24 Hours of Le Mans: Full race replay (PART3)

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to be on the calendar yeah others come and go and uh this is the big one this is the double points this is the one that everybody wants to win yeah sebastian getting a bit of an update from one of his engineers there do we have any more animated radio calls from sebastian through the night or was he relatively controlled and i was sleeping so there's still still further updates there with sebastian and his engineer would you say this miss now is really coming down here on on the front straight and into uh you know the four chicanes and up into dunlop i think that um well it appears that toyota do have a bit of a feeling for what uh the issue is with nakajima they are monitoring they're not necessarily going to be saying exactly what it is but it's something that's being monitored at the moment for the nakajima car we heard the radio uh kazna kojima saying that uh there was a vibration from the engine he said but he wasn't really 100 sure they said yeah we know about it what on it yeah and again that that just it it's obviously taken a step now that the driver is reporting it and uh but they've most probably known about it for some time well with eight hours to go then uh it's something that they'll be monitoring and i'm sure very closely as well the 51 car has just left the pit lane it's a p1 in gte pro uh the uh of course a ferrari and uh the the number 63 the the 83 has just done its drive through as well francois perotto ah remember he got a we got a drive through for speeding in the pit lane at the last pit stop and now he's just done that drive through and uh what's the gap now to the uh to the 33 cf sport it's still not it's still a lap isn't it yeah we still need to see how it yeah it's going to be all that yeah yeah yeah so um the the 51 af courser ferrari is uh working its way through the first chicane and then the 63 corvette i think is some 17 seconds back and this is going to go back and forth now for uh the next number of hours 92 coming here throwing it over the curbs there at the forge again i do like the sparks underneath the porsche when it hits those curves does look good i don't know if it's fast i'm sure i'm sure but it does look good it's full we'll rally somebody so do you want me to suggest that to corvette i think i should suggest it to everybody it should be mandatory okay [Music] 92 cars had a troubled time at the uh hyper pole but it's it's been pretty quick uh in the hands of kevin ester and he's just done his fastest lap of the race and he's gone and done in his fastest middle sector and into the pits now the mist has come down yes let's go use his imagination more morning david morning how are you i'm great good to see you yes all breakfasted all rested turner has been dispatched to his caravan or whatever and um the battles carry on number eight toyota then the big talking point in the last half an hour since i've been away yes it seems that um there's something brewing there something definitely something brewing yeah they won't tell us what it is it won't be very specific what it is but they certainly know what it is uh that's came over the radio but sebastian boehm he was in a bit of an exchange with one of the engineers we saw he turned around to duncan who sort of gave him the thumbs up and uh i think sebastian suggested it was maybe not quite as thumbs up as thumbs up okay did he was he gesticulating with sort of one finger no it's a shake of the head no good a little bit of frustration i think there oh eyebrows you have got uh two points one is potentially if there's a problem with the car second is they're 40 seconds or so behind their team car anyway yeah and their team car seems to have the legs on them overall yeah and i think the conversation that bohemia was having with his engineer was his engineer mostly telling him unless something goes wrong with the seven you're not gonna win yeah exactly yeah i think he probably knew that about eight hours ago though yeah most probably yeah which might throw a lifeline if eight has got a problem to the alpine although that's four laps back but the alpine is back on pit lane nickel and lapierre at the wheel of it and all they can do as we keep saying is be reliable themselves and hope that there is some frailty in the toyotas they've just been listening missing a little bit of performance haven't they alpine they've been able to kind of do the lap time but not consistently the thing they can't do is they can't do the stint lens they're one lap less than toyota and also glickenhaus and the reality is they don't have the performance we maybe saw it portimo in the first round of the wec or in some of the other races to try to get that back they've been kind of just on the same sort of performance levels at best yeah so it was always going to be a tough ask for uh alpene elf matt murray but nicola lapierre still involved in that fight for third against olivier palazzo clicking house and 36 he's good to go again blasts out it is impressive that the click and house is still running it's still out there still competitive both still going yeah yep you know you were saying a little while ago but it's it's not amateur hour you know these cars might not have the budget might not have the experience necessarily of toyota but there is a good brains trust for operating them but even so they're still going strong now um weather update allen yeah fog thanks hill isn't it so well funnily enough that is exactly where i'll be tomorrow afternoon as it turns out but uh just getting prepared for the weather but yeah it's gone very very foggy as you saw up there that this has only came down though david in the last sort of eight nine minutes before that the sun was out and darren was saying how beautiful it was and then suddenly ollie comes into the booth and he pressed though there's fog in there i just bring it it's one of my talents if it gets worse could that be a slow zone we'll discuss that in a second let's look at the classification it's toyota's first and second to us have a thus but now there's this question mark over number eight alpine third glickenhaus fourth fifth and sixth that's still team wrt ruling the roost in uh lmp2 and then seventh is 709 clicking house ahead of will stevens who is up ahead of tom blanquist who has replaced shawn golial so those cars have switched and 10th overall ranger van der zander up to fifth in lmp2 for inter europol competition doing a really good job in gte pro alessandra piagridi spa 24 winner is 22nd overall but leading the class ahead of antonio garcia in the corvette and then the porsche battle for third michael christensen has jumped ahead of record leads in am francois perot despite that uh recent penalty leads the class ahead of ben keating and third in the class is matteo crossoni in number 80 ferrari and we've got a yellow flag out of marshall's post 26. which is yeah yeah and the fog continues to close in as well on certain sections of the circuit looks like it's number 48 lmp2 car that has caused that which is the idec sport of lafarge at the moment and uh that car is not moving okay tom blonkis for jota is just done that carl's best lap of the race there is the deck entry which has got going again yeah tom will be trying to make up that uh that time that he lost to will stevens in the pits with that uh problem at the pit stop they couldn't get the door shut or have some some issue with the driver change here we see the idec car lock the race yeah locked the rears and sort of half spun into it that's exactly what we saw with aoki in the innovation car earlier on [Music] they are at the moment olivier player in 708 richard westbrook in 709 um the thoughts of jim flickenhaus right now well let's find out because he's in the pits with duncan vincent first of all jim it's morning you've got through the night with two cars still running how as a team principal team boss owner do you feel well i i feel great i mean you know we're here we're running well we have a few minor issues uh but we've worked through them and uh we're gonna give it a fight right up to the end and we hope we can be on the podium at the end the cars are showing good pace that obviously you've got to be in it to win it and toyota might have a little problem brewing it does give you great hope um look we never wish problems on anyone toyota's an incredible company and their car is incredible but this is a bop class and they're too fast there's no question about now next year when michelin has more time to work with us the rear-wheel drive tires might be faster but as it stands now they're much faster than we are and uh but we're going to try as hard as we can jim thanks for your time charming thank you thank you my friend they might be much faster but they're more experienced they've been to le mans more there's greater experience perhaps within that team it's not just pace yes they are quicker but there's a bit more to winning le mans yeah i think when you sit down you do the analysis you actually look at time spent in the pits you look at all the areas that you were spending energy on trying to rectify or gain and learn experience through the course of the week as well never mind just the singular lap times and there's parts of it you can control in parts of it you can't but certainly for the team they've done i think generally a very good job over the course of the weekend the car that's fighting uh for this podium position right now is the car that got into incidents in the first corner as well with sebastian boehme so it may actually be part of the reason that they gain from it however maybe 20 hours later or something but yeah i know that i know jim glickenhause's point about it being bop however i think there that uh you know you have do have to lift your glickenhaus hat towards toyota and see the job that they have done no doubt no doubt i mean glickenhaus have got some very experienced drivers yep you've got some very experienced crew they're pulling it all together and there's there's multi sort of nationalities working within that team and the engine department on on the race team and the design team you know so it's it has been a multinational effort but it's it it's and it's sometimes hard to get that all to jail together but but as we've been saying it's a good solid effort there have been bigger teams bigger reputations that have come here and look like a bad joke yeah yeah retiring after a handful of laps very very true spending every pit stop with with more and more smoke and steam coming out of it and the car plummeting down they haven't they've looked very very good the biggest problem they've got is that toyota is better yes so the 52 a of course a ferrari um what suspension left rear suspension failure and they lost a lot of time when daniel sarah was at the wheel early hours of this morning about five o'clock-ish uh trying to sort that out and uh we can hear about ferrari with sam bird because sam in the pit lane is with duncan sam thank you very much for joining us in the in in the pit lane can you can you hear me okay first of all sam it's good to see you um dropped back into the team how does it feel to be back in the af course of 52 car yeah it feels great to be back in the car um unfortunately we we've had an issue during the night which has set us back as we were fighting the corvette for p2 um good news is the sister carl is having a great run out there and let's see if they can hold on to that there's a bit of a repair job on the front right is that what the the issue was could you talk us through it i'm finding it difficult to hear um i think you said about the front right yeah um in my second stint uh anam didn't see me and turned in into into the fortune cane so but it's not cost us any time or it's not cost us any performance what customer's performance was some uh suspension failure yeah it looks more cosmetic than anything just just bodywork and cosmetic damage yeah it's just um [Music] i need that it's just cosmetic damage so yeah it's it's okay thank you so uh yeah the the first incident was that the chicane with brendan areeb wasn't it turned in and then there was the left rear suspension failure as well that they had to sort out so the two aren't linked don't think so okay no no different corners different incidents yes yes but um added all together a lot of time lost and so as we were saying a little while ago it's left now 51 upholding ferrari on it but you've got one ferrari ahead of one corvette the other one having had problems and then the two porsches that are perhaps being more reliable but not as quick yeah in the in the 51 i of course a ferrari has just set its fastest lap of the race he's just gone personal best in that first sector on the next lap so he is uh certainly uh in the zone and also just had a pit stop as well because he's just taken the car over from james collado so he'll be on a new set of tires as well and with the track temperature and everything coming into the zone good time [Music] now you see the gap between the alpine and the glickenhaus only 8.9 seconds between the two it's been going back and forth all right yeah yeah yeah trades on the pit stops comes in well the alpine should be in and uh sorry the the glickenhaus should be in a couple of laps it owes us a pit stop relative to the alpine the alpine was in two laps ago and uh so we're going to see that extend back out again but it is trading it's just swinging back and forth it's too early really with eight hours to go to see what the stint lengths are going to be towards the end of the race yeah but in maybe another three or four hours halfway through this last part of the race then you can start to predict what they'll do and how they'll i'm sure split the last i'm sure that uh the bigger teams will will be having uh a guy sitting there working their way you know from the end of the race back into sort of seeing okay if it was to go green all the way you get to a point now where you would say for example you'd do 10 laps do you then split it into equal stints of 9 for example all the way through or something like that yeah it's just trying to work through exactly what uh what is going to be the best for your car with the tire allocation you have left for the driver driver stints and just trying to work your drivers through feeding them into the car and trying to get your fastest guy or the guy that's been the most comfortable in the car and the quickest through the race lining him up for the end of the race yeah or the one if you need to the the one that you know will scrap it out to the end because we have seen races come down to the last couple of laps and someone that is just going to fight it out tooth and nail to the end yeah yeah absolutely you're finisher yeah nikola lapierre definitely would be the guy i would throw in in that situation in the alpine lineup no doubt he has been a battler for many many years and just always delivers he also he understands this race he's delivered on it he's won it many times in lmp2 yeah yeah but you're talking about fast lap times coming in uh will stevens has also done his fastest first sector and four seconds behind him and catching in four seconds my name was tom blondquist in the joticker now he saw it the other way around when sean galil was sort of just holding off stevens for a long period of time and now that's reversed round after a long pit stop by jota but uh blondquist is marching back in on the back of the i think racing car blogfest is on the new tyres i'm not sure will is whether we'll do a different entire strategy yeah yeah so he's maybe on a stint old or a couple of stints old so maybe that time performance isn't quite as good for will but yeah tommy's making some headway on him and that battle's going to continue for the next number of hours which is great to see 11th and 12th in uh gte am here the dempsey proton racing car and the herbert motorsport car battling it out [Music] and just another quick update on uh quick sector times nick dufresne the g drive 10th overall in lmp2 uh 15th overall in the race has just thrown in that car's fastest middle sector which runs from the es de la farages before tetrarouge all the way down to mulsanne yeah and at the front of a gte pro we've got the af courser ferrari he's just done the pair greedy's just done his fastest lap of the race but antonia garcia is holding that gap it's around about that 19 20 seconds and it's been like that for the last number of laps and uh so they're going back and forth here and as hard as uh where greedy is trying to get away from antonio antonio's just desperately trying to hang on to him it's great race yeah it is he's either keeping each other very very honest yeah yeah which you would expect you know two guys absolutely the top of their game for their manufacturer slugging it out this is what we what they're paid for long quest has just done his fastest lap so he's now down to 1.1 seconds he's taking a big chunk hasn't he yep it was four seconds on that previous lap this herbert motorsport car went a little bit wide there coming into porsche drop right back [Music] another pit stop for the innovation car and uh nigel bailey's at the wheel of that at the moment [Music] yeah they went in the box didn't they yeah they did yeah did we find out what that was for nope no we didn't they went in nose first into the box as well normally it's tail first yeah we've seen that we've seen that with them earlier on in the week i think that must be for driver change and uh getting the guys in and out [Music] second place to lmp two no innovations on its way again cooper come back out of the pits wrt car 41. [Music] well this fog has uh somewhat lifted hasn't it it's uh it's not it hasn't uh got any worse let's say we can see that still see the racetrack yeah it's lifted now that the regulation is that marshall's supposed to have to be able to see from one to the next yeah yeah and from that perspective then it's deemed to be in the correct sort of levels but it's not lifting it's lifted from that dense fog that we had but it's certainly not lifting but this is the battle for third place as it's resuming uh tom blondquist in the jota sport car the second car in that lineup and will stevens is now he was the hunter now he's the hunted yeah and tom is clawing back that time that was given up in that last pit stop and he's uh also got that new set of tyres on and so he's using all of those resources to try and get himself back onto the gearbox of will stevens and uh this is quite the fight quick view of charleston lacy who is waiting to get into the wrt car at the next stop which would be robin friends uh will be coming in in the next four laps he will robin's done a triple stint by then and then malaysia would jump in before ferdi habsburg would take over duties later on yeah the the 31 wrt car is with robin fryens on board seems like it's got that class sort of under control we can't ever say it is fully done but it's yeah very quick and consistent eight into the pit lane nakajima coming to the end and you know we'll have to see if there's been any update on this uh little issue that they have small vibration that sort of crept into the system being monitored by the engineers the drivers now able to sort of feel it and feedback it's fuel on kind of looks like a standard stop there full service full service and uh me i believe is going in yeah there we go after his little uh update from the engineer he's now in the car fuel is done i'm gonna go four tires there's kind of activity there on that right-hand side of the car wasn't there i'm not sure if that was a standard thing yeah most of the most of uh things like charging the oil is on the right hand side ease of mechanics being able to access is right there [Music] and there's quick sectors coming in now uh will stevens as we see the toyota just going slowly down the pit lane will stevens has done the quickest first sector norman nato in the real team racing car that's an eighth and leading pro am in lmp2 quickest first sector ranking van der zander has just done the quickest middle sector for his car as well and so there's blue popping up in our timing screen blue means the quickest of the car and then if there's purple then it's going to be the quickest overall in the category in the race yeah so certainly the track looks good it's still evolving and drivers out there oh this is the will stevens tom blondquist battle here that we're watching and uh thomas managed to pull himself up onto the back of of will stevens dragon speed car could get into the mix henrik hedman is uh in that car at the moment it's second place in pro am in lmp2 and it's only 32 seconds behind uh the leader in pro-am as well so you'll not want to sort of get out of the way too much yep you'll need to sort of keep it keep it real no doubt and will stevens has gone his fastest second sector for that car and uh tom blanquist is just matching him it's using that uh the dragon speed car is uh sort of like a slingshot using it to toe up behind them and threw it off and as i come down to indianapolis the two of them i'd say almost as one yeah i think uh it's going to be a brave maneuver if it's in this lap for tom bloncus to have a look at will stevens there's no traffic up ahead to try to create that sort of speed differential that you take the or you take the chance of the opportunity to sneak down the inside of the outside i'm sure tom was hoping that uh the dragon speed car was gonna sort of get a little bit more in the way and uh create an opportunity for him but uh didn't happen but um he's still on him just see how they come through the porsche curves here these two guys are very experienced in these cars now and they're certainly showing it is fantastic and it seems like will has really nailed it through the porsche curves yeah he has i think this will be his quickest lap in the car's quickest lap of the race so far as robin friends has done exactly the same for wrt 31 the class leading 31. again low on fuel robin is 708 back into the race so losing its third place back to the alpene as the lmp2 fight comes over the line there you go alan i'll name that tune in one a 30 33 0 for will stevens which is eight times quicker than friends who just did his car's quickest lap of the race yeah but tom blonkfist was only three tenths behind will stevens on that lap well the clicking house has got in the way coming down the hill a little bit this is a car that just came out to the pizza levy pla is this could be the opportunity tom's been looking for that's not very quick on the start of this who's not this is definitely the opportunity right now exactly double toe [Music] so will stevens trying to get through the traffic trying to defend from tom blanche suddenly life has become very very busy as they come down towards the first of the chicanes and blondquist is right there stevens has to go defensive blond chris sitting in the draft goes to the outside line gets a face full of glickenhaus and can he go all the way around the outside yes he can he's got his nose in front and so tom blonkis takes the place good move absolutely all set up from the glickenhaus just coming out of the pits just in front of will stevens and will stevens is almost powerless there really now can will stevens do the same to blanc because now tom's got to clear the clicking house yeah but the glicky nose is not going very quickly that's the first thing that i just noticed about it it looks as if it's slightly under par and under weather well now blanquist is extending that margin and olivier perhaps is getting up to a proper pace now but tom blonk was up to third with an lmp2 for jota maybe played been snoozing and he was just trying to wake himself up he's not quick in the corners he's pretty quick on the street but he's not quick in the corners this is the second stint oh for olivier platt so the tires will have done 13 laps and he's going on to his second 13-lap stint so he'll be full of fuel yellow mp3 somebody off at dunlop follow the 34 car out here we might see 72 so it could be the hub auto racing dress van tour gte pro car that may have an issue up there is 22's back in the pitch united auto sport once again they thought that they had solved all the problems but being in the garage there it is the hub yeah auto sport car this is the car that started in pole position in gt pro brilliant lap by dress van tour but uh now it looks like the race is coming to a sticky sort of situation oh straight through that's it that looks like a bit of a failure issue too yeah like grants to a halt doesn't it yeah yes that's not what you want [Music] initially you would think he was just aborting the corner maybe lock to break or something but then to grind it to a halt and that could bring out a slow zone in that area to recover that card if it cannot move in its own steam so rocking backwards and forwards a little bit there so he'll be on the radio presumably to the team trying to explain what he's just felt and get some guidance 33 tf sport aston martin in for another stop and we're going to see a driver change here ben's going to be jumping out second in class bank heating to get out of the car there we go he's 50 he was he turned 50 didn't he a few days ago yeah great age if you ask me maturing you get quicker do you yeah yeah quicker you think you were anyway true yeah yeah yeah so the driver chain cycle through this is chasing the francois parado ferrari and uh that car will cycle through the full service of fuel tires and driver before going back into the race but seven and a half hours to go okay seven and a half hours it's a long time david but uh when you talk about the battle the tf sport car and af corsa have been in right now you have to say the af corsa seems to have it under control it's penalties and mistakes and things that will take it away from them and we've seen that happen francois paro de served the drive through penalty for speeding in the pit lane so that sort of thing you've got to be careful of yep you do but it's tf sports job to just keep that pressure on keep executing keep delivering keep their drivers focused and uh just they've just got to stick to their plan and just hope that that pressure keeps building on that 83 car and they make another mistake an af quarter of course leading two classes here because they're eating both of the gt elements yeah they are an exceptionally good team now will stevens here coming back at tom blonkis isn't he so the gap is down again this is the fast food battle and it's kfc ahead of mcdonald's at the moment but will stevens much much closer ready for a move and that glickenhaus is is still there the olivier parker yeah and it's um it's not got away hasn't it no and a yellow flag is out and it is because of the hub auto porsche so that car brings out a yellow flag big disappointment for the the hub auto team the taiwanese team because they've been so good through qualifying yep they've had a very strong practice sessions and uh and qualifying sessions but really from lap one turn one they've had problems and issues drivers jumping out and uh the 72 car is looks like the driver gets out of the car the 72 and he's he's he's running to the right hand side of it and we just wait to see what exactly he's doing well that's the replay of the car going off yeah but the driver is over on the right-hand side of the car he's got to be very careful because he can't go away a certain distance from the car or then officially you have left the car exactly quick so dries has stayed close uh but he's over on the right hand side looking at something uh sort of looks like he was over by the the passenger door yeah so the plot thickens but it's losing more and more time it's falling further and further down the order but retirement might beckon for that but the slow zone is called for to try and get that car out of the way now tom's managed to pull away a little bit from will stevens he's uh he's just managed to capitalize on something there and he's just eeked out you know second or so the leader in number seven toyota is in mike conway's brought the car back to the pit lane cleaning the screen also clearing out any rubber pickup that's been thrown up into the wheel arch areas as well and those things can sort of build and create their own little dramas it's 251 laps now down by that car 3200 kilometers now think about driving three thousand two hundred kilometers and the distance is what's doing le mans is like 17 formula one grand prix back to back or driving from new york to los angeles or the other one i worked out one day was from london to russia london to moscow and back i'm back in a day a day are we nuts we'll get back to you on that right away goes the leader but straight into a slow zone here so that car back onto the circuit and uh it's a gentle way of restarting the stint isn't you just crawl back onto the circuit there yes it is and uh they've got the manitou up there to lift and crane away the 72 hubble auto car whatever the problem is it uh it is kind of stuck and i think it must be some sort of transmission issue yeah as alan said you know if you if you missed your breaking point and had to cut the corner you just blast out the other side and carry on you wouldn't stop and you said you wouldn't get out and run around it and have a look so there was clearly an issue there yeah and it was sat there and then it rocked sort of backwards and forwards and it's almost like the uh the car is stuck in gear or board the gearbox he's had some sort of failure so it's now uh can't move it so do you think it could have gone into a semi-neutral type of state and that's why he then cleared off maybe and uh with the paddle shift gearbox and he needed to sort of rock it to try to get it back into a gear yeah if it's stuck between gears then that may be something the reason why he just careered off again i only had the brakes to slow the car down yeah yeah yeah that's a good point certainly possibility isn't it so the team will want the car back but at the moment it's being retrieved the slow zone is called for and it's still operational as you can see because they're 28 cameras back out into the fray and slowly up towards the uh first corner so in fact stevens and blonkers have both just pitted yeah so if the 72 car has been lifted away like that then is that them done yes yes there it is behind the barrier he's still in the car dries is still in the car interesting so as long as he's there then he can somehow if he can work on it then he can uh then he can get it going and back to the pits somehow if he thinks that there's a way to get it fixed get the rags out one moment caller okay very good you'll come up to yourself coke right charming lacy has taken over the uh lmp2 leading number 31 car and uh charming lazy still battling with the sister car of robert kubisser but team wrt having a very very good showing here at the moment yeah they are they are um sort of taking control of this race in lmp2 and they've got both cars right up there at the front there's robin frying's just sorting his stuff out getting his uh helmets and bits and pieces on the dryer i'm sure he's going to be called on again to uh to do some more work before the end of this race but yeah he's had it he's had a really solid run one of the stars in that team the sister car is some minute and 12 seconds back in the number 41 wrt car says charles malaysia just works his way through that second chicane keeping that speed up and uh what's his next target he's some he's a lap behind olivier pla in the glickenhaus who still doesn't look like he's going very quickly no it's a kind of halfway house it's not full pace and it's not limp home mode but it's it's feeling a bit lethargic on a sunday morning isn't it like it's like he's been up all night yes so they said with feeling so so have you found the i've got to pay 71 and i'm trying to find specifically about retirement from races okay so i think the team have said to him stay in the car yes yeah because if you're in the car we've got more of a chance of getting you back out yeah so they're just taking it to a point of safety so that you can work on it and uh it was obviously it couldn't be pushed anywhere and that's the reason why they had to lift it um so to me that sort of says it's some sort of gearbox issue i think you're right i can't find anything in that document i'm afraid to say so i have to do a bit more googlage that's the second shot our entries and anthony davidson into the pits we've gone green again now the car's out of the way so that slow zone is lifted and the slow zone procedure under investigation so is somebody sped in that or i think to be honest it's become a standard message now that at the end of that or a full course yellow or a safety car all the gps data is looked at just to make sure so it's not one specific car that's being looked at they're just going to check everybody the teams are aware of that and then that's all fine you can move on yeah just make sure because you know if somebody gains even a few tenths by not slowing at the right time yes when the slow zone system was first introduced that was one of the things that um so many teams did have an issue with yeah was that certain cars and certain teams are really exploiting it yes and gaining a big advantage in certain spots and so you know eduardo and the aco and everybody's sitting there working to to make the system as fair as possible so that you can't cheat the system exactly and police it properly right yeah and i know it's a different championship by way of example spa 24 hours during the practice sessions lots and lots of drivers were being down for speeding in the pit lane speed limit was 50 kilometers an hour and there was 50.1 50.9 and the race director said the limit is 50. 50.0 not 50.1 yeah just because there's a 50 in your speed that doesn't make it right you should be setting that that that delta your limiter at 49.9 yes not 50.1 and trying to play it because if you gain a 10th on that pit stop and a tenth on that yes over 24 hours that's an advantage it certainly does yeah so that was clamped down upon and again you know the teams will push whether it's with with the regulations whether it's with the the technology side of the car every single grey area yeah yeah they're looking for all of those things just to try and sneak something here or there exactly and the race officials will get wise and they'll clamp down on that getting a replay here of number 80 which is mattia crossoni who is currently third in gte and this is second dylan pereira it did have some some damage there on the right front the body work was sort of a bit had been kicked up yes maybe had a puncher we i don't think it was a puncture but we had seen that flip up a while ago was it yesterday evening okay um and obviously left it because it's it's not having a a big impact in any way it seems but yeah but going the car's pace is pretty much undimmed doesn't it yeah they're in third in the category on link's car yeah which is a team that's made a big name for itself in a short space of time and with the link with primer the single-seater operation merging with it yes big plans for the future and um wealthy investors who are petrol heads it's it's going from strength to strength yes it is it is now that's your uh wrt lmp2 leading car charming lazy at the wheel powering his way now up from bullseye corner is that the jota car behind him it is ajo to cart yeah and is it 38 or 28 because i think [Music] it'll tell you on your track map yes it will [Music] if it weren't so close one hidden behind the other we can see but um overlapping on that is the um it's a 20 acre i think right which means therefore the 31 has been caught by a car that's on a different lap admittedly yeah but malaysia's look good now we've been talking about this gte am battle uh ben keating has been involved in it and has got his aston martin at me to second in the class let's hear from ben after a good stint he's with duncan vincent yeah ben keating has just stepped out from the number 33 tf sport aston martin after a triple stint that's a long long way around lamar how are you feeling i'm feeling very good actually so uh you know lamar is one of those tracks that you can do a triple it's nice and cool this morning nice and cool in the car you got some long straightaways to kind of relax a little bit i did the second stint on felipe's set of tires and then i got a new set and i did two stints on the new set of tires [Music] i can tell you it's really nice to have a new set of tires around here so i got one of those uh i'll be out for a couple hours and then i'll go back in the car to uh finish my time it's all about getting through the night getting into the morning and you know you're keeping yourself in the right position here ben you're in the you know you're the top five top three almost yeah i'd hate to uh wish anything bad on anybody but uh i i wouldn't mind if uh something happened to that 83 car right now [Laughter] so what's your thoughts on the rest of the race uh the plan the other drivers are they giving good feedback and helping you every time you get into the car yeah i mean i i i backloaded my time so i did one stint yesterday afternoon uh i did three just now in the morning you know with the mist coming down you didn't really get the sun coming up really bright on the track uh it was kind of foggy you didn't really get what you would normally call happy hour you know it just didn't really feel that way uh or maybe that was just being on old stent tires but uh i'm excited to get back in the car in a couple hours and go try it again finally how did you cope with the very changeable conditions you know the conditions have been all over the place they have been all over the place i feel like we've timed my stance extremely well i i haven't had to deal with too much of it i've really enjoyed having the in-car camera in the in the car this year uh because you know i don't have to tell them what's going on on track they can look in the tv and see it but it's also nice to know what's going on with my co-drivers so i've been able to watch those guys you know drive through the rain uh or mixed conditions changing conditions and uh learn a little bit from them as i watch them drive around being lovely as always thank you very much you bet here we go thanks duncan so good to hear from ben keating and just one point on the back of that is it's interesting to see how the pro-am teams have treated the race because they've understandably tried to keep the am out in the tricky conditions but also in part keep them out from the night where you need your pro to do the hard yards so now coming to the end of the race actually there's a lot of driving still to be done by the ams you know they've got they have a minimum of six hours to do we've got seven hours and change to go they'll have done a bit yes but now we're going to see quite a chunk of driving from the ams yes so so ben i think he's got two more hours to do uh in the car but tom at tf sports on ferry has has been sitting there looking at it and going all right we know we need to get you know been through the car but you know it absolutely seems like right now they've nailed it you know because they didn't have didn't expose ben to all that danger and the car to all that danger when the the conditions were so tricky and so difficult and and tom had got his his his faster and more experienced drivers in uh in the car within in those conditions and sort of saved ben so let him have a decent night's sleep let him sort of sit there and look at all the data look at all the the onboard camera because that seems like another point is that they've they've actually got some live on board camera feed from that car that they're monitoring and that they're able to use and ben's able to use and the team are able to use and so that it's um it's another little tool and device that's just helping that less experienced driver get as much performance out of the car as he possibly can and so that they're losing the least amount of time from that um 44th they started 28th they run so good solid job absolutely this is seven the race leading toyota working its way through the traffic once more that blue lights to back up the marshall's flags is that the 83 and of course yes we're just going by maybe it's the really dirty one that's that's which ferrari it is okay they are getting very very grimy now aren't they but a lot of that was down to the bad weather early on in the race yes it was it might have been uh 80 the chrissoni mastronardi islet ferrari okay however mike mike conway just cracking on in the seven card he's uh he's done the most driving in this car we just had the drive times flash up there on the display and he's he's done six and a bit hours so far and he's due a win isn't it i mean he's had pretty rotten luck here that car has yeah seven always used to be the the lucky number for eurest but it's it's been the unlucky number at toyota season i don't want to jinx mike but no he has he's a he's a phenomenal talent and i saw him a number of years ago and we had a bit of a chat about things and and i said to him you know you're in a brilliant position you know it will come your your your success and your opportunity will definitely come and you're just i'm just hoping this is this year for him you know yeah [Music] so we are here we are with nicolas lapierre and his uh last pit stop was 11 laps ago so it's going to be very soon i'd say that yeah it should be this lap shouldn't it should be in this time because he's been doing 12 lap stints and he's done 11 here so yeah we expect a pit stop this time [Music] who's been busy and uh olivier pla has now fallen what a minute and 15 behind nicholas yeah was a 333 it's it's like that car in this stint as the glickenhaus that 708 car has just lost a bunch of performance like i said earlier it's not limp home mode but it's it's clearly lost pace somewhere like the handbrake's on or yeah yeah being flippant but it's it's it's not massively troubled but it's troubled yeah it's just all walking intrical you know it's not very free no that's right and again we're getting to that point of the race where these problems start to manifest themselves you know we've heard about number eight with the vibration and the the concern over that so is this the start of something more sinister for the 708 clicking house yes so so the 708 had that contact with the eight card in it on lap one turn one and are both the issues that those two cars are seeing is it from that is it from that contact and the incidents that happened through you just never know oh it's taking a long time yes it makes yeah yeah you know his ac3 car leader in gte am [Music] there's a driver change going on there they're going to do a full service here fuel and tyres and a very well drilled squad and this is uh the eighth car also in for a stop of sebastian boehme is in the end of his first stint seems to be taking a bit of a drink have we heard any more about the vibration problem not uh no not in the last no but i think he's getting an update there um from the engineer sebastian was sort of sort of talking and sort of shaking his head and so there's maybe we'll get some team radio in a minute i mean he will be able to bring back data from that stint and yeah offer suggestions again proper analysis yeah it'd be interesting to see his read on it and is it the same as nakajima's you know has it can he now feel that vibration or that sort of odd feeling that nakajima was reporting in his last stint and could it be that one driver can cope with it better you know it's more of an issue for one style of driver than it is for another yes it's possible it is possible but um you know that's usually some sort of setup issue or there'll be usually some sort of handling characteristic that one driver can deal with better than others when it's uh you know an engine issue or a powered you know a power train or a drivetrain issue that that's something that's more fundamental and not something really a driver can change his style for alpine is in as we were predicting so in comes nicola pierre and he should bail from the car this time shouldn't he and he does seem to be constantly behind the wheel the the one name we haven't talked a lot about is andre legrow so we've had versus the air in early this morning then uh here i think he does cycle through next yeah it's the same rotation so there is andre legrout runs around with his seat jumps in yeah there's a driver there to get them in always getting a tear off look at that and then now that is something special clear vision yeah when you get a towel and the team gives you a tear off you know you're in in in the money because it just is it is it's like if you wear glasses cleaning your glasses thoroughly or it's just a way of just your vision all of a sudden there's so much more that you can see and you feel like you've been sort of [Music] trying to look through all kinds of debris and issues and stuff all over the windshield and give you that tear off and it's brilliant now also of course the alpine squad will have been monitoring what's going on with their main on-track rival which is the 708 clicking house they would have seen that car's pace starting to drop and they would have realized here it is this is the golden chance now to really take advantage so new driver new tyres as you say new visibility clearer screen but this is a chance to really try and push and break away from 708 if olivier pla is in trouble and look lp comes out just ahead's gonna lose that as it gets up to speed only now can it accelerate but this is game on for third place now yeah it is let's see how the growl gets up to speed how quickly he can get on to the tail of uh olivier pla in the 708. so that last lap from platt was a 333 again so they're okay lapse but richard westbrook's clicking house did a 330 which was its best of the race this car three seconds down so it's just not really at the races anymore yeah and it's almost like they've flip-flopped you know the the 709 car has battled and chased its setup throughout the week and the guys just didn't look like they can uh get on top of it but now maybe it is coming into a nice window there is something actually uh coming adrift on the 708 car just on the uh rear body work well keep keep an eye to that clicking house you're right there is something not quite right so the fight's on for third place andre legrow hunting down the clicking house nicola lapierre has just got out of the alpine and nicola is in the pits with duncan yeah nicole up here a good triple steady that's a long one i can see in the eyes that was a difficult stint to hang on to the lp there yeah i mean it was okay it's pretty cold out there so it's hard to warm up the tires we are fighting a bit with the car we are lacking a bit of rhythm since the beginning of the race but apart from that the car is going good andre is in the car now um we will fight for this position to get this problem it's really important for us i spoke with another driver and he said happy hour didn't really happen it wasn't really there today did you feel happy hour was good or did you think the conditions kind of made it disappear [Music] yeah i didn't feel as strong as usual for sure i don't know really why the car doesn't feel fast since the beginning of the race so yeah i i i don't really know why i don't have an explanation but it's true that happy hour was not as strong as usual but you're still very much in contention for a podium and actually overall owners as well yeah i mean the car is going good we have no alarm yet so we are just sticking to the plan and uh let's hope we can get this polygon here nico thank you very much thanks very much duncan so yes the uh effort is on alpine hunt down third place and on this outlap monitoring the ground pushes pushes pushes there's will stevens coming towards us tom blanc is clearing the traffic as well so the fight continues they are still at it yeah i was just wondering if there wasn't a fraction of damage on left corner of that car but it might just have been something he's running over more than it was coming off the car yeah the boys they're working in all the data and the jokes appear they've got a great team there seriously hard sam runs a brilliant a brilliant operation sam hignit yeah and this year also adding a gt element to it running at mclaren in gt world challenge for example yeah here we go wheel to wheel now coming down to indianapolis and it's almost like will's got a problem yeah because blanchard's got a much better turn of speed hasn't he's going to go around the outside here which is brave brave stuff he's got his nose just in front will stevens has enough room on the inside line to fight back but tom blom gets it down around the outside heading towards indianapolis and we've heard from alan mcnish earlier on that you wouldn't go around the outside there because it's too quick a place but bronchus had a go and he didn't work nailed it completely nailed it yeah uh you know it's it's tom's been clawing that time back to will stevens ever since that uh slow pit stop and he's finally got himself back in front and now he's starting to pull away and and i'm not sure how many stints will has on his tires and i think this could be his final one so he might be jumping out at this next round of stops why did bronchus lose time in the pits it was it was there was something going on with the door and yeah yeah i think that there was something going on with the door and it was reopened by tom there was some some confusion there with the team right and so it just lost him i think it was about 16 seconds okay longer than a normal stop sure yeah so we've got the 709 car in here and this is richard westbrook yeah one of the mechanics there he's got his hand right inside the car in just behind the front wheel the the the left front wheel looking and doing something is that trying to get rid of any pickup possibly yeah rubber has been flailed and stuck to the other one it might well be that after testing they know that that's where a problem area where they get a lot of build-up of pickup yeah and he was just trying to clear that out richard westbrook looking very regal on that photograph yes yes lord westbrook of clinton there's the car coming into the pit lane in replay does that shows anything oh a lock up that's what it shows us [Music] okay so we're just getting an update from duncan on on what the delay was for tom at the uh at the pit stop when he got in and he was he actually hadn't got his radio plugged in and he he couldn't find it and locate it and it was actually still stuck to the top of his helmet on the velcro but these things can happen when you know it's you haven't had much sleep a bit fatigued and you're just maybe just missing just one tiny little part of that routine that you've done a hundred times you know getting in and out of the car and yeah just missed that little bit but it cost him like 16 seconds it's like where are my glasses they're on your head yeah yes so exactly a delay for tom blondquist cheers dan you're a star bringing me a cup of tea that looks lovely thank you very much and uh the delivery to the pit lane for the next cup of tea is required i know he's about to sit down don't come afraid you miss your chance so sorry about that yeah yeah hey ho um away goes 91. so back into the fray blasts rickard elites and still the porsche fight a bit like we're talking about for third and fourth with alpene and glickenhaus you know that's trading on the pit stop so we need to really fast forward to the last stop because whoever stops last is he's going to lose the place yes absolutely and and they're trying to sort of make some some ground on the 63 corvette with jordan taylor behind the wheel and the uh the 51 with where greedy behind the wheel but not really making any they're not really denting it you know the lap times uh between the 51 ferrari and the 63 corvette are almost identical they're just trading backwards and forwards and it's it's sort of stuck and with a 70 second gap between ferrari and corvette anyway it's af course has race to lose seemingly in gte pro yeah we've darren turner we've effectively lost a corvette with with dramas we've effectively lost a ferrari with suspension dramas see it's one of each now one ferrari versus one corvette but but so what reliability is key here uh about an hour or so maybe an hour and a half ago there was only i think garcia was closing in he was about 21 seconds off the lead but that was because he was out of sync on the pit stops so after the ferrari had pitted that brought the corvette right back into the game yeah but they're stopping at different you know different laps so the gap had widened again on the last stop from the corvette it's very much advantageous ferrari and again when i left there was the battle between 28 and 65. it looks like that's still going strong it does it's just trading back yep tom blondquist was ahead lost it on the pit stop just got it back got the upper hand at this point absolutely yeah told you it was fast food that fight the kfc uh orecker ahead of the mcdonald's backed one and a great battle with 36 and the the 708 glickenhaus at this point as well presumably the loser in the fast food battle could be described as wimpy could be yeah but for older listeners in the halcyon days only shakes his head heads for the door yeah they are still going aren't they i don't know really i don't see many of them no no when was the last time you had a wimpy i don't think i had it our local one used to be called grandma buggins that's what everyone's that's where everyone used to hang out for their burgers we're watching it we're watching the 36 car get past the the 708 glickenhaus that was very strange how all that happened getting held up by the porsche wasn't it yeah but it was almost like olivier just sort of like was half asleep yes yeah we see what the cars look like yeah yeah so maybe actually the problem's been with olivier not with the car i don't know that last pit stop didn't have enough espresso for him clearly so i mean he might be genuinely flanking they've kept him in the car for how many stints now i mean is he starting to get tired i know that might be a facetious way of describing it but there is something not quite right he's a lock up there he's lost the place on the road to negrow the car hasn't had the pace since it came out of the pit lane and he's got something going on with the uh the body work on the left right just in front of the left rear wheel he's coming back isn't he he is now how's that woken him up he has been woken up he's gonna have a go so this is the modern hypercar against the grandfather version and olivier plug goes back through so take that's everybody he says i'm still here and i can still deliver and the growl eventually has to slot in behind him and give way but this is a really good fight now for third place on the road yeah it's great stuff clicking house just absolutely it's like a rocket off of multn corner wasn't it it was just hooked up but it had lost time to get the alpine into the fray it then couldn't respond initially and all of a sudden olivier platt can deliver yeah oh maybe he just had a little small technical problem towards the end of the lap as he's trying to get through the forge came with the with the gt traffic as well he's got a maybe he has got some sort of transmission issue or maybe there's a small misfire yeah that's just intermittent all of this started darren when olivier pla came out of the pits at the start of his stint it looked slow and he rejoined ahead of lmp2 cars wasn't able to pull away and we were saying it wasn't like limp home mode but it wasn't full race pace it was this halfway house and the cars just looked lethargic hasn't it yeah it has now looks like it's turned on whatever the issue is yeah seems to have disappeared but finally yeah but nagrao is equal to the task look as they come out of the four chicane over the timing line past our window up towards turn one race leader on lap 260 just under seven hours of the race to go there the gap widens markedly up towards the first corner yeah they're still um they're in that sort of three three three minutes 33 three minutes 34 not really pressing on that hard no it's um [Music] strange but the alpine team knows that if that car has got a problem this is the opportunity to exploit that and try and clear it and pull away well they had got a head briefly and then the clicking house comes back re-takes the place so olivier being given the hurry up almost yes he is i'm just trying to i'm just going back to the gte pro battle and i'm trying to figure out um how the 63 car has lost the time to the 51 ferrari and i'm just looking at the pit stops here and they are almost on the same strategy now the 51 and the 63. the 51's last stop was only 56 seconds wasn't it so yeah yeah but they they might be on the same strategy but they're stopping you know laps apart so the gap stretches and falls depending on when the ferrari comes in yes and and the last stop for for jordan taylor was what a minute 43 so that's a good chunk of time some of it is compared to the 56 seconds for the 51 car sure no the corvette needs that ferrari to have some stride doesn't it really to come back into the mix yeah it does or a safety car that helps it rather than hinders it which is the other element of all of this you know if you've been in the wrong safety car pack you can lose time you know you just need a a slow zone to go your way where it slows up the ferrari but doesn't disappears then when you arrive sure michael christensen in 92. so the works porsche down the pit road michael christensen who's only really done the portimao race by way of driving with estra and yani in practice for this weekend but the wec class champion comes to the pit lane then and comes to get the screen cleaned engine secure that's a technician they're just looking at the brakes just uh seeing if that's uh something that they need to do just making sure that they're all within the tolerances and and they're wearing the in the at the rate that they they predicted and we also know that car had a data issue because they couldn't get the tar data back we heard adam hardy talking to kevin s did we earlier on saying okay there was a problem that they didn't have the tire information anymore yeah i wonder if that got fixed at one of the pit stops and they're back to having the full telemetry throughout the throughout the lap i mean it is pretty crucial for the teams to understand where their next tyre pressure should be when they come out of the tyre ovens yeah and it really helps the team understand how sort of uh to get the maximum performance of the next stint so there has been a lot of communication issues here over over this weekend over this race and i've seen a lot and maybe that's one of the things that the 92 has been struggling with just getting that that telemetry data back yeah with the radio waves i mean you're used to having the radio issue which generally starts after the second chicane on the mole sand and then comes back uh when you come out of arnage but that over the last few years most of the teams have got on top of that in terms of having that sort of uh dark zone uh around the circuit there's repeaters that they've put up yeah yeah that usually is the thing that let's fix that i'm trying to think who it was but there was one driver this weekend who said to his team radio's good apart from that section so no radio traffic there thank you but elsewhere it's good yeah and that'd be that'll be a repeater problem yeah ben's getting ready again to get back in the car blimey he's only been out for an hour i think this might just be a replay of earlier shots on the pit lane because you've seen people brushing their teeth you've seen battles going on on track and jim glickenhaus looking happy jordan taylor here in the corvette this is back live hustling on getting past the d station aston martin which is being driven currently by satoshi hoshino down in 34th place it'd be great to know right now how many of those am cars uh their am drivers on what time they have left we've just just under seven hours to go well we know ben keaton's gotta do at least another two stints yeah and francois perot will be the same won't he because he's not done a huge amount yet right but at the moment he's nicholas nielsen the pro in the leading ferrari and it's dylan pereira who's effectively the pro in the 33 aston chasing after him and then the third is matteo crosoni in uh the number 80 ferrari just riding on board there with antonio garcia oh we've got um this is the 80 car coming in that's chris just mentioned him and he's had a big big lock up and in fact he's got damage on the front hasn't he yes [Music] yeah is that into the first chicane yeah yeah great shot yeah just thinking that super slow-mo yeah that little damage with the bodywork sticking up that was sustained last night but there's a little bit more uh of an issue around that could certainly damage that tyre you're not wrong yeah but like a 50 p coin there wasn't it rattling his fillings coming into the pit lane and the problem is once you've got one flat spot on the tire it tends to always lock up again at that point and you just uh it's uh one of those spiraling out of control situations at that point it's not self-healing is it no no well unless you're really talented and you can start to do it you know all the way around the tire you know just a little flat spot and just just balance it out just bring it back to being around again i've never actually seen a driver do that in all my experiences that's never ever happened in theory it might be potentially possible you had a dream yes [Music] racing team netherlands we understand is one of the teams that still has communication issues to the car so it might have been improved generally here but it can still be a problem for sam yeah whenever fritz was in the uh the grapple trap though he was didn't seem to have much of a problem communicating with the team and getting his point his point across no no he had a very good command of anglo-saxon didn't he so yeah the team was struggling to hear or that he couldn't hear the team everyone else could hear that's the problem yeah and that was one of the reasons why he actually had a couple of his issues because they the team couldn't advise him on the weather so he was just arriving blind or the team was advising him but he couldn't hear and was therefore saying why didn't you tell me right he did yes which made him even crosser yes and crosser so within the last he was very cross oh yes we got the point didn't we yeah within the last seven hours there's the leading car mike conway still clear now by the best part of our lap two minutes and 40 seconds effectively getting away further and further and further all the while now but sebastian actually did have quite a good stint and he got a couple of purple sectors during that stint but it's um maybe this this issue that the eight car has got is is intermittent it's clear and clean for maybe a lap or two but then it comes back and causes a bit of a performance issue you know we'll have to see how that develops and grows yeah we need to start looking at lap times in this stint it's on this outlap so not this one but the next lap is going to give us a bit of an idea about pace others are still improving paul de resta 11th for united auto sports carl's fastest lap of the race and that's still sixth in class and number 22 for united auto sports that uh has finally gone back out is due back in for a routine stop and a new rear end is ready for philippe albuquerque's car that's down in 49th place now so 22 when i left was having the wiring issues so they've obviously got top of that did they come back to you and let you know what what that situation was in there what part they replaced in the loom don't recall [Music] then replace the loom which goes from the engine area in towards the actual cockpit they changed a few sensors in the cockpit and then eventually changed the battery and the battery had gone faulty so that was the main problem now it's yep now i remember that and actually alan did tell me it was the battery so they got there in the end but that cost them so much time as into the pit lane now comes number 70. this is like duval bringing the real team racing car in this is one of the pro-am entries within lmp2 and running in 13th place overall eighth in lmp2 but the leading pro am car right joelle stays behind the wheel as you see he said he's another talent isn't he he's gonna be peugeot indeed so that car cycles through its next stop and for them it's not about winning lmp2 it's about being topping pro am for that sub championship and uh we're just looking a little bit uh further up in the uh p2 in fourth place the panes racing car will stevens is still behind the wheel he's um he's just gone faster than the first sector for him for his car the track is still strong and it's still improving and guys are still gaining time and now at the moment talk about will stevens he's trying to get back onto terms with tom blonkrist uh and a pit stop is under investigation for 709 so that's richard westbrook so the not for the first time a clicking house pit stop may not have been quite right yeah they've had a few haven't they yeah too many people possibly or was that the car we saw that was locking up as it came across yeah i think you would have said i would say if it was a pit lane speeding thing well yeah it could have been but the the whole pit stop from line to line is under investigation [Music] personnel speeding yeah so it'll be looked at we'll get to the bottom of it [Music] so andre negrow is is just shadowing olivier pla and it's whatever's happened with the 708 car and olivier he's uh he's got going again and he's now back up to speed and it's like the car's woken up yeah it's like he's been spurred into action having suddenly got a fight on his hands with the lp it was so strange how he got past though by the alpine here into this final corner in chicane it was very very strange how it all happened and then finally as you say that that spurred him on yeah he was just like the slap around the face that the he or the car needed and it just like okay let's go and he's now he's in the pit lane that's right so in comes seven zero eight so that stint has has been the lethargic one hasn't it from the moment he came out yeah really clearly lmp2 cars so let's see what they do if anything on the stop is there anything more than just fuel he's staying on board yeah there's no tires being offered no there are tires there oh yes you're right there are tires there and it's thumbs up for the michelin technicians [Music] he's getting a tear off glorious okay [Music] certainly looking at the averages for the last i'd say eight or nine hours from that car that was the slowest stint for that car so you must be carrying some sort of some sort of problem uh it's a good three seconds off the averages so uh yeah interesting it's a could be this stage well he's not going to have new tiles that's for sure maybe he goes maybe dunk can go and find out for us yeah it's it's a mystery and the alpene oh no not the lp sorry the real-time car like duval goes back out so 708 clicking house dunk is the one with the question mark over it because that last into olivier pla as we've been saying just looked a little lethargic this was how he lost the place of the alpine caught up in traffic so he went one way realized the gap was closing good opportunistic move by mcgrath wasn't it because he found the gap and went for it but then he towed right back by him from malls and corner down into indianapolis and actually just made it look quite easy in the end really yeah certainly the glickenhaus is very strong in that area isn't it in terms of top speed it's got some healthy uh healthy power behind it and uh plenty of ponies yeah yeah 708 to the pits in replay the alpine on track in replay so that's got its third position back now leg row putting on a different lap and 48 to the pit road as well which has had a busy race two offs on the first racing lap of course this is that will stevens yeah is he jumped out didn't see new tires on so yeah i would say that he is out then well tom blonkis has just left the pit lane he stayed at the wheel of the car so see what they do with will stevens here in the panic racing entry solid solid effort from will stevens there great stuff goes through pit out now back onto the circuit looks like he stayed in there james allen takes it over so the australian single seater racer who was very impressive here last year right and it's time for food at jota i wonder what that is does it look nice yeah should we ever wander down duncan vincent who's down there says it smells amazing can you bring three up yes there was three in that tray as well look just grab the tray yeah yeah don't get down to jyotin get that tray away looks a bit healthy for duncan then there's no deep fried miles by it we wouldn't like it charming lazy in the meantime is at the wheel of the lmp2 leading car running rather wide there coming out of the first chicane but so still he's absolutely advantage yeah he is and he's being hustled by robert kubis the gap is he's two minutes and 19. if he there being given his mass arch former resident of lamar when he lived with the young he's managed by neil yani's father and if he a former french former renault champion yeah wrtr quietly confident i mean it's still six hours and 44 minutes to go still plenty of stuff can happen but wrt knows how to win long races whether it's in a gt car or a prototype you know there's a huge brains trust in there there's found someone fast there's pierre with a stellar cv you've got thierry kurt mulligans it's a who's who of belgium motor racing now running the team yeah yeah vincent has sort of gathered together all of that bro all the brains from like belgium yeah exactly anybody that's ever won anything out of belgium racing come and join the team come and join the team and what's the damage down on the bottom of 23. that's when it was harpooned i think last night yeah yeah right here is the tom blondquist jota cart brilliant camera shot that right up close to the car no debris fence in the way and the wheels aren't locked up unlike ferrari exactly that's how it should be done yes exactly so i'm showing us how it should be done that's robert who's also going well in uh lmp2 what do we got 17 former grand prix races in lmp2 alone which is uh pretty impressive isn't it as far as 708 is concerned the news from glickenhaus is no dramas all is good we would beg to differ wouldn't we yeah so then you just then put that down to olivier well yes yeah really you know if they're saying that there's nothing wrong with a car then the only other thing that he could be was the driver i mean on board it looked like he was just out foxed with the position of the gt's as he came into the forge again but when you looked at the averages yes that stint in particular was uh some three seconds off and it was just like he needed a kick up the backside and all of a sudden he just started going again but is that because he was being lethargic for one of the better phrase or because the team have said right we're not going to catch these toyotas let's concentrate on the third place battle but let's get the car home so let's go to a given pace you don't have to be going flat again that's it's very very possible so you know to give him the benefit of the day no of course and i don't i don't want to pile in on olivia oh sure but he did i suppose i did actually i was a bit harsh very harsh good job you're not the team manager get him out give him the hook or can you imagine it in a few years team gavin arrives at the mall oh horrendous there'll be no fun at all driving for him no after you're in the merch queue yeah but no it could be joking apart that the team have now said right let's run to a pace let's get the car home because all right we've still got a long way to go six hours 40 minutes but it's important for clicking house to to to get the data and to learn from all that absolutely no doubt no doubt so yes it could be that it's an instruction yeah and they don't want to relay that relay that to us no indeed it's just so in their world there is no problem of course we're doing what we want yeah number seven is in so this is the leading car and 64 corvette which is weeks behind now i'm afraid to say tommy miller at the wheel going back into the garage defuse change clutch change and yet more dramas yeah the boys there at corvo on that side of the garage just had such a rough run for the last couple of years really and it's just nothing nothing has really gone their way and this year they've had uh all numerous incidents and problems and and uh you know i was hoping for those guys that they were really going to be able to turn the corner with their fortune and you know get a result here but it's just not run for them at all again so yeah it's a tough one says new boots for seven then mike conway brought the car in again there's a lot of brake dust that comes off every time when they they just do left side so 709 has got a 10 second penalty for the next pit stop for whatever that infringement was okay we'll try and chase that in a second um it looked like they'd only done one side but left sides yeah clicking house stop infringement get to the bottom off and uh number 64 with an alternator issue we're hearing now ollie yeah that's from chuck okay so the 709 their penalty for uh for that last pit stop was basically the mechanics were working on the car while the engine was running it's quite hard sometimes because the people who go to the go to the car but with the noise that's going on around you uh with other cars up and down the pit lane you don't always know if your car is off or not you just start going straight out there and start the work that you're planning to do we talk about the car controller who is normally the guy that releases it but is he also in charge or is there somebody that's in charge of saying to the mechanics yes now you can work or do you have to be self-policing in that respect i think basically it's like it's a scripted uh role that you're going to do as soon as the car stops you you're running but you're right with everything on the helmets they've got on and obviously they're all connected up to the radio you literally won't often be able to hear so sure is running so you're just going to run out anyway so it's as much dependent on the driver killing the engine it is immediately as it is on the mechanics it's it's usually now it's a system so when you've engaged the pit lane speed limit once the car drops below say 10 kilometers an hour that the actual the engine actually turns itself off as it's rolling to a stop to make sure that the engine is always off to get rid of that to get rid of the rest so you're not then relying on the driver because because who would yes the teams have realized not to rely on the driver yeah you just drive you don't do clever bits yeah yeah don't switch stuff off that will turn stuff on but maybe with the click and house team because it's it's still fairly new in development they haven't got to that stage of response possible in terms of optimizing was it richard it was yes [Music] if they start coming down here am i getting grumpy does someone need to sleep would you mean getting right so the two toyotas on an out lap we're on lap 265 and uh it's getting brighter down it's going to be a cracking day i said that from about four hours ago five years ago the mist came because again he was spot off there yeah i'm good at that now it's a talent indeed that's the one 51 ferrari uh gte pro leader amato ferrari looks on the af of af courser and amato ferrari looking at a gap of over a minute over the corvette former racer himself a long long time ago amato ferrari had a few races in the british touring car championship and uh sierra cosworth fascinating fact 37 of the morning but now very much the go-to team for thanks for that thanks dave it's great getting cocky now isn't it yeah i think i need to get off he's starting on you isn't he gonna happen at some point yeah talk about early 90s formula first in embarrassment right so alessandro pierre agreed he leads the class from georgetown i was about to say weren't you late 80s formula first oh that's cutting 1991 thank you very much you did all right i mean he was no eugene o'brien but you know he did all right to the plot um tf sport you're riding on board luxembourgish driver dylan pereira here and he's hunting down nicholas nielsen awesome but the gap between them is still a minute but it's coming down a little bit yeah that it was uh over a lap wasn't it that they were behind and then the 83 car had a drive-through issue had a penalty didn't it and uh so they they had to deserve that and so then the tf sport uh 33 aston martin has been slowly gaining and uh so let's see see if he can uh catch him oh he's coming in for a pit stop now yes he indeed he is so the tf sport has down the pit lane so again the gap's going to stretch out again now isn't it and where does this put matteo chris only with the iron links ferrari that's third and should be making a little bit of progress back towards the fourth car in pro am francesco castellachi for a of course a fifth is rafael jamaria for iron links and then six matt campbell who we've not really spoken much about but the australian we know he's very very fast another porsche factory driver and he's in the deputy proton car pounding along trying to bring that car back up after earlier delays so 33 into the pit lane dylan pereira stays behind the wheel and i wonder if uh he'll do one more stint here and will they get ben keating back in again to get his next together yeah his next two stints out the way and then it'll be um would that be a two-hour gap for for ben yeah rest recharge get back in the car and uh try and complete that full six hours that he has to do then it'll be um dylan pereira to then finish it up with um with fraga yeah because ideally you would try and keep your gun driver in for the last in just in case there was a safety car yeah just absolutely the fastest of the the trio he's just stalled it leave him in the box that's not good that's time lost gets away now but it's little things like that that soon mount up it's normally like a stall like that is probably about three to five seconds uh lost when you when you sort of just get away and then you have to reset everything to to start the car again and and uh that just uh sees the the time ticking away at that point matthias cresson you saw in slo-mo they're running third this is dylan pereira in replay because he just left the pit lane in the uh turquoise pale blue tf sport aston and the class leader currently 83 nicholas nielsen part of that spa 24 hour winning combination for iron links drafted across to af courser for this event as a ferrari factory driver and doing a very good job so as i said a little while ago af corsa leading both of the gt divisions at the moment both pro and am saw that experience from doing the british joint car racing and the cosmos it's obviously uh you remember it yeah yeah i remember it yes as a british touring car driver yourself of course yes what here was it was it what you or him no no no no the the the sierra racing uh how was it okay yeah the last days of multi-class or then two class touring cars i'll get my coat everyone thought who's this funny bloke permittedly called ferrari racing a ford in the british touring car championship and then years later af courser becomes this global ferrari team it's him so the cameraman are hard at work and giving you some great shots they've been out in all weathers and uh still delivering fabulous footage around the circuit here in france good work boys and there's another army of people editing highlights and producing interviews in the pits and paddock as well yellow flag at marshall's post three so up at the start of the lap through the dunlop seas we've had a drama somewhere we'll get to that in a second try and piece together who it is that's gone off the road i think this is is this maybe the car that's had the issue got going again yeah we've gone green yeah it's gone green again and this is the so that's don bastian this is the oldest driver uh in the race at 75 the youngest is franco colopinto uh at 16 years of age but uh dombastian is the oldest driver on the grid comes down now towards te rouge and it was indeed don bastian that had a spin yeah just coming off of uh the dunlop chicane was that our nearest outlet was that um [Music] the wheel of the uh dragon speed car yeah chasing roberto gonzalez now at 38 helm so these two are for 16th and 17th overall 11th and 12th in the class now yeah of course that montoya car had a big impact during the practice sessions didn't it have a weekend he had a left front failure i think right failed they went off yeah with montoya behind the wheel that's right that's right but montoya back to le mans pressing on the former grand prix racer one of the 17 in lmp2 alone look around the outside of donbassy that was a bit close that was close it was going to take much to get a bit of a tag there though francesco castellatchi into the pit lane former competitor in british formula three fuel and tires and off he will go they usually they're usually a reliable fast solid car aren't they the jet car yeah castle gt3 european champion going back a decade okay so well you know in the early days of that standalone gt3 championship that ran alongside gt1 you know he was a champion he knows what he's doing yeah as he's just swapped out for fisher keller right [Music] he's uh montoya just trying to hunt down the jota car gonzalez but when you've got quick drivers well-run cars and it's the same chassis you start to appreciate just how hard it is to get that time back because they're so evenly matched which goes back to the key point in all of this you cannot afford to lose time no no you are really punished for any mistake when it's this competitive and there's so many cars in it that can all win being run by really good teams and that's where wrt have really you know killed all the composite competition so far in in p2 in today's race because they've just they've just executed and not made those mistakes that you know united have or joe to have or you know that they've taken those those really quality cars out of the race with whether it's uh going off on on a wet surface or colliding with another car or just being unlucky you know wrt have just navigated their way through i'm struggling to find anything i've written down about either car you know they've just gone round and round around there's nothing to say and actually that's the thing that you want yes yes you really just want to just be under the radar just quietly getting on with your job keep executing just and they're just boring yeah it is it's relatively it is boring yeah i noticed how he was looking at me when he said that i was actually talking about you know the perfect race okay thank you yeah yeah well done yeah yeah safety cars this could easily go very wrong for me right driver changing 51. this is the leading gte pro car alessandra pierguidie brought it in [Music] driver changed now [Music] i can't see who's jumped in to take that position [Music] just waiting now for the fuel to come off relax in the back of the car car jumping up but he only jumps up six seven inches enough room for the guys to get the the wheels out from underneath the wheel arch and a quick tie change and away he goes rust down the pit lane so this car hanging on to its advantage and they of course are looking pretty confident about this just as well now so that's coming in as the ferrari goes so that's why the gap keeps being rather elasticated yeah so briefly it comes down because one stops and it stretches out as the other one stops yeah they obviously are completely on the same lap when they do it so it's not like it's going to play out towards the end of the race yeah and equally because they're doing that last pit stop if things stay as they are ferrari stops gap comes down then the corvette comes in said the ferrari has got the advantages it is whichever way you cut it leading the class the only way that it may be different is if the last pit stop is less than an hour and then maybe someone could do a bit more of a short short fuel and just sneak away uh the final pit stop but you're right i mean at the moment it definitely looks like uh 51's got the advantage of of over a minute which is a healthy lead at this point yeah they can do a pit stop and keep the class lead on the current margin that it is number eight then back into the race so sebastian boehme staying at the wheel as they're running a little bit wide dylan pereira as the alpine is about to get past him so the ground having cleared olivier platt has pulled away but now comes into the pit lane so it'll be interesting to see whether he's able to keep the place or falls back it's going to be close give him a gap that he had so a minute and 24 seconds was the last pit stop for the alpine and it's a minute and 26 ahead it's going to be tight this isn't it very tight i mean the the glickenhaus and alpina been swapping positions pretty much every time there's been a pit stop it all really depends on on how this dent has gone for olivier in the 708 um and if he's had a a stint where he's had actually got a higher average uh in the lap times because the the last full 13 lap stint wasn't particularly fast so uh hopefully i'm just having a little look and it is quicker olivier didn't take any tires on that last stop uh but the actual averages of of this run with the last five laps is around the 34 which was uh two seconds quicker than the averages for his last in so uh this may have given him the the upper hand at this point after the pit stop now they're not going to do a driver change and if they don't put tires on it's going to be a quicker stop anyway which will help preserve that gap over the glickenhaus so yes he should be on here andre negrow to hang onto the play so he was new into the car so they did the fuel in the tiles and the driver changed last time around so this now should keep the car in third and that would be significant because normally it only gets third on a pit stop from the clicking house but here if it can keep third that genuinely puts it ahead yes yeah let's see down the pit lane and the clicking house has not yet broken the beam so the grouse pit stop is just coming into the ford chicane now okay so that was a minute and 17 and the gap was a minute and 26 so he's kept the place and gets on it yeah it's still going to be fairly close isn't it when they uh by the time he gets his tires up to the temperature i'm guessing at this point he must be coming through the uh towards tech rouge as the glickenhaus is going into the forward into the dunlop chicane that's right but also not only does the clicking house have to catch the alpine but it's also got to clear some of the traffic so you can see that markers are up the road as well but sebastian bouemi and andre underground both leaving the pits on that lap and there you can see what the uh tires have been like for the two cars so alpe in third looking house fourth and then fifth and sixth the wrt car malaysia and robert kubisa they're the brains trust at clicking house with all of those laptops to study all of that data and this then the car that is now down to fourth in the hypercar category i do like this shot coming into this great shot isn't it yeah i always feel though when we come to this shot it's going to be showing someone locking up so it's nice nice that it wasn't the case for the clicking house on that occasion no that's the good news 709 louise beckett tells us he's getting ready for a pit stop so that's richard westbrook's car which is down in seventh place and hopefully a couple of laps down on the sister car hopefully the engine gets turned off this time yeah yes indeed in time there's still that little bit of trim flapping towards the rear of the 708 clicking house on the va plot at the wheel of the car patrick pillay for edek 12th overall has just done the carl's best lap of the race so patrick peale who you still associate more as a gt star than a prototype star but proving he can deliver and making amends for two offs on that first racing lap yesterday afternoon for the car or for patrick was he he was the top driver he was he was off and he got caught up at the first chicane and then he ran off again later in the lap and also come later who's just taken over 51 has done the car's absolute best in the first sector so if it wasn't looking strong enough already camaredega has just been released and he's on the money straight away they're not letting off at this stage are they they're still the risk isn't there from 63 um with maybe a safety car falling in the wrong direction and uh that gap that they've got that over a minute they have at the moment could easily disappear tom christensen nine times a winner comes to have a look at the event and doing a tour of the garages great ambassador for the event and uh tom christensen sitting watching the action all through the weekend 38 just run over a bit of debris there hopefully that's not going to cause an issue for them as they go around the remaining part of the lap [Music] so the last laps from the toyotas around the 3 30 mark the fastest lap set by brandon hartley at 327 so they've slackened off the pace markedly now and understandably because they built the gap to five laps over the third place car when was that 27 done was the 327 done was that lap 60 so you go back to yesterday evening right it had dried and it was getting cooler and brendan hartley was relatively fresh into the car you still think you know this time of day 9 30 the ambient temperature hasn't hasn't really shot up too much so far you still think the track would be in a good position for some fast lap times unlike pele obviously has just banged in the fastest one for for car 48 um so there is some uh there is some speed out there and how many cars are now out 11 11 cars are out 12 maybe 12-ish yeah so again as i said earlier you know less cars less traffic just makes it a bit easier to put put laps together and of course the cars in lmp2 you could argue are doing these quick laps because they've got to because they're fighting whereas in the hypercar class without trying to downplay this they're getting to the end they don't have to be fighting they don't have to be pushing they have to get to the end and have a safe run to the end of the race but from the toyota's point of view they've got to have an agreement of that um at this point because otherwise they would just push on yeah and keep pushing each other um and pushing the lap time so there must be something within the team that they've said like you know go to us this we don't want you going faster than a 330 or something like that and then if that's agreed between both cars then then that's fine but because toyota is here to win the race yes it is not here for one given driver or one given combination of drivers it's toyota to win that's the reason of the investment always the case with any any team works entry it's uh it's about the manufacturer because i think to record fernando alonso was here there was some effort made to make sure that the investment was returned like that yeah yeah that's that's quite a nice way to put or the right way of putting it well indeed so six hours 20 minutes of the race remain and we've still got toyota one two we've enjoyed a great fight this morning within the lmp2 category uh gt is going the way of af course whichever way you look at it really because they of course are leading in both pro and in am but uh we never know what's around the corner and we've had some really good battles this morning we've actually had relatively few incidents since about four o'clock but even so we've had some very very good battles out on track good morning graham goodwin good morning i feel that le mans morning feeling which is looking like you're enjoying life but slowly dying inside um yeah like the surviving cars it sort of feels like the excitement is is what might be still to come there's something really good without a shadow of a doubt yeah there's eight with its vibration that they're not being terribly um they're not no we're not getting good vibrations about it and they are not being loquacious in their in their storytelling let's put it that way i think the latest uh line out of total is uh we're trying to work our way around the problem which sounds very convincing to your point to anything else in humanity global catastrophe uh on a climate basis we're trying to work our way around the problem sounds a little less convincing they didn't say problem did they team say issues these issues issues issues a good word issue should be banned and so should going forward you've been watching the news over a lot of you david issue going forward and loved ones loved ones is a phrase that ought to be given a twelve points i think we can all agree yeah sorry if if alistair buffett uh totally do racing does use the phrase thought uh thoughts and prayers are in trouble yes anything comes with a loved one that's going straight in the bin but the team is pretty tight-lipped about it but the car is still doing good lap times i mean it's last that was a 332 a lot of teams will be delighted with the 332 lap wouldn't they they would indeed it's uh 72 car i believe out of the race and that's uh i'm told is gearbox electronics okay so that if you didn't see it graeme was was greece found throughout the wheel it was up at the dunlop says it went straight on through the gravel instant thought was he's missed his breaking point he'll just carry on and he didn't it came to a halt there you go that was that so the marker of doom if it hasn't been employed can they be employed will that come up i will have a go and it was sorry no no the problem was it was gearbox electronics right on that one the electronics breaking the gearbox sort of combination i think possibly something's broken off smash the gearbox to pick no you know the usual thing darren you've used these excuses before you and i've talked unfamiliar race about how daryl's co-drivers broke the car yeah that happened now lmp2 is looking very very good at the moment for wrt find wood to touch in all of this but you've got sharma lacy ahead of uh former residents of le mans if ye as the top two there's the best part of a lap between them i'll grant you uh if he has just taken over number 41 in fact but wrt has kept out of trouble we were just saying a few minutes ago that of all the cars there's something about everybody but there's nothing written about 31 41 because they've done exactly the right thing other than the fact that since uh left for the fabulous internals of an empty caravan um if a yay was leading that toyota number eight toyota slowed right down so sebastian boweny brings out the white flag the slow moving vehicle flag number eight toyota slowly makes its way towards the end of a lap it's going at a half decent pace but it's a slow pace nonetheless is passed by the number seven come up um on the road so white flags being shown to protect the lumber as it makes its way back towards the pit lane david yeah this was the one we were saying a minute ago was absolutely the vibration problem but it's not even but this is looking more engine related isn't it well it's not it doesn't look good this is the reason see it comes out of mole sound and dies so that is an issue uh they're not going to be well that's a problem not just an issue that's a problem and there's not much going forward at the moment engine was a drive isn't it yeah and the drive just ebbed away so the car we're being totally slow on track now is that it that's got going again that looks like it is car 8 running again [Music] has got going again they have been able to do a reset at speed so yeah now that is the second time we've had effectively a control delete for that car one came soon after the major impact one yes but you look at this and you think well there's nothing wrong with that car you know i must have dreamt it there's seven just going through for chicane right well eight is back to a proper pace isn't it yes but it's a lap down now isn't it is that the first time it's gone down it'll when it crosses the beam it will get itself back on the on the lead lap yes yeah okay yeah it's only shown as a lap down because it has yet to complete this lap it's not been overtaken by seven i think we can all agree that this issue is not a good issue i think you're right so over the beam now we'll go beware me no he's a full lap down he's a full lap because he was already seven was already in the lead and then seven must have passed him when he was going as he stopped you saw the seven kill bars so what we're hearing about number eight is that they can't use the fuel properly so they've had pit stops because of a a fuel related problem louie's doing her best to translate this from from what the team are telling her and then relay it to us but uh yes you quite right darren they have now gone a lap down because of having to stop track side forgive me i wonder if the fuel issue is fuel pumps and the different collectors that will be in the bottom of the fuel tank and maybe uh they're running only on one of potentially they have two in there so this could be one of the issues he's not getting all of the fuel into the collector well um he'd been out just for three laps on that stint before grinding into a halt briefly so if that is a fuel collection issue and they're doing it three laps they're in serious trouble it's gonna be a lot of so maybe there's more things lurking in the system there i mean there could be an automated system that is going between the two pumps i'm sort of guessing there could be two pumps in there but uh and then now he's having to do something more manual you know maybe there's a manual control that engages fuel pumps at all times so uh sometimes there's there's things in the car that you can do that is you're taking control of it once the engineers let you know that information that cost the car by the way over a minute four minutes 53 was the last lap time through that's about a minute and 20 seconds over what we'd be expecting from a lap sound for the car at the moment full speed yeah because there was the limping bit and then the stop wasn't there so yeah all combined against it good little battle going on here look 21 uh montoya was caught up to roberto gonzalez as we get some super slo-mo and more gravel being thrown onto the circuit it's the 44 car rally cross council lamar slovakia look at that see the mirror the right mirror really bouncing around as the car lands again after the ground for the ferrari now which one is that is that 51 or 52 that's 52 isn't it so that's not the class leading car if it's 52 but it is 52 you're quite right sam bird at the wheel and the body work ripped apart the tar flailing doing more and more damage sam limping back but that's let go spectacularly sparking from the bottom of that wheel as well let's see how it happened comes out of the bullseye corner looked like he'd been off there but like he'd been wide and then as he accelerates away all of a sudden it let's go but he he'd been off the road hadn't he coming out of mulsanne anyway but maybe there's a huge um lock up on the way into mulsanne there's even odd looking mirror as well for his own mirror that takes some doing yeah oh you said yesterday we don't use them anyway anymore so there's debris on track there's a slow car on track the teams now get ready for pit stops the leader is in the pit kamui kobayashi for what will be the 23rd time and of course corvette thing why couldn't have been the other ferrari give us a chance but uh there's a lot of debris so this zone now okay yeah just literally as i said it sounds uh gonna appear zone six just for the marshals to be able to have half a chance to to recover some of that debris it's gonna be a very very slow in-lap now for sam bird i mean he's only got half of it to do but even so with the amount of damage that's gonna be a long long slow return to the pit lane number seven has served it stops so back into the race goes the leading car with this comfortable advantage briefly eight is back on the lead lap but of course we'll drop off it again when it makes its next pit stop indeed and uh sebastian boy be back up to full speed 331 8 last time around so was that just a simple electronic reset or is there more there's certainly linking issues i think it probably was but that's in addition to it because we've been worrying about the vibration of that car is it is it cause or effect that vibration that's that that's the issue sampler's got a long way to come back with a wounded ferrari and at a high speed section like this darren you would not want to be sound bird no it's horrendous trying to bring a car back along along that stretch of roads from mulsanne down to indianapolis the car speed of everyone coming past you is really high but the nice thing is it's you've got the the racing track but you've also got that extra bit of verge on the on the left and right hand side of the track where you can um try and get across and stay out of the way but if you've got like a gaggle of cars coming behind you um and you're unsighted you're suddenly in the in the danger zone at that point at least it's not the driven wheel yeah i'm sure that must be far trickier i think that that's not great no with a tyre in that condition trying to get back with that on the rear would be really really difficult yeah so at the moment he's coming through the the right of indianapolis which means the steering will be working reasonably well but when he tries to turn to the left for the second part of indianapolis that could be tricky it it does become a little bit more awkward trying to get the car around and um keeping it out of the gravel there carl's indianapolis carl's being told to bear left at slow zone six to avoid the debris and the marshals with the flags both yellow and white the white flank saying there's a slow moving car on the road dodging past him did a great job there he has but as if like wasn't tough enough being so many laps down because they had a rear suspension failure during the night now the car losing yet more time and there is the sister car about to breeze past just in the slow zone isn't he so there goes 51. and uh 52 having had that puncture in the practice sessions and bodywork repairs and suspension failure in the race back in the wars whereas 51 has the charm life and carries on in the lead i'm trying to remember the incident that car had where they had to replace all the front body work as well because that car certainly came back pretty badly wounded at some point this week whether or not that is the same incident that uh was the rear puncture that car came back in some disarray i wonder if we would get a replay of of how that happened uh for sam into molsan from a different camera angle the team here getting all the spare parts ready so it's going to take the car a long time to come in but when it does get there they'll be ready they'll have the replacement body work the replacement parts obviously the replacement uh tyres obviously they can go to work good news is that's a bit that was completely floating about that's detached he's also one up on barney coat because he's got a wheel ah ben had three when he got back didn't he i missed that yeah the wheat he left the pits without the front left being properly attached and the wheel parted company at the first chicane and it was a 16-minute inlet for bambaniko for the inception car last night i should say that's a less than optimum solution it's slow that's what it was yes the repair for inception was a lot easier than this repair will be i think i just had to do the the front splitter and and the wheel and the way they went again so it wasn't too long before they're back out on track but uh i of course have got some work ahead of them to to repair that car without much damage to the bodywork sure meantime the only factory team with two bullets left the gun is porsche and uh that's a driver change for richard richard leeds yeah that porsche battle has been an interesting one but they've never really got back onto terms with the ferrari or the corvette ahead no um you know the ferrari and the corvette both dealt uh number one midweek one late week balance of performance change uh porsche were left alone and porsche that had been pretty dominant did not look it's not just not part of this race it's as simple as that they've they seem to have been chasing it from the offer so i was going to say when they're a little bit unlucky early in the race with with where the safety car came out they had a bit of that the 92 um had a problem as well of course the 92 is effectively a brand new car yeah but but the reason that they lost out on those safety cars were because they were behind anyway yes yeah so but you don't have to be maybe 10 seconds behind true they've started to lose let's put it that way yeah right sound bird limps on he certainly picks up speed not that he's going to continue like this of course but he's getting back in quicker order than we otherwise would have expected most people pouring into the pit lane because they are expecting this to be a long slow zone i anticipate so pit stops being cycled through olivier platt comes back in on the clicking house 708 which graham you missed it but it's the last stint not the one it's just finished the one before that was really best described as lethargic never really seemed to have proper pace but we were then starting to debate whether that was because they'd decided to give olivier plara delta pace to run that just to make sure the car kept out of trouble but it came out of the pits and couldn't clear away from lmp2 cars that were instantly behind it and it then looked lethargic it wasn't in a limp homo but it didn't seem to be as quick as it had anyway it's still going and the team have said no problem which makes one thing do you think they're working around an issue well they're certainly working to what they want to do their pace in that respect there's no problem or issue two united sports cars or the two remaining united stars back into the freight why 23 lose time yesterday evening apart from the incident up at the dunlop curves uh why did 23 lose time that's a lot of sam's coming past the our windows now but that's a lot of damage to the to the 52. it is coming in you're right i will i will request uh information please because that just you know we all woke up this morning to discover it had just fallen away with with no obvious answer it might just purely be a legacy of the incident yesterday evening right sam bird brings what's left of the ferrari to the pit lane [Music] getting a driver change at 28. so number 28 from jota into the pit lane tom blonkus brought it in he replaced sean galile so it should be stopped for vandoorne to take over but sean galileo's going to get back in in fact so they're going to keep stoffel for the end of the race potentially where you need your gun for high absolutely to do the work remember if you're watching for the first time the rules are something dramatic always happens the last 25 minutes yes yes it's the law right um damage assessment please a lot thanks that's a that's a big insurance claim isn't it isn't it always do the fuel first get that done before getting the car up in the air on the chickens sure i'm sure ferrari don't call them chickens but um and then get the car wheeled into the garage and uh all hands on deck at that point there sound being overtaken a pit in right so the team can now run round and get the car into the garage struggling to get the back of the car look you can see the car's not going completely up on the back not enough air in it so they can't even get there yeah the wheels underneath so of course i think half of italy works for af course at graham doesn't it he's got so many cars and so many championships so many mechanics needed well i can recall not that long ago they they were doing an awful lot more single mate racing than than now running uh huge numbers of racial someone did mention to me that the number of cars including cars that are tended by af corset that are not competition well into three figures with the two at the beginning terrifying isn't it but they managed to do it properly you know they don't they make themselves too thinly and make a bad job they do and uh that's why i stopped flapping around the the wheel was completely locked up but yeah right i do do recall or many moons ago requesting of matt griffin whether or not there might be a possibility of speaking tomato ferrari and matt told me in the accident i'm not going to attempt to repeat that was somewhat like trying to get an audience with the pope yes i hope it's easier isn't it i mean big lock up there for the 26 car that's a bit undercooked as you're coming into the pit lane like that youngest man in the race franco colopinto who blotted his copy book a bit last night yes it's not good that's a little bit too hot isn't it but uh no amato very approachable we'll answer a straight question doesn't do interviews is the odd no and i suspect the fact the fact that the team will be running the ferrari hyper cars in 2023 will only mean that's more certain darren has a fascinating fact about tomato ferrari don't you i do yeah he did uh british touring cars in the uh in 1990 in a sierra cosworth did he yes that is fascinating it's amazing what you can learn in a commentary booth fantastic educational i found this whole i've got a great fact as well about the british touring car championship darren turner they were the diesel days that's right wow other touring car championships are available yes for the purposes of balance right number seven then kevin kobayashi well clear in the race lead and charm lazy has just made a pit stop from lmp2 yeah uh frank meyer is uh out in the 708 to much to my regret nowhere on track uh close to the number 29 car so yet again i'm not able to use my line about fritz and mayo that's not gonna happen that's something to be grateful for at least now right now the battle in lmp2 is really on for the lead between wrt but for third it's been between number 28 jota and 65 the panic's racing car sean galileo now takes on james allen in that battle gala on an out lap so at the end of the next one we'll see what the margin is between those two this is number seven toyota which had its dramas early on with those two punctures but right now the question mark is more over number eight four minutes and seven seconds performance and eight seconds is the real world gap on the road as we approach very rapidly the three quarters of this race mark six hours to go that's going to change once the uh the slow zone is now gone yeah um because all the lap times were yeah considerably slower so it still should be a full lap advantage to car seven i believe that's correct yeah once it all shakes out with the slow zone going but uh as we said so boy me is back up to more or less full racing speed 10 o'clock in the morning here [Music] and bright and sunny some high cloud but nothing remotely like the kind of weather conditions we had in the earlier part of this race that's what we need now yeah get everybody on the toes again and imagine there's only a few people that really want that to happen and they're all in here yes everyone in the pit lane is probably not on that same page as you are for that to happen i would i would concur with that so come here kirby actually at the helm of number seven he's doing a great job as ever and is this the year graham that number seven finally gets the rub of the green i don't i i genuinely don't even want to say it because it's what is it three is it three consecutive years it can't be three consecutive years because it didn't finish second last year uh but i think mike has been second to three times almost as many times as toyota hold that thought yeah so three minutes it is three minutes and five seconds so it's just under a lap basically in this stage isn't it but uh battles will still be there they need to be we need to dig a little deeper to find them to antonio felix de costa it is now that will take up the chase at dragon's beak car real team racing they've been at the top of the pro-am standings in lmp2 for quite some time and we know that uh esteban garcia was burning that drive time a lot of it so overnight did we miss the the move from montoya then on gonzales because of they've both gone out of the pits to costa's uh the pit the actual pit stop was a bit 13 seconds difference it didn't swap on track it was all about it indeed so now to cost a little real b that will take up that the uh the battle and the answer david three seconds and a third and the first time mike conway came here back in 2013 he was excluded the g drive entry with john martin uh fuel tank that's right yeah yeah placement fuel sell in and the fuel cell expanded in the chassis so uh he's had four podiums obviously one fastest lap if you want the other stats looking at the overall classification as it scrolls through pick out the af courser domination of gt again leading in pro and am the pro car is 22nd and the am car is 26 nicholas nielsen who is the pro in the pro-am lineup doing a very very good job so come let her go up with uh 72nd lead over jordan taylor in the 63 corvette nicholas nielsen what is that 43 seconds over dylan pereira [Music] and the tf sport cart and that gaps pretty much stayed the same for an hour hour and a half as they've gone through the night the car that has made the most progress by the way up the order since um i went off and closed my eyes for an hour or two is one i don't think we mentioned much certainly in the overnight the 84 car uh the innovative car now with mateo lahaye the fully able-bodied driver of the three in the srt41 car that car was significantly further down the order than the 35th i also had it off this morning oh did it when um aoki i think it was went off at arnage it was it was still in the darkness it was about five o'clockish um and despite darren's efforts to tell us it was getting brighter it wasn't getting quite quickly enough so uh in the darkness aoki had it off so that car is now what's two minutes behind the d station racing just popped in its fastest lap of the race as well absolutely it did 337 for that car playing station racing by the way now with tomorrow fuji at the wheel i don't know if you have much to do with fuji sand but i think he's been hugely impressive since we got him into the wec wasn't still a driver yeah yeah uh fujisan has been great i mean i went out and uh did the super gt race with them a couple of years ago at fuji uh with fuji um yeah it was a great experience and the d station team is is just growing with confidence obviously here they're partnered with tf um but their their program they've got quite an intense program around the world let's see if we can catch up on tired dramas sam bird after bringing the punctured ferrari to the pits is with louise sandberg is watching on as i'd say 12 mechanics are working on the 52af course that was a painful limp home wasn't it yeah very painful we had a very similar issue in free practice with daniel so it's a bit strange um what happened everything was fine and then the world just looked solid going into the hairpin so yeah when it's not your day here it's not your day we've had another very difficult lemon on our side of the garage um [Music] it goes that way sometimes just need to pick yourself up and hopefully try again next year as you say you've had this before so how quickly do you think these guys can work i mean they're all on it i mean when we had it in free practice you've got more downtime so less of an issue this one seems to rip the car apart a little bit more so this is not going to be a quick fix all right thank you so big frustration for sam bird 92 though blast out of the pit lane neil yanis staying at the wheel of the porsche and also at the pit lane and much to the delight of the just arrived again from the 64 car that's i think it's been in the garage for quite some time uh that car shown as 48 minutes uh in the hits uh rejoins and um alternator issues on he's telling me on 64. on the 64 right to go with the clutch and rear diffuser and everything else so it's kind of a torrey time hasn't it it didn't happen in my day it wasn't my fault the other things that ollie's going to tell us and clearly that team were unable to work around that issue in the gt classes are we thinking that everyone's done their break changes if they were going to do a break change is there anything coming for 51 63 that will change their position around just because they're going to have to have a longer stop i'm guessing they've all done them at some stage during the night yeah i think they're good to run to the end now and again in the am if there's anything that could could shake out because they've got a schedule in that brake change but with less than six you you presume they've all done they've done it yeah carl ledergan out the wheel of the leading gte pro car i have thought about combating gargrave because he's one of those drivers that hasn't become pigeonholed with one manufacturer there are some that are picked up by a brand and stay there you know you associate driver x with audi or driver y with porsche but ledegar came out of one mate porsche racing with great success where to drive for mclaren now he's finding himself at ferrari and and delivers no matter what you put him in and i think i've seen him driving in asia the monster is in a p2 car as well a couple of three years ago with alexander west as i recall probably the best um yes andy's very quick and has been represented here not only in person in this team but also in the single make porsche race with was it four cars in that race david something like that yes through his team yeah so yeah is he busy ferrari's an asian le mans driven aston martins he's driven porsches he's driven legions in in prototypes um he's raised porsches in the 12 hours of dubai he was block pan endurance champion wasn't he for mclaren in the von ryan days with rob bell and shane van gisberger i think about you darren i think it's just greedy it also shows that it's very adaptable isn't it to be able to jump from uh class to class and manufacture to manufacture and still be you know to be in actually to be in this car 51 uh it shows that they of course have got a lot of faith in his ability yeah it's just not a seat that people get easily so uh com is uh well well deserving to be in that seat and doing a great job out on the track well it's somewhat um deja vu movement from myself when i left for the evening um at 4 30 this morning uh felipe nasser was putting in fantastic uh laps in the music company car he that car clearly fallen down the order since then it's in 21st position and 16th another b2 but he's just done the fastest lap of that cars race again eight 332 points one two zero which i strongly suspect is the fastest p2 lap of the race so far [Music] but yeah you're right because on a charge on his new rubber um montoya's got a stint just an old set of tires underneath him at this stage so he's going to be on the defensive knob in uh not too far distance down the track joseph doesn't need to be told this again but it is such a frustration that davidson had that car in the gravel because there's been nothing else wrong the pace has been fantastic they just can't make up the lost time yeah yeah i mean uh it's one of those one of those uh events that's gonna haunt them i'm sure uh because they were up for a good result but you know there's plenty of cars up and down the grid that have had the opportunity they would have been in in sort of a podium position and then had some sort of uh issue or problem going forward going forward that uh has cost them that opportunity it's been a bit like that all season and the fywc go to sports with one crushing uh victory and that by the way after the two cars came together in the first turn it pulled him out it's been at this point all about united author sports with wrt not really featuring and it's all turned around here what's a performance by wrt amazing right from team drivers everything strategy it's uh it's it's uh very much by the book isn't it the other part of the uh deja vu by the way delivered immediately by ifea with the fastest lap of that cars race that was what the the uh the rhythm was in the early hours this morning it was felipe the quickest it was if he ate the next quickest and just tense behind that pace as he chased down sharma lazy and that's exactly what's happening again it's two minutes and five seconds it's the gap between the two wrt cars that laptop by uh nasa a 32-1 it's impressive isn't it when you're looking at the rest of the field um other than uh iffy who's also in the 32s everyone else is around the the 34s 35 36s so uh a stonking lap there this is the one race you watch a year uh that's box go racing one you're wrong but two the thing to point out here is these cars have been slowed down since last year they're heavier they have less power to play with something like 66 brake horsepower less than the 2020 race and uh those lap times in those circumstances are highly impressive it's another 332 this time around from nasa is in the midst of another quick lap too so they're both on the chase i think you're right about saying that nasa has done the fast it's lmp2 lap because although i can't instantly find [Music] a scroll of the best in the class i think the next best a couple of hundred slower was by nick davis yeah so it's close but i think he has now just edged that and he's just gone quicker again in the first sector so really on a charge at this point i like saying with alan earlier if if you've got no chance of a result and you are literally going to the flag then you might as well enjoy pushing to the absolute limit i know the guys at the front of the field are doing the same but they've got a one part of their mind is on about keeping the car on the island and making sure there's no mistakes where when you're uh 16th in class then you've got no real weight on your shoulders you can just drive with that sort of freedom to push to the limit just six drivers in lmp2 have had a lap in the 332s philippe albuquerque john bloncrest franco colopento nick devries philippa natasha and right now one in the 330 ones because the faa has responded i think he's having a calling card it's 331.957 and this is the move back for position so that's the cost of getting back ahead of montoya and that's for 16th overall and it's for 11th in class and he's gone through it it's a very happy antonio felix de costa who makes that move now can you get away on pure pace you'd say yes but first of all he's going to try and break the toe there great stuff from antonio phillips de costa and in lmp2 he's impressed as much as housing just about everything else he's driven in recent years spirited skilled and 99 of the time cheerful we like that the driver yeah jose has been particularly fast on the straight you know with both cars during the race 319 that time around for decosta [Music] there was one toy montoya's a 316 so they definitely have a little bit of a speed advantage with the joker package yeah october fading away a little bit now isn't that gap widening between them so 61 cars that started this race 183 drivers selected station is off there at moles and almost in the way of decosta as it came back on and more drama here one of the porsches just rattling the wall it's 91. and that'll have done a bit of damage surely the slide is just about held right on board here with fred macaviki [Music] could have been a lot worse that was marginal wasn't it he should have got away with that in terms of damage we're certainly not coming to the pits i wonder if he's even radioed in to say i've had a little brush with the wall we've seen we've seen probably radio regularly take us through those moments what's the choice like darren well it's less nowadays because there is so much uh decent tv footage out there and the telemetry probably gives it away as well we might be able to hear number 91 this is the polite version of the team radio fred macco to the team looks okay around parallel i touched it yeah and you're on board there where you're looking at freddie driving the steering looks pretty straight as well that's that's always the the giveaway jota is having an interesting race because we saw 38 in the gravel early on 28 is doing a really impressive job with sean gallardo at the wheel and joe to team boss sam hitler is with louise beckett sam hignit uh it's always bittersweet with jota isn't it the 28 will be doing well the 38 not so well or vice versa in the whole championship and that's how this le mans seems to be playing out yeah absolutely it was a real shame the 38 had a trick through the gravel early on in those damn sessions and picked up gravel in the floor underneath the engine and then i assumed that over the curves a bit of gravel was punched a hole in the oil filter so we had to come in lengthy delay while we changed the oil filter but they're back out there they're running round they're aiming to get up into the top eight and it would still look quite good for the championship especially with the 22 further down yeah that's absolutely right and uh you've got to be pleased with how the 28's doing yeah 28's doing really well uh it hasn't had an easy run of it there's been a couple of problems along the way but the guys have driven brilliantly pit stops have been very good so hopefully we'll be there at the end and be on the podium are you surprised by the wrt performance no not really i mean you know they've they've done executed a fantastic race they've made no mistakes the drivers have been brilliant the team's been brilliant so really it's to be expected of a team of that caliber okay so we hope to see the 38 making their way up the field yeah absolutely thanks sam interesting to hear the story being completed there about the uh hole punch in the oil filter legacy off that gravel so there's there's more to it than just falling off the circuit absolutely another versus lap trading faster slaps the moat with the faa it's a 331.646 and just as another little factor there that is the first time that uh the fastest lapping p2 is faster than the fastest lap of any of the hypercar drivers faster now than the best lap from frank mayer the other quick points i was going to make of the 183 drivers slated to start this race only one of them has not turned laps and that very sadly is paul delano did not manage to get into his car after that uh big off for marcus gomez so once again paul de la lana he just can't cut any luck here can he he must be the unluckiest driver when it comes to le mans um you know been so close i can't remember the year when they were leading until the last hour right here in front of us we wanted to happen in front of us pretty much a done deal but uh since then it's just not played played out in the in the right way for paul and that 98 car you know they've uh they've won the championship they've won so many races uh with uh matthias and pedro army in that car during the wec championship and more recently they've still been very competitive but just just haven't been able to have a clean run here at le mans and at times in the wc when it's been very tough to win in that class it's been a deep field in that class and there's some very talented teams very talented gentlemen drivers too yeah i think you know if paul had been into racing at an earlier age i'm sure he could have been professional you know he's got the talent you watch you watch him uh drive you look at the data and everything else and considering this is something that he fits in around a huge business operation that he's operating um he does a great job just turn up and jump in the car and and sometimes it's hugely impressive what he can what he can drag out of a car and for me it's his inherent pace only improved when he made that shift in the wc qualifying to bring the gentleman drivers into it though he was being he had to be trusted with that because that's what the rules were he found something more at that point darren yeah i think that was really good for the championship to make that part of of qualifying uh to to get the amp driver more involved um throughout the weekend and ultimately that's what gte am should be about it should be about about the the bronze driver and making sure they have quality time on the racetrack and and uh contribute to whatever the end result will be for that car finally i mean in this quick bit of discussion we now know more or less the timeline for the end of what's been a great formula in gte of course the market's gone away from it some form of gt3 will be coming um it's of course a real regret isn't it the fantastic beasts uh yeah i mean if things move on you can see that with lmdh and everything else and gt3 away from the wec and elms gt3 has been hugely uh successful for gt racing around the world it gives all the manufacturers a chance to be able to to come and play which is a healthy thing and healthy thing for the for the market as well so yeah gte has been amazing gt1 before that was amazing uh and i'm sure that the next iteration of gt racing will also manufacture some great racing on the track as well but it it just opens the door with more manufacturers being able to come along and and join in with the fun operation here at the mall yeah we're waiting to find out just exactly what uh we're going to see in terms of the cars and in terms of the class structure we made pretty clear that we may be seeing the end of law pro formula and in aco worlds racing you'll see how that one plans out that's got effects in terms of the cars we might see in the future but beyond this but glorious vision of what will happen in prototype racing in the next couple years big wobble there as the 36 car came out there are questions answered and more still to be answered about gt as well lots and lots of change to come and i think the bronze driver market could be very uh going forward if it's suddenly the from the manufacturer's point of view that there is no pro full pro lineups then suddenly the the asset is going to be the bronze driver absolutely right and we're already beginning to see that little one or two drivers with normally bronze uh classifications that when you look at the data as i know you all do in a race very very high up the order in terms of the average didn't uh pace across a race yeah and and you know some some bronze drivers just uh have a good weekend and their actual performance on track is is comparable um but over a whole season it you can generally see the difference between a uh a bronze driver and a professional driver you know uh when you look through the whole year you can really sort of tell the difference but you know there is weekends when when they're just on fire you know and they're able to put the laps together and they have a really good strong decent stint looking uh we saw fred mcnecki uh joining the race to the 91 car he is now working the gap and working it rapidly to neil jamie that gap under 20 seconds now and last time around three seconds taken out of the swiss driver by the frenchman and the fastest lap for that car as well with the wall well maybe that's just helped with the the setup he's just tweaked the toe or the camber or the caster and suddenly it's come alive external assistance certainly into the pits number eight then so after it's mysterious stop on track it's been running okay again number eight yeah one minute and 48 seconds behind as it came in for that pit stop it'll be a further minute plus for this it's just 44 seconds of course because they should have just shot fuel in the car aren't they so it's a bit of wait and see what develops here inside just through the wheels there possibly to and check on anything that might be vibrating anything that looks loose or damaged every time we've seen a pit stop from toyota there's a lot of smoke well dust coming off the brakes with the wheel guns and the the air of the wheel gun sort of blowing into the into the wheel so maybe that's just a another precautionary check just to make sure there's enough material left on the pads to see them through the last uh five and a half hours to go a couple of mp2 cars as we watch the eights rolling down towards pitt exit a couple of more the lmp2 cars doing their fastest laps of the race and antonio felix de costa is one of them uh franco colopento has just dropped behind ronnie binder who's the other and that's a 340 last time around from franco colopinzo not quick and this middle sector sector two yeah he's had a problem there wasn't anything good well it's a 340 and now another slow slow lap is he carrying a problem here how many laps has he done in this stint right did we he was if you remember it was franco that came across the gravel on the way into the that's right yeah that was so that wasn't that long here was it have a quick look and see what we can find 26 is only six laps into this stint and it's the average lap time so far it's a 338 on the stint that's not good though there's not a legacy of his trip through the gravel as we get a replay here of another car getting it wrong into our nage that's 49 the high class racing car with jan magnuson at the wheel yeah but he avoids the gravel but uh runs deep into the corner last time for yeah it was being kindly helped down that escape road now that's caller pinto in is that roman roose enough i think it possibly is does your name on the side of the helmet there is a problem six laps back into the pit lane and the driver change yeah so they're trying to make the best of this make a problem into a scheduled stop but there's obviously more than just fuel and tires and the driver changes brought it in they're now trying to salvage that stop ready to go surely you mean ferdinand's vonomir maria belthouse keith michael otto antal barnum leonardo habsburg lotterington it's cost him a lot of deals that uh that name because they just can't afford the finals on the side of the car that's right it has to be a very very big car debris on the left-hand side of the white line approaching marshall's post 10 we understand right now so just heading down to the first chicane on the mole sand mulsanne straight [Music] [Applause] [Music] big slide there for 48 the breaking zone for the dunlop who was out behind the wheel pilot behind the wheel good recovery though just to open the wheel open the steering just let the car run through the little bit of extra tarmac that there's to the right of the circuit yeah patrick making his lmp2 debut here last year is a late replacement for dwight merriman and was retained by the team long time porsche factory driver of course but now making his way in lmp2 this pace has been great you know last lap i mean basically before that little absolutely little moment into turn two but yeah the last lap in the 33s which is very competitive at this stage of the race two factory is together on track again and 52 pulls to the right lets the 51 go no point in holding up the class leader at this point after that uh delay 52 with the puncture something brother odd i'm looking at our tabbing and scoring screen which shows that current pit lane [Music] it's not your eyes graeme good morning right i've just been off i've had uh five hours off air what have you doing with all my hype oh hang on they're all still there they're all still there incredible goodness me absolutely and none have dropped 20 laps back because they've had a major issue but we have had dramas and looming dramas potentially for the brake car yes that car stopping on track briefly for what looked like a reset troubles in getting a full well not troubled but unable to get a full tank of fuel into the car i was thinking about this because i've been sort of following it while i've been having breakfast and washing and stuff are you gonna manage it or fix it was a question that was asked and and the problem with fixing it is you guarantee you're giving away a podium if you manage it it's just doing shorter stints you've not been listening they're working around the issue yes they're working around here i.e it's only doing 11 laps right now sort of hoping it doesn't become a bigger issue i think i'm leading i'm really into that one i think it's not picking up all the fuel now things like that don't fix themselves darren very often do they but if it's picking up three quarters of the tank you keep going while it is it could only mean at one extra pit stop with this time remaining and at that point the strategy will be let's just carry on with this and do the shorter stint and they could end up with a 1-2 still they might end up with a 1-3 what they devoutly want is for both cars to finish absolutely and they've got four laps uh gap from the second-placed toyota to the clicking house in third position just that little shot of the corvette garage i wonder how many fans are going where where do i get that wallpaper all the way across the back of the streets instead of a flat plain panel they've got little sort of bow tie corvetti wallpaper like there's like rows of birds on it it's sort of quite our new vote there's lots of fans going where do i get that how do i get that how can i create that for myself and lots of fans while i was going don't even think about it yeah no too late it's up and ollie's already out there trying to price it up i think you'd absolutely find he makes it yeah ferdi habsburg limbering up oh i say bit of core work absolutely right [Music] so he is getting ready for the next round of pit stops for wrt in fact this is where we were just before i disappeared if he chasing down shall malaysia he then caught him and passed him for the lead in lmp2 on his in lap and we're still seeing quick laps that's a quick lap indeed from roman dumas that's a 329 427 fastest lap from that car for the race so far quick laps have been coming this morning to in lmp2 from the fa from felipe nada and although it's just cleared the screen that was a purple first set it was so the fastest first sector of anybody or race from the glickenhaus yes the delayed clicking house the one that had to crash early on it's also talking to that car crew they weren't particularly happy with the balance even uh right up until my apologies it was the other click announced out of the crash because the only part wasn't it [Music] there was only plan that's carrying the damage at the time right 708 yeah yes right yeah okay so that's so that is the podium placed currently at lincoln house with five and a half hours to go but for the crew of 709 it's only taken uh 18 hours and 30 minutes for the balance to come to them with their setup so yes it's been a long slog for that car hasn't it they're just finally there it under them you know we're talking about the and and with apologies to their followers slightly taking the mickey about the corporate line you know it's a serious point here with the number eight car these are the moments that matter but a moment also to just look at what's achieved already here by clicking house with an absolutely ground up new car with a budget that will be a fraction of what is being employed at total and again i thought about that and i thought why has he jumped in with both feet right at the start because when everything is new and there are fewer people engaged you have a better chance actually yeah of creating something for yourself and and that car that had damage early on and all the course damage early on with the number eight car is in third place and and potentially they've you know they've got a very tight battle on their hands with the alpine in fourth place but they they've got potential of an outright podium their very first appearance at the moment look jim dickenhouse knows what it takes to do both sides of things doesn't he knows what it takes to compete he absolutely knows what it takes to lose and there have been three uh objectives here four objectives the first one is to be here yep and that they most certainly have done the second one is to finish this race i'm saying nothing about that i don't have any influence a podium most certainly would have been in their dreams and of course his wildest dreams to win the 24 hours of le mans but make no mistake whatever happens from this point forward they will take a huge amount of of kudos and credit away from the 2021 le mans 24 hours charlie is in fact that's that's the 51. surfboard is the 51. that is the leading card yes that is that actually says 50 says 52 on it on the pit i can see of the surfboard but they are ready to take that back into the garage 52 and 51 there you are is the brakes at this stage could be might be could be a minute and 10 seconds on the corvette when they came in but the leading car in gt pro is in the garage as and into the pit lane comes corvette now this is a three-quarter distance full service isn't it this is everything this is ducts this is brakes this is oil air filters cabin filter i mean it's everything because you've got six hours to win them on so it's a driver change standard full service pit stop for corvette and they will take the lead here i think is four minutes back on the road the question is will they need a brake change have they had a brake change not wallowing they come back out yeah great great effort oh this is gonna be this is gonna be close isn't it super fast come on get the darts off see was that in total when he gets across the line at the end of the pits here we have an idea of how long that actually took off left front puncture that's the proton dempsey proton car matt campbell 077 okay it's in fourth place that's 88 lance david arnold those two are so close in color aren't they one's blue and one's turquoise really teal yeah see that's an interior design color as well no no item or clothing i own is teal that's my age they probably probably are actually started off as blue that's a long way back isn't it it is long way back so they of course are coming slow down come running comes out of the pits two minutes and 16 seconds so that's an extra minute on the stop basically over a full service driver change and everything else commonly stayed in the car because there was no time to do anything else 42 seconds gained on those stops by the corvette the gap now 29 seconds for the lead so that shot is at the second chicane darren so he's still got 10ks to nine eight k's to get back let's hope he doesn't have the same sort of damage that we saw from the uh 52 ferrari with sam you know that was a huge amount of damage done so the main objective now is just to bring it back steady we saw frey do that uh yesterday yes it took 10 minutes to get back in that's 50. that don't just mention by the way it's 21 minutes on pit lane to repair that damage and the problem there i think was that it let go at maximum velocity which is when the tire is most likely to let go when it's grown it's been stretched by centrifugal force as much as possible whereas that one if he got through the chicane without the damage then at least he's down at no speed and he it's up to him whether there's any damage i don't think it was in sam's hands whether there was any damage it just happened i'm not sure because we saw sam coming back out from the wall at multan to maybe had a big big lock up which then would have been a a tile for a tyre failure from the flat spot which you know it fell apart after that so uh a simple puncher means you could probably recover the car without too much damage mark this in the race diary uh potentially a very significant piece of use from toyota they are managing a fueling issue on the seventh car yep and vibration they're reporting as well not just the eights so both cars appear not to be able to take a full load of fuel at this point and they made a driver change as well because they wanted to brief jose maria lopez before he got into the car on the workaround and and it was not possible to do on the right or not easy to do on the radio now that you can see in the background last david arnold going very slowly um in that 88 car that was his out lap as well so we've seen a couple of these the inception ferrari spat its wheel off on its out lap and then spent ten minutes driving very slowly back as you would on only three wheels um because it lost the wheel at the first chicane well to to just just go through what we've got here um the last uh in the last stints fourth on a break car nine laps seven laps five flaps four laps three laps 13 laps and now three laps into a stint for the number seven car 13 laps nine laps 13 laps eight laps seven laps five laps it's all over the place have numbers and number seven from the starter race been all over the place number eight has done full stint full stint enforced in full steam full stint forced in foster basically then trouble number seven is gone yellow fuel uh slow zone fuel safety car fuel they've yes they've played an american racing game strategy take fuel every time you can make sure you've always got fuel and and then you might have options later so there yes their stint lengths have been anything between full and and you know barely a third so trying to read anything into their into that pattern has always been quite hard absolutely right so vibrations and fueling issues reported for both toyotas as we come into the morning racing team netherlands goes straight across the chicane gear the vanderguard just [Music] that is how you get spat into the wall anna mcnish that's not comfy is it yeah it's problem is if you get two wheels over that curb it's got a little bit of a dip and then it actually springs it out the other side and you do have to be a little bit careful you know we're five hours five and a half hours from the end of the race there's quite a good rubber line but that also means that off the rubber line it means it's significantly less so some great shots in the darkness looking up through the dunlop chicane where there's a clear white line and the rest of it basically is rotted gravel and it just at the most appalling filth offline and the the sort of low level lighting from the from the headlights really showed it up and and you don't see it so much in daylight but that doesn't mean it's not there i can tell you but you feel it there's a left front yeah issues that carbene coming slowly it sort of came through the second chicane very slowly [Music] we've got wheel arches ready for that car louise beckett says there's the goodyear blimp overhead and there's van sam voss watching with inches allen earlier in the season wrt joined world endurance championship they've been very successful in european le mans series with their in their first year with an lmp2 program they have been super successful in all sorts of endurance racing with gt cars and you you said i sort of have underperformed a bit in world endurance certainly but i think by their standards and their expectations they might have but i wouldn't say that under for performed i think no i said that when you come to this level of competition when everybody comes together it you have to really step up and it didn't run quite as well for them as they did in elms where they were dominant first time out looked fantastically quick when they got to austria and and and uh in wec it just hasn't quite has been the united and jota show at the end of the day yeah and uh then came here and george shaw looked as if it was going to continue united show struggled and kind of fell apart from various different reasons with all of the cars and wrt flexed their muscles and came through yes their their talent and their wherewithal and their driver lineup has definitely shown you know there's no and i hate starting sentences like this but they have not put a foot wrong so far i know we just saw we just saw that one of the stewards was going into the back of the garage there um one of the pit marshals and that's usually for some sort of pitch stop discussion [Applause] louise beckett pointing out for the pier she's very alert with the mass for this time 31 car is 30 points off the lead 36 points and it's double points here graeme how much do you get for winning 25 and 12 and a half is 37 and a half you get 50 points for winning 50 points oh double point sorry yes no that's points in half so that i mean yes that means of leading the championship as well as louise is trying to save you yeah basically it's been it's been a struggle she didn't say so they're leading the championship now martin because i know your maths is poor you know my math is poor we've done this for 20 years 10 years with you obviously louise well we've got since you were known for the championship double points here we've then got a six and an eight hour race in bahrain to come yeah the eight hour racing against the 88 card does make it back well done sir painful for lance david arnold creeping in so slowly very painful for them but also just interesting now to see whether the toyota number seven continues through whether it will do a seven lap stint or whether it be six and it does continue through to do another lap so toyota number seven is not on that reducing lap count that you were mentioning there graham it seems to have stabilized at worst all the way around you're going keep slow slow slow slow just watching this car come to a halt that's another potential floor because you come into the pit then you think right i've done it if you hit the brakes at your normal spot you just glide straight past your garage and into somebody else's because the car won't stop with the flat tire on the front even at pit lane speed it will it will not stop properly so it's not delaminated and that's been the same thing it might just be it is going to be tire and go 708 is in and that cycles it back from third to fourth place we've got a very tight battle for the podium in hypercar we've got a very tight battle still for the lead in gte am comledega ahead of nikki katzberg by 24 seconds that is nothing i'm not sure there's a problem that you can have at le mans that costs you as little as 24 seconds 30 habsburg in the wrt entry that's alan steering his team you didn't you didn't imagine that 31 car leading in double in uh lmp2 51 comledgar leading in gte pro 22nd overall and leaving gte am still the 83 ferrari nick nielsen when he was in this when i went to when i went off shift five hours ago and he's still in the car i imagine he hasn't been in ever since who are we talking about sorry i was just going to say something and jose maria lopez leading the race for toyota gazoo racing number seven car ahead of number eight and the fierce battle between alpine and glickenhaus to get on the podium continues to rage and there is the 92 porsche that had dramas on the opening lap i had dramas in in hyper pole getting crashed by kevin estra and then is has very quickly in the first six hours fought his way back up into podium contention number eight toyota uh on the way back in we're told by louise those cars are still on the same lap and they have a four lap advantage over the battle for third which is effectively one one car because they're only 30 seconds apart if you're gonna lose four laps the chances of you losing four laps plus only 29 seconds are relatively slender um they've just changed the drivers on number seven to put jose maria lopez in with instructions on how to manage the current situation so i don't expect since said but sebastian bramy has been managing this since three or four in the morning i don't suppose that they need to rebrief him he will stay in dylan pereira aboard the 33 car trying to chase down nicholas nielsen also looming battle it's going to be uh this lap i think that uh fred macko catches neil jenny three seconds back from the sister carp with the 91 car much quicker at the moment into the 3 49ers for 352 last time around from neil might be interesting for louise to go to tf sport and ask them how things are going with the aston martin without without wishing to attempt there was a stage from midnight till about four where when the a of course the car stopped for a lap until they came in the tf sport aston was the leader but that was its in-lap and then mysteriously one lap they came in on the same lap as the ferrari and since have not been able to find that extra lap back or retake the lead and they're now two minutes behind and two minutes here is half a lap yeah so you can see the 33 is coming through the porsche curves but the leader in the class is out of the second chica as the first chicane so it's it's sort of on the opposite side of le mans if you like cracking lap time last time through fastest lap of its race for the 63 corvette nikki katzberg is on the charge again that gap 21 seconds for the lead in uh gte bro somebody in the truck spotted that at exactly the same moment you did didn't they give me the 63 just as you started talking about him but that's a great view that is a race it is a race now because they've been at it uh you know for now what since you were in sleep so that's the middle of the night so i would have said martin and it's been backing forward and katzberg has been able to hang on all the time since before midnight and actually the the key to that is they have not dropped behind they have not dropped away from the ferrari despite what ollie tells us they've got one soft tyre and it's not soft enough to be the soft night tyre so as soon as the temperature drops below a certain level they are giving away performance to the ferrari so those three drivers have really really clung on grimly and the change for positioners roman rusinov has just overtaken esteban garcia and that is for uh ninth position so rusenoff is now overtaken gone up into ninth but uh esterman garcia is leading the pro-am category in lmp2 10th overall in category but leading through um seconds uh juan pablo montoya and dragon speed that are a couple of places behind and a lap behind my real team are going to be closing in uh pretty shortly on esteban garcia having burned the required six hours of time he did a fine job overnight of i think he did double double stink one of them one of them was very slightly shorter i think it was maybe you know two or three laps shorter than the full stick it was we worked out he needed to do two hours into the morning yeah he did a lot of the heavy lifting and in fact through the night it was clear it was moonlit sky it was clear skies temperatures were low and they were on the soft tyre there were lots and lots of fast laps being banged in all i mean in all four classes lots and lots in reality what that's left us with despite the fact that roman reigns now has just gone by him in their class and they're pronounced in trouble that's the racing ferrari that's off at dunlop on the left-hand side as you come in christian gone a long way off hasn't he those tracks across the middle that's from about davidson's car oh is this a touch with 64 or was he just offline he's just just offline in the dirt and alan out there by the curb you don't see anything but the tires are just picking it up and he's just rolling off there with tyres that aren't touching the road anymore he got a little bit spooked by that one and uh what he should have done is actually instead of trying to follow the road round if he had just kept it straight he would have more chance of uh then coming straight out the other side not you wouldn't have been pretty but at least it would have been uh lifting out of the gravel that is a sea of gravel the uh they are battling essentially with inception who had that wheel come off at about uh three or four in the morning so that's going to rise to the tail of the of the anfield sorry i was just about to say that's going to be a slow zone so that's an opportunity for someone to play a little bit of a strategy again to see if they can pit with a lesser loss for a pit stop and looking at it both the toyotas could maybe start to play that game well number seven's only just come on star number eight is uh between the two chicanes what about our lmp2 leader coming through the porsche curves more thinking about uh gte pro because that is the the fight at the moment but both are on four laps so it's probably a little bit too early for them however 83 has just come out of the pit lane that's the am leader so where's tf sport and just in by the way the second place car in lmp2 and indeed the fourth place panas racing car they stopped two there's the 41. that's the second place car of uh wrt and that's a no-brainer you're coming up towards the pit lane yes of course you stop i think the slow zone gives you the opportunity to get in and out of the pits while your rivals are going nearly as slowly as you are when you're stationary yeah this kind of done seven laps with yi and the wheel whereas their sister car that's leading's only done three and so therefore yes again you're right there it's worthwhile throwing the dice on this car the other one you probably want to just stay out there yeah it makes almost no odds because you're gonna be in so short louise becky says both porsches are coming in kevin ester due to get into 92 maybe a driver changing 91 will keep eyes on that as well 26 comes in after just six laps out there for roman rutinov again that'll be a tactical fuel race they are looking to recover aren't they bruce and i've got a penalty for topping off yan magnuson um a very clumsy move franco colopinto not a happy bunny louise reports as he got out of the car a bit of a struggle yesterday real team coming in all the squint across the nose of the number 26 car they're both run by the same crew tds racing they are in neighbouring pits they are very differently liveried and financed obviously see the uh high camera flying down the pit lane chasing the g drive car japanese came in came caming in came in from fourth in lmp2 wrt from second and this will be the onboard view of that oh no this is the sofia flourish incident now why are we seeing that again because you're looking at the back of the uh the the repaired back of the 26th car and pit lane to explain why there's no reverie on it and what we're not seeing is when uh roman rusinov thumped uh yeah magnuson up the backside that was down at arnage came in fully lit i mean he was never making the corner whether whether yan was turning in or not hit him square from behind eight laps boyemi had done on this uh this tank of fuel okay no they are tires service yeah but that's got to be give us a little bit of a difficult steer whether they were able to do longer because this is the car that had the fueling issues and its previous thing was a full 13 laps i glanced at a timing screen and looked back was that all four ties or just one tyre no i think that was four there yeah [Music] not necessarily closely related to tintin but you know definitely has probably has a look about it it was ed sheeran what's the their team wrt's ed sheeran look alike [Applause] if yay out of the pits so to james allen in panas racing edict sport put in paul lafarg in the 48 car roman russonov stayed in 26. esteban garcia stayed in 70. so he is going to get his full allocation in is andre negrow doors stay closed tires again are ready on the apron this time they're going for a change so this will be the start of another double stint they did do a lot of double doubles in the night a lot of times we saw the tires just being left on the apron and not used the way he goes they know they're in a dog fight for third potentially for second i mean potentially who knows for victory nobody knows with five hours to go how any of these hyper cars are gonna fare they're all in unexplored territory in terms of racing allen because testing is one thing racing is is very very different yeah it is you've got so many situations like this you can only simulate so many slow zones and safety cars when you're driving around paul recording your own in the middle of the night as uh now you can see the ferrari is back on and back moving again so it's going to be quite a quick release after it yep that three take car 45th overall in the order 14th in the gtm class it's been uncommonly unreliable lots of incidents yes that's not reliability it hasn't dramatically broker used that one it's been binned several times [Applause] and that is the that is the drama 64 nick tandy in the grey corvette silver corvette grey corvette is the last running car 48 cars remain from our record equaling 61 starters [Music] what is that is that what's what's rear view mirrors just in front we've seen nico lapierre just on the top of the dashboard there's a little camera looking back at him and to the right of it it's sort of something with the flap on it it looks like it's an ashtray or something comes in from the just below the bottom of the screen you have to close it off because at certain times you get a lot of dust in through there and if it rains you need to close it off or you get a shower right so so there's two air ducts something lifting a flap up before so that may be ventilation yeah as the day gets warmer it was pretty chilly overnight actually and a very heavy dew i noticed as well but no actually it looked like it had rained when i woke up but it hadn't so it was pretty cold right somebody has asked the question of toyota whether the eight pitted early tactically or whether it was forced to they did change drivers to brendan hartley so brendan clearly has also had the briefing on how to deal with the issues [Music] more of a worry for me would be again with my really rubbish team manager's hat on less that it's not picking up all the fuel although that's not going to fix itself more that they've got a mysterious vibration yeah i i don't know i don't like vibrations if you have to go short because you're not picking up the fuel because you're on the backup pump or something then that's one thing but vibrations don't go away and although i've not experienced driving at anything like this pace they tend to get worse on all the old spotters i've ever heard there is a bit of a chat uh available for media with the toyota pr and al moffett and his crew very good at giving timely information but they've not given answers the last couple of questions about the seven and it may well be that there aren't it might be that answers to the questions 91 and 92 and this is four position that's just changed so fred makaviki ahead of kevin ester they're both on their outlap that's really i mean you know how on earth the 92 so quickly got back in touch with the with the leaders is just remarkable they have done a very solid job ferrari with one horse left in the race it is the leader and you can only win with one car but if you've got two chances then you give yourself a lot more opportunities alexander staley the head of their gt racing program that's a great photo obviously the two cars emerging under the dunlop bridge with clear blue skies behind united auto sports wayne boyd in sixth place in their 23 car the better of the or the best of the united cars that survive [Music] threading the needle the 91 with the united cart is it an optional extra to go through the left-hander what's the deal here that's greatly overrated using all the bits of the chicken i'm getting a bit bored of this to be honest with you you need to put a wall or something there just because people are now using it as a part of the standard track and they decide whether they want to use the track or not using it as an overtake so it's the 22 united car there uh with the rissy competizione car behind it and the two porsches still battling for well potentially still battling for victory there's no guarantee that the a of course a ferrari and the corvette will continue to lead this race the porsches are effectively about a lap behind 22 by the way way way way down the order 47th overall 21st i'm gonna be too after problems again overnight i would have documented that but i just couldn't see it i was looking too high up the screen still let's hear from the 91 porsche team see what they've got to say for themselves [Music] [Music] i didn't get that at all no i think it was uh the car behind is quicker than you but i'm not 100 sure yeah and i'm not sure if he got it either because if the radio quality is that bad i'm quite sure that it was pretty bad to the driver it does often sound like they're in a goldfish bowl doesn't it we're talking about this with ollie gavin during the night about toyota it's become clear that they have a standard format where when you close on your teammate and get on the horn and go i'm quicker than him i'm quicker than him they will wave you by but if you don't then escape they'll give you three or four laps and go right sunbeam back where you were back in your box ollie said that was standard practice at corvette racing as well and it looks as though that might be the case here at porsche is arguing the toss that he only got held up in traffic and that's why mako got by he might want to get back past they might give him a shot that's certainly i would say general standard practice it doesn't always follow through in reality because the problem is that if suddenly something happens and there's a car or a slow zone or whatever um to give it back then there's always the discussion afterwards of the reasons why you shouldn't give it back it's also a little bit more tricky in a prototype because in the hyper car just with the front arrow in the front arrow wash it's so difficult to follow the message i'm reliably told by the friendly crew at the reddit wc fan stream was kevin has brand new tyres ah okay so that's a do not panic messages he should no it's nice he's you're compromising his strategy that's the one thing that's clear if you're on the same strategy then it's about performance but you don't compromise the other car strategy then they should switch because the strategy will come back on the other direction later on in the race if they're still nose to tail uh toyota inform us to the number eight car that was a slow zone driven and here is the pass that was a slow zone driven opportunity to pit and put brendan hartley in and the deal there is obviously that when you're stopped everybody else is going through the slow zone at some stage they're going very slowly as well so you lose less time now we always it here with a long circuit it's not quite the same but on short circuits we always had places to pass specific places and specific ways to overtake to lose the least amount of time in the least amount of energy here there are lots of long straights and some heavy breaking areas so you you have plenty of shufflage you just lift and coast you save a bit of fuel as well and so as much as you don't necessarily want to lift if you lift then you actually gain a little bit in some respects from lance david that'll be a bit of tyre debris looks like it and i'm afraid at some stage all of those reach a critical mass and then one incident happens tips us over the scale and we'll go full course yellow to allow the marshals to clear all the rubbish from all the track makaviki is not letting esther disappear here he's trying to make the point and the slight problem here is that you might end up really compromising your tires just to make the point saying actually i'm really as quick as him even though my laps my tires are a whole stint older in comes racing team netherland this time it's had a new left front guard an incident earlier on it's had a few gravel trap excursions fritz van aird was in the car when uh suddenly he met rain we're gonna see that now oh oh hello photographers look at that that is full-on drift king it is but did you see the photographers at the barriers there i mean that's that's a full rally stage now [Music] full service and have they put fritz in i don't know it's y'all nice job yup yup desperate in the doorway in fact hands on hips funny isn't it how even with a mask there are certain people who you just recognize from their their their starts doug feehan is one of those number seven coming in across the gravel it's alternative line but that's one thing they've struggled with a little bit we heard rosie maria lopez talking about front brakes and things in the past uh he's in the car at the moment they seem to struggle consistently in the last part of the braking areas that's when all the aero washes off and all you've got left is mechanical grip from the tire it could also be a little bit though the hybrid system and recuperations and things like that interaction and also the brake balance shift saw a mechanic there with a pressurized canister so that's either fueling system or oil system it's a little bit like when they plug in the airline it's got a dry break and you have this pressurized system you plug it in and it empties the can and in fact that looked like an if if it's putting that much oil in that looked like it was a good four liters then mind you if it's putting that much water in they've lost a lot as well so it may not be using all of it just enough to fill the system roman rusinov ahead of renny binder at one stage early in the race that duquesne car you thought that's never going to see darkness it just would not stay out of the pit lane and then suddenly like the prodigal child it went if i have to all right and it sort of settled down and actually it's been good as i shouldn't say this again good as gold ever since but really drive car as well my multiple issues multiple impacts for that car yeah and still they carry on sister cart long i'm afraid in park for mate after that's off for rue andrade up uh towards dunlop it's been a familiar sight seeing l p two cars picked out for that barrier this week it's kato and fritz game all right then tell me all about it it did this nothing to do with it look at these photographers by the by the wall is one of those regis do we think well he's short enough to he doesn't have to duck so he's okay so and he's got no hair for all the dogs absolutely it's a it's a quick polish and the way it goes one of our american uh photographer colleagues registered who who was assaulted nearly assaulted very rudely by an audi in the middle of the night in the middle of the forest i think on the run down to indianapolis he was behind the barriers and i'm not sure if it was denied it may have been dindo basically aimed straight out not intentionally obviously clanged off the barriers and uh as the photographer died for cover on the eurosport coverage i recognized who it was in the region and uh regis got his name checked it's i you know a very seldom being trackside here at le mans out the really quick stuff it is a scary place to be probably is i mean there's there where they may might have cleared a few trees there might be a bit more runoff area but the rundown to indianapolis through the forest it's very very fast it's not for the faint-hearted allen no it's definitely not because we're looking for the battle in eighth and ninth in uh lmp2 there's just something that's nagging at the back of me which i don't really i can't confirm at the moment but there's a minimum driving time in lmp2 three hours for the sentiment driver six hours around the gentleman yeah um but at the same time it looks like stoffel van dorn is actually in the jota car that's third in lmp2 he's only done four hours out of the six there's time for him to get in the car and he's in the car next but uh certainly he's the one that's done the least driving time in that third place car at this moment in time yeah so you're talking about saving your big gun for the end but uh certainly it's just a point of time exactly that's the point is that there's a few cars another one that's underneath the time at the moment is third place overall mature vaccinier in the the alpine he did quite a lot in the small hours of the morning he did a couple of double stints but you're right oh dear see trying to hang on to a car that's on a stint newer tires not necessarily a great idea and he's you know he's on 19 or 20 lap old tires now kevin esther in front of him on five or six lap old tyres you're not going to hang on to him at places like malsar corner at places like arnard at places like the chicanes because that's where his new attire is going to be most significantly an advantage over yours yeah but you do have to try you do have to try but you have to judge where you're trying yeah i'm not a driver but i'm i'm not thinking right no he definitely went in the mid deep i'll give you that yeah reecey in the pit lane and a little oh a late coal engine look at the pumping out the left hand side back the cylinder yeah that's the end of the race for ritzy competition ollie jarvis in olly jarvis had a similar incident when he was he took the car out in the small hours taking over after felipe nasa's massive run and came straight back in and what was it they changed they had to take the car apart they think they changed an oil filter or something i think there's been a bit of an issue with oil filters getting damaged so i don't know why but that's going no further is it oh that's going to be the shutter doors down on the risi competition i've got to say stunning stunning livery i love looking at it you just saw the puddle of oil that it's draining as it comes back in or fluid of some kind third place in gte am iron links team manager to the race director immediately and uh that's never a good sign every time i've gone to see the race director eduardo freitas it's been a one-sided talking discussion that's because you've always been a naughty boy i'm not sure that's necessary being friendly going to see him not sure that's necessarily the case with reno master yeah why is he being dragged normally these things can be done digitally but uh if he's going there then he's got to explain something that's got a bigger consequence next to it that'll be for final evidence of something won't it and that's not a driving issue either that has all the hallmarks of it being a technical infringement of some kind and ahead dylan pereira rapidly catching francois perot at the moment very different fuel strategies at the moment so that was it four or five maps into the stent for uh francois parado it's 12 or so for dylan pereira so he'll be on pit lane reasonably soon but can he catch the leader before we get to that point and that will mark another swing of the pendulum in gtam [Music] frank mayer meanwhile is catching matthias vasavier at the moment [Music] with the fastest lap of the 33 cars race of 350 that plays against a 357 last time around for pirodo the gap now 11.7 seconds so is he going to catch him before he has to pit looking down on one of the two house it's the third place uh i think of from ice that's a 709 now we're looking forward from him seventh speed and this is a p2 10 312 318 19 22 3 4 drivers not focusing on that 325 kilometers now and change that was top speed it was interesting to see that he wasn't catching wasn't catch he wasn't catching was suddenly catching and then running out of road yes indeed now it is in the toe pulls out and we'll go past okay 83 slowly trouble for 8 54. they say that's 54. [Music] that's 54 the fourth placed car in gte am so potentially run by af course uh yeah problems for the fourth fourth place car and potential issues as well for the iron links car ahead the 80 with that uh call to race control [Applause] what's that on the driver's left has he got a left rear yeah something dragging underneath the card it's not a left rear issue it's it's all inflated tires are inflated yeah that's something a bit bizarre dylan pereira meanwhile ahead of this as tom's flirt moves to get out of the way here comes roman dumas threads the needle up the inside of the 74 car christian reed three and a half minutes behind him they're going to work at the back of the reese's competition for our uh mp2 car with gibson uh personnel there they're cleaning the front but i'm not sure that's going to be required when you see exhaust being pumped out with white smoke that is normally not that we've just had a new pope elected it's normally that we have lost a cylinder giuseppe is italian yes slow car in front that will be covering the uh 54 car there it goes and he's going very slowly he is nursing that back potential car 82 under investigation well that was a yeah exactly that's a neither here nor there because i'm not sure it's going to leave the pit again so any penalty they may be handed for that last minute decision to leap into the pits he had no option he could have gone and left oil all over the circuit that's yes that would be exactly my argument point what would you prefer oil on the track or but it's a automatic thing though when someone doesn't come into the pit lane in the correct way then automatically this comes up in the timing monitors and it has to be investigated indeed and rightly so because you can't have people sort of halfway through chicane just suddenly going hard right that's the way very big accidents happen dillon at the end of another quick lap it was a quickest lap of the race for the chasing second place car in gtm last time around a 350.150 crew across the line now under pressure through the porsche curves from the toyota behind and it's 349 707 and he's now just five seconds behind the leader francois burodo who completed another 357 fastest lap of the race for the 33 tf sport car and we've got fewer than five hours to go they're pushing they know there's an opportunity here yes i mean what a feather in the cap for tom ferrier and the crew if they could come out with this class winner i think he's chewing next time around though yeah he is he's uh just one lap from coming to the pits and so therefore the gap will extend back out to over a minute however they're offset on pit stops uh officially 48 cars still running and they're just actually updated with the retirements so everything from 49th down which would you like to just run through those for you martin uh do it in number order uh oh hang on during the night we have been playing spotter guide marker of doom connect four excellent well let's start with that number one uh was the it was eliminated the uh racial meal racing team survived flourish uh after the impact with franco calapinto followed by being harpooned by the number 74 car racing team india just to document the 54 has made it to the pit lane slowly yes uh 25 uh new right the next numerical car to go briandrada with dramas up towards dunlop but hold that thought because louise is with ollie jarvis at reese's competition louise i sense this may not be good news ollie uh we saw the car coming in smoke coming out was looking at everyone scratching their heads um tell us from tell us give us an update yeah i just jumped in the car i think i got woke up woken up about five minutes walked in the pit lane jumped in the car everything was okay um was on a lap and then suddenly lost power in sector three radioed through to let them know either sensor warning on the dash and loss of power i think fortunately the the cameras picked it up and the team were able to advise me last minute to dive into the pit lane so i'm not sure what the issue is if i'm honest um i'm stood here with you and like you say a lot of people scratching their heads did something similar happen in the night no we've had a few issues so we had a rear wing uh rear body work section that dislodged itself so we we lost all rear downforce from the start of the race and they couldn't get that off and later on we had an oil leak so definitely been an event for uh whatever it is 19 hours so far and do you think uh you can salvage anything from this i'm honestly not sure at the moment generally when you see smoke like that it's quite terminal but on the positive side you know for a new team the pace has been outstanding throughout the race i'm just cutting for the guys because it would have been nice to to brought the car home regardless of position um they've worked so hard for for months now not just this week but for months and a really strong team effort all right thank you thanks very much thank you elise thank you ollie jarvis yeah when you see smoke like that generally it is the the engine giving up the ghost and and he's absolutely right you know um not only reese's competition but every single one of the 62 cars that came here has had a long run up at getting prepared as perfectly as humanly possible for le mans but lemon is a cruel mistress and lemon decides who wins the race it doesn't matter what you've got or what you bring if it's not your day it's just not your day they have dropped down to currently 16th in lmp2 but i don't think that car will return lmp uh gtm battle continues the number 33 car of dylan pereira comes in it's two minutes behind francois perotto who's now at the wheel of the 83a of course ferrari so gentleman driver pirodo versus gentleman driver ben keating now this could be very interesting alan mcnish been keating regularly with ego perfetti among the gentleman drivers in in the am class getting on for as quick as most of the good pros he is a very quick peddler he's already won them on once in the ford gt that didn't stick he then lost it in the post-race scrutineering bay he knows what it's like to take the checkered flag and to stand on that podium what he'd really like is to keep it but they've got to beat this car the af quarter 83 machine that currently leads the class and these two have basically been with one hand on each other's throats at the lead of the category for the last six or eight hours well the last six or eight races actually watching reality all the way through the the season so far they've been fighting it out they've been two of the main top contenders i wouldn't say the only contenders but consistent contenders and uh is very very committed to it as well he's been in the car for a few years now he understands the ferrari the team are strong in and around him as well and for for keating this is the first real run in the aston as you said he's jumped into different cars through the last few years but with tf sport i think he's got a good team underneath him to be able to deliver but it's going to be a good run into the end of this race the gte pro and am are really the two races at the moment that so you're not 100 sure which way they're going to go you know they could quite easily flick on the other side yep dylan pereira the luxembourg driver spends most of his weekends racing in the uh porsche mobile one super cup last year's championship runner-up multiple race winner and this world endurance aston martin engine at the opposite end must be a very different beast to drive uh welcoming back to the booth ollie gavin and olly you've got recent knowledge of that swapping from a front engined corvette to a rear engine mid-engine corvette it's not the same thing in one in any direction is it no it's not and uh you know he's uh dylan pereira is doing a fine job mastering the aston martin around here he's been fast all weekend and he's obviously gets it done as well in super cups so you know he's versatile he's he's fast in in gt cars and that's going to serve him well for his future career all right well louise beckett is down at tf sport let's see if we can hear from dylan pereira and find out how their race is going dylan that was an incredible stint from you and actually from the tf sport 33 throughout so far it's been a great run yeah so yeah we were leading quite uh at the beginning uh unfortunately we had the puncture afterwards so uh but then until now after the punk shot everything went quite well so we are fighting quite a lot now my scene the last triple string that it was really good the car felt really nice so we could close together a little bit for me the job is done let's say and now i just have to finger cross for my teammates and that they bring it all home and that they push and bring that way at the end we are on the top spot you did have that unfortunate incident with the puncture but also the team have played it really well knowing when to come in when to well hopefully play those uh yellow zones yeah sure also with the flat spot they we had to change the diffuser on the rear the team did an amazing job they changed it really quickly so you managed to stay on the lead lap which is really important and uh yeah then with a safety car we close it up again so really good on that so and the team was doing a good job uh yeah now hopefully the car keeps it alive until the end and uh let's see hopefully we're on the top step after one more try how is the aston martin out there now with these last four hours to go in the race yeah for sure you feel that uh it's getting a bit old yeah let's say you feel it's a bit more lazy on the steering wheel and also it's not not that pointy anymore but all good the rest the brakes are still really good so yeah car is really fast yet now still and hopefully we can keep up the pace thank you yeah it sounds like he needs it dylan pereira with louise beckett down in the pit lane martin hayden with alabanish and ollie gavin in the commentary booth and olly four and a half hours to go when do you start actually winning the race you know they always say the indy 500 is 400 miles to stay on the lead lap and 100 miles to win it is this 23 hours to stay on the lead lap and an hour to try and win it oh you you're working away at it the whole time and you're trying to work yourself into a point of strength and you know getting the strategy all lined up and right and you know all the engineers have been spending quite some time looking at the end of the race and working their way back trying to you know figure out okay how many more stints can we do which tires are going to line up which driver we're going to put in the car you know and watching the evolution of the track as well and you know the engineers at this point are seriously stressed you know they are working all the numbers they're trying to make sure that they're getting the right tyre in that oven get it warm but also getting those pressures right because they know if they make one tiny little slip with that you're gonna be sending their car out with the wrong pressures and the performance of the car is going to go down and the problem is we're at the end of a very tiring two weeks mentally and physical physically they're exhausted like we are like like the mechanics are like the teams just we just actually just saw that with the jota yes they sent they released the car and they still had the grounding cable attached to the right rear wheel and it pulled away and then the thing flew back into the pit box and it's all those little things that the boys are just tired they're just starting to make a few little errors and mistakes that's the sort of thing that jota would be all over all day long yep but it's just it's been it's tough this race is just brutal not only physically but mentally i was going to point out that unusually they did tires then fuel normally the first thing that happens is the fuel hose goes on as soon as it hits its marks the mechanics scramble up it clean the windscreen clean the lights all the other stuff maybe there was uh it was completely sort of out of sequence and there was something else going on but they had the tyres ready so it wasn't an unexpected stop and and just tires first then fuel because you're never going to do tires only that's not that's not a thing right it's only ever going to be fuel only and and and that's why fuel always goes in first because whatever else you're doing you always need fuel in it it just just i can't think of the time i've ever seen that happen yeah maybe there was just a misunderstanding yeah with what they were going to do they weren't going to take tyres and then they did and it was all yeah i can't explain it either was the tent blown off our roof overnight we're just looking down there on the right hand side of the ford chicane from from the helicam and you can see i could see the roof of our commercial booth which should have a tent on the top it's not our tent anyway is it no it's not art no it's a studio for tv2 denmark but it didn't seem to be there in the heli shot no you're looking at the one next door ah okay right good you're as tired as the engineers see it's even tough in the comms box james collada getting ready he's going to be going in next into the 51. reese's competition is number 82 car and it has dropped right down the order it's now behind all the gte pro cars i don't think we're seeing that car again actually just on gt pro the 51 car is some 45 seconds ahead of the 63 corvette racing car nikki katzberg and before that last slow zone nicki was within 23 24 seconds but that slow zone wasn't uh wasn't kind to corvette racing and it's just stretched it out to 45 because nikki came out on new tyres and come later guy is out there on on on second stint tyres and nikki's not really been able to use that performance and he's not really been able to edge much closer and this has just been they've been sort of dancing around one another for the last oh six seven eight hours love this shot look looking down on the joe to support car look how slow that is going you know with with the width of the road you've got a two-lane normal highway and then you've got the big sort of side areas and there's nothing to judge it by and you're looking down going at the same speed from that plan view it looks like it's the easiest thing in the world if you're in the passenger seat you would be absolutely terrified by the speed it's so so hard to convey yeah you were because you're a driver i hate it even mrs gavin terrifies you no comments not getting into any of that it's daylight yes it's no longer safe no we i i was chat to alan a few minutes ago and i said possibly the most impressive thing about the corvette being second at the moment is that they stayed in touch through what was quite a long cool dry night yes when everybody else in gte was using their nighttime tyre the softest rubber that's available and you were saying that's not an option for corvette but they still kept themselves in the hunt yes they did and i think the soft tire that corvette have for their car is is just quite a wide window i mean it's not it's almost it needs to be softer for them to really make use of it and so i'm sure that that is something that they're feeding back to michelin and working on and so the evolution of that will come hopefully for next year right now though it's probably in the sweet spot this is nicki casper going for another fastest race lap on that car in second place he's got two green sectors personal best in sector one and sector two has he got much traffic in front of him not sure he has in sector three so four course yellow coming uh 25 seconds 25 seconds there's eduardo so is this do you think to pick up debris it would it will have reached critical mass there would there we saw that so he will go full course yellow and that allows all the marshals to get their jobs [Music] depends how long it stays out as well and it also depends unfortunately how many fresh sets it's got of tyres it's done 14 laps it's gonna have to come in i think it's uh it's a good time to do that for lead guard he's on the back he's on the mulsanne straight coming out the first chicane yeah that timing of that could be absolutely perfect for them and terrible for corvette because because the fastest laps he's just gone past the pits so it's not an option for them so they can't they if they could have dived in then to take advantage of that but they they couldn't and uh it looks like the the opportunities turned into the ferrari's favor depends how long this is though because uh you know they're still probably four minutes away from being towards the pits yeah yeah uh francois perotto is quite close or sorry i should say in gte um yeah his friends were proud of this in the car at the moment he's pretty close to coming towards porsche curves and so definitely for him and then behind him ben keating is about another two minutes back at pace car speed just saw a marshall there with a floppy from the dunlop chicane that might have been perhaps the piece of debris that triggered it if he's picked that up from the racetrack rather than from being out in the gravel trap but yeah all the marshalls posts every single one of them around we'll have we've got a bit of debris here we've got a bit of debris there and there's a to-do list and eventually something will tip it over the edge and eduardo will trigger full course yellow i said that this is likely to happen a little while ago when we're looking at some of the other debris somebody didn't get the memo that's the iron links number 80 car that's a really big error that's the car that lies in third with reno mastronardi that could have been the end of their race so iron links third and fourth 80 and 60. they've got two shots at a podium finish here they of course a lead with their ferrari number 83 tf sport at the moment the aston martin in second place the only thing potentially preventing a ferrari clean sweep off gte am and ferrari for a long while were one two in gte pro until sam bird had that high-speed uh entire explosion in the 52 car and that dropped them well way out of contention and and many laps back well we're talking about francois perotto there he's just gone past the start finish so it certainly wasn't a opportunity for them even although they were pretty close to their pit window louise beckett's saying is this doing anybody any favors well if toyota knee-dish a pit stop they could duck in but i think the 51 car is really the only one that i can see the ferrari in gta pro if they can get themselves to the pit lane before this goes back to green then for me peralta would have been an ideal one as well he was cl kinda is two thirds uh three quarters away through his stint we're growing going green in six seconds so it was it may well have been communicated that it'll be a two or three minute full course yellow rather than a ten minute one so yeah yeah we go green again so the teams may well have had more information from race control lots of cars shown has stopped that's because they are going very slowly between sector beacon and sector beacon so as soon as they go green and they speed up they then they will be reverted to the natural status wrt coming in okay well that that may have been forced on them that's the car from second place yiffi ye he'd done 10 laps already at this point and he'll stay in [Music] so wrt first and second you can see the list of retirements there down to the 98 aston martin our first official retirement wasn't the first car that was out 98-99 number one they've all gone so getting ready for driver changes into your poll jakob schmidkovsky comes down pit road there is cuba in the number 34 green and yellow cart and that car currently fifth place in lmp2 and allen this is one of the teams that came into michelin le mancup graduated to european le mans series stepped up onto the big stage this year in world endurance they are proof positive that the ladder that attracts people to come and race at le mans works well yeah and also as well they have definitely stepped up this year martin in the world in george championship they've definitely leapfrogged in terms of their performance the way that they just generally present themselves 51 on the pit line yeah pro leader is in comledgar yes they absolutely have you know they started four or five years ago racing in vdv they learned their craft in in that with lmp3 cars brought lmp3 into michelin lemon cup graduated to p2 in elms and now p2 in the world endurance championship and top five in a race as a traditional as this one i can't think of a time that i've seen that car off the road and that's you know that's a really key indicator louis de la chaz takes over the 41 car and alan throws his hands up in disgust as he fails to notice the dunlop chicane [Music] the 63 car is has pitted as well in gte pro vicky casper brings that car in so they're just shadowing them right now brendan hartley in fuel goes in driver's drinks bottle goes in he stays in the car it's an 11 lap stint by hartley talking to um earl bamber a couple of nights ago about the situation back home in new zealand the country locked down he was saying brendan and his wife are trying to get a slot to go home at christmas and none are available brendan hasn't been home since the last knockdown so a year since he's been home same deal for for earl as well and uh new zealand australia both in full lockdown no in no out and there there are only a limited number of slots available even for professionals like you know like international racing drivers and world champions you can't get a slot you can't get a slot he was talking about that the other day yeah saying how tough it is yeah really really tough you know as europe starts to open up the us is is open up it's uh it's becoming very difficult luis says fuel only for 63 nikki katzberg so he stays in and you don't just have the option of throwing tires at the car every single time you stop olly you've got a limited allocation and it's deliberately so not just on cost grounds but also to help competition meaning that team have to think about what they're doing with their tires completely and uh you know that was always going to be the plan that uh nikki would do a second stint on these tyres and then we get themselves lined up to seeing okay right is is jordan going to go back in next or is it antonio next or who are they going to put in for the finish and my my bet would be that they'll have antonio finish and does anybody still need to do time in the car have they all completed their minimum sure and then what's the maximum that you can do which is three hours in a go so four hours in any six hours 14 hours total so we've got four hours 23 minutes so after 24 minutes from now you can put somebody in until the end of the race on driver time that's as long as he hasn't already done more than two hours yeah yeah which in in my experience with with that car in particular i've seen antonio be put in the car with three hours and 37 minutes to go suck it up yes right you might be the old bloke but just get on with it yeah he's done a sebring like that he's done a daytona like that he's done a watkins glenn you know i could go on yeah i do go on is that because he had a lazy teammate who just didn't like driving the car much no no no no no it's just you know antonio's just been for many years been absolutely hooked up with corvette racing and he just he just delivers really does we played guess the corvette racing driver by their nationality during the night with graham goodwin surprising you know you think of it it's america's sports car it's an american team you think of it as being predominantly populated by american drivers but there's been some interesting nationalities who have driven how many french drivers have driven for corvette yeah well a couple yes can you name them both uh manu collard and and simon paschanov oh okay so three well what who all of my intimacy with the with the pratt miller operation goes back nearly 20 years to to the the early naughties and american home series but then you know the random third drivers that come in max pappas who remembers that he was i mean he obviously does but i do remember that he was a corvette driver on the insurance races predominantly because it will less likely being here and more likely to be in in himself yes no i did i did a lemon with max and uh he did a couple of couple of them with ron and johnny as well so max was at least three four years with the team early days yeah yes and again at that point and he was the one who was you know charged with with sort of i don't know educating me and you know and you never felt the need to grow the tash as the team leader who was the first person in the room to race for corvette justin bill wrong considering him yay yeah because now he carries the us flag yeah yeah but born in nottingham yeah yeah yeah you drove with him yeah i know that's how i know [Music] the end of 1997 season and and what was going to be imsa with andy uh with raw and then we raced for champion in a few races in 98. that's it remains in the alpine that is in third place and then he went straight from there didn't he sorry if you could just hold on with the race i was just documenting what's on the screen yes then he went to corvette exactly exactly so yeah no that was one of the ones that that that graham uh blindsided me with i i you know i always in my head because he lived and worked in the states andy pilgrim was an american even though he wasn't so third and fourth have both just stopped they're on out laps mateo valjeviere pepo durrani has taken over the 708 clicking house so now that's really going to start to pick up speed isn't that alan yep but uh you know this is a bit of a battle between the two of them they're going to be very close towards the end it's only going to be on the the final fuel stop really who picks this up unless there is obviously a mistake between them but right now he needs to do his lap times because he's not done his total driving time at the moment but durrani needs to get on with the program because he's behind and right now they're battling for third who's to say that the toyota issues and both are carrying an issue are going to stay managed toyota aren't saying that don't we we're not worried you know they they've got a fueling issue on both cars and and you know those are the sorts of things that don't fix themselves no they do have a five-lap advantage so if you take that they've got an 18 minute advantage and so there's a little bit of comfort zone in there for toyota's point of view and two cars at the front but uh definitely it's a place on the podium and both teams want it and neither team wants to lose it to the other and so from that perspective is important because clearly uh there's quite a lot of people from alpine that are here and looking at future and future programs potential and uh glickenhauser here for the first time and he's very much looking for the future and being on that podium at some point yeah philip seno there with the mask on and andre negrow in the cap philip signo has been nominated to receive this year's spirit of le mans award richly deserved a man who last time he was here with the 36 alpine they won in lmp2 didn't they a couple of years ago hugely emotional final lap for nico lapierre how he got it round sobbing as heavily as he was goodness only knows triple seven under investigation for passing under yellows sixth in category as well they're on to the front page of the timing screens they had a lot of early issues and they are just creeping up slowly from behind they are really just pushing on hard with that car dempsey proton 77 car is ahead of them in the category there's a lap separating them but again any tiny issue can cost you a lot more than that there is 708 people durrani [Music] it's a fairly intense jim glickenhaus this weekend he's always fairly garrulous and and gregarious but he has had another slightly distant icy stare this weekend because this is what it's all been about this whole program of two years developing this car nearly and getting ready for hypercar seizing seeing the opportunity seizing the opportunity as we talked about that and pole engineering who who have built all his cars previously he knows them they don't know le mans they've never built a hyper car or a prototype like this before you've got people motor who build race rallycross and rally engines they've never done an endurance engine before basically they've they put a common crankshaft in two four-cylinder turbo rally engines and created a new power unit that's never run before this season the whole deal you know you've got sauber's wind tunnel trying to bring their formula one experience to endurance racing you've got the the sort of the now of of some of the the brains that yost trying to massage it into the right place this is so many disparate elements that have never worked together working together for the very first time and coming to le mans for the very first time it's a big mountain decline yeah certainly that is but i think there's a lot of the elements in there that do have very good experience of what is the base points of requirement you know sauber have been developing a lot of sports cars all that their tunnel has developed a lot of sports cars in the past they'll put it that way and uh same yoast have been involved in different programs and also even the new people in yoast have been involved in different programs the thing is is about bringing it together to function as one team as opposed to necessarily bringing its function as one car because i think that's the harder part about it and that's the area where um you find out when things go wrong when you're you know backs against the wall is how they fight out of it the second clicking house this car 709 has been sort of towards the bottom of the top 10 overall almost from the beginning of the race but actually you look at the gaps it's only a lap adrift again it doesn't take much to go wrong in front and suddenly 709 which has been sort of almost the forgotten one could be there it could be a threat it's only a lap behind the battle for third so that means effectively with what four and a quarter hours to go we actually don't have two cars we really have three cars in the battle for third you're looking you talk about a lap it sounds like a long time three minutes 30 seconds but if you get a puncture at tetra rouge and you've got to come slowly back to the pits then your lap's gone straight away i'll tell you what a lab here is a long way if you watch me trying to run it be honest a lap room knock kills a long way trying to watch it just because you lapped me at fuji it's not that's not fair let's go into that jose maria lopez and brendan hartley won two overall and in the hypercar class for toyota and that's creeping out that gap a little bit and then the battle for third alpine versus clicking house in fact helping realistically versus the two glickenhaus and roman dumas in 709 i mean that's go you know both cars have got a really strong driver line up there's no question that they've got the will and and the talent to put it on the podium whether they have the opportunity and the luck remains to be seen yeah and uh dumas at the moment got his eyes focused on 20 seconds up ahead where stoffel van dorn and this is a battle for seventh place overall uh it's not in the same category but the p2 and the hypercars are pretty close at the moment generally and that's what i think is going to be the focal point for roman duma at the moment at the same time as well fastest lap for the car for dragon speed second place in pro am in lmp2 uh 12th in category but second in in pro-am ben hanley is now nine seconds behind esteban garcia and he's just done the car's fastest lap so i think the pro-am category is going to have a switch there for the lead [Applause] yup united leaving the pit lane that car in 13th place in the lmp2 category and third in pro-am so that is a pro-am podium spot at the moment real teams garcia dragon speeds hanley and racing team netherlands fan either high class and graph racing are fourth and fifth in the category and they are uh a lap and two laps behind racing team netherlands the job is not done over four hours remain still more than a sixth of the race distance [Music] in fact we've got one elms race still to go plus 12 minutes and that's um that battle in gte pro between the 51 ferrari and the 63 corvette james collada in the ferrari nicki katzberg in the corvette it's you know sort of stabilized around about that 40 seconds and uh let's have to see if james can stretch that out a little bit because he's on fresh attires yes and that was the thing again nikki is maintaining that that deficit to the to the ferrari in front despite the fact that his tires are a stint older yeah so again you know it's it this can all come down to who has the best run on freshest tyres maybe at the end of the race with 30 seconds in it that can go either way still and of course porsche third and fourth waiting to ponce aren't they yep they are not far behind no exactly you know looking at one car on the podium already not not beyond any flights a fantasy of alexander staley and the crew that they could get both of them on there yeah they had just haven't quite had that same amount of performance have they as a 63 in the 51 but they are sort of just circulating just shadowing a little it's ferrari one three four in gte am it's only the tf sport aston martin that is separating them from a current clean sweep iron links reno mastinardi in third iron links paolo roberti in fourth in the am class and af courses francois parado leading in the 83 car in gte am so ben keating at the wheel let's take a look at their relative performances francois perot last time around 3 55 8 and ben keating 3 55 5. so very little to choose between them in clear air and a clean track of course you don't get clear air or a clean track at this time at le mans it's how the traffic treats you a lot that makes a difference in your lap time as much as the driver's actual ability to to perform in the car you know ben keating's averages have been really impressive really really impressive you know almost on a par with dylan pereira and and we you know i we've been saying that for the last sort of 12 18 months he and the gdo perfetti and actually francois piroto as well because now he's back in the ferrari not in an lmp2 car he's is very much in the happy place they really put it together in a race they really do it's fantastic yeah so frogger i think we'll be finishing in the uh in the 33 tf sport aston okay on board with jose maria lopez our race leader by how much is he in front a lap isn't it yeah is it a full lap now because the eight stopped before where's the eighth car on our plotter's guide it's yeah it's about a quarter of a lap back so the number one uh number seven car is leading with a little bit in hand yes to be seen how much their previous issues trace them just working the traffic here coming down into the second chicane it's getting a nice tow off the united car and uh castle seems to stall out at about 315 220 kilometers an hour pretty slow really yeah the average not much in terms of top speed difference between the hypercar and the fastest of the lmp2s maybe four or five kilometers an hour but it's how quickly they get there and how quickly they wipe it off as well that tends to make the difference certainly off of a corner like tetra rouge which is a sort of medium high speed corner and they can you really use that that hybrid punch then i'm up to that speed quickly oh down at mulsanne corner kind of drifting his way through the turn there is that to be recommended on a radar racing tyre he's making it work well here's isn't he uh i think now the seven crew they've been the bridesmaids three years in a row four years in a row now and they definitely definitely want to win this one they are now starting to become quite not desperate that's not the right word but i'm sure if you talk to them about it there's that sort of steely clinton far away look yeah absolutely they can't come runners up here again to the number eight car they just can't hey it'll break their hearts and b it'll torpedo their championship challenge i think they've just got to somehow have luck on their side our am leader is in pit lane francois perot just scuttled in underneath our window and so that car in for what should be i think routine service and ben keating will close a little [Music] porsche pit stops as well in gte pro uh jimmy bruni has taken over the 91 car i think i don't think he was in it just now that's the car that's in fourth place kevin ester it was richard leakes wasn't it in it before kevin ester is in the 92 car champion here is 83 our gte am leader one orange light on the side of the car again thank you don paynos for that that was something he introduced the leader lights in the american le mans series before you just sort of had to know the color of the car and be able to hear the commentary now even if you don't know what the car is or if you can't hear any loudspeakers if it comes past with one colored light on you know it's leading whatever color that class is um and here's the number seven car again one light illuminated on the side of the toyota it's a red light because those are the colors of hypercar and we're off lmp1 the top category lmp2 blue that's not francois proto that's a car late rodo stayed in by the way so it is it's just fuel i think for that car yeah oh no he's going in the garage no he's not no he's not didn't see the tires waiting on the apron there the car went up in the air someone massaged this man's back he's a little bit stressed okay you know that cup of tea that you offered me earlier oh it's duncan shouldn't you be working or something well he will actually duncan will now get the kettle on which is far more uh suitable use of his slender skill set 92 having a check over jimmy brunia's left kevin ash just stays in number seven on its way back out thankfully for martin thankfully for the toyota team you mean your stress levels were through the roof there martin yeah i hadn't seen the tires and suddenly the car pops up in the air that's never a good thing if you don't don't notice that the team are ready so a set of tyres but no driver change here for the 92 car kevin estra is desperate to try and redeem himself after binning the car in hyperpolar is this a roll of the dice to see if they can just try and close that gap and kevin to do qualifying lap after qualifying it's a it's a put me in coach put me in i can do it i know i can do it you know he's i don't know how much time he's got left in in the car and how much he can run but yeah i think that's not a problem you know they've been very equidistant all the way through with all the driver time so i don't think that's a particular issue i was thinking more of the four hours in any six in the final six hours of the race because he's already been in for at least a stint and we've got four hours to go so he can't i don't think he can stay in to the end no physically i don't think he can anyway but i think it's unrealistic so he has been very very strong in that car though he's averaged his ass significantly better than than the uh the guys in the he's sharing the car with interesting little change going on at iron links in the number 80 car alan have a little scroll when was the last time callum island was in the car i sort of sense that he wasn't in during the night i don't remember saying his name very often that car's in third place and sticking in a young potential grand prix driver in the final four hours might give them a shot perhaps at winning this thing they're a lap off the lead or they're a lap behind the leader and there's a 20 20-second gap from af courses 83 car to the 33 of tf sport the 80 iron links car calami at the wheel yeah that that gap really closes up after the 83's just had that stop and it's not until they cycle through again the 8 33 comes in to take it in stock powder has been kept dry at g-drive as well there's a very fresh-looking nick dufrese there's the [Music] ducane engineering team [Music] de frise looks fresh-faced and ready to rock and roll doesn't he could be very entertaining yeah it's gonna be good stopper vandoorne in the 26 to sport car and in the g pardon stop vandal in the 28 judge support car in 26. roman rusinov has how much of his six-hour allocation has he actually completed does he step out of the car at the next stop and toss the ball to dufrese island's been in for quite a long time so yeah it's not uh it's not as if he's been quite on that he's coming up actually to his six hours right now in uh five minutes and who was the other person you were requesting information how much more drive time does he need to complete the 92 car has pitched up his under investigation he's done his time okay so the next time the car whoa next time the car stops roman rusinov will step away from the machinery and give it to the hot shoes unless car is chasing still the number 30 car a duquesne engineering car it is a very noisy teaspoon you're absolutely right louise beckett that that's some shoddy work on the mechanical apparatus by duncan vincent however he has produced a cup of tea at the end of it which is lovely do bear in mind that there are open microphones in the room though that's it hand signals will will suffice in frustration clips thinly magnets around the back of the head probably deserved it yeah well yeah just by sitting there not making the cup of tea i was thinking carry on and talk about yourselves it's all sort of stabilized a little bit here in most of the categories again though nikki katzberg is chasing james collado 40 seconds being the gap and uh it's not really going it's just not budging isn't it if anything out a little bit at different points but it kind of is looks as if to me nikki's just hanging on more than necessarily able to make it into a full-blown attack at the moment but you're there just in case yeah they do need a little bit of help just to just to get that gap down so they can get up on it the other one i quite like is uh tf sport heating in parado and it's 19 seconds at the moment yeah admittedly they're a little bit off sync on stops yeah i think that 33 cars is a stop so it does it'll be in in six laps time battle we were just watching duquesne versus g drive we're looking at those two cars that's actually a three-way battle because the 38 jota sport car is only five seconds ahead of that so you've got 38 in eighth duquesne's number 30 car in ninth and in 10th place the number 26 um g drive car so those three cars battling together covered by seven seconds just look look at stoffel vandoorne now who's uh he needs to finish his driving time in that jota car he's been quite weak and it's i come down to 37 seconds to louis delatraz new fastest sector two of the race for glickenhaus 708 the car that lies in fourth place so people durrani finding some fresh air paul lafagi in the pits for edex sport in seventh place in lmp2 and again the 48 car in the first couple of hours was never out of the gravel champs the red and black car you know like the ducane car you thought right we're never going to see that car after darkness if it makes it that far it's still going well i think if the conditions have continued in that same way we wouldn't have much of a race left that's true but it's um nick to freeze i think he's getting ready look below his name look oh the camera's just zoomed in too far uh just below his name there's a little bit of white gaffer tape with world champion written on it enviro by the team so yeah very nice very nice very nice so formally e world champion right some thoughts from alan mcnish i'm going to enjoy my cup of tea and i'm not sure i've seen nick dufrese looking younger since he was about 15. and some and we'll be joined by graham goodwin so what happens when you win a world championship you get younger yep eternally young eternally young but uh yeah at the front of the field still jose maria lopez they are kind of able to eke out reasonable length stints now the last one was actually 13 laps by lopez so it looks like the seven has got no particular dramas it's more the eight that's still bouncing around on stint lens however they are going long enough not to actually have any issues when they look behind in the five lap gap they've got to alpine and mature x-ray that that stink length sort of the problem that they've had with with the eight has been there all race isn't it uh nope nope nope nope it's uh it's arisen really this morning okay uh they were boeing he was the first one it was actually the seven that was doing shorter stints sorry and uh then boehme did 13 laps up until it was uh 15 hours 16 hours into the race all right okay and so at eight o'clock this morning that's when it started to come through and that's when nakajima also mentioned it on the radio talking about a vibration though it's a vibration and they said it didn't feel right yeah and uh they said yep we know we're monitoring it and then about seven or eight laps later they went in and he came out and he only did a nine lap stint and then it went seven five four three so do you think that's like a fuel feed do you think that's just a i'm not an engineer i really don't know i just know that clearly they're getting the fuel in the car but the car the car isn't transmitting it to the engine sure and uh it's like misfire maybe i think if it was injectors or something then they would have changed the bank of injectors and normally in that situation it's something with the lift pumps right and um yeah but it's usually at low fuel you have that problem and but they've been having sorry even at nine laps which means that they've only done three or four laps as we see the toyota coming wide and aborting the corner that's jose maria lopez in the lead car at the moment he's got two minutes and 40 seconds of a gap so he's clear here we are on board with it comes through the left-hander and he's playing with some buttons on the top of the wheel with his right index finger as you see there and uh just aborts the corner yeah that's been a bit of a theme hasn't it with a number of cars just deciding to do that and just bail out of the right hander at dunlop it would be and you noted that some of them were doing it on the out lap consistently yeah which is a lap that's not as easily monitored for lap time deltas yes which is quite and i'm sure i have to say yeah and i'm sure eduardo has made a note several notes yes and it will be pointed out i'll be interested to know what's actually changing with this right index finger in the top because lopez is doing a lot of changes at the moment it seems uh certainly for the messages we've been getting back from the toyota team i know we've had the fuel feed issue with both cars but the vibration only on one we're told only on the number eight so it's uh that tends to indicate more than one problem it's not a vibration that it's manifesting itself with fuel feed right it's something else yeah yeah yeah [Music] yep it's it's interesting that he was making a lot of changes yeah it depends i honestly don't know what the button is but i know that we used to have a system where we would we had multiple a rotary with multiple positions and then you would get it to whatever you wanted you would click it up to 15 times right and then hit ok and that would confirm so there was there was three things to change one setting right got you yeah and it could easily have been something like that yeah we had a similar thing with the corvette corvette in the pits yeah 64 car which is the one that uh is kind of at the back of the whole field at the moment nick tandy at the wheel of that car there was alternator problems overnight for the 64. yeah i went down to see my old crew chief who's still the crew chief of the number 64 car and and he was just shaking his head with uh their turn of luck in this particular race certainly having the contact just leaving the grid with uh the 51 car just ran at the back just yes absolutely yeah so it was split of damage for the ferrari excuse the damage for the corvette yeah and it's unraveled from there for that car and um but unfortunately the 63 is carrying the charge for corvette racing nikki katzberg has he's actually just set his personal best in that second sector but that lead is for still 41 seconds james collado just metronomic and just it looked at one point as if that was on and then it's kind of sort of eat away again yeah there's still a european le mans series on asia le mans series race to go though three hours 54 minutes remain in the 2021 yeah all of these teams will be sitting there looking at you know who we're going to be putting in next and who we're going to be finishing with and okay what sets of tires we got now from now to the end you know what tires are going to have in the ovens what the engineer's thinking about for fuel loads and stint lengths all those sorts of things that's it's going to come to the business end of this race so where are the battles alive at the moment [Music] is chasing hard on ronnie binder that looks like that's gonna be a change fairly soon that's uh under half a second through the last timing being for rusenov behind binder that's for ninth in lmb2 14th overall is that roman roose enough i i checked earlier and he's got his name on his helmet so that helped that saved all that confusion i know it was very confusing for you earlier on in the race yeah but you've your reading skills have come back it's because of my confusion thinks i i'm so grateful to be in the booth with such legends as you and alan you know and i've not won them on have you been here before i have been here once or twice that uh where else have we got those battles well jimmy rooney pushing on but uh is dropping off given estrella we saw that battle underway and eventually the team making it pretty clear yeah yes the 92 car has been the faster of the two porsches for sure throughout this whole race kevin estrella in particular has been stand out palace racing the 65 car fourth in lmp2 they've been there and they're about something throughout this race they're coming off a first win in the european la monsieur julian canal at the moment at the win of that car not immediately a threat to stoffel vandoorne ahead and certainly comfortably ahead of alex brundle that seemed remarkably again in the fifth position [Music] but this has been a big step up again for honest racing they certainly have been strong much much stronger we spoke about it earlier on graham just as a general point they've stepped up i think a lot in the last two years but they've run cleanly through the whole week they've been competitive through the whole week as well you know we have to remember that they were one of the last teams to switch across from uh to or to the aurica i should say and so it's taking a little bit of time maybe to get up to speed in terms of the nuances of that particular chassis and how it works in such a close combat but i think as well with the change of tires this year it's had a reset for a lot of teams and it's allowed them to sort of to make a step forward but yes they've been very very good excellent stuff from the 65 crew also been looking after of course the 24 car the pr one madison car that had troubles with oil leak overnight the goodyear blimp that isn't a blimp it's a zeppelin in the air and another icon of world boat sport been great to see that back over the last 12 months so still those two wrt oracas third known habsburg from louie delatraz that gap a minute and 15 seconds for the lead in lmp2 and they've led and led comfortably through the night into the morning the threats from behind have sort of dematerialized alan yeah they've dissipated they're really dissipated it's only really the jota sport car 28 stoffel vandoorne that even if they do trip up they can i think pick up something from them and they've been very very dominant really from about midnight when they kind of got into their position and then solidified it but partly because everybody else has dropped the ball at one point or another absolutely it's not that they've just driven off into the distance they have been very strong performance-wise but they haven't really had any issues and that's allowed them they had most of their issues funnily enough was in the first hour when they disappeared backwards in terms of their position in lmp2 they were nowhere but it was jota that was at the front and then every team has had a problem a mistake or something and wrt are there at the moment four hours from the end of the 63 car has been much the quicker through and more consistent through the 24 hours of lamont so far ollie nikki casper behind the wheel there he's been the gun hasn't he he's running the full crack there on his visor the eyes are fully open which is the nikki katzberg full crack setup i suppose too well there's if you bring it down it then be just a half crack or a quarter crack okay yeah it's this it's this level of searing professional analysis we look for to be honest with you i really am disappointed i never drove for corvette i'd love to be in your debriefs excuse me i always can't forget that just look at his visor andy's got a sticker on the level of detail that nikki goes to with his visor set up two hyper cars on pit lane at the moment so brendan harper brings in the number eight car from second overall three minutes or so back uh it is people durrani the moment fastest lap of the race for the fourth place car the 708 clicking house the sister car running in seventh overall behind those two two team wrt aurica's the fastest uh so it is on play with roman dumas on board now with kevin este the lead of the two factory porsches but only third and he's three and a half minutes back from that uh would you probably call it this is the eighth car and it's not it's not going anywhere now they are yeah but there is some information coming from the engineering and they're waiting on confirmation the chat with his head pointing in is looking to see visual feedback from some engineers that are looking at laptops yep they're frantically working it now crunching the numbers okay so just to while we're watching this and there's attention going on yeah in the uh it seems like they were changing a box some sort of control unit where he goes it's uh might be shorter so therefore it might have been changing the box and then having to do the reboot of the whole system absolutely and you'll be waiting for that reboot because when you do a master reset it doesn't automatically just it's like a computer it doesn't just automatically start up and then you're ready to go you have to wait until it's activated all the systems and then as well with the gap they've got i would suspect they would then want to actually have a check of the key criteria to see back and forth to one another yeah and also to make sure that if whatever it is they're looking at uh actually has got the connection and or better cost a minute in two minutes on pit lane for that that has allowed the alpine to take back one of the laps it was in arrears to the number eight car at that point but uh still three laps the good over the first of non-toyotas or going to beat the sister card without the sister car having a massive problem it's now all gone it does seem to be just increasingly troubled so the alpine five laps down on the leader three laps down on the second place car and somewhere in the middle there it's around four laps on countback isn't it with the first of the glickenhaus uh going quickly again in the hands of people durrani two and a half minutes back from the alpine that's the top four before we then get into lmp2 territory fifth sixth and seventh at the moment with that uh latest pit stop for the glickenhaus the two wrt cars with the 41 on pit road now in the hands of louis de la trance so in gt pro james collado has just set the fastest lap at the race for for the 51 ferrari they're looking to nail that in aren't they that's uh there's 42 seconds the gap now to katzberg in the 63 corvettes so gustavo menezes in the pit box at clicking house he's the resting driver of the seven did race the car earlier this season of course was a key part of the rebellion team last year we'll get peugeot next year it's uh not on driving duty but in gt pro there's sort of a message i think being delivered here which is we're good yes i mean and they are i mean that's the thing they of course are unbelievably well drilled team and the ferrari is a phenomenal machine and uh there's got to be something special that's going to have to come from the 63 car to to close that gap in this next three hours and 45 minutes into europol in and out of the bits alex brundle with the fifth place car in lmp2 that was a regular pit stop pandas races racing is in g drive racing are in and uh hearing from louise in the pits devries is stepping aboard so our latest world champion of many in this field nick dufrese and the first world champion in will drivers champion in formulary now a full fia world championship is about to get in for his latest stint in the 26 car that car was a way down the field in the top 10 for lmp2 but that's not what this team were looking for here the arrow zero one lost the car overnight with nasty accident for brian rod losing the car out of turn one heavily into the barriers [Music] but um looking for where the next move is going to come look at that gtm battle ben keating is wheeling in france how far has he got left on this stint for the 33 car because that's what he's tended to do is get close get close get close pit yeah there the pendulum is definitely in my view has got the advantage um and it is exactly as you say he's got you know one lap longer before he has to put and that's the the issue is that he's on the wrong side of the pitch strategy okay so hearing from louise around the break cart they connected the umbilical uh cable to change settings on the car to cost them about what 30 40 seconds on a regular pit stop for but i bet you you're right alan it was a it was a full system shut down reset connection check everything make sure everything's up and running send it look at the 708 cart hands of people durrani and whatever happens the rest of this race it's been an impressive debut for the little team that could both the cars running and running well [Music] conscious by the way that we didn't finish that run through the official retirements a little earlier because uh some drama other intervened uh when martin haven was wielding the mark of doom so to go through that for anybody that's joining us this morning we currently have officially uh 48 cars running now 47 cars running with the news breaking now the official retirement 24 pr one madison car that has gone the other cars double yellow at mp11 right ronaldi racing at mp11 so just hold on to your marker of doom there for a second ronaldi racing it's been through the gravel a few times and it looks on an outlap as well as we are on board with eight that is also brendan hartley decided to do the special alternative the short lap oh yeah okay yep joke so while we're waiting to see whether or not there are dramas uh worthy of our interventions there's a slow zone coming for what will be recovery of the three eight eight no three eight it's got moving again okay it's now on its way down towards the second chicken so i presume the slow zone is going to be due to uh a massive gravel okay but while we're waiting for that to all emerge class by class uh all five hypercars still running top four plus currently running in eighth position at five and there you go it is debris there now who's that come off with that's that's gonna be [Music] it's gone in the wall it's got itself out it's dragged all that debris that's going to require quite a lot of cleanup there isn't it that's that's not a nice place to have to do that job and as always thank you thank you thank you to the marshals out there keeping everybody out there safe allowing this race to progress as well as it does year in year out and other races around the world it's been a tough year for the marshalling community did we see a replay of the incident now yeah so it kind of looks like he went in far too hot skidded across the gravel and nosed into the other side i'll interrupt myself if we do see that but martin haven is wielding the marker of doom let's go through um class by class no retirements in the five-car hybrid car 24 uh is confirmed as a retirement that's a car that's had a repeated oil leak that's the pr one madison car the number one car was the safari flourish car that was first hit by the 26 i think was out of control uh then the okay we're gonna go before we go down that because uh traditionally we interrupt this with something uh down to louise beckett in the pits who has roman rusinov roman you've brought in the 26th street g-drive handed over to world champion nick devries uh how's your lemon you're not looking too happy i have to say yeah you know it's quite uh it's quite difficult one because we have a franco calapinto who crashed in the beginning of the race we lost so we have to repair the car we lost probably 20 25 minutes and i was just trying to drive and recover but yeah way too far yeah tough work for you yeah you know it's like it's hard because i think if we would not be crushing we should be leading now by far you know he goes the car is fast uh the guys the team is doing a good job yeah fortunately franco brush it at the beginning so yeah what we can do all right thank you yeah uh thanks very much indeed to louise antaro man and as martin have reminds me actually as there is the recur the recovering uh rinaldi car and damaged the rear of the rear wing hanging off that car as well uh that uh the four safety car periods we've had so far 50 percent of them brought out there's trouble for the joker car coming into the sloth and that's not that's the lickinghouse getting it wrong isn't it looking i was getting it very long because you saw the yellow flag behind there that was waving that's a 709 so that is roman dumas at the wheel that could be a penalty coming there should be a penalty coming there uh two of the four uh safety car periods brought out by g drive cars one was the impact with sapphire flourish the other one rue andradas whoopsie but going back to the market of doomfest 25 is gone uh the edict sport card didn't start of course the 17 25 was reandrade on the run up to dunlop 24 we think mechanical oil leak pr1 they're gone and uh next in the order the 32 car that was the united auto sports car of manuel mandelardo that harpooned the sister 23 car up at dunlop 82 uh recent retirement with engine trouble we saw that car pulling off and into the pit solid jarvis at the wheel of the ritzy competition car that's gone into gt e pro and the one car i don't think i saw retire it was a hub auto racing car that i believe was gearbox electronics for that car my car has gone at 72 79 the other privateer entry in gt pro through reporter that was the weathertech racing command that was accident damage after cooper bringing lost the car in the 4g [Music] then we get into gte am that's had a lot of attrition numerically the first was the team project war 146 car and that car i think was suspension def suspension damage shetla racing an accident overnight for the 47 car limited eliminated that car 55 the spirit of race car that car as we see the 388 going into the garage now it might be lucky that that could be more superficial than it looks to the 388 55 matt griffin stopping uh just after ted rouge and the car going no further the 56 car another accident i didn't see but that was a nigeria profetti uh off with that 57 clutch went on that car the 57 car jmw motorsports uh involved in an incident with an lmp2 car got the car back but then the car grinded into a halt as it left the pit lane went no further and uh we're waiting for uh well we're not going to say which cars they are but mark martin working on a bit of a bingo uh four in a line here and there's still lots of time to go so that basically covers off uh well we've got 47 cars still running oh apologies more to come the 98 car that's marcus gomez done indianapolis into the barriers hard the 99 car suffered repeated suspension issues and finally the multimatic crude uh proton effort decided that was the end of the day garage doors down for the 99 that completes the marker of doom parade martin can go and have a cup of coffee more happily now so with that slow zone my 2 of xv8 into the pits from third place and the headlights got a big big hole in it yeah and just looking outside there's dark clouds on their way again you see the sunshine it looks like out the right-hand door of activity but actually there's big dark clouds all the way around here ollie yeah i've just been outside out of the booth and there is some pretty chunky dark clouds around are we going to get another twist in the tail with the uh with the weather well we did have weather forecasts uh yesterday that we might expect some light to moderate rain towards the end of this race it's a little earlier than i think we were expecting though yeah i had the inclination it was closer to kind of 2 2 30 that was expected but you're right it's more very dark again pretty sure nearly every single team would not welcome the ray uh not this point though off again goes the alpine third position mattia vasseviere also back out running people durrani in the 708 lincoln house in and out for the wrt leading car in lmp2 fifth overall foodie habsburg is aboard that car and uh other stoppers the ducane erica the real team racing car that led program for so so long and double yellows and slow zone now removed we're back to full green flag running racing team netherland also in and out so it's norman nato with something like five minutes on the third place car i think that was was that thomas lebron in the um alpine garage i think it was there's phillips senior [Music] 36 car making its way through rapidly as they've seen with the incident before the car and that is one of well i think it's the only running car that's currently in the pit we know the 82 car is gone we know that the 24 car is gone and as i say that 22 united order sports car of fabio sherrod pits [Music] jose maria lopez yeah this is jose maria lopez quite a while ago and it was a big lock up down into mulsanne managed to keep it out of the gravel [Music] let's have a listen into what's going on in the number seven total [Music] i think there's no need to say but there's no need to push and this particular point was i think fuel saving they were talking about or break it's one of the other is fuel or break so they must have been critical on one pit particular parameter well it's only looking at the amount of bright dust that's coming out the rear wheels at every single start every time they change wheels could well be brakes that might be why they're shifting the brake balance forward and then having the locking as well at the end of the braking area now yeah [Music] looking to finally put the sword just a run of bad luck here this crew has suffered is it going to happen for them looking rock solid at the moment catches the dragon's peak car sorry just laughing at darren's dancing in the back of the booth well yes [Music] is that what it was yes i think i thought he needed medical intervention it was dad dancing if i hour about to be in the box three and a half hours remain [Music] the rhythm of this race gentlemen where are the dramas to come do we think the rain if it rains there's a massive amount of drama potentially to come other dramas is there is i would sort of get the feeling there's a twist in the tail somewhere i don't know where it's going to come from but we're going to see a car going slowly along the side of the mulsanne it's got that feeling or a puncture or something i know you shouldn't be biased but i do hope it's not the number seven this year because i've seen it too many times and i know the pain of being in that position as i'm sure ollie and darren do as well where you think it's just in your hand and then it slips away and it's like sands of time yeah you just can't get them back uh but um there's a twist in the tail yet there's still three and a half hours to go in three and a half hours if it rains is a long time a long long time or two grand prix distances we'll put it within that absolutely thanks so much for your latest contributions allen mcnish we're going to be joined at driver change darren is coming in absolutely darren turner and ollie gavin it will be for the next period were along with me great everyone was just trying to steal darren's coffee yeah which that's getting quite upset about allen has returned it yes yes is good in the hood it's okay it's got it's got its initials on it so i don't know what allen thought dt stood for but we could maybe do an internet competition on that one sort of postcard absolutely so i tend to agree guys it has got that feel of drama still to come there's the seventh hurricane and it's in that corner acceleration he's got the drive and then it stops so i wonder if there's a slight issue with with the car accelerating from very low speed that you you experienced there at marseilles twice in succession he's done something right nearly ran into the back of the 84 innovative car that car by the way running in 30 second position overall it was like he was caught out by whatever they were doing but it's yes he was coming in hot yeah and he was just like okay can you just wind it back at the touch pushing they certainly can afford to do that right now can't they just uh just peg it just a little bit it gives you nine tenths is good enough i mean as you know darren when you do wind it back a touch though you can lose that rhythm yes and maybe that's what they're asking him to do is just to wind it back and and it's just thrown his references off he's just not in that same racing rhythm that he's had for you know all the seven or eight hours he's been driving the car you should maybe at some point join this broadcast take us through those times when doing that has lost your race to each other i certainly remember being asked to to wind it back and and then calling him an ass not on air i mute my mic maybe but i can remember um being asked i think it was in the early stages of the of the dbr 9 maybe year 2 3 something like that around 2006 maybe and being asked just just to back off a little bit and the rhythm went from the breaking zones into the into the into the chicanes both chicanes and moles and it was it was uncomfortable you know you're only backing off maybe a second or two from the actual pace that you wouldn't actually want to drive at but suddenly all the rhythm went the downshifts went with the way that you were using the sequential and it was it was just more comfortable and more uh like it's easier to drive at that point by is that muscle memory what is it what is i think it's everything and also just just the the frequency the car is running at it just works you know suddenly when you're trying to slow everything down especially with a sequential gear shift it just starts to just not feel as nice they're doing it for so many laps you really do fall into a rhythm and you get to recognize what are the natural frequencies of the downshift of how the brake pedal feels of how you're going to turn the wheel and and how all the load is going to be transferred within the car and if all of a sudden that starts to change and you're you're you're changing one of those parameters then it can really just throw you off because you've got so used to it all now you're doing something different it's like well and you just it's almost like you just lost a bit calibration a firm believer that motorsport is made to look easy by television and pretty clearly the physicality and as well as that the the mental pressure that comes through any race and particularly an endurance race yeah that extreme and that is what is going to build in these next three hours is the the mental pressure that is going to build on these finishing drivers particularly in the classes like the the gte pro and the gt-m battles it's really really going to come down to the mental strength of those finishing drivers and also the mental strength of the engineers to make sure that they give the car to those drivers prepared correctly and and with the tyres absolutely you know to the the they're the right tyre the right pressures temperatures everything so they they can just drive out of the pits and fight immediately [Music] looking still for where these battles are coming in comes the lead car from gte pro we now know by the way this class is this year and next year at the moment in the plans and then we are done and gentlemen both of you have been a huge part of the history of and a fantastic history of this class in recent years and it's delivered again here with all three makes providing the entertainment will miss it yeah that's why i'm i'm a little confused by you know because it works yeah it's a it's brilliant racing and it it creates so much drama and it's really you know every single year these teams come back and they absolutely deliver with their driver lineups with their team the car preparation the teams the strategies that they run how close it is the bop it it works it says why are we changing it well we continue that debate in a moment the 63 car which is second nikki katzberg pulls in to it's pittsall 30 seconds behind james collado so to catch up with what's been announced so far the full plan not yet uh revealed or indeed decided the gte pro gtm will continue into 2022 it then looks set to be gte m only for 23 before a transition the following year and you're about to tell me nikki's staying on board which i then think that they will have antonio in the car to do the rest of the race okay once he's finished this thing great stuff out comes the ferrari and about 30 seconds behind we'll follow the corvette it'll then transition to some form of gt3 platform and what was that ollie they hadn't i think nicki had started the car and they hadn't taken the uh the grounding wire off of the rear wheel and they couldn't touch the car again until he turned the engine off right let's have a look at what that's affected in terms of pit stop times it was a 122 on pit lane for james collado four seconds quicker for corvette despite that marginal issue so 118 so four seconds gained in the pits there so to complete the story as to what we know so far there are still conversations to be had with rule makers and manufacturers but the moment the clear intention is that some form of gt3 based platform will replace gte in 2024 yeah the intention is that there will not be a pro class yes and i well i i think i think that the you know the gt3 layout is absolutely fine and i think that all of these teams would love to love to run those cars but i still think you can run pro cars i don't think that the platform if it's gtu or gt3 is so much the problem is having a pro lineup and then having something that distinguishes the two classes between the am and the pro in terms of the the manufacturers there's not that many manufacturers that are committed to gte so you're always going to have limited grids it works it does work you know the cars are great and everything else but when you look at what cars are on the grid at the moment in uh in pro for you've only got the corvette and the porsche and ferrari this year so you know there's been years when they've had you know very very strong grids here with ford and aston also in the both mix i think i worked out earlier this year 37 different individual gte cars will have raced by the end of the lemon 24 hours this year or some of them just racing once it's fair to say but there's 37 cars available globally for the platforms that allow that to happen that's the ems weather tech sports car championship it's the european le mans series the wec and of course uh the blue ribbon event here at the le mans 24 hours it's it's a sad reality that it's going it's clearly a knock-on effect of the manufacturers some of the manufacturers shifting their attention to hypercar yeah and that two of the critical manufacturers involved there ferrari and porsche are clearly shifting their factory emphasis to that and all of a sudden that does leave yeah just basically one chip left on the table and that is corvette and there's only so much of a budget these manufacturers have got that they can put towards motor racing programs so if they're moving away from gt into lmdh um and hypercars then the gt platform needs to be something that is affordable yeah it's like a busy pit lane there as a seven car comes in and needs to be put on the dolly's to be shifted around the number 20 high-class racing car it's a driver change yeah lopez has got out but um it's like it's a surprise yeah and um mike maybe wasn't quite ready because he wasn't there immediately the biggest surprise was that 20 car was going to be there and the usual slick choreography wasn't quite there was it 20s got away by the way so the lead car came in the hands of jose maria lopez that completed 317 laps and did they go with tyres as well don't they do that yeah that's not uh so common is it to to have a driver change without swapping the tyres at the same time it's unusual maybe i guess they could be putting mike back in just as lopez was having a few struggles out there yeah just to see where the car is at right now yeah maybe so this i think this this means that uh mike will do the next couple and maybe they'll put kobayashi in to finish yep that would seem about right they've been i think doubling or has it been trembling through difficult to tell with these shorter stints but uh [Music] yeah it's um unusual travelling did didn't short cut the uh down option came this time all got a little bit spar 24 hours there for a while didn't it yes it did nick devries fastest lap time of the race so far in the 26 g drive racing car we heard slightly put out roman russian off recognizing him from his helmet 331-851 and de vries is working a 25 second gap to and davidson ahead one world champion 2021 formulary working on another 2014 wc so did i must have missed something then with car 26 earlier on have i uh the 26 had two significant uh incidents uh one was the uh the shunt with uh sapphire flourish yes yeah and the other was roman bruce and i was running up the back of another car from there that was yeah wasn't it yeah okay all right but nothing recently no right and then we've got uh brandon hartley on board here and he is also messing around with the buttons wasn't messing around but he's pressing the buttons on the top of the steering wheel and i think we think that that is brake bias that they're working with and they're maybe managing brake performance from the moment these cars hit the track in spa in the wec breaking was clearly an issue for them there and whether or not that was just learning the car in race conditions whether or not their issues on the car were unlikely to establish firmly but it does seem to me they're managing that having to manage that deeper into any race conditions you're all new cars remember the totors and the glickenhaus now being uh rather more understood platform albeit not in the spec it's presented here heavier less powerful [Music] 48 carved edex sports uh was in trouble early in the race and we've also got on bitly now the gtm leader francois parodo is that going to be francoise last stint is it going to be there to go strategy uh laptop and see whether or not he's completed his required six hours um they are working their way through all of this ben keating still aboard the tf sport car was 65 seconds back as francois came through and i think well certainly will take the lead here but as i think david addison was saying a little earlier unless he comes in the pits uh no he's i think he's on a different slightly different strategy income's number eight car from second in the hands of brendan hartley four and a half minutes back from the lead car uh it's our meet passes the blend line francois has definitely done a double stint there so uh it could be that's him done and dusted now yep through goes ben keating to complete the lap and take the lead for the time being at the very least in the tf sports 33 car it's been a long long battle between these but this bear 83 and 33 and ben keating and francois perot firm supporters of international endurance racing francois and the af course team doing both the wc and the elms this year ben keating racing wherever he's got the time to whether it's an imsa racing and a p2 car or a gt car wc in the gt car and very good drivers both of them are already a wc champion he's replaced by alessia rivera very quick indeed wait goes number eight pulled away on the electric power and then fired up the uh icy engine down towards the pit out here comes the alpine says 36 car still in third position and three laps back from the second tota two minutes ahead that's five seconds a minute and 55 seconds ahead of people durrani and lapping just a little quicker last time round than the clicking house the 708 car is the car in contention for a pokemon position nick devries is pressing on in the 26 car he's done another personal best in sector one but uh you know he has been through this stint certainly lighting up the timing screens with with improvements yep class laps have gone away for a while to remind herself faster stuff of the race came on lap 60 from brendan hartley and then they break toyota 327.607 it was like there wasn't really a happy hour this morning bits and pieces we had some yeah we had some uh times that were coming in as i came back to the booth that were pretty impressive also saw roman de mar in the uh the more tardy of the two glickenhaus running seventh at the moment with 329 for that car became very impressive indeed that deep into the race and a car that we think is running a pretty conservative strategy yeah it's just not been as pacey as the sister car has it that had that same turn of speed dufrese is clearly listening to us because he's just put in two blue sectors and is about to improve subject to traffic the lap time on the board from the 26 car the g drive racing car still chasing and davidson hard 22 seconds the gap now tristan gomendi behind both of those two cars and just 20 seconds back too so looming battles [Music] this could be a 31 a 331 from defrees if he's uh able to get a clear run to the end of the lap which is mightily impressive to be putting that sort of lap time in [Music] at this stage of the race yeah 20 hours in [Music] he [Music] [Music] davidson ahead 38 joe to cart we heard a little earlier from louise in the pits with tom hignitz and 38 car pits now so that possession will go unless that devrees is on an unlock which pretty certainly isn't but it was the run through the gravel and they believe it was uh when the stones picked up in the gravel that uh put a hole in the oil filter for the 38 that was the big delay for chota sport another driver pumping in some reasonably quick times are both in the pro we got estra a 48 3 right now and then further down the field sam bird has just done the fastest lap for 52 with a 48 4 so both of those cars within a tenth of each other as they uh they knock in their fastest laps for those cars at this stage of the race dave didn't improve his time there's a couple of tents in that uh that's a slower final sector but he has taken the 13th position with the jota car on pit lane now for what is a scheduled stop for the 38 and that battle at the front of gte pro between the 51 ferrari and the 63 corvette is still around that 30-second mark and it's just hovering around there copy continue now let's go down immediately to uh louise in the pit who's got jose mourinho miss luke maria lopez the number seven has been running well since the start of this race some issues along the way uh yeah uh he hasn't been exactly the most smooth time so far but yeah we're dealing with some fuel flow issues we sorted out but we we have to do in order to control a lot of things in the car while driving which makes things uh yeah complicated so let's let's have a gross finger that everything everything goes around uh we i know your focus is on the seven but the eight is having similar things so is it it's the same issue for both cars yeah yeah it's the same issue as i say uh likely we found a way to to deal it and uh yeah we hope we can we can manage until the end yeah how are you finding that communication between the drivers then to i believe you probably have to be brief before you got in the car and how to deal with it yeah um yeah i mean we are adapting you know um of course i stay a bit longer in the car because i always used to do the procedure mike now is going to take a bit but yeah we try good to communicate all the time and and make things you know happen so more than ever is uh is the teamwork here for sure was mike expected to get into the car then because it seemed a little bit of a surprise at that pit stop uh yeah i was supposed to say one more scene to the car but yeah we decided just in case of a safety car or something my time in the car was quite long already so we decided last minute yeah okay thank you thank you thanks very much to uh picchito lopez excellent stuff from lu thank you very much for that well that told us a lot um in not telling us some things he was they're clearly worried yeah he's been uh obviously very well briefed to uh what to do in the car but and also what to say out of it you know because he's really not telling us that much but that they're obviously they're obviously concerned aren't they that explains the situation we saw down at multn when he had a slow pull away yeah out of uh multan just behind the lmp2 traffic that suddenly just dropped a lot of and also that all that action on the on the wheel you know with the buttons there's actually the buttons also the pit stop that looked a little bit clumsy that said there was a late decision that should what to explain what uh jose mourinho was talking about there there was a maximum time you're allowed to be in the car three hours allowed in the car four hours four hours um the uh and what that was all about was jose mourinho explaining that had he been caught with a safety car they might have been pushed into making a pit stop they didn't need to make yeah so why make that why risk that they made the driver change at that point yes damaged the rear left of that 91 car which had not spotted before that's not as it came from the factory the inner wheel arch is still there so i i don't think it'd be affecting the cluster too bad yeah someone's giving him a little love tap it's a driver change there out came jeroni it's quite high up though you know normally the damage is down lower where the splitter is so yeah um i'm just trying to think what what car could be that high at the rear or at the front that would be out of alpine yes yeah yeah there is uh a hole in the front of the headlight on the upping so they're guilty there we go i think we can conclude you're absolutely and the movement is close we've got the microphone there you go people durrani on a quick lap at the moment two blue sectors for the 708 car minute and 53 seconds back from the alpine is this gonna be a fastest race lap for that or for both uh clicking house have they saved something for the final three hours quick sectors two coming in from both the united auto sports 30 23 car alex flynn and pull up shatter from the edex export 48 so again some pacey stuff coming through kim and estra also flying at the moment [Music] i've seen a lot of faster sectors in sector one and sector two but not really seeing much ping up on on sector three so uh um there's some something on the track somewhere or is it something well they've all found a little bit of extra uh tarmac in sector one and sector two it was a slower uh funnel sector from people durrani so 3 32-1 no closing in on that lab at least on the 36 car well there you go just as i said that roman has done a fast sector in in the 709 glickenhaus in sector 3. well it's a 329.8 for that car which at the moment is the quicker the two cars do wonder whether or not they're trying some things on the uh the 709 it's possible it makes a lot of sense at this stage doesn't it there is nothing much to lose there and it's uh it's in seventh at the moment it's got a half a chance of uh of moving up to fifth possibly well it's about to move up to six because it's five and a half seconds back and it is six seconds quicker that's our rounds [Music] so we'll keep an eye on progress for both the glickenhaus cars say it again we are 21 hours into this race and both those cars are running and running well i'm so surprised just the five of them all five of them it's a massive credit to the people behind these programs i mean i really do think when the when we had the heavy rain at the beginning that this race could easily go to an lmp2 car absolutely um just could be a last man standing at one point two things one is the numbers it's only five two is they're new and we did have those changeable weather conditions which threw up all sorts of challenges for them and it's absolutely to their credit to their credit to tmwrt's credit to stay out of the troubles that we saw it's been a wretched day i'm afraid of two days for united alter sports [Applause] two cars in trouble in one accident yeah it was a that was particularly up at the donald trump was just a bit of a perfect storm really losing the car through the gravel and harpooning the sister car yeah absolutely two two um some good news for united two cars posting their fastest laptop race at the same time there and but this possibly reflects the fortunes of united sports fastest time for the 23 car is a three thirty four zero eight one at the same time the g-drive racing arrest of 26 and nick derece does the same but at 331.435 is their fastest lap of the race that's a big gap yeah in performance is that 2.6 seconds between them yeah 23 car i'm pretty certain is the car that had a replacement engine before the race uh they've been feeling it's been down on power for most of the week yeah you can sort of see with with roman rusinov was very upset when he got out the car for his last time sort of he kind of knows that they've got a very fast car underneath them and this is an opportunity missed but you know those conditions were just absolutely you know there were a nightmare and the track was treacherous and it just so happened that their youngest most inexperienced driver was in the car at that time so and uh we called him out we never saw the start of it we just saw [Music] closing in on the end of the 21st hour moves still being made just to get these cars into position to attack in these last three hours team wrt pit as the 709 goes through to sixth position darren yeah is that as high as it's been since the opening stint it's not far off it i don't think we've got to the point since the the mayhem then we've had all five at the top i don't think we ever got no because he's got close to it and then had to pit and uh cycles back down but louie delatraz is in the car and we'll stay aboard the 41 car so it just looks like fuel swiss flag apparently on the side of the helmet for louie another family weekend out here with his father ten times the monstarter and eklemon racer louis uh telling from his father john denis delatraz raced with the same team in the road to le mans race races thursday and again uh on saturday morning closing in by the way on another change back to the david anderson next in the i always say the picture the one with the more complicated buttons i didn't know that was the picture i don't know there's a hierarchy in here there's no hard right here with the exception of myself we literally are all winners and uh we also have a change in pit lane as nick devries pits after uh excellence in the 26 car and it's the becks of the porsche bexar pit lane duncan vincent will be joining us or the ally mcquest should we say is upset about that one yes which means i've done my job that's it and you do it so well yeah you are so good at it thank you thank you thank you well that's an impressive time there by alex you know it's only a lap ago that he put the fastest time 34 years with the united auto sports 23 and that was a 34.1 now it's another second faster at 33 so alex has got they got the hammer down now i think they are sniffing the possibility of an attack on alex brundler head who's just been in and out that gap is about 30 seconds in this into europol competition team the 34 squad i think they've had two fifth positions in the wc this season i think they'd like something a bit better this time palace racing also in julian canal but you think after that contact turn two to bring the car up this fight is obviously in six now but to bring it into the fight for fifth yeah will be super impressive flying back by the two canal by the way that uh has something in common with both of you gentlemen here at le mans and that's uh he's a gt1 class winner here oh yes with in a corvette with um no i think was he in the was he in the lava selene the last year [Music] pretty certainly he's had two gto wins and uh a gt-1 win right i could check it now no i'm not feeling vulnerable because you both look confused this is my normal face no change there none at all [Music] super slow-mo of the 65 car another team that's been in rich fame of form i mean duncan in the pits that the clicking house is on pit road and it will be ryan briscoe to take over from roman dumas who's had a very quick stint it's the fastest lap of the race for the sister glickenhaus as we about to have that switch over 330.251 for people durrani trying to put the alpine under pressure and uh i'll hand over to darren turner who's going to tell you a little bit about uh what's going on on screen while we just do a little bit of unclipping of things and clipping in of the dulcet silky tones i was just looking at the the stint time there by roman um he's been in the car for a quadruple stint you know 13 laps each go for the 709 that's a fairly long time in the car um so i'm guessing he is now completely done for this race and it's going to be uh ryan briscoe to to drive that car to maybe to the flag or it could be another swap with uh westbrook uh for the very last stint um before we get into the uh into the final hour um but yeah roman's done a solid job there in the 709 um as he's been chasing down both the both the team wrt cars [Music] mike conway just starting another wonderful lap in the toyota around this circuit [Music] and he's obviously having to deal with this fuel issue that both cars are struggling with but it doesn't seem to be slowing them down too much i mean they're both circulat circulating around the the 330 332 marker here's the running order as we get into the 22nd hour of the uh 2021 uh le mans 24 hours 323 laps for the lead toyota uh well right behind now the number eight come on the sister car 36 car they'll be in uh third with two minutes uh advantage on the first of the clicking houses team wrt still in one two thirty one from 41 with the second clicking house between them and the third place car the jota 28 car lmp2 pro am is dragon speed from real team from racing team netherland that's the one two three sixteenth through eighteenth gt pro which is doled out yet more entertainment james colada in the 51a of course are ferrari leads from the court chasing corvette of nikki katzberg the 63 car then the two porsches michael christensen in the 92 leading the team car in the 91 of richard leitz gt am 26th place for the leading tier sports aston martin been keating at the wheel of that car the 33 car and he heads alessia rivera by just 14 seconds with rivera closing in again in the 83 af quarter car come to the provisional podium positions it's canon island at the moment aboard the number 80 iron links ferrari and he is a further three and a half minutes back and welcome back to the booth david addison graham thank you it's a familiar order but with a bigger gap between the two isn't it toyota's still first and second but the pendulum has very much swung number seven's way but from what i understand they're both still having to manage these problems and they're not going as far on a stint anymore on a tank of fuel no and uh that's well were they not uh were they under rather more pressure at the moment from there being we had i think some pretty worried tones uh in uh louise's interview just now with pachito lopez they're managing it yeah they think they've got the handle on it but the tone is not one of excitement it's one of trepidation and how many times at this race have we seen and heard those kind of situations coming to a head in the last three hours two hours one hour 25 minutes so is are the cars not picking up the fuel or is it the dispenser not being able to tell how much is going in fuel pickup is what we're hearing for both cars and uh it seems to be a fuel pickup for both cars and that is it does appear to be the same problem and a vibration as well for the number eight car which they've had for a while for a long time through the night if you have a look at brendan's last stint they've been 11 laps a 10 lap an 8 lap and now it's currently 5 so we should really keep an eye on on car rate to see how far they can push this particular one and that gives us a good indication if the problem is stabilized if they've found a real fix to be able to go and stretch the stint a bit longer or if this one ends up even shorter exactly then they really do have a problem certainly has been the more stable in terms of its recent pit stop cycles as uh i'm looking timing and scoring and messier vasovier puts in the fastest lap of the race for the alpine 329 454 we're looking at one of the pit stops here for the wrt car this is 31. why are we looking at that there's obviously concern around that left front there's a problem they haven't changed the rears they've only changed the fronts okay he's on an outlap and number 70 apparently is smoking on the circuit so car 70 which is the real-time car esteban garcia like davao norman nato that car's got a problem long long time leader of the pro-am class in lmb2 fine stuff overnight by esterman garcia that would be bitter gall should that be a problem manifests itself with a delay he's on his out lap at the moment so uh they've just dumped a load of oil in the car and it's something like that you know they've done an oil dump a bit of gall um you're right if it's smoking it should be bitter gorgeous thank god you're here you lied go wild cigarettes break cigarettes cam eight and brendan hartley on so what was that eleven lap there's no no six laps six yeah six uh we are on only six right so in other words the number eight stints are getting shorter yeah yeah right yeah if that's right so it's gone from 11 to 10 to eight and now this one is only six laps so right okay a looming crisis for toyota here for the second car well the stents are getting shorter and shorter how short will they ultimately become before it has to go to the garage the problem is is can they fix in the garage if it's something in the fuel tank that's a major issue for them but it's increasingly pointing at pickup isn't it and now we've got rain being reported just when you thought you couldn't have anything else rain reported at marshall's posts 25 to 27. darren said it was gonna be a lovely day he did indeed lovely morning morning okay is on briefly there on the 36 car as nick lapierre prepares to get aboard the weather's coming in from uh where's that down at indianapolis is the first place they're gonna start to see the uh moving across quickly darren as you look over the uh porsche experience center uh the clouds are coming in reasonably quickly so there's high winds up there and that's both good and bad bad because they're coming good because they'll move through quickly number 36 alpine is expected in this time as well as through the traffic tries to cap matthias versus who is in the gravel yesterday evening he's being held up a little bit by 86 porsche there the gr racing car michael wayne wright the patron of the wheel a bit and unbales the alpene then so on cue into the pit comes first of the air and nickelodeon is going to take that car over so when it comes and that's still in its fight isn't it with the clicking house of people durrani effectively with just under three hours to go 709 glickenhaus even though it's seventh it's inching up into the reckoning isn't it it is it's coming back and showing more pace at this stage of the race than it did through the night so maybe a little bit more confidence now they've been managing we know um the brake issues we saw at monza through the race that seems to have been very successful indeed despite uh it has to be said fair amount of cynicism on that front they've done a great job on it second house well you know eight hours we had a break change yeah yeah here we are 21 hours into the race and not required they're both still going they've not had a plethora of problems there are more experienced teams that have been in more strife i think they've done an outstanding job in has come the alpene now that car is three laps behind toyota number eight and they've got just under three hours to go so can they salvage anything other than a third here at best for alpine if the toyota's problems get worse and worse and worse there's a there's a chance isn't there [Music] they can't they can't get to a point for example where toyota are only able to do two or three laps between pit stops well i mean if if the problem is getting worse and the and the fix is actually uh pulling the the engine out and getting into the fuel tank and etcetera then yeah there could be a lot of pit stops for that car eight all the way to the end of the race now so uh you never know alpine could suddenly uh claw those three laps back if uh if that becomes the the situation for for car 8. at what point does a growing problem become a critical problem it's something working less well gradually so what's up a number eight pit stop the last one was a minute and 22 a lap is three and a half minutes times three yes divide that by the number by a pit stop time so it's needing to make nine pit stops to give the alpena chance of second place which uh would be dramatic to say the least or fewer longer pit stops correct yes right we'll keep monitoring it number 63 is about to be taken over by antonio garcia because nick catsberg is set to bring it in this is 708 then so as the alpine leaves this is and the alpine for the moment has cemented that third place because it's kept it on that round of pit stops it's come in it's served the stop and it's gone again before 708 comes in so the alpine as it was a few hours ago when olivier player had that mysteriously modest stint yeah it started to cement third place and just edge away yes and uh i do think a lot of the explanation here is they're cleaning the car [Music] that whatever happens the body work here is going on the wall and the garage are clicking there's just you think so yes but uh it's it's an effort that's been a huge amount of pride over i have to say my flabber is gusted that both cars are still going i didn't expect them to get to to midnight and for them to have not only kept going but with so few dramas and to be both within the top seven i think they've done an outstanding job well i hope what this does do is it i hope it makes the interest of other challenger brands that shows that you can do something uh that's it's you know i'm not saying it's not complicated of course it's complicated but it's not as complicated as developing a four-wheel drive hybrid suit a hockey car it is effectively an old-fashioned sort of hyper car it's got a very efficient very powerful engine in the back it's two wheel drive uh this is it's almost a a throwback to something more 60s 70s um you know jim is not going to be giving us terribly many figures but he tells us that uh the cost of doing this uh is pretty comparable to closing an lmdh budget and there's another major budget for the big factories looking at it might this sell a couple of cars it might you want to come and be competitive at le mans next year where are you going to go who are you going to go buy something from so i think he's got one already that has been sold which was from goodwood because the car uh roman dump took it up the hill back in july and it was quite impressive still got the goodwood stickers on the side of the car indeed and um by the way jim should you be looking in and be in the marketplace for a road version of this car um he will uh they will build one of these for you with up to 1500 horsepower okay and uh that means you can get to and from tesco metro remarkably rapidly of an evening i think briscoe's got that 1500 horsepower right now he's closing in pretty rapidly into uh team wrt car 41 that's dropped down i mean he's charging in at four seconds a lap at this stage so i don't think he's going to be too long before before he swaps back from seventh to sixth position and put a game he's going to do that just to the point where he gets to have to pit the car isn't he anthony davidson goes through still kicking himself for the incident last night his hands up to it 13th overall eighth in class ninth in class nick devries behind him you can see that gap 12 seconds when they last went over the timing line but for jota i think louise made the point to sam hickman earlier on in the race it's bittersweet yet again one car good one in strife but they are still both going and of course for the championship graham of which this is a round of which this is a double point scoring round getting to the end ka-ching points ka-ching it all helps at the end of the year i'm better still by the way for jota one of the two wrt commands is invisible for points because it's not a full season wc entry so they're effectively in points terms it's two times second place uh for their efforts there a thoughtful roman rusinov what one out of the two wrt isn't for the point of the championship uh the the it's the leading car the 31 is the it's a wc car right [Music] because uh certainly 28 jota is closing in and it's not that far away is it it's less than a minute from uh from car 41 and they've been quite savvy here haven't they joseph they've kept off all vandorna in towards the end of the race to exploit him at the very end yep and that could be uh a real crack within this race that might be there's always 621 doesn't there it's seldom for a win in a significant class although it has been in recent years with gt pro but quite often there's podium places up for grabs at the end of this race and that's the one that seems to be looming indeed threat of rain seems to have disappeared at this moment yes we've not heard very much more about that i've sort of said it hopefully that's the thing that's going to bring it back bring it back normally when you say it's all gone terribly calm now appears on the gravel bed right one other significant point to mention that's just appeared on timing and scoring and it's because a car has been greyed out for the first time and the 388 rinaldi cart is retired right that was the one that had its damage a little while ago yeah on the air so the 388 rinaldi racing's debut at the 24 hours of le mans is over and uh that's a real shame pierre rhett it wasn't the wheel the car when it had the incident and ben keating with the tf sport aston martin vantage gte has pitted so i'm i'm guessing now that is definitely ben's running done for this race we'll have a quick look at that yeah and uh i'm sure he'd be relieved to to be jumping out the car and also knowing that he's done a great job hugely competitive run from the 33 impressive from them leader in as well just whilst graham's doing some number crunching that is mike conway that's brought the leading car in also in has come anders fjord back in number 49 the fuelback magnuson uh paradise car and that's currently 32nd overall as number seven is waved away so purely fuel keep it on that set of tiles but therefore enables that car to save time in the pits double stint the tyres can we have a quick look at the stint for car 7 because i think that wasn't particularly long either because he wasn't [Music] 10 laps right okay so that's doing better than eight it is so managing the problem is the euphemism isn't it and they are doing so but they've they've only brought that stint down by about a lap issue issue sorry forgive me i laughed into english not pr speak for a minute there i think eating still needs to know the stint does he he does so five hours and 34 minutes if my laptop is to be believed and looking a little further down for where we can find france of operodo because he's the other critical piece of the jigsaw here francois has completed his drive time okay so that's an advantage to the ferrari without a shot of a doubt and that battle lesia rifera at the moment pounding around and taking time out of that battle that i think that is the pendulum firmly swinging towards the 83 car the chrome and road dirt at liveried uh it does look glorious really glorious so ferraris therefore as they have really since about midnight leading both classes as far as gt is coming absolutely who waved the starters yeah it would be that ferrari guy wouldn't it and just asking for a friend welcoming them back of course the top class of sports camera racing at le mans with a factory entry for the first time what is it 50 years something like that i think it's 50 years yeah yeah by the time we get 23 i think it was 1973 the last time was a factory entry and in terms of a a car in the top class well yes 98 99 something like that so it's an enormous story for motorsport an absolutely enormous story for motorsport and part of a growing title wave of interest in this that we're gonna we're gonna be talking about and writing about four years to come here and we're seeing the very first iteration of that with this battle between these four cars and going quicker already nick lapierre a fastest lap of the race for the alpine darren at 328 994 these cars have still got pace they're putting the pressure on i wonder if their alpine have smelt the blood in the water with toyota and have turned it up knowing that they can put the pressure on that's the last roll of the dice yeah and uh if they can keep that pace up then anything could happen uh for that i'd say the second place uh position on on the podium so uh um if toyota continue to have these short stints for car eight then alpine really do have a chance on what lap was the last pit stop for number eight because it's on lap 326 now isn't it 326. it's on 327. so number eight has only done three laps right okay uh the last stint it did was six laps eight before that ten before that eleven it's coming down so my point is that now we need to start focusing on this because if it's going to be even shorter again they're real we know they're in strife yeah yes exactly and at some point i think you're right david they're either going to be able to fix it or not it's then a matter of how quickly they can fix it if they can fix it and whether or not they've got the time to fix it with the three laps advantage they've got that's it isn't it the three-lap buffer they're not yet with the backs against the wall but but but it could head that way brings in the number 63 corvettes and that's increasingly looking like a lost battle at this stage of the race with the number 51 af courser car james collado leads the race 54 seconds ahead at the point at which the pit stop began there's gas here in the car now i don't see it yes yes we're told that remember now ollie told us that that was looking set to be the strategy for them antonio garcia long-standing very successful member of this corvette racing crew the spaniard with his hermits commemorating his racing hero adrian campos this year the number of drivers sporting commemorative and tribute helmets this year uh and where he goes and back on track in the 63. the one consolation for 63 is that for a new car to le man this one has been competitive and he's been reliable and drama there because there's a spinning [Music] so what's the concept between the two or was that in avoidance i thought it was an avoidance massive massive drama there that could have been so much worse did well to uh exit stage right and avoid that so sarah bovee the uh recent addition should just as a quick twiddle of the wheel to see whether or not everything's pointed in the right direction let's see what happens here you can see the total is starting to avoid yeah it was an avoidance wasn't it so sarah bovee has seen what's coming behind her has basically bailed out in avoidance of the the spin ahead the 95 car i think will rejoin and has rejoined she did a good job of recovering back she came for the for the run-off tarmac didn't she behind the gravel and uh was quickly back on track but yeah the toyota was in the middle of all of that so another heart in mouth moment for the toyota team sarah bovee continues world endurance championship dave you never mind just lemon debut yep and eighth position overall in the gte am she's still giving that a bit of a weave to see what you can do about getting rid of some of that gravel i'm sure she was a long way off in the gravel she was super smart though got the steering wheel straight kept the power in just made sure she was able to sort of plow our way through and get out the other side of the gravel trap i think there has been quite a revelation to the iron lynx team they they seem to have reshuffled their order in a range of uh their their uh their campaigns this year to accommodate this switch to the wec manuela gosner raced uh was due to race in the wec instead is racing in the road to le mans michelin cup now all sorts of changes uh with the multiple uh gt ferrari gt in gte and gt3 programs now being run by this impressive relatively new team there you go number seven well somebody else involved wasn't there it might have been the ferrari after all because that was a car off to the right a long way off to the right so possibly there was a tag yeah but the toyota took evasive action off through the gravel goes sarah bovee hancock was the one that was more delayed yeah as did one of the jota cars going uh the wrong side of the bollards and i think two wheels just kissing the ground full didn't cost mike conway much time in fairness but uh you've got cali up there going through running third in class for iron lynx looking strong all those who were told at spa don't jinx the links and there's somebody smoking in the background was that car 70 they think it was the real time car yeah we did have a report of that a while ago smoking that car is not on full song 340 last time around against something like a 335 for most of the front running uh lmp2s or the less delayed lmb2s there is the real team racing come up inside of the arm linked car into the first chicane on the naughty air and no sign of that smoke there is that where was the smoke coming from could we tell right rear so could be body rubber with this car we've not seen much of the 80 car with the excitement of the two cars ahead but that car sitting in a podium position is what two minutes and 20 seconds back from ben keating who's got another i think full stint to do in this car this one i'm keeping an eye out for number eight number seven toyota has just been through but how many more laps on this stint can kazuki nakajima do before he has to come into the pit lane once more you've got 48 the edek entry in which is brought the car into the pit road yeah and at the moment kazuki nakajuma is working his lap five on this stint and to remind you why we focused on this with a great middle stint there from james collado uh great metal sector rather than james colado the last fuel stints for the number 8 car have been 11 laps 10 laps eight laps six laps and we're now working lap five so we're watching with keen interest it's gonna stay out i think because it's just coming out of the chicane towards the timing line so yes it's gonna at least do six at least six so not degrading at this point and the lap times are okay that was a 331 of course it's gained time against mike conway who was a little bit delayed last time in the dramas over at the exit of the dunlop passes towards terre rouge so i think we could call that one a melee i like a melee melee sounds about the right tone for that i george my leg i haven't had many melees in this race since about the first proper racing lap uh another pit stop cycle has gone through for jota for united for interpol for into europe yeah i deck and the second joe to carve anthony davidson uh is imminent i think because there you've got 48 then so paul loop chateau having just rejoined the race track there's a switch through that pit stop cycle by the way which is the interior podcast dropped back and that was a slower stop by the look of a certain slower lap 450 on the on the in lap in that now let's uh try and catch up on what's been going on for united auto sports paul deresta has had a pretty um fraught race uh let's catch up with him in the company of duncan vincent in the pit lane hi paul it's good to catch up with you at le mans it would be a lot better if it was in better circumstances you did start very well as a team but unfortunately a slight error the chicane really put pay to your race and your teammates race as well what's the what was the general consensus on that happening uh listen it's uh it's an unfortunate thing to happen i think you know there's 62 other cars out there and unfortunately um you know young guys you know their ambitions of what they want to do here uh how they go about racing but he apologized i think that's a manly thing to do he stood up but the conditions were very hard you know to go out there and slicks in the rain for your first time going into the night uh and it was just very unfortunate it hadn't been a second either way uh we'd be in a very different position but um they certainly annihilated us having any decent race and the biggest thing was where it happened on the track was getting the car back to the pits actually with the bend suspension the fixed time was not too bad although we're still carrying a significant amount of damage in terms of heroin on the side but listen we're still going i think we're fifth and i think his recoveries go great but it's certainly been a turbulent week up and down um where it looks so promising any speed left in the car which can maybe take you a little bit further forward or the gaps too big and the damage too great i think we're quite fortunate there the car that we were kind of chased down over the past six hours uh just took a puncture uh not ideal for them but we've managed to jump to them i think we've got a 30-second buffer so hopefully we'll just carry that to the end of the race i think the other guys are out in touch it's a reliability game though and that's where you've got to have the trust in the machine you've got but um listen everybody's getting tired i'll be back in to finish at the end um but this is one huge test and it's been a bit of mixed emotions for the whole united arts course and where they are but listen this is an a to this race you can have absolutely perfect every year you come here and last year we're fortunate enough to stand on the top set paul thank you very much for your time good luck for your stint so that explains we believe why they've been able to jump into europa car a puncture for the 34 car deep into this race also and we're thanks to summons straying down at toyota kazoo racing uh explanation of the short stint last time not just fuel although that's clearly part of it but to replace a broken co-driver door on that car so there was a driver change undertaken at the same time but they replaced the uh the passenger side there's no passenger seat but passenger side door on the number eight which is why these shorts stopped last time why did they need to change the door is there questioning on the back of that i don't think that's linkedin with fuel but i'm intrigued to know why because they had to bring it in really i mean my guess is that catcher had failed if that door was uh that's not going to help matters 31 teamwrt car a has actually just gone through for another lap so this is going to be seven isn't it yeah a better longer yeah yeah well the next one you're looking for there is seven because if six was a short stop because of a door and you're looking for a degradation from sir from eight which is the next biggest not six so any if he comes at the end of seven they're still in fuel trouble sorry seven laps not car seven yeah was on a ten lap stint last time and it's it's now number seven toyota's race to lose isn't it not to put any added pressure on my car no pressure yes yeah absolutely they've got a comfortable gap lap gap on the sister car which will be uh plus by the way the pit stop to come for the number eight uh the number eight not under pressure from the back at that from behind at the moment although the alpine is still showing really good speed at the moment and uh not bad speed either from the 708 glickenhaus we're in now to a race of luck and a race of reliability indeed so is down the pit lane now then comes number 31 robin franz a tempting fate i know but the wrt cars have been outstanding i know you expect that in gt terms you say wrt you expect the cars to be up there but they're relative newcomers to prototype racing but you would not think it no they've uh the context here is a one-off at the uh european le mans series race i think at spa in 2016 with alicia we didn't see them back then until the effort this year with a single orica in the european le mans series they won the first two races in the nms this year and their season debut uh full championship debut in that series they've had less good fortune and good reliability in the wbc uh we're firmly transferred by united water sports uh at spa as was everybody um but i've been in the mix but not quite at the pointy end of the spear for the other races so far this season but here for me david it's a combination they've been very rapid but they've stayed out of trouble they've not done anything self-inflicted at all and they've just been metronomically reliable yeah if you were looking to try to attract a manufacturer frankly you know they couldn't make it more obvious if they didn't write sign here on the side of the card that's the case with jose is the case with united it's the case with tds this doesn't look 100 right they can't get oh they did it was that the airline stuck in it something was stuck underneath the car that's uh because that the stint was only seven laps so it was out of sync number 31 yeah couldn't work out what that was it wasn't the airline no it looked like it it could have been a lighting board or something there was a square thing attached to the cable and it's lost its class lead through all of that so the pit stop took a minute and 20 certainly lost time just going back to wlt uh take that little incident aside i mean if you were a manufacturer looking to go to a team why wouldn't you go to wrc it's a huge calling card you know as have the successes last year of united and for that matter what they've been doing in the wwc so far this year been a calling come on joe to sport had a fantastic race at baltimore it's another one that shows how they can execute a great race here they've been less lucky less fortunate car 20 reported for a possible engine cover open we're hearing that's the uh the high-class racing car with marcus sorensen at the wheel just inside the top 20 but that's uh that's the kind of thing that could be very dramatic it's a big piece of body work to lose well hopefully the word will have got through to slow down uh there if he gets ready because he's going to take over 41 soon from louie delatraz with that pit stop cycle and particularly for that that's uh that delay for the 31 car as you quite rightly say 41 has moved ahead into the lead of lmp2 but the 708 for the first time i believe has now made it a one two three four five in the hypercar class if that was the case it was very early on the race yes uh yeah 709 rad briscoe you're right up into fifth place i think it did happen but a long long long time ago have to go back to the bulletin at the end of the first hour probably for that but uh finally we get some semblance of order we like an ordered timing screen we do but isn't it interesting that of all the classes i know there's only five in it but these are the new cars and all five are still going absolutely and you know we're firm fans in the conversations around international sports kind of racing that sometimes gets a criticism that lmp2 has become a single mate class where we've got one niche and amongst the sea of oricas it's not lacked for pace and it's not like for entertainment and these things are just ironclad to beat these lmp2 cars you've got to be very very good indeed it would be nice to have more manufacturers absolutely but go with what you've got has it given us a good race yes have you got some style drivers and good teams yes yes so very very good indeed so number 31 uh as you look at the 41 car set for its uh pit stop 31 robin france there was something stuck under that car that's why it lost the time quite what it was daryl we couldn't really work out there was a line and then something at the end of that line but they had to jump up on the back of the car didn't they did the car underneath it either jammed underneath the car or underneath but it couldn't be the wheel surely not so something was jammed underneath the car but it's uh i didn't recognize that component unless it was the stop board but it was on a line wasn't it it was on a hose they came in out of sync so there must have been something that required them to come in after seven hours [Music] so what was it and uh hopefully we'll get a truthful answer this might show no it won't show us in replay this will show us other things like the jota fast food center the kfc coca-cola backed entry stoffel vandoorne's car eighth overall and uh now threading the way through the traffic here down towards arnage and he's 28 and uh vandora at the helm now he's chasing robin prince but he's a minute and 15 seconds back but he's done an extra pit stop as well and it's uh lunchtime down at jota [Music] indeed we're looked after down at chota did spot them out in the uh nutella on toast early early this morning just adding a bit of energy when energy levels are very low at that point in the morning particularly if you've been up and about all night and they've had a busy night let's uh try and catch up on what's been going on in the pit lane um duncan vincent what can you tell us charles malesi described it perfectly remember we saw them changing front wheels only yeah yeah that's because the air jack in the back wouldn't work so then they came in and they've done the backs and it just looked a little bit strange guys it was a perfect pit stop but the air jack stuck at the back so it wouldn't come up that's why they've done two kind of pit stops so they did one stop for the frogs yeah [Music] but they've got to get through at least two more pit stops and therefore that air jack issue might persist unless they can can they use the one from 41 uh that's the on board so unless they uh they get some kind of manual jacking underneath the car or triple stick the tires or triple synthesis i'm not sure they're allowed to have manual jacking at this point but well either way uh thanks very much indeed to charlema lazy another of the coming men in endurance racing eight's just been in as you see it leaving the pit lane so to the computer eyes turn eight laps right so it's gone back up again back to where it was yeah yeah it's not perfect clearly but it's a more manageable number now dude it is yeah ranking van der zander and paul chattanov both had quickest laps for their respective cars the 34 into europol car after that puncture some 23 seconds back from alex lynn now in a battle for fifth in lmp2 pull up chaton is one position back from van der zander but he's got a much bigger gap to play with two minutes and 44 seconds is his problem i've seen no ships there's still uh still possibly a challenge there with uh third and fourth between the glickenhaus and the alpine i mean it's only i agree it's only a only i mean it's one minute and 40 seconds which is is a lot but it's it's only one safety car you know one second comes out and it's in the right place one small issue is a partial slow lap back to for a slow puncture it's it's a whole range of things all of which we've seen them on 24 hours within the last few years and at wrt they're ready for louie delatraz who's in the pit lane if he is going to take over and in comes second generation racer louis delatraz who was uh mentored in his early days by allah menu because uh john danny dead of trouble and alan went to school together best friends john denney put some money into alan's racing and alan repaid that faith by mentoring louis and gotta say did a pretty decent job very good job did indeed am i right louis de la transfer on the virtual le man uh in our lockdown year i think he did did he think he did he was also the sro esports champion yep [Music] yeah so he spends a lot of time indoors he did yeah clue being in the word lockdown probably but yeah yes he did and that car 41 graham the robert coobies and louis delatraz carr they've had two european lemon series wins as a combination this year so it's it's gelled already before you come to this the biggest race of them all absolutely lest we forget by the way he just missed out an overall podium last year here louie delatraz's point the rebellion squad fourth overall he has as a finish which is mighty for what was then a debutant here looking at ring of anazender working another very very quick lap in the into europa cart dropped finally from fifth which i think they've been in all night in the 34 with that puncture but he's trying to close down alex lin ahead in the 23 united author sports car and there you saw next year's french formula four championship intake watching the race yes increasingly we're getting younger and younger talent aboard aren't we and with yeah we're not [Laughter] darren's looking offended not in my 50s just yet yeah you will be son you will be what did he say oh he's got we've also got tristan gomendi doing personal best lap times uh this the innovation class car we just ought to touch on for a moment uh nigel bailey who was uh badly injured as a 14 year old in a motocross accident that's paraplegic and uh has done a lot of karting since again especially adaptive machinery and steps up to le mans and the car again just to get to the end that's the main aim it's fallen back from where it was early morning yeah but 34th nigel by at the wheel of it and getting it to the end would be a mega achievement it would have been the second time we've seen one of these invitational cars designed to show off technology to show off you know a concept to a wider viewing uh audience is that don bastian securing this i think it is yes yes but for a 75 year old to do a long time behind the wheel around here he'll know about that now it most certainly will but uh the 84 car are looking to be the second car to come home after the original uh fred sose efforts with an open top morgan the closed top oraca presents all sorts of additional issues for the guys to kamiyoki and don chabois as well as matilda hey they're fully able-bodied a replacement for unfortunately and possibly ironically uh francois rojo who was supposed to be able-bodied to drive to join them and then he injured himself rise pull and purchasing the uh the lmp3 program from norma to now bring us the decaying d08 which is one of the two particularly successful lmp3 platforms you'll see around the world there is dom [Music] a thoroughly lovely man yeah um just to make the point not only is the guy 75 darren these are physical cars the temperatures are going up as well and you know he's had to deliver in that stint yeah i mean there's no hiding out there you've got six hours to do and the pace has got to be there to fit the criteria of the regulations um so you know to be out there and and i don't know if they've been doing single stints with him or double stints but um still he's done six hours of this race in the last 24 hours and it's uh it is physical in these cars the circuit is is quite kind to drivers in one way because you've got the long straights so you can relax a little bit um but the temperatures inside the cockpits i'm sure have been sort of sitting around the 28 to 30 degrees that's generally where they are six hours and 13 minutes uh for don bastian and i can tell you uh he's not the slowest not by a long chalk yeah average our best time lapse average of 404.809 that's impressive stuff from a now 75 year old man that uh does do a huge amount of racing he's raced as well by the way here this weekend in the one-make porsche challenge race in a porsche cup car to get some additional time in that car but uh and not only that is his 10 lap best unlocks 404.8 is theoretical best 403.3 which means his consistency is very good yeah so he's driving to his own limits um it's by no means outrageously slow uh and i've not seen recorder seeing a problem no no he's got on with the job hasn't eaten very well and when you look at it it's like the best 10 laps or a 408 4.8 and then the best 20 is only a 5.7 so you know very very consistent throughout so uh a great effort there it's good to see christian reed investing in young talent it's uh been an excellent performance an absolutely excellent performance delighted to see that he has delivered on his dream two years now 74 years old last year became the oldest driver ever to start and finish this race we'll do the same again this year and extend that record a little further out of mark patterson's reach let's hope he enjoyed it as well by the look of his face i think he did once i think once he's rehydrated and had a bit of a sit down i think he'll have thoroughly enjoyed his events and that's at that level is exactly what this is about meantime more fast laps coming in lmp two we've got uh the 85 and 95. we saw that didn't we at marshall post three that's the sarah bovee and olly hancock yeah that's under investigation this is the this is the second and third it's the first place car and the third place car um and this in gtm and this is rivera putting a lap on the 80 car so it's now two gt am cars on the lead lap alessia rivera now almost three minutes ahead of bank eating so heating is not that much further down the road here is he [Music] that's a difficult one for tf wasn't it because i thought you said uh ben only had like maybe 29 minutes left that he had to do he's the problem there is what do you do do you let him complete a full stint uh or do you bring them in and potentially leave yourself with a splash at the end of the race so they'll be counting back to see what the best strategy is there that's the 51 car the lead car in gte pro alessandra pierre guidi he is just aching when edging away isn't it darren from uh antonio garcia yeah that gap's gone up a wee bit in this uh last stint uh that they've both been doing it was around 30 wasn't it 35 before it's just been gradually leaking out the uh the quick shot we had there by the way the uh follicly challenged gentleman on the left-hand side was antonio ferrara amateur ferrari my apologies i'm tony ferrari a completely different racing team owner the piercing blue eyes of antonio of amato it's been a long day should we try this again who was that gentleman in that shot of ferrari right she's piercing blue eyes he has doesn't he right and he's also got a car that is leading each of the gtv so we actually didn't see the the cause of that incident between 95 and 85 but it looks like the stewards have seen the evidence and so he's getting a 10 here yeah to be served in the next pit stop as you ride on board then now with antonio garcia back at the wheeler number 63 corvette but the best part of a minute now behind the ferrari of alessandra pier greedy there you can see courtesy of the gps whereabouts on the circuit they are with the ferrari and we just started a lap and coming into the porsche curves now the corvette yeah two thirds of a lap it is on there and there abouts it's right on the limit of a safety car if a safety car came out it could work in the favor of of the corvette um but if that gap opens up a little bit more then it could easily go the other way yeah the last lap of number eight toyota was about three seconds slower than the number seven toyota now is that because they're managing this problem and trying to eke out the fuel so they don't have to stop traffic soon and or traffic or is there something more sinister well what we i think what we've seen throughout the race and we've seen this developing in the wc this this year this year david is that with this recalibration of the two prototype classes and the reeling back into the kind of unbelievable pace we had from lmp1 they're all close together it means it's more difficult to catch more difficult to pass more difficult to pull away and if it's very easy for one of these hyper cars to find themselves bottled in for a corner or two and that's two three four five seconds gone darren we we actually did see that with karate uh it was on the way into tech rouge yep um there could have i mean it could have been one of those when uh nakajima could have fired it down the inside but the risk at that stage would have been quite high but it was definitely he backed out and followed the gt car through tec rouge onto the straight and certainly for a hyper car that's going to lose a lot of momentum down down the first towards the first chicane yeah back down to a 332.8 not at the base we'd seen for the seven car but i think the game is different now for the eight i think this is about just being sensible getting the car back 709 clicking house from fifth position ryan briscoe is on bit lane now will they get this car back out in fifth it's going to be pretty tight yeah it's only just really yeah it's only just cycled through with the latest stops for wrt to fifth place and a minute and a half in hand it's going to be marginal is very his last pit stop was 128 and then of course he's got to get back up to speed into the pit lane comes number seven so the race leader is in mike conway as you look at 22 cycling through another pit stop this car still way way down in 43rd place that thankless task trying to keep the motivation up to get to the end but uh the grandstand's getting busier again now as people come out to watch the finish of the race and although it's a smaller crowd than normal it is so good to have the atmosphere of people back at the circuit and just walk out of the tv compound and go towards the paddock and there's that urgency that hustle and bustle of people about in the sunshine in the good weather so mike conway is going to stay behind the wheel kami kobayashi and jose maria lopez the other two drivers of course lopez here graham on target to be over the second argentine winner of the race wow after portland gonzalez in 1954. unfortunately uh for their neighboring nation it looks like neither of the brazilians that are in this race are going to do likewise sir we've never had a brazilian win this race that was true but a second argentine would be something wouldn't it might conway will just sweep the monkey off his back because it's been a long time script for mike conway i remember when they came oh so close just a few years ago bumping into mike at the goodwood festival of speed where he was driving the then new gt4 car and he was still depressed it was still a real downer it's a huge moment for him not to have won that race very easy to just get a black cloud over your head and it's all against you because however hard you try there is no guarantee of course that you come back next year and it goes right for you absolutely right bob warwick is the example of that so many efforts so many second places but it never happened for him uh looking at 91 porsche as it bounces over the curb 92 more news about that car they've been struggling for the bulk of the race with the balance of it as well and of course that's the legacy of the hyper pole accident because they just didn't really get enough time to get the car exactly as they wanted you see the damage on the back of 91. it was the other side that clattered against the wall earlier on wasn't it yeah fred mcavicky just going rather wide and lucky to keep the mirror on that car to be honest with you at 91 on pit lane uh 36 seconds back from the team car as rickard lee's brought it in down off the jacks or up on the jacks rather so someone's taking a big bite out of that it does we think it was the the alpine don't we we think [Music] i think when we when you finally started going to stop racing with darren i think you've got a you've got a career in criminal investigation ncis i do i i believe this is correct i think that's right accident damage investigation you know either that maybe the guy on the other end from that call center saying i understand you're an accident on itv new crime busting turner he did it yeah turner and hooch though means something completely different in darren's life yeah like like all tv detectives you've got to have a cool car so if you don't ask ollie gavin for a corvette there's a discount on one you said cool didn't you i'm sorry you didn't say cool yeah i think i know where to go for a cool car [Music] now in terms of sectors will stevens is still pressing on graham he's done a personal best in sector two as that car runs fourth in lmp2 and into the pit lane comes the alpine which should again be able to hang on to that third place overall and in the hypercar class yeah one minute and 46 seconds the advantages he's got at the moment over people durrani palace racing by the way they're just hanging on in there and i guess at this stage hoping that someone else ahead of them has a bad day they're sitting forth and sitting pretty for a podium if things go awry for either of the wrt cars or the 28 jota car pretty joker by the way 51 seconds back now from the second of the wrt cars 36 pits the team goes to work vents so the first thing to do is to try to clean the the next wave of french flies off the windscreen and uh also to put some fuel in the car but it looks as though nicola lapierre is going to stay behind the wheel the goodyear blimp makes its way over the circuit getting some great shots of uh le mans looking down onto the pit straight over the paddock which is still a very very busy place and although as you can clearly see there's nowhere near the number of people that would ordinarily be here it is still good that the event has been structured around a limited number of fans and they've responded it's great to see the fans back at the race circuit here it makes such a difference um cleaning the screen with only two hours to go the alpine looked like it had plenty of uh ripoffs left on the screen available so i guess they're trying to save some money and not go with that with an exception of that dramatic spin for matthias vasovier at the first chicane they've had a remarkably drama drama-free run yeah they just had an injection of oil so we gather into that car as well as the the fuel in that stop uh but yeah apart from spins uh was in the gravel wasn't he last night uh yes he was yeah right yeah um just spooling back to the wrt story with the car uh unable to deploy the jacks we did get the point that that was an inflatable airbag yes yes yes yes i said they had to do the two stops one for the france one for the back and use that inflatable which then hadn't deflated enough to get it out the other side so that clearly they can use that to get the car through the pit stops yeah we've got neil yeah back into number 92 i wonder how many teams have actually got an inflatable bag ready for that see i've never seen one around i've never seen one around here so the fact that they had one available the the issue i guess that shows you the good teams yeah absolutely the other thing to say there is it clearly has another quick release because that was why they only tried to release the car from it so it'll go up it won't necessarily come down quite as quickly it's a sharp knife well if you ever try to tackle an airbed in any way shape or form you know exactly how they felt daryl's knowledge of inflatables he's a completely different yes code yes that's just maybe the race maybe it was an inflatable air bed maybe that's what they just said it's a lilo yeah fired it under the car that'll work let's get it up in the air you tell darren was a boy scout can't you absolutely adapt exactly but i bet not for long be prepared there you go pit stop for car 33 is under investigation so that's the tf sport aston martin ben keating and that came in a while ago so something has gone through the system from the officials in the pit lane to go to race control to then be investigated but this add further spice to it so ben keating will be coming to the end towards the end of his time in that car now let's have a quick look where is ben on this list he must have done the uh required time by now let's be very close to it further down getting a replay here of 64 in gte pro which is alexander sims persevering but so far back it's now 56 laps down on the race leading car the answer is ben has done it six hours now so whenever this is the optimum time for him to come in and switch and uh he's well actually no he's been he's another one that's had a bit of staccato recent past in this car he's on a fourth lap of a current stint after doing just six laps so that car was had the car did have a engine misfire we understand through the porsche curve so they brought the car in quick rather than risk it doing another lap so a precautionary pit stop if you like but it might be that on the next pit stop you find them addressing that problem again they're clearly trying to get that car to the point where it's in a fuel stink back counting now from the finish but with a margin such as it is against the ferrari of a minute and 43 it's the ferrari having problems that's the lifeline for a category win their replay here of incidents down at the second chicane as the ferrari that's the 60 car goes straight on lose aboard the [Music] 60 calf run yeah so the iron links entry skips the chicane effectively carries on no harm done thankfully as you ride on board with garfield who is for the moment 52 seconds back from the class leading ferrari lapierre by the way is rejoined after that stop and kept that third place and that next means that we expect the clicking house number 708 to come into the pit lane 30 seconds with the pit stop still to come is the gap third to fourth but that gives you an idea does it david of the the real world gap should there be a problem for a car ahead it is effectively a pit stop and change yeah i mean if that ferrari has a problem the corvette is absolutely close enough on a length of lap like lamar has to pounce it's just waiting for that problem to strike absolutely right at this point not going to win it on pace but can win it by forcing the error clicking house 708 into the pit lane with people durrani and therefore because the alpine had long since left the pit lane further evidence of how it secured that third place now because initially remember this morning they were trading on the pit stops absolutely now the alp pits rejoins and he's well clear and i think eight's just come in as well it has so number eight is in after how many laps this time for the second place toyota five five laps okay interesting right that is interesting now they can't be the door again can you play back counting and needs to be pushed back into its stall keep an eye on what work goes on here passenger door open again yeah but they're working inside the car aren't they yeah the lights cleaned nakajima sits and awaits instructions there's nothing he can do so he's just got to sit there and wait he's off the drink takes open is literally for the drinks bottle but that said the technician is now back in their oil bomb going on the side [Music] so that car losing further time against the leader and they're watching down pit lane and i think they're looking at what's going on with the clicking house as well away they go that was an untroubled stop from the 708 yeah i mean the task there is to get to the end now so they're not really racing anybody they're just getting to the end and i don't mean that rudely but that is the main focus and they've done a ripper job of getting this far don't blow it now i think there's there's two headlines in hybrid car aren't there at this stage it could well be total wind lemon clicking has beat them on and it's i'm looking for the words here david an extraordinary effort to get these two cars in these positions to this point with such limited running before totally agree it is perhaps the most impressive element of the race i know they're not going to win but the reliability find wood to touch has been remarkable and you're right he ought to give optimism to other teams slash constructors that hypercar might be actually something you go and do competitively well there's almost a question to be asked how cheaply can we do it you know and i think that's a that's a great question to investigate it's very easy to be diverted down a cul-de-sac of all these major brands are coming we know who's coming but porsche are coming out here coming ferrari coming peugeot arrives next year acura in the states bmw in the states and potentially with customer cars to come as well and more lamborghini bentley still looking at it beyond that what about mclaren and they're looking at it you know we did a quick assessment of this uh in the week before the race you know you've got to look at 15 20 brands to decide who's doing what we might see a dodge version of the persia we might you know there's lots going on there perhaps the bit that's been not given the caretaking it needs is to think about how easy it might be for some challenger brands that will add a bit more spice to this [Music] number so has just pitted and the team was somewhat surprised about that julian and arriving in as you see the damage down here to the uh dragon speed cart yeah it's only in the super slow-mo that the 88 car by the way that's the car that came in fairly recently it's uh from what duncan is saying is in pit lane that might well be a single a single tire change for a puncture for the 88 that was the car that stopped not long ago for don blastian to complete his run here at the 24 hours le mans we move david into the 23rd lap and that is smoking again still smoking the number 70 car yeah and smoking heavily that's that's bodywork it's more at this side of the circuit isn't it yeah but it's becoming a little bit more pronounced at the wheels very consistent because it's in the same place last time as well wasn't it yeah of the s's and coming out of tech rouge but the team will have the data to look at and assess whether it's a very tired car doesn't it yeah he's definitely done a a 24-hour race or getting close to uh yeah achieving that it's grimy it's battered it's dog-eared yeah the punishment that all the components go through is outstanding isn't it as uh on board now 29 so this is the racing team netherland entry that's had its dramas over the course of the race and the spectacular vandegarda rattles over the curb there absolutely on the limit isn't he early wasn't it this car that we heard the radio communication from the team saying please stay away from the curbs yes that's right so obviously that's uh that's changed what the the team are allowing the drivers to uh to get away with now exactly guido van der garde then comes up over the timing line so goes through that card down in 29th place overall 13th in class but third within the pro amp element of lmp2 which is really the main focus for that it is definitely for fritz van edd yes that's that's absolutely and he was one of the driving forces of of pro-am happening and for guido it's let's keep off the kerbs and please don't drive all the way across the grass sideways kicking dust up and nearly clattering the car off the barriers he had a massive lose didn't he about two hours ago and it it was a wing and a prayer whether he was going to end the race then and there or not so yeah it was similar to the toyota incident through practice wasn't it yeah the same part of the circuit yeah well it's it's a favored going off place for prototypes lmp2s particularly threes were all going off though in the road to le mans races as well and as you get over that crest the thing just sort of starts to float and walk and if you're not right online there ain't much walking room so you still have please short stints being done by laverade hello martin finally finally for the first time in the race i know i know well doesn't often happen that we work together but it's always nice when we do 88 coming back in that's been slightly the problem child for dempsey hasn't it yeah they just had to try and sort out a bad vibration now they've got a splitter they are concerned about as well so it'll be another bad vibration precisely more and more pit stops more time lost but now you're getting to the point in many a case where you you shrug as far as looking at the timing screen and a result is concerned and you just want to get to the end yeah yeah yeah if it's going to break down kindly break down in the first hour or at least while the pubs are still open but you know don't get to hour 22 or 23 or 24 and then think about lunching yourself and you know and that's just like worry with real team having seen what happened to the reese's car which is identical in every way except for livery same chassis same tyres same engine you do slightly worry about that and and there's been a few oil based frailties in the lmp2 category and uh definitely real tim will be worrying about that you don't want a car that is chucking out oil not out of the exhaust anyway now the magnusons despite their travails are still going in 18th place overall the heinz racing car uh and uh soldering on sorry 18th in class i should say 30th overall 18th within lmp2 uh and uh bearing in mind that early this morning we heard some on board with kevin magnussen saying to the team the engine's dead it's got one lap and it's gonna go boom they've actually done quite a good job of getting this far i think that's possibly a slightly formula one informed it's just very fractionally you know 0.1 sub-optimal right it's a write-off yes where is his daddy's saying if it's still got more than one wheel bring it back to the pit and if it hasn't carry it yeah i think having had that radio message kevin was out of the car they did a driver change i think he genuinely thought that was it done but yeah let somebody else go and have the laughter off i was hoping it was precise you're that far back sometimes you do want the uh the car to eventually die and uh everyone can call it a day but yeah uh if it's still strong and going then if you've gone to lunchtime on sunday then that would you know can we not just kill it it then turns around into i think we have to keep this alive as long as we can [Music] corvette 64. the last running car in the gt category leaves the pits again with alexander sims every time i've looked at that car i talked about it i think alexander sims has been in it that car has had all the misfortune in fact it's the last running car not just in gt but in the race because the reese's competits the only car in 48th place on the timing screen behind it 46 rather i don't think that uh is ever leaving the garage again having gone in chugging smoke out of the exhaust that is a sure sign of an engine failure if ever 77 the other dempsey proton porsche matt campbell at the wheel of it that's having a new front splitter as well we understand so that car's been dropping and dropping and dropping but again you know you're getting late into the race now where all of those bangs over the curb they're coming home to roost yep absolutely and and it's really hard darren isn't it i think for any category to have a fast lap here that's also a clean land you have to ride over the kerbs you have to run wide you know in the chicanes and so on and that's before you factor in traffic that you have to avoid or that that is sort of easing you offline there's a number of curbs that you can use to to gain lap time but the biggest one is this one that we're looking over over now the ford chicane the very last section of the of the circuit it's brutal on the curb uh on the car or as you go through there and it's one of those corners where if you don't get the line exactly right it really does hurt the car and you can come through the first part of the forged cane slightly offline try and get the car turned in you've got the wrong attitude to the corner and then you strike the kerbin and it does feel like it's about to pull the wishbones out of out of the car itself so yeah there's some brutal curves around this circuit and uh one of the things that we always got told in the test day was attack the circuit as if you're going to be doing that for the whole 24 hours so the teams can learn about the foot any uh fatigue that may come into the car at later stage so um how much durability yeah yeah work it out and then maybe you'd have to dial it back uh for the race itself but they want to know where the weaknesses are still getting quick laps martin because tristan gomendi now has done a personal best solve the car's best in 15th place overall 10th in class and going for points in lmp2 and that duquesne car you know we've said it several times i've said it several times you wouldn't have given tuppence for its chances of making the dark after the first couple of hours right the same with the uh 48 car you know that that was was just off so many times the remaining idec car he thought okay well they lost one in qualifying the other one's not going to make it to nightfall and and yet they're both still there and they're both just creeping their way up and the other thing of course that that you've talked about recently is that we started the race with five hyper cars and for the first time probably literally since lap one they're now still going in the top five there are no lmp2 cars in between them and they were even at the end of lap one lmp2 cars in between them because of the issues that the cars had on the first lap indeed and i know there's only five in the class but the entire class is still going you can't say that about lmp2 or gte pro 4 and yet all these hyper cars these new cars all racing here for the first time in in this trim although they all are and to come back to the point we've been making i think you have as well the clicking houses outstanding effort because you know how they looked at the start of the season was a bit unconvincing well the only kind of category that has raced at le mans before is the alpine it raced before as an mp1 rebound yeah so that's the only car that anybody's got any any experience of running at le mans yes toyota have tested they've done 30 hour tests and so on but again you can drive around paul ricard all day and all night and all the next day and be bored rigid and still not learn one iota of what the le mans track this year is going to throw at you so that toyota is not last year's car with a different suit it is fundamentally not the entire hybrid system is totally different the chassis is different the way it manages the power is different the body is different the weight is different it is a new car with some old components in predominantly the internal combustion engine is most of the carryover of the car plus their experience but then you look at the glicken house and you go okay it's a chassis builder pole engineering that podium engineering that has never done lemon before it is a team that didn't exist 12 months ago it is an engine manufacturer with an engine that didn't exist 12 months ago that has also never done lemon and all these disparate parts have come together to create one car which on its debut in portugal because they missed spa a single car had all sorts of issues with the electronics talking to each other gcu ecu's were not conversing in the same language they had brake issues two cars then came to monza both had issues and the importance for them surviving le mans you know to nightfall and through the night and to the chequered flag were not wholly great looking from the outside but somehow this thing is you know turning into greater than the sum of its parts and they are still in a battle for a podium finish in the pits is wrt this is the 31 car of robin friends yeah still leading in lmp2 and these cars fifth and sixth and seventh overall now what we need to look for here is what they do with the jacks because we understand that the onboard air jacks have failed so the last two pit stops the most recent was to do the rears the previous stop was to do the front and they're having to do this now or were with an inflatable bag underneath lift the car up now let's see what they do here darren i don't think they're gonna have to lift it up because they're just run that set of tyres again yeah so for this pit stop um it's not gonna be a problem but maybe the next time i'm sure you're gonna have to try and get the car and those are the sorts of issues when you've got two cars equally well driven run by the same team between which there is barely a cigarette paper you know when when you're in a two-car team and darren you'll know this ollie will know this when you're in a multi-car team you know that if the other guys don't have a mistake and you do or a failure then you know they've got to have a brake disc go as well for you to just get back onto level pegging or one of their guys has got to drop it off the road any tiny little difference between the two suddenly becomes almost insurmountable because there's nothing to choose in performance i mean normally you're fighting over a couple of tents between the cars i mean you'd really have to be unlucky to start a race and have a balance in the car that's going to be a second lap but it does happen between between the teammates and team uh team cars etc so uh if that isn't the case then you are always going to be fighting for a tenth or two um each lap so then it comes down to who doesn't have a problem who has the cleanest run through the pit stops it's the basic story here isn't it don't hit stuff stay out the pits now you know that that's the rule of the month and that's what makes you go quickly saying it is one thing but keeping out of trouble and giving it maximum attack and it's that fine line that's the really interesting bird isn't it well we saw in hyperpole didn't we with kevin ester you know he's dominated all the qualifying sessions this year he's been absolutely shatteringly quick and it was just a fraction too shatteringly quick in hyper hole wrecked the cart destroyed the car and they had to start from ground zero with a brand new shell and they were saying you know you can bolt all the bits on but it's fine-tuning all the aero elements that's the bit that's going to start in the race and neil yarny he's quoted as saying we've struggled all race with the balance yeah so you know they went into it on the back foot now there oh so is that ben hanley it is oh dear oh dear the car was running in 11th in class and 16th overall and leading pro am yeah and again not for ben not for juan pablo for henrik hedman that's the key so it's another lmp2 car inexplicably going slower the good news is it's not trailing white smoke the bad news is it hasn't apparently got a puncture or anything else wrong with the running gear is it a little low on the right front darren it doesn't look like there's a suspension or like you say a punch or anything so it's a bit strange it's got drive obviously but it's uh yeah it's uh it's not exactly getting quite quickly right front corner just above the splitter is there just a bit missing there or is it no it's just the color it's still got dive planes and everything so he hasn't hit anything they're not low on fuel although they've not got the figures wrong trying to look at the screen will kill me and and i'll be more killed than a killed thing let's see you look at that i'll waffle about handing back he's keeping out of everybody's way and the team is ready to spring into action is lap 11 his previous oh every stint they've done apart from a two lap one since i don't know time immemorial has been eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven this should be his in lap it will be but for the wrong reason yeah so it could be fuel maybe there's a issue on the last uh last stop didn't get or the fuel of fuel they're expecting and again you know that's a that could be a slight issue you know every second counts in the pit lane if the fueler you know tired shattered yeah he's been up for 36 hours already probably nearly if he just pulls it off a second too early half a liter too little fuel suddenly the car is going into limp home mode the car speed's too consistent for for fuel yeah i think you're right fairly sure he wouldn't be traveling back at that speed uh stuck in a gear yeah it could be it could be something like that see fuel is more fixable because you can slosh some more air yeah yeah missing gears much harder to slosh a few extra gears in now in the pit lane when you have to turn it off turning off and on again is less of a gamble maybe than doing it out on circuit do you want me to stop and recycle and cycle through if you're still going no god sake get it back here because then if we need to hit the electronics with a big hammer at least you're with us i mean the pace although it is a slow car clearly it's not a snail is it this is going at a half decent pace for a car with a problem like it's slow zone speed isn't it and is it is it possible that the limiter might have it looks about 100 120 k so it's it's out of a slow zone 80k what is his advantage what have they got in the in the bag what are they going to lose he is it's about a lap isn't it 30 it's nearly a lap ahead of real teams norman nato he's gonna have to come in come one may and we'll see what they do i mean it could be that they refuel it and send him out it could be that they have to do something more there is naruto and real team this is the car that's smoking a bit more than anybody likes the look of isn't it so then third place racing team netherland no wonder they want him to keep off the curbs because the car in second the head of racing team netherland is smoking a lot we've got an hour and 45 minutes to go it's a full grand prix distance basically still to run yeah well here he is in the pit lane the team ready to receive him and what can be done they'll have had a good dialogue on this inlet where they team to driver darren so they'll know what to expect the gibson engineer we understand has been waved away down in the pit lane so for the moment it's fuel but you would do that anyway yeah fuel's always the first thing but there's no jockey wheels getting ready so it doesn't look like they're going to take the car back into the garage at this point so maybe it is just uh the other thing is they've got all the warning lights in the garage they can see what the car is telling him and if the car is going bing bing bing bing you've got no gas they may be pretty calm about it but again it's turned off and turned on again the key will be if and when it fires up what happens then well it's fired up all right because in the background i couldn't hear it accelerate away as we got to the pit lane so off it goes so all they've done is put fuel in as far as we know yep hanley stays in and the car is up now the question is does it make it up the hill does it make it round the next lap does it go when he releases the speed limiter yes it does that's that's a driving at a normal pace all right so come back to darren's point it was too consistent of speed to be fueled so i could be wrong well it it's interesting though yeah because it was a long a long lap he was at speed wasn't it so wow so duncan tells us it was fuel from the pit lane that it was a fuel issue so i suppose having identified that they said right go at that pace that will get you back they've got the figures to be able to relay that to the driver ben and he probably arrived on the vapors but he arrived this is two wrts nose to tail nose to tail it is just out of the pits and robin friends hooning up behind him did friends get by [Music] [Music] so this is because of the extra stop that 31 has made costing it the time by having to come back into the other tyres so remember he did one stop for france one for rears and it's lost time as a consequence of that and that's why 41 is back in the mix so now we've got a proper battle for position for the class lead and it's this into nissan fight between the wrt cars 100 minutes and there's not a hundred feet between the two cars you know that's 10 meters maximum this is going to be pretty spectacular and this will age van gaam volks if he had much hair left he would may well be to be tearing it out later because if you've got two cars you want a one-two finish but with a hundred minutes left to go you don't want to start going okay guys stay where you are you don't darren one either of these drivers starting to sort of nod off a bit now and i know that seems silly at the speed they're going but if some of that adrenaline goes then suddenly mistakes come in i don't think the adrenaline's going anywhere at this stage when they're that close together they're they're fully dialed in it was about 10-12 hours ago it was exactly this gap we had wasn't it under a second they were fighting it out for about four or five hours through the night they and they were literally pitting on each other's back bumper and it was coming and going and coming and going depending on who was in the tar cart and what fresh guitars they had would you want to be van sam vos right now i think that's a that's a tough one number 33 aston is in just quickly ben keating who did a shortish stint earlier so it might be that that carl's got another issue and uh felipe fraga will replace him in that car and i think that's now ben keating has completed all his time in the car and bang let's get felipe in and we're back timing hour and 40 minutes um three stops two three stints two stops is that why they will have come back in at that particular time is that it's now a complete set of stops to the end and no splash required i think so yes we're in that zone aren't we darren where you're now you're now working back from the ultimate target which is the checkered flag yeah frog is going to go out and then he'll have one more stop and then that's that'll be the checkered flag and i think now with the way that it played out for ben he must have done about six hours and 30 minutes 35 minutes um so more than probably most of the the bronze drivers in the pro-am gta well they all have to do at least six hours and what you don't want to do is put the car off kilter by going right you've done six hours i've only done three laps in my stand yeah come on anyway you know let the stint play out let the driver i mean you know these guys are paying to race at le mans don't work them out the car the second that they've done their six hours but they're racing at le mans and they want the result yes so they are always aware that you know minimizing their time to the six hours is going to be the most efficient there are two or three drivers in the am class ben keating is one francois parado another absolutely and a judo pathetic though who's no longer in it in this race they are as quick as half the silver drivers in that field is interesting yeah just to mention mike conway has brought number seven back in we were saying a little while ago that uh jose maria lopez could be on here to be only the second largest time winner of the event yes i think they are at the moment yes foreign [Music] commentating back then is that how you know yes right um swine haven swine so yes mike conway back into the race now is he gonna stay behind the wheel to the very end here do you think he's got another hour and a half to go he's been in it for a while anyway yeah how long has he been this is his first stint since getting back in the car isn't it at this stage because it was just over the two hour mark maybe two hours and he's done three now on the on the bounds and then pachito did four before that actually you know what i've got to say toyota being toyota and this being hypercar in the first race of the hypercar era toyota you're going to put cats nakajima yeah they are and this car's never won the number 17 have not won either and nakajima has had four consecutive polls and zero wins here at the moment yeah mike mike's in his fourth of four prior to that pachito did four so i mean it should rotate round to cows anyway and i would think that he's the man they're gonna put in and kazuki is in the number eight car now uh where is he he is this is stint number four coming up for him they're short stints incarnate yeah and that's a seven and they've had an eight a six an eight a six and seven well nine uh seven seven is coming down as well you know from 13 and 12 for pachito's first couple of stints then it's been twelve ten nine nine so they're still managing a a fuel pickup issue or fueling issue of some kind it's not as as debilitating maybe as as the number eight car just going back to seven when we're talking about maybe a japanese driver at the end we're thinking aren't we because in eight yes yes can i say you did say kazunaki right now okay i knew what you meant because the japanese driver for the glory for the headlines and all of that well and because because it because the home audience it obviously there's no translation it translates very well obviously if you've got your japanese race winner but also because he's the guy who's put it on pole and actually because it's his turn yeah that's more to that it's part of the schedule isn't it conway started four yeah and and they're cycling through and this is mike's last of four and to go to the end he would have to do a seven stinter basically and and so it is um yeah it is kamui's turn and i i think that they will very like you know they're they're fairly methodical in the way they do these things looks like mike's still in the car though that's because this is his fourth stint so this will be his last hurrah i would think this would be his last yeah and then they'll possibly put kobayashi in for the very end because he's the fifth is it looms over the circle his yeah so yeah so you know normal patterns if this was 12 hours ago there'd be no question that he'd get out after four and then you'd put in kamui and so on and so on the fact that the chequered flag is possibly looming they won't mind you know obviously each of them would love to be the driver that comes across the line in tears and and whoever's behind the wheel will be in tears and so will all all stout men however frankly in the greater scheme of things if you win lemon you don't care who was the guy who actually finished the race because you race as one and darren again like ollie you know when you're with your teammate and especially when you get to the end of something as torturous and you know and harrowing as a le mans 24 hours you are a band of brothers you are one and and whoever's driving the car is whoever's driving the car you are one you race for each other as well as with each other and every driver gets a part of the race you know i've done the start many times and had a go at qualifying and i've never finished the race when when we've won in 0708 and and 17 it was grabbing both times in in the gt1 car and johnny adam in the in the gte car but i was lucky enough to get the shout for for qualifying so yeah as long as each driver gets something personally from the race that they were able to do for themselves and as a collective and the trophy yeah you've had a great fight we had that in 17 with yeah with the the last stint by johnny me doing qualifying and daniel sarah walking away with the lap record that year it was each of us all picked something from there that was uh really special for us as individuals what a finalist in battle that was and we could be seeing the same from wrt for the win in lmp2 and this battle for fifth in class is building up because paul derester is on the tail or almost on the tail of rengar van der zander it was just under two seconds when they came over the timing line and paul laresta still trying to salvage something better than sixth out of the event in 23 from united auto sports so that car pushes on and the gap continues to come down so dorresta alex lim wayne boyd much was expected of that car but can it get one more place before the end as van decarder comes into the pit lane here third in pro-am tyre change he's staying in i think he will stay in until the end go go go go just waving him away that car third in pro am real teams norman nato has just left the pits second in pro am ben hanley in the dragon speed car with that half a slow lap his own personal slow zone following him around he was in um that is still the pro-am leader just ahead of ben hanley the ducane car is coming in so the 22 car also comes in from united auto sports and interesting news from duncan vincent in the pit lane there david which is that ben hanley did miss the pit in the team was ready for him he missed the pit lane entry and he had to do another lap and that's why he was low on fuel so it was an error a communications problem but good research done come well done so it was a mistake ben hanley missed pit in and had to do an extra lap i would love duncan to go down to wrt and ask or get get van sambos on the mic and say how tough a final hour is this going to be he's been in this position before that race is like this bar 24 hours numerous times but this is a new venture for them a new adventure for them and it's not just can we win it against you know bmw and mercedes and whoever else it's how do you manage the two cars and that's the real question how is he going to manage the battle and how long can he let them get at it so that's your task duncan vincent get vansonvoss on the mic and say okay listen you know we can speculate for for a million years but what are you actually going to do and vassal vos is a great character as well and i think we were saying last night he's got pretty much most of belgium working for him now any belgian racing driver that's achieved anything you've got charitas and peoria donate mulligans they're all involved in the team yeah and uh doing a great great job and so uh vansonvos here to try to win to try and get a one-two to try and cement a factory deal for the future for his prototype team and knows all about lamont because he raced here in the fia gt period in gt1 in viper you know so he knows the race he knows how to how to race this as a driver and he knows how to race it as a team manager he's learning how to race as a team manager so and he also knows what results to deliver when to um help with balance of performance in certain countries and when to keep one's powder dry well i always go back to to the gt1 era where mercedes dominated the fia gt championship they won all ten of the regular races and porsche had their backsides handed them to them on the plate they barely got a sniff of the podium porsche won one race that year ask alan mcnish which race he wanted to win and and and the same was played mercedes won the fia gt championship porsche won le mans i know which sticker looks better on the back of a car indeed yes yes can you imagine the sigh of relief by ben hanley uh when he didn't make it back to the pit lane having made that error of going one extra lap from doing 11 lap stints to 12 lap stints and uh now that makes more sense he would have had a high gear and just low throttle and just kept the momentum going all the way around yeah yeah but i i can now understand why possibly there was no team radio replayed there because most of it would have been fairly fruity effing and jeffy from uh from the driver behind the wheel so uh okay ben just come come okay imagine that was said webby he'll be just like a lat long string of invective or guillotine i'm sorry or uh so we have got just under an hour 28 minutes to go it is still looking good for toyota even though the cars may not be quite as bulletproof as they were a little while ago but they're still in the box seat of course for another win for a one-two and to make history by being victorious in this first hypercar yeah yes absolutely right a lap between them number seven carly's number eight by a lap there's a lap back to the alpine in third place and then there is a on the same lap in fact it's the fourth place click in the house of olivia platt and then there's two laps back to the fifth place clicking house currently being driven by ryan briscoe so the hyper car field of five is covered by four laps that's not a big margin if you have a problem if you're in the in toyota right now you have everything crossed hopefully everything's under control but they've got issues now that they didn't have at midnight last night and you don't want things to escalate so you know keeping that under under control is going to be absolutely critical a good reminder is the number of grey lines on the timing screen all those retirements which now they've all been confirmed has become a longer and longer and longer list over the last half an hour to an hour or so so that is uh just a reminder of the mortality rates of the race darren turner has completed his last double-double so we welcome back to the booth ollie gavin ollie get getting down to the nitty gritty last 90 minutes this is this is really nervous times when you're not in the car isn't it it is and it's the business end of the race you know that uh you know this is what it really all comes down to this is what all the engineers all of the the team managers the crew the drivers have been working towards and this is also when any tiny little slip up is absolutely punished and uh you know it's make or break for for a number of teams here and yeah the pressure mounts and uh you know you really get to see the metal of some of the guys whether that like i say it's the engineers making those decisions for that final set of tires that's going to go on the car or the driver that's driving that final stint or all that the crew for that final really pressurized pit stop you know it is that this is really where you earn your money so we we just saw a picture of alex brundle sitting in the pit lane that's his car being driven by rengar van der zander half a second ahead of the united car of paul diresta so at what stage is alex going to be able to relax you know he's sitting there keyed up ready to go trying to hang on to this top five finish for into europol in lmp2 but you know when you're waiting to get in are you really charged up or does that not happen until you actually slot yourself into the seat of the car and then the heart starts to pound for me it was always that i was more nervous before getting in the car than when i actually got into the car because it's like when you get in it's your environment the environment that you've done all those miles are testing it's your happy place it's the place that you most most comfortable with and so you know i always found that i was just amped up really amped up in the pit box and it was only once i got to the car was like right now i'm gonna go yeah yeah our gte am leader is in the pits alessia rivera he is in the 83 af courser car you've seen that on pit road he's done an outstanding job this season because he's come from the italian gt championship in which he was the champion but it's not one that necessarily gets a lot of kudos and here he is on a much bigger stage and he's delivering and he's error-free i know he's been very very impressive and as a world endurance rookie you know he comes into a into a well-proven team the car works well it's well financed it's well set up it's well run so he's got everything going on his side to be allowed to show his ability but he hasn't slipped up he has absolutely delivered on that and i had a couple of messages from tom ferrier a few hours ago and he was sort of he was he was saying can you see a in the armor with the 83 ferrari you know i was like i'm not sure that i can you know they have been rather relentless in that car great driver lineup really executing with the pit stops it's uh yeah it's it looks like it's a tall order if tf sport in their aston martin 33 car is going to overhaul them to to take the victory in gta but you know it's still an hour and 23 minutes it's the same situation that the corvette's got against the af courser ferrari and pro he needs to have a problem it's not going to happen on pace no it's not and and uh you know i had a couple of messages as well with it with the corvette boys and and you know they're giving it all and they try they've tried everything with the strategy they've got antonio in the car fully primed but it's just not quite enough and it looks like if anything that the 51a of course a ferrari just has that little bit more performance on tap well the question is who has got tires left you know have ferrari burned all their tires are they going to run into that problem of corvette got literally you know we think that darren talks about 2017 that gte pro chicane jumping last half hour with with johnny adam and who was in the corvette taylor jordan yeah i mean you know what an epic finish but an hour before that it looked like it was all fairly stable yeah but and but that had been unravelling for a number of hours yeah yeah that started to have an ac problem inside the number 63 car all the drivers were slowly being cooked and unfortunately antonio actually got fully pretty much fully cooked before the end of the race and so he couldn't finish see that much is not evident from the outside and that's something the team don't go oh well actually you know our drivers are really knackered because the aircon is not working so you know so so all of that is being managed internally and absolutely you know we do slightly like this issue with toyota the problem with toyota but maybe debris on track exiting marshall's post 13 just quickly to mention but that was one of the things that they've really focused super hard on with the c8r was to make sure belton braces with the ac unit in the car that this that would never happen again yeah they learn from their mistakes yeah no absolutely and that's what motor racing is it is a constant string of mistakes that you must learn from yeah because you can't go repeating the same errors but it does look like that 51 car has just got that tick more speed and they're taking left sides the 51 car is at most stops and the last stop they took left sides yeah i think antonio's trying to go to the end on the same set i think but it seems to be a good year in terms of endurance success for ferraris doesn't it spa yeah the mull times two two class wins here so often you think ferraris are fast but fragile they're not michelin i was just letting i was giving you the same response you gave me for the last 20 hours that's tumbleweed and blowing through duncan pick up for god's sake it's all getting harder rather it's been a decent year then for ferrari a small 24 win and two le mans wins coming up potentially yes absolutely and in fact if anything were to perform tf sport then suddenly ferrari are looking at an am class clean sweep because they are first third and fourth tf sport is the only car that's breaking up that domination here's the 80 car this is the iron lynx car that is currently in third place on the right front of the nose is that from the contact with sam bird no because it was a different ferrari it's been there for a while yeah we don't know how that happened but it's been there for a while and it doesn't seem to have affected the pace it's not one of the old formula one little little winglets that they used to have those appendages on the side used to have well they're not as ugly now as they were let's put it that way the car is now 99.9 appendage and 0.1 driver however looking here at our battle ranger van der sander united auto sports when is this going to be interrupted i'm going to answer my own question now we saw him in the garage didn't we ready to take over i still find it strange that um it also support he was regarded as a lmp2 stalwart you don't think alex is old enough to be a stalwart as their way out wide goes philippe fragger in the aston martin and paul deresta threads his way through the traffic but such a tricky part of the racetrack and it's always one where i'm breathing in and right time it's interrupted now um as i told you because into the pits comes 34 alex brundle to take over from van der zander yes yeah this is the end of his 11th lap so the final full stint for our tvz ring of antisander will do you know we have to explain it that rengar and kuber uh just uh schmikowski don't fit spreadsheets very well you have to make the driver entry list much too wide you know and then you get rob bell first world problems right driver change here martin so yeah al brun he's going to get in the boy brundle yes that's the one young adults that's the boy he'll take the car to the end yes we heard from him earlier talking to duncan and if you close your eyes or you you forgot what which race you were at it could be martin tour yeah that apple didn't fall very far from the tree at all did it no indeed thoroughly charming very fleet of foot and talks a good game as well right so alex brundle will take it to the end and rvdz gets out takes his seat and uh goes and yeah watches the rest of the race roran has done a solid job in that car he's he is a solid performer in the us the imsa championship driving for chip ganassi in the cadillac and um you know he's now become quite a quite a name in the us in in in that class dpi and uh quite spectacular at times and you know there's another name that we should be seeing back here at le mans as well in years to come you know we said we saw uh cadillac power in our legends race but to have a factory cadillac program back here again he will be in something there's no doubt you know he is he's sort of like of this current era of uh of prototype drivers he's he is one of the best in the frame isn't he no question great great to see a wayne taylor racing car back here as well and you know that's devoutly to be hoped i'm not sure what cadillac's program plans are i'm not sure if they're sure yet but it would be very good to see wayne taylor racing back here at le mans race leader on lap 351 incidentally with an hour and 16 minutes still to go and still we have the five hyper cars looking out the top five places within the order and valson voss does not necessarily want to talk to us because he's a bit focused on what's going on in his class battle but what is happening is that the gap has stretched because a couple of laps ago it was 10 seconds now it's up to 15 and a half as if he a former resident of le mans pulls clear of robin friends tom blondquist is third still fending off will stevens in that deal that they've been having really all day yes and that's that's pretty spectacular actually those two have been going at it for that long and uh you know both of those cars are pretty equal in pace and maybe tom's just got got the edge over will uh you know to take the third place but oh it's been a real battle for all of them really it's a brilliant class yeah and again you know you've all you can do is keep driving the car on its door handles and hope that nobody else's accident comes to find you yeah and also you hope that that all of your team keep delivering yeah you know with all of those bits and pieces we've been talking about you know whether it's that pit stop or it's that set of tyres or you know it's the the driver himself executing and being advised on certain things and if you've got a you've got a spotter that's telling you you know where certain things are are happening so ranga vanderzander fresh out of the car and he's done a good job uh for the inter-europa competition team miranda van der zander in the pit lane with duncan vincent wrenger you've done a very good job there very good job it's uh a cracking good stint for you a good stint for you there you must be happy with how the ra the drive has gone for you that it was really powerful yeah i think so i mean um you know we struggled kind of in the beginning of the race and uh the track is rubbering in again after the rain and that's really suiting our car well um you know these guys big compliments to them to uh to you know put a team together here [Music] in the wac new drivers new team new engineering knew everything and i think we were pretty fast out there so i was i was enjoying it and thoughts on the end of the race that you look quite strong in a good position yeah i mean i haven't seen the timesheet yet but there was a car just behind me i think it was united and i think that's the one we're fighting alex brando is in the car now he he knows what to do he's good enough to uh to you know he has this done he has this done this race so many times so he knows what to do and uh you know i'm gonna sit back relax and watch but uh it's exciting man it's such a cool race it's nice to see some fans out there again and uh see you guys um here at le mans i mean it's uh i'm enjoying it but uh so far i think we can be very proud of what we're doing here we can see the smile under your mask we can see that big grins there well done thank you very much thank you thank you you can hear it in his voice as well can't you idiot yeah actually he's starting to get a mid-atlantic twang that's gonna work very well for him is it awesome to be here and actually you know just before we went there we were seeing some shots of the crowds you know a few jupilers being opened and a little bit of warm sunday afternoon being enjoyed and uh it is just really nice and the slight feel of the beginning of normality returning to have fans at the race hopefully next year will be much more open because i know there's an awful lot of people watching at home in the uk across europe in the states you know wherever else who would normally be here and and are desperately missing their week long holiday with like-minded friends at the end of which they hold a motor race absolutely you know it was something that with a lot of us car owners wanted to come over and see this event they regularly make the pilgrimage to come here and you know with certainly i'm talking again with my corvette racing hat on but but you know the the c8 are debuting here they wanted to see that car coming out onto the track and i know the date's been announced for next year as june but i wonder whether the august date in some ways hadn't been a good thing for the aco because it would be in school holidays does that bring more people here or is it a problem do you need the tradition of june does having it in august with that slightly extra element of darkness help or hinder the event you know i know tradition says it's in june but does it have to be well it always has had because that's where there is least darkness i think that's it it's always been the week of the longest day but now we've proved it can run in august or september yes well lighting being largely better than it was in 1923 yes i think that's you know i don't without wishing to be facetious i think that's entirely possible yeah that's predicted takes the card at the end you know as as routine as night follows day it's his turn to get in the car and there's no good reason why you wouldn't and lots of good reasons why you would and lots of enthusiastic toyota fans there with flags old and new ready to cheer the car home see and you thought that once he driven the alpine fernando alonso would just go home he's been there with the fans with his old race suit on looking as trim as ever and divided loyalties here because of course he is an alpine driver alpine in third he's a former double winner for toyota toyota first and second so he's actually notified loyalty at all whatever happens you know he's happy he's happy for his former teammates he's happy for his current yeah employer yeah indeed right out onto the road again goes number seven and kamehameha now with an hour and 11 minutes on the clock set to bring that to the end and finally finally finally find wood to touch number seven which was a lucky year's number a very unlucky toyota number seemingly looks like it's gonna at long last exercise those demons well the and the yo story is a funny one isn't it because uh ryan olios before the audi era won two pairs of le mans in back-to-back seasons with the same chassis each time repeating the next year and on all four occasions numbered seven so there is a little and you know seven is is a lucky number actually in in a lot of asian cultures eight is the auspicious number but i lost a lot of westerners feel that seven is the lucky number so you know maybe it is time for for luck to be on their side certainly it won't be for want of trying 92 has not had a lot of luck in this race i mean they've almost been um i'm quite sure what the adjective is i mean they've tried as hard as they can but they have never looked totally at the rates [Music] has had so much of an influence on it maybe it's just taking a slight shine off of it but i just don't think either car has had that level of performance that the 51 clearly with 51 and 52 clearly went to they were really taking the race to corvette and corvette has just been nibbling away all the time at the heels of the of the ferraris but really the ferraris have controlled the race indeed number eight toyota's into the pit lane yeah i mean ferrari didn't do much shouting during qualifying or practice saved itself for the race and got it absolutely spot on 38 has just come down the pit lane the jota lmp2 car but significantly so too number eight there it is out of second place i think roberto gonzalez will bail out of the 385 i'd be surprised if he's got any more time to do so who would you put in well antonio felix de costa probably i think he would go to the end there goes number eight car no dramas but what ollie's playing with the laptop uh seven laps now is all they can go on a stint the last for mike conway was a seven lapper the last four kaz nakajima was a seven lapper in fact they've done two seven laughs before that a couple of eights and a couple of sixes yeah that was because the door problem on eight wasn't it that they had to do a shorter stint and repair the door well that was one of them but they were able to do that because they were having to do a shorter stunt because their fuel issue anyway so yeah that pit stop really yeah yeah did they sort out the door because they were coming in or did they come in because they had to sort out the door well the legacy of the stop is they never got back to 11 lap runs no no indeed [Music] stops first from second place and that means that if yay should be in next lap i just remember the air jack drama for this car so let's see because the uh car didn't change tiles last time can they well they've got tires ready haven't they ollie but let's see what they do they do here it'll be the fuel first that's part one of the pit stop process they're gonna do ties for sure so let's see how they do it and how much time this is going to lose there's the the inflatable just at the back see the mechanic with it and you go well why don't they use a jack like they you do in formula one because they don't have them they have their own jacks on the car so you don't bring things that you'll never use actually i'm not sure that they are going to do already already just in case it's maybe it's just left sides let's see well there are i can see at least three times yeah you just see it at the back you see it expand the car goes up martin well they did they not do rears once and then fronts the next time so now they're back to rears because they don't want to spend too long squishing it down to get the bag to deflate because you don't want to leave it under the car as it tries to leave it's like high cough the guy crash class did so they've done the rears so on the next stop we assume they'll have to do the fronts yeah yeah that's uh that's an unusual way of doing it it is an unusual way of doing it but needs must you know and at least they haven't materially altered the car remember who was it three or four years ago where they had a starter motor issue they had to take the rear body off hit the starter motor put the rear body on and then the car would start and then they ended up drilling a hole above the starter motor so they could whack it with the pole and got excluded for changing the body work yes i do remember that happening so one of the lmp2 teams was it united i can't remember i do i don't remember him but you know so you can't change it might have been anyway but it did happen you're quite right the question now is we've been talking about how are we going to manage wrt's battle for supremacy question really is with 66 minutes to go what about tom blonkist he's the fly in the ointment yeah how far behind is he 25 seconds and the air jacks the question 10 or 15 seconds longer if they change tires and maybe they can't not change tires so suddenly there's a very slender window very centered and that's come down from a minute to less than half a minute they're having to manage the tyre where aren't they and the usage because if you only change two on the stop then those fronts now being given a real work over and they've got to get to the end of another stint yeah and you don't have the time with the facility available to do all set and we've got damage on 91. it's got rear damage it's had a drama somewhere he's going off backwards big bite did how can we not hear that can i see david has actually cut off at the forward it has it's left the rear body work on the grass on the inside and get that would you this is how you do it oh he's got straight over that first part it's a big hit oh the front fender guard is coming off as well this will be quite a launch here so that's the diffuser just being ripped off and actually it's not been ripped off from the back it's been ripped off from the front edge so it's like torn the floor out of the car as well where the floor goes the mountings will be ripped to pieces as well if a yi leads in lmp2 he is in and are we going to get a slow zone for the debris let's hear from the 91 porsche team [Music] i had no break at the bottom if he ran wide coming off of karting in the porsche curbs the way that that those cutouts work it causes big knockoff on the brakes and then he's maybe not tapped the pedal before he's come to the brakes into the four chicane and as he's gone for the brake pedal it's gone all the way to the floor i tell you what he only just made the dunlop curve there as well because he didn't know he'd lost his defuser yeah oh yes there wasn't a yeah and now he does know so that car will have to come in and we're going to have a yellow coming up aren't we another slow zone to get rid of all of the debris which straddles one corner and another so with an hour and three minutes to go we are going to end up with a potential slow zone on standby [Music] well they need to have it at the ford chicane which is marshall so it'll be a double slow zone it'll be the last on the lap which is from the porsche curves through to the start finish line and then the first on the lap which will be up to the s's yes to be significant slow so now if you needed a stop for wrt's robin freeze this is two laps too late that porsche is stripping itself isn't it yes and it's limping on at reduced pace partly because of the damage and partly because of the brake drama yeah and the unusual thing is that he's okay he had the problem going into the fortunes with the brakes but it doesn't look like with the way he's driving the car that he's got a brake problem now per se no i agree because if he if one of the lines had gone or if something had started to leak the the pedal would be consistently going to the floor yeah he'd be crawling yes that was it's a huge bit of body work yes it is it's going over that grass and that little hump and it just ripped it off and when you see the back of the car you realize how much has gone yeah yeah and that's only sort of the white wraparound bit it's how far under the gearbox transaction and under the you know the main monocoque of the body look at it moving around yeah it's going to feel horrible isn't it all the way back to the very very flighty at the back prepare at 14 58 30 we go full course yellow in 25 seconds the race director tells the teams and some of those teams now prepare a different pit stop strategy but there's no real option for the amount of debris all over the road is that yeah about a third of the circuit needed to go yellow just for that one but we are also having marshals at other places on track picking up debris it is drivable but he's 10 seconds slower than he would be with a car that had some arrow he did a 402 compared to a 350 and he was a lot quicker through the chicane than he would have been otherwise porsche has a plan though so they will have computed this quickly and decided what the best strategy is and i suppose yes it is that keeps the car on track he knows the conditions of the car now he knows what it will do [Music] 91 yeah like they had a choice [Music] black and orange flag is that mechanical warning flag so much damage has it been subjected to the scrutineers want to look so the officials are saying even if you don't bring it in we'll bring it in for you i think i think it's even less that it's the fact that it is shedding so much debris they don't want to stay yellow just because it throws more bits off let's hear from them can you repeat you want somebody yes in order not to do another stop we would need you to do four more laps is that possible don't take any risks you don't have to i will be through but i will be in the four minutes but it's possible to do okay copy that the next car behind is 13 laps behind you it's not an issue [Music] right so that didn't date well did it that message because that was before yes they were told to come into the pits so they're saying you've got to continue yeah but i can't drive it you have got to continue continue it's it's a little bit of an odd one for me just because of the amount of damage on that car yeah and okay yes they've got a decent lead from the cars behind but and i suppose the only thing that they're going to be looking at here is if one of the other cars in front has some form of catastrophic failure that they could just keep circulating around and just pick up one of those positions but the car is significantly different yeah to what it's designed to do and how it's designed to drive so we're going back to green and the race director has instructed 91 to come into the pits for mechanical repairs the continue option has been removed from the team and fred makaviki will not have to uh big upon i know his fred will not have to drive a 911 that is trying to spin on him every single time he gets it anything other than the strength i think i think that they will fit it fix it as fast as they can and just get it together just so they can get the car out there to run that final lap yeah as long as they're out the only problem is you know if they're trying to fit a diffuser it will attach under the floor and what's left of it under the floor it may not be entirely clean and then that's going to be the thing isn't it what else is how how is that what can you fix it too yes yes yeah you can't just gaffer it on not the speeds we're doing here you know this is not messing around these things are doing north of 250 kilometers he's gonna have to go up in the hijack so they can get fully underneath it to you know get it full you saw mike conway high-fiving his team his job here is done and it is now in the hands of his teammate kamui kobayashi to take the car to the end so waiting down at porsche gt is duncan vincent they are currently lying third and fourth in gte pro a of course a lead from corvette racing in gte am a of course a tf sport in iron links ferrari aston ferrari is the top three there is a good battle going on in each of our classes in fact there are several good battles going on for position now not just for the lead of lmp2 but for the pro-am lead as well dragon speeds juan pablo montoya leads in pro-am from lloyd davao at real team and job van oitert in racing team netherlands and then fourth and fifth next up ricky taylor and vanson capillier all the top pro am cars are within two laps of each other and again even though there's less than an hour to go two laps is no margin if something goes wrong yeah it's pretty amazing considering how much carnage and how many times so many of those cars have actually visited sort of guard rails gravel traps had some pretty significant incidents and they're still running around roman rusinov back in the 26 g drive car so he had a brief respite while nick dufrese took the car over yeah fall asleep in a garage at your peril i mean that you know that's rules for life isn't it yes it is he has no idea that he's been tie-wrapped to the chair nobody's gonna wake him up and tell him and he's not wearing a headset so nobody can suddenly shout him awake so he's just gonna eventually find that he can no longer move yes very good value so roman rusinov going back out in the g drive car for the final hour pit stop also for panas racing their fourth place in lmp2 will stevens ahead of paul deresta and chasing tom blonkfist that's the battle for third place and it might become possibly the battle for second place because blonchest in third for jose in their 28th entry is not far behind 27 seconds behind wrt's robin friends the gap is coming down as 91 comes into the pits to head to uh towards duncan the gap is coming down wrt have got a pit stop issue their onboard air jacks don't work they are likely to have to change tires at the last stop or risk running out of front rubber and that might cost them almost everything in the second third place battleground goodwin uh hi there um do we know if that car has another problem other than the tyre issue we think it's just the jacking up that that is costing it's so much time it's losing time in every sector that's because they can't change the tires the way they want to they did rears two stops ago they did fronts one stop ago they did re as the last stop so it's on a very mismatched set of tyres mismatched and mishmash actually set the tires into the garage goes 91. unsurprisingly really it's he's gonna have he had to go there to get get his work done he's looking like a car that's had a tough life isn't it i mean it is when you had the rain earlier on everything acquires a nice thick layer of grime and then yeah i think that the days of manufacturers polishing lemon winners to a high sheen have gone you know now they they just lacquer on the dirt and the flies and the muck and the rubber and the i should say in class by the way fifth in the class at the moment is the 52af courser car but that is how many 12 laps back yeah so they won't they won't be able to catch half an hour yeah so their chances of uh getting on the podium in the next 10 minutes need two of the three cars three of the four cars in front of them to retire which is possible but there doesn't seem to be that much rain in the offing so yeah i wonder when uh when antoni well when everybody will start to make their final pit stops in the in the gt classes we've just seen the 64 car come in and i think that that's ultimately the range that they've got that they'll be able to to get to the end from here oh really yeah i think so i think so and um so i think antonio will go by at least one more time defuser back on underneath well that's quick work they clearly have rehearsed a lot of this yeah well and actually from from racing in the us they did develop some really quick sort of release body work and and quick fixes because you know racing in in you know it's there are some pretty aggressive racetracks but there's also that's a pretty aggressive driving pretty aggressive driving i don't know and i know i knocked off at least two of their diffusers yeah in uh of course just leaving the grid yeah by the way on that front um the uh happy to say there was uh tweeted apology to nick tandy from james collado uh windscreen fogged apparently at the start which was the impact on the grid as they left the grid oh so public apology from james canada for that and now he's woken up no he's been woken up and then immediately realizes okay okay yeah it's me this year yeah yes exceptional work for the porsche team really impressive work which makes me sort of wonder why did they not do that immediately why did they try to get him to carry on yeah what now is going on okay so it didn't have tires before going in there giving him the last set of fresh tyres duncan saying that oh they're getting the wrong set so is it a 92 set or just some really old ones that's a good catch because otherwise it would have been set out and it would have gone through the beacons at the end of the michelin beacons and then they would have been excluded yeah flagged up and it would have been a penalty for sure yeah that's the reason for that slightly and it is only slightly extended stop straight line the the chicane after outbreaking himself ripping off the rear valance and the defuser in one hit right behind him 30 is in tristan gomedy setting the fastest lap for the ducane engineering car about half an hour ago so still plenty of life in the car that was throwing itself at the scenery and and in and out of the pit lane at an unmitigated rate early in the race would you like a little stat that is more extraordinary than it really should be go on then they of course have never won a gtm at le mans that is ridiculous isn't it how can they not have won they've not won in gtm they've not won in gt2 they've assisted other teams a couple of s p race against some input i believe at least one year recently competency only has been but they have never won as a of course in gte am and they look like getting a double win as they sit at the threshold of their next adventure which is of course as the major service provider for ferrari's hypercar team in 2023. that would be a good way to come back wouldn't it as as you know double winners in 2021 it certainly would and of course it then gives both teams a massive vault in the championship battle as well uh you know james cardo alessandro pierguidi champions two years ago yes you know and overseas and under 50 points here will suddenly report them right back into contention with anybody and everybody that's usually impressive to see the 91 car back out on track and it's rebuilt five minutes five minutes 16 seconds on pit lane for the number 91 car after what you've got to say in previous years that would have been a retirement yeah it would have been but it's interesting we've got 15 lap old tyres on the front and two lap old tires on the rear so this is going to be a little bit sketchy for this first half a lap to the lap where he just feels everything out just gets everything going again but it's um yeah then i'm sure that the car will definitely will feel different they didn't bother sort of tightening up the front guard at all that that that body gap wasn't there before he went running for sure the front part of the floor will be tweaked as well there'll be some alignment stuff so the car is going to drive in a rather strange way yeah but this this is going to be about championship points for porsche the manufacturers championship the drivers championship less important for them but with double points that's critical for the championship in the fy world of jones they were not going to be on the podium after issue unless there's dramas ahead yeah he said that out loud as well here comes the corvette 63 in for its final stop minutes and two seconds behind alessandro greedy that answers the question i was going to go do you stop a full stop away from the expected end or do you run to the end of this and then short fuel it a little later yeah no i think it's it's all about just getting the fuel in the car and see if there is a safety car then you can you stay out on track and you try and take advantage of mission track position in the pits from second place and well conservatively bringing it home 49 minutes to go now the biggest battle i can see emerging here gentlemen of note is for podium positions in lmp2 and it is the 31 team wrt aurica that's uh it's in trouble it's it's mother it's robin freeman's being chased by tom blondqvist and potentially will stephen to maybe even pull the rest here as well yeah you know you put the three of them together there's quite a big gap but not if you have an issue 63 what's the issue there ollie did it take tires there were tires out there ready to go but i don't know whether they went on if they have fresh tires you would take them the porsche by the way came out of the garage on the tires with which it came into the pit lane because they were 75 sand they basically just said okay we don't want to send those tires out again so they got another pair and another pair so i assume the two lap pair might possibly have done hyper pole yeah it's possible yep there you go the ties and that's a fall for one of those team members to get across the line some dicks see now it's it's the number of people across the line with tyres and in theory that might possibly just be a penalty but hopefully hopefully the engine wasn't running yeah will stevens a fastest lap of the race for the planet's racing car still chasing [Music] another fastest sector just to loop back to that corvette pit stop as long as the car didn't get dropped to the ground then the engine wouldn't start there's a system on the corvette to make sure that he can't start in the air in the air and so as long as they didn't pull the wand out and get the car on the ground then then it wasn't so sophisticated the systems now you know the auto kill thing where when you stop the car it automatically cuts the engine so it doesn't keep running on or push you into the team or just never trust the driver never trust the driver yeah it's like it's like don't let the general public have a say never trust a driver it should be a rule shouldn't it it should be written in the statues the 11th commandment excellent results uh in sight now for into europe or competition sixth place they've finished higher than that in other wc races but third in the points in the wec because the couple of the cars ahead of them are not full season championship cars marriage bundle is only 15 seconds behind paul de resta i think that gap is coming down a little isn't it a little um it's it's doable isn't it it's not going to take imagination to see that that could happen and we've still got another stop for each of these cars will stevens is on a bit of a charge 65 car and it's racing i know he's done the fastest lap of the race and he's just done first and second sector personal bests have they told him which setting is full power do you think that you know it's the sniff of the podium in the final hour you're going to drive the car until it falls apart and you know he's done he's done plenty behind the wheel today and you know he's not going to be that fresh but he's still pressing on impressive yeah but again you know it's that fine layout that once the adrenaline pump starts going yeah you're feeling no pain yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it it manages to do an awful lot so will stevens has done nine hours and 13 minutes as we've got the training yup yup got away with that has been through so much gravel today hasn't it they've all had a go at it hadn't they you know fritz got caught out by rain renga's been in the gravel he's been across the grass um not ranker vance um you know gator van de gada but that is the first off i think that's certainly the first half i've seen for you for night and he's been under real pressure to be quick and fast final stop for tf sports felipe fraga is this going to be a gte am win for aston martin will ben keating be on the top step of the podium will it be a first for felipe fraga and yeah will they get their hands on those trophies he and ben keating and dylan pereira or will the ferrari hang on to claim what i i i know you've checked it and i don't doubt it but it just seems incredulous that somehow air of course have never had a class win at the mom but they could end up with two here ferraris leading in gte am and in gte pro it's back to back fastest laps of the race for the 65 car for will stevens uh and you say they've been in the car a long time we've got what how many is that one driver that's done more than 10 hours 10 hours and 41 seconds norman nato wow in the 70 car ross gone 9 hours and 53 minutes 9 and 31 minutes for antonio phoenix to cost to 9 hours and 16 minutes for both mateo lahaye in the 84 uh innovative car and jerome bleaker mullen uh ben barney coates uh with nine hours and twelve well stevens nine sixteen um their iron man efforts all they are absolutely when you're getting up to the nine hours or ten out ten hours around here you really are it's almost like doing a commentary shift yeah nearly nearly nearly some strange noises i think yeah as it's almost like a starter motor but less effective into the pits comes united's number 22 car this was the car that was hoping to get through into hyper pole hoping to claim pole position hoping to defend their lemon 24-hour win hoping to defend their world endurance championship lmp2 victory hoping to defend their elms victory i mean united won everything they tried last year and this year has just been it's been a pretty wretched weekend actually in rochelle on their lmp3 cars did not have much in the way of good fortune going for them and that sort of haunted them here as well every purple patch only comes to an end but boy it's come crashing down around there is this weekend it's been a little bit of a perfect storm for them you know the contact between the two sort of sister cars um you know the one that happened up at uh up at the dunlop chicane yeah with uh you know those two cars 32 and 23. it's just remarkable remarkable just looking at the drama times as we get into the last 40 minutes uh soon uh satoshi yoshino in the next two laps should beat through and fine but uh does he need more time in the card five hours 59 minutes and nine seconds okay he needs to get in because they will exclude him they will add time nuno is going on 22 regular service for our gte pro leader of course from corvette racing on this yeah mira konopka ultimately get back in he's done another six minutes to complete his six hours in the grandstand and isn't it great sunshine is here the grandstands are filling for the end of this race the traditional crowd in this race no it's not as big as usual but they are here in significant numbers full set of brand new tyres in the final 40 minutes just in case always have one round left in the chamber yeah so tom blondquist 17 seconds now from the back of robert ryan's leading our innovative class is the only car in it's actually our garage 56 entry if you will and that car currently running in 32nd overall uh is at the wheel but it does look as though we were expecting a driver change was that takuma aoki who was getting ready would not like to kill you to meet both uh nigel and takuma by the way have both done over six hours yeah extraordinary stuff so tokumaioki getting ready to do the final stint in this car run by frederic sose and his crew and fantastic perseverance by them to keep it clean have you seen the car have any dramas or anything no i've never been a couple of occasions we saw one car almost stumble over it through the porsche curves but uh are you keeping the line they were doing exactly what they should be doing it's very clear from the rear of that car with a broad led stripe at the back exactly who they are and what they're doing yep so no real excuses there they've been pretty faultless but had a spin yes one spin keep it on the island don't visit the pit lane unnecessarily they have followed the cardinal rules almost to the letter and that is the way you get a result here at le mans then you have to have a little bit of good fortune that other people's accidents don't find you like they did for the richer meal racing team but you know with a bit of luck in a following wind you can you can do quite remarkable things here just by really keeping your nose clean this battle by the way for second in lmp2 in the same way as we were talking a little while ago about the inter-europa car this makes a 14 point difference in the world championship between the jota car and the team wrt 31 which is the full season wet car rinaldi racing we talked about them being out of the race early on their ferrari so if you are doing spotter's guide marker of doom connect four we are one retirement away in three different lines from getting a full house of connect four saying goodbye to allan mcnish and son finley been a delight to have them as ever with us look forward to the very next time and of course the world endurance championship campaign continues in bahrain with two races in ten days and uh for david addison as well it's uh mass evacuation here's the uh final final well we're in for the final stint louise beckett as well uh is uh heading off so to all of them the miniature family chinook will be lifting off any time now i think you'll find it's a uh jet ranger there's still some whiny noises from it it's that starter motor i can hear in the pit lane that is unconvincing remains in the pits for the final stint and uh everybody that's my toothbrush leaving there like this it doesn't need to go there at all it's a very active ebay business have the driver change underway at uh the srt41 crew as towards us comes olivier plant in the 708 so the lightweights have left the gentleman drivers are gone and the pros will bring it to the line we're down to only five times uh wins in this booth now are we yep between the three of us all right okay how many of you won same as me yeah okay while he's done all that all the heavy lifting on that front has he jim clicking house i think the nerves are twitching now i think you know what he's had that six same still stare right from the beginning he's actually moved from that seat he has because he spent a lot of time in the last few days standing right in the opening of the garage yeah and it wasn't until sort of later in the race that he could actually trust himself i think to move to the prep perch and look at things he was just okay zoned away imagine imagine for a moment you're a lot of the first flush of youth and more of your life behind you than you've got ahead what's the opportunity i don't know um i'm going to be 173 by the time they carry me out but that you get this opportunity this opportunity presents itself to do something you've always dreamed of at the very very highest level something really tough really difficult on a world stage in front of millions of tv viewers in front of thousands of people trackside and the internet starts to laugh a little into starts to pour doubt on it and then all of a sudden the opportunity arises and still is uncertainty and here we are 36 minutes from the end of the 2021 le mans 24 hours and both those cars have run like trains i think i think it says everything you need to know about the glickenhaus program at the moment that we're 30 minutes from the end not wondering if one of them is somehow going to creep to the line yeah are still running and still doing fast times and in fact olivia platt on the very lap that graeme started that sentence has done the best middle sector of the race for that car so not only are they still going they are still going as fast as they were on lap one absolutely faster because it was wet ollie you've been part of hugely professional teams here um but let's put it straight decades you've been here a long time i'm that old yes but you know how tough it is you know how tough it is to bring a new car here you've done that repeatedly and you've had a team operated level at corvette rating racing have that has delivered us we've watched the final pit stop underway about to be underway for the 36 car can you put into words how how huge an achievement this is well it's it's tough to put into words i mean it is it's a monster monster effort and you know you've got to you've got to really hand it to jim and the whole team for their whole this massive effort he's got gantry an effort to you know just even take on the might of of toyota and and also alpine and then have this sort of supposed balls to to actually do it and you know put his money away yeah his money where his mouth is created yeah and and and to hire the drivers that they've hired and the and the engineers and the uh you know the the different partners these had to put together for this is it's pretty extraordinary and not i think yeah it really has i think the the cover there on the rocket launcher on the lp that they need to work on that because if the if the where the rocket comes out is is exposed it's no longer a secret what's the final what's was it just rubber a stone or a bit of rubber yeah it could it could easily be a bit of pickup you know the size of your face is just it's a perfectly round hole yeah dangerous dave the producer reckons that that was sort of there in the middle of the night because you see it better when you've got the lights on um the car that we were referring to where they drilled a hole in the body work so they could run a long ratchet down and bang the starter that was the rebellion yeah it was a rebellion um so uh so the the the same car in fact that the alpine alphabet is currently it is based on that lmp1 rebellion but it is an mp2 car it was a p2 car it was a pto car it was the year that they had the two p2 cars for about okay i had in my head it was lmp2 so uh there we go bruno cena's julian kameland [Music] and i actually think richard is in the 709 house and in that last stint i think he did the outright fastest sector in sector one the outright fastest sector wow yeah it's quite impressive final stop for our race leader 33 minutes to go nobody in toyota needs reminding that it isn't over till it's over 33 minutes and 17 seconds and you then have to get to the checkered flag but for the crew of number seven who've been the bridesmaids so many times here at le mans to the number 18 for various reasons political and mechanical this could be the one and you know ollie you came here with the c2 the c3 the circuit wasn't paved when i started [Laughter] but when you have struggled against you know rivals who had a better you know better luck better equipment better whatever when you've been beaten by your teammates when it all finally comes good does that make it all the sweeter do you think no doubt i mean there are you know when you have those really great disappointments to then finally come away with getting that the ultimate goal of winning that big race that lemon 24 hours standing on that top step you know it does taste extremely sweet and you know you you're thankful for you for the teammates and the crew that you have around you and everybody it really builds that bond that you were talking about it earlier you know with the teammates you share the car with but also the crew that you work with you've gone on this this you know it's a bit of a cliche but this journey with them you know you've been you've been working towards this all season all for many seasons to get to this chance to to race at such a great race like this and to be able to to to execute and come across the line as a as a winner is very very special this lmp2 battle for second position developing nicely 31 and 28 on pit lane together ryan's uh leaves first came in 13.8 seconds apart and leave [Music] the uh tom blom comes out behind him plenty of fluid 13.8 seconds behind he did um henrik edmond has got climbed aboard the 21 car to complete his driver time and go to the finish mirror konopka is also aboard now he will be fine i think that's the last of the drivers we were a little worried about because i'm pretty certain that satoshi oshina has he's completed his uh final stint and it will be andrew watson to the finish in the triple seven car they'll come home but not in a very good sixth position here's your leader in gt e am the air of course at 83 ferrari nick nielsen alessia rivero the new addition to the team this year and francois perotto the driving force behind it and of course are also leading into the final 30 minutes in gte pro with former world champions alessandro pierre guidi james collado steering that car yuffie yee is in the lmp2 leading at number 41 car from team wrt and leading overall and in the hypercar class is kamui kobayashi for mike conway and jose maria lopez in the number seven toyota gazoo racing i should say uh if a yay is only 20 seconds back from the fifth place clicking house after that fact that the uh last let's hear what the number seven toyota team have to say for [Music] will be themselves short runs okay well they can't do long runs any longer so it will have to be two short answers probably two maybe half dozen lap runs that means they're carrying less fuel each time olly that means the performance is a little higher and if they're not trying to stretch it to the full to the full tankage that they're not they can't they know they can't pick up then they're less likely to run into problems so that shot on board as well we just saw that it looks to me like he's got some vibration back through the wheel i mean it could be possibly pickup it could be a bit of a flat spot but it could also be this vibration that they have been talking about both cars have been talking about it since the darkness hours p2 leader of bitlane now and it's been a real haul for these guys the uh last chinese flag driver to win at le mans i hope it tongue didn't take care of the danish did you carry the netherlands flag oh no that would have been he would have been a chinese flying driver no that's a very good shout i was thinking maybe he might be the first but that's a very strong shout out it's a sister car that has the problem with it with the air jacks isn't it yes by the way in that pit stop uh sequence with the other two cars involved in this battle that cap has gone up to 27 seconds so if he leaves the pit lane out of the applause absolutely right another well rehearsed pit stop from wrt no tires for robin freeze it was fuel only i think one minute and two doesn't sound like they had the bags out so he's going with whatever he's got tom blonkfist in third place 27 seconds back will stevens fourth for panic poldarrester fifth for united auto sports in their 23 car and into europol's alex brundle in sixth place half a minute behind torresta and then the top pro am car henrik hedman back at the wheel of the dragon speed car 25.8 seconds ahead of real teams like duvall now that is going to be a massive battle for henrik hedman 27 minutes he's 25 minutes ahead of like duval for goodness sake in equal cars if he holds on to win it henrik that's a massive massive win so the answer on uh on hoping tongue is it was 2017 of course when we had the two jackie chan dc racing cars on the overall podium both chinese flagged a course and operated by jojo's sports uh hoping song did indeed win one two second overall but was running under a dutch flag was he yes a dutch racing license okay so that in which case makes way we'll make if yay the first chinese-born chinese driver because ho was born in the netherlands so that's yeah that's a massive that's a massive deal you know suddenly you start the potential of waving the flag uh of this race to was it 1.6 1.7 billion people well you know you've got to see the kind of numbers that you're drawing for the audiences that we have for the age le mans series which are extraordinary dwarf some of the things we see from major series uh in europe principally because of the draw of what they're going to do in the community yeah the commentary of course that's one of the major selling points but we are talking about very very substantial marketplaces including of course the people's republic of china but other major marketplaces malaysia and indonesia drawing very significant audiences and great to see that that's beginning to have the activation look at some of the teams that we've got here uh this year with absolute racing um you know with the hoboto racing guys with eurasia operating with the team india yeah absolutely you know again 1.2 billion people on the subcontinent if you can get them even one iota as excited about sports cars as you can get them excited about cricket then suddenly you've got a market that dwarfs almost every other indeed so you know i'm sure everybody involved in the wc and in the asia le mans series can't wait to get back imagine what a tartar flagged hyper car would do for the exposure of motor racing in india i think they'd be certainly tartar on the engine cover of jaguar would be almost a dream ticket in terms of the return on investment that comes with that it's there's so many chips on the table martin um that it's difficult to overstate how big the opportunities are coming forward just the the steps now need to be taken carefully gently and to allow the market to decide some of these things random fun stat from stephen kilby formerly of this parish said alpine are looking to be the first french team on the overall podium since whether or not they'll be back here we don't know we haven't had that confirmed yet but it's all shaping up for not just 2022 but particularly 2023 and the centenary of this amazing race and there there are all sorts of no knowns and other prospects and if you need to book off your your holiday early do it now for 2023 and i've been saying to friends in america this week yeah just do it but now start saving just do it in style it will be i believe the biggest motor racing event in history yeah i genuinely believe it i think so cycling through our gte pro field you saw the 91 porsche in fourth the 92 porsche in third you were just watching the corvette racing entry number 63 antonio garcia on board in second place the gaps out to nearly a minute now though to this car the car of alessandro pierguidy and james collado joined by com ledegar it's the first time he's been a teammate with these guys and that has worked very well for everybody involved ledegar has absolutely done his fair share and his fast fair share of driving in this car as well between but the 51 is most probably just executed just that little bit better it hasn't got caught up in those little bits of incident that the 52 did and they've just been fast in every condition and uh they've had a clean race 49 high-class car comes around the outside that car's on a troubled run but he's back into the top 30 and magnuson the dad of the dad and lad with kevin aboard the car both of the high-class cars have had a troubled week haven't they oh it's been a tough one ricky ricky taylor we barely mentioned his name but he's been pretty solid through this race through the troubles for the number 20 car he's inside the top 20. i mean he's ricky is he's one of the stars in the us in the dpi class and uh you know acura driver and yeah he's going to be certainly featuring here for many years to come in in prototypes class act yeah looking to see whether or not anything is developing in this lmp2 battle the gaps are closing first second and third but by tenths at the moment so keep an eye on that over the next couple of minutes to see whether or not we start to see any dramas with fresher tyres we think on the jota car yeah it had a full set of fresh taste in it tom blanquist 24 seconds off second place this is the third place car from joe to sport not mighty 38 the car that started on pole that is in ninth place antonio felix de costa and his teammates have had a pretty wretched start to the race they were going very strongly leading comfortably while antonio was at the wheel and then anne davidson made a well once in a decade mistake foreign he said afterwards uh completely my fault i was distracted by the spinning car in front but and also the conditions as well were really tough and the amount of p2 cars that went off in those conditions it was extraordinary six seven eight cars yeah four different incidents he was very honest and very open about it robin friends you just saw there going by the pro-am leader henrik hedman which reminds me to look at the gap like duval has gone from 25 to 18.6 seconds behind henrik hedman the battle for pro am honors dragon speed lead and real team racing with like duval are closing 21 minutes 18 uh 16 seconds look at john penuto though he's closing as well he's closing only to foul it could be that could be the battle at the end of this race for real meaningful positions chunks needs your vanita to catch lloyd duvall faster than like is catching henrik i mean holding him up yeah so just to give you the kind of the lap times last time around it was a 3 44 for henrik edmond 3 37 so seven seconds uh dragged back by lloyd duvall but it was a 3 36 a further second still grabbed back by your polluters and this is why how you manage your gentleman drivers minimum drive time can be so important don't if a if there's a full course yellow right we'll take a fuel stop now we'll get them out we'll we'll get them in for the last 20 minutes strategy from dragon speed well they had to put him in there they had no option there was no there was no strategy they had to put him in he must finish his drive time well that was lmp to proam in lmp2 overall the chunk is beginning to come 335 from tom blondquist that gap has come down by four seconds in a single lap to robin friends who is not making any uh impact on the lead card there sorry graham in the left of the shot who had uh who was the victim of two major uh in the number one richard mille racing team car she's okay she had to be taken to the medical center because the medical crash lights had come on on the car from a second impact from the uh racing team india car that hit her amid ships she is okay but unfortunately because she had to be extracted from the car the car didn't get back to the pit lane to be repaired and they were out on the spot 33. this is our second place car in gte am felipe fraga yeah he's been absolutely solid all day and tom ferrier's team has done another excellent job but it just it looks like it's gonna be a tiny bit short the uh 83 af course of ferrari is just a little bit too strong for them it's been strong all year let's go uh excellent effort put together by of course last year's champions yep it's a world endurance yeah supported of course by francois perot and they've been a factor in the european le mans series and the wec where they're running a double program this year patrick dempsey watching action from the dempsey proton garage matt campbell is their lead car in fifth place in the gte am series gtam race this car has been the the battle sort of withered a little during the night it was real cat and mouse between air of course and tf sport it does look like the ferrari as in gte pro just made better use of the cool conditions and the tires they had seemed to work a little better that's when the flip-flopping stopped in the dead of night and af courser stopped losing the lead to tf sports during the pit stop turn around sanoto is catching duvall quicker at the moment than he's that duval is catching headman that will be i'm sure traffic related will keep bringing those gaps to you but it's 20 seconds between the top three in mp2 pro am in the dragon speed garage they're egging pulls out another second with the advantage from the second place car i think they're going to go from p1 to p3 yeah the dragon speed guys are it's possible it's possible the the question is though in the you know are we going to get the johnny adam ricky taylor last lap in lmp2 in the pro-am battle with them like jump in the chicanes and all over each other and and literally you just look at each other well there you go lori duvall previous race winner here and of course uh ex-world champion versus the coming man that is job vaneutte and we're assuming at the moment that everybody hey mcedman can't take advantage of traffic somewhere as the cars remember this the end of this race starts they're gonna form up for whatever photo finish they're looking to get that that we've seen some stumbles in that those kind of conditions as well uh through kom's tom blondquist by the way the gap across the line it was 18.9 seconds through the last timing sector what's it going to be here 17 seconds with 17 minutes left it is a second per minute remaining of this race depending where the leader is when they cross the line yes because they might get another 12 13 kilometers rather to to to race if they just are ahead of the leader so that battle is shaping up for third in lmp2 in pro-am they're all lmp2 cars as well but it is a separate podium a separate trophy they're all fighting for henrikh mkhitaryan well that really leaves henrikh hedman very exposed he's only eight seconds ahead of luke duval and jaffa nighter pitting well he is two laps ahead of high-class racing's number 20 car driven by ricky taylor so third is not in danger that podium finish for racing team netherlands also in panas racing from fourth in lmp2 so stephen's stretching the envelope there as well and that means that tom blonkfist will not have to worry about what's going on behind and only try and attack robin friends for second we're going to get flurry though are we going to get a flurry of these two pit stops well i don't know uh so we're not strategy computerists uh type your type your way away what we could have is friends and blondquist rivals in formula e again ding dong battle last few laps last couple of minutes for second in lmp2 will stevens looks like he's dropping out of it how far does he come back to the pool to restore alex brundle battle brundlers 21 seconds behind torresta and took six out of him on the last lap so darresta did not get brakes in traffic another couple of laps like that and suddenly brundle will be able to smell the car in front of him never mind see it there's the panic racing entry of will stevens quite a lot of damage there on the right hand side of the nose yeah that's what you want you want the car to look like you want it to look like it was the hardest 24 hours anybody can possibly imagine because that's what everybody feels like once the adrenaline goes yeah win lose or draw finish or retire whether you're racing whether you're driving engineering whether you're supporting the teams whether you're an official a marshal or whatever it's a pretty body destroying business this 24-hour racing glark whoever came up with this as an idea definitely had a very warped sense of humor what's the use it's 11 laps at the moment for the lead cars on these stints the cars are going to need a splash yes wow so that might decide it when you have your splash is everybody playing the yellow i mean this is american racing right this you know this is exactly what's up was yeah just go with track position and then pray for the the caution pray for that we need a yellow we need a yellow we need a yellow slow zone or a full course yellow or it's got to be yeah it's got to be a full coarse yellow just for two or three laps to save for them a lap yeah and if they're beyond that then oh it's going to be so helpful 15 seconds with 14 minutes remaining now the gap for second place uh 31 to 28. so that little tds logo they're jiggling away yes there's some definite christian horner leg action going on there isn't there i need to back into the fray but he's now 50 seconds back from that battle but do the other two need to stop and the answer to that question i can give you in a moment yes yes they do yeah okay okay um you've got the 84 car coming in the 70. just before we get really down into the craziness of the final 12 minutes just want to say hello to peter dunbrack and family absolutely peter we miss you uh yeah he was due to be here luckily for us darren turner was available having crashed his car um and so he could join us but peter is listening to us ollie he has paid for the app i saw that message and i nearly found it fell off my chair i think that's definitely fall off territory okay so duncan say again what were you saying sorry we're just 70 on pit lane 70 on pitt right so it is there it is real team and 70 got held up coming into the midline by 84. yeah so that means that the battle between jon vernote and luke deval might well be still back on i'm slightly struggling to get this uh this thing to tell me about the 21 car okay do you know what let's be like we didn't have a strategy laptop and see how it develops because that's what everybody else is having to do you're looking to ask for information but we can't get the information from our source final ripple of applause from there's frederick sose in his wheelchair in the background the quadriplegic who raced here at le mans two or three years ago and has started this just amazing this group this team to help other uh less than able-bodied drivers compete final stop for number eight kazuki nakajima does that mean number seven needs a final stop at the moment henry kedman has got six laps left on this stint he can go to the end okay wow wow wow wow so they were the smart ones and wow and job vanita has already gone through into second place it was two seconds quicker on the pit stop and it was the in lap and the out lap but uh dust driver ahead of default the 29 car is up at a second in pro am it's 52 seconds back from henrik edmond eleven minutes to go [Music] advantage and he doesn't need to stop he doesn't need to stop unless they have a last lap fuel issue unless it goes one longer than they need to and he can't slow down enough to to stay behind the the race winner then suddenly they could be high possibly seven is in we're waiting to see what happens with the second and third place cars in p2 that gap is down to 12 and a half seconds with 11 minutes remaining but i think they have to stop keeping the eight car there so they can go out nose to tail in photo formation finish well we've seen in years gone by the number seven car having to make pit stops for random deals but 31 does not need to stop 21 dragon speed say will go to the end with no dramas friends and blonde quest are good to go okay seven leaves the pit lane eight should follow toyota looking for that photo final ten minutes when you do things like that there's just somebody holding their breath closing their eyes and crossing everything until they hear the engine fire up don't stop a racing engine if you don't have to i don't recall toyota ever doing this before no well this is a new era they weren't in a position to win the lmp1 eras opening le mans they are in a position to win the hyper car era's opening le mans and this is going to be without question a golden era of endurance racing all right brenda on pit lane from sixth position not under any pressure from behind as far as this lmp2 battle is concerned nine and a half minutes remain nine point six seconds the gap i think that's in it with the toyotas might be let's have a look at that is that him between them or just in front of them no i think he's just one back now right because we are on board with the number eight car well let's see what uh what does our tracker tell us so close it is 31 behind the leader correct no 41 is at the second chicago 41 is about uh where's a third of the mulsanne ahead of the toyotas the the next question by the way is what 31 where is 38 if they're behind the leader where's 28 because blond christians apologized eight seconds back he's closing and closing rapidly 8.9 seconds back is he in the queue here yes he is he's is it behind the toyotas yes okay just coming out of 41 41 exits more sun for 41 i think this is done for 31 there's danger this might be done as well he might be done over eight and a half minutes to go inside the final eight and a half minutes and by the way uh on the last lap john penuto took nine seconds out of that 54 second that's a 53 second lead he's now 43 seconds and change back from ben rickman he's not giving this up it's eight minutes to go be an extraordinary effort for the better part of a minute to be pulled back in the last 11 minutes of this race well henrik hedman will be driving that car with every ounce every iota of speed he can find absolutely and yup is more used to doing that on the ragged edge than henrik and and that that's perhaps the balance you know after racing for 24 hours you've got a young pro who is desperate to recover some of the ground that he's lost this year in in his confidence versus a man who is desperate to hang on as you say tired at the end of the 24 hours behind the two toyotas now are they going to get the message to let him go why would they yeah because what you don't want is a desperate lmp2 driver potentially losing a second place yeah he's not desperate it's robin freeman excuse me it's robin friends that's behind them isn't it it's robin friends friends is lapping in 339's they're lapping in 3 30 31s he's not going to be knocking on the back door of the number eight unless unless they decide to slow right down on this very last lap that's the point but then friends won't want to do another lap if blonde coasters catching anyway it's how quickly he's catching him yeah the problem is if they're in the way he needs to go by if he can go by he's from the on the race effectively if they get to the last lap and then they are slowing right down so they don't have to do another he can go by anyway because then 7.6 seconds the gap six and a half minutes to go but then we've seen the danger ollie on the pit wall they'll be very alert to that danger they'll just get right slow down pull over let him go make him go yes not even let him go make him go seven and a half seconds now blankfist is behind robin franz and mcadman has seen the danger and has upped his pace 335 what is it three 44-35 last time around two race leaders in shot yifiyi who if yay who's leading for team wrt and lmp2 and the red ferrari of alessandro pierre guidi our gte pro leader here's our gte am leader also run by af courser nick nielsen there's francois pirodo in the middle he's breathing nice and turned blue look that's the chateal our blue behind he's not the same color he's enjoying he's feeling fairly sanguine i think he is there's no risk in terms of time it's only really half a massive misfortune that could get in the way now of what's been a well-earned win you said that did you i did seven seven seconds the gap between blonde crystals ryan's five and a half and it's getting away from him here [Music] it's just going to take a little bit of traffic or one little slip up well this pressure the pressure is going to be intense wrt are likely going to win lmp2 the question is are they going to get a one-two result at their first lamar yeah i mean that's the ultimate result isn't it i mean what you know what an underlining of the talent and the grit and the knowledge and the know-how of wrt that they're in this position whether it comes off in the next five minutes or not two months left i think for these battles as the totals with still with the wrt car well behind it's not closing on the battle it's not they're still going at race pace they're doing three thirties three thirty ones the gaps as things stand for second place between ryan's and blondis 5.7 seconds four and a half minutes to go uh in the lmp2 pro and battle that gap has come down now to 38 seconds from 53 seconds it's not coming down quickly it's the joker car in the background with the gold nose boys 38 the gold nose was that 28 was that blonde quest worth 30. has he now got sight of it that was just coming out of mulsanne corner too many cars all together look sebumi just with his arm around jose maria lopez blame he's not gonna win this race but he's won the last this is three in a row this is massive that's what it feels and for the whole team you know it's a new baby it's a whole new car it's a whole new way of going racing so much to learn to develop to perfect see lopez there he had tears in his eyes yeah well why wouldn't you you know might be comfortable as well a few times here for various different reasons not least one of which who was driving a formula one car here on uh saturday morning yeah but you know fate hasn't always been on their side as well as politics not always being on their side but this time they are a lap away they can't slow down enough to do no more laps it will be four o'clock central central european summer time in just three minutes from now four points will go on to their final lap four point eight seconds to get four point four seconds to get three minutes to go oh he's still tapping those buttons on the steering wheel yeah it's going to be a huge emotion for everybody involved in this project right from the very start don't be afraid of showing motion my friend it's a big deal oh no it's a 40 year old [Music] last lap it can't be fuel it's gone it's fuel isn't it it's the at the leading car on the final lap of the race nella b2 so we're going to do that [Music] once again this race look on the laptop have they have they had to stop a lap too soon it is the last lap of the race there's the battle toyota one two there is your leader wrt the 31 car the second car in the queue that is blondqvist 2.8 seconds 2.9 seconds car between the pair of them it's the three cars it's the first and the third car in this order that is so so cruel panics racing because they've got to cross the line are going to be on the podium that's ridiculous well listen if you'd offered it to them on wednesday you can win lemon but the other car will retire okay you know that's a fairly reasonable outcome but to go from a one-two on the final lap i can't even begin to imagine what yifa yay and his teammates must feel like 2.1 seconds the gap between tom 24 hours 2021 as the two toyotas come through our nage as they cruise towards what looks like a photo finish but behind them there's going to be desperate scenes here here comes the leader in p2 there is the second place and the green car with the gold nose in the background that is second place tom blonkfist there are 1.8 seconds between them they could if these guys slow down for a photo finish it could be all about whether or not they've cleared the line before those two p2 cars at full racing speed arrived there 25 seconds on the clock it's 1.8 seconds is the gap astonishing scenes oh my goodness this race does it every year to somebody not always quite as dramatically as this the toyotas are taking no chances going by the inception racing ferrari but they will pass him they don't want to go that slowly out of arnage now comes the lmp2 leader robin friends still 1.7 seconds only a 10th game by tom blonquist the last lap of the 89th le man the first of the hypercar era is going to see toyota gazoo racing claim a remarkable one-two result with all five hyper cars that started still running at the flag equally remarkable toyota one two alpine will be third ahead of the pair of glickenhaus but huge drama in lmp2 for sixth overall and victory the wrt 41 car stopping at the beginning of the final lap there is our gte pro winner has got traffic frieza's got traffic i think not too much hopefully it'll be the inception racing porsche we will see the toyota's win and we will then go back to look for our lmp2 battle there's fright and there is brokers behind him he's going to be one of the closest finishes he wins two traffic and takes it by heartbreak in wrt one car retires on the final there's ferdie habsburg charlie lacy there with a with a red mop of hair they are absolutely ecstatic but for their teammates utter devastation absolutely our break outing come through to take third place uh take a position on the podium both of the clicking houses will come home it will be panic's racing on the podium because the team wrt cars the second car the 41 car has not crossed the line and that is absolutely a must 51 has come through to win in gte pro yeah of course the ferrari through as well the c8r corvette 63 cars come through and it will be the 92 porsche to complete the podium in gte pro in gtam they of course certainly yet to cross the line i haven't got to the line yet but they're your winners finally they make it mike conway camus kobayashi and jose maria lopez so the tf sport car about to cross the line in second the 83 cars gone through to start another laps as long as it comes around we'll do that and it will be iron links to complete the podium there in the lmp2 am category they've come home dragon's beat take it but lost almost 30 seconds in a charge for the young dutchman i'm trying to hear from duncan and mike conway in the toyota garage yeah mike comey what a day mike comey congratulations finally the winner of the le mans 24 to be honest hard to put it towards there's been so many uh setbacks over the last two years it's just to bring it home now is just amazing yeah a lot of emotions to see for you we're so happy for you congratulations and enjoy the moment thank you kind of hard almost to enjoy you can hear his absolutely choking back the tears holly you know what that's like yes it's it's oh for mike it will just be an amazing feeling i mean it has been heartbreak for so many years for him he's always been you know the bridesmaid and never the bride and now finally the day has come for him to get that first le mans victory we're watching tv as the 82 car is coming through two cars coming through there so much on his own what a way to have your final lap to win your first lemon in gte m nick nielsen comes through valedictory performance the last lap of the race for the gte m winner tf sport takes second with the aston martin felipe fraga bringing it to the line matteo crossoni for iron links on the podium iron links have really emerged like a rocket in sports car racing they have just produced the goods since we first heard their name two years ago through comes 83 to take the win in gta and by a full lap yep ahead of them was the 92 car to complete the podium in gte bro also both the clicking houses are through yeah [Music] they're crossing the line he's the last car to take the checkered flag paul de rester and remember a first ever gtm class win for afk also well extraordinary scenes at the end of this race um it wasn't about who was going to win it eventually but lmp2 astounding astounding who makes this stuff up uh team wrt we keep saying it we keep saying that drama always comes in the dying moments of a insurance race and every race it seems to produce just something yeah yes absolutely there's the uh iron dames the iron links ferrari rahul frey bringing it to the end they have theirs share problems yeah vanessa and vossler you know they know how to win there was never any question that they would come good that they would end up doing what wrt have done for so many years being really damn good and finally here they get their first world endurance championship win what a place to do it and nobody's going to forget it because of that last lap drama and this was extraordinary stuff there go the totals but the cars behind were still battling and i think the checkered flag man jumps out of the way as you would exactly because the toyotas are coming past you on sort of idle throttle and you can hear full fat racing engines exiting the ford chicane coming to the line well who is the who is the famous starter of the french grand prix toto roche who was uh famous for his florid flag work at the start and at the finish he spent a lot of time leaping out of the ways the cars that were racing for the line in the 60s and 70s and there was a degree of that going on well wrt charmy lacy there with ferdinand habsburg and with robin freins coming out on top at the end of a hell of a dramatic final lap the p2 class it was just unbelievable the whole race well let's hear from toyota team number seven well finally thank you that no words can't believe that happened that's that's a remarkable uh result for them and to add insult to injury the wrt number 41 car that led lmp2 onto the last lap has dropped to the tail of the field as a retirement well a few facts and figures that is mike conway's 10th win in the wec he's the third british driver to take a win at le mans in the wc after ana mcnish and nick tandy nine wins in wc for kamui kobayashi and well it's been a rich vein of form for japanese drivers in le mans fourth japanese driver to win overall eighth win for pachito lopez the second argentine driver to win in the first since jose frail and gonzalez in 1954 amazing stuff yep the pampas ball foil on gonzales and jose maria lopez adds to that first win by the way lmp2 the first win in the wc by a belgian flag team in any class whoa okay it's the uh habsburg becomes the first austrian to win in lmp2 it's malaysia's of course first win 15th french drive to win in lmp2 31 jumps the lead of the wc lmp2 standings first brown win of the season for dragon speed you're gonna say one of the happiest men in the place will be henrik hedman because he could so easily have succumbed to the pressure of being hunted down by a genuine top gun well we were all sitting here going oh what are they doing what a dragon speed doing putting him in for the finish they obviously had to complete his time they had that strategic advantage they had done their final stop absolutely everyone else had to yeah and we didn't we didn't fully uh appreciate that i played that laptop yeah absolutely but you know but fair play even so just you know the the ability to just get in there and grind it out to the end that's fantastic stuff from henry hedman and you couldn't be happier for him he's such a nice chap i do wonder whether or not juan pablo montoya who lets me forget has won the race in that class might be on the phone to uh fernando alonso and asking whether our class win rates for the triple crown yes because he's one indian monaco he has he has he has so what an extraordinary finished that race and my overriding emotion other than to be blunt joy for that total crew they've come so close so often yep is i can't imagine what it must be like to part be part of that wrt crew right now they are an official retirement they're either ends of the spectrum absolutely astounding what do you do with your close teammates and friends to celebrate that one that's very very tough very tough well you saw the saw the iron dames there they did a great job last year on their debut they stayed out of trouble they didn't hit anything they didn't get caught up in any dramas they had a great finish this year the other side of the lemon coin came for them all the bad luck not just one of somebody else's accidents two of somebody else's accidents at the same time took sophia flourish and her teammates out of the race so you know they've they've played the same game but fortuners dealt them a different hand and for these guys in number seven they've been quick all year they were quicker last year they are the quicker it seems you know aggregate team over the number eight car they just always haven't had the fortune this must make it all the sweeter ground jose maria lopez and i might call we've been waiting on the grid for coming with kobayashi for quite a long time he's interesting he's enjoying it it's beginning to dawn in the momentous nature of what's just been achieved by the three of them here um absolutely take your time you know these opportunities just so rarely come in anyone's career and just being able to just soak it all up take your time spend that time waving to the crowd especially as the finishing driver actually yeah again you know talking about this to surprise we did did a podcast last year there was a couple of drivers yannick dalma saying that one of the greatest bits of le mans was was driving around slowly afterwards and just waving to all the masters all the masters from all the marshalls posts all the campsites all flood out there's this colorful array of all the flags and there we come at least but you know he said all those men and women who have allowed us to race and said i wanted to give on their on their slowing down that i wanted to give something back to them well you saw it from kabue as he came round he went and honored the flag post came off the track uh proper and this is going to be a very special moment for these three races top four or the top driver rather and team and car in each class will go under the podium hypercar and overall winners which weren't necessarily guaranteed to be the same guaranteed to be the same it has worked out a lot better for all the hyper car teams than we expected there's our pro and we're in assembling dude color that five different cars absolutely henrik hedman what a big day for him team wrt the 31 car will go under the podium so will the 51a of course of ferrari that won in gte pro so will the 83 af course of ferrari the one in gte am and they of course are with double leman wins in the two categories they entered and who on their le bingo card would have had positions one to five for the only five hyper cars that started this race well i did say in the rain earlier on on saturday afternoon slightly facetiously if the lmp2 cars don't stop crashing there is a reasonable chance a hypercar might win this not sure anybody would have confidently bet a lot of money on all five of them a finishing and b finishing in places one to five that's just not what you expect from brand new cars in a brand new category and this will only get better there's no doubt about that now they'll only get better with more cars coming more factories coming more talent coming so much more still to come from the hypercar class with the lmh cars so we've got it this year the great lmdh cars that degree of confusion here the master was all saying yeah pull up here mate and the lemon endurance management america no no this way this way don't stop don't stop keep coming around because they like we know that this is where you want your winners you want them underneath the podium alessandro pierre guidi what a happy boy and there's robin friends out of the car on the left 30 habsburg on the right charm lacy a first lemon win for all three special times very very special yeah can you remember those i can see there's a bus along every few minutes ollie you're gonna have to learn that darren turner also complaining he didn't crash his car now he didn't crash he broke it he did break that is fair enough crashed over curbs so yeah delighted to have you with us at the finish delighted to have darren with us in the booth as well thoroughly enjoyed watching what has been from start to finish i ripped it people often say well it wasn't a classic was it i don't really remember when people go well that was an absolute classic and i can't really judge how you judge what was a classic i tell you what it will be memorable because like the first group c race like the first lmp1 race we know we're on the dawn of something so there's that lmp2 last lap that will be memorable yes no question at all about it your first ever wins for af courser you've got to think of that as being a memorable moment as well a real battle a real battle throughout in gtm with the aston martin it doesn't flowed with different strategies uh the the the first hour absolutely the chaos of the weather brought yes not just the first hour but but basically until sort of you know getting on for midnight uh it will be remembered this one without a shadow of a doubt it's the transitional year to something special it'll be remembered because it marks the end of perhaps an unhappy era at le mans for this crew yep and what glorious awaits for this three are already world champions now le mans winners and that's been the missing link in the chain for them can't turn the steering when it's stationary camus kobe actually can't get out of the car yeah you don't want them sort of stranded behind uh you just need a couple of minutes on the out on the on the straight you want them under the podium still by the way just another example of just how long this lap is france roberto is only now making his way to pit lane well again i don't think he's been rushing no he's been savouring it and rightly there it is the 83 car those are your four overall class winners and there will be a gte and podium as well i understand well i thought we enjoyed that certainly the the dramas at the end i wouldn't have wished that on anybody no definitely not you never do do you but there's you know and you know and even when it's not you know a car failure that takes it away again you know we think of that last lap battle between the corvette and the aston back in 2017 and neither of them deserve to lose that race neither of them deserve to not win but but this race chooses you have one winner yes exactly it really does i think we've all said it that it does choose you and it obviously just with team wrt it was the 31 car le man can be a cruel mistress absolutely let's face it we started with 61 cars five of them won something it's not a high hit rate you know you've got you've got to have everything going for you everything you bring and everything that comes towards you has to work out well now then let's talk a little bit about history okay no it's your it's not your bus this one looking worried oh god here we go again just because i'm the oldest man in christendom this is michelan's 24th consecutive 24-hour victory now that okay 25 quarter century that's always a big thing but because it's 24-24 that is a big deal who won the very first one right guess who knows about it to hand me a note in the commentary box was it darren turner it wasn't even older than darren turner 1998. oh it's david allison of course it is where is he now i think he hoped at the tram stop [Laughter] that is an extraordinary i see the jets just taking off actually yeah yeah well they must do because the helicopter from here to there to put him on the jet must have left so the 24th 24 hour michelin win here at le mans mike conway camus kobayashi and proudly waving his flag as he did so many times in his career from argentina jose maria lopez only the second argentine driver to win outright at le mans and it's been a while 67 and gonzalez achieved that 67 years were you there i was but that's before pachito wow that's before pachito's dad was born so yeah you know it's it's grandad remembers territory i'm delighted for these drivers that we've got something a little less weird than last year one of the sad aspects of the the great race last year was that there wasn't really the podium atmosphere that we'd normally expect the patent the stands here are still full the tribune's here are waiting to celebrate with these drivers and the entire paddock has assembled under the podium as there's there once absolutely saw tom christensen down there interviewing the winners working here with eurosport uh l'keep are here as well in number yep good to see full french coverage of this race again yep and the wc you're right and of course being delighted again to be part of the aco's in-house production and if you think winning le mans is just another day at the office and these are offices that i've never been to uh there you go francois perot knows what it is to win now and he's coming back because he likes that feeling and that's wonderful to see high quality efforts sanjo pierre guidi just taking a moment before the helmet comes off yeah friends well parody by the way it may be some people the least glamorous of the titles here gtam but this is where you get the real passion and a firm individual backer of other racing efforts and the efforts of professional racing drivers and that's really nice to boot i was going to say actually to to uh to steal a phrase bloody nice chat he's a very very nice guy always an absolute delight to talk to about racing and other things yeah and uh fun absolutely friendly and actually you know there's barely a person in the paddock of of whom you could not say that this is such a warm and welcoming place to work and to and to race and to have fun it's very of course a cruise yeah that's fantastic to see i mean they've both both crews have performed brilliantly executed faultless been fast great strategy great teams behind them i'm sure that they've got some of the lowest timing pits um times four for any of the cars and that's in the end how you end up winning this race staying out of the pits just saw henrik hedman sort of legging it out of shot behind didn't want to photo bomb their moment of opportunity again you know another great supporter of the sport henrik hedman with that dragon speed car he and ben hadley particularly have been a really solid outfit and great to see the reward going their way and it's racing's trio there and they'll be appearing on the lemon podium in the wake of their first lms race win one of the most exclusive waiting rooms on the planet this is the room this is the glamour ladies and gentlemen boys of girls of the pre-podium room olly you've been in there a few times for the top step for the other steps it's it's never a bad place to be is it no it's not it's it it's full of joy yep there's lots and lots of extremely happy people in there lots of celebrating lots of stories being swapped lots of back slapping lots of hugging um it's also a little bit smelly yes you go up the dusty concrete staircase at the back don't you that's where you get to see if you've been if you've finished in the car that's usually where you end up seeing your your crew chief or your you know the team manager or or the program manager for the first time and that's when it really starts to sink in there's explosion of joy on the left-hand side of the garage at wrt and tears for both reasons at wrt van samvoss yes big sigh of relief big disappointment as well though you know result robbed on the final lap i'm sure he's going to be feeling right now oh boy i'm pretty sure it's not going to be any kind of good there's their engineer toyota one-two look at that that was the win that's how close that got one more lap joe to might have been robbed or i mean wrt might have been robbed by jota of even one car finishing on the top step of the podium [Music] brendan hartley having a little chat and our the famous voice of lamar bruno van dystique waiting to welcome our winners out onto the podium double points here at le mans 50 points for jose mourinho lopez kobayashi and mike conway put them into a slender nine point advantage over their teammates who finished second so they're just creeping away a little bit i'm draining the ground machiavellia and nicola lapierre in third place for alpene and then in fourth and fifth positions and sixth and so on are the drivers who have not completed all the races so far for the alpine team and also for silicon house toyota gazoo racing with a handy advantage no over alpine of course they score with both cars alpena only with one clicking house with one then with two and again with two here at le mans as their season continues and in our gte drivers championship alessandro pierguidian james collado the reigning champions now 12 points ahead of kevin estrella neil johnny jimmy rooney richard leads third for porsche michael christensen on his own as a porsche driver in fourth position in the standings and ferrari have a slender point advantage over porsche that turns around so yeah from how it was coming in here there are the wrt crew man woman and child and swapping hats around and sanford doesn't have a tyre manufacturer sponsored flat at pfe on there in the uh dark jacket there will be the prized michelin podium caps i'm sure for all on the hypercar podium could you capture course for the lmp2 teams could well be 24 24 24s they see norman and his teammates real team racing they finished in third place on the pro am podium second for racing team netherland and victory in pro am for dragon speed and hendrick hedman and fritz van air to really be you know part of the driving force behind having something for the gentleman drivers for the pro-am crews uh in lmp2 to battle for as well as outright honours and they are very delighted i'm sure both of them to be on the pro-am podium here at le mans excellent stuff you're seeing all the drivers here just swapping stories just talking about how the race finished what was what was what was going on you know because they're all trying to piece it together because you've been so focused and in your bubble with just your car when we've got this great view of all of the racing but when you're in in this race and in your class you have only headspace for your race so you so you're trying to piece together now when you're down there at the podium okay how did how did p2 finish yeah and how did gtm finish what car are you in yeah right no genuinely yeah yeah i i one of the things i wanted to ask you and darren about actually post race is what it's like to watch a lemon because you don't when you're a racing driver you don't watch it you don't see the race as you said you only see your car and a few little other items in close proximity well you see that there's an awful lot of very very good teams here and the the driver talent is so deep and there's this it's so rich at the moment and that's that's certainly one of the things that really comes across but there's also these crazy things that happen that are you know you think oh you can't this it can't happen again or there can't be another story like that and and somehow this race each year manages to to to produce this amazing piece of drama and there's something just special about this racetrack and this race that somehow manages to generate that vibe and that feeling and that atmosphere and ultimately these these very emotional results and it's funny to be on the outside looking in i guess as well yeah it really is yeah to answer your question it is very strange to look after 20 years to actually watch one you're coming to the same place but at the same time all the same faces and then you're leaving them and going somewhere else and doing something different that doesn't involve you being in the car and being in the garage with the team and talking to the mechanics and all the other stuff yeah it's far less pressure yes that's that's certainly one thing and it's you know i've had 20 years of you know dealing with a very pressurized situation but this it's been great fun i've really really enjoyed it well i i think i always think the good news is you know people say you know what was the race i don't know i enjoyed it and i think if we enjoy it then hopefully with that enjoyment and enthusiasm carries on to to the fans at home who are tuned in because they know they enjoy it anyway we're just kind of it's just it's just a big happy club and we're all enjoying watching a racing podium coming together here the signature ping the alpine jones team between the uh philip senior they're with matthias fazofia andrena crowell galapia but what a what a year for him to be presented with the spirit of le mans as well and they get an outright podium in this brand new category and there's no question that he is swinging as hard as he can to try and land a factory hyper car deal we're missing a driver yes we are so brave i think he's there i think nakajima's there too yeah um on the podium we've got pascal vasilon and the winning crew but i think we're waiting for one of the drivers for they're not gonna wait i don't blame them was brendan hartley not there brendan hartley was in the in the world has he gone for a wii i mean without being facetious you know because it's um you'd have to go to the podium first yeah technical director pascal i think he's there is he one two three four yes we've got more yeah exactly should we have it no we haven't nokias nakajima is not there [Music] the japanese national anthem for our winning team toyota racing and the most mournful of national anthems always think [Applause] refined dignified very appropriate for the japanese team there is the big trophy there is the one that everybody has been looking for in third place pierre fiore presents the trophies to the alpine team the president of the aco to andre mcgraw to nico lapierre [Applause] man on the left-hand side whose senior tech team has run so many drivers to victory in formula three in sports cars and at the greatest endurance race of them all derrick bell will present the trophies to our runners-up from toyota gazoo racing the number eight team sebastian buemi brendan hartley and finally joined by kasich nakajima who had been grabbed if the body language is just anything to show by i think possibly by japanese tv but he had definitely been grabbed out the back derrick bell to grand marshall and our victorious team waiting for their trophies and this has been more than a 24-hour wait for these guys this has been a four-year wait for this crew [Music] and after a run of three this is a fourth in a row the major trophy kept by toyota last year handed over to them late in the evening of the race apache berlin who is the prefect of the department that's the river that runs through this region [Applause] so there are your winners overall and one of their touchstones alexander but it's never far away is he no he's not he's been a huge part of this yeah tells the story of when he was testing when he was a young formula one driver seeing the first peugeot group c cars testing and going i want to drive those not group c cars lmp1 cars he he'd grown up in the group sierra his father of course was a rally crosser france woods and uh growing up in a motor sporting in fraternity and he just thought he saw the lmp1 car he said i just thought it was the sexiest thing ever and i phoned the boss of peugeot sport and said i want to drive your car he said but alex you've just signed for williams you're a formula one drive he said yeah but i still want to drive your cars and after that initial contact when he got the opportunity he did exactly that and he can't leave it alone and you understand why don't you very early in his uh driving career it was exhibit uh a part of exhibits at one of the racing shows and his racing car to exhibit alongside i think it was on my right it was friends conrad's group c car i might be right and that was what lit the fire [Applause] there is a massive trophy for victory in the 24 hours of le mans took one home and kept it last year after three years yes i did three consecutive wins something tells me doing that again is going to be all together more tough but what a start they've made absolutely they have taken the first steps for a major motor manufacturer in hypercar they win the hypercar class with their le mans hypercar it's a hybrid a strange year last year they rounded out the lmp1 era with victory and they opened the dawn of a new sports car racing era in hypercar also with victory here at le mans year parked the fastest sports car in history here that their career was over at the end of 2020 2021 they start this new era with well already the most successful car 100 record for total this year but that was not a cake walk that needed to be earned after the dramas at the start of this race yeah it's going to be interesting to to hear in the in the post-mortem exactly what was going on with the car as well why it wasn't able to use its full fuel allocation for half the race for the number eight car and a little less than that for the number seven car so there's definitely things that they will be working on things that obviously did not come up in all the testing they did the motion there for nicola on the podium with helping but remember for a long time a part of the total squad absolutely right uh i think he was complaining that he didn't get a bottle of champagne no he got a bottle to wear yeah got the contents of several bottles to wear yeah one of the mechanics running off with one of those bottles absolutely here we go don't waste it spraying on the guys they are all thirsty and tired they would all like a little swig from the bottle covered or not yeah no i know i know well there's ye oh my goodness he still hasn't been able to take his helmet off i wonder how long it's taken to get back on the flatbed mike conway with the word for the crowd all the guys in our car thanks for everything all the hard work we love you boys and uh yeah let's enjoy this one it must be very hard to kind of encapsulate all the emotion of a 24-hour race to build up to it the lead up to it all the hard work and everything that's gone in and then as you sort of let all the adrenaline out and there's that relief even after all those wins and then somebody like martin or i put some microphone on your nose or ask yourself that's your question [Laughter] [Music] look at the background there that's uh that's a sizable crowd for this and they've stayed yeah and they will stay you can see the panic has come together in pit lane yeah this is a bit more like it isn't it yeah it does it does it's trying to have the field they're trying to organize that selfie different major manufacturers now here at le mans absolutely can't wait yes [Laughter] there you go that's the picture everybody with the chimney [Applause] very hard to coordinate selfies especially when you're actually trying to take a selfie not just have a photo from a photographer mike's just checking it yeah he wants to keep it rightly so absolutely exactly right you might have to explain a few things to them i got a flurry of champagne here around the team from alpine george i'll be very happy indeed yeah after so many difficult difficult months for so many difficult reasons just moments of joy are somehow even more joyful aren't we yeah get the camera out of the way squad goals there for you guys so yeah thank you merci andre philippe podium overall podium philip senior how does it feel that we find ourselves in at the moment lots of thoughts for the late jean-pierre winner back in the 17th [Music] i think finally i made uh the winning i had so many proportions always you know i had a good opportunity winning but i never won this race but finally we won i think of course i think the team did a great job all the mechanical engineers this is a great effort but sometimes 24 months makes something giving bad luck to me or to us and we're struggling a lot but finally we made it so i'm very happy and for especially my teammates and we work really hard and finally you know he's no easy race even i think this year but still to be on winning finally it's a great feeling thank you very much for everybody and of course i think we see spectator in lumar is amazing [Music] i think summing up what everybody in the crew feels it is the folks at toyota they know what it's like to lose a win on the last lap because of mechanical frailty wrt just heartbreak for those guys they won [Music] fortunately this race is so hard to win and when you get that close to have it yanked away three minutes [Applause] [Music] [Music] will be there as well so there is your race classification for the hypercar class first second third fourth and fifth overall as well as in the category that wasn't always the case analysis both dropped back early on and particularly the 709 car had to claw its way back over 14 hours probably or more back ahead of all the lmp2 opposition gradually make it up into fifth position overall so it is the class that is dominated in terms of performance and the result all five new cars finishing this race so our overall podium is completed a little bit of sweeping up and mopping up making sure they don't forget their own x watches yes indeed and then we go to our gte pro class classification victory for the 51a of course a ferrari for most of saturday they were running 1-2 corvette racing really took the battle to them in the night and the porsche gt team i still don't quite understand how 92 caught up all the way that they did but they did and ended up in third position in the class ahead of the sister carp and the 64 corvette team just being classified as a finisher it was in fact the final classified finisher tommy milner coming across the line 313 laps very very close in the lmp2 point standings one point with the 28 jota had a 31 team wrt car and 38 jotun now third united auto sports after a tough tough race for them still in touch 13 points back for the 22 car uh into europol getting a hat full of points and they're in the hunt as well with two races to go two races to go both in bahrain consecutive weekends in november but boy united auto sports need to knock it out of the park on both weekends and their rivals need to have trouble because that's that's going to be tough to defend that title however however there's an awful lot of racing still to be done there's henrik hedman in the cap on the left-hand side couldn't be happier to see that crew finally having some of the success they richly deserve they've had a few knockbacks i think of the big crash of pietro ferdipaldi in that car in spa a couple of years ago they've had their share of disappointments and disasters norman nato with real team racing on the podium third could do it at one point and henrik hedman lest we forget one of only two men in wc and recent lms history to take an overall race win as a bronze rank driver in an mp2 car the only other person to do it uh was fritz winnett okay yes that's right racism one in wc three that's one in elements yep and again henrikh hebman you know learned his craft in european le mans series before stepping up to the world championship sort of lost a bit in the height stakes in the corvette diane you know you know i know jordan's doing his best trying to you know bring a bit of uh bring a bit of height in but it saves a lot on the fabric on those race suits by the way they've cut their cloth yeah no no mex bill's gone down by oh huge percentage oh just lining them up [Laughter] polk yeah and what's the camera do we like between these factory teams only these moments it's generally not bad i mean um in the us we got on pretty well uh with with everybody and when we came to europe you know there's there is a a lot of respect a massive amount of respect between the teams and we know that the driver line i'm sorry you know first rate world-class you know these guys in the 92 car kevin estrada michael christensen they are all world-class drivers you know world champions all three of them [Applause] jordan nikki and antonio martini they're just following up team manager and this will be this will be tough you know to take that second place and um you know every team that comes to this race they want to come to win and corvette's goal was to win this race with the c8r first time out but listen they didn't even get to come here last year you know and the car they knew coming in you knew coming in he explained why it was always going to be struggling through the night time through the cold and it was colder longer yeah i think actually that's a heck of a that's a heck of a good result for that car it was it is and and and actually i think somewhat sadly is that the 64 car had been foreign [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] and the italian anthem for our winning team in gte pro af courser running the factory blessed ferraris congratulations to them they've yeah they've ran an absolutely fool this race all three of them were super fast great great pit work great team and the first win at the moment for comledgar so he stands alongside the crew from the winning toyota as first-time winners here and leading at the championship standings again alessandro pierguidian james collado for patti pregliasco who runs af courses myriad racing they've operations something like 70 cars or something dotted around the world ridiculous numbers dr wolfgang ulrich who knows a thing or two about being up on this podium permanent consultant to the aco and advice on a whole range of matters including a course how to attract and how to keep factory interest moving forward well do you know what i mean and that may possibly be his single greatest contribution apart from just being such a genial chap is he knows what boardrooms want and he knows how to deliver it you know he kept audi fully engaged here for 13 seasons so that is information the aco really really need so the trophy is presented to our race winners here in the gte pro class 51 ferrari you were about to say something about the 64 car yeah i was i was just going to say that let's just celebrate this moment here for ferrari for 51. a marvelous achievement every victory is so special here yeah fantastic job to get cars to the top of both gt class podiums a really big weekend for air of course tomato ferrari the man behind the whole operation yeah i was just i was just going to say you know putting my corvette hat back on you know that the 64 car had been faster than the 63 all week and i think that they would have really taken the fight well and truly to ferrari and possibly even been able to get it to the top step if they'd not had that that bump at the start yep from that car and yes and that then sets the ball rolling for a number of things to go wrong with the 64 car and it just snowballed for them yeah you never know what sets wheels in motion exactly and that's the thing and that's the tough that's the tough side of it but uh you know it shows the 51 car today yep they were they were the ones who were chosen to win the race exactly so so there's your podium in gte pro of course is ferrari the 63 corvette and the 92 porsche gt team henry hedman starry lineup ben hanley and juan pablo montoya in that pro-am class winning dragon speed usa car bunch of very happy smiling faces yep great to see james collado up there brdc member very proud yeah proud brit and uh you know he's been a part of this very very successful ferrari operation now for a number of years and yeah he's he is really one of the uh the stars of the show here yeah here now sandra pierguidy taking another step closer to defending their world championship title kevin michael christensen the previous champion previous years champions heading off just in front of them i wouldn't be defending it it was that's the martin last year uh two years ago yes you're right sorry yes weird weird kind of mixed calendar we've had it does oh it's my it's my mixed brain cells i'm afraid merci beaucoup thanks to the aco for uh making the race happen i think actually every motor racing fan thinks exactly the same yes i actually probably shattered he ended up doing a lot of the running today didn't he and uh i'm sure he was describing the emotional response when it starts to download when it starts to go quiet when you've had that big up crashing down and uh time for a sit down and think about it yeah you do you do you you are you know so elated but you're also a little hollow because you've just used so much that you are just wrung out emotionally physically wait wait till we switch the microphones off in here you will never have known me oh it's nothing like you're soaring high when you can go home and leave us behind i need a really stiff drink that's what i need i thought i thought we talked about that yes driven me to it confirmation by the way the 41 the wrt car was not lack of fuel it was power ah it just died absolutely gutting goodness me electrical failure i mean there was no clouds of smoke if it's not smoking it's got all its wheels and it's not upside down in the gravel it's electronics these days isn't it well their despair is a joy for this trio come out on another le mans podium yes zuzia canal has just had quite a good history with this place hasn't he yeah he really has james allen by the way who featured so heavily in last year's race and lost out right at the end olivier panic last frenchman to win a formula one grand prix before that's off to will stevens absolutely top effort today last former last frenchman to win a formula one grand prix in a french car all right [Applause] there with them and the jota sport car in second place 28 perhaps the lesser fancied of them stuff for vandaunton blanche there tom tom blog top effort today [Applause] he's a character isn't it he is he's he's great he's uh racing and sport needs people with that level of exuberance yeah he is he is a proper height actually yeah for a race car driver and the first ever belgium [Music] one of the highlights take from this cd kept behind the podium here it's the full thing and quite rightly so proud moment i'm sure for fans as well as for those three drivers goodness me i wonder how many national anthems the band rehearse well only the teams remember it wouldn't have been that bad but uh turn to page 53 of your hymn books sean lazy brings him a win at 20 years old charles the well depends who you ask is here johnny rotten looking like is he an ed sheeran look alike i think depends on how old the person you are is julian canal on the right of your picture james allen in the center and will stevens on life there is olivier panis still a fierce competitor in the trophy andros every winter boy don't be in the way when he wants to come through is all i'm saying his elbows are no less pointy than they ever were and there's a team owner and a team boss first with family and barters and now under his own panic racing banner with the aberdeen yep um brother and sister yeah that's a great technical group and that's a great liaison great stuff that was a great race in mp2 and a dramatic has to be said unwelcome finish in one regard yeah you don't like to see that lost like that but you want to see one with class and it was it was indeed it was indeed an uh and a frantic battle right towards the end it was a proper scramble to get it over the line wasn't it it was indeed pierre du donne in the background there with the white hair yeah part of the brain's trust at wrt yep and uh what does it might see him tierra tessa is part of that outfit as well kurt mullikens as you mentioned you know every belgian racing driver pretty much mark dewas that you you've heard of in the last 30 years is kind of involved of course first came here we had jackie jackie's locks up at night pierre first came here with uh well i first met him here with master speed with whom he spent many years working with deshonak and oraca running the master speed program which culminated in the first ever victory for a japanese manufacturer overall at le mans and still the only japanese manufacturer to win gtp at the moment absolutely and record unlikely to be beaten panic goes early and goes hard with the champagne spray [Music] but he's wearing tracky bums so four unfortunately he's going to be carrying a lot more off the podium than anybody else i think probably so very happy olivier panis that's fantastic there you go fantastic addition to the wrt history book it already has plenty of glittering pages doesn't it [Music] when he and jose aren't strangers to the podium but uh first timers here wrt and the top step is their fos first visits to the step to the podium at le mans racing again under their own banner vincent did all he possibly could to run off the podium to avoid the champagne shower and then ferdinand hatzberg has saved some something specially for him good lad yeah exactly joseph boys are going selfie and a day off for vandal dev joy here for belgium motorsport after a sad day yesterday funeral of the ceo of the spa fragrance circuit and this gives them the kind of headline i don't know would have liked to have read this house one of the things that i do find very curious is that the size of the trophies they get smaller and smaller and smaller with the further along you get with the with the podium presentations yeah which i think is wrong although oddly not in the wec the championship winning podium championship winning trophy in the wc4 lmp2 is vastly bigger than any other trophy that's because you've got to put an mp2 car in it to take it home absolutely absolutely it's almost as tall as a normal human being well because it's no harder to win overall than it is to win in p2 or in or out guess what lies ahead for teams and drivers [Music] not just in the aco and wec commentary crew but also in my years at eurosport jamie campbell walter could well have joined us but he had a couple of drivers in the race who he's managing um and so he thought okay maybe my guys kind of need me just to be around i think ferdie habsburg needs him right now but but definitely a great moment for him great moment for us as well what everybody has done [Music] a very difficult week very well has been keating offering his congratulations to the guys that beat him there in the podium for the am class in fact that was the iron links guys that finished behind him but here is your fi endurance trophy in lmp2 28 joe to sport car leading by one from wrt and it is an eight point spread over the top three it's gonna be fun in bahrain graham it most certainly is two great cracking races to look forward to that i'm sure as we get the gt am podium underway the iron legs team camera on the podium on his debut yeah never a bad thing is it to be on the podium in your first race in the car ben keating that'll be tom yep indeed is this the first podium for iron links uh i think it might be like i think so it won't be the last no no those guys are good aren't they of course a cracking effort here let's see rivera nicholas nielsen i mean lamont i mean yeah uh and francework from uh af courser and their first ever the team's first ever gte among [Music] so [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] trophies being presented to our second place team tom ferry with his crew and keating his seventh lemon seventh different car that's some sort of a record oh yeah what's he going to come back with next year sort of hyper car programmers one can only dream but he's loving his racing just [Music] trophy third which goes to francois parado the team of quarters 83 car who claim victory in gte am a popular victory [Applause] well-respected crew well was a very well respected team and under the [Applause] patronage of france have many many friends [Music] established our teams team that's been battling away and winning with tf sports and then the coming giant i think the design links will see a lot more of them at this great race and others in the future one more podium to come yeah possibly well the newest and possibly one of the most important i think for the aco as well recognition as in the gt category so in lmp2 that the gentleman drivers who are the backbone of racing in asia rules get their recognition let's see rivera uh france off-road and nick nielsen now with the points lead company ahead of bank eating dylan pereira and felipe fraga antonio fuerco giorgio cena giotto roberto la court down to third place after their chetalar racing car failed to finish 36 and a half points the gap now and 50 points earned with that win still ahead of by one point of the 54 af courser ferrari and of course his 83 car leads the team's trophy from tf sports 33 chester in third again that one point ahead of 54. iron links and aston martin's 98 car not far behind there's a tight grouping there actually just outside the top three with only a few points covering them and we've got uh point and a half and points at three quarters uh no it's points in a goodness that's a good shout out but also uh montoya his second uh podium finish it's a win here it's one of the united auto sports has never appeared on the podium because it was because of a disqualification post race so he never it's sort of like being posted your olympic bronze medalist you never get the ceremony [Music] [Applause] you know what i'm only halfway joking it's significant it's a class win here from pablo i don't think he's finished either i think he absolutely and in fact he makes no no bones about he absolutely is positioning himself to be you know he's had a lot of success went to daytona 24 hours for the first time said he got uh i think he said got an email um from chip ganassi saying by the way you're doing daytona in two weeks too really um and won his first two daytona 24 hours missed out on a third consecutive by 14 000 of a second or something in the closest ever finish at daytona garcia comes out uh played a full part in this and they nearly nearly nearly coulda would have should have done it with like development there will be another chapter by the way in the montoya story sports car racing bahrain the rookie test that takes place after the final round uh dragon speed will be joined by sebastian and pablo's son let's say he's not going to do the rookie test like yeah magnuson did but look at the energy he's ready to do a 24 hour race now henry hedman one pablo montoya and ben hanley winners at le mans in pro-am yes it might be a swede but there's i only know some viking in there there is a little there he is no doubt spikey viki nice stuff that's great to see and those two he and fritz van aird that's what it's about [Music] the american national anthem for dragons be the winning team in nnp2 pro-am henrik hedman one problem montoya and ben hanley victorious i wonder if juan pablo is the first ever colombian winner of a class here that's is he off the automobile automobile era was quite a major manufacturing base because a big industrial town had massive bell casting foundations on the belts for notre dame were cast here and uh a number of the early car manufacturers were based here in in lamar darack was very definitely an early french car manufacturer so it is a famous name when he is a sion of that dynasty or not i know not but if you were in motoring a hundred years ago in le mans your great grandson is part of the aco that wouldn't be a big surprise with it so the real team racing team take the trophies for third place second place big smile on the face of your night closest to us there i'm not surprised [Applause] and [Applause] [Music] [Music] top three in lmp2 a lot of passion there there's more banks on that podium than there is a lot going on there henrik hedman and actually say fritz fernandez you're looking at two men there in the early stages of fairly major hangovers i think they are going to really enjoy this moment and the rest of their weekend there will be a big party there possibly the early part of next week there might be a lot of you know i'm not in hold my calls yeah yeah definitely it's gonna be one to remember it really is right well done as well julian and the dragon speed team it's all about the drivers on this podium but it's all about the team getting them there as well bringing a car to this race they could go the distance and do so at speed and you know i was almost going to touch on that a little bit earlier we talk about the drivers because they're the tip of the iceberg but it is a massive massive team operation just to get a car on this grid to keep it in the race to get it to the finish you know for every one that we see on the podium there's ten down there who have made it happen and that's the thing you know there's just such a a massive group of people that help get the car there you know whether that's you coming from a team like corvette racing or whether you're coming from a a smaller team like dragon speed or you know any one of these teams you know someone like hubba auto who have come here and there's there's this really core group of people that are working night and day to get this car on the grid and it's thanks to them that this success does happen well next year's le mans victory begins monday morning 9 a.m in every office that's hoping to be on the podium here are our pro-am drivers podium points leaders ben hanley henry hebben one problem on tour just sneak in front of fritz van aird with esteban garcia and norman nato norman has been with this demon in every race fitness has been the only constant in that car for the season so far so it looks like essentially a three horse race in that battle but again lots of points up for grabs in the two bar rain races dragon speed lead racing team netherland and real team with just nine point spread covering them for the teams and that brings us to the end of the 89th running of the le mans 24 hours so on behalf of everybody i'd just like to say thank you very much for joining us for alan mcnish and graham goodman we will be back in bahrain for the final two rounds of the world endurance championship with louise beckett and duncan vincent in the pit lane and our thanks to go-to as well to david addison to olly gavin and to darren turner for joining us and for making the weekend so much fun on behalf of the automobile club west the world endurance championship le mans endurance management olivier denis our director and our executive producer natalie farjay i'm martin haven saying thank you for joining us next year we hope to see more of you here at le mans whatever else let's hope that the 90th running is as epically entertaining as this one [Music] [Music]
Channel: FIAWEC
Views: 57,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiawec, wec, fia wec, endurance, world endurance championship, racing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 560min 0sec (33600 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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