiser put in that big move got a Gucci up off of his pockets right over Craig his spot on man a bruiser has really got this figured out you can see Marco starts a great ride around to the left away from his hand he's in perfect shape but watch one bruiser starts to go back to the right right here he's gonna start coming back under himself and he's got enough backup that he's wanting these guys his feet behind him in their upper body over his shoulder not only is he a great athlete but he's really smart too in bruiser bruisers score this week forty five and three-quarters but Mac you said it at the beginning of that ride I could see it from the look on your face marco was locked down he had a seat man and that's a really good score right there you know it's not the forty seven and a quarter we've seen but that is still a good score and a good trip for bruiser when we talk about scoring we try to remind everyone if you're new to this sport half the ride comes from the rider half the ride comes from the bull and in a fifteen fifteen bucking battle like this Mac these difficult bulls actually can help a rider get a bigger score well you got to have them if you want to win at this level I mean when you're talking about the top 15 guys in the world this is the only way you can separate them is by getting on great bulls Ruben's Barbosa has a little rematch of his own he is faced Cochise on three separate occasion one of those was a disqualification in the suits in st. Louis in Lindon year this year but the other times he's faced him including last week it did not last well no it didn't go good at all and when you talk about great bulls this is one of them this is everything you could look for in a really good bull he's big he's strong he's pretty mean Shorty gone and that can sometimes play mind games with the guys absolutely it on this dick Bulls Eve pig he's really tough for a right-handed Rider because he's gonna be too big jumps out there around to the left and then he throws them off right out wanna be where he got a good chance to hit him great play by play from shorty right there as the bull did exactly what he mentioned except Rubens didn't want to get thrown over the front end too early man Ruben started a good ride right here that was cool stuff from shorty just calling it as it happened right there round to the left though Rubens is in good shape right here but you see missed the front end one time and this boy I was talking about big and strong he is when you take that kind of power and Rubens is one of those strongest guys on but that kind of power is no match against him and he's not gonna get any extra points for sticking the landing Barbosa the latest to fall by the wayside this bucking battle is all bulls so far Wranglers long live Cowboys 15 15 bucking battle on CBS Sports is sponsored by Ford f-series visit PBR comm slash Ford for your chance to win a Ford f-150 Las Vegas proud host of the PBR World Finals and by BMW trailer hitches the official hitch of the PDR get the CBS sports app for inside access to your team this one ball season watch highlights that breaking news scores and more download the CBS sports app today the Bulls up 3o next out of the chutes Cody Nance before he goes let's check in with Leah in 2009 this man came onto the scene Cody Nance won Rookie of the Year that year for his accomplishments I talked to him before the show today to say how do you stay motivated eight years later and when he's working on right now with every single ride is I'm gonna sum it up in one word effort he says as long as I do my job and I put 100% in to every ride I don't care about the score I don't care about the judging and I don't care about the world standings it's just all about my own effort know what Mac we saw that in his round one ride earlier this weekend he did not get the score he touched the dirt at seven point nine eight but when that ride happened you're as fired up as I've ever seen you it was almost like you saw a 98 point right Cody Nance is all effort you know and that's the that's the thing in his explanation to Leah I think it's awesome man when you can approach any sport that away when you just enjoy the process of what you're doing how hard it is how physical it is how hard he's got to try that's when you can really be able to start winning well and you mentioned winning I mean Cody Nance has seven different event wins over the course of his career that Leah mentioned started in 2009 it's been hit or miss somewhat over the past couple years but this season we often talk about riders quietly putting together success and he's been doing well and I think he got out of his own way he quit worrying about all the things that he couldn't control and focused on the things he can control and I got to tell you this bull that he's getting on chocolate shake I think he's a lot he does whatever it takes to get the job done this is going to be a great match right here they met earlier this year in Little Rock Arkansas it lasted 6.21 seconds and any time well go back to your career when you took a bull that deep did that just give you more confidence you could get the one or two extra seconds yeah I think so because you know what they feel like you know what happened the reason they got chained you feel like you can correct that a lot too light from Kody Nance right there the qualified ride map that you mentioned the effort that Lea mentioned and it comes together for our first ride of this day yeah and that is a lot of good stuff happening in the course of eight seconds you watch this this bull is up and down good kick the whole time Nance starts off in perfect position then you'll see him get a little out of shape he doesn't panic and try and hold both feet come out of the bull right there let's see pulling back to the center realized hey this isn't where I'm supposed to be let me move right back up over here finishing now he's just giving him the business let's send it to Leo Cody Nance you told me before the show that you were gonna give it 100% effort how do you rate that Simon's every other time he's still fired that Bank right there's your perfect follow up because he said it's the same as any other ride and that's to all your points what the storyline was and will continue to be now let's talk about Joe al Ricardo Vienna he gets a chance against hurricane hustler this could be big his goal look for him to be I hear the gate to the left that's Joe al strong direction when a bull goes that way tied for the most wins in this format since it began back in 2010 this matchup has got some potential to put some 90s up right there Greg except for Joe out he's had rides he's on the clock by the way so now he's down to about 25 seconds to naught or he'll be disqualified [Music] it's not gonna be a big score but it is another score and what's been very interesting Mack the 1515 bucket battle pairings usually are much more difficult right than the long rounds will now is being told there are some flags which means he will get a rewrite opportunity if he rots this boat let me finish my thought Joe I was now ridley 315 15 bucking battle bulls in a row you take those rides out he's bucked off eight in a row against easier balls yeah I don't know what it is maybe he just gets up for these big matchups more and he's more into it but here's the deal the bull had an off day didn't have very much kick Joe I wasn't helping much he's gotten out of position so that's gonna make for low scores I think we all can read what that knot means he's not going to take the rear eyes he's gonna keep 80 points on the board which I want to go back to this format he's been in this format eight times this year he has five qualified rights that's pretty amazing Madeline and I know that was a low one right there but just to get those amount of rides that's really good at this level and and to remind everybody the reason is we show you the rookie standings cuz Cody teal who is leading them is about to get on board Cooper Tires brown sugar the re the reason rides in this format matter is they're worth one-and-a-half times what a normal round win and this around were they don't ride a lot of bull so he's got a chance of getting some of those boys code eto time round sugar continues a career when just when you think this bull is mellowed just when you think this bull can be figured out he does that yeah he's been a good bull for a long time but here's the deal Cody till is getting beat out of the chute so bad look how far he's setting down as this bull is turning back I mean all of his weight is here when this Bulls front end is in the air Cody till has got to be up off of his butt getting a little weight driving down his legs he is behind everything brown sugar is still way too good a bull to get by like that to qualify drives wonder what contact sounds like we just let you know you can go ask Cody teal what it feels like go ask Cody Nance what it feels like to be leading 85 and a half he is your bad boy mower lead dog time now to take a look at this week's matador jerky bullfighting 101 I drew a bull they say can't be this week on bullfighting 101 presented by matador jerky we're talking rider status [Applause] Laramie starts off in pretty good shape but when he gets up he kind of moves in the same direction of the bull the bull whips around and clips him with a back foot and knocks him out as soon as we realize that we just know we got to get that bull attention so he don't come back on top of them again when a guy gets knocked out things just become so much more dangerous because he's there laying vulnerable he's not able to defend himself crawl get out of the way of the next shot glaring comes off in a position where he's great underneath the bull you know and when the feet come down on a guy like that you know that they're not gonna be getting up and you just got to do everything you can to get that bull moved out away from the rider jesse does a great job right here pulling him around but unfortunately that bull clip see right here we're hauling at each other that he's out we know then that Frank's got to get a hold of that bull draw him some distance but when he does Jesse and I want to be within striking distance but don't dare him to come back toward the bull here's exactly what I saw in this ride this is my point of view and glare me is making a great ride you know and it gets loose here at the end and we're just waiting for that hand to come out at any moment you know it sticks in there a little bit pulls him over the front shoulder this Bulls motions coming back to us I try to get my hands on him draw the bull's attention away but you know unfortunately we can't stop the Bulls feet and they swung around and you know doc Laramie right here finally get him to kind of follow me you know to kind of come on around and get away from glare me and then get a shorty and Jesse or shielding glaringly and the bull decides to go out the PBR built for Cup World Finals returned to Las Vegas at the t-mobile Arena November 1st through November 5th 5 a package from now on sale you can call PBR customer service at eight hundred seven three two one seven two seven to lock in your seats today we've got two qualified rides today these are the previous winners so far this season Eduardo a para sido our number two rider in the world the only double winner Sacramento and Thacker bill last week in Springfield it was Cooper Davis winning three rounds last weekend part of that huge point surge that he was able to bring in Missouri let's check in with shorty well Craig I got to tell you before we go to Stetson Lauren there's a couple things that I've noticed about Stetson and and one of the things is something that Justin McBride touched on earlier today with Cody Nansen that's the amount of effort that this guy puts out when he keeps his chin tucks and keeps going to these Bulls I think these guys as aggressive as anybody's a little bit loose but he the effort level gets him through some some troubling situations another thing that that he that has been doing here lately and been making it a little bit tough for himself if he's been running his rope back a little bit too far and he hasn't been pulled in tight enough that makes everything a lot tougher on here something he can keep that rope up forward and pull it tight where it doesn't slip back I think he's got a good chance you know these broke the handles in these ropes are built or the whole rope is custom-made for each guy if I was testing warrants I think I would have my rope maker make the handle just a little bit bigger so that it was more comfortable in my hand while you got it enough pull and tighten up on the bull to keep it in place well shorty and you bring up some great points right so I got a chance to talk with Stetson earlier and we're talking just about that no cuz I I was trying to explain to him that if he could keep his bull rope where it belongs when he needs that anchor you know six seven seconds into the ride if he's a little out of shape if his ball rope comes with him hitting the rides over but if his bull rope will stay you're gonna see this guy start making the whistles a lot more than he already does and that's good it'd be dangerous for the rest of the competitors we just showed you a stat he does not have a qualified ride in his career eleven attempts in this format remember took him a few years to win an event title too [Applause] with that biting move about halfway through that ride that got Lawrence out of position in new road position or not max sometimes when a bull puts in a move like that it doesn't matter what you're doing jack strong bull here in [ __ ] I'm gonna go back to Shorty's point I love the effort that Stetson Lawrence puts out but you see his free arm come way way down to the side that's gonna pull his shoulders that way he can get it up a little more I think he'll ride [ __ ] next time Cody Nance watch is another one of his competitors fall by the wayside he is the bad boy more a leap dog only 85 and a half though so a great chance some of these riders to come will supplant Nance in the top next to get his opportunity storming wings a guy that has had a great season so far including a 15/15 bucking battle when we started our summer when we came back excuse me from summer break that was 89 and a half aboard wired child what do you think you can do against Stevie well I think this is a really intriguing matchup I think both stormy and speed demon are just now starting to get to the level where they belong this bull has really started being impressive [Music] [Applause] we talked about the effort of a couple of the riders let's talk about the effort from speed demon that bull just kept getting faster and faster now that that's a bull that that you're gonna see in years to come I feel like really start putting his name in the Hat with all the really good boat look it what this bull is doing and stormy wing is trying to get there I mean this is a this is just too good athletes really going at it right here and the bull wins today judges were duly impressed forty four and three quarters from the speed demon and his stats continue to grow he's been out twelve times only ridden twice in his career as we transitioned to Brazilian Denner Barbosa the 22 year old gets an opportunity against catfish John catfish John in years past has been much more rideable this year been out eleven times only to qualified rides and that is an interesting stat that whole board right there Mac you talk about riding percentages the season average there's never been a world champion with a rider percentage under 52 percent and the whole kitten caboodle of the PBRs below 50 yeah and that's just showing how dominant that the Bulls have Benton this season but here's a real chance for dinner get this John this is a really good bull a round of the ride as is the direction he's going to start sometimes around the six second mark he'll jump out and go back to the left brothers funny about this bullies up and down and around and round Edoardo a parish she know the last man to ride this bullet iron cowboy 89 freaks checking the robbed there he's got his leg down he's saying the bull is leaning on him on the back side but when you can get your leg between the ball in the shoe that's all you're looking for is to have your leg down in a good spot and make sure the bull is not squatting [Applause] here's the night catfish John clobbers Denner Barbosa at the end of the ride the buck off was inevitable almost as soon as the gate swung open and that's the thing about trying to get everything so perfect in the chute sometimes you get locked down too tight and dinner is going left or to the right way before it catfish John is and once you reach across the front end with your free arm your ride is going to be over because there's no way for you not to touch him and if you touch with your free arm time stops catfish John sends Denner Barbosa into the steel and home with no score Cody Nance did his job here in Austin he's her bad boy mower lead dog the target 85 and a half chase outlaw has no problem with the speed of the game this is a guy that truly believes in himself he sets that job and accepts a challenge every time he nods his head he's gonna go at it crying with more ambition that I've been here I've a long time just keeps fighting and work and nobody looks on the back of a bull Katie salen continues his winning ways they won he's got the ability to rat rang bulls there's a new sheriff in town that's putting an exclamation point on it outlaw is your winner of the Sioux Falls [ __ ] battled in the midst of his best season ever chase outlaw going to be one of the American team members you'll get to see in the debut PBR global hub that will be in Edmonton November 9th through November 11th you tickets now on sale you can call PBR customer service at eight hundred seven three two one seven two seven lock in those seats today Mac you're gonna be the coach of the American squad what do you think your chances are my friend well I like them with the team of USA riders that there are I got to tell you I'm glad to see this guy back from injury speaking of which Jordy Gorham chase outlaw did not take much time off after that separated right shoulder no he didn't and there was a reason why Craig this is a tough little stretchy guy we talked about Cody Nance you know as debts and warrants in the mountain after if they put out this guy is no different from either one of those guys who's got a pretty tough blow gonna be out there and around to the left but this Bulls got a ton of forward movement chase chase out I've got a really short riding arm for his body but what that means in the case never miss is that Bulls run in it's really gonna pull on him the good thing in he's going into his hen but he's down the ride this bill I think Justin like he's going straight yeah absolutely man fire and smoke that's the thing with him lots of forward movement around to the left and they short he was just saying that's gonna want chase back now chase can make some big moves and still get there but this bull will get so strong if he gets back then he'll have a hard time hanging on to his bull rope the best bet to ride this bull is to crawl out over him going like he's jumping and kicking straight down the pin what does he need to do and to remind everyone who may not be aware of Chase outlaws injury he separated his right shoulder that is his free arm at a touring Pro event in Louisiana the end of August what should we look for with that free arm to know he's got it under control don't look for any caution now to chase out he's gonna treat it like it was never injured in the first place so in other words not that positioning we often see from Fabiano Vienna yeah most any guy you would see with the free arm shoulder injury just coming back and that look for any of that out out while he'll throw caution to the wind to go at [Applause] fiery smoke rodham both here in Texas chase outlaw did his best but not even close well he was gifted everything he had but this is a thing with fire and smoke on left-handed guys they've got to try so hard to get around the corners and he wants them back you watch here it's gonna come all the power there goes as bullrope lands in a terrible position but when you got three of the best bull fighters of all time really out there protecting you you don't get too worried about it Frank Newsome shorty Gorham and Jesse Burr in that triangle of protection collapsed and allows chase outlaw to basically walk out of there unscathed will now get to see what Derrick Cole Baba can do he was one of I think either 12 or 13 riders that went to the touring Pro event the real-time velocities were event excuse me in Pendleton Oregon earlier this week he mentioned to me in the locker room earlier that he likes going to those midweek events feels like it keeps his mind right he's going to need that mind set against deep water yeah in Cole Baba visit guy that's very very capable he's got a lot of abilities but Cole Baba's got to cut out the long buck off streets and in big moments he's got to start getting the job done this is one of those big moments deep water this bull can be speck back you mentioned big moments we've lined a little something up for our fans let's go back to Oklahoma City oh that Bulls known as bruiser yeah here's the talent the and we've been talking about effort Obama's got plenty of that too you can see he can ride one of the best bulls in the world the guy's got a lot of potential well in your your mind is right by the way because what you mentioned about the buck off streaks is so true he had 24 straight buck-offs to end 2016 he looked like this summer he was the top point get her right on all the minor tours over the summer break but since that summer break back on tour he is only one of his last 14 yeah and those are rides past the halfway mark that are getting away from him he's got to be able to finish one of the knocks on Poltava as he likes to get his knees up really really high and there is nothing wrong with that that's a great failsafe to have that's like shocks on your vehicle it can take a lot of the power away but Cole Baba gets him so high at the wrong times that it sets him down on his butt and that gets his upper body back I know you have tried to work within different weeks with that here we go [Applause] Derik Cole Baba took deep water deep but you mentioned it Mack he's got so many of these rides that go wrong after six seconds yeah these are like a broken record but these are the ones he's got to make right here and he starts it really good but watch his knees come up and watch his butt go flat on this bull's back now deep waters not having a whole lot of kick so it's not gonna bring him over the front end but it does allow him to slide too far to the inside gotta get up get the weight driving down his legs take it away from the bull to earlier rides are still the standards the best Cody Nance he's our bad boy mower lead dog here in Austin last week PBR world champion Cooper Davis took the 1515 title in Springfield aboard the bull cut the cord this week he matches up against big cat but first just Lockwood takes on jack shot as the PBR 15/15 bucking battle continues from Austin Texas on CBS we've got more bull riding to come from Texas as capitol city be sure to tune in to CBS Sports Network tonight to see more cowboys and bulls do battle on the dirt right here from Austin the battles for the most part have been going the Bulls way to cowboys have gotten qualified Riots Cody Nance and Joey Ricardo Vieira 19 year old Jess Lockwood who's just a couple weeks away from his 20th birthday trying to add his name to the list he won round one already this weekend Matt but we want to take you back to a week ago scary situation in the 15/15 bucking battle in Springfield when he faced please yeah bruisers making all the highlight reels and just looks like he has a good seat here comes the back up out of bruiser and man it got scary research still fired up and as always these Bulls their intent is not to harm they just want to go out there and do their job which is put on a bucking show that's exactly what happens shorty Gorman unfortunately just Lockwood just in the wrong place at the wrong time absolutely you know it's a dangerous game and that's just what happens big but I tell you what he's got a heck of a challenge ahead of him right here on this ball I think yesterday that's another guy he he's obviously one of the best that we've got and he's very capable riding this bull but I think this bull is a little bit he's got a little hidden trick he's going so fast he's probably gonna be around to the right with a lot of speed but one thing that he's got that it's hard to see because he's going so fast he's got a step ahead he's gonna be away from Jesse's hands just ride plenty good away from his hand but I think the front ends gonna be a very again here Justin hey without a doubt shorting this ride has got to be mistake-free jock shot is going to be stronger at eight than he is at four this bull is going to keep getting better and better shorty met mentioned the step ahead and also his front end is going to get higher and higher off the ground as he goes what it just share with you this week by the way let's go back to the injury that he has been cleared by Sports Medicine past all the concussion protocol is he still young enough to not even dwell on that at all now that that's in the rearview mirror yeah I think so about three hours after that event he was asking Cody Lambert bruiser was going to be an odd [Applause] well Jack shot just kept working and at five seconds the ride ends Jess Lockwood was trying to become the first ever left-handed rider to make eight but Jack shots record against lefties stays perfect yeah and the bull had a good day for just two riding but as good as just Lockwood is at 19 he's got to get better right here away from his hand you can see he's so tough and he's such a strong little guy that he can get away with on a lesser bullet riding a little bit behind everything but on the really tough ones he has got to get up over their front end when they give him a chance even this weekend he's mentioned that the lower back is sore cleared from the concussion protocol but can't do anything about that back pain at the moment and now Cooper Davis will get his chance you talked at the top of the show Mac about this pairing but let's take you back a week ago yeah this guy right here he can do it any direction Cooper Davis he's the hottest hill rider on tour right now nobody is riding bit better than Davis last week on putt the floor into his hand we've seen a great ride on big black cat away from his saying it doesn't matter to Davis you want to talk about confidence this guy's tank is forward yeah you mentioned big black calf that was a bonus ride we gave you from San Jose last year that was the last 15 15 bucking battle of 2016 I mentioned already Cooper Davis won three rounds just last weekend in Springfield that has vaulted him to the top of the round wins either one he's just been awesome man there's no other way to put it here's the thing he was never really having a bad season he was just kind of hitting this here and there making some decent rides but in the last few weeks this guy has turned it on and everybody has took notice well he mentioned that Toledo last week in Springfield over multiple interviews that he has refocused read committed we're seeing it now here he goes himself pretty good [Applause] guess what world if you're not ready for Cooper Davis he's knocking down doors tlw big cat just got written for the first time in 2017 and only the second time in his career what right here this boy hits himself you heard shorty calling out that's an automatic green ride as if Davis comes off of him right there but instead he just grits his teeth and gives it to big cat right here that was an outstanding pretty great bull ride right there on his feet 91 and 3/4 let's send it to live once that bull hipped himself how do you attack without any hesitation you know you just got to go at a bull like that you never know what he's gonna do and you gotta be now I know when he's going on oh what a great description Cooper Davis explodes onto the stage and as a leaderboard here in Austin he's our new bad boy mower bleep dog [Music] wranglers long live cowboys 1550 bucking battle on CBS Sports is sponsored by Ford f-series visit PBR comm slash Ford for your chance to win a Ford f-150 and by Kubota tractor corporation great day so far in Austin three qualified rides defending PBR world champ Cooper Danis has another one to love 91 and 3/4 a moment ago against TL w's big cat he is the new leader and we have the top two men in the world still to come today here in Austin first Eduardo a para sido the only two-time winner in this format this season Mac in Sacramento it was a kids jack shot yeah into his hand Eduardo this makes it outstanding ride ride here there's a reason he's the number two guy in the world it's because he can make rides like this and then doing it away from his hand against honey hush at dr. bill guys Tom Craig the most wins in this format over the course of the 15 15 Bucky battles there's a tie Joe our quarter vieira Eduardo a para sido they both have four Cooper Davis trying to insert his name however on that board as well he that three if he wins he has two riders to watch a para Seto you talked about at the top of the show Mac you loved this matchup with mystic oh absolutely and here's the thing Davis is just evil his way up the standings now Eduardo can't do anything about how Cooper's riding but what he can do is ride mystical and really just keep doing his thing man and that's putting the pressure on the number-one guy ke keeper Shaco this is a great matchup the Bulls usually around the end of the game to the rise but as of late the last couple of times he's been through shouldn't matter with that wardo and both of the highlights you seen him doing it either direction thank you for leading me we're gonna talk about Pacheco and pressure in a moment for a pair of seat oh no one has been number one this year longer than Fast Eddie he came into this weekend only a hundred and fifty points behind te keepa Shaco these two by the way have met before Tulsa earlier this season it went seven point seven two seconds yeah and for me on that particular day that was just a lot of concentration on Eduardo's part because he wrote the bull I mean he had he knocked out the bull jumped on out of the spin and Eduardo came off got it finishing the day this bull has such a great resume and today he has a better outs against the world number two a paris ido not even close three in chains behind everything from work go as soon as this bull turns to leave out of the chute Eduardo is rared back and he stays right there he just tries to Cole cut him off and hold what he's got see he never makes an attempt to get back to the front end so when mystical does kick it's just gonna finish him one more rider to go and it is fitting that is our world number one with a golden opportunity Cooper Davis meanwhile waiting to see if he will win his 10th round of the season hi iki Pacheco our world number one is the only man who has a say in that mishchenko came into the weekends a hundred and fifty points ahead of Eduardo para sido 550 points ahead Davis but Davis is looking to take a big chunk out of that lead Toshiko though matches up well against utter lovers if I was these guys I would be riding like I was tied with Cooper Davis because the way he's going no lead is safe that you have on him right now Pacheco has got to get it going right here he gets a ride when he needed it most chances are Cooper Davis will win but ty Ikki will get points and when you're the world number one that is what you need almost more than anything else that's how you answer right there I got said these guys can't control how great Cooper Davis is riding but they can't control what they do kochenko does everything and his power gives under lover right here it's a big score he's going to win second this round they protect his lead you saw the emotion from Pacheco before he left the shoots you know me Whitney won out of his last 11 the two Titans congratulate each other but Cooper Davis has done it again he wins the 1515 button battle here in Austin after winning the 1515 bucking battles in Springfield he now has 10 round wins this season he's ready and won four out of the last seven he's with Leah Cooper Davis takes another win what does it take to stay so consistent especially against bulls that are this tough you know I just I feel really good right now my mind is on bull riding and I don't think I've ever felt so good in my life and to do it right here in Texas it makes that much much more worth it go back to that last ride on big cat and the opportunity that you had to take it one way or another and you followed through tell me about it yeah himself right there but he's too big and scary to find a spot and get off so we went on with and paid off congratulations thank you I liked it self-preservation had a hand in sticking on the comodo ride of the day is the winning ride aboard big cap surprise surprise it's Cooper Davis again this guy's not skinny it's not just the bullet Issa posterized it's the Bulls that he's not supposed right he's right all of us we look at our world standings Pacheco by virtue of getting second still protects that margin ahead of Eduardo para Seto but Cooper Davis closes yet again now only 339 points out with more to go still in Austin make sure to tune in to CBS Sports Network tonight for more of those rides and the built Ford Tough Series continues from Texas join us right here on CBS in a few weeks for another 15 15 bucking battle this time from Idaho for Justin McBride Leah Garcia shorty Gorham and our entire crew I'm Greg Hummer thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: PBR
Views: 297,422
Rating: 4.7619281 out of 5
Keywords: PBR, PBR Bull Riding, Bull Riding, Cowboy, Rodeo, Professional Bull Riding, Professional Bull Riders, Sports, 2020, Western Sports, Western Athletes, Western Lifestyle
Id: hOu3sx4f0hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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