FULL REACTION to Netherlands vs. France ending in a scoreless draw | ESPN FC

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[Music] welcome in the next edition of espnfc I'm Dan Thomas joining the studio today by Craig Bley and Don Hutchinson I suppose it had to happen at some stage in this tournament it was a poor match between the Dutch and the French it had finish nil in the first goalless game of the tournament so far the Dutch would score in the second half that would be the only controversial moment where it was chalked off for offside but in the end a point to piece both teams should be fine to advance to the knockout stages Frank Leff is with us to give a French perspective I suppose on all of this it wasn't very good was it Frank it wasn't perfect it far from there but it wasn't as U as boring as you just pretended it's been for you but uh I think the first half was pretty good it's true that the beginning of the second half was like that they made a deal in the dressing room like the draw would be fine for both both teams but after maybe 15 20 minutes fr had some chances to score then we saw the Netherland coming back we're going to talk about that thisel out goal uh but at the end of the day yeah is uh it's a good point for both teams um maybe a Netherland put themselves maybe a little bit more in danger um having to play Australia on the third game I I commend buzzing for this game as well right and then I said that was a bit of a stretch came in how about I came in with a spring in my step well yes you came in Pro primarily cuz the other two games yes the teams were like yeah but uh actually you know to be frank the Netherlands aren't really that good aside there's no really expectations of them in this tournament maybe in in Holland there is uh but realistically there is not much expectation but somehow the French made them look an okay s today and I think that says a lot about how France played uh Netherlands have their limitations but were allowed to stay in the game and and you know both teams if they had a bit more quality in the final thir obviously could have could have at least got themselves a goal but I thought France made Netherlands look a better side than they actually are it was lack of quality from both sides wasn't there in the don't worry mate I'm with you terrible game yeah and the reason why it was terrible because it was predictable cuz Holland's back five for for buan in the back four is probably the strongest in the competition but Midfield front men they don't look as they're going to score they're not a prolific Team France for that mbappe didn't really have a spark they had no left side today it was really weird tactically watching the French setup because rabio is a Midfield player seemed to be the widest player dembele had an absolute stinker every time we got it we passed it backwards or give the ball away so I think the reason why it was a boring game is because we knew after 60 Minutes it was going to be a nil-nil draw I mean it was that bad that our colleague who we absolutely love Ian dark right but he's working somewhere else at the moment for a shorts period it's never good when you start a sentence like that well it was so bad he threw out he threw out a question he's going to want this back when he said to his ccom can Holland win this comp we nearly fell off a chair when the game is so bad he's just throwing that out there but yeah it was I look any it's a nil nil now is getting the hammer he getting the Sledge Hammer what did you make of the disallowed goal it was for me it was absolutely crystal clear within the laws of the game because to be offside because as soon as we saw the first replay we all went never in a monthly Sundays is this going the only thing that surprised me and it was English officials because every other decision at this tournament right Bish bash BOS offside VAR fantastic unfussy European referees let the English boys come in they're sitting in VAR going oh Law's oh I might get my oh I might get my Knuckles wrapped for this he stood here if if if if Mike Manion Dives this way he's going to hit Den he's going to hit Denzel and freeze so he's interfering with Play It's I for me and and you the laws of the game is plainly obvious Denzel done V is standing in an offside position the goalkeeper Mike Manion sees him he can't fully dive to his left hand side because he'll bump into him therefore offside Frank do you agree no I'm not for the simple reason that that if I agree that dri is alongside M therefore is offside for me doesn't interfere because we don't see Mana trying to go for the ball because the ball goes too fast savy Simmons made a a screamer and he didn't have the time to react and I don't see man going for the left side and say oh I cannot go because dri is there I'm blocked I don't feel that so it's not clear for me I hear what the guy says and it's possible to judge all otherwise and it's why I'm pleased with the decision as a french guy but I will be a little bit frustrated if I'm a Dutch Ronald kumman frustrated afterwards said that the goal should have stood it's it's absolutely pointless asking managers that feel they been wronged absolutely pointless uh the laws of the game stay if there is any any chance that you're interfering you cannot give it right now plus it was given on the field wasn't it yeah the onfield decision was correct it was the V Stuart Atwell English uh VR who dithered and died about the whole thing and then that's why we're all waiting but look if he's two he's a couple yards away a goalkeeper makes a a really fast goalkeeper makes a split decision on the St he gets down you can see what he does he does and then he sees the play and he stops he's always going to be offside uh France obviously without killing mbappe Frank is it just lazy to say that with him they would have won this not sure about about that I mean the decision of djan was pretty crucial today where you know in reality they he played with three uh defensive midfielders rabio is more defensive midfielder alongside chamini and kante so you I didn't expect too much offensively and um that's clear that France is struggling right now uh finishing actions Dem yeah every time he touches the ball it's like o o something is about to happen oh almost that is his nickname almost it's always almost nothing happens you know it's always oh my God my almost that's that's what it is with him and I'm getting frustrated with him because the talent that He has he cannot finish an action and and he has one shot when he put over the bar you just have to put your right foot on the on the with his left foot uh the the sorry the um the inside foot to to to score and uh he he tried to smash it and put it over the bar and I said that's not clever and it's again it's always on almost so mbapp could have done maybe better in that specific action but it's not even sure because I think desan tried to secure the uh the middle of the park with rabio Chante and it was pretty uh sure to at least draw that game and it maybe enough to beat uh on the last game Poland and go through with the first uh first rank you like Dell's performance very frustrated noises throughout the game I think obviously when kilan mbapp plays it's not just what he does for the French he affects the opposition so Denzel Desta right back today realized that he was playing up against rabio who's a Midfield player so the Dutch sort of grew into the game once they problem solved and once they looked at the French tactics they realized if D free bombs on he was getting forward an awful lot um in around the hour mark there was joy for them mbappe takes him all the way back mbappe stands wide left he doesn't trap back so therefore he would probably pin Denzel dri back into his position but dembele today after watching like yamal and watching niik Williams be so good and so direct and so aggressive he was way off it today he was so frustrating I'll give it to the French though what as a as a general Ru of thumb in recent years what they've done is a lot of times they haven't played particularly well but they've grown into tournaments right and that's what I like like that your graphic well in case anybody doesn't know I'm just I'm giving the trajectory rather than you know the Scottish trajectory like full B but uh you know and they've done that well and and I suppose that's not a bad trait to have but if you compare what we witnessed yesterday yes you know I think if Spain had have been playing Holland today I think we'd have been you know they might not they might not have got a Barlo of goals but I think Holland would not have had the same sort of possession that France would Spain would have dominated the game out pasted them out played them blah blah blah but the French do grow into things and they did at the World Cups and they've done it before they're not and I've said this all along and I said it a week ago they are not they don't get hung up about entertainment and outplaying people into National level it's all about results at the end of the day and that's what de Chomps will be judged on of course mbappe uh will make a difference he looked as if he looked as if he was bright in a button bright as a button on the bench he didn't look as if he was struggling so expect that uh little sabatical to be over very soon but but yeah there are some frustrating players on the French side but ultimately they just see the end game which is uh lifting the trophy Frank do you agree we're going to see traditional France growing into a tournament as it goes on yeah that's that's I'm 100% sure I mean d sha is typically the kind of a a coach who doesn't care to entertain people he wants result results sorry he played in Italy always talked about that even when he was a player he was talking about being strong defensively and uh and scoring one goal more than the others that's it one nil was enough that's really Italian at the time and uh that's what he does with uh with all the team that he he was in charge of he he is very efficient uh the way he wants to get the result is not entertaining that doesn't care so you sometimes have something fantastic from demele mbappe Griezmann whoever but that's not part of Desa details I would say would you like to change your pick who's going to win at home who was your pick France France the most people no I don't think I will because England yeah Scotland uh no I just think when I watched the French we were trying to predict the score line today and I never get the feeling that this French side are going to blow someone away four or 5 nil I don't see it in them because I agree with Craig and Frank I think the end game for them is winning one nil and getting the job done 2-0 I don't think you'll see them gone smashed someone um so no I'm not going far away from it the team that i' be impressed the most has been Spain uh it's going to be interesting in the final round of matches as I mentioned it's not all done and dusted we know for sure though Poland are out uh they they failed of course to gain a single point from that opening two matches Austria would beat them 3-1 today in the earlier game to put them very much still in the hunt to go through Frank obviously Austria against the Dutch is going to be interesting and Austria showed that they've got some fight today yeah even if the struggle just before the end of the first half and where I find that Poland was doing better than them I I think that they have something special and with their coach they can change the tactic they can uh they can change the pace of their game and uh and they still have player like bom Garner who SC the I think this I don't want to M make a mistake the third or I don't know but I think I think some players ERS are very accurate and and they can do something very special so it's a big danger for for the Netherlands but I still put the Netherlands finishing second but I think Australia I don't know if they Australia they get a draw if they can go through well it's going to be hard for them so but uh but still yeah yeah go on go on sorry Frank I thought you were finished and I really had nothing interesting to say well that's that's not first apart from when you look at the players I was going to I was going to dive in and try and paint something Rosy over that graphic and then I thought why bother there good done well theart from when you look at the graphic they got some talented players they're not going to scare anyone Austria um but they're a decent side hard working side and obviously they're going to put up a fight against the Dutch but you've still got the Dutch and the French to go through I think so just yeah I think they'll manage the game [Music]
Channel: ESPN FC
Views: 60,286
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Keywords: espn fc, soccer on espn, espn soccer, ESPNFC, #ESPNFC, ESPN FC, espn fc tv, soccer, futbol, sports, espn, frank leboeuf, don hutchison, craig burley, dan thomas
Id: fkkajr1MK9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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