FULL REPLAY | FWT18 Xtreme Verbier Switzerland | Freeride World Tour 2018

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for this mountain you've been competing here for 16 years what are they feeling right now well I think all the riders have been standing at the top yesterday waiting being ready the whole day kind of having that tension and then they got to go to the top two to see the view from up there and kind of feel a bit the tension and stuff and I'm sure that it's been such a long day yesterday that today they're so eager to get into it the conditions are perfect so I think they are like you know dogs that have been in a cage and that we're about to release you said yesterday the conditions have settled down today as well so Steve Classen has just four run the face and he said it's the best conditions he's ever seen the back end so it's shaping up to be an absolute classic here today if you're not sure exactly where we are let's take a look on our satellite locator we can zoom in from outer space Switzerland slap bang in the middle of Western Europe and we're coming down to the southwestern corner just over the hill from the Rhone Valley you'll find this beautiful south-facing Bowl Verbier sits on a Ledge and then out in the southeast corner towering over the whole resort is this beautiful mountain the BEC de Ross coming up over the next two hours we're going to kick off with the men's snowboarding final then that we're gonna have the men's skiing final zav and i are going to be talking you through all of it you can join in the coversation using the hashtag Red Bull TV or hashtag drop in for the freeride world tour now the tour has taken a while to get to this point for events to be precise this is how the seasons played out kicking balls hosted the first two rounds of the tour as the planned stop in Hakuba Japan couldn't deliver clear skies for long enough to hold a professional freeride contest local rider Logan payout to won the Canada event stomping a huge cliff in the snowboard Davey baird claimed his first freeride world tour victory over Malikov took top spot in the rescheduled Japan event with a high-risk high-reward Rum Jonathan Penfield made the most of fresh tracks with a playful line to win the snowboard next up the famous bow more our Calais in Andorra where the Swedish skier Christopher tur Dell convinced with a bold line choice and a combination of very well measured drops and jumps a well-deserved first place for him in the snowboard category the American Samuel Italy marked his return to full strength post injury with a win showcasing excellent control and style throughout his line [Music] the penultimate stop of the tour in Austria's fever broom was action-packed and offered perfect conditions for the riders henchmen Mikkel Bimbo's killed his whiskey line with incredible speed so the judges elevated him to the top spot Diggy Roth took his maiden win on the tour in the last round before Verbier with his trademark style and he now has the chance to take the overall win in the men's snowboard category well as you've just seen no shortage of drama on the freeride world tour as is usual so have you been watching it or what have you made of it well I think that the special thing this year is that normally you would have all the skills being so strong that it would be really hard to to differentiate them before the very extreme so that would be the battle for the title here but this year Christopher turtle has been crushing it he's been sending big lines all season long and he's got the title already so he's just on the back seat up there with a bit of an injured knee and he's not with us so yeah there's seven guys that can still take the second and third place and they're all really strong it's impossible to be honest to say to claim who's gonna win the fact that tear downs not writing almost elevates the title here on the other side that we're going to kick off with the men's snowboarding it's the opposite of the skiing isn't it yeah the opposite because it's four guys and whoever wins today will win the title so yeah the race is on okay let's take a look at some of the contenders in the men's snowboarding Specter Ross is definitely the ultimate place to decide the the world champion you know all of the world champions they should have to conquer the back I think it's it's quite amazing awesome face separates the boys from them it's like the quintessential like face and freeriding is so much history on it the top three riders give you first time to myself we if any one of us wins it we win the title yeah it's definitely a little intense Sammy has done awfully good here in vector US and I think he is a contender and I wonder what his line choice is gonna be and for your riding you want to write your own line and find fresh tracks and that's part of where I see myself like I wanna write where nobody else really but I'm definitely not gonna go to the speech so Sammy might be able to do that because he knows the mountain best I'm kind of sitting back behind in points right now how to injury early season kind of kept me off the first two contests so yeah I kind of just gonna go for the winning line here just not hold back you know its back it's the last contest of the year people are definitely gonna be going all-out you might even see some new lines go down on the back door else the face looks a lot different this year so just gonna try to be fast and fluid with a couple of big airs maybe a spin or backe but it all kind of depends on how I feel at the top Thank You Ross I think I really wanted to do it the beginning now seeing it and getting my home studies done I feel like I became more familiar with it and I think I can you know blend out the section it's just a long run that's what I'm afraid of with all the riders being so close in points I think it's gonna hopefully produce a good show you know the riders no shortage of talent in the men's snowboard field but one man that we didn't mention there is the current tall standings leader Thomas fished on but he's got there without actually winning an event he's done it with consistency hasn't he yeah Thomas has been really playful the whole season doing a lot of tricks here everywhere so showing a lot of playfulness from the tour but now we're going on a face that is much bigger than the rest of the faces from the season with a lot steeper a lot more rock so it's gonna be a very different style so I don't know what he's gonna be able to do I don't know if the consistency and like that playfulness is gonna pay because you need to speed here and we've got two riders who've never ridden this face before in Elias l heart the guy who came in as the wild-card in favor Byrne and Kiki ruff yeah it's quite a highlight from this season like Giggy roof being on the tour he's so famous for his video part and Elias is as well Elias just showing up here on the big leg there us so I think that must be really tough for them because there's they've got a lot of expectations and even though they've got a ton of experience there their experience for Alaska for soft snow for this kind of terrain and not really for you know riding rocks because that's what it's all about here okay you talked about this face we're gonna take a closer look at it now we've got a brilliant graphic that shows us first of all the basic dimensions of the face you can see just shy of 3,300 meters at the peak 2600 where's Eve and I are as the 600 meters vertical biggest vertical drop we see it is a pure north aspect so the snow stays in perfect condition but it's the gradient set that averaged 40 degrees is is so steep yeah it's really steep and it's gradually like less and less steep from the top so when you're at the top basically the first triangle that we see in black is really that section where you're not allowed to to fall basically it's all the accesses into the lines and then gradually it all gets less and less steep so you can open the throttle and jump bigger and bigger jumps I want to that in perspective though where you saw that green bit there is the same steepness as the steepest black run your ride anywhere in Europe but this is the angle you want to look at this one gives you an incredible perspective of what the riders see from the pink yeah I love that angle because it describes completely you know the feeling you have when you're standing at the top you just pretty much see the bottom and then a few white bumps everywhere and you can I have to know which one is your jump and find your way through there well it is an absolute maze the one thing that we've got to talk about though that's exceptional the mountain doesn't change in the essence of the rocks but the snow does and this year has been an incredible season yeah like this year there's been really consistent snow all the time the back was looking amazing like I've never seen it before two weeks ago and then he got ripped by a big Northwest storm northeast song so there was although the rocks that came out and then oh like little by little there's been little layers of snow that came in and then two nights ago there's been these 20 centimeters of really light fresh snow so it's really promising I think okay it's starting to get very very close to go time so I'm gonna put you on the spot now rather than ask you exactly who you want to see win what do you want to see from the winner well I think I would like to see some big turns and some speed and of course a few tricks but I think I want to see the basic you know this is a big one tayden face and I want to see some real hardcore big mountain riding and I think Sami has got that well he definitely showcased that last year didn't he he absolutely tore this face to pieces yeah and I think that's you know what in my mind he's above everyone else on that terrain he's got the experience he's shown that he's a real big mountain rider and yeah he's got the speed the tricks the commitment the confidence he's got it all I think okay we are just seconds away from getting the first snowboarders it down at the back de Ross are we gonna take a short break but when we come back you'll be with our commentators Adam Kendal and Martin McFly Winkler join us for the running of the 2018 at verb' extreme hello good morning and welcome back to Verbier and more importantly the vector Ross the venue for 2018 I'm Adam Kendal and joining me in the commentary booth is the and joining me in the contribute is the Oracle the management on every stop so far of the tour is mr. Martin McFly Winkler how are you sir I'm very good and it's so good to see the back in these conditions I'm gonna have a show on it today I think we're ready to go look the men in the Stargate there is the current ranking Thomas first Dean in first place with eight thousand three hundred and sixty points giegi Ruth 7735 and Davie Baird seven thousand four hundred and forty five the top three could all win the free ride overall world title if they win today Sammy Lukey could also be world champion if he's first place but it would mean Giggy ruff and Thomas Burstein not being second place I hope that makes sense let's have a look at the start list Elias Alta from Germany starting us off followed by three of our favorites Davi birds Sammy Luebke and Giggy Russ hot on his heels and then we have Thomas forest on in sixth starting position and he will decide the title today okay Elias from Germany in the start gate more of a video park rider oh yeah he has been showing his skills on there a lot of video parts especially the Pirates lately with Giggy roof a good friend of his and it is his second third world tour competition after his very well executed fee balloon event a couple of just two weeks ago look at that little hook a little hug for him on the start gate I was hanging out with him yes sir I mean let's talk about the weight yesterday was horrific oh yeah and these guys the weather came in and they were just hanging there is actually no time to talk about the way yesterday he is already on course yes l heart on course 30 years old very experienced backcountry freestyle rider never ridden the vector Ross before okay what area if you go - so either heading on the back side of it and coming in - a very obvious cliff that we've seen some frequent like over the last years we call it the rainy cliff up he's going for it yes he's opening it up a little bit to the side you can see the the tracks from the ski cutting it's not easy to navigate there and then to find a good landing spot we have to actually send it then he comes over the shoulder into the dogleg Kulu are very famous section on the back give us the snow looks pretty stable there we were expecting a bit of Slough worm even looks a little bit like it's holding a little firmer than we thought he's got a good bit of flow down here he's picking up speed now another nice think he missed and as you said yeah it's a first indication of what the snow is gonna be like for the all the riders today and it's less fluffy as yesterday we've been backside 360 years that was beautifully gone Elias he's da be stoked with that as the first man down getting to a bit more of a technical area and will it be a double lovely little always view control and that is how you stop and a little bit of a nose butter at the bottom guys how you do the first run you see he is happy happy with the snow and happy with his run that was a textbook premiere on the back give us four Ilias a heart we gotta be over the moon with that yesterday he looked he had a very big nervous smile on his face during the morning and he looks like a man who's relieved and pretty stoked with that oh yeah and he is allowed to be a the rain ecliptic on the side who nearly got caught up on those traversed tracks from the ski cutting and then here he opens it up in the cooler in the dogleg cooler we fortunately don't see the 360 on top but here the finishing move down at the bottom every perfect light it was all about the 360 really wasn't it I mean that you can see the track from here's a he went pretty big on the landed perfectly don't think he got a grabbing there so the judges might be looking at that okay my and explained the graphic on screen now this is kind of a a pre-emptive what the judges might be thinking about that run isn't it you're right it's an indication that the head judge gives us what they have seen now they're putting it down the details in points and we will see the score soon of Ilyas l heart but these bars they give us a little bit of an indication on the judging criteria that we have well he's winning no surprise there they already a great score I must say ahead well-deserved with a 360 and a well-executed cliff at the bottom and the top with 87 points something 87 point that is good that is laying down the Gormley if ever I've seen it all right Davey bed what must he be thinking I mean he probably didn't really see what went down there also he's got to just kind of stick to his line that he's picked the Alaskan who's already got one win under his belt this season he knows a win here will make him world champion he said it himself in the BT earlier you kind of need to conquer the back to Ross a win here he's kind of a rite of passage and almost says you deserve to be world champion so I know he wants to win he's going to come out guns blazing and go full-bore he does he's very motivated that local Alaska Homer you would guess he was riding mountains like this and his childhood but it was not the case it was not as fortunate to have Helle in front of his door although the mountains were there Alaska is the place to be of course to go big mountain riding and the bhakti-rasa is the European equivalent to Alaska I would say and he's starting in the very very technical very steep section of the dogleg the very top part is close to 4 yeah 45 average and close to 50 and some points it's gonna sigh looking like he's calling cannot run a fine if he's right into something that's a gem of a line is this gonna be a case of picking his spot and then unleashing down the face and please guys don't be mistaken at home we only see a little fragment of the face underneath him is a lot of exposure that's why he cannot open up the throttle and he should not he's heading into the central cooler from the dogleg basically where he entered there is not where you want to be falling over is it no he to say on you feel you are tumbled over a lot of rocks okay Davey heading to his first decent sized drop caught the landing perfectly and another one little double making it a double we've not seen that one in years slight little waggle in the air he won't be happy with that but you know he put it down and he's still flying heading into a pot of very technical line I hope you get some kind of a trick in there then he would be such a complete but he's going for the full committed big mountain line and you know the drop at the bottom and he's happy with that that's such a lot of commitment you have to know that this middle section where he was yeah you could see on screen more or less cruising but that is a heartbeat of two hundred two crews there because knowing that you have an exposure or a no Falls own underneath you have sheer rocks as you can see here maybe I yeah point it out what's a sub matter of mine I mean the difference between those two lines Elias was a lot more free soloing ad at the back side three in there he had a few more cliffs in there Davi kind of peaked very well in through a technical box spot at the top and then just went guns blazing down a very steep bit of a face which is going to impress the judges more would you say it's gonna be a very tricky one and it's gonna indicate what they're looking for today I don't want to call it now this entry is so tricky and then the highlight definitely was taking the air on the skiers right side of the the riders right side off the Gymboree all cliff and making it a double right I personally haven't seen it yet I missed the first 15 or the second place point three three he knows he needed to win to be a guaranteed world champion today so really Aliya sellout cooked me the spoiler do they all everyone's fun who knows on the first run of the day alright well this man all eyes on him last year's overall freeride world champion Sammy Luebke last year's winner here at the very extreme as well he hasn't absolutely unbelievable run if you get tired go to the freeride world tour calm website and check out his run but I'll speak into him yesterday when he had his binoculars out checking out his line and he said he wants to step it up this year so let's see I believe he's gonna go down the central chute as well it is serve years favorite after day and is heading skiers riders left to the very very steep section of the venue and I'm gonna be yeah you see the drone hope you never see some beautiful images of that little flying device in the air here we have it so after those first javelins how true this would go that means you you have six hundred meters of close to vertical drafting he's really picking his way in this is why I'm spending so much time scoping this out yesterday he's heading into the central cooler are passing some of the security staff the guides ski dudes following a track from one of the forerunners well that's it we've checked it out here and also the photographer's had them made head there had to make their way over to the central cooler where the best images are taken and this is the crucial part of the venue he's little cooler is where boys become men here he goes so on the accelerator it's a little bit out control first little drop there and he's point in it hold it Sammy here we go yeah he's so fast he's just gonna keep his legs it's not so easy to ride as it seems going over the Kill Bill Vol big one perfectly stamped I'm excited this could be one of the winning rounds today for sure slightly smaller slower drop every because he knows he's going into that double exactly he'll speed all fraulein from entering the verse central cooler I can show me he was literally holding on down wasn't he what I mean the steepness of the sock I'm saying he had to pick his way through a lot of rocks just to get there and when he probably got they thought it's probably steeper than I actually thought but he held on oh he held on look at that that is the crucial part here he had to be straight not to get caught on the rocks and then lucky he had some time to recover but it took some time here the big drop the crucial part is the GOL cliff executed perfectly and he stayed in the strip fräulein it was actually it was a I would say it's a v8 delivery and he will correct me maybe if I'm wrong but he will love that he's gonna be happy with that please God have you happy definitely and 93.3 three that is absolutely unbelievable well you probably wonder what the feeling is when you get to the bottom that run luckily we've got our man at the bottom of the Beck Ed Lee who is talking with Sammy Lukey yeah figure to try a new line out this year somewhere different it snows little bumpy in the center got going a little fast but that's what I wanted to wear that so stoked to make down one piece controlled to speed out of the forklift beautifully he has a little flatter than I thought it was gonna be somehow put it down and on my feet so I'm still nervous right now though first place congratulations thank you well Sam you look like a very relieved and happy man there I mean just to get down that thing you got to be happy but to do it in that kind of style with that pace is unbelievable so yeah first place for him Elias still in 2nd Davies pushed down to 3rd place which means at the moment Sammy he's not only on for the win today but the winner could win the whole tour yeah but it's deciding about the next 2-3 riders it is Giggy loose next up and then two more riders to go until Thomas Firestein and that will be the deciding Rider if Sammy can take not only with the wind today but also the overall title ok geeky rough the Austrian if you know anything about snowboarding or abolish snowboarding for the past 20 years you all know that this man is an absolute legend especially with freestyle and backs back country freestyle really so he's gonna have to pull something out massive to take down Sammy and as we know him we know he is capable of doing so got a little stuck on that one under Traverse there was no Traverse he was doing the first track in there I hope the judges will consider that a little bit of hesitation but he is going for a 360 that was massive he's slight well yet you did River on the landing which was a massive shame but that was so big you stay on these feet so it's gonna be so interesting to see other judges see that that was huge and he's going into a new zone we haven't seen that a lot hooked up on that one it's a very wind effect that as we can see his board is not digging deep into the snow it was wavy for yesterday the wind must have had an effect on this one on this part of the face as you can see is a little bit in trouble here but keeping it together I mean he was afraid of exactly that what happened a lot of wind pushing the spray up in his face and he's in the white room for quite some seconds which obviously puts you off that is so unlucky if you'd have put that front three down that would have been you know one of the great things you've ever seen on the back in my opinion and then I think once he once he rever it and a river is basically when you spin around and you turn switch and you lose your flow I think that really knocked him off but yet this will be a beautiful double that we've seen from cervidil early in the past and sticking it beautifully what an end of the round for Giggy but unfortunately the very middle part he got hooked up on a rock and he's not gonna be super happy with that sure good work Iggy unlucky my friend well let's have a look at this end are we gonna see the front side three there it goes look at the indie little tweak of the front leg and there's the Reaver I don't even know how he stayed on his feet at all to be honest I thought you might have caught a toe edge there the speed he was going and then this is very slightly got caught on a few little snaggly rocks which cost him his flow and I think by then he knew it was a fun run after that yeah there that you can see the prediction from the judges the control is he has to go straight to the Audi a viewing area well well don't be rough that front side three was sick anyway that'll make an amazing steel frame if anyone if anyone can pull that one out so Sammy still in the lead Sammy still nice and he has the chance there's one more rider who can push him off the current there was lead yeah also current third world champion title he would actually take it three times in a row you have to know he is double third world champion of the last two years Sammy Lipke yeah as we said earlier Sammy can only become freeride world tour champion if geeky was not second place which as it looks now he's clearly not he's in fourth or Thomas first line is not in second place so Thomas has really got or either put down a solid run and try and slot his way into second place for the overall or go guns blazing and go for the wind today so a lot of pressure for him next up Jonathan Penfield took the win in kicking horse earlier this year a very solid rider he's like he's like a scientist isn't he Jonathan he's a he's a Whizzer he's a biochemist you're right and that's not the most obvious job as it prepared besides being a professional free rider Jonathan pent field on the back give us on course he knows he's way around some enzymes put it that way right dropping ski is right the Truckee local now resident of Squamish Canada going into the NAR of the top of the dogleg super expose and steeped section after the back that asks he's definitely keeping his flow I mean he's he's come out with a lot of speed and he's keeping it a little drop at the top now traversing on the heels skiers left second little drop again you have to know this is the section it's a nose I too know Falls own just now you could see all the peppers and the rocks underneath him in this beautiful angle of the Cineflex camera slightly sketched out his heels on one of those drops so that may cost him but decent-size cliff coming to there cheeky mute grab was that note bounced out of the landing unfortunately couldn't keep his legs underneath him and hold the run out so the game don't think this is gonna challenge well definitely not gonna challenge the top spot now he has some bubbles and they're going for a big line definitely where the truth about him nice little backside three mute grab thrown in there for good measure though but a huge respect for Jonathan going forward that line you could see that he has already some experience on the back I think it's his third time third or fourth time on the back doors and I'm so happy to see them charge and step it up each year that this line is a man's line he kind of look like a man who he dropped into the back then like a man who done it before he thought he looked yet relatively confident and then he slightly sketched out on one of his landings and that kind of cost him and I think you grab the fairly 0v old clip named after a famous free rider and one of the pioneers here but the back there was Jill Bobby all unfortunately not with us anymore but in his memory this cliff is named Jonathan Penfield's five fifth place sixty five point six seven so again not challenging the podium Sammy he's still at the top with the main man coming up next at the current leader of freeride world tour Thomas first I'm the only man who can potentially stop Sammy Lukey becoming world champion so it's all on this run at the moment and have a look at the current standings it's a ninety three point three three for the lead Sammy Lipke to beat and it is Thomas 49 in Starrcade the local phone quality monta phone a very playful rider was happy to see him come on tour last year his rookie year and now he is gunning for the title but it is a difficult one because Sammy lippy has a Humungousaur well he's got a massive job to do I mean the guy said it earlier in the pre-show he hasn't actually won an event this year he's just got very consistent second and third and podium spots but he really needs to win today to secure this win Oh from so relating to cab 180 you're right that proves his playful riding but as we said before he needs to step it up a little bit more or savvy pointed it out perfectly he needs to also combine it with some big mountain riding especially what we've seen off semi-live key previously I mean doing some freestyle tricks at the top there a frontside 180 into a into a half cab back to goofy he's got to impress the judges to do it that early in the run but like you say needs to maybe backside 360 I mean it's a very technical run so far freestyle wise so maybe if he can charge it towards the bottom thrown a decent-size cliff it could be enough to knock Sammy off the top frontside 360 neither one this is really going to come down to the judges isn't it whether they see this is a way more impressive run at the moment I can't call it you know and a little Indy tailbone it's a solid run all around you've gotta say that was he will definitely be pleased it's exactly the style of Thomas for Stein and I think that's the top part she's kind of littlefoot's on a onto a pillar and then off you know cut off we nearly got caught up on the entry on that and then a beautiful end section that was the biggest tip he's dropped at the very end of his run I am NOT very sure if it was gonna challenge the top position he definitely had a lot of Aaron style in there I think it was two threes and 182 cap 180 the thing is you if you're Thomas first I mean you come to the back to Russ and you go in my run I land the backside three a front side three a clean Indy grab off the cliff you've got to think you're taking the win it's um it really comes down to Judy's going is that more in fourth place lack I am absolutely blown away I'm blown away babies because of the sizes in the turd the terrain he was riding in 78 points alright let's get a word we Thomas at the bottom talking to Ed Lee Thomas the one you wanted to land there plenty of playful tricks up at the top yeah there was a playful tricks I just I have a little bit too mellow so next time I know it more speed second time on the back you've gained a lot of experience do you think that's the critical part of riding this mountain yeah the last time I wrote de béxar a couple little roads on the other side sir there's actually my first time riding the figures are back the big one and yeah I'm stoked that I made it and yeah second place on the tour overall I think with that fourth price already cool I thought sorry dad perfect yeah I'm super stoked so I could see if in fact the police overall what yeah I'm happy thank you very much Thomas that's great to hear to hear Thomas happy because he should be what a great season he had podium nearly in every went event and now with a beautiful run at the back Davis for the finals we have got one more man in the start gate mr. Blake Han the American first on Everett the pectoris he was a well exam rookie this year on the tour and he's the only man that could really ruin Sammy Lupe's party you are right it is a big task to do I have to say in his rookie year his first time on the back there was to beat and the score as I said before off semi Lipke one of the best lines probably ever been done on the back the loss of a snowboarder and hard to beat that but Blake has surprised us before and he's going over to the Lucas left side of the bhakti-rasa he's already got third place this year from kicking horse oh I'm sure he would be absolutely over the moon if he could guess spot on the podium today beautiful entry into the chicken ball it's called that's what you get for something there guys what were you thinking I would not be surprised if Jonah was standing right there maybe maybe Joe Noah a cameraman friend who's a bit of a a riding buddy of Blake okay so looking pretty in control you've got be happy with the start of the run maybe you're gonna open it up and look for a few bigger drops now you can see it's tricky there because the the wind is going uphill meaning you get your spray that you're pushing downwards back up in your face how to picking a nice little line through that hold it right there you go it's the speed that you suddenly pick up the steepness it's just insane so as soon as you land off any cliff you're flying out in your tail and everything in your legs he's saying just give up but you've just got to hold on he's coming to the bottom section of his run now the beautiful power drop you can see the deep power at the very end we had some great snowfalls over the last couple of weeks actually yesterday cracking little backside shifty off that little nugget of a rock at the bottom he I think he's gonna be really happy with that where that will put him I'm not sure I mean it had it had a kind of decent floats really looked in control barring the middle section when he had a bit of a tail wheelie out of one of these drops have a look how steep that section is they're getting out of the doglegs top section into the chicken ball here the section of the wind as mentioned this is the one where he just kind of picked a cheeky line they're finding the nice landing pocket and then catching that speed he did say last night if he's happy with his run he will do a bow to camera and it's so good to have it back next year on tour what was great character okay 77 points fifth place for break and you know what that means let's look at the final standings from today Sammy Lukie in first place with a whopping at ninety three point three three that is one of the greatest ones we've ever seen on the back throws from a snowboarder Elias L Hart who drops him first with an 87 point six seven and Davie Baird in third place with an eighty four point three three Thomas first on unfortunate not to make it onto the podium with a very technical run including two 360s but that's the way it goes it was all about charging today wasn't it it was we had to kind of different approaches one for more the Freestyle side and one more of the big mountain orientated ones we saw three lines down the or into the central cooler and hitting the Jill the real cliff which is one of the most gnarlier gnarliest positions on the back and some more freestyling lines like Beautif Ellen Delia's Earhart and Thomas Porsche line and there is the final rankings of the season Sammy Lukie is your freeride world tour champion 2018 coming from fourth place at the start today that is absolutely unbelievable well deserved and doing a three-peat he's three-time third world - a champion over the last three years chapeau - Sammy Lipke he's literally made to ride the back isn't he that man hears he had to get into it he has already I think five or six appearances on the back and some it a little you explained it perfectly he is the man today because he has the most experience it and he wants to leave a legacy on this mountain okay well I believe our man at the pond Ed Lee is with a new freeride waltz or snowboard men's champion Sammy looky here he is Sammy three in a row what does that mean to you it's amazing I never thought I'd be standing here today waited till the very end to do the only possible scenario to win it and somehow worked out in my favor yeah after hear you've stepped up your game here it felt like you've kind of paid homage to some of the greats who've won here on snowboards over the years yeah me it's the final stop like you know I was in a position to kind of have to go for it and I didn't want to come down a line it been down previous years it over and dogleg like four times so find the step to the central cool our founder line I wanted and yeah I mean people like saw before me in class and putting it down on these crazy lines I think it's time to get over into some big stuff well I think Savio's reaction when you got to the bottom here said it all he was very very proud and very inspired ladies and gentlemen I give you Sammy Lukey the 3-time freeride world tour overall champion and he's wrapped it up here in Verbier we'll be back with all of the action from the men's ski finals after this short break welcome back to the foot to the back de Ross at what a snowboard competition Sammy Luebke you called it at the very beginning but he delivered in excellent style didn't I yes he's been going into the central he's been going into the real deal and he's gone through that technical section at the top we speed and when I saw that I was like yeah he's in there he's got this and it's so cool because like this is a big progression again from last year it just keeps on growing up and he's got his third title in a row whoo what we talked about it a little bit before you see that really playful style from Thomas Fierstein and from Kiki ruff Elias L ha kind of straddling them a little bit but Sammy's line so fast you said it you wanted to see some big turns and that's exactly what you delivered yeah that bad face you know has a lot of potential for that and you know as much as you can do tricks you know if in between you're slow it's gonna look like Tomas did it kind of it's it's it's gonna miss something you know you need to have the speed that fits with a the size the grandiosity of this face yeah well that line it delivers Sammy lucky not just the overall title but also the overall Verbier tied to so he's done the double again here on the back DeRose we're now going back over to our commentators Adam Kendall and Martin Winkler for this ski finals thank you boys all right let's have a look at the overall ski rankings before we get into the action as the boys explained earlier at the start of the show Christopher turtle is already overall world champion so that is a safe position for him there we go Christopher turtle on 7870 points now the interesting thing that everyone down to ninth position could also make it onto the podium today so that's I mean it's kind of anyone's for the wind today isn't it - it is anyone throw in and we're gonna have a quick look at the start list here Griffin Marlowe opens it up the rookie with Miguel Ramos second sent leave Berkeley Peterson and now we're gonna have a look at the contenders up okay first Roger is dropping in Griffin molar from the USA rookie this year he's opening up Griffin Muller on course the rookie from US of A unfortunately you can see already that there is a little more shade there is not as and now or not in as much Sun on the face anymore as we've seen in the snowboarding category during quarry and far skiers left his knee into this area one of the most exposed and technical areas that's why he's taking it easy for the terms of a third world - contender well his first time here is he is a young guys got less experience than a lot of the other guys so you first some on the back I'd say you want to go in point hesitantly in that area I mean look you should you should if you rag doll here you're gonna go for a ride of 600 meters let's not give him the commentators curse come on Griffin you got this dude looking pretty in control nice where drones not put anymore a lot of Slough that you cannot see that much steep it looks from that angle you can really see it there from the drone footage here we go now we can open it up a little bit more down this chute snow is trickier to ride than they were expecting there has been a lot of wind yesterday with the snowfall so unfortunately it has affected this especially that central cool right he's going for the big Hollywood cliff boom yes beautiful stump they're laying down ponies flag in the sand in the snow should I say more likely very good solid start to the men's ski competition from Griffin but he's not down yet he's still got a ways to go and another decent size that backflip Oh short I'm the rotated the backflip of the big cliff at the bottom easy okay he just didn't seem to get the pop did he he hands away the wave is an indication that he is okay probably just fully not to stick that big backflip at the bottom let's see digame how do you do and like how backflip off that downhill landing absolutely zero pop but he went for it he was employees I thought he's gonna have more airtime the way he pulled it off otherwise because he can stick backflips in any terrain I must say the cliffs are not as big as in previous years because we have such a great snowpack coming back to the snow conditions it it's I mean they said earlier it's it's the best the backers looked in years for but he just make a lot of cliffs smaller than you it's much smaller here is relatively spoken of course up guys out there they're still huge but I must say and luckily especially the landings are a little a little bit clearer than in previous years not as much sharks ready to bite you okay Waller Griffin is retrieving his skis II you know he's fine but he did give the wave of home all right while he's doing that let's have a quick look at BT to explain some of the contenders in the men's ski competition today [Music] [Music] okay so as you can see Christopher turtle is already world champion which in a way is is kind of exciting for him obviously he's the champ today it means everyone's got nothing to lose they can leave it and go for the win at the extreme Virgo which is one of the most sought-after titles in the world of skiing you are spot-on Kendall that is exactly right we have the Bechdel oz title which is in its 23rd year and you actually if you want to call yourself a legend infrared sport you have to have a title under your belt you want it on your Facebook page really when you when you scroll down you want that one there because that's going to get you a few beers in the in there any Verbier pub but yeah I've been point wise down to 10th place on our start list anyone in the top 10 could potentially end up on the podium in the overall ranking so there is something to play for about get getting on the podium in the overall title but for me I think the Xtreme Verbier is such a massive event just to win that alone he's gonna mean that a lot of guys today I'm just gonna go crazy just to try and win that title it's the same thing it's the same thing for the riders you're a unfortunately as you can see the visuals aren't stream they've done not looking promising what do you say general well I mean yeah it's starting to get a little bit milky up there obviously you need as much definition and as much light as you can to kind of pick your way down this mountain it's not ideal to go down in flat light conditions so we're getting a bit of cloud coming in but hopefully if we can keep the pace I believe Griffin's just going over the finish line now so he's down in the next skier is in the start gate who will be Mikhail Bimbo's from France yeah unfortunately the light is deteriorating slightly and the contours and contrasts are fading away which can be which nothing can be which are crucial if you're riding in such exposed and gnarly terrain Mikell bimbos they're coming off a win in the last event in fever brain who did the most insane gap of doomed in neon the last run which you can check out on the freeride world tour dot-com website check out he's run he kind of jumped a gap where if he came sure he'd be flying into a wall basically so you know it's a skier that doesn't hold back on any terrain if anyone's going to come out the blocks quick it's this man so here he goes McElveen BOS you get him into a very exposed section the entry under skiers left side of the venue he's going further to the skiers left and that could be one of the first riders that severe delivery in the pre-show already talked about there is his famous cliff that he opened up in 2010 the cavilleri cliff and he's approaching it big cliff drop from mecca bamboo sticking in clean coal that landing so well then with this kind of light that is everything but easy that is unbelievably brave and now check out the line he's going he's not holding back putting a few nice big turns in and heading towards this next clip off the nose of it beautifully point in its route well considering the light has got pretty bad that is it unbelievable room yeah and he's happy you can see that the adrenaline is pumping what a combination getting into the cavity a little cliff you have to note that even the entry into that one is so steep and exposed and then finishing up finishing things off with a big cliff drop at the bottom we haven't named that yet it has been skied for the last five six years by Avila Rainey Christopher and here we have the indications of the judges of the head judge they were liking that the fluidity was high the control was high I mean it's a very solid run and ironically the Sun comes out the money gets down to the bottom first place Mikhail Bimbo's only their second riders to go about eighty nine point six serve that is still a very solid score and the one to beat so hopefully if we can keep this thing flowing get someone else down while the sun's still out we are in a bit of a race against time the weather window is apparently closing so let's keep this thing flowing obviously when the light comes in and it gets a bit flat it's very hard to see all the contours of the slope and you're basically almost going down something that's deep blind so it's very important that we try and get these guys down here when there's a bit of Sun and a bit of light just purely because of the safety factor and here we have the next rider in the Stargate Sam Lee out of New Zealand and he is famous for his eye bags lions very technical very exposed usually and that's also his nickname cracking scream at the top then he sounds quite excited by it he looks like he's gonna have a little bit of light so hopefully he'll he'll charge this while he can and with having some light this is of course relative there is usually not even only a few of your little bits are in actual light on the back of us but you need the sunlight on the counter face to reflect on the back of us to at least have some contours so it's of course a very steep north-northeast face Mountain very little very little Sun in there at this time of the year but you need the Sun on the opposite face generally have some contours you could see from that last round shot and that one as well this it's very hard to see much definition at the moment is very flat but some Lee still scoping out his line he'll have a very clear indication these guys have been checking the face for the last few days coming up every day when there has been a bit of light to kind of check the snow conditions check the size of the cliffs they've also had man voice from the guides look at the steepness of the mountain and do you see that the smoke in the air he has no visibility not only because of the flat light but there has been a lot of wind picking up and you can see even the the cliffs are grayed out only cuz he's even probably his own Slough that is gone it that is being dragged up by the wind again he has no chance to see anything that's why he is so slow in there and he should be because this is the most exposed section there well the most important thing on the freeride world tour is safety so obviously if you can't see you can't exactly charge it so a little bit of Steel just going head over heels a few seconds before and then it just goes for a pig it was like he did a forward roll and when others a cliff I'm off that and then stomped it that was amazing same you legend well he looks like he's gonna make it down in one piece I should curse him lovely little drop stops Apple clean and flying our world of family who giving us and himself a big heart beads because that toppled on top there could have had bad consequences but he played it like a boss you've got a feel from a little bit it was very unfortunate timing that the location where he went towards the top of the face the fog just kind of surrounded him for that moment and maybe lost his way a little bit yeah it was not too much to fog it was really the the snow that was being picked up at the wind and it seemed like foggy or a forward roll just like yeah just that was fine there it's crucial to get back on your feet straight away not only to have that cliff drop in your line but he is gutted for sure he takes you sounds too bad second place um Lee 65 points I mean apart from the forward roll and if he didn't really fall so one class size that was like a style trick that he threw in there would look would love to have you on the judging panel don't listen to me do this I'd like him off for that here look at the beautiful image of the helicopter camera and we haven't another rookie in the start gate Berkeley person a young gun out of the US of A someone in the same mold as Griffin Muller a young gun rookie look these three star lives his backcountry skiing new on the tour very excited to be riding the back for the first time and he showed that he can charge hard and fast and still do some tricks just check out his Instagram account you see plenty of evidence evidence of that okay and he was inspired but Ian Ferguson I hope he's watching because he opened that big clip on top with the 360 years ago and Berkeley was inspired by that repeating that one sending it even deeper he's not done yet the adrenaline must be absolutely flying through his veins right now they just put that down look a little cliff landing that very nicely into that pocket he sent it down I'm so looking forward to the slow-motion but he's not done yet he's going for a big one at the bottom oh my goodness what a run from the rookie these hands up already the fists of the sky so a massive 360 at the top of the face followed by a whopper cliff at the bottom and flying out at full speed and a little poppy shifty there at the bottom it's not super clean here you have the landing yes just touching and you got off with that that's what the judges are looking for they have to because the level is so high but look at the air in style segment it's all the way to the reason well so it should be the same well hopefully they're not going to mark him down too much for the so popping his back down yell back slap their butt considering where it wasn't how big he went second place Berkeley Patterson or at 80 points getting a big hug of his best friend Griffin mala not quite enough to take the top spot but I reckon he'll still be over the moon with that first of all what a line and still what a score for Berkeley for his opening of the back of us okay Mikkel Benbow still in first place with that eighty nine point six seven he is the man to beat Berkeley passing in second with the 80 and family in third with his 65 points and it's heating up that was a I wasn't expecting that from Berkeley I know he had it in his locker but you know first time on the back you don't really expect to see that kind of a trick thrown down that early so from the young book you're moving on to one of the most experienced skiers to ever have ridden the back rein a Barker read in the start gate and here just give you the stats three-time winner on the back device and three-time second place which is nearly equivalent to a win because the level is through the roof over the last year's and he claimed it three times one of his best mates and also former competitors early on Tico has four on his list under his belt and he's all or nothing going for another title of the bacteria's okay as you can see from the graphic on the screen the contest is on a weather hold for the moment so for now we will throw back down to Ed Lee and Xavi a Delarue welcome back down to the finish area here where the atmosphere is on fire a couple of different people we've had through the gate so far but undoubtedly the most impressive mikkel bimbos yeah me killed bimbos he's finally coming my way like on my cliff kind of feels weird it sounds really nice to see him stomp it and get his reaction is like yes it's incredible isn't it when you watch the first couple of skis come down how differently they use the mountain yeah totally like yes king is a lot more about speed and big turns and things like this and well some years you know in the snowboarding you don't necessarily have the good snow that allows all the snow words to express themselves but this year I was so proud of them like all of them ripped the snow was perfect conditions for snowboarding and there was not a single bad run okay well we talked about it earlier on you've heard both Kendall and Winkler talking about it the men's ski field even though the world title is done Christopher Todd L took that at the end of the free burn event there is still the very important matter of deciding the Verbier extreme title and of course second and third place overall on the tour these are the men in contention for those spots pretty good to stand here very valid already being the world champion at the past given ceremony they surprised me they calculated a foul that had enough for instance acclaim the world title it was such a relief working for something for three years and achieving it this really good feeling you really need to stay consistent and have four good results and I managed to do this in the first four counts this year so that was definitely the key I [Music] was looking forward a lot to come a super beer and ski the comp without the pressure of the overall ranking but I just have to come back next year skiing bhakti-rasa will definitely have to be at your limit and focus on what you've been seeing from down below so you absolutely don't get lost and just trying to be at your very best don't do mistakes being here watching that again ski is gonna be a lot of fun - I really like your house is called skiing and Marcus aider has some amazing tricks today is able to throw in there so it's gonna be super exciting to watch them first of all ready to get home so there is no title race but there is still quite a race waiting here and being second overall that would be gonna be going this will be huge for me twin extreme it's like a lumpy I have an advantage because is my CC on the number two but you never know what's a turn on the back [Music] first time I've seen vector us live where now it's just not very welcoming it's not kind of present my screen style I like to keep it playful but I hope I find something to where I can still be my my thing I don't know what we gonna see actually definitely they're sick tricks maybe more than one shot in a line the biggest direction is the back to decide not the judge sometime well we're back here now with the reigning world champion Christopher today first man ever to take out the title before Verbier yep that feels pretty good actually right most importantly why aren't you skiing tonight minutes to hurt my leg right after the last company field runs so I'm not able to ski even though it looks so good I would like to really do this comp but I have to come back next year give me an overview of it because traditionally the men's skiing category is the most competitive everyone is sending it on every run so it's impossible to be consistent but somehow you managed to it look like ski at the limit of your ability and remain consistent yeah I think like you have to have some consistency but it's all about risk management you have to know or at least somehow know a little bit about your own limits and try to ski as close to it as possible but still stay consistent and put luck down good runs all the time it always looks as if your most valuable asset is your ability to learn massive cliffs at incredible speeds yeah I would say that's the that's a good thing to do if you want a good score and it's getting to get to more freestyle tricks as well so even now in the future you have to do that too is there a small part of you sat down here at the bottom that's enjoying not having to ski the back today yeah try to imagine how the guys standing up there feel right now they're super nervous the visibility of it on and off and they're probably gonna be able to run its again soon but they're really nervous but at the same time that's why I mean it's eerie you want to push yourself when someone's just told me my ear that they are ready to start running this now so we're gonna hand you back to Adam Gaynor and Martine Winkler Thank You ed okay so we've got Renee Barker a the crazy sweet and their ass stomped out in the start gate but before we unleash him down the back let's have a quick look at the current top three ranking Renee's off ready for a he's off he's not being held back or okay here we go here we go the mayor of stomp town on course and he's not named by that for nothin loves a big cliff loves a fast line he's got thighs like tree trunks he can withstand any London I should be saying this it's gonna curse him but behind you right now I would say just like Google Harrison redefined how to stomp cliff he did that and continued the legacy of Hoover Harrison and he invented a new technique of stomping cliffs okay so he's in for that shoot quite quickly found his way in there as well yeah and it's tricky visibility's very low he has been in there for several times pairing the past years but this is probably one of the most trickiest ones yet okay now we can we can see that Swedish speed coming out a little traverse to the left to find his cliff line over the Hollywood cliff stomping it clean may has to slide his skis just a little bit forward and reduce the pressure he's going into a new zone looks like he will he open up a new cliff oh it's the devil of 2009 well where does that compare to McElveen Bo's line how do you how do you split the two there come on this is why you're the expert McFly it's gonna be a tough one and I it's definitely gonna be a close one and I have I just give it a call I have wicked bimbos still in the lead but that was Anna massive run from mr. Rainey bark red well that's a slight gauge of how the judges are looking technique very high air installed pretty high and that double line fluidity was very strong as well but it's all about that school that's right for that season can pit Mikkel Bimbo's to the top spot it will be tight on shore second place no it's not enough 85 points he slots himself into second place and Mikhail Bimbo's stays securely on that top spot as we said earlier we are chasing we're racing the the weather so there's the top spot McHale Bimbo's eighty nine point six seven some very high score it's gonna be tough to beat that Renault Barca read in second and Berkeley Pass and the young rookie in third place with 80 points next in the start gate currently second in the overall rankings tell us a bit about this guy Marcus Aida marks ADA on course and he is with his young age already a legend of the sport coming from freestyle getting into backcountry freestyle and now big mountain riding he has been filming with matchstick productions a major ski for film production out of the US of A for five years and producing some amazing segments every year and now he's back on the freeride world tour so what would you say Marcus ADA has got to do in this run if he wants to get in that number one spot is he got a look to his freestyle skills and for a few tricks in there was he got to go full big mountain big line a lot of speed and a few big drops I think both can work he has it both thousand look at the technical section he's going into this is so steep and he has the tricks in his bag like he has butter sevens you know off cliffs and if we see some of that yeah of that excellence of tricks of big cliffs of him he has a chance to go for the big title of today that was a mega launch falling into the next chute already a shifty over that beautiful sight hit of the Hollywood and here we have 360 on that section very they showed a bit of the Freestyle the technical skill to put her off a cliff like that he's insane if they took asleep I mean you see that mover on the vault or do you guys a new one this is the first time I've ever seen about a three off the cliff and he cannot believe himself because it's so technical it's it's the first tried to stir the visual inspection from the opposite side of the mountain look but the other guys can't believe it - and the steepness of the riding on top of their graphic soil that is what it can it takes to take the win today and I'm just looking forward to the score look at the aerial sound technique there's a 360 opening it out he can't believe it when he landed the for 360 his arms went instantly in the air celebration and on the run out went - I can't believe I just did there and now he looks into like a man in shock so if that's not first place I will eat my hat McCallum goes the first man to celebrate which she wants to congratulate him on the finish line as well of course my job is also to pick things apart and thank you back turn 360 landing was not the cleanest yeah but at the par 3 what a move second place is not you know oh my god how close eighty seven point six seven well let's have a look at at the replay look this is the button seven here we have him sorry but a three stick a little Duffy in the air he was so stoked he literally landed into half a second later yeah but still not enough the judges again like the snowboard competition a rewarding a fast Liars feat line bigger drops more then then free stops we've thrown in there just look at the point at the end that's just a fling cover a second well link of an eye Lloyd cologne Pat's arm from France is already on his way down the back don't skiers rights to towns fury road to a champion 2014 and 16 coming in hot putting it up just like a world champ should do he'll undo that like it was nothing and he has again big mountain skills and freestyle skills in Persona absolutely flying out of that well wouldn't you land a backflip that high you're gonna be pretty pumped and ready to kind of unleash the fury down the lower part cheek a little cliff there absolutely doing it and he knows he needs a lot to take the lead at this stage found another cliff 3 6000 adding hooked up same thing 60 at the same clip of the 2014 run when he became third world to a champion unfortunately such a mistake in his run with the level we have on our hands today will mean he's not getting anywhere near the podium today it well the runs have been so strong so far there any missed one a little mistake he's costing you but a big mistake like that is definitely gonna knock you down the pecking order it's such a shame when he did that backflip which was an absolute banger at the top landing perfectly here a nice cliff there and it was just the landing of the 360 that that caught him and will cost him that position on the podium there you go control the one down in the negative zone because of that landing he landed on one ski and kind of flap to the other leg around which is a shame for like because it was looking very good he's happy he's answering the air exactly especially his wife and baby girl are watching here in the audience and they will be happy to have him save down and he has a big smile even though he had this issue in the landing of the 360 unfortunately putting him into 6th position currently with 60 points okay so McHale bimbo still in the top spot and he was our second man down Marcus eater with that unbelievable run combining his freestyle skills and free ride ability and Rene Barca read in third place there's the judges there I mean as we said this is a very subjective event the judges are going to go with what they what they believe is stronger it may not even be what we feel because I was absolutely blown away by Marcus ADA's room but they've decided to go Paul with a steeper line next one on course leo Clement he put his name in the history books last year with a win in the overall freeride will to a champion is under his belt and that he is one of the riders that did the whole career from fluid junior tour to the qualifiers to the third World Tour champion and here he is second time on the central cooler as I can see he's heading into one of the gnarliest parts of the mountain the drone shots that we gave this you you can really see how steep it is especially in that top section it's absolutely unbelievable the way they've got to pick their way in there and so light is really t rating unfortunately it's not ideal maybe you saw the reaction of Randy Barker it going in there as well at the bottom he said to his colleagues he just couldn't see anything the law obviously massively important just be able just being able to see the contour of the slope I mean when you're coming down something as steep as that when it's 40 degrees or more and you don't see a lump in the snow which can knock you off your skis he could win another 360 out there clip from last year this is so gnarly oh my god Leo just pulled up through 60 again in the central calor heading to the Hollywood clip clean landing barely he knows what it takes to take top spot here at the back of us second place here last year so he'll be absolutely gagging to get on the top spot if you can and with difficult conditions this is a very strong run for Leo he's not done yet though another trick for him yes absolutely stopped it and there's the arms up again we've seen a bit of that today oh what a complete run 360 on top after very steep central color are taking the Hollywood clip and then finishing off with a backflip off the last one was that a slight sketchy London on the 360 look very controlled in the air yeah III okay so why would you call that the complete run mess right as mentioned we had the 360 in a very exposed technical line then the cliff drop out of the hollywood everything beautifully in the far line and then finishing up with a banger the backflip of a huge cliff the crowd-pleaser it is a crowd-pleaser and it is perfectly executed to impress the judges lines high flow editing control not sorry but Alan Stalin technique are peaking so but you know if we thought markers could have talked to top the pack and that never happens so let's just wait for the all-important school before we get ahead of ourselves should we show a slimming is riding obviously for look at the judges they're deliberating in their matching orange jackets third place one point one point behind Marcus ADA and three points behind the leader McHale Bimbo's nickel Bimbo's shows a little further to the skiers left actually a cliff that we haven't seen in years that has been dropped today McHale Bimbo's repeated the cliff observe a delivery from 2010 maybe that made the big difference today okay Mick helping beau still in soft spot Marcus eat ADA in second place and that runs from layers limit slotted him on to these third spot on the podium so next we've got an absolute local hero Yannick Rossi's he was a rookie last year and he walked away with the Rookie of the Year title well deserved such a consistent and such skilled rider he has tricks in his bag he has big mountain and huge balls all right we need you to know about flying well I know what you say he's a brave man he okay and yeah he's gonna want to impress all these hometown fans I'm sure so he's gone freaky fast ski is right lovely drop that was a decent-sized cliff and look how easy he made it look like he really has a similar style to the vulture champion Christopher toward L Adam who is unfortunate riding today due to an injury but young horses he has a similar similar style and going into another big oh you don't see that coming that was huge he kind of almost went cross-court into that little pocket that was one of the biggest drops I've ever seen on the back of us and I have to say that quietly because I'm blown away wow I can see in your face McFly that was massive we weren't we didn't expect that I mean we knew he try and impress his hometown fans but yeah and and I call it again this was the opening this is the young losses cliff to me I have to clarify with some legends of the sport of the barriers but this has never been a little bit I think he did on the impact of the landing that's how deep he was with see what he's gone same with your young aides you make yourself a name on the back of us you local Ripper okay so the line very high peaking fluidity speaking control very high Aaron style and technique slightly lower so really I'm not sure what the scores going to be for this one it's been very hard to tell the last few times we thought they'd McElveen bows off the top it hasn't happened there is Sandy's philosophy thrown still of the top spot the Frenchman the hot seat basically where Michaelis at is the current leader of the competition so unless someone knocked him off he's going to have that comfy seat until the end of the day the judges over and you know what I cannot even remember the bottom part of Yun's run because I was so blown away by that middle that huge cliff drop I think he basically just rode away feeling very happy with himself maybe if he missed the bottom part to to put some more action on it I think it's gonna be hard to kick off McHale big boss of the hot seat but if he had another section and I think they are discussing the top spot it could be because they take their time they can massive massive share of respect from McElveen Bo's the camaraderie on saw is pretty special he looks relieved fourth place for Yan Rossi it's not enough to even get him in the top three 86 I mean the score still very high but it's very close you have to be so precise left and right a rocks where you land and you're just sailing for miles in the air let's have a quick recap there it is still McHale Bimbo's on the top spot eighty-nine point six seven it's gonna be such a high school to be I think Marcus either in second 87.6 seven-layer swimmer in third with eighty six point six seven I don't know what someone's gonna have to do to beat that school something pretty special absolutely in there maybe we're gonna see another one going into the same section as because they boys did and next one already on course Greg Murray out of New Zealand the rookie that let's say he didn't surprise us because on the qualifiers he showed us that his excellent of tricks and big it was like a little kind of a cliff drop into that 360 yeah he just proved my opening sentence to him and obviously doing big tricks on that Doudna 360 hide the risk factor for the rest of your line you're laying it all out that early on when your legs are cold your arms are cold you've been writing on top of that mountain it's a lot harder to get yourself mentally ready for that so the judges obviously pay attention to that Oh neither 360 into a section we have not seen yet we have opening lines one after the other and you have to know he's 19 years of age he is the youngest Ruki probably the youngest guy ever competed on the back there us he's not done yet and you'll note down yet he has even a winning line in his bags oh my god oh my goodness well is that gonna be enough I mean two massive 360s and they were massive we're not talking about setup tricks or something just to tick a freestyle box they were huge whatever score you're gonna have you can be so proud of yourself mr. Greg Murray oh my god that middles 360 was humongous while sitting it up with this one beautifully stumped and now look at that the only thing that slightly low is control when you look at the graphics it must just be those landings there's a slight slight little bounce out of the landings Mikkel again straight over to congratulate him I call it if you would have stuck that second 360 clean it would have been a clear winning run for me today but now this is in the hands of the judges is what do they take away on that landing when it was so big in flat light so waiting on the judges they might be deliberating they love the abacus he's out working out these scores and Counting here he might he might even put his name in the history books by naming this cliff because again I didn't see anyone in the last 15 years going off their cliff I mean the same way someone so young to spot that line is pretty rare I mean that would normally be more an experienced yogi is liable I don't know even now how he spotted that in the first place they're still deliberating the judges come on the weather's coming in guys you all right it is on the brink of losing the light and Greg Murray what a run we've just seen of you today what must be going through his head right now he is the future of our sport you have to know well he's been now you're a few cheese now if that's what if that's what the future is flippin Eck well he's a very cool kid Craig he's the kind of guy that can make it six seven second place he will be absolutely buzzing with that landing Eddie would have claimed I tell you literally came down to that land there definitely there's the ranking McElveen both still in first place eighty-nine point six seven Craig Murray jump straight into second eighty-eight point six seven and Marcus ADA in third eighty-seven point six seven Wow what a competition a competition and I tell you it is three rookies on that mountain they're not rookies as a writer but makeup impose Greg Murray and Marcus ADA have never ridden the back doors in competition before and they're all on the podium and they're actually McHale bimbos sticking to a classic high octane big mountain line and the other two Michael sorry Marcus Ada and also Greg Murray had their freestyle tricks in it combined with some big mountain well there it is mind blowing the freeride world tour overall ski ranking obviously Christopher ternal taking home the first place which we knew already Marcus ADA in second place and Mikhail Bimbo's in third after that incredible performance today I believe Eddie Lee is at the bottom with our winner man from the Three Valleys you cleaned up in fever burn and then you've carried on that momentum here to Verbier phenomenal performance yeah it's just crazy I can't believe it like it's amazing what what happened why did you decide on the dollar ooh cliff I guess it was like the biggest one and I like the steep part above so I just wanted to ski well on steep good snow and jump big so it was pretty much the only choice coming down on drainage line last year at the bottom was a good choice apparently so well congratulations Mikael you have won the most prestigious competition in free-riding that is what it means to win the Verbier extreme we're gonna be back with all of the analysis of the men's ski finals after this break well the snow is in perfect condition the light may not have been quite so great for the skiers but it didn't seem to affect them at all 7 no there was just bringing the level up and up again it was in critical challenge indecision from the judges because if you look at the top four or five even there were very very different runs yeah I find that every year you know you see new things happening and this year I find that there's been an incredible combination of amazing tricks and speed and big cliffs or all that in the same round it's not like that was one freestyle run one big montane run it was a mix of everything so for the judges to being able to separate all these guys it's so tough well we saw that whether it was Marcus ADA or Laius lemak very technical into more freestyle options but the judges went with the big mountain line they went with Mikael bimbos and he went for your cliff yeah I'm really happy to see someone yeah follow that it was like 10 years ago now almost and yeah it's it's nice and yeah he got the win with this yeah what is it school so Harley is it just because the take-off is something I think it's because it's a big cliff which is really high in the face and that makes kind of a big difference between yeah because the commitment is very different if you fall up there you're gonna keep rolling we saw it with a Wow whatever his name will follow me a few years ago he got I think 40 or 60 tumbles after so that that's the difference was like if you crash on the Hollywood you can still make it yeah you can pull it back a little bit okay well that is it for the men in ski and snowboard here on the big back part we're moving over the women's back now we're down on Red Bull TV but you can watch the women's ski and snowboard on freeride world tour comm live right now thank you for watching server and I it's been an absolute pleasure [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to Verbier for the final of the freeride world tour 2018 if you've just joined us from Red Bull TV after watching the men's competition that was quite thrilling affair wasn't it sorry was it was we have seen some mind-blowing stuff some opening lines that we've never seen on the back doors before it wasn't now it's time for the action of the women snowboard and skiing that's right is the women's event now I'm Adam Kendal and this joining me in the comedy booth is my good man McFly but before we start the event let's have a little recap in the women's competition of who you need to look out for and what has gone down so far [Music] here we have Manuel Amanda she is the one to beat today and there is only one girl who can actually take the way take away the furball to title of my new element it is Mario healthy these two girls in the snow woman you have to look out for heavy hitters and they're proven that they can't charge on the back doors before that's right it kind of comes down to the top - Manuel Amanda in first place it's kind of hers to lose at the moment I mean let's have a look at the overall ranking there we go Manuela mandal in the first place Courtney on eight thousand four hundred and ninety points hot on her heels Marion High öthey eight thousand four hundred and forty and then in third place Ana all over an Erika vikander so let's have a look at the start list for today of how it's actually gonna run these four girls it's gonna be there you go Marion Haiti he's gonna drop first so she's going to have to put down a very strong run to put a bit of pressure on what honor Manuela third work on a hammer from Japan in fourth Erika vikander and finally Ana all over from Russia so in fact for the freeride World Tour title the first two women down the mountain it will be decided and then of course as in the mind before we had referred the Bechdel us the title to have that rock being how having it holding on top of your head at the prize-giving ceremony is so prestigious so the girls are also gunning for the back DeVos title the verb' extreme well exactly I mean Manuela is in such a commanding position to take the win Marion is dropping first so she's gonna have to put so much pressure on her but Manuela only really needs to get in the top four places to confirm the overall title so really it's wide open for anyone in the women's snowboard field to take the win today the light has been playing a bit of havoc in the men's competition earlier we started off with beautiful blue skies but in the come in a little bit and it's been kind of tricky conditions but we managed to get through those competitions so it's full steam ahead for the women's event right now with Marian Haiti from France dropping in first the still current foreign world to a champion out of France Mario hefty she has a freestyle background and now she is one of the top ladies in the big mountain world of things coming off a winning fever and a few weeks ago in Austria so confidence must be fairly high no reason why she can't take the wind today and then really it's job done for her and she can sit back and watch Manuela exactly and let's see what she has to offer because she has been showing a 361 of the first in the ladies that has stormed a 360 in competition before at the restage Hakuba event in Kicking Horse Mountain Resort she was going for a run unfortunately had a little issue on top of the run and then she pulled a 360 still making her come second or third so she knows what it takes she has the tricks in her bag and will we see one today I mean she's been very consistent all season she's had a third place in kicking horse in Canada she's got a third place in the Japan restaged event in Canada and a third in Andorra so you know podiums the whole way and then a win in feeble runs so she's got better if anything yeah she the momentum sticks with her but as we said Manuela Mendel it's all in her hands she has two wins in on the tour already and Manuel Amanda if she actually brings down a solid run it is all hers but if she crashes and comes last Mario healthy has the chance with a win today to become free odd world to champion second time in a row I'd love to know what song Miriam just put on her iPod then did you see she got into a bat she clicked something on and then a head start bobbing what is the song to inspire Marian Hathi to a win today okay we're about 30 seconds away from Marian dropping in she looks psyched she looks warm apparently she clutched three times before starting is like a tradition like some kind of ritual there is to show he did it twice clap again quickly notice is too busy lost in music in there she kept us waiting but she's in alright Marian let's see it I'm sure with some good turns in the technical section on top it's super steep and they're coming out with some good speed considering how flat the light is today I mean look at the definition he's not great on the back to Ross right now but she is going for it anyway keeping her fluidity high that's what the judges want to see solid and commit it riding nice little drop beautiful tips up cliff drop he's now anywhere she's gonna be able to get a three in on the back I mean it's a difficult face to to get freestyle tricks in I wonder if she's got that in mind or whether she's just gonna keep it keep a solid room with straight airs it was hard to see that wind lip could she had to approach really slowly to actually see the take off and now she's already at the bottom of her and going for a big one got slightly snagged little bit love to see that close he looks happy though she gave the thighs a little slap of enjoyment there and you know what she's put a solid run down she didn't fall it was it was pretty clean the only slight mistake I thought could have possibly on the takeoff of that last cliff but we'd have to have a look on the replay [Music] here we have that top section in the dogleg very fluid ending that section in the dog leg with a beautiful cliff drop you can see the conditions this year are amazing with the snowpack that we have probably never seen before and there's let's here's that clip oh yeah she just kind of slightly got a bit caught up on the take-off but you know she showed experience and still managed to ride it out clean so well done at Marion Hayati first woman down today so her job is done it's all up to the next rider what happens in the overall ranking Mario healthy with a solid score of 80 point six seven obviously currently in the lead well she knows it's kind of out of our hands really isn't it it's like do your best and then whatever c'est la vie as they say what will be will be and here she is the current women's leading rider in the freeride world tour Manuela Mandel from Austria currently on seven 7,200 points she got a win in Andorra a winning kicking horse second place in feeble run in Austria such a solid performance of manual a mammal this season big respect for some great runs we have seen from her two this year and that she is on her food World Tour champion run out of Vienna Austria it is not the place where you have the highest mountains I can tell you that it's a beautiful city but not famous for big mountain riders to come out of so I mean she's had a an amazing season very consistent and it is kind of hers to lose what is the mentality now do you just stay on your feet and just get down and guarantee a spot in that top three or four to claim the overall title or do you want to stay claim and win which style and try and take the the prize here nice little cliff there absolutely at the race she looked at the mountain the way I saw it I think she is going also for a title on the back of us but of course it's always in the back of your head if you crash mário actually has a chance if you have just a solid run you will be world champion so little indeed Polly very tricky a mind game for money like this yeah at this stage of the run she's she's looking very solid though she's had three drops now she threw a cheeky little indie grab on the drop before another little rock drop they're cranking out on the heels and that could be job done for Manuel Amanda from Austria she stayed on the feet she looked very in control she kept the flow going down the line no massive drops really bought she didn't go full in we have seen some bigger cliffs drops of her this season but of course you have to understand the light conditions are everything but favorable it's really flat light and the snow is tricky to ride she basically showed an experience from there didn't she she knew the light I mean look at the light there it's so hard to see any definition so she still managed to get a little bit of airtime in a few little drops and very fluid in between she was not she was always in control I was knowing where she is going very solid and experienced on her second year on tour you have to know that she actually dropped off her last year and she found her way back at the same year on the qualifiers high respect for that so this could be a massive second place it's going off not enough to take the lead however if she's not gonna be pushed down all the way in the ranking of today she's gonna take over the belt at the moment second place is good enough to be the overall freeride world tour champion so it's all going to come down to the next three women in the start gate from Japan Makana hammer so not only can they be spoiler for the field World Tour champion race but also will they be able to kick off malee unhealty after hot seat and take the extreme their title so from Japan 39 years old won the freeride qualifier in him in the hockey but in January it was offered a wild card she surprised us all with super creative run that in Kicking Horse Mountain Resort she performed the 182 cap 180 on another cliff so never seemed in the latest competition before she's got some freestyle skills actually yes and she has a huge background in boardercross so she knows how to put down a hill turn and the frontside conditions how to fly down a hill Oh slightly so fun no no one saw that the spray keeps up no one saw it don't worry keep going it's fine it's really hard to ride that faced with such conditions but the girls doing a great job I can tell you well I would not fancy riding the vector awesome in that visibility so Fairplay from and they have been waiting up there all day so it's be a case of having cold lakes cold arms and their not being able to see it's not the most inviting conditions but they are dealing with it very well we haven't had any serious crashes yet it's a long run they're dropping in from the shoulder of the dogleg and she is at the bottom lining up a decent cliff drop nice shutting down speed now being in the open terrain and now it's hers to fly out and enjoy the glory good run from Makana hammer slight little bomb down at one point but we'll let her off for that I don't think it's gonna be enough to trouble the top two at the moment at the moment Manuela man well as World title should be safe but you never know yeah but I think it's a good car love you gondola she would need to come in between first and second or take over the lead but I don't see that happening it's not fluid enough to take over Manuela Mandela pink Y out the flow of Manuela did it but you know I'd say to be fair to what Connor I say the light got even worse for her room and it's her first time ever down the back to us she will be still pleased with that I'm sure there we go over the finish line good work Akana and I'm sure we'll be seeing her next year on the tour there she is in the hot seat Marian Hannity feeling comfortable looking comfortable going for the kind of sidesaddle leg over the ropes then gonna take a backpack off first third place from Akana thumb up big smile very happy okay let's have a look at the top three we've got Marian Haiti in first place with an 80 point six seven there she is looking very smug with herself as she should do second place Manuela Mandal seventy four point six seven and a third were karna hammer sixty eight point six seven at the moment Manuela is will jump and it is I think we can congratulate Manuel Amanda the first actual winter sport will champion out of Vienna Austria Vienna step it up and became a winter sport destination congratulations good night Vienna that's how you do it well good Manuela you are world champion but the women's snow wood event he's not quite over we still got Erika vikander from the USA to drop to a second place in the kicking loss at the Murray State Japan oven a fourth and under a fourth in Austria and he's currently fourth in the overall standings Aruba condor has quite some freestyle background and it's the first time the cheese into the big mountain world of snowboarding and as she she said that she was expecting it to be a little easier with that visual expection thing so visual inspection means that the riders have no chance to ride the mountain or look or step a foot into it before they actually ride it they have to look at it spot it from the opposite side or from the bottom and of course it looks everything looks completely different when you actually ride and that is something you have to learn and get used to and that's something that was harder than she said part of it she was expecting well there you go we just saw in the Stargate doing her kind of visual run using her arm we can see that she do some kind of snake impression getting into the zone anyway could be her ballet backdrop background got ballet that's right she looks very relaxed very chilled out person on and off the slopes always a good vibe and the tour keeping warm have been up there for a long time now so mentally quite a hard thing to just suddenly turn it on when you're at the top of the vector Oz but she's in kinome America Erica vikander from the US of A our course so still in the back of mine probably thinking I could take the win here pull out something special I could knock Marian off that throne so you never know as you can see how the light is still not really improving so she's gonna have to be careful coming down here but you never know she's gets a line right picked off a few decent drops the wind could be hers there little pop over that rock into a toe side turn heading down the dogleg cooler are we have seen money on empty drop that cliff that you just passed so that's something but the judges definitely look at because of course it's about comparing lines and at the moment she has a very nice and solid run but no cliff no major cliff drops yet nothing really to trouble Marion on the top spot but as you said it's her first year on the farad World Tour she gets herself comfortable that was definitely a big goal to qualify for the coming season which she did with the qualifying for Verbier all of the girls that you see here accepted the wildcards are part of the third world tour 2019 she got a little indie they're off that cliff towards the bottom so popping it a bit more airtime what a solid run from Erica she kept her speed up she kept her flow in difficult conditions so I think she'd be pretty happy with that there's that top little rock that she snagged over a little bit but managed to ride out and there's the little indie I think she may be a little tap on that so line slightly low obviously it wasn't the most challenging line but you know in these conditions fair enough to be honest fluidity a little bit higher control Aaron style and technique all relatively solid but I don't think that's going to knock Marion off the top spot and also I think Mona Mandel is pretty safe in second position here we have the points for Eddie Kovac and fourth place currently with 67 points straight nice crowd brewing down the Audi area Marion still very comfortable they exhaust let's recap the top three just so you know how how the land is lying at the moment Marion Hathi in first place one more rider that can kick off Marriott healthy from the very extreme title of course that way that's why she's so happy in the bat in the at the bottom because the prestigious win at the back to us is just as important next rider on course and Oliver out of Russia come on Anna I like Anna cause she signed to my freeride world tour poster and wrote From Russia With Love nice so she's a bit of a favorite of mine and she should be she has the skills of big mountain riding she has been competing on the freeride world tour qualifiers for quite some years and was just unlucky four years came second and showed some strong riding throughout the seasons and now this year first time on the field world too happy to have her on to her yeah a second placing kicking tools and a third in feeble run so she's being consistently podium podium in lately she's going for it a bit picking up a bit of speed towards the bottom heading over to the lookers left side just as well have tea going for a big cliff drop she does yes that is what it takes to take away the extreme wilt the extreme Delpy a title if she has another strong finish up that run that could be it well that was definitely the biggest drop we seen from the women's competition so far so whether the judges decide to really bump that up we've heard goats doing a bigger drop Marion may be sitting slightly uncomfortably I mean it didn't quite have the flow that she had I don't know let's have a quick look again but for me you know she had a decent bit of speed down there the line was challenging enough shed a few mini drops and then a decent-sized cliff is lead this one big and stomped it clean like that was definitely the clifftop of the day of the women's snowboarding category she didn't put a hand down at all did you know that the bottom part was a little yeah slower a little more site slipping and a [Music] smaller cliff than manual so that could have been the difference but I hope that the judges really taken to the consideration that it was the biggest clip of the day she's absolutely stoked with that getting a massive hook from Manuela Mandel the current leader and Erica vikander straight in great vibes on the tour in the women's competition and yeah that is how you end the freeride world tour women's snowboard competition Marion still looks pretty comfortable in that seat not sure she's gonna get moved she I don't know this would be a bit of a where would this can be seventy eight point six seven squeezing her way onto the podium and knocking Manuela down to third but big day she becomes freeway world to a champion 2018 there's the results of the day quickly to recap marine hey team first place Anna all over in second Manuela mandolin third microrna hammer in fourth and Erica vikander in fifth place let's have a look at the overall ranking look at the hooks flying around there it is the final overall ranking Manuela Mandel taking the freeride world tour title congratulations to her Marian heya tree with the wind today in second place third place for Anna all over with that fantastic second place run which putting today erica vikander and fourth microrna hammering fifth audrey hit herbert in sixth and shannon Yates in seventh okay so that was the snowboard women we've got one more event to come today McFly the ski women and I believe we can have a little recap of what's gone down in that competition so far ski women here it is the last category of the day and it's gonna be a tight one for the fredward to a title two of the girls avianna Flicka me from Italy with an amazing season showing us a 360 at first in the women's category in competition competing against Ava Buckner out of Austria currently sitting in second position on the third wall two ranking and they are the two girls that are battling it out here at the back device for the champion title ok let's have a quick look at the overall ranking if we can get that up on screen looking a little bit foggy on the back there we go Ariana trachoma in first place at the moment on 9,000 points Ava Faulkner hot on her ski boot heels with 8880 hazel Birnbaum in third 69 6949 leader to drop in first Ariana strike owe me so she can put down something solid to start the competition she'll be feeling very confident that the the title is hers all right Arianna it's been a very very strong season for her at first place with the Japan stage that was reached in Canada a first in Andorra where she did a crack in 360 and a second in kicking horse so it really is it's her title for the taking oh yeah the italian ariane that they call me on course and she needs to be performing well because she has a vivekananda feet and she goes for a nice cliff drop right away big speed a lot of fluidity in their technical section not hesitating whatsoever she's another one there she definitely came oh yes she has what it takes today she is on Form not showing away from the court exposed areas and technically kind of popping oh look at that for a line ariana going slightly cross go a little bit sideways off that cliff landing in a beautiful little pocket keeping us be keeping the flow I think so far she'd be very happy with how this one's going lining up another cliff put it down there you go beautiful landing Oh issue on shutting down the speed hopefully not too bad for the judges can she finish it things off with a beautiful cliff drop at the bottom she does amazing is that one slight mistake it wasn't even on the London she landed the cliff perfectly and then kind of caught up and snagged a little bit of speed a little bit at the deciding moment who knows who knows it remains to be seen I mean we still got able to go there that was it but it is all in the green also the control I hope they didn't bump her down too much because the rest of the run was amazing all the way down kept the momentum with that beautiful cliff drop in the middle here but especially the top section was super technical and well executed so I'm not surprised that we're gonna see again the excellent score right from the bat I hope the duties don't be too harsh on that well obviously she's in first place 85 points it's still a good score I mean it was a very strong run to start the women's competition so she's gotta be happy she's still smiling no major mistakes arms are in the air well done Ariana you did it for Italy good work go get your feet on that throne and stay tuned because next up it's your biggest rival who will be desperate to knock you off that seat season Elisabet Garretson that's right the local rider here out of bellapierre switzerland and it's her first time in competition on the back there us come on Gerritsen do it for your hometown which is those big straight from the stop start but cannot put it together you see how steep it is she's still sliding trying to kill her speed if she can okay she stopped it just goes to show how steep it is at the top one little fall she was unlucky I mean she went for it she went for a drops to stray off the blocks she's holding her knee unfortunately it doesn't look good for it she probably hurt herself a little bit but we're happy that she's actually standing still you know that was quite a fall in the steepest section of the venue well yeah the most important thing is she managed to kill her speed and stop tumbling because that is not the area of the mountain where you want to be tumbling too too much so hopefully she can make it down maybe she's slightly tweaked her knee a little bit and but Fairplay fur don't go for it off that yes she's right all in from the very good stat start well she's a local girl a Verbier oh there's the pole okay we need to retrieve that is that below or above her that's the greatest ooh maybe it's a little bit higher but we have got mounting guides on hand to retrieve poles and skis it takes a little while till you can actually assess what happens happen to your knee so maybe the first reaction was that she she has to wait a little bit or she has to get some help there are definitely the pole has to get back to her there you're right mountain guide to the rescue and probably she just needs a little bit of time obviously safety is paramount on the freeride world tour so we do have mounting guides dotted all around the face to help obviously help riders in need if they have a crash or anything like that and of course to help with equipment and generally be on hand to assist in any way they can and of course before the event they check the face and advise the riders on snow conditions and give any advice they can so safety is the number one rule a freeride world tour so she looks like she's okay that's a great sign she has her ski back on got her poles back and body language says she is okay that is a great sign okay back on course a little Elizabeth Garretson she's having fun now because her ski was removed she won't actually get scored she removed the ski herself the judging says that she won't go to school so she's just gonna basically fly down and have a fun run and entertainers and the crowd here oh but we have a little bit of time to talk about the next contender which will be the deciding round of the day for the third world championship race it is ava Buckner and she's already on course as Elizabeth Garretson is already on the bottom here we have her opening section in the very steep section of the back there was the dogleg Kunwar all right Ava's gone lay down a very solid score she saw ariana obviously in first place at the moment you've only had two riders go so far so but she's gonna want to take the win tonight and any chance of taking the overall title a little bit ever drop there into the yes can she held it just like she get the knee but that was a big drop it took a while for her to shut down the speed another nice drop in they're actually the same drop as I'm gonna to call me showed us and the station will decide it all is a little down there and what a lie well that could make all the difference could make whoo that was an unbelievable finish to the run I mean first I'd like to see the replay of the first one cuz she really kind of wheel it out on the back of her skis and then had a very solid second clean and in that double line here we have a in this in the dogleg who are preparing for that first clifftop and there she has a little bit of a trouble their control slightly low but that bottom section was all time look at the double here then going into a big cliff drop and stomping it clean but we have seen Ariana trachoma as well with a great line top to bottom technical and big cliffs so two of the current leaders and she is second up that means Ariana Takumi takes away the title yeah there you go well that is a tough job for the judges to score look at look at Ariana she can't believe it was she crying Ava will be the first kid look she's in tears bless her give her that woman oh yes don't ever let her go she needs matter she deserved it those are the scenes we want to see unbelievable and you know what Ava what a run from her I mean she went she went down fighting if anything I thought that was an incredible run it's slightly her control that inner down with the judges okay next up Lorraine Hubert cross trip very experienced rider oh yeah she is the current thread world - a champion or actually not anymore she just got me two minutes ago Lorraine what a great career she had on our hands on the farad World Tour and now what is left for her to win is the title of the extreme bogey in that what she's after and look at the drop she's attempting oh good lord beautiful she came to win this title is I mean that is what's left on the cards now for the rain what a solid opening but she has to finish it strong as well she kind of skied around one of the possible cliff drops here but she's going for a big one again oh absolutely put it down oh yes well compared to the previous riders it was the quickest descent wasn't it it was such a strong skier out of the al bhed region alaikum al Berg local she knows how to put down a turn and look at that technical section there beautifully done she kept her nerves like Amelie take him on the judges predictions oh that was she held it pure will on that last landing Wow Lorraine she wants to be sat in that seat doesn't she she's in the furry seat buzzing look at the face but what do the judges make of it that's the big question was it enough to knock our current freeride world champion off SC hopefully she had time to compose herself and wipe away the tears no she's smiling now help okay still waiting on Lorraine's score Oh Lorraine playing the waiting game like we did yesterday when the weather was bad all day luckily the vector Ross has cleared up and we can see again second place for the rain hooba so just taking over Ava Mike now and just behind the current leader and taking over the freeride World Tour champion title of Lorraine ariana trick or me there we go to recap I only took only 85 points Lorraine Hoover slots into second place with 82 points six seven Ava Faulkner bogged down with 78 points into third place next up hazel being bound [Music] ladies alone back from the US about to drop in currently third overall in the standings 5625 points always got a big smile on her face hazel in the summer months she rides around on a bike with a nice box and sells ice popsicles and her company's called sweet spokes so she's pretty cool I think anyway Hayes long course going for it picking quite an interesting line traversing skiers right will she go for a big double again she showed us a couple of years ago at the end of her run a few years ago when she claimed the title of the very extreme with a huge double she go fast that is fluidity but will she show a nice feature at the end of her run the Sun came out just in time oh that was massive and unfortunately out of control and the second right but she's okay she landed in the perfect pocket of snow luckily and she is okay hazel don't scare us like that oh shoot she went for it it was almost like she lined up that double and it was like well I'm in this now here we go boy boy what a huge that was I'd say what that was it was ridiculous look I mean look at the size the scale of where she is where she took to where she took where she took off so yeah it's how you really shake up the women's ski competition I say we want you to put that down she's putting her gear back together her GoPro is still armed best will be definitely a visual to be look at she's looking disbelief going did I take off from there and land there yes you did hazel and you're alright thank goodness Wow unbelievable whoo all right all right hazel that was a show but we are happy that you are in one piece because that could have gone the wrong way two kids follow Hazel's track right now you might even bigger yeah so don't do that hazel but next one up is a new face on the free world to it a wild card out of Norway head weak vessel and she made her name a big name in the Mogul ski scene she just came back from Pyeongchang competed there at the Olympics and she has proven on some occasions that she is a great big mountain rider and watch out what she has to offer yeah 100% she's finished her mobile career he's desperate to get into the freeride world tour scene look at this ain't it sorry to interrupt no no she's going for it look at that she came to mine and I've seen her competition around two years and last year in Rick's trencin and look it up on the web she lovely oh how does a backflip there will she show that huge trick pointing some gorgeous turns she's got beautiful sunlight now so no excuses with their not being able to see the lovely cliff their London in a sweet spot and she's gonna help speed their lead Germany out Wow she's a great skier first time we see her on the big scene on the stage of the freeride world tour and she's hopefully a keeper well-deserved wildcard of heavy vessel what do you know what after seeing that she's obviously got incredible skiing skill and edge control but it looks like she's kind of she's gonna be a contender next season potentially yeah I hope she comes back to the tour and definitely it's gonna be a contender for I call her contender for the title from straightaway if that how she continues very happy congratulations on your first ever free ride waltz or event hedwig vessel okay and that sums up the women's competition you have to get your score as well before you can do the hugs little wife of the ski she's a professional fourth place head Vic vessel seventy six point three three I'm sure she'll be very happy with that and that is the end hugs are flying at flying around down there let's have a look at the final ranking of the ski competition just to confirm how it all ended up there we go in first place winner of the Xtreme Verbier Ariana trachoma with an 85 point score lorraine hooba in second place jonah experience with an eighty two point six seven eight voltner in third with seventy eight point three three which means the overall title after winning today goes to Ariana Turco me that is how you win the tile in style 9700 points overall Ava vogner in second place doing an absolutely sterling job as well and Lorraine Huber in third place showing her overall experience in getting on that podium and that sums up the tour a lot smiles at the bottom of the course an amazing day all-round McFly what can you possibly say about that women's competition oh it was high-octane skiing from the get-go we had Ariana to call me out of the gate and that she went into the gnar combined it with some fluid skiing at the bottom and that made her win not only the extreme world that verb' extreme but also the third world to entitle and yeah the rest of the girls killed it too they made her Ariana's life pretty hard to sit there in the hot seat but it played out oh well it did what a fantastic n22 the day's proceedings and we've got a little highlights package of the day for you [Music] congratulations Arianna trachoma taking home the world title and congratulations to everyone that took on the vector Ross today and made it down safely what a fantastic day McFly it was absolutely mind-blowing everyone saved down the mountain most important thing and we will be back for another season of the farad World Tour in 2019 with the people and the riders you've seen today yeah buys it for the freeride world tour 2018 if you want to watch any of the runs go to freeride world tour calm and check out all the videos and for now that is it from myself and McFly we'll see you next time salute salute goodbye [Music]
Channel: Freeride World Tour
Views: 39,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freeride World Tour, freeride, freeriding, freeski, skiing, ski, snowboard, snowboarding, FWT, powder, snow, Backcountry, mountains, outdoor, FWT18, 2018, Verbier, Valais, Switzerland, Suisse, Xtreme, Finale, Finals
Id: grsW_rRwkic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 37sec (9097 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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