FULL SESSION - Sherlock: The Network MGEITF Joint Session Masterclass

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hello hi everyone for coming to this event which is a joint session of the TV festival and the network and if you're only one that is we're joined here at this session by 65 delegates from the network it's an entry level talent scheme here they are dotted there throughout the audience it's an actually level town scheme that helps young people and new talent you want to work in the TV industry to get the first steps towards a career in it and it's funded by industry sponsorship and the cost of the delegate badges you had to pay to be here today apart unless you're journalists like me and you get in for free if you're lucky so thank you all for funding that brilliant thing and welcome to the network 65 I'm incredibly excited to be hosting this event I can't think of any TV show I'd rather talk about for an hour with the people who make it and star in it Sherlock started in summer 2010 with I wouldn't say the biggest fan forever it was brought forward in the schedule and I'll talk about that with the creators in a minute and since then the six episodes have become an absolute international phenomenon BBC Worldwide assault the show to 234 territories which is more Terra's and there are countries in the world each episode is seen by over 50 million people it's one over 40 Awards including 7 BAFTAs to critics choices a thing called a Peabody Award which apparently is an incredibly important American award and this year 17 American Emmy nominations that's the big Primetime Emmys and they'll be a big ceremony in New York and there will be there later in the year so to remind you is if you need reminding of the brilliance of one of the best shows we've all seen ever ever ever here is some stuff from Sherlock how fresh just in 67 natural causes used to work here I knew him he was nice fine we'll start with the riding crop give or me for a flatmate you're a second person to say that to me today who's the first the names Sherlock Holmes in the address is 221b Baker Street who are you what do you do I'm a consulting detective what does that mean means when the police are out of that death they consult me I'm breaking every rule letting you in here yes because you need good help me the game mrs. Hudson is on you wearing any pants mm-hmm okay Irene Adler professionally known as of the woman this is how I want you to remember me woman who beat you you're not so bad twenty-year-old disappearance a monstrous hound would have missed this for the world genre it was dead dead bad guy get away from there and fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned Moriarty is played with your my3 what's going on there you get your kicks in risking your life to prove you're clever it's hard to choose you're ordinary you're on the side of the Angels maybe on the side of the angels but don't think you for one second that I am one of them thank you so please welcome to the stage the people who put that together producers to virtue co-creator and writer Steven Moffat co-creator and Mycroft Mark Gatiss and Moriarty himself Andrew Scott [Applause] we should start by saying maybe that Martin Freeman in the in the program it said much of him was going to be here and he's not just various races but this is you you people are equally as brilliant and exciting obviously as hit I just want to get another more to come because he probably yeah yeah he's doing Alistair yes 13 M is not 17 oh sorry only 13 sorry that's a good start I've completely lied about the number of errors I know you could possibly get um so I thought I start everyone I think a lot people have heard the story of how you two Mark and Steve came up kind of run the train to Cardiff working on Doctor Who together and you kind of suddenly realize that you might be able to do something with your joint love of Sherlock Holmes but what I'm a suspect can't expand on that story is when you're having those comes at what point did you kind of come up with the kind of people you wanted to be in it and what kind of tone it was going to be and how exactly you'd turn into what eventually became we talked about bringing about the ghost of motley Hall for three days and then we moving well it was kind of it was immediately apparent really worked from the idea of bringing it into the present day that we we have to have a sort of well not in really a checklist but we just have to work through the stories that we knew and loved and work out a kind of modern equivalents and I think critically just realizing he could still becoming home from Afghanistan we could we had the kindness to restage that hopeless war was what was critical for us and the idea of the blog but I don't I don't think we got very very real about it we were just gossiping about what we thought someone should do it wasn't until I mentioned to sue specifically how cross mark and I would be when somebody else did an update in Sherlock Holmes because we should have done it all right without any real sense of irony and Sue said well you could whiz when we started good job hello yeah yeah get some of the films you know which should you know the last couple of films which are being made which were which is set in the period yeah but so we you you think dear anyone think that the BBC or do you think oh is there going to be too much Sherlock but no let's do this modern updated version and I think the one nowhere pine I think at the time we were doing the pilot yeah we heard about making the film so right yes that was slightly don't you be thought that there's going to be two Charlotte's but it did we thought it had been any damage at all so and when you were sue when you were first kind of formulating it then and kind of thinking I co who can do this did you what you ended up watching wasn't it seemingly create a big ambitious bold thing was that always the idea from the start they wanted to do a kind of turn it into a big thing what did you think maybe it could have started on a smaller scale we thought it was gonna be smaller I mean we originally sold to 60-minute Commission's didn't we and put you both for boat scripts and then we made the pilot I think we thought it was going to be a lovely piece that we'd all be very proud of I think I think the success of Wallander in those three 90-minute formats I think was an influence then and as a decision that was a slot that was working that we were then and then it made a big difference in terms of the sort of scale of the stories that we were going to tell because Ben Fermi said can you do you think you can do them as 90s rather than six I'm on the phone you both up your Bertha yes doctor he's very very first read-through prior to the proper run and and you phoned up and said would you mind doing them as ninety minutes and if you say yes it's a commission so mark and I just said yeah thanks yeah I was with that without a twinge of conscience or regret but you did make that sixty minute pilot yeah yeah exists on the DVD yeah she's on the DVD and what we've had can you summarize what the difference is between all the big differences between that pilot and the 90-minute is you know I don't know that I mean one of the big differences is there really are supposed to paul mcguigan came in and gave it such rationale style right I gave a such a distinctive visual language with all the floating text and all that that is the probably the biggest thing conceptually it's the same show because we were new at it not not quite as well done I think when we first made that we thought it was thing ever yeah and people who saw that was terrific but also member we intercept by really you know Penn say if you wanna put in research then you can and the Commission wasn't reliant I was just a useful tool and there were certain things that came out of it I think one of which they really wanted Moriarty's but yeah so originally you didn't plan to have Moriarty in the first series of episodes go right we didn't we didn't know that if he was one of the things that everybody knew about in a way when you do shows like this you have to work out because it's kind of public property Sherlock Holmes what does everybody know and expect to our surprise when we got the researched effort of all where's Moriarty now mark and I as tragic Sherlock Holmes geeks then we'll pipe optically we're only on one story which is fascinating but says they all wanted him they wanted the archenemy yeah so we've we've done six sixties who would have sort of each did outlaw yeah as soon as we did three 90s he's behind the Phil Davis's plot essentially he's a shadow from the beginning yeah that's crucial Florida pilot is that Mycroft isn't in it that's what all the audience research said let's talk about the cast thing then so what point did you decide Martin and Benedict we're going to be with a key tip did you have them in mind from the beginning when you start talking it's it's true this isn't the showbiz story there's only ever been one person considered for Sherlock Holmes in this part we we got sue now watching a tournament knowing we're looking for a Sherlock Holmes and and there was Benedict during what he did in those days playing they're playing the creepy villain and we just thought oh he could be a Sherlock Holmes we mentioned the mom I didn't know much at all about Sherlock Holmes so you described to me the idea you're tall thin angular yeah well with an impressive nose yeah and sort of so aristocratic I mentioned that to Mark who actually knew him and he thought that's a good idea we got Benedict in taped him in barrels flat and said to the BBC said look there is really no point in carrying on yep that's it I think it is that thing sometimes I've said this before but bit like James Bond sometimes is about half a dozen candidates in the ether sometimes there's just a natural choice in exams of you know to tighten and Martin but then we actually was actually a slightly longer not not terribly on but a longer process to find a fit we have Benedict and we saw a lot of great people but it was uh it was one of those things as soon as they read together the chemistry was obvious and Steve turned to me and just said there's the show it's absolutely true just sort of sprang into life because he's short enough thank you baby he's all here we cast Martin because he made Benedict look impressive by the actor and what about ours and how did how did you find and well this is actually quite fun because originally in Marx the great game the big gag was we never saw Moriarty we just saw Moriarty in the guise of gay Jim as we called him and and at the end of the script there just be a message that with and Sherlock would realize damn it that was Moriarty all along but we had to we had to audition someone to play Moriarty what they ever having written a thing for him so we were sort of a ridiculous see a really ridiculous scene which is I think if anyone could play this with ridiculous lines like everybody not have touch of you to see if if anyone could actually blow this and then we saw Andrew gave this blistering performance and not only to be casting we thought we've got to put this nonsensical scene into it so Andrew did you I mean your performance is extraordinary I'm very big and that you know I think when you people first saw it people call most shocked by how kind of big you were bits that the thing you thought right from the start you saw the script you often we thought this is how I'm going to go with this and not overly consciously I think him yeah I was very aware that I wouldn't necessarily be the first person to that people would think of us as Moriarty so I think there's that the job at the end of the first series was to to sort of serve the script it was this fantastic build-up to him so I think it was important that him because I wouldn't be obvious casting you don't do an obvious copycat version of someone else's villains so I think yeah I wanted it to be maybe audacious and it was written very audaciously and quite quite theatrically yeah but looking back on it now I do understand I do I do see that people like this because I guess it's kind of an incredible combination between building as you said the build up and that people might expecting a really weird or just put a really famous person to be in that role and they're you know now you are incredibly famous who's you because the UW made the Royals of your own but for someone we might not have seen B to be doing such a huge thing seemed to be seem to work incredibly didn't ad I was talking to Andrew about this on the train coming up it's a bit like Lecter Hannibal Lecter is on the screen in science the lands were about 16 minutes you know he's talked about throughout and then he's actually impact it as with Andrew it's incredible it's really essentially two large scenes that have made all this impact but it's all down to Andrews skill you became famous on the basis of I mean in the last few minutes of Cheryl yeah we actually stole the show by being at the end of it which was fantastic did you watching it did you kind of realize that might happen did you or does a kind of dual kind of a softly no it's very straight but I was absolutely terrified because I for some reason I hadn't seen it I don't know buddy so I watched it I watched it grow I what's the first episode when I thought god this is this is fantastic and there was this huge fun ferry to it and people sort of immediately which i think is extraordinary about Shirley because I'm very hard to do is that people had an immediate affection for and I think a show could be very popular and very and you know critically very well received but I think to have an affection for a show so early on is really extraordinary so that was really wonderful but also made me absolutely terrified so I was watching a coming Jesus don't mess this up you know why that's terrifying and then you know I'm like one doesn't watch oneself on on screen and think yeah you hate it absolutely did you go online as well oh well it's in one way it's it was the greatest lesson I ever had I loved on a lie I I read some of the most um unforgettable things so where did you go unless you go to like Twitter would you yeah I looked at I looked at Twitter yeah I don't I've never know I've never done to a stupid Lea is and so I always say by Twitter that it's like going into a room and being and punched and then kissed and then hugged and then complimented and then some saying I really like your Tyler stop cosplay but they push you out of the room anything you know yeah and so the answer so the answer is is is don't go in the room around me and you rang me up the next day from the top of Bart's Hospital yeah I thought I thought this we were you guys surprised by their action to Andrew it was already I think our favorite scene wasn't it I think man it was short very very early on in in the first run and I watched that scene hundreds of times I mean we've made much we don't even know what he would do here but we made a decision that he wouldn't be you know Moriarty in the books in the story is a grave professorial man you know his shoulders stooped through much study in all these things and we knew we weren't going to do that just as just as with lots of the equivalences and the rest of the other characters you have to find it a new way to do it as Steve often says Moriarty is the first supervillain and therefore has become the pattern therefore like all these things has become a bit of a cliche so we knew we had to go somewhere else and Andrew just brought something so totally different and extremely dangerous that's the brilliant thing that you just never know where you are with it and and that sort of sense that you you might think you're having a charming conversation and he'll just slit your throat just for fun or his own throat which is the a little that'd be fun well will imagine if of Andrews you go yeah he's watching this instant hit show all of us we are thinking this is amazing I've never seen it heal it so big so quickly never exalted there's one person who is open because he hasn't come on all show is right yeah we're going to get to that clip the later but first I do want to go back and look at kind of how you actually put it together and I think if we look at this clip which is from Baskerville with zero mark I just want to read the notes between what your own script and how it gets poems screen by the director by paul mcguigan your directors so let's not look at this [Music] [Music] hello [Music] it's a lot to interestings about that first was there hardly any words and credit visually incredibly powerful and kind of thrilling scary see to what extent is that au is that stuff on the page and you've come up with them to what extent is it and in general I guess in terms of shows it's an interesting example that because it started life in totally different ways I knew I wanted to write a suspense sequence and in horror film parlance it's a it's a Val Lewton technique the sustained suspense sequence like that it was going to be instead a refrigerated space like a meat locker we actually renovated and because I thought I've never seen that before actually that's an interest is a new thing the idea of sort of the breath and this possible creature in there then we couldn't do it various reasons it was going to be in the other lab with the orange lab and it was very small there wasn't really enough and then we decided Paul so why don't we just do it in the big one and I actually sat there in that room and rewrote it to suit everything that was there and then and then Paul also had this great idea that we should start it in light that the last thing anyone's you know everyone's gonna expect the lights to go off but what if he comes out and there's like a sort of sensory overload really which is what you get there so there's actually just a sustained bit of of kind of unbearable noise and light before the lights go and then it starts to build from there so it was kind of as a sequence all the beats are the same it just actually became geographically different there was another sequence the one with the security light at the one which was which was very very precisely plotted at script remember reading on the train and think he was just fantastic it was an entirely visual sequence but but it was meticulously plotted through did you did you when you were formulating it from the start did you have these incredibly ambitious way the ideas of how to do the mine palaces and the how how Sherlock is when he's interrogating was that all there from the start that those kind of very exciting edited sequences was a thing yeah let's kind of make this as kind of rich and visually exciting as possible is that something that was the Paul's brought in by the director well I mean any of you know we had all kinds of ambitions but I mean prints the text on screen think yeah became a immediately big idea came in the source of back-to-front way didn't there from yeah because I'd seen because I was still writing a study in pink while we were shooting at the great game and Paula told me he was going to have text floating on screen which I thought son did office but I happened to be walking past the cutting room and saw it and I thought last it looks quite cool so I then wrote it in a different way with all the clues in the the Brenda pink body so the time we've got to that sequence of the mind Palace everyone is is no Jimmy like Charlie did a lot of that and he was a put the face stuck on the show looks very small one I think it's true actually because you know it's meant to be a sequence where he he delves deep into something but actually everyone I suppose was emboldened by the success of the text thing to think well we can do something else here so I mean Benedict put in the Elvis the actually impression he was just opposed to sort of go past his head and then you get an actual face and you get the face of John Philip Sousa and stuff like that it was just fun really and I think there's a real combination of where the director and the editor work together so perfectly I mean they just play this is stunning what it is both Paul and Charlie the Charley Philip did they're incredibly playful so whatever we put in the sketch we know by the time we comes back to this you know it will be much more elaborate we're always throwing new ideas with it once it's established as a baseline that we do things like that then he just you can do much much more with it like it's you know in scandal the plane on the wall that flies off and all that yeah and the one with the bed in the in the film yeah I think usually also because you knew that Paul would love yeah - I always look trying right because of groovy transitions but Paul he always comes up with something better no magician is brilliant now yeah when he and I didn't write that that was I thought something else that was meant to be clever but he came up the idea of just the bed rising up behind Benedict and him turning around and going to sleep which if you said it that in words I think we said awful yeah but it was it was just a standard moment whose part is standing in a field at middle of Wales with a pneumatic bed yes so so to avoid CGI so have actually a problem with physical beds and so physics where was that film of that that was all that was in Wales because we shoot most of it in there and once you'd seen the first series and what had been darling where is it all finished and went out did you then feel for the second series although we can go even bigger and better and bolder yeah well yeah I think you just do that rather than you make a decision it but you can't help it nothing else it is you know applause is Inbal doing we have people laugh at your jokes you make more you know so we just got excited by it well designed up I always talk about which is not deferring pleasure you know I suppose that if we'd done six 60s and we'd eat out the notion of Moriarty and stuff like that but it became big stories therefore we had a conversation was like well you know maybe we should need to get to write him back by a third series and stuff like that and it was like why don't we just do the three most famous ones right now and that's the enemy to the second series just formed in that way it was like less or no sooner is it so don't make them way just yeah no yeah absolutely so and when you are deciding which stories to do have between you how is it you have to how do you sort out who's going to write which is there kind of you know since they were competitive did you want to write back of a fist fight yes well it was a funny one actually because um and he's usually just growing enthusiasm from someone the the funny one was that was Holmes actually because I could because we decided to give that away we said to Farmer Oh but every time the subject of the Baskervilles came up marked face lit up and I just thought he's meant to do this surely I only knew she was great to me you got opened the book and realized another bit making was that the hardest one to do because that is a the most famous but be kind of a few days I think it was it's an intractable story because because at the end is just a big dog with paint on it yeah and in order not to do that he's almost impossible oh he's definitely tried a test but also a look at going through the book I remember when what was like I was reading at 10 I was thinking hey why does anybody do any of these he's trying to kill somebody so he gets a giant dog what yes also excite I actually don't know the stories that were the one that hasn't read them on so quite often I'd say to YouTube but why would that happen because it's Charlotte well let's have a look at a scene from the first episode of the second series which I think I mean we will love the first series but then this episode arrived I think it did kind of a mock everyone 6 is that phrase even just how incredibly exciting if Lee wasn't will see what I mean from this clip the dominatrix who brought the nation to its knees nicely played no sorry I said no very very close but now you got carried away the game was too elaborate you're enjoying yourself too much no such thing was too much though enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine craving the distraction of the game I sympathise entirely but sentiment sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side sentiment what are you talking about you know do you God look at the poor man you don't actually think I was interested in you why because you're the great Sherlock Holmes the clever detective in the funny hat [Music] because I took your pals [Music] I've hated your pupils dilated [Music] imagine John Watson thinks love is a mystery to me but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive when we first met you taught me the disguise is always a self-portrait how to review the combination to your safe your measurements but this is far more intimate this is your heart and you should never let it rule your head you're chosen any random number and walked out of here today with everything you've worked for you just couldn't resist it could you I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage thank you for the final proof everything I said stop real I was just playing the game [Music] and this is just losing [Music] they are mother of the contents make up for any inconvenience I may of course you tonight I'm certain they will if any kind lock her up otherwise let her go I doubt she'll survive long without her protection are you expecting me to beg yes please [Music] you're right I won't even last six months sorry about dinner oh he likes her really you can tell yeah they lightened it up first of all Lara Pulver again the casting incredible how many people did you have to look that look at first or did Lara kind of a rank he said no you doing good yes she's entertaining it was a funny one I mean that we saw a lot of people and they were all brilliant because we've got caterers James is a brilliant casting director but the key to this one was what you said it was that Lara was fun because Irene Adler as we portrayed was quite quite awful if you look at what she actually doesn't that she's terrible singer but you have to be charmed by her and she brought such a sense of fun to it the ability to cry like that she also made everyone sit up because she sent a tape from LA and you didn't have any clothes while servi from there upwards now that we hadn't seen anyone before she sent a naked audition her wasn't really naked I'm sure she was wearing a towel or something and there's so many things loss of an episode or interested there was if he looked I'm homosexual it allowed exactly usually because there was a lot of debate of so many things to were debates about episode I mean it's interesting how poor the power the one 90-minute TV Vera could have four people were talking about you know should Irene Adler have been in love with him you know people one got annoyed and they and people are so invested in this Expo yeah did how did you kind of react that were you kind of surprised by that level of people are angry thrilled excited overwhelmed Lola well that is last erm ah i'ma show this making a mark isn't it that's that's a good thing well we sort of knew that Irene Adler was the dangerous one because every was very very people get sort of cross about whether or not Sherlock Holmes is in lovely you can't really tell from that whether he is or not he's certainly fascinated by her and she's certainly fascinated by him there is a long-standing tradition in the movies of Sherlock Holmes falling in love with a sort of falling in whatever codes for love for him with the fan fatale it's beautifully done in the private life Sherlock Holmes which is a favorite movie yes must all go and see immediately if you love surely you will love that and he has we sort of knew the giving Sherlock a girlfriend sort of kind of we would get a number of people really really cross yeah we got that yeah yeah you've got two shows now which have become you know Doctor Who and Sherlock kind of like people are obsessed with these things you know there's a level of obsession isn't there so you'll now I have noticed yeah that must be incredible that you've got two things that everyone is completely get cross with you yeah that's really cross with you about yeah I guess yeah I guess but equally filled at the same time did you think this one would be alike job so you've been worked on doctor already did you and did you all think it would turn from being you said when you first when you thought when it first started without that much fanfare as I said it was brought forward in the schedule wasn't in Jupiter summer it could have been a nice thing would be become a phenomenon yeah we thought it would be good yeah I knew that what we were looking at was superb but we thought it would be like an audience of four million and an obscure audience my polish skill award my polish festival or something like that we thought it'd be that level we didn't it mainly and it happens so completely suddenly we've barely finished the show and it's this enormous hit and there seemed to be no intervening moment of escalation it just we actually went the sort of sense of ownership 50 years of Doctor Who we actually had up to 90 minutes you just went one but in the same sort of way I think you can't you can't make it for anyone other than yourself you can't you know just because people get cross with the notion that Sherlock might fall in a species of love doesn't mean you have do it it's and what you're talking about is that the wonderful thing is that people are engaging with the show in so many ways that they're creating their own versions there are fictions you're extrapolating wildly about what might happen yesterday I guess they're yes they create fictions within which characters do stuff with each other don't yeah yeah we went out so quickly that we didn't really have time to get nervous about right right yeah yes it went from being a show no one have heard of to to a show that was incredibly famous overnight and then because it was an immediate committed fanbase it almost immediately became not as good as it used to be right about the conditions within the first ambition yeah I think by the time they get into the taxi of saying well it's gone off since yeah Delory days yeah what I really like yeah I don't think this is canonical this bit no no I mean so that did happen that was and that sort of transferred of ownership to the audio exhausting awfully new model for television make people wait 18 months come back for three weeks and then go that's a great model asthma yeah yeah and it was a kind of you know not involved in them in their creative process but as a performer in the show what you did you think is good turn is that kinda thing were you surprised that it turned into the live I told me you never predict I don't you go it's what's happening we couldn't just couldn't predict it I did I do think that I did have a sense reading the scripts at first thought it was very special I did think that it was going to be popular but no absolutely no yet no confidence no I you could bottle it with me yes do you again yes do you have it can you explain what do you have a thing of why it's it's it's kind of hit home in such a powerful way I think you know this this is no sound like something from a gritty scar but something mark and I were talking about this is sounds awful and sentimental but it's love well we love Sherlock Holmes so much we're so obsessed with this it's made by fans yes this is this is fan fiction this is it is it is an exercise in or yeah we love it we wouldn't have minded that nobody watched it if we've been a load to be carried on making them for each other yeah that's really what it is about laughs I got an email Steve right from the beginning we just went I've just realized that 221 B is ours yes I kind of like to print it it was it was a moment of like sheer yeah the whole reason we've got two-to-one beyond that door which makes no sense at all you just wouldn't you wouldn't address no I don't know that ever is so that mark and I could stand next to everyone and ultimately have it yes yeah and then the joy of being able to watch a walk from two to one be to the next yearly on into the TARDIS remember mark grabbing my arm and saying it's a map of our brains yeah it's a Venn diagram it's really narrowly as james bond dismantle and if you start we must leave something alone sure exactly or you can say sandy I'm just going to say from from from the actors point of view I think um everybody in the in the cast I think really enjoys it's a sign of being well cast I think slightly unusually cast I think an imaginative you ask people I think there's a great mistake about them casting I think is up just because you don't look like a character that you you you aren't suitable to play a character which i think is almost always wrong that there's that it's the essence of somebody and I think as well as the the writing in the production of the show I think they're the wonderful chemistry between Benedict and Martin right and it's so special because neither wants to be playing the other person's part but can sometimes happen you know I think Martin has been so wonderful in the in the in the show because he really really loves playing the part and and and the same with Benedict and I think for all the supporting characters as well yeah I think what makes a show really grating is what makes a show and really great is that the the detail the the smaller character yes oh I mean Luke really I was gonna mention you lose three monsters by one or two lines you know yeah episode and kind of she's wonderful yeah she got that we're never intended to introduce the character spec is irregular who was not from the original right having just had living for that for those lines in a study and think she was so good we couldn't good enough another thing we should mention by the way just I was watching that clip from a scandal is the music yes because that music that's ravishing actually Michael price is sitting right there I think yet Michael present in Arnold working about bit you know that and usually you don't normally hear music around I'm thinkin it's one of the best theme tunes of yesteryears fantastic thing yeah we could have to look at yourself though Andric so we are going to show so your introduction and gonna show so the end of series 1 and the be new suits to others and I do believe that you didn't know how you're going to stitch together the one in the other but we'll look at them for ya yeah it is a weakness with me but to be fair to myself it is my only weakness you can't be allowed to continue you just can't I won't try to convince you everything I have to say is already close to [Music] probably my answers across Europe [Applause] droid if I gotta go please you've got the rest of your life hello yes of course it is what do you want say that again and know that if you're lying to me I will find you and I will skin you wait so wrong day to die did you get it better often he'll be hearing from me Sherlock so if you have what you say you have I will make you rich if you don't I'll make you into shoes now when I first saw that the solve the second series I thought well they must have all written that will in one go filmed it in one go but now you have to remember we didn't know we were coming back right we were just being cheeky with the glyph I'm so and we never come back they'd still be in that pool sitting it's a very very strange thing to go back and try very weird absolutely in eighteen months later it was so odd it's quite quite tightly isn't it on the pretenders different haircut oh okay and what point did you come up with the with the Bee Gees we didn't we relieved me I I never thought it was going to be quite as big a deal did way I'm in the because I always thought well it's a standoff they presumably just both backed away but as the people got more and more frenetic about it even as we have to do something quite good no we can't cut to six months later saying well whew that worked out broadly speaking our plan so we it was actually soon I think I said some bleep minis phone should ring and then says it all other I had a funny story about a funeral were just as the coffin was going off someone's falling off and it was staying alive and I thought oh that's it so we we do keep doing this though we're doing it again most obviously we'll have to go back to yeah recreate some elements of the end of the series - you know what about the ending of sewers - which has got the entire world guessing how what happened did you do did you know then how you gonna solve that yes in sewers was going we didn't know yet because we had to read set up it doesn't mean we won't change it all the bizarre system of Japanese wrestling excellent Angie did you know do you know how it resolves itself he's read by them - Oh have you signed off it seriously by the way no oh anyway have you have you have you probed them about you know do you know what happens you know do ya you're gonna give anything else why about no well he looked alive clever have you looked all the fear I mean there's so many theories people were tweeting writing blogs articles I was talking about this we went to a festival in Denmark last week and someone was asking the same thing about and the it really interests me that some of them are incredibly buys on time which is amazing and funny and lovely that people can be so elaborate about it but you have to understand that it's the program is watched at least at most once by most people probably half half of it you can't possibly build a solution on something which can only be glimpsed if you blow up the image 65 times and they discover a continuity I know how it works and a lot of people said you know obviously Andrew can't be dead because we don't see the back of his head come off well that's because it was at half past nine but that's not going to have yeah so I mean it's it's it's amazing it's amazing how the man on YouTube about five minutes PowerPoint presentation yes I saw its labia University though yeah have you made a rod for your robot by creating such a brilliant character Moriarty and Andrews costing actually doing such a great job and now we would really miss him he didn't come back must go because he's not going to be in it Moriarty is dead yes now this is the situation where Stevens we change your mind yeah weighs less than your soul I so Steven always lies about things I don't have to take a lot of the time yeah I could reliable is there and you prom the auto group decided you can lie about say that kind of thing and then we'll all be it's fiction yeah well thanks fiction well Benedict yes it's a rubbish to do nothing Freeman crap doctor whole thing yeah you ask you know stops to clear up something up well after that I don't we're excited yeah okay well are you I dunno before I throw them to the audience for questions and there's two things I want to ask one is have you seen the controversial American version the new item Elementary which is they're updating if Sherlock and what if so what do you think no no ha and we've said all we can ever say about it let's move on from it okay and more importantly you can tell us something about Series three can't it mean what can you tell us about seriously Sherlock Holmes and dr. Watson will return yes but we can give you well last year we gave out three words hmm which I got wrong when I tweeted today in fact it was the three words we give out were Adler hound and raking back so we have three new words which may be misleading which are not titles are only teases or possibly clues but might be deliberately designed to get you into a lather who knows shall we do or three words gin and that rat wedding bow-bow bow-bow E or W rat this is like crosswind that's all you're getting about you okay well something yeah rat wedding and bow yeah that's lip nap by now there will be the whole Twitter would have exploded yeah with those three words yeah I'm imagining I'm sure local it was a brilliant website which is devoted to your show will ya blown up probably that's right and yeah for the scutes are all on their phones man yeah yeah frantically tweeting what when are you actually filming it and when will it be on the screens can you at least tell us that ah do you start filming in January okay uh I don't know I think we'll deliver sometime around August but I can't say it wrong yeah fine and you're rehearsing it Andrew I can't pick up Quinn used to live there in the making yeah okay let's try open Bertil who wants the last ten minutes and we've got mics and yeah feel free to ask anything you like we turn the like the record of thing you're asking questions this festival has been shocking yeah in assuring my wife that this will not be the case with you salsa the gentleman there in the middle of kind of four rows in the back hi my name is Conan pardon Network and I've got two things to ask you the first is I have not watched Sherlock so I'm a new viewer sucks the last thing I watched your show up was the 2009 all for Robert Downey jr. film which I thought was awful so I want to ask you how can you get me excited for when I watch you show up the first time - TV on this DVD and secondly nice you waited for it it's ten favorite yes go good and the second thing I want to ask is that when would be a good time for you five lovely people to sign my show locks there is one DVD I don't think you agents are acquainted with the content here you excited by watching those clips come on well when I do I do want to boast I don't post it um every time I watch that I just want to carry on it's honest is it good it's you will like it I promise you'll like it then where have you be yeah what were you doing networking is young got it young you know what people are young anyone who have seen the folk it's some fixes has anyone seen it yeah lady the front well hold on girl Mike mmm that's one on the way here we go I want you to ask how the idea of continuing the storyline through Twitter through the characters Twitter accounts came along and how much are you involved in that part as Joel which there is also a big part of that so well on Twitter I think the main one that we did do is the wit pattern didn't we which we put out on the night of transmission all the website and Joe list said he we work with him all the time he does all that there's nothing else on Twitter the whip town was the only one yeah the show is actually Irene Adler's Twitter account but anything else is not us hmm there's a few other wit pans of the aren't ours man there was anything and there's a few Charlotte's and John's and things but that's not the ones I've seen but there's other online presence yeah yeah we've got what the online stuff there's a website and there's the John's blog it's John cloth yeah deduction and who does like we do all those I'm Joe writes a lot of them that we film little bits and you did voiceover yeah yeah and I think they go to some countries take it as well we've given the website when they take sure BBC Worldwide don't run that Jason stone from the drum by yielding to the temptation to go for the most famous stories first do you worry that you're racing through this source material little too quickly that you that the show won't go on for as many years as it might if you haven't know this there's 56 short stories how do you fix that then in 56 short stories and four novels and right from the beginning our approach is the same as the buzzer Rathbone Nigel Bruce films sort of cherry-pick bits and pieces so although some of them have the framework of the story there's always an awful lot of new stuff so that you know we're not just because we're doing them quite quickly in that way doesn't mean there isn't an enormous amount of stuff and we also made a decision that everything is canonical so the Billy Wilder version all the Rathbones everything can be drawn upon as a sort of Sherlock Holmes source the other thing is what we've done at the beginning is go for the famous ones because we're still attracting attention in a way there's a whole bunch of things in which the things that we like best in Sherlock Holmes that that are not famous that are equally good so and I thought I'd agree with it I mean it's reassuring to hear that because that means you're not going to skip those which was the reason I was asking so you can you feel that we not license to go back and do that yeah something like that the bit where he's flogging the corpse in the morgue it's one of the it's one of the most amazing pieces of of it is the thing that first introduces you to the idea of Sherlock Holmes and it's hardly ever it's ever been done and so there's loads of stuff like that it's still to be mined and other villains and what is so exciting actually is when you ever sit with these two at dinner or something and they talk about the ideas and it's just you never stop you go oh there's that bit and that's tight I mean it's just so exciting I think I think I think the whole audience will find that very reassuring thank you lean mother [Music] hello my question is for Mark II both bright and star in showed up I was wondering which one you prefer whether you prefer to formal to write it no oh I like it's a it's a privilege really to do the book the both and it's just something I've always loved to go between the two really it's a it's handy sometimes when I can just change a line very quickly and not have to ring anybody up no I mean it's the same as the rest of my stuff really I just I like doing what I'm doing the time and to be able to to move between the two is great thank you we also sorta forget sorry sorry I say we're always on set when were filming every day I'm always there marks there miss on anything mate where's mark off and you turn up to the right rock that were God you're in it how's it going my hair dyed just to keep the gray at bay for a few more hahaha did you want to be my crow from the start when you flow know it kind of mystique Thompson side lasting yeah I was auditioning to play Peter Mandelson in the in the mo Mowlam fear Julie Walters did and we talked from the beginning that Mycroft like Christopher Lee in in the Billy Wilder film would be a much more Machiavellian character like Mandelson he really that's his modern equivalent and and Steve Thompson who wrote blind banker and Reichenbach he suggested it and then I Richard the third refusing the crown I said no I couldn't ask me again I could but we didn't credit you for the first episode no no because that's because him yeah that's because of course all the stuff goes out well in advance yeah and it would have just got got out yet we had this idea we could pull it off that but by splited Lee saying I am his archenemy which it's what happened here people might think I was Moriarty and it worked so for that guy over there who's ruined the whole series for himself he's got Sherlock he's got Mycroft Mario I think IMDB and spotlight as a permanent problem now reduces because people go and get the part their agents get all their planes I take it off yeah yeah lady there Kate how would BBC drama production I just wanna ask you a bit about the international resource center to it because it's it's fantastic in a time when we're all talking about setting shows abroad that one of the greatest of exports has been Sherlock which is one of the most rooted in Britain you could possibly imagine so I just wanted here not just America so I go we can kind of guess that but from the rest of the world what the feedbacks been how the show's gone down and how that's been and are you condemned to a life of going to a Sherlock Comic Cons all over the world your careers at a worse thing yeah well it's guy mean it's worth saying is it that Sherlock Holmes is is the most filmed character in all fiction so his international isn't dr. Watson's international profile he's already incredible the Russia and the Far East have always been obsessed with particularly those territories so it's you know you've got an inbuilt factor there which is great and then and then our show is just really just taken people's imagination which is fantastic I think I think where there's a bit of a problem now is that is the time between where we transmit in the UK and where people transmit in different countries we went to New York and I think we did a screening there ten people hadn't seen it you know everyone else had seen it I think we went to something in France and everyone was repeating it yeah behind us in English in French in French and I think so America went up about five months later which I think has to you have to try and close that gap because people are just getting over the copy of somewhere here yes but you have to answer your main question we do just want to run different countries as far we were invited no so we write this in my strange that's all I get oh the lady of the Father lovely I think sorry it's funny because my lady just basically asked my question of the one that I want to do is cute of that I'm Italian so sorry for my English and I'm here because it has been a huge success in Italy - and lots of Italian fans watching the original language or you know by their region DVDs and so on but it's through the very British product so what I wanted to ask you is did you have any idea these were comfortable you said before it's been a surprise yes but I mean one thing is well sucess in UK another one to be worldwide we're known you'd be insane if you weren't surprised by this of course we couldn't we didn't had no idea that would be an international success on the scale no none we couldn't have we could have done three perfectly good 90-minute movies and disappeared so it's it's a shock to us I suppose looking back on it in retrospect you can say well there I say we did a good job on the most popular character in fiction therefore there's a real chance and it's possibly the most recognizable brand there's ever been it Sherlock Holmes but no you couldn't have known I think also because we had the pilot the pilot actually helped to sell because you could say this is what it's going to be like and of course be the love two of you all in a convention in sunny warm and sunny convention easily so whenever you I agreed that it's another one result that Rome said it so yeah yes let's go to the back yeah I saw a change of subject to know that Martin Steven Wright Doctor Who and I was wondering it for the article which it began I'm not telling you Richard I was wondering in for the 50th anniversary of survivors but you that you would consider doing a multi not know a piece of you've asked too many times all right in fact there's gonna be no doctor in that door I'm sure question right Richard you're not hosting this panel just shut up um thanks for it there's a Q&A tomorrow but yeah - I don't that's a genuine question don't come not allowed there you are thank you hi I'm Rob on the network by have seen the show so another that don't worry with such on gaps between the seasons are you worried that by the third season you keep it up to date with to worry about technology and things like that that even that might become dated by the time you carry on trying to keep it but like things like Instagram have now taken off and you're not going to know India's time what the world's gonna look like in a way is that something you think about it's I think it's like I mean we've always said when people were slightly worried about the idea of Sherlock having her using a phone and the internet stuff I thought it was is because the original character is absolutely at the cutting edge of his own technology he's a modern man he doesn't he does not use a telephone because it's because he doesn't like it as soon as the Rotella there is a telephone there's one in Baker Street his version of of sending cables and telegrams is texting I don't think we can worry about that I suppose you just have to make sure you don't enshrine something which then in five years time looks bizarre adult fashion but I don't I think we're going to have these kind of phones for a long time yeah I don't think that's a problem and what pops one more from the gentleman there has had his hand up for a while hi and it's a question for Stephen mainly and there's a lot of blogs online about Doctor Who and particularly I like adventures with the wife and space who send them out and but is there anything like that around for Sherlock and does it annoy you when fans particularly criticize the showing work done I am annoyed by any form of criticism I disapprove of it I know people say that they're entitled to their opinion why it's I don't know I'm I think there's a lot other law stuff out there believer or no I try not to look I know the wife in space blog time but with Doctor Who and that's lovely but that's about the old series so I can read that safely without being there anyone trying to burn me in effigy or anything but so I try and avoid a lot of the online stuff I think you did tell you what I mean it's it's it's nothing you just got to think it's uh if you didn't know it was there you would just carry on and it's really the equivalent of listening at doors if don't listen the doors gonna hear something bad about yourself yeah stay inside get some fantastic things out pictures and bits around the world is all it's all negative it's just best thing you've been done hundred I got sent the other week thing called Moriarty which has a teep homemade and a tea bag and it says that's what people drink but it was beautifully done I'm constantly amazed that the really creative things that people people do but like I think that's really true I think you can you've got it you've got it and you know listen to what people have to say but go and do to what you're gonna do anyway ignore it you are eavesdropping if you go in on you are when you're angry you are going to hear them say terrible terrible things about you okay it's but I think it's like reviews you have to believe bad reviews if you believe good ones and still just someone's opinion and if you if you go on something and go there go oh god this is amazing this is amazing you almost mentally search out the net the one that's going to slag it off like a strange self-destructive megamix know you all only remember the batter who don't know yeah I've scanned down the page see anything negative not quite as good as last people me I think that is all we've got time for sorry but I just like to say thank you to the pan and also just I mean it's gonna sound corny but think it is an incredibly thrilling thing for us viewers to watch I hope you're all aware that we kind of love in it's become incredibly cherished thing thank you for coming thank you all as well thank you [Applause]
Channel: Edinburgh Television Festival
Views: 78,714
Rating: 4.954802 out of 5
Keywords: Actor Sue Vertue, Producer, Hartswood Films Steven Moffat, Writer & Co-Creator, Sherlock Mark Gatiss, Sherlock Chair: Boyd Hilton, TV & Reviews Editor
Id: bd6t4TjkXUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2012
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