[FULL SHOW] Hypnotizing the Lingerie Football Team // LFL SIRENS //

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well thank you everybody for coming my name is Anthony hadlin I'll be your hypnotist for tonight who here has been hypnotized before raise a hand okay who hasn't been hypnotized right excellent now that should have covered everybody there's a few people that aren't participating it's okay it's okay now in a moment I'm going to ask for volunteers we have some volunteers from the sirens that are going to be coming out up now if you think right now that maybe you don't want to come up and volunteer you can also try it out while you're in the crowd if you want to but I highly recommend that you come up here that way we don't have to transport you up to the stage already now let's see here we're going to do a couple tests that way you know what hypnosis is a lot of people think it's mind control like I have a voodoo hex on you that's not true and I'm not going to be waving any magical pendulum or watch in front of you this is all about your subconscious mind and allowing your subconscious mind and your creative mind to take over so we're going to do a few tests but uh who here has been let's say driving on a highway and all of a sudden you're couple kilometers down the road who's who had that happen to them yeah scat drivers I know I've done the same thing don't worry now that's a form of hypnosis when you're extremely focused and your subconscious mind automatically does the action for you let's say you're reading a book you get to the bottom of the page and you forgot what you just read who's done that now it actually doesn't mean you're hypnotized it means you're stupid no but in all seriousness if you volunteer today I will guarantee you that you will have the best experience of anybody in this room guaranteed now let's add something else if you have any ailment maybe you smoke maybe you want to lose weight at the end of the show I'll also give you that as a gift you can take that with you after today if you want to quit smok and lose weight etc etc so if you have something that you would like to get over like to change you would definitely be a great participant tonight so let's do a couple tests now this isn't hypnosis this is just to see how open your mind is so everyone can put your hands together in front of you almost as if you were praying and clasp your hands together interlock your fingers now hold them in front of you extend your index fingers and allow them to just rest touching each other right now now in a moment I'm going to get you to separate your fingers so go ahead and separate your fingers about an inch apart and I want you to focus on that gap between your finger because your fingers will slowly come together almost as if you had magnets strapped to the tips of your fingers and they're going to come together faster the closer they get now if you're fighting it I just want you to take a nice deep breath and allow your mind and body to relax and your fingers will come closer together all right who had a even a little bit of movement awesome now even if your fingers didn't come all the way together I must let you know that the people we have on stage are those that are the best of the best the most creative minds everyone can be hypnotized it just depends on the amount of time that we have some people can take up to an hour some people just a couple seconds now I'd like to call for volunteers so if anyone would like to be hypnotized tonight come on and join me on stage and Round of Applause as they come to stage [Applause] all right I need to separate you guys I want one chair in between each of you so if I can get you to move to the back I'll get you to move to the back as well and then you can move one chair over we have three seats left male or female doesn't matter if you want to give this a go come up on stage please three more volunteers Britney Christoph [Music] all right and if you have your cell phone on you could you please place it on the table here yeah everybody if you have something that you'd like to change keep that in the back of your mind and we'll get to it in a moment col I got some hair dye at home all right now it's very important that everybody up here is able to focus hypnosis what I like to look at it is the extreme state of focus now if you're able to relax and focus is going to be awesome for you if you're not it's still my job to get you to that point so make sure you follow all the directions I give you if you want if you have any uh dangling earrings just be aware that they make catch on something they should be fine though those don't look like they'll catch on anything unless they're the hoop ones anyways okay so if everybody on stage is ready just nod your head all right now it's very important that you're able to hear everything that I say so I want you to drown out all the background noise and just focus on my voice now I want you to take a nice deep breath in through your nose fill your entire lungs with air and slowly exhale through your mouth take twice as long to Exhale as it does to inhale okay again in through the nose slowly out through the mouth now this is actually the proper way to breathe your nose will filter everything and then your mouth will allow you to focus and slow down your breathing and control it so continue breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth and whenever it feels right for you I just want you to close your eyes whenever it feels right for you just go ahead and close your eyes and I want you to sit in your seat both feet flat on the floor hands on your lap hands on your lap feet on the floor excellent everyone one more nice deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth now if for any reason you are not going under I will come up to you and I will grab your right hand and I'll help you off the [Music] stage excellent now before we go any further please if you can move want see perfect everyone one more deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth we're going to count you into hypnosis slowly and safely so one take a nice deep breath as you relax every nerve every muscle and fiber in your forehead going down to your cheeks allowing your jaw to relax slightly every nerve every muscle of your face completely relaxing as we go to two allowing all the background noise to completely drown out focusing just on my voice and relaxing your shoulders and allowing that relaxing sensation to go into your arms as we go to three allow that laugh to Simply relax go away as you sit back in your chair and now that allow that relaxing sensation to go into your elbows your forearms as we go to four allowing that relaxing tingling sensation to go into your fingertips right now allowing your hands to sink down deeper into your lap feeling the fabric beneath your [Music] fingers as we go to Five another nice deep breath now in through your nose and out through your mouth allowing that relaxing tingling sensation to roll back up to your upper back as it slowly moves down and you'll begin to notice a change in your heartbeat right now if you focus and if you do that's perfect and six allowing that relaxing sensation to go into your lower back and your abs allowing your abs to relax simply like stretch rubber band simply loosening you will not fall over in any way you will stay in your seat at all times as you go to 10 allowing that relaxing sensation to roll up through your body bringing you 10 times deeper than you currently are if you feel a touch on your shoulder this will only allow you to relax even further even further to relax even more perfect now everybody up on stage will not fall over in any way you will stay almost glued to your chair unless I say otherwise nod your head if you understand allow your breath to completely relax all the way down [Music] all right I want everybody up on stage I want you just to imagine for a moment that you were race car drivers just imagine for a moment and I'm going to get you to open your eyes in a moment in a moment so close your eyes so in a moment I'm going to get you to become race car drivers so I want you just to imagine that you were in a car right now so get your hands out in front of you everyone get your hands out in front of you sit back in your chair kick your feet out kick your feet get your feet on the pedals and get ready we're about to start a race get your hand on the wheel and feet on the pedal get ready start your engines if it isn't all ready excellent do driving stick driving stick ready go give the gas gas gas gas go go go and hard left hard left hard left hard left go straight straight straight straight now and hard right hard right right hard right straight out again straight out again straight out again your enemy is on the left wave to your enemy W to your eny okay now you turn to the right you turn go go go go go straight back out and your mom is on the right wave to your mom everybody wave to your mom all right St back out and one more left one more left left left left left left and straight now right right right almost there almost there oh there's your enemy again on the left your enemy on the left wave to him W to him and heart break break and stop and completely relax back to your chair again perfect excellent everyone's doing really great so far just allow yourself to relax back into your chair I'm going to come around and rearrange some of the seating here now in a moment I want everybody up on stage just to imagine what it would be like for the temperature to lower right now it's about room temperature and I just want you to imagine we were able to get some extreme air conditioners in here extreme air conditioners and turn the temperature down so we're going to turn it down by 5 de turn it all the way down to 10° right now it's not too bad you guys can bear that 10° it's the scatch one right down to plus five and a little bit colder you might notice a slight shiver in your body we go down to minus one degrees minus one with a very hard wind that air conditioner is very strong - 5° - 10 and well you're going to have to get yourself warm somehow who brought jacket no one brought a jacket you might have to warm up to the person beside you is it goes to - 20 - 20° you don't none of you have jackets there's maybe one will be able to survive - 25 - 30 - 35° cuddle up to the person beside you get there warm get the person beside you get there warm C up perfect good and oh we're able to fix it someone able is able to turn it back up it's up to plus five plus five just like that + 10 + 20 plus 25 Keep Your Hands to Yourself plus 25° CSUS everybody it's getting hot in here you're going to have to use your hands to keep yourself cool Plus 23 + 30+ 30° in here plus 35 Plus 40° it's getting extremely hot in here you might want to take your hats off to get at all plus 40° it was just plus 40° the other day oh it's so hot in here you guys would do anything for a glass of water absolutely anything for a glass of water you will not leave the stage for a glass of water but you'll do absolutely anything for a glass of water and everybody eyes open eyes open wide awake Eyes Open Wide Awake Where's my water why are you guys look at me like that anybody are you okay you would like some water all right U it's my water though are you okay parch little parched okay well I have uh some special water back here right here it's a a pretty big glass and uh I'm going to give it to you to start off with but don't take it all make sure you don't drink all of it don't drink all of it whoa whoa whoa you're right ladies first right is that okay of course it's okay here now don't drink all of it everyone needs to have a little bit of it so here I'm going to grab that glass for a moment and I want everybody to look up at my hand and as you look at my hand I want you to take a nice deep breath and as you take a deep breath and exhale as you exhale just want you sit and close your eyes one more time and relax yourself back into your chair now when you open your eyes and you want to take a sip of this water you'll realize that you forgot how to drink water and in fact someone told me that your ear is the best way to drink water so nod your head if you understand your ear is the best way to drink water right now so one two eyes open wide awake here can you take that water and pass it down I think they need a drink there take a nice big Swig of that water isn't that nice don't take all of it hey make sure you pass all the way around make sure everyone has a chance and the moment you take a nice Big Gulp go ahead take a nice big gulp excellent and pass it over to the person to your left person to your left yes take a nice big drink all right actually I'm going to take that from you now I need a drink I finished it okay um did anyone else need a drink yeah really really badly you needed a drink really badly I'm sorry you're not going to get a drink today but I just want you to imagine that you did have a nice big drink and as you do I want you to Simply close your eyes just the girl in the back close your eyes relax yourself back to that relaxed State now in a moment when you open your eyes you're going to have an extreme urged pee anytime I shake your hand anytime I shake your hand like this let's see your right hand your right hand anytime I shake your hand you're going to have an extreme urge to pee the moment I Let Go it goes away so every time I take your hand like this every time I shake your hand that feeling gets stronger and stronger and stronger but no problem it's gone now everybody up on stage in a moment we're going to watch a movie but the person I'm touching now now now now and now you are watching the world's funniest movie and when I count down from five to one it's going to get to the most funny part of the movie the funniest part of that movie you're going to be hysterical now the person I'm touching now you're also watching the world's funniest movie Once you open your eyes now first I'm touching now now now now and now you are watching the world's saddest movie the world's saddest movie it's going to choke you up you're going to get emotional but it's okay it's the world's saddest movie when I count down from 5 to one everybody on stage it'll get to the either the funniest part or the saddest part of the movie nod your head if you understand excellent so everybody one two eyes open wide awake and if you can just focus on the back wall that folks on the back wall you be should be able to just imagine that there was a video screen on the back playing a movie and the movie is starting to play right now perfect and that that special part of the movie the best part of the movie is coming up in about five 4 three what are you what about you man you don't seem to be laughing at all what's wrong I don't know that's okay it's okay um do you want to talk about it at all maybe later maybe later no problem all right and on count of three I want everyone to take a nice deep breath close your eyes and bring yourself back to that relaxed State allow that laugh to go away now from this point forward everything I say will become your reality everything I say will become your reality nod your head if you understand everything I say will become your reality now whatever movie you're watching when you open your eyes again you're going to be watching the opposite now if you understand so one two eyes open wide wa take a look at the back wall in about 10 seconds that that's the time of the movie is about to start so on about 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 six 5 four three two one there it is the best part of the movie how's it going it's pretty good right how about you this is an awesome movie isn't [Music] it why not sad oh wait a second wait a second you guys what's going on here oh no the movie just switched someone must have taped over the movie cuz now you're all watching a [Laughter] porno they're all watching a porno oh wait wait wait who's that in the mve that's your best friend your best friend is up there I don't know if you've ever seen your friend like that oh my god oh no just can't keep your eyes off it oh wait wait oh no that's not your friend it's your mom oh my God I'm sorry I'm going to turn this off hey it's off it's off it's off you guys can relax you guys can relax here let's face back for that might have been a little scarring it's okay well everyone follow here take a nice deep breath and as you exhale simp close your eyes relax yourself back to that spot perfect now the last couple minutes are going to be completely erased from your mind you'll not be able to recall it in any way shape or form nod your head if you understand excellent we don't want to scar anybody right all right so in a moment I'm going to get the person I'm touching now you are an alien you only speak alien you no longer speak or understand English you only speak alien ND your head if you understand and the person I'm touching now person I'm touching now you are an alien translator an alien translator you speak both alien and English bow your head if you understand now I'm going to be looking for an alien translator at some point you're going to really want to get my attention not your head if you understand perfect so just these two that I touched on the shoulder just those two one two eyes open wide awake how's it going good you not bad take a nice deep breath my hand one more nice deep breath right here underneath my left eye and sleep completely relaxed perfect and we're just going to sit you back up here right there perfect uh Hi how are [Music] you are you doing okay sorry I don't understand her at all uh anybody here I don't even know what language this is do anyone know what she's talking about please anybody anybody at all if you know what she's talking about please raise your hand I really really need some help right now you understand her here grab my hand and please come up here for a moment I want you to stand just just right right there yes all right um we need to ask you some questions can you do that for me okay can you ask her what her name is is that it Amy and can you ask Amy where she comes from heal now [Music] does that make sense we can't know oh we can't know oh that's fair that's fair what was that because too much all right that's fair that's fair um can you ask her if you can share with us her favorite thing to eat [Music] like beans okay okay uh now you just grab my hand for a moment your feet are going to stays rooted like right there take a nice deep breath focus on the back focus on the camera in the back take a nice deep breath and slowly close your eyes relax sleep it will not fall over in any way now your alien is going to now consist of a lot of clicks now J if you understand one two eyes open wide awake all right um I need you to ask her one more important question okay I would need you to ask her why is she on Earth and is it dangerous now of the thing maybe different dialect you can't know okay that's no problem everybody huge round of applause huge round of applause now you could please ask her to to have her seat that' be awesome and if you can also follow her and have a seat right beside her oh that's right your feet are glued oh that sucks okay um I have something for you in my wallet I have some cash my cards yeah you like right yeah I'm going to place this on the floor if you can grab it you can have it that is one of the best attempts I've ever seen that's that's pretty good okay um okay no you failed it's okay however I will give you one thing here I'll give you a card however the moment you grab the card you're going to find that go ahead and grab going to find that now you can move your feet but your hand is completely stuck to the card no matter how hard you try to get it out of your hand you'll notice it's completely stuck go ahead and try and shake it out of your hand here let go let go of it with this hand you'll find it's not stuck you can let go of that hand but this hand is still completely stuck okay now what I would like you to do is hold it out in front of you and I like you take your left hand and as soon as your left hand touches just like this and grabs transfers over to the left hand so now it's completely stuck with the left hand and I want you just to imagine that on the back of the card what is your name Haley so Haley I want you to imagine that your name was written on the back of this card I just want you to imagine that when I take this card away like this that your name also vanishes and you'll realize that your name is stuck to the tip of your tongue and you just can't say it no matter how hard you tried to say your name it's almost like you forgot what your name is so what's your name what's your last name middle name uh what's her name Terry and what's your name how long have you had your name foror since you were born okay um and you don't know it right now that's a little frightening um that's it's okay what I would like you to do is imagine that I written it right in the air and I grabbed it with my hand and in a moment what's your name haly huge round of applause huge round of applause everybody up on stage allow yourself to relax even more in a moment each and every one of you are going to get a phone call but your phone is your shoe you're going to answer your phone which happens to be your shoe and it's going to be the your most favorite musical artist so when you answer your shoe phone your favorite musical artist is on the other line nod your head if you understand your favorite musical artist is on the other line and you're going to have a best conversation you've ever had in your entire life because it is your favorite artist so one two eyes open wide awake all right um any we got their phones here let's see oh answer your phones guys answer your phones what's going on who's online yeah this is her who is [Music] thisk so that's awesome who are you talking to Britney Spear Britney Spear you ever come to SAS to who are you talking to oneu oh this sounds like a good conversation who are you talking to over here oh Jimmy Buffett yeah sorry block somewhere excellent excellent um now you guys have about five seconds with your favorite you have about five more seconds with your favorite artist 5 4 3 two and suddenly they hang up on you well can you tell me about who you're talking about who you talking to my my favorite band which is I have a brothers and they said that they were they were coming back to Canada and I was really bummed because I couldn't go to the show but I was there last time so I don't know why he called me he was really cool actually but now he just hung up out of nowhere I think is that right yeah he's busy you know understandable and how about here who who are you calling mle crew mly crew excellent what did you guys talk about his really tight pants is that is that it what else is there oh wow another phone call coming in you guys better answer I don't know who it is the moment you answer I want you to take a nice deep breath close your eyes and keep your phones there close your eyes sleep now when you open your eyes you are now sex phone line operators and you have a client on the other line however you don't like your job so you're going to give them the worst service they could ever get DOD your head if you understand sex phone line operators but you hate your job one two eyes open why a week fight me you big pissing me off all night so I don't know what you want to do with it there's got to be some kind of a hole you can stick it in keep working it I know your hand is sore and I'm sorry but you know this is the way it is I don't think it's a very big thing is it like didn't you so OD know you got a thimble there you can work yeah I know yeah yeah yeah I know I'm expensive but you know I'm the best so I know you're just the biggest thing ever and like 12 in around around yeah I know yeah mhm oh yeah give it to me baby oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah keep doing that yeah that that works that works so good Yep mm yes not that that's my that's my mother we work together yes oh yeah just like that you you know you know yeah I know no no you should stop just don't don't e you're probably really stop call we an oh my goodness all right oh what's going on over here we got two at once maybe you should try touching each other well this guy likes little tits how do you have big tit oh this guy so he's got big aier a man's you should get one do you watch time tell them they're called man's ear I think crer got the best set ever yeah meres you know big package I'll keep paying the money yeah yeah we'll hook you up awesome huge round of applause everybody and sleep completely relaxed and let's just lean this way a little bit and I want you just take a look at the back wall find your coach stare at him directly in the eyes a nice deep breath and sleep now a lot of people think it's just a lot of talking for hypnosis however let's try this here and hold it right there sit down give me a sec take a nice deep breath right now focus on one of the light bulbs on the top and sleep how are you doing man tired tired want to take a nap here I want you to focus on anybody in the crowd anybody in the crowd and as they stare back at you as they stare back at you you'll notice that they have perfected the hypnotic glare and as they stare at you your eyelids become heavier and heavier and bring you back to that very very relaxed State excellent huge round of applause [Applause] everybody all right everybody up on stage every single person up on stage you are are now Runway Fashion Show models every person on stage is a Runway Fashion Show model everybody eyes open eyes open stand up everyone stand up everybody stand up and everybody if you can move your chairs backwards we're going to need some room on the stage so let's move your chairs back oh right over here right let's keep them in a line though right here in a line with this right here so ladies and gentlemen we have our Runway Fashion Show models I think one of them is a veteran that've been doing it for 10 years and they haven't lost who is that who's the veteran who hasn't lost Jamie awesome nice work thank you for coming out thank you for coming out all right and who's the rookie who's who first year is it [Applause] first year for you okay no problem now everybody you're going to get a chance to strut your stuff and we're going to actually have a vote to see who is the best and we have a limited time so since you've been here before you're going to go last all right so please come right over here excellent now we're going to start from this end all the way down to the other you're going to have your chance to walk across the stage you're gonna have five seconds first round is only five seconds so if we can get the music Justin go ahead 5 Seconds show your best stuff five 4 3 2 one not bad not bad let's take go back to the back of the line now contestant number two let's see your stuff contestant number two a it's her first year not bad not bad it's okay all right contestant number three yeah there we go three two one excellent and back L contestant number four go [Music] ahead remember the harder you cheer the better they [Applause] do 2 one All Right contestant number five let's hear for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] number and get back to line and last but not least contestant number six [Applause] three two and one excellent all right now please walk to the front of the stage when my hand goes over the person everybody please align straight across when my hand goes over I by your Round of Applause we will determine the top three so by round of applause is it [Applause] all right all right unfortunately both of you have been eliminated so you can please have your seats at the back [Laughter] here but you can watch the rest of the competition and you can watch and see how how to do it next time so we need to eliminate one more so if you could please step over here all right excellent right there is good so are we [Applause] keeping okay it's very tight definitely the middle two what would you say should we keep B for and go on to the next round yeah yep she just pick one we will don't worry out out of the four we'll get one all right so ladies and Gentlemen please come to the back so again contestant 1 two 3 4 and if we hit the music 321 contestant number one for my love too sexy for my love two you get 10 seconds make it better 10 seconds 5 4 three two and one contestant number [Music] two sh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 2 break the sexc contestant number three contestant number three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 3 two one and freeze with the H yeah now contestant number four let's [Music] go oh my God car to sexy by far [Music] two one freeze stri a [Applause] POS huge round of applause for your stars all right please make your way to the front we need to choose we need to choose two so at the end of my are we keeping oh yeah [Applause] yeah all right I'm sorry you've been eliminated better luck next year better luck next year man he wants to keep going you get to cheer from your seat here a but keep notes next year I'm sure you'll do awesome but it's okay 10 years in a row is really good not good enough all right we have your last two the last two it's now a dance off you get 20 seconds and you each get half of the stage at the end you have to strike your best pose then the audience again will side the winner are you ready you bet you have any words for your competitor good [Applause] luck are you going to take that I'll take it to the stage take it to the stage all [Music] right and music in three twox my shirt sex my shirt so sexy it hurts be aware of theing area [Music] how 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two and one very well done well [Applause] done it's going to be hard to choose a clear winner well let's let's see here ladies got to grab your phones myself he double up folks ring those folks ring those [Laughter] folks all right for the final Winner Is [Applause] it okay one more time one more [Applause] time thank you very much for competing you did awesome now the victory dance the victory dance does not involve the speakers in fact what the victory dance includes is one complete lap around everywhere back to the stage as fast just around here to the back and then around to the side now as fast or as slow as you'd like Justin can we hit the music I'm Too Sexy For My Love Too Sexy For My Love w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well done [Applause] congratulations yes please pull your seat up here and any last words for the other volunteers the other contestants get older just get older you only get better you only get better when you get older thank you all right so everybody on stage please look at me right now right below my right eye Focus below my right eye and as you do you'll begin to notice a change in focus of your eyes as you take a nice deep breath right now and sleep all the way back down to that relaxed St perfect one more huge round of applause for your stars now in a moment when when you open your eyes the person I'm touching now on the shoulder when you open your eyes person I'm touching on the shoulder you mad actually you know what no every person on stage every person on stage when you open your eyes you are going to be secret dou o agents secret dou o agents and your mission your mission is to find within the audience a secret package nod your head if he understand you'll be respectful of everybody in the audience however you will do your best to find this secret package and you are all double O agents now the most important thing to remember is that you must not be seen you must not be seen by Justin behind the computer here working the sound you must not be seen by him everybody in the audience cannot see you everybody in the audience cannot see you only Justin can see you everybody Eyes Open Wide Awake everyone stand up stand up probably going to go want to go start that way here I'll I'll block you all off here we can yeah go go go go go go go I'm blocking Justin for now make sure you guys stay low stay low [Music] extreme stealth extreme stealth everybody extreme stealth you may have to climb through chairs above chairs below chairs whatever you got to do to find that package and everybody slow motion now slow motion everybody is slow [Music] and let's speed it up back to regular speed regular speed and double speed double speed double speed double speed all the way back get back here as fast as you can all the way back to the stage as fast as you can fast as you can get to your seats should well done everybody well done they did great it didn't they all right can you let us in on your secret mission I had it I know where exactly where it is but you could get it no they had infiltrated our system shoot there was a spy that was double crossing okay so you you failed your mission no I don't have never fail and where's the package oh I'll get it oh you'll get it okay okay okay and how about you over here what would you did you complete your mission no I was just looking for my [Laughter] beard you're the worst agent ever how about you were here how'd you do just so many like so many obstacles it's just no I couldn't do it did anyone complete the mission all right how about you over here what was your mission I was looking for the package but I failed how do you feel about that I feel like I disappointed my superiors and I apologize for I'll do better next time all right all right now you both completed your missions nice okay um so what' you grab man B Cod sorry the abort codes the abort codes excellent uh what are they for what are you missiles should we know this no are you going to get in trouble for telling us probably I won't say anything no problem chat thanks dude um and how about you oh he's trying to steal it from you can't steal pilsner it's CED thing it's theat nice it's in US you can't have it it's in us just like that right exactly excellent work everybody excellent work now if I can grab your hand right here I'll take that take whose wallet is this it's your wallet okay let me grab that wallet under shirt you can come up here and grab it if you'd like from the old lady he kept it under shirt like all right everybody on stage please move your chairs nice and close together sh is nice and close together scoot on over scoot on over a little bit more perfect now I don't have you guys ever heard of sleep bullets heard of sleep bullets yeah sleep bullets they are special bullets that I had Manu factured that when you get hit by these sleep bullets it brings you back un into a deep state of hypnosis do you believe me probably not it doesn't hurt at all here I'll show you can I get a Ricochet bullet so this Ricochet bullet is specially designed to bounce off of four surfaces before hitting you square in the forehead yeah I want you to hold still hold still you have to try this there's no other choice I want you to follow with your eyes follow the bullet it's going to bounce off four surfaces and hit you square in the forehead start [Laughter] [Applause] right holy crap if you don't want to get shot would you like to try there's no more Ricochet bullets they're just regular ones so do you feel powerful yeah here I'm taking that from you um okay we'll use this later Justin you can take hold that now what I have here is the Sleep touch when it touches you in the forehead it also brings you deep under however can I see your finger for a moment I'm going to transfer it to your finger and you're going to notice your finger is going towards your forehead and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it nothing you can do to stop it pretty how's it going dude here I got a sniper rifle somewhere um I think uh I think the coach back there has a sniper rifle can you get this your sniper rifle out and I want you to aim at one of these guys up here whenever you're ready I you either you have really bad aim or you hit him in the shoulder or something he's still going down I'm going to try something special here has anyone ever heard of the one inch punch Bruce Lee right one inch punch now with the background of martial arts I actually know the 10 foot punch so please take your seat and bring it up up here so this 10- foot punch is very powerful it's not going to hurt you in any way in fact what I want you to do move your chair a little bit more forward here and I want you to sit stand up now when I get you it won't be very hard because it has a long distance to travel however it's still going to send you to that very deep State of Trance so let's give it a try it's a little more than 10 ft I haven't tried it this far yet let see on on now in a moment the person I'm touching now you are going to view me as the worst referee ever I made all the wrong calls you lost the game because of all the wrong calls you're not going to get any physical altercation with me in anyway but you're going to definitely let me know how you feel about me nod your head if you understand and just the person I'm touching now one two eyes open wide awake yeah all here give me your other arm give me your other arm come here for a second what' you say the it takes your mind off the other arm what do you mean that so so inbounds what can I say do you not even know the rules kind of I read them yesterday oh so you're a fure sating coach you know they like use panels to like judge that would you like to take it to your panel and maybe decide maybe I'm Russia well you know I don't really like to take this sort of I don't like to take this at all but one more please and make sure I gra I don't know I thought it was really nice I didn't think the calls were that bad for they more than one call is bad you may be a very nice guy but you're stupid as [Applause] all right could you sit back down please uh yeah you're fine you're fine go ahead no it's fine you're off you have to see your bench whatever you like and sleep you got told buddy now the person I'm touching now person I'm touching now you now view me as the best best referee ever now you're not going to get physical anyway but you're going to make sure that you let everyone in the crowd know how great of a ref I was because you won the game because I made a call I actually made the call in your favor it technically a bad call but it was good for you nod your head if you understand one two eyes open wide awake yeah that's how you make a call hor high fiber good thank you so you guys won today how do you feel feeling pretty stoked pretty stoked awesome all right well please bring your chair back over here no I you have people for that okay perfect sleep you just got used buddy now the person I'm touching now and now as well as now you're both going to view me as the best coach ever however the back of my costume is completely invisible y so I'm the best coach ever and the back of my uniform is completely invisible now youhe if you understand the person I'm touching now now and now view me as the worst coach ever and the front of my uniform is completely invisible the person I'm touching now now and now the front of my uniform is completely invisible and I am the worst coach ever not yet if you understand so everybody on stage one two eyes open wide awake you guys okay yeah okay they're okay they're doing okay how's it going man off how's it going good or oh Christopher I don't know I don't know can I sit here man no like right here so if I sat there that' be okay no can I say no you okay long you face me why you're having a little trouble in okay uh everybody please take take a seat don't worry take a seat [Laughter] oh my [Laughter] God all right I need one more thing a sleep Boomerang please straight from Australia it's the Sleep Boomerang I have excellent aim and I'm going to be able to hit every single one of you with the Sleep boomerang so let's check it out [Music] here huge round of applause everybody imagine think or feel that you are at a 10 out of 10 at your goal completely at your goal now whatever your mind creates as the 10 out of 10 symbol I want you to create that now and I want you to put both symbols side by side completely destroying the old symbol replacing it with the new symbol and this symbol symbolizes how you know think or feel that what it would be like to be at your goal and from this point forward anytime you think of this symbol it's going to bring you back to that state of mind and it's going to help you to attain your goal and every single day from this point forward we'll get better and better and closer and closer to your goal nod your head if you're okay with that Excellence now for these three ladies here these three ladies here I can't believe from this point forward anytime you are at practice you were going to give give it your all even more actually 10 times the amount that you normally do and you're going to retain all the information that you gain at practice that much more and you're going to perform that much more at practice and also at this next weekend's game you're going to perform the best because it's your first game nud your head if you understand it's going to come as second nature you won't even have to think about it nod your head if you understand excellent now everybody up on stage in a moment I'm going to get you to open your eyes and when you open your eyes the last hour and a half or so is completely gone from your mind but the moment you step off of the stage it comes rushing back to you everything is completely gone from your mind you won't know what happened it's almost like you just appeared on stage the moment you step off of the stage everything is back in your mind nod your head if you understand excellent one more huge round of applause for your [Music] volunteers and one take a nice deep breath two feeling more alive and refreshed three we're coming to get into the room eyes slowly starting to open four breathing deeper and faster and five eyes open wide awake way better than before awesome huge round of applause thank you very much everybody thank you very much for helping out awesome guys thank you very much you may all have your seat you may all have your seat but before you do if you guys can just join me at the front of the stage yeah so how was I was worried you were going to pull up like any comments no I'm not going to say that any coms Ser I like hours good NA how about you Mance me you nice meeting you as well relax relaxed excellent okay now everybody up on stage join arms and hands arms up and everybody Take a Bow Andy everybody if you could please exit the stage and as you do huge round of applause the biggest Round of Applause that you've ever given to these guys
Channel: Hadlen
Views: 293,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hadlen, magic, hypnosis, magician, hypnotist, hypnotize, hypnotise, illusion, illusionist, mentalist, entertainer, speaker, yxe, saskatoon, stoon, sask, sk, saskatchewan, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vloggers, dailyvlog, dailyvlogger, daily, yqr, canada, canadian, lfl, sirens, lingerie football, lingerie football league, saskatoon sirens, Hypnotizing LFL
Id: BuCZ5F4vpuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 11sec (4331 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2016
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