FULL RACE: Kubota High Limit Racing at I-70 Speedway 6/8/2024

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Rico aw and Cory Day from the front row Brad sweet and Justin pek in row two Brian Brown Parker price Miller in row three Anthony Macker and Roger Crockett in row four row five is s Lynch and James mcfaden sixth row Hunter sherberg and Tyler Courtney seventh row Brent marks and Jacob Allen eighth row Zab wiise and Cory Eliason ninth row Brenham Crouch and Erton jiton and 10th row is Spencer Bas and Chris Windam I70 Speedway we got him racked we got him stacked and we've got the grand stands packed let's go racing off at turn number four we are green battle for the top spot into turn number one Rico ABW slides up the racet track Cory day goes down to the bottom they swap lines off of Turn number two ABW going to lead him into three in exchange for the third spot give it to Justin peek he makes his way around the outside of Brad sweet swe tries to throw a slider on him late in the corner they're not going to get there in time and Justin pek quickly into the third spot on the back bu Cor in in turn number two battle for that fifth spot or sixth spot down the back look at Tyler Courtney come out of nowhere is the battle for the third spot picks up off of Turn number four ping pick up oh we got one off the pace down the backstretch looks like Spencer Bon I believe in car number five he is slowing on the back straightway Bon started in the 19th position for this race was running 18th at the time of this yellow don't see anything wrong with the car from right here there Blake as it looks like everything's rolling fine we'll see about on the right side of the car here saw him looking down quite a bit as he was rolling to it down the backstretch so he's going to go to the attention of the crew down there Barry Jackson McLovin on the scene as well I'm sure it was mclovin's birthday earlier this week too happy birthday to mlov go Downs it's an engine issue guys they're talk taking the hood off Spencer was shouting as soon as they came into the work area all four tires are up on this race car and no suspension seems to be bent they're going to the left side of the engineer they're going to the uh they're going to the mag I think they're going to swap the mag right here so a quick mag change for Spencer based and Barry Jackson in with a new ignition box and they're going to throw the hood back on this thing hopefully that's all it is thank you very much Tony Loris so trying to change the mag box out on the cjb Motorsports number five Spencer a great run last night finished in the fifth position and now tonight he has got some serious work cut out for him if he can get back onto the speedway the Frozen farmer pick pint makes its appearance on the front straightaway the drivers must go inside or outside Justin pek playing a little game to the outy for the restart one of my favorite shots that you guys will do occasionally chases with that Frozen farmer P there the the pck the Drone looking at it so you can see the guys choosing and the games that get played coming to the pck Pint absolutely yes so Justin will not go to the inside go to the top Tony what you got for us guys the hoods back and bolted on it sounds like it was just the mag they've swapped it they've got Cody Houston in the side by side line back up and they're going to refire Spencer Bon down here thank you very much Tony so the five car we'll see if it responds and it does so Spencer Bon's car does refire and he will rejoin at the tail that'll put all 26 cars still on the speedway here Rico ABW with the race lead after one lap Cory day Justin pek Brad sweet Parker price Miller then James mcfaden Anthony Macker Brian Brown Tyler Courtney and Hunter sherber you mentioned Tyler Courtney started 12th up plus three already into the ninth position yeah he had a big runoff of turn number two on the original star and picked up a pair of spots off of turn two interesting the front row going to stay the same we'll see if Rico does that same thing what maybe well some debris out there Anthony Corney reporting we've got some debris on the speedway looks to be maybe over on the turns three and four side of the RAC track bradu helping point that out on the speedway there and Cody Houston the high racing official will go over there and see if he can grab it and pick it up and get it out of Harm's Way do not want anybody running anything over and having some kind of flat looks like he sees it there man crany quick to it over there Chase just he doesn't miss a beat does not miss anything yeah he's oh oh looks like the tire yeah Tire actually getting knocked into the racing Groove there so it looks like the lights are out we're going green This Time by off the fourth Corner Rico abrew and Cory day we've seen like we mentioned there the outside be the place to be for the restarts that's why Justin pek instead of going to the side went to the outside we'll see if Cory day can make something happen here and it does not look like that'll be the case as we go back to green and Brad s's going to move to the second spot Cory day fell asleep on the start there BL it worked out for Rico sweet got by day day gets right back him off at turn number two down the back stretch Brad swe trying to close back in on Cory de Rico running away Rico ABW leads lap number two 28 laps to go for 26,000 to win Parker price M the fourth spot getting by J justtin pick off at turn number four and PPM he is been fast all night long Blake qualifying in the heat race in the dash he made some different changes to the car and now it's come to life here in the feature event parer's battling for that fourth spot as James MCB looks to join the battle he'll close in on the 13 of Justin peek is Parker prry Miller trying to rope in Brad sweep for the final Podium spot a very close call down the front stret Last Time by between Anthony Macker and Brian Brown they nearly banged Wheels as brown throws a slider across the nose and Anthony Macker crosses back underneath of him Anthony Macker has that position down the front way he is in the seventh spot trying to make his way forward and be a two-time race redeem Foundation race winner Brent marks battling with Hunter sherberg down the back stretch into turn number three they're nearly side by side there as we come off with turn number four marks two carlings off the back bumper as Rico can start to see the back of the pack that's the race for the 10th position between Brent marks and Hunter sherber sherber still has the spot top five pretty well spread out right now as it looks like Macky may have a car to contend for the top five in this one he's closing in on the 83 car James mcfat mcfat currently runs in six Macker look strong here early in this one Anthony Macker rolling in that 39 M Joe Mooney spinning the riches as here's the battle of the 19s Brent marks in the white one hunter sherber in the bike number 19 marks looks down to the inside side by side in turn four race for the 10 spot give it to Brent marks off in turn number four marks moves into the top 10 the last time by Cory day a 10th and a half of a second faster than your race leader and he is catching in on Rico AB very quickly that time by he was 8/10 of a second faster caution is out though top of turn number one yeah in our blind spot Casey Kane so Casey Kane we heard earlier on from Tony lorta that he had a steering box issue and now that car comes to a stop nearly end the wall in turn one Casey Kane rolled off from the 23rd position and this one was running 22nd at the time of this incident can't tell if there's any damage to the front end there might kind of looks like there is a little bit something wrong there he's pinned on the wall so got to maybe looks like maybe some right front damage you can see the nose wi curled in there on the left front yeah definitely some kind of contact or something there for Casey Kane that nose wi is a skew Trent heter the Kabota Highland racing official on the scene to try and help Casey Kane we got a replay coming up for you watching on flow from the Drone going to be on the left side here of your screen going to be bottom left he yeah hit the wall right there Blake and rode it all the way down yeah wind him right there with him it looked like and Casey just kind of rode along the wall there there was some contact maybe on that left front causing that damage you can see the nose wi bent up there guys the tow truck is out of the way but like I said last night that may be the most impressive tow truck I've ever seen Wayne pretty doesn't feel that way anymore he was ducking underneath to get a look at the front end he smoked the top of his head on the hook of that tow truck he's checked for blood he's no worse for the wear his driver and car back on track ready to go helmets Maybe IR by All crew members in the work area from now on Blake Wayne pretty a winning crew for the race redeem Foundation race too 2021 2021 cooko Speedway we're ready to go back to green flag racing still plenty of time for somebody to make a move on Rico AB as we head back to green another good start for Rico but look at Parker price Miller out of the Gat to three wide for second and one oh boy Parker price Miller feeling feisty here tonight moves into the second spot looking for that first win of the year with Kabota Highland racing and it would be a big one one that would pay $26 th000 and he's trying to track down Rico a for the top spot how about Justin pek into the fourth spot trying for third he's shot by bratu now turning the heat up on Cory day off of turn two Justin pek looking strong got by Brad me now looking for a slider into turn number three down to the bottom now up to the top Justin pek up into the third spot across the nose of Cory Dave and Justin pek's got third at the line Sean sturg spending the wrenches on that boot Motorsports 13 oh Justin pek got pushed up the RAC track there cord day takes the spot back and now pek falls to the clutches Brad sweet sweet looks to the inside for four close call right there as sweet nearly got over the left side tires of Justin pek Peck protects the bottom of the turn number one that's going to really mess up the injury from the 49 car Brad swe Here Comes Anthony mck a huge run on sweet down the back straightway MRE whoa that was a close call right there your Kabota High racing point leader nearly getting wiped out in turn three wow that was a close call Chase Rodman Macker on the Move Sean straa the crew chief on the 13 point the 13 forward is Justin pet trying to close back in and now the battle for the lead starting to tighten up though Chase Rodman Parker price Miller closing in on Rico AB last couple laps PPM been the faster car as far as the lap 's go and traffic up the road we have not seen traffic this entire time in this race and that will affect Rico AB car off the pace front straightway Jack Wagner the caution Will Come Out Boy that's probably exactly what Rico Abu wanted to see there gets him out of lap traffic that probably would have been in his sights within a lap or two his brother Samuel Wagner also running tribute car this weekend obviously tonight not going the way this team was hoping well there's that Frozen farmer pick pint and Parker price Miller will go to the outside and with if it's anything like his last restart Blake Rico abrew may be in trouble right here he talked about Jesse hawkett There obviously the tribute cars well Justin pek drives for Tom B up there in the fourth spot in the 13 that's a car that Jesse hawkett spent some time behind the wheel of certainly did as it looks like we're ready to go green This Time by still not halfway through this race Rico ABW now with a new Challenger to his outside that being the law firm Parker price Miller green flag set to come back out Rico on the gas early as they head back to oh we got some contact four wine off the court everybody's going to keep on going wow I thought mcfaden was getting upside down there you saw the car hooping some cars off the pace on the front starts but the back of the pack and the yellows going to fly that was a chaotic restart you got one off the Chris Windam yeah we thought everybody made it through but the 55 of Chris Windam is facing towards the wall in the four corner and with that we'll now go to a single file restart due to contact on a double file restart so that'll move Rico he'll be by himself there and looks like that's a big break for mcfat who lost a lot of spots there on that start boy I thought he was getting upside down he had oh appeared to be almost all four off the ground as Tony lorta Casey Kane has made his way back into the work area to the attention of Wayne pretty and creu looking like they're looking at that front end again TLP yeah maybe the bracket that holds up that nose Wing has broken it's come back down there's a little bit of damage to the uh bill at the back of that uh nose Wing they're going to try to repair that and get it to stay upright I didn't see it come down oh there's big damage to the bumper you can see front bumper damage so Kane getting involved in that Skirmish over there in turn number four that's what shoved the nose Wing down and Chris Windam you guys I don't know if you've hit on it or not already up there but Windam uh going to get ref fired out there at the exit of turn number four they swapped an engine in that number 55 since the last time we raced just last night here at the I70 Speedway and now to make matters even worse the 73 of Samuel Wagner pulls into the work area just moments after his brother dead looks like the Tony and Jen verir own 55 and Chris Windam back under power here's a replay Chase of the restart we'll see what happened here looked like it maybe start with Macker gets the left rear ran over by mcfaden and then yeah there's the contact with Kane and Windom right there and so what was a what was a good break for here's another look at it right there Mack I don't know if he just reaction looked like he kind of trying to avoid Peck there a little bit Ric was early on the gas too which maybe have kind of messed things up a little bit there but he has mixed up all three of his restarts starting a little bit later last time started a little bit earlier certainly keeps you on your toes and when you're racing with guys like you have here with kaboto high limit racing you have to do that absolutely let's see what he does this time last time he went pretty early in that restart box and they'll do it again here and PPM was sticking right with them as they work off a turn number four good restart for Cory day but cannot pass for that cone PPM still with second Justin P underneath the Cory day looking for that third spot off of Turn number two Cory day with a big run down the back R starting to close in on PPM as here comes the 39 of Anthony Macker good battle for third and turn four Cory day around the outside takes it back away from Justin peek and a good move right there from Cory day around the outside now looking to track down the N9 PF Parker price Miller maybe going to need some traffic for Rico a to be challenged here tonight but every time we've gotten there there has been a slowing of the cars we'll see if it happens this time we've still got plenty laps to go still halfway home the concrete kid Anthony MRE starting to challenge Justin peek they're nearly side by side for the fourth spot pck Works off the high side Macker down to the bottom wheel to wheel Anthony Macker challenging as they're Wing to Wi off a turn four move Anthony Macker up a spot on the leaderboard Macer even pulled up next to Cory day right there off of Turn number four a lot of speed around the inside of the racetrack right now for the Dillsburg Pennsylvania Driver Macker up to Fourth he was the winner here of this race back in 2022 now looking to go after Cory day he has got the bottom absolutely ired especially in three and four blade 12 laps to go plenty of time for Anthony maer to choose his spots as he tries to work onto the podium Rico still over a straightaway away from lap traffic plenty of clean air out in front of him but look at the Battle for fourth and fifth off a turn four three car battle for that third spot Justin peek now to the inside oh Macky tried to shut the door on him but Justin peek went right through it anyways peek back to Fourth Macker Dives It Off The Corner comes back after the bo Motorsports 13 he's got fourth back in a turn three great race for this third and fourth spot wow talk about high state poker here at I70 between Anthony Macker and Justin pek battling for the four spot one spot out of the podium Cory day if he had a rear room here he'd be entertained by the battle behind him and Cory day still running in that third spot the last time by Rico ABW was two10 faster than Parker price Miller he's now getting the back of the field trying to get by Jason Martin and Roger Crockett that time by another 10th was faster than was Rico ABW so Parker price Miller not closing in but thick lap traffic is just ahead for number 24 car Rico ABW he'll shoot F the defending ASCS National spring card champion at Jason Martin now has a pair a one laap car between himself and Parker price Miller PPM now has a clear track out of him because Jason Martin pulls into the infield Jason Martin into the infield we will stay green the race for Fort still a good one between Anthony Macky and Justin pek the lap car Roger Crockett there as a pick we'll see pck goes around the outside Macker is going to have to avoid the bottom of the RAC track to get around Crockett and that allows the 13 AP to pull away a little bit Rico ABW trying to become the first repeat winner of the race rine Foundation race and this time by he six laps away from being the first ever repeat winner in six tries yeah PPM is definitely closing in 15831 for Rico abil 10th taken out of the lead by Parker price Miller traffic up the road Xavier dony and Casey Kane if they can hold Rico up for just a corner I think ppf can get there in time blank boy lap traffic doing Rico ABW no favor is there all over the RAC track PPM really cutting into the lead that time took two t off here he comes can he get there in time five laps to go Parker price Miller looking for that first win of 2024 with Kabota Highland racing Ric goes to the middle kind of washes up the speedway right there gets a little bit sideways and Parker price Miller takes another two10 out of the race lead but now Rico's got a lap C himself and PPM yellow for Cory day last night's winner off the pace on the front stretch Cory day with an issue on the Jason Myers Racing number 14 car comes to a stop right there at the entering turn number one on the front straightway Cory day running fifth at the time according to timing and scoring here and it's hard to tell from this angle with the wall in the way if there's anything wrong with that fourseas construction machine can't really tell from this angle either but and he's not going to have any guaranteed time down there in the work area we got only four five laps to go here in this race so not going to have any guaranteed time for Cory day in the work area this restart is going to be big obviously because with four to go lap traffic clearly not in the picture any longer that's not what Parker price Miller wanted and exact what Rico Abu wanted to see get him out on a clean track of this big half mile yeah now Rico is going to have another opportunity to try and you know fool him a little bit on this restart with only a handful laps to go Parker's really going to have to time their ride I think they're relatively close on speed I mean even when they didn't get to traffic Parker was maybe about a half a tenth or a tenth off in lap time and that was with the dirty air you know Rico was out in clean air I think that Parker looks like we may have a fuel stop coming up here so an open red so this could change things for sure it is so vital to have a good crew chief because most of the time when you go out there you've got a slider a Wings slider forward or back and that's what you've got you can't adjust the shocks or anything like that like you can in other forms of sprint car racing absolutely well let's start reset the top 10 for you right now Rico abrew showing the way Parker price Miller running in second Justin pek is in third Anthony Macker is in fourth who has been very very fast here in the later stages of this race Brad swe will move into the top five Brent marks in sixth Tyler Courtney in seventh James fat will be eighth Brian Brown ninth and Erton jiton having a solid run from 18th into the top 10 for car number three we'll see what he can do this year certainly one of the guys you keep an ey he is pre for watch that right here on Flow racing TP you can watch that on Flow racing Blake and I plan to be tuned in people should be tuned in also to Brenham Crouch the LEC Texas driver started this feature in 17th he is now up to 13th position good run for Brom thank you very much Tony as we're coming back to the green flag off of Turn number four back under away good restart for Macker they are going to challenge the inside as Here Comes Justin pek going at it they're battling for third pet closing and on Parker price Miller for second Parker price Miller trying to hang on to that second spot Macker with another big move he's been doing this the entire race he's into the third spot looking at Parker price M for second down the front straight that is high stakes chicken right there who is going to LIF first PPM now has company and that's exactly what Rico wants to see a battle for second as laps wind away this time by two to go now underneath Parker price Miller he's up into the second spot man at this race had five more laps Macker may be a challenge for the race win here tonight but it looks like Rico ab's got a pretty big Advantage they come to the White Flag next time by Rico ABW going to come to the white flag with one to go he's a half mile away from $26,000 in a backto back win here at the race rine Foundation race and be the first repeat winner of this event six Renditions off of Turn number two and down the back straightway it looks like it's going to happen as he makes his way into turns three and four Rico AB now the back-to- back winner the race redeem Foundation race at I70 Speedway Anthony Mack second Parker pry Miller in third Justin pck fourth and Brad sweet finishes up in [Music] fifth Rico ABW win number two of 2024 with cabota High racing leading all 30 laps and C number 24 Anthony Macker from 7th to Second Parker price Miller finishes up in third Justus P fourth and Brad sweet finishes in fifth Brett Mark 6th Tyler Courtney seventh James mcfaden eighth Brian Brown ninth and Aon jiton rounds out the top 10 here tonight 11th through 20th Hunter schernberg Jacob Allen Tanner Thorson Cory Eliason Brenham Crouch Spencer Bon Chris Windham Z wise Casey Kane and Cory day ultimately and it finishes up in 20th behind him it was Xavier doni Roger Crockett s Lynch Jason Martin Jack Wagner and Samuel Wagner how about it race fans your winner of the race rudine Foundation race driving car number 24 Rico abre 26,000 big ones going to the driver of car number 24 with the sonoko race fuels Checkered Flag jumps off the race car high five from Zack Middlebrooks and he is going to be absolutely thrilled with win number two of 2024 with cabota high limit racing has been in good spirits all day we were talking him earlier on at the command center he was super happy super excited to get going here tonight and I believe if I'm not mistaken that is a clean sweep of the night for Rico abrew quick time overall won the heat race won the dash 30 laps in the feature he leads every single one of them to take down the win there goes the fist bump there Ricky Warner down there as well he'll come around the front of the race car and he will talk to Tony lorta as a winner with high Limer racing tonight for the second time 2024 folks Rico ABW your winner and almost even more impressively as he gets himself a little postrace beverage for later on tonight of course that El Bandido Yankee is going to taste good and how about that shell shock painted electric guitar from Kevin Rudin Ric you're just getting all kinds of cool stuff down here in Victory Lane you go back to back you won this race at Plymouth last season you're the first driver in its six-year history to go back to back what's it feel like to be here in Victory H amazing just uh thank you to Kevin rudine uh you know just his whole family what they've done for the sport of sprint car racing um High 70 Raceway this place is an amazing facility um you know we just uh us Racers take a lot of pride in coming to facilities like this and uh you know we're we're fortunate enough to get the luxury to race in front of the best race fans in the business and uh these these trophies here are what it's all about for my team uh and uh getting this up on the front stretch uh is is a big deal for us you know this year has been quite difficult for racing just with the the rules pack as changes is has us really working on our race car uh you know when we unload and the temp the intensity is definitely really high in our pit area and um we know uh where the bar set for our race team so it's important for us to to get good finishes and when you get into these positions of leading these races um you just stay as calm as possible uh you know catching lap traffic and really trying to study your race car and see where it's at just cuz all this time we get such a short amount of track time um at these events so anytime we're on track it's just data for us and um to utilize for the next race you know I just I'm really fortunate to be racing with Ricky Warner Zach Middlebrooks Brady forbrook they they're di hards uh when it comes to sprint car racing and all of our partners um El Bandido Yankee Tequila's a sponsor of this race a sponsor of our race team and um they're really ramping up the activation of these events and it's a important for us to uh to put on a good performance for them you talk about your crew chief Ricky Warner just one week ago he was inducted into the national Sprint car Hall of Fame when this car comes off the track no matter what session it is you and Zach and Brady you have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time what is life like in the pit area when you're chasing victories in a championship with high limit yeah I'm not going to lie it's intense um you know these These are big paying races we're Racing for there's money on the line um you know that affect our whole race team so it's uh it's important for us to to work really hard at this and uh you know our our results have been really hot and cold throughout the seasons we've gotten on consistent runs Shi away from it just a I feel like it's it's quarter inch increments on fine-tuning these things and um you can get off really easily and um you know I think track position's a big thing right now in racing and it's uh it's pretty cool to be standing up here on the front straightway well track position is definitely a thing when you come here to I70 Speedway every driver told us that you improveed greatly after a 10th Place run here last night in preliminary action you're $26,000 richer and as a high roller you get to support a charity of your choosing thanks to our Angel donor what charity are you sending that money to tonight these uh you know these are special and thank you to that that angel donor um you know these Charities are are getting very noticed at these races and I think that's really important for the sport um I'm going to match that $1,000 donation tonight and we're going to donate to Jack superhero Foundation one of our partners the hunt family um you know has a nephew with neuromuscular disease and uh that's where our money's going tonight ladies and gentlemen Rico ABW is your winner I believe we have a 50/50 ticket for Rico to Paul Brook do we have a 50-50 ticket for Mr ABW there we go Rico is going to pull our winning 5050 ticket he's going to hand it over here it is a pink maybe magenta color ticket 953 431 again pink ticket 953 431 go see Brooklyn at the track office behind the front straightaway one more time folks how about it for Rico abrew let's go talk to our second and third place finishing drivers Anthony Macker the driver out of Dillsburg Pennsylvania goes from 7th to Second here tonight a very impressive run what was right about this race car tonight I don't I don't really know I think we were just kind of tight enough there to uh you know kind of run wherever we wanted to and uh you we kind of had to write gear in to you know be able to launch off the bottom and and turn two off the you know off the bottom and uh it just seemed like if I got a good run down the backstretch I could just you know drive straight into three and uh without having to open my board up and you know kick the tires out from underneath me uh you know I could get through the through the bottom really well and uh you know it just worked for a while and then tires started to go away and uh you know that red flag was was pretty good for us so uh you know Joe and Nate and uh you know Clyde's helping tonight too a little bit but uh you know they put the special tunes on it and uh we had a last a good last four laps uh you know I wish we could have started a little bit better than seventh but uh you know that's the situation we put ourselves in and and we just had to try and dig ourselves out of it and uh we came up one shot sport but one shot one spot short I can't talk but uh uh you know I just can't thank the you know race routin uh foundation for putting this race on it's a you know it's a lot of money it's a for a good cause and uh it's just uh you know I can't thank my sponsors enough either uh you know JNS Classics and Valley supplies cndd rigging uh DMS trash and class one transport and uh you know fringer GMC it's uh you know it takes a lot of people to get this car up and down the road and uh you know it takes good guys like uh I got behind me to get this thing to go around the racetrack pretty fast so uh you know then it's up to me not to screw up so but uh I think we uh did pretty good job as a team tonight and we'll just go on from here he says he's got good guys behind him he's a good guy himself Anthony Macker goes 7th to Second here tonight in the race R Dean Foundation finale Parker price Miller we got to talk to him on the podium back in Lawrenceburg Indiana it seems like things I said this during the heat race but I'm going to repeat it it seems like things for you and this 9p car are starting to fall into place does it feel that way to you uh yeah we're definitely getting better we just got to be more consistent you know last night we run 18th we were 16th or 17th at Butler and then third at Lawrenceburg so we just got to you know be more consistent stay up front uh make more dashes you know making the dashes makes your night a whole lot easier and uh we're we're getting there we're starting to qualify a little bit better but uh I didn't want that yellow to come out I was catching Rico and uh you know they said third place was quite a bit back so uh was going to be fun to try and duel for the win and then once that caution came out I knew my chances were very slim after that but uh you know still happy with you know starting six and finishing third and put on a podium in a big paying race and uh had to just can't thank Kevin and Monica enough for uh putting on this race for race rouine foundation and the whole routin team uh you know just us Racers enjoy Racing for this much money this year and uh we're getting better and you know month of money's coming up and uh hopefully we'll just keep putting these strides together and uh we'll keep getting faster just can't than Hayden fuzz Danny uh you know everyone back home enough uh my parents uh my girlfriend you know she does the t-shirts she works very hard at it and uh she could probably have a way better paying job but she helps me out so thank you to her maybe a better paying job but where would she have more fun Parker price Miller goes 6 to third for his second trip onto the podium here in 2024 with Kota high limit racing Anthony Macker we wish that guy was a high roller he drops in and races and makes some money with us every couple of weeks he and Joe Mooney and Nate rits had that number 39 rolling pretty well tonight
Channel: FloRacing
Views: 14,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FCoJIchboIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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