FULL RACE: 2023 Tour Of Flanders Women

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[Music] thank you [Music] well this is it the most important weekend of the year for many a bike rider and certainly a mini uh bike racing fan you're very welcome to udon art for the 20th edition of the women's Rhonda van Flander and the tour of flounders the fourth race this season amongst the Flanders Classics events and it is of course round 10 of the Women's World Tour and the weather conditions looking pretty good actually it's a balmy five degrees Celsius here in udanata the sky is slate gray but I can tell you what that's uh that's certainly something to be preferred after the weather conditions that we've endured in this part of Flanders over the last couple of days the weather and the rains have abated they've made way for some decent conditions for racing and a little look at the role of honor of recent winners of this event will tell you that it's only the great and good that get to survive almost 160 kilometers of tough racing around some of the most uh challenging roads that Flanders can throw at the Riders and indeed we've got seven former winners among our start list today 140 Riders preparing to do battle and around the surroundings of udonardo playing host to this event at the start of the conclusion indeed for the 12th success of the year the leader of the Women's World Tour is a part of a crack lineup from the SD Works Squad Lorena Vives the European Champion sits astride the Women's World Tour and she'll be wearing that purple jersey keep an eye out for she's not in her usual European Champions Jersey today the SD work Squad can call on her considerable sprinting ability should she survive less than 18 sectors of significant difficulty 13 Hills five Cobble sections plenty of those Hills have cobbles as well it really is a fearsome Prospect and plenty of Fairly chunky looking tires have been fitted by the mechanics ahead of the start today as well you might expect all smiles at the start these images recorded earlier today now all of the top Classics Riders preparing for what's one of the most important events of this season and it's pretty clear instructions isn't it this is often an Elimination race from the back door about staying as close to the front as you possibly can that's something that's the SD work so the team DSM Squad the fire for Georgie and Megan yastrop have done with great facility in recent weeks head side shot for Glory today perhaps all right for Georgie Mills how to surprise the sprinter's given half a chance in the UF education tibco Squad strength and depth but maybe not an outright Contender or whatever and Zoe baxtad can surprise her sister of course it's racing with track sick of Freida God's in a team car as well and the innox pro cycling team and Leonard Parker showing some surprising but welcome form she's back erasing her bike after a long layoff if you want to watch out for another Rider back after a long layoff is uh the great Mariana Voss and with Anna Henderson in tow the yumba visma Squad yet to record a victory this season I think today wouldn't be a bad time for her to add to her total uh but boss and Karen lebecki former winners of this event [Music] in the men's Balaton they've been winning for fun the women's Peloton trying to get going Phoenix to coining Squad the Austrian champion among their among their number that's fine Burger the sound account as well the former cycle across World title holder is part of the lineup it's one or two pretty useful cyclocross Heroes the UA Squad also the former world champion and a former winner of this race Marta bastianelli looking very relaxed ahead of the the challenge today and looking forward I think to a bit of a head out it seems really yeah very motivated but also really relaxed just soaking it up and trying to absorb the atmosphere some writers looking all together a little bit more perturbed so their personal knows she's got a job to do and Friends then the canyon SRAM Squad foreign of course among their lineup the Paladin as well the underdone and he shall be who is looking pretty uh pretty anxious actually how did the start by contrast the teammates Cecilia Trump looking uh very relaxed and indeed at least about some of the Italian champion it's in the brand too it's been here before knows what it's all about the track Sega Fredo Squad the backstead we'll be on the front at some stage during the day can be pretty sure of that in the service of this woman Elisa longer borgini will it be for balsamo or will it be for longer borghini what about Moby star well she's been missing for the last few weeks but it's the double Champion animique van vloten will have German Champion Leon lipperts to assist her in her efforts my fancier chances as well so I'm gonna be found gluten calling her teammates forward and no doubt there'll be a similar gesture later on again soaking it all up it's a final hit out for the 40 year old could she take it third victory in this event the age of 40 in our final season well you have to prevent the SD work Squad they have got extraordinary strength and depth including Marlon Roy sir Swiss time trial engine solo to Victory and grandfather game last week and with the likes of Demi following and of course the reigning champion of the local favorites a lot of kopecky attracting lots of attention as you might expect at the start and she another woman who's coming into our best years and is able to soak up this atmosphere enjoy the experience knowing that she's already taken victory in this race you could do about doubling up defending the title so they're following zucchini there to assist as well they've also got Christine Majerus among their number and the aforementioned Lorena Vivas European champion [Music] you find Sprinter although this doesn't often come down to a Sprint eight or eight times in the last 19 editions this event has been one solo [Music] and many of the other editions of course it's been a Sprint from a very small group last year indeed kapaki winning in a three up team that there to assist [Applause] kind of time-honored fashion a very traditional fashion indeed the writers sent on their way two and a half kilometer tour behind the team director's car race director's car to send the Riders on their way and into battle cool conditions when the Riders started just over an hour ago plenty of gloves overshoes um jackets in evidence as the 140 Riders set out and this was uh what was in store for them total of 18 significantly difficult sectors including those 15 13 climbs and five sectors of cobbles on a flat Road and the long Loop of just over 60 kilometers would take the Riders back to dinarda and then and then for a slightly shorter Loop that would include some of the most difficult challenging sections of this particular event some of the most frightening names some of the most iconic names in the history of this sport including the likes of the Elder choir mountaineerberg the final two challenges for the Riders paderberg will be breached at the conclusion of 144.7 kilometers so immediately after the quarrel Mountain Chrysler timeberg stain back drace and of course the copenberg for the second success of the year will be coming after 113.4 kilometers the fabled and feared copenberg I wonder what the conditions are going to be like on a road that doesn't dry out as easily as that these Riders I think would like it and we'll understand how many riders plenty of them are almost certain to end up having to walk up the copenberg actually it's a big group that approaches it and it's a pretty big group as we pick up the live pictures out on the road we're inside 100 kilometers remaining of Ronald van vanderen for 2023 Riders back at the car to get a little bit of assistance this is uh van and stain the Belgian writer local Rider from the Dual r aval Amer Squad and they'll be looking hard and hoping indeed that they can hang on in amongst the big names one of the local teams that has got an invite to this event proud and important moment for them found in stain and Friends from Bex Erickson Rundell and Backer mixture of belgian's Dutch a couple of writers in the Nordic Nations as well among their number and that's the overhead shot that tells you that we're still the single group together we've had attack after attack after attack today but no single move has lasted longer much longer indeed than it's taken the announcer on the race radio radio tour to just get the name out because the big teams are controlling this one and it's been at the outer edge of the fastest schedule predicted by the race organizers at the uh at the outset of today's racing and something said to get quicker as we work down into it and we've been through several sectors already of of challenging cobbles and climbs Tegan bird coming early on was the first Hill of the day after just 10 kilometers and since then well we've had the highest point of egg the first flat couple section 1.7 kilometers long and despite the fact that the big group was together quite a few Riders were shelled on that actually were dropped and I'm not so sure how many of those Riders have managed to make it back in shout out to a couple of riders who have managed to at least get their names mentioned on radio Turk that's a great site isn't it do you get a sense of just how compact it is at the front of the bunch and you would think that it's very much under control because a lot of riders suffering in there already and the pace and the challenge for these teams and Riders is is particularly intense Catherine declerc off the front for a little while at least for the lot of Destiny Squad and some liquor docks as well as the first Rider up over the tigenberg first climb of the day she tried her luck raced clear for a little while but not terribly long well that's been it it's a situation where they've controlled and neutralized Things book is the German writer at the back for the Israel Premier tag Roland Squad come with any right favorite for Glory today DSM squads certainly have though and we saw at the outset our pictures with the Riders getting their Instructions make sure you stay as close to the front and as close to the head of Affairs as you possibly can and DSM have not been found wanting through the first couple of times today I can tell you because they have been ever present at the front can they have they got the strength and depth and the strength indeed to to stay out there to stay up front throughout the day because of course fire for Georgia as we've mentioned is is a fine form taken that glorious success in the burger Department race last week which of course a breakthrough win really four or five for Georgie just 22 years of age the British Rider hopefully much is expected much already has been delivered Megan yastrov as well of course absolutely flying former U.S issues us and former Junior root World road race champion Megan yastrop and as you can believe she finished second last tour he can just I was on the podium and it was just a it was a joy really to see how she responded to that van der pate the dolcini squad Xmas Alpha motorhomes dolcini Trader makes her way back into the main palaton takes a big gear for her to do it Jacob's Squad trying to control on the right hand side of your picture these white jerseys with the the blue shorts and empty blue leggings in our evidence as well [Applause] Ruby Roseman Gannon to race forward today and they've got a crack line up really with their Jessica Allen so oh crash down Riders down at the back of the bunch and plenty of riders tangled up there and well it's the first crash we've seen today actually it's been relatively benign too many riders to be raced down into odinard and those barriers causing all sorts of difficulties right at the bottom of the pile there just picked a Bakehouse of the yumba business Squad all sorts of panicking going on I'm sure if any Ryder has suffered any significant injury I think so home scarred he's the proximus rider let's get a look at this again the just a touch of wheels in the in the middle of the bunch wasn't it but those barriers um no advertising warnings on them just a little bit further out oh my causing all sorts of shenanigans yes the Peloton make their way up the road and it's going to be challenging for these Riders to make their way back in two two one home Sky just try to straighten those uh those bars and hang around here because there's clearly some serious intent at the front of the Peloton is Eleanor buckstead of the Trek Sega Fredo Squad infiltrates the mass ranks of Team DSM black jerseys with the familiar blue stripes what a boost that victory for fire for Georgie would have given that team we've got Hangouts jobs we've mentioned Francisca of Germany Juliet labou of France release client [Music] is wearily and somewhere early one of the destinations one of their two Riders who were inconvenienced actually of course from the UAE Squad so apologies for that this is indeed for a village so the Belgium also Destiny Squad and um as well also on the deck [Applause] meanwhile live racing get control at least for now looks so cool camera collected up front and that's off in the way isn't it it's the intensity of the efforts because the Riders make their way towards each of these particular appointments and pretty much all of the Riders have a sticker indicating all of the major difficulties during the race all of the major challenges and appointments where they need to be and just at what point in the race that each of these challenges are are reached but there's much time to for uh for reading your stem but Ryan is like the comfort of it nonetheless those teams that are on the front right now think we'll be confident that haven't got any Rider who's been delayed by that crash on one or two teams though here perhaps who feel that well it's time to just sit up and wait a little while and just set a steady tempo and that's uh attempted a rider from the Phoenix iconic Squad out of the Peloton they've got Santa can't among their numbers Millie cousins as well the the British writer they're a good cyclocross Rider among their number maybe Kuipers shrimp from Austria the aforementioned zash Feinberg and the Austrian national champion that's their total and this is one of the most significant breaks of the day in actual fact meanwhile a little bit further back writers trying to make their way back in including Santa count it's awesome of course upfront AG Insurance suit our Quick Step Squad charging off the front and [Music] [Applause] the age Insurance of course have among their number actually moment passio writer who says walliston [Music] kiwi walliston who clearly felt that the pain got spectator further back encouraged to not to chance crossing the road at that particular moment always a very sort of high atmosphere you'd have to say as the bear stats for the wolfenberg [Applause] gradients approaching 17 and indeed exceeding them most of the major names close to the front if not on the front [Applause] this would appear to be the Geo at least one of the chase groups come on just how many of these Riders have been delayed by that crash team helpers the side of the road at the exit of the uh wolfenberg climb and that's completed and they take another just 645 meters eight percent on average you know as you saw more than 17 percent in the early moments of that climb it's the accumulation of fatigue 25 seconds we're hearing for our loner attacker I wanted some time that one nicely didn't she because clearly plenty of teams were not minded to set an intense pace happy enough to let teammates come back Capone from the fdj Suez Squad among that number a couple of riders from the Uno X Squad as you can see also finding themselves somewhat inconvenienced again whether it was by the crash [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ed him getting some relief from the gradient and an opportunity to take a drink on board 22 year old Kiwi from Auckland she's been making a bit of a name for herself in the last uh in the last couple of years really breakthrough performances for her reigning National Road race champion of New Zealand also took the under 23 individual time trial title as well at the beginning of the season in February so not that long ago and I also won the create championship at the end of January as well so been a productive few weeks for her I'm going to Stage the lotto Belgian tour in 22 and also the Grand Prix do more femina in France significant success is putting uh Victoria guatzini and Grace Brown behind her in the latter of success some big names and a decent acquisition for the age of insurance Squad up to 30 seconds they've given her a little bit of rope this is the first significant average of the or at least I won't say effort they've been making efforts they've all been making efforts to try and either stay in the group or to get off the front of it and others to control and ensure that no none of the major teams have managed to race clear and all eyes on the team SD work Squad pretty much anything happens in this race I think we'll be seeing an awful lot of the teams looking to see what's happening from the SD Works team how many writers were asked who were their favorites for today on the podium pretty much all of them and I think pretty much all of the writers who were asked said well I think the winner is going to come from SD Works they've been all conquering so far in this classic season literally have won pretty much everything and a lot of kapaki and fine form down the volume already as well after her success against Quebec and agreement which was against kabacki in the Australia Bianca last month Marlon Roy sir victory in Ken verbogan that added the likes of Lorena Vivas Christine Majerus is the super domestic Deluxe really isn't she from the from Luxembourg the Luxembourg National time trial champion and cheese been monitoring affairs from close to the head of the main Peloton behind pretty much every image we've seen so far she hasn't been far from the front Marlon royster's mentioned Elena zucchini as well is the is the other writer from their lineup and the SD work Squad so many of the other teams will be looking to see how they are reacting there's majira's third in line against the work Squad won't be too concerned I think at this moment 37 seconds is a very manageable Gap to walleston for walliston's uh from her point of view a very useful uh a very useful foray if a group comes up from behind absolutely ideal for her and he's getting back in after that one you pin up over the wolfenberg next appointment now crack gate and we've got two Cobble sectors in quick succession fairly amount between them 1400 meters and then 800 meters [Music] [Applause] and as much as the 13 Helena Hills Bergs call them what you will it's the first of them kirkite Morrison will feel like she's riding through trickle right now TV images don't really can't convey just how pounding and relentlessly painful these cobbled sectors are in Belgium this one is is probably one of the smoother ones but nonetheless there's no suspension on those bikes all of the bumps and lumps from those cobblestones are being transmitted up through extremely stiff bike frames they need to be stiff of course to transfer the power back onto the road through the drivetrain and into the wheels so the Riders just have to suffer from these sectors the any thoughts of using mountain bike suspension it's been tried in the past but not for a long time it just it comes with such a weight penalty it's just not worth it meanwhile play David is riding well that is battling to stay in contention coming up from behind I suspect uh judging by the way that she's putting those other writers behind her May well have been one of those Riders who was uh found herself chasing from behind after that crash and as I mentioned earlier this is very much an Elimination race from the back this event celebrating its 20th anniversary 20th Edition indeed is here and for all that it's a flat Road it's just relentlessly pounding [Applause] with friends like that they're off the front of the moment walliston racing clear and meanwhile there are Spanish teammates Benito peliche finds herself being distanced so yeah that's just the thought that might have been a mechanical issue for alzine elzini of the comfort of squad but now it's just simply the Relentless nature of these uh these cobbles like to rise here it's not considered a bird but as you can see the Road Rising ever so slightly Riders starting to Flander a bit scale next suniak is the is the writer from the Camden SRAM squad on the right hand side of your picture there who just little word on the radio maybe on something of uh Azure day without because she would ordinarily be expected to be a little bit further up there's a little bit of a surprise there to see scaleneck soyke who won a string of important UCI stage races last year being distanced because you don't want to go back to the car just yet Jessica Allen as well from Team Jayco or Lula's among those Riders finding yourself at the back I suspect you'll be able to make her way back in but you would fear for her chances of glory and success today that sector's been completed by the main Peloton meanwhile walliston up front for Advantage holding steady at about a half a minute that was a good sector for the New Zealander [Music] it's a bit of smooth tarmac albeit on one of these Relentless little drags it's hardly mentioned they're not really given much much attention in the road book teams know about it though team helpers we'll be crisscrossing Flanders as soon as their teams come through the head as best they can and to access indeed to these various different sectors of difficulty throughout the year days it's pretty challenging on this which is of course well one of the uh the days of the year when everything just stops in this part of the world took uh took quite a long way to make my way from a hotel and again to earlier on today via taxi down to the startup Finish Line in udonardo because the crowds out trying to find their way to a decent vantage point plenty of traffic out there a bit of traffic as well to be dealt with for a bank house Squad to clerk the Belgian Rider gets the attention of the local TV director as well she might proud moment for her she was off the front not so long ago well in the early stages of the race but now finds herself fighting a rear guard action in the company of Margaret the Israel Premier Koga Squad [Applause] April tasty as well as the British Rider with the life plus Wahoo Squad just at the back of this quartet feel the pinch a little bit looks like uh Bakehouse is going to have the honor of Towing these Riders back on if they can make it back on in time for the next sector which is coming up very shortly it's the 20th edition of the Rhonda van flandering for women the tour of Flanders and it's around 10 of the Women's World Tour as Ali walliston goes clear with an advantage which has shrunk somewhat down to just smidgen under 20 seconds as you can see from that maximum lead at just over half a minute in the Kiwi Rider hoping against hope that when Riders arrive from behind as surely they will given the distance it is to the finish line her entire Focus really is on staying clear for as long as she kind of when a group comes up that it is considerably smaller than the main Peloton but she left less than 10 kilometers ago first edition of this race run by the Kazakh Rider zofia zabarova back in 2004. No Rider has won this race more than twice Miriam melkers van Popple taking the victory for the for the Netherlands in o5 and 06 due to the aren't the German taking it in 08 and 12. and then animique van vlugen is in that Peloton down there the world champion in her final season 10 years between her victories I saw a job done by a Bakehouse to the relief of De Clerk April tasty toad back into the main Peloton just in time for a slightly shorter sector of cobbles has been dealt with comfortably by Ali Wollaston I feel the bench a little bit there and after that huge effort across the cobbles just freewheels a little bit just to feel the gradient ease and then resets again and this is all from the way through those sectors they go absolutely maximum attack I mean he's out ever so slightly in between and they're pretty much Non-Stop and following the seventh Hill the next next appointment we've got is Hill number four which is the Muhlenberg which is uh it's a cobbled climb particularly challenging not particularly long it's just under 500 meters long seven percent fourteen percent maximum and that's uh going to be reached in about what about 5k five kilometers to the Muhlenberg Wollaston I think would really dearly like the a slightly smaller group to come up from behind but it looks as if it is the main Peloton it's been winched along at a Relentless rate finally walleston has just had a couple of outings in the um in the classic season so far well actually it's a non-starter and get verb again last week but during the week I finished 40th in dwarstore of Landrum first sort of toe in the water of Classics racing this year that went of course in the drawer store of London going to Demi volery soloing in following can do pretty much anything on a bike country and what a season she's having and following taking her leave with the Peloton let's see the first attack of Rusty Works off and they're going to be the the successful one following racing the final Tower crash more Riders down in the main Peloton as I say it was a fairly benign start to the day not too many crashes in this palatomber plenty of riders inconvenienced by that one including teammates of walliston it's a bit like backstead from the tracks Sega Fredo Squad was among those riders in the ditch just uh from the fdj squad finding yourself greatly inconvenienced by that one's Gladys for a host I think the French writer oh the AG rider was it was down first and then as so often happens as writers take avoiding action on the opposite side of the road it causes sort of a knock-on Skittle effect of course right so many riders will go for a bottle as well at that moment crash left and right and that's the way of Classics racing gonna look at this again I think it's for host but she's up on her feet but that was certainly a slightly frightening moment for her ftj Suez among the number of course we saw Cecilia utrop Ludwig at the start of the day the Danish national champion I can in relaxed form ahead of the battle today and she certainly wanted to watch out for Louis alagas uh as we mentioned had a good start of the year we saw her we'll chat two for Grace Brown and Clara Capone familiar squeal of foreign disc brakes and evidence via those puddles of the rains that are pounded flounders in recent days and have abated and do the weather forecast is that we could well with a little bit of sunshine breaking through by the time we get to the Finish Line although the finish line is the Finish is predicted for about a half past five local time here in Flanders by which time I think things might be getting just a little bit more dull than they already are but uh but the local fans are out in force we've got a couple of races to watch this is always a hard ticket as well corporate Hospitality at the finish line the great and good exclusive ticket the intensity of the effort to try and move up on the outside like Sega Fredo trying to move at Lisa balsamo the Italian national champion who's had a pretty good week she graduated from college dates with their defended her thesis which was to do with modern history which very impressive Fair performance already for her this week she's graduated and well she'd like to graduate with honors in this event as well to be part of a winning Trek singer Friday lineup that includes Elisa longaborgini her compatriots Sharon Van androy as well we saw Ellie Baxter the day I believe that might have been her just picking herself up out of the ditch after that crash a few moments ago she's been a really impressive domestic for the Trek set Alfredo Squad throughout the classic season so first on to the next appointment of the day [Music] the mullenberg reached by walliston gets first side of it for the rider up front for all the extra effort they're making see what I just trying to cut the corner on the inside and this is always the way it's a bit of a log jump tough to keep going here the member gets up over 14 percent on average for Waterston just hits the uh mullenberg with a little bit of extra impetus carries that speed into what is uh the most challenging part of the climb is the beginning of it so I want to carry as much momentum as you possibly can but Samo has done a great job as indeed is the world champion anamik van bluten in ensuring that she's well to the foreign Riders to the uh to the head of Affairs as well is that near Doma for the canyon SRAM team apart for Georgie also showing well close to the head of Affairs and she's got a presume it's here straw looks like it could be to her right yeah leopard's not far from the front as well big names starting to appear s down towards the bottom of your picture she's got Henderson just in front of her for the umbovismus squad so a couple of riders from that team meanwhile Mayhem at the back want to find out how tough a bike race like this is well it would not be a good time to ask April tasty plus Wahoo rider having battled back in this is what happens you make your way back in you're immediately shelled out again on the next climb yoyo effect will continue until such time as the elastic snaps and it's just impossible to come back in will happen for Rider after Rider after Rider until such time as we Whittle it down to a select group of the very strongest the very best Riders and of course the strongest Riders are those that are capable of making their way to the front and staying close to the head of Affairs and of course the added value and advantage of that is that it's just all together camera up there so many riders want to be on the front that does pretty much skin and air flying just to try and make your way up through the group so we're up over the uh mullenberg the first climb to come Marlborough strut is not too far away and they come thick and fast at this period of the race from Hill 4 to Hill 7 of alkenberg well there's only about 15 kilometers it's one after the other the Marlborough start coming up a couple of kilometers indeed in length just three percent on average seven percent uh maximum so not the most demanding Hill but it is long side 5K from there Casey's gonna hope that she will get some assistance on she's coming back in just as Ryder needs a little bit of assistance indeed the live Riders on the right-hand side of the road grateful for the fact that there is a team assistant there [Applause] kenty Tom the Dutch Rider for the live racing Squad as we make our way past from the piece of architecture from this part of the world it's the old post Mill this Mill was originally situated in Australia it was an operated there until 1956. and in 1983 it blew over in 2002 it was rebuilt near Frank's Carter another post mail I've previously stud and that's absolutely hell April tasty still scrapping hard trying to stay in the wheels and as you can see the the crosswind's taking a bit of an effect the fundamentally into North easterly Wind today not particularly significant at about 20 old kilometers per hour not insignificant either and there will be moments during the day as we switch back and forth around Flanders moving left and right up and down fairly winding twisting circuitous route and there will be sectors where the the wind well plays a significant role at the moment is a super job being done by Ali walliston having come back to within 20 seconds it's gone back out again to 40 seconds he's measuring her effort well it did a super job getting over the wolfenberg didn't she tours that herself out that hill and had the strength for it it's a long long way to go here giving yourself a racist chance [Music] and the Marlboro Strat is a smooth piece of tarmac but it's also pretty demanding one in terms of the the gradient the toughest one they'll face today but they all count all serve to extract just a little bit more energy from what the rider has available in Holliston steals it and look over her shoulder how dearly she'd love to see that there are riders coming up and there's only three or four of them it's not the message he's gonna get though because the Yama visma squad on the right hand side of your shot and those orange jerseys have got control Anderson won't be too far from the front significant card to play peloton's a lot less than 140 Riders who embarked from uranarda from half past one today just one non-starter by the way from the published Star Plus Valerie de May the Belgian Rider with the live racing Squad and not unexpected non-starter having suffered with illness all week foreign [Music] [Applause] took her a long time to uh to test negative from covert she's being been out of the Peloton for several weeks now fit and healthy ahead of the start today for the track Sega Fredo team meanwhile the AG Insurance suit our Quick Step Squad Valley Wollaston going for Glory Jolene Dora is in the uh the car for them of course I don't take an opportunity uh just reaches for a bottle and a white jersey the world champions stripes at a moment for her in her final racing season the age of 40 already the oldest winner of this bike race of course taking the victory a couple of years ago at 38. 10 years apart our victories in in tour of Flanders I mean it's a breakthrough win for wasn't it in 2011. signal that of what was was coming Relentless and extraordinary success throughout her career and it's been a slightly quiet start of the year for her fourth in strata Bianca just not quite got enough breakfast to go with the leaders at the back of the end of that 60 16 envelope and uh fourth in uh in valenciana the valenciana week but she's been training at altitude in recent weeks how to make van fluten has just come off a camp in Tenerife of course honing her Fitness to absolute perfection and she is one of the best trainers in the world one of the best the writer who it just has this incredible capacity for work in training there's absolutely monstrous hours Staying High rate I suspect if they suggested adding another 100 kilometers onto the end the length of this race were they allowed by the UCI she'd have no problems with that two others might assistant is coming back in to try and assist our teammates well battle their way back up head up to their team leaders maybe collect some clothing drop off a bottle if they have one because well we've got uh a little bit more of this coming Barron dries is the next bit of excitement and you can see the way the Peloton just starts to ratchet up the base again they have the briefest of uh of moments just to recover and of course the riders that are most familiar with this particular parkour and the route is challenging you see Riders trying to dive bomb down the inside and just finding themselves come to a grinding Halt and there's nothing worse than that but the baron race is almost a kilometer long just over 12 at maximum and it's not far away we're a little bit away from that now but it's uh going to be reached by walliston who continues to extend their advantage she'll be the one to reach it first [Music] you know ex doing a solid job to put numerous members of their team close to the head of Affairs a couple of riders coming back in as well that will try and fight their way through to the front as best they can a problem for those riders that were dropped their ideal scenario would be to work their way up front and try and survive as best they can but of course they they find the road blocked Boston with no such issues aim for herself with this one continuing to stretch her advantage to what 48 seconds now [Music] and this part of the world everybody who comes out to watch knows what bike racing is so many of the the world's bike racers who [Music] fancy careers professionals come to live in this region and the life that they're living is understood by the butcher the bacon the Candlestick maker everybody knows what it is to be a bike rider everyone knows the challenges they they know they sacrifices that need to be made there's ultimate respect in Flanders for the for the life that uh if you're a bike racer at any level you're afforded just a little bit of extra respect and the barrel drinks there the bones of it the vital statistics 12 in the middle [Applause] Ton's Advantage instantly reduced as she hits the gradient [Applause] [Music] meanwhile the mayor Belgian absolutely charges into it DSM in control and huge uh intensity of effort isn't it and of course huge demands from the team to make sure that you're in position close to the head of Affairs Osama tries to make a way up on the right hand side and indeed finds a world champion just muscles her way out and gluten makes a little adjustment but doesn't want to be caught out and find herself too far down SD work starting to command the head of Affairs the the front of the Peloton bikini at the head roycer who is settling into position meanwhile walliston [Applause] getting there but this is all I want [Music] [Applause] well up the block and the distance will be starting to take effect at this point 70 kilometers of the day remaining it's about 85 in the legs already [Applause] zucchini owns it on the front of the the main Peloton at the moment on behalf of the bestie work Squad let's try some roizer happy enough to hold on to that four down to less than half a minute now for the first time in a while will the yoyo effect be to the advantage of walliston after this climb Lorena Weaver's number two there in that purple jersey that's an honesty Works Jersey of course she's leading the Women's World Tour about summer with the very distinctive Italian national road race Champions colors green white and red oh and she just did a touch of Wheels but no arm no foul remember it by the end of the day and they're countless such moments throughout the day in any cobbled classic any Flanders event where technical skills and ability knowledge of the root absolutely vital and they do say it takes three four five years just to learn the various different uh parkour does change year on year but so many of these Hills and challenges are familiar rolleston a little bit of the impressive bike racing in this part of the world already mentioned she took a good win in the uh bought a Belgium Tour last year useful Sprinter an actual Factory we've LED in a big group to take that victory it's the lelara castle a it's sometimes called the Norman Castle udenhovah Castle store Gatehouse dates from the 15th century there is the code Coats of Arms of Peter France blondeau baronov udenhova Edis Berger Blondell his wife most the castle is 18th century and team DSM have been very vigilante managing to keep their Riders close to the head of a virus the boss reaches for a gel so important to stay as as well fed as possible she's government her fellow Countryman and teammate just in front Henderson a little bit further down the group steals uh a few words with a teammate a lack of representation from the younger visma Squad in this uh in this Peloton for the first time we're seeing the national champion Scholars Fern is in evidence on the Jersey of Ali Wollaston the New Zealand national road race champion and certainly a little bit hotter than she was when she embarked on this this Breakaway effort and the audio effect certainly is playing to the advantage of our lone leader walliston's extended her lead we'll just say say it's coming down but nudging the 50 second mark head towards Bronco [Music] falkenberg beckons for the Riders uh 540 meters in total one of the shorter Hills will be the seventh of the 13th and it will face so still a long way to go in this bike race a lot of major challenges to be encountered and dealt with Peloton stretched in [Music] [Music] spent 25k up front there so it's been I think that those kilometers are fairly trip by haven't they are Advantage still holding steady at sort of three quarters of a minute feel that this race yet to fully explode and that's the nature of Classics racing they're long quiddling down process until we come into the final and uh well we've seen long range attacks already in this Classics campaign who's going to be the first to launch a lot of Cape just nosing towards the front of the bunch First Sight we've had of her on the front of the main Peloton Austin hits the valkenburg plenty of support for the local squads and the almost locals towards the falconburg 540 meters in total there's the bear statistics as you can see almost 13 percent at its steepest oh there's a special effort the special moment really for a rider representing a local team has come a long way around the uh around the globe to race in this part of the world based as she is in this part of the world she'll know well just how important this is our team to put Riders close to the head of Affairs DSM ever present on the front [Applause] one at the back of the belladon starting to feel a little bit painful the gradient ease there's another one behind her and there's a little bit of a relief from the topography for a while now the valkenburg has been completed the next major obstacle is and the feared koppenberg now will Natalie walliston still be in the lead of this bike race by the time we cover the carpenberg you feel like the start of the final will be with 44 and a half kilometers to go so there's a little bit of a gap about 20 kilometers of what you might say is going to be a phony warp would anyone be minded to launch before they get to that the copenberg will be well feared by many a rider in here there's quite a lot of conversation about it today about how the roads have dried out significantly and that's a source of great relief to everyone because it really was torrential conditions for the literally thousands of riders who took part in the uh in the sport Eve yesterday sportive over several distances including all the Reps 240k and it was absolutely miserable it rained constantly yesterday and I think many periods of the day was absolutely torrential which of course many indeed most of the riders in that test 14 were forced to get off and walk on the carpenberg and D the pro riders are wrecking even the last few days have been similarly inconvenienced well so many of the Bergs will have dried out today but the copenberg is one that features overhanging trees that make it a little bit more difficult for the sun to get on it and for it to properly drain and dry out it's challenging going up as it is at least going down as it is going up as well technical challenge it's a physical challenge maybe just maybe you'd like to be up front this is uh interesting because they just don't want to let anyone up the road confidence spotting an opportunity perhaps just to clip across the gap and while I suggested the final night and start until we got to the copenberg but it's one or two teams that want to make sure that they're present before we get to that and this is going to have a fairly significant effect on the advantage I think of Ali Wollaston Uno X Squad among those teams they're just trying to clip off the front they just don't let anything up the road isn't it absolutely no it's so difficult to control it when you've got relatively small race numbers the roster is uh maximum six drivers of course in the women's pellet time smooth connection for Ali walliston go go is the shout it's his arm coming out of the last hour and a half of racing in the 20th edition of tour of Flanders Riders heading out of udonard this morning 141 riders in total will be a lot less than that already involved the Nuno X have been covering lots of the attacks now they feel that might be a good time to attack being perhaps potentially the best form of Defense [Music] [Music] humanova it looks like on the front of the the main Peloton just trying to get across and then finding yourself not getting a gap pulls out of the line it's the New Zealand under 23 National time trial champion so she's not afraid to raise solo and enjoys the experience and right now I think she'll be enjoying this feeling of being out front in a major Monument classic Riders popping off left right and Center at the moment human parrot helped another one of the teams came with a reduced Squad just Fire riders in their lineup EF education uh tipco Squad rolleston just might have got the news in her ear from the uh from the team boss Joe indoor behind that's well it's all got a bit physical behind and it looks like the Riders are coming up well as the elastic snapped [Music] foreign I think this one looks like it might have legs just 16 seconds between these Riders okay Swiss around a Sharpie in here I think the four of the canyon SRAM Squad got a big engine she's one uh stage success of course in our home national tour that one no gimme and they make the junction with um with walliston so everything that walliston want has now been delivered her long-range attack hoping against hope that when she was at his Parker actually yeah who's who's come up from behind Eleanor Parker who's on flying form of late and interesting decision for her and a further split behind so it's all starting to happen and some big teams involved here you ate SD Works have put Majerus in here live searches at wnt Pro cycling team as well don't have any outright favorite Phoenix to coining Squad also putting a rider into this move and the human-parent health as you can see now there are so many teams involved here that you suspect that we're going to see some sort of a reaction and indeed the fdj squat behind perhaps feeling that they're looking a little bit vulnerable on a barker for the Uno X Squad just has a little look at walliston who gives cinturna a little bit of a kick of the elbow to call Elise shabby up front Parker of course back after a maternity layoff much decorated Olympian gold medalists as part of the Great Britain women's quartet in the Olympic Games and the top result really for her in in road racing now I'm going to see a bit of a reset will that counter-attack make it across well Peloton want to try and control this one Leon Lippard among those who's mindful of the danger and so bad news for this counter-attack they're still setting a fairly serious Tempo so still just 10 seconds for your tree Riders dangling out front yeah Eleanor Barker suddenly interrupted myself but a great Seth Place finish for her in genval game and then 22nd into our store 23rd and Nokia Corsa so it's just it's really really solid performances from a rider who as I say is probably best known as a track racer coming back after that long layoff with the Uno X Squad she's certainly got uh some serious game for Classics racing in Belgium not seventh place and go to developer game solid result for the Welsh woman in while shavi it's the front and a little anxious to look over the shoulder of the canyon SRAM Rider who's something of a stalking horse you would suggest for the for cash anivia donut surely their go-to Rider but uh we're a long way from the line here when you see the way that the Peloton long in and in length and number bigger number but a few cracks developing there and they're really being made to work for this 10 second Advantage here something's got to give here still a long way to go to get to the bottom of the copenberg and they're going to need more than 10 seconds for a bit of Light Relief they managed to just extract another couple of seconds 11 seconds according to our Ticker on board and we're hearing from Radio 2 or 15 seconds so it's all finely poised at the moment feel that the Peloton might be just minded to give them a little bit more rope knowing that the copenberg beckons and so many I mean after that it's all of the battles come in quick succession of the copenberg followed by the Maria Bora Strat the flat section of cobbles then we've got the stone back dress the ninth Hill potassium bergmore cobbles tyenberg well all the all the climbs from there to the end are actually cobbled and then there are flat roads Cobble sections as well so we've got five more climbs two flat couple sections as well and a few little ups and downs before we even get to that chubby so it goes to the front former Swiss national road race champion of course A couple of years ago that victory in Tour de Swiss in 21. third in the serotized challenge by levuelta and uh in 21 as well and this season knocking on the door of a decent result she was fifth overall in the UA tour which is a solid result I can tell you a couple of uh difficult climbs to get up including double her feet this group working well together and uh Barco has got some big walks to bring to the party team pursuiter of her quality an altogether different uh challenge of course but you won't be afraid of collaborating this is a turn and walliston finds herself with a couple of bike lengths advantage a bit of a shout from Barker she's asking for cooperation surely long term Wallace Stone must be feeling it now she's been out front since about 90k to go it's about 35k these kilometers raised through about it stretches out to 21 seconds that will disappear can disappear literally in a moment when they hit a really challenging climb such as the feared koppenberg actually six times left plus two cobbled flat sections a significant appointments all coming in the final 45 kilometers and we're finished with the climbing when we get over the patterburg with 13 kilometers to go so it's pretty much all action from the time we reached the the carpenberg and that's why a lot of Cape is back at the team car plenty of time to take on board the sustan and she requires Donnie stamps Squad of course well red hot favorites for Success today [Applause] these teams have decided to go racing why not [Applause] [Applause] when the age Insurance says in our Quick Step Squad put their Riders on to the head of Affairs now Ashley Millman Pastor you can see the scuffing on her left shoulder just on the right hand side of the shoulder she chucked her bottle away she she's been on the deck as we we saw one of those crashes a little while ago she got back on her bike I lost some talk that she was gonna pack in racing but she decided that this particular project the AG Insurance stood out quick step Squad was an opportunity not to be missed and she's thrown herself into it and uh got herself back up on our bike and gut herself back up into contention so they've got multiple options at the moment and she's not the owner Rider who's been on the decks as you can see Alex Manley just at the back here it's just changed her bike and she's back she's either calling for a bike changer she's just made it we'll see if he's got a race number on it in a moment yeah no race number so clearly that's the bike she's just picked up human powered out much in evidence in that recent little flurry of counter-attacking action at burnt orange jerseys in the center of the shot and teams know that this is getting serious now and they're putting themselves into color combinations close to the head of Affairs the AG Insurance Cedar Quick Step Squad and the human parrot Health Squad inline of stern side by side little Becky there with the with the gel just dangling from her mouth momentarily just on the wheel of her teammate but the umbovismus squad she can roll back the years took the victory in 2017. still a large Bunch that are involved here I'll tell you what the bunch is not going to be that big when they get over the copenberg coming as it does as early in the final you suspect that the copenberg might not necessarily be uh ultimately decisive but it's certainly a bit of a banana skin and a potential to lose the race if not necessarily win it there UAE Squad larger number close to the head of Affairs bastianelli marshalling the troops I'm a music bujak gasparini consonian persica their lineup Boston's still able to contribute after her long foray at front Barker looks in control of her efforts here she's looking at the Riders and just trying to see trying to judge and assess the efforts being made by her Breakaway companions chubby too eager to communicate foreign 50k remaining of the 155 kilometers that were in front of the Riders when they began today's race in urdanada heading back towards zoo dinarda at the conclusion of 18 tough tough challenges peppered around a route that includes some of the most arduous and challenging roads in all of Flanders facing fundamentally in and around East Flanders dipping into West Flanders by moments and these roads some of the most fabled in the history of world cycling the 20th Edition the Rhonda vanblanaren and I meet van vluden bidding today to become the only Rider to have won this event on three separate occasions are looking uh pretty content and relaxed after that unscheduled visit to the tarmac or was it the mud at the side of the road South African Rider 37 years of age now from Pretoria the DSM controlling on the front of the Peloton the other team is Happy enough movie star happy enough just to let them do it at the moment Uno X Squad just staying close to the head of Affairs trying to ensure that they're in position but naturally enough not contributing to Neon leopard owners it's about gluten if I'm gluten has hit the deck but gluten has hit the deck here and she's got a little bit of chasing to do because we're certainly on there Pace has been significant and the 2021 and indeed 2011 Champion animique van bluten sir fighting to find a gear and she hasn't got one just yet and this could spell well it's certainly a danger moment how quickly can the movie star Squad get her back in action well that was the yumba visma Rider and that was perhaps the uh well one of the issues with Electronic Drive trains it's not that easy just to put the chain back on and get going let's get a look at this again it's on the left hand side oh and I think that was just her own crash really and uh an innocent victim just found herself on the left-hand side in the gutter one didn't want to be there anymore uh I'm gonna make van blerton one of these zap Riders as well also hits the deck that Silvestri the Italian Rider with the troubled zaftimp so a match to be burned here by Anna Mick van blunt and the world champion she works too make her way back in Van act I think will be grateful for the assistance probably the lead she can do really after being that innocent victim and Ali Baxter has hit the front for the track Saga Fredo Squad they certainly don't want to make it easy for Van Luton to get back in but the pace was starting to ramp up and the intensity starting to get uh just a little bit more significant because copenberg beckons and I don't think van bluten is going to be back on by the time they get to it the way things are going because this Peloton is not waiting and uh Leon leopard of the movie star Squad is close to the head of Affairs and it will be a Folly really for her or to indeed for any of her teammates to pull out of this main Peloton and go back for their world champion teammate because said she's gonna have to try and find her way to the cars and make her way up as quickly and as best she possibly can but it's likely she's going to be encountering dropped Riders Riders floundering and riders in the way a little bit because this is going to be an interesting situation developing and for their Trail up front it's not exactly an ideal scenario because they're finding that the main Peloton such as it is and it's a reduced number in that main Peloton already is fighting hard to try and put themselves into position jumbo bismuth spot an opportunity also of course want to make sure that they're in position as we make a left and head towards the fabled and feared copenberg heading towards Melbourne in the new dinarda copenberg also known as the bullet van melden The Dread and Jay climb is only 600 meters long it's not the longest one they'll face this week but uh today indeed but the average gradient is 11.6 can tell you it's anything but 11.6 for the middle sectors it races up to around about 22 balsamo's second in line here because she fights to uh maintain a position close to the head of Affairs and the track sag Alfredo Squad have put numbers in here DSM as well and uh Lorena Weavers is in Prime position for the SD work Squad trying to fight to put their riders in the The Heavy Hitters the big names starting to gravitate towards the front plenty of riders struggling to handle the pace that's being set on the smooth tarmac when we hit the carpenberg and they're about to catch the trail up front the intensity of the base on the front of the Peloton means that for uh Barker shabby and walliston who of course has been out front the longest well they're about to be overhauled and I think they would really like to have got up and over the copenberg before this happens because now we're on the Gothenburg second year in succession since it's an introduction into the event in 2021 reintroduction for uh in many cases of course but this is the some of the toughest couples you're ever likely to see in World cycling and Lippert close to the head of Affairs one look Crane's our neck to try and see oh I don't think we're going to be seeing enemy fan bloot in any back in here anytime soon thank you the carbon barrels claiming a few victims here there's kopecky the reigning Champion Stomps on the pedals following there of course in flying form Marlon roycer who's climbing the best of these Riders Nippers at flying form isn't she the German national champion stepping up for the movie star team and a little bit of a problem for leopard and you see they say oh riders in the very front also struggling and they're very very front they're struggling to try and get some traction into that back wheel and uh well has anyone except Royster managed to ride up to the top of this hill remarkable stuff almost everyone coming to a grinding Halt and forced to run to the top of the head including the reigning Champion a lot of kapaki there really is an absolutely stonking form [Applause] Lorena Weaver's quickly backing her bike and look at the Carnage behind and that's what we feared was that there's just so little grip on these cobbles as a result of the incessant rain [Music] kopecky and Weaver's fighting a rear guard action here did she smile almost Becky's not hanging around just yet is she just Cinder brand also in good form here with three this I'm fighting something of our air guard action as Mario Navas and just in front of her is Elisa longer borghini movie star Squad well having to revise their thinking they do have Leon Lippard of course who's uh who's going well but one of the first Riders to suffer there a little bit and leopard well took a while to get going that's disappointing for her because she finds herself much further back than might have been expected giving the given the position she was in halfway up that climb you can only assume that she struggled a little bit bastianelli's further back than she would like as well unlikely to relive old glories and Wollaston having been up front for so long and finds herself well in the middle of the Peloton at best where indeed is Anime van bluten still chasing behind schweinberger an Australian champion Karen lebecki we pick her outages further back than she would like former champion for the UAE Squad gets on the blower and says what do we do here well keep riding it's certainly a strong situation for the SD work Squad they've got three of the four up front in this bike race red op favorites starting today 44k to go they're surely going to ride here and they've got huge engines not least of course Marlon Royster and for animique Van vluden her left knee a little bit scuffed and she's only just raced over the top of the of the copenberg so it's a long way back well over a minute [Music] and Royster will empty the tank here medically trained of course oh the doctor by trade she's put her medical training and work on hold of course while she pursues a professional career as a bike racer string of our top quality and high profile Second places at World Championship level in the individual time trial second in the year in the Olympic Games as well in the time trial for Marlon roycer but a big big victory for her and kenfell again last week time for a bit of a conference and that they have a little bit of space here but for the UAE Squad you wonder is there really any value in riding suspect Persico despite the fact that she's clearly in flying form might be minded to just sit on here because there's so much strength and depth we're three out of four Riders from the one team Lucinda brand for the Trek sag Alfredo Squad finds herself as the strongest of that lineup the Dutch locomotive will try and race over it but it's a limited amount of time to get this one done you know Trek's secret Fredo plenty of numbers in the chase group behind plenty of motivation to try and get across as quick as they can you know the main Peloton trying to put itself together Leon liberates close to the head of Affairs but meanwhile this game over is this a team time trial for the SD work Squad it's a Persico do well clearly the paper for that team but uh well we saw it last year two against one another Mig van bluten was never going to beat those odds three against one's even worse for persica this Chase group three in here for the Trek Sega Fredo Squad so I'll put the big engine on to the front to try and chase this one down Lisa longer borgini found wanting [Music] it's a great job done by arlena Sierra she's stepping up for the movie star Squad did see Leon leopard look like she was in good shape going up that climb but one of the first two hit the deck fundamentally it's uh Atlanta Sierra the Cuban Rider who's managed to make it into the chase group also in their cash anubiodoma and three riders for track second Freida LED at the moment by Lisa longer borgini but I suspect that there can be no shirking because this is very very finely poised and it's showing at 149. Chase group behind following won't be making contribution here Cinder brand certainly will you suspect uh Henderson is the ambo visma Rider Brown van androy and Elisa longer borgini into a strong position but uh well 23 seconds and the next appointment [Music] meanwhile the fdga squad find themselves finding a rear guard action second Chase to third group on the road a good larger number the Maria Bora struts are 400 meters long it's not the longest one but it's followed in relatively short order by the stained back injuries stand back dress and then the starting Berg so it's just cobbles of Plenty with a hill in the middle [Applause] stain back grease is over a kilometer long and it too features cobbles see the Flat Road coupled section immediately leading into the stone factories [Music] down at the back it's a bit of a headache here for Lucinda brand she'll use her teammates to assist in the in the chasing and the following will be chasing she knew the Derma certainly will be at least shabby of course from the earlier break has managed to survive the copenberg so that was a very impressive effort from from shabby thank you [Music] [Applause] down to the final 40 kilometers of Verona van Flander and it's looking good at the moment for team SD works alright novice leader of the Women's World Tour at the back of the quartet the she's got her teammates a lot of capacity the rating champion and Marlon roycer the victor of Ken fabricum just a week ago lionaebus herself a winner already in this Classics campaign I'm behind now the groups are floundering but they're managing to just about hold them at uh at that 20 21 seconds if anything it's coming down slightly so it's finally poised and it could well be that this Chase group led by uh Trek Sega Fredo they've got a quartet of riders in here Elisa balsamo Lucinda brand Sharon Van androy and Lisa longer borginho I'm not sure about summer is in here and actually in actual fact just showing on my screen about sound I think about Sam was in group three [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey so statinsburg completed and a little bit of a gap the next one after this the timeberg and still just holding it that 21 seconds who's been distanced across the cobblestones there's Elisa longer borghini really stomped on the pedals there and interesting that Lucinda brand was the you know it climbed the carpenberg with the greatest ease of all of the track Sega freighter Riders but she was sitting at the back of the group starting that that Cobble sector and it's a dangerous place to be really because other Rider is letting the wheel go maybe she was just feeling the pinch a little bit getting on suspect that uh she could be out of it today it's only a fool would rule around at this point the champion that she is [Applause] [Music] and Royce aren't happy enough to do long terms a lot of kopecky is on the front of the moment of course the reigning champion of this event and SD Works will throw everything at this one gap down to 15 seconds though finally poised [Applause] [Applause] reached already ticker slightly out this one is uh just over half a kilometer in length [Applause] you know babe is not much enjoying this one is she in Persico looks good herself and uh on Royster remember first over the copenberg kabeki looks uh in good shape as well honesty works could be a bit down to that two against one scenario that proved so productive last year three against one they prefer but riva's not much enjoying that one the way things are going should very shortly be absorbed and reabsorbed indeed by the chase group [Applause] which is managing to stay together I'm at the back uh Anna Henderson fighting to maintain a position in there at least shabby as well looked like she was suffering a little bit but then she'd spent quite a bit of time up front in that Breakaway kopecky is really stretching this one but Royston looks equal to it nicer in the long tights kopecky the reigning Champion number one persica with that busy style also looks full of fight oh it's just improved slightly for Persico he's an Italian Rider [Applause] and those tires scrabbling for a grip slightly lower pressures of course and wider tires on uh on the bikes today because these are really unyielding cobbles [Applause] so Rebus is reabsorbed by a group that includes her her teammate vollering be contributing to this one the Trek Saga Fredo Squad of Elisa longer borgini on the front Lucinda Brown looks like she's in a world of hurt right now she does do a pretty good pain face but she's just dangling off the back of this group having climbed up the copenberg all together with greater ease of facility shabby's managing to hang on in here as well just in front of them Juliet Lapu is the writer for team DSM we did think it might have been five for Georgie for a while but it's Juliet laboon no doubt about that he was made it into this Chase group who've lost a few seconds on that group of three now out front Sharon Van androy in there as well and here's the uh second Chase group or group three Leon Lippert just leading the pursuit let's hear school by the way of Poland in the the liver racing Rider who's just dangling off the front of group three [Applause] [Music] and the ride is everywhere say Eleanor Barker who's up front for a while finds herself scrabbling to get uh to get on terms group three showing it a bet well not much more than about half a minute so it's not a massive amount I think I picked out uh anime van gluten just still fighting a rear guard action well over a minute down there she is just uh the top of your picture fighting fighting fighting and every time you reach a group you've got to go to the front of it these Riders top professionals that they are have been found wanting today gonna be huge engine and Power being put out by Marlon Royster a lot of cape and Sylvia percico paying dividends a little person go give them a turn here maybe just the old one and having seen what happened last year I want to make fun bluton goes to the line with two Riders from the SD work Squad the issue never really endowed a lot of Cape amongst the fastest sprinters in the world particularly uh we're given the big distance involved here and the demands of the climbs and the cobbles she's a red hot favorite right now I'm always assuming that they managed to hold off the Chasers and the Chasers are certainly keeping them honest still 35 SEC kilometers to go and it's been left well it's not entirely been left up to track Sega Fredo I think they need full cooperation in here at the back feeling vulnerable just one rider for the yumbo bismar squad the cinder brand uh is moving up the line now so she's managed to recover a little bit and make contribution this is Sharon Van in Android the uh Dutch rider for tracks and freighter second from back and then you've got Juliet labou thank you I don't know what to do for Sylvia percico nearly is finally poised and that gained a little bit they've gained some time now there aren't too many UE Riders behind do you sit on and they're two of the best riders in the world two of the most successful writers in recent weeks in recent years set the tempo it would probably be the obvious course of action but there's nowhere other UA Rider coming from behind so should this group actually close it down in their top three position looks a little bit less easy to acquire so do you do you ride up and over and say well you know what I'm guaranteed the top three here which is a super result World Tour level I'll gamble everything to try and retain a little bit of energy for the inevitable fight coming later on you feel that she's probably only got one or two attacks against these Riders after 18 seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] Squad no sign of former Champion Mario Navas who's third last week remember third during the week Voss in this group this is group three and they're not too far behind either so there's every chance I think that we could have a little bit of a reset here and that's the team DSM Squad of labou in that first Chase group that they may theoretically be able to get a couple of riders apart for Georgie could make the junction [Music] [Applause] foreign back at one minute 30 seconds I believe that's the group that includes or is about to include anamik van fluten so gonna be tough for them to get back involved again real nothing out it's been down to 17 seconds will we see a fracturing of the the cooperation and there's a little bit of frustration in there from the Polish Rider still see total cooperation of the fdj squad because they do one or two options [Music] but verus and vollering just floating close to their head of Affairs and this is what I suspected might potentially happen is that as they got closer and they're within what 14 seconds now that's a tempting kind of distance isn't it anything around the sort of 10 12 seconds Mark and writers think well I might just be able to clip across the Gap here looks in control of it doesn't she loves to go not riding hard to argue with that thinking I want to win the race it's tough to get to do it against uh against her particularly given a lot of competence facility in the Sprint of course the extraordinary engine that Marlon Royster has right now it's a bit of a fracture in the group behind us at least shabby not the back here is doing a super job of Swiss Rider I mean survived well maybe still 20 kilometers out front wasn't she and then chase down it looked like this could be a difficult moment for her though and it's certainly going to be a very difficult moment for a Lucinda brand amid an absolutely massive effort to be the lead Trek shock Alfredo Rider over the copenberg but now finds herself struggling every time there's an injection of pace in that chase group and they it's just dangling at this 15 second mark Melissa goes to the back does that mean that uh persica is going to give them a turn he thinks no [Music] [Music] well shabby and uh she made Lucinda brand make it back on [Applause] it makes it back on go straight to the front I mean that is [Applause] epic stuff isn't it more battles to come and more appointments to be made with the tough couples that Prevail in this part of the world No Lack of what's going on going down the hill as hell as you see at least chubby having to get back on the Pebbles three wheels down the hills and take in the scenery and every band is a challenging one the next climb 30 kilometers remaining of the day 155 in front of the Riders as they began today's effort 56.6 to be absolutely precise in actual fact plus the 2.7 kilometer rollout it's uh nudging 160 kilometers or 100 miles of road racing if you count in miles you have viewers that's uh I'd like to measure distance in that particular way Chubby's been distanced and the distance itself is starting to take its toll chrysberg is next up for the Riders and it's a bit of a beast christberg probably doesn't get the press it deserves because it's two and a half kilometers long five percent on average uh nine at its worst and most feared and most demanding and for Lucinda brand you really do fear for her chances of getting back to the front of the bike race it is incredibly tight as we get to this gradient the Gap is somewhat full shortened by the uh by the gradient we hit a cobble sector on this climb again all the climbs remaining of which after this one there are just two requirements on the paderberg coming in quick succession let's do stay there there about the St works are Squad are losing Riders but uh no shame for Lorena Vive as one of the world's best sprinters if not the best printer in the world one or two would beg to differ but she has been consistently fast in the Sprint finishes in recent years and this perhaps just slightly too demanding parkour and it says slightly too demanding as well for Marlon Royster things certainly got a little bit more uh you know look a little bit better indeed don't they for Sylvia percico because she's equal to every effort but a lot of quebeci is putting in so one-on-ones better one against four or one against three as it was thank you didn't know much about that she looks behind what do I do she'll fancy your chances in a one-on-one with persica meanwhile Elena is starting to feel the pinch a little bit the Cuban with the movie star Squad and things went pear-shaped from the moment that anime van bluten hit the ground [Applause] and liberate looked like she had what it took to stay there on the coffenberg bryceberg is also claiming a few victims Chase group behind is going to swell in number from riders coming from uh from out front but also in turn it's leaking if you're at the back she is in serious form Sierra manages to uh just about find her way back on albeit briefly after some looks a little bit concerned as well she might be longer borgini as well after her huge efforts finds herself distanced and the boo Julia labeoux gives a little flick of the elbow but longer borgini isn't quite there this is reister It's been absorbed [Applause] is it bothering you get another look no doubt about the duo of France kopecky and parasico inside 30 to go and uh kopecky would probably be of a minor to ask for a turn from Persico but Prescott we should give her a turn until it's absolutely required bit of a flick of the album a conversation ensuing I suspect the UAE Rider I might just say this is as good as it's going to get and go one-on-one one of the world's best sprinters [Music] [Applause] so now we have indeed uh both following Android in this group is the Trek segafredo Rider third in line here because you need your donut there's a little look behind there's a little look in front the Gap is just dangling at that 21 seconds it's still the issue is in uh in some doubt uncertainty about the outcome just yet a long long way to go [Music] oh we just picked up by at least shabby and Lucinda brand so she's been distanced to quite a way at this point in actual fact for all that she's going backwards Lucinda brand continuing to maintain the intensity effort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but no one can match this kind of power well with the obvious exception of Sylvia persica [Applause] oh my God my hand is in a brown default themselves back on so you feel that the intensity has gone out of the chase amongst this group [Applause] and that could be it and what a fantastic battle from Brandon Henderson but maybe in some ways it just illustrates just what an impressive effort is being done by these Riders to break the will off the Chasers and after what has been an intense Chase suddenly for the first time in quite a while and the first time really in this Breakaway group we're seeing a contribution made by Sylvia Persico the 25 year old Italian with the UAE Squad in 1880q stage winner in the world to last year third in the world championship Road Race behind animation bluton who of course hit the deck and has been finding a rare guard action ever since last time we heard she was well over a minute and a half and approaching two minutes down it's probably north of that at this point there's the chase group at one stage Marlon roycer at the back here was up front but the Bergs have claimed another victim priceburg sending her back it's uh Demi wallerink second in line she'll be content and satisfied that her teammate a lot of kopecky is up front and going for Glory today for the SD work Squad red hot favorite starting today nothing won at their will during the classic season so far going for a clean sweep We Rule it out well Sylvia persica I would for a start you should start over on the UA tour earlier on this year with the third on the climb up Jebel hafeet behind the flying Trek Sega Fredo Duo Lisa longer borghini and um guy railini trucks still have two riders in here so you really have to hand it to Lucinda brand whenever the road flattens out it comes back to her and she's maintaining the effort and maintaining a position on the front of that uh Chase group having battled so hard and she's been thrown out of that group on a couple of occasions but uh doesn't stop her from going to the front and continuing to chase on behalf of Sheeran van androy [Applause] shaved a couple of seconds off the advantage of the leading Riders up front albeit it's still well it's gone out to just about a half a minute it's holding steady at that [Applause] 25 to go the chrysberg is behind them on the next appointment of significance is among the most significant in World cycling the uteromont according to the road book 16.7 to go because it's a couple of kilometers long still a way to go and some time to think about their pain and suffering that they'll endure and of course closely following the requirement is the much much shorter but still nonetheless significant powderburg short but steep and there's very little recovery after the Art Aquarium Mountain remember these Riders are getting very tired at this point [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up baby and the chase group really is a bit as he works heavy and yet we are seeing still an intense effort from Lucinda brand she's managed to just shave another couple of seconds off the advantage this is good news really for our teammates here in Van Andro good news two for uh Juliet Lapu and Anna Henderson but they really got the legs to get up to these Riders and if they if they did could they do anything about it Persico is on an absolutely Flying Day third as I said overall empty third on the queen stage of the UA tour sixth in the trophyo Alfredo binder a couple of weeks ago and 60 seconds is trying to Bianca but this is her first appearance in Flanders so far this year twice a national champion oh there's Lee it was indeed her counterpart in the break has been a national champion of Belgium see from the stripe Center on her sleeve and the flying Chasers have got this one down to less than 20 seconds longer borgini available to assist once more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so in control of our effort doesn't she she doesn't look as if this is hurting at all I can assure you it is and certainly a person I would be able to tell you just how much it's hurting her extension has to be hurting a lot of capacity but both Riders certainly not revealing any of the intensity of effort in their facial features and the crowd's absolutely massive at this point biggest day of the year for bike fans in this part of the world foreign think about an attack well you know she's still very much in debt less than 20 seconds at least a longer borghini I did say brand was involved of course Brian didn't get back it was at least along the ballgini having been shelled herself reset of this second group on the road including Riders who were upfront it's longer board game that hasn't been found wanting inner efforts on the Flat Road and on The Descent and on any little drag up keeping shiran van androy in with a shout out here and it's selfless work indeed from Alisa longer borgini one wonders whether laboo or even maybe Henderson might be minded to assist anivia Dome as well for the canyon SRAM Squad Nivea Doma perhaps of all of them might be the strongest and better place to give a decent turn to longer ball gaming back out to just over 20 seconds they wind and twist their way [Applause] through the outskirts of quite a month and inside 20 kilometers to go down to the business end of this bike race it's been all business all day really took ages for any sort of a break to establish itself that a result really of the uh just Relentless Pace being set on the front of the Peloton plenty of attacks just the major teams older Series teams and died bombing there from Anna Henderson can cause too much in the way of shenanigans [Applause] and the crowd started swell in size because the big ones come in the quarter months [Applause] 13. it's the single uh sort of demanding sector the demanding Hill that is has been in the route the longest in actual fact of the particular routes that uh that's offered to the to the women racers [Applause] [Music] firemount it literally means Square mountain and famous for artists just after World War II of course this became a center of the of Fine Art in this part of the world since the 1940s exploring the village feels like you're walking through a tableau buildings for layout delight and of course the people around here and do you have creative Souls drawn to this part of the world and [Applause] it's going to craft a victory still going to be up front who's got the legs maybe to just jump across the Gap are they wilting up front this is one of those ones where the the legs and you see Sharon Van androy just moves to the right hand side Anna Henderson knows what this about if she's got the legs for it and fan Android you feel just wants to put herself into position Marlon roycer just wants to try and control Quebec he goes for Glory and she's really putting Persico under intense difficulty she charges into the quarter month kopecky the reigning champion wants to ask a serious question wouldn't be afraid to go one-on-one with Sylvia percico but she's happy enough to race clear and she's race clear and this is gonna we certainly get the cheers of the local crowd as Sylvia percico found herself floundering and scrabbling for Traction in that back wheel here her bike sliding around underneath her as she asked for more power but wasn't able to put the power down just with the with the smoothness and the intensity to equal and match the effort of a lot of kabeki who's racing clear and potentially racing to Glory the UA Riders dropping back potentially into the clutches of the uh Chase group behind led by Sharon Van androy or is it well the chase isn't Lisa longer borgini is going to be distanced here no surprise when she managed to make her way back up well it's a long long way to go to the top of this hill and really look at the way those cobbles are so uneven gradient is so demanding and the way that a lot of kabacki is racing up here as if she was riding along a smooth Road it really is an inspiring display of strength and ability enlisted at the cheers [Applause] well the home crowd potentially going to get a home victory for the second success of year I'm already calling it no I'm not it's too early for that anything can happen [Music] percico's not giving up on this one just yet and her face was a picture of contentment a few kilometers ago Nivea Doma hits the front the fan Android in tow but well there's just less intensity isn't there about the the chase here and I suspect when we get a gap at the top of this hill but a lot of Cape will have added a significant amount of time to her advantage [Applause] and what will this be doing to the morale of a lot of quebecue she hears the cheers of her home fans thank you [Music] a picture of concentration Display of Power absolutely solo that person goes not out of it completely [Applause] [Music] but the distance continues to extend and finally she takes her tongue out as if to show that it's a bit of an effort final stop of the battles [Music] [Applause] remember the powder part to come paderberg all together shorter but altogether steeper but it is the final significant coupled effort of the day meanwhile behind the chase group all together more labored in their efforts to put those cobblestones underneath them behind them now the difficulty for prayers to go is I wonder how she got over the cobbles in in relation to that chase group [Music] volume look as if they're certainly in control of the effort on Android and navy Adama too with 16 kilometers remaining there's an air about this group of resignation [Applause] who probably has about 100 meters on the chase group so 400 meters or more well two group two on the road of course now is Sylvia persica or erstwhile Breakaway Companion now at a remove of half a minute it's got to be another uh 15-20 seconds at least back to the Anna henderson-led chase group with Martin Royster continuing to his player watching brief a monitoring role on behalf of Laura kopecky is there going to be an attack from longer borgini just trying to shake things up a little bit and following is not going to allow that got to admire this this Steely resolve of the Italian Elisa longer borgini has refused to give in to despite the fact that a lot of capacity now has opened up an advantage well she added one's a half a minute on the Claremont just the part about to come now well not too far before we get to it [Applause] foreign [Applause] Gap is surely going to go north or is it will Persico be able to equal the power while Cape you mentioned her Sprint but she's just got all right game and she's just sheer power track racer of course of some Renown before she really has turned her attention to the road from a young age really she was focused on track racing and produced some big results I'm a European champion on the track and race the team pursued at the Olympics as well it's on the road that she's really gained Fame I'm Roost in the province of Antwerp and the Gap continuing to go north for a lot of capacities enjoying yourself now knows what it takes to win last week you can get verbal game had to watch us Marlon Royster disappeared into the distance and there's the final climb of the day the paderberg beckons crowd still out in force for a lot of kabacki and uh as we said already it's short but it's certainly sharp but north of 20 at its most demanding it will require her to stay in the saddle sure she gets that power down out of the road [Applause] we lose the term loosely [Applause] kill them Loosely with cobbles they did Once Upon a Time because all these couples are preserved now [Applause] Chris ago finally arrives continuing to fight [Applause] dual aim of course fighting to get on terms with a lot of kopecky fighting two to hold off the group behind and it looks as if well they're going to make the junction [Applause] or is it indeed a teammates have an Android surely than Android casual Dome as well Marlon roycer just on the tale of Demi volering [Applause] and further extending her Advantage well protocol was a lot closer when they began that climb I mean I think she could have done another couple of kilometers and uh well Persico is finally reabsorbed by the chase group Shirin van Andrew is the first to arrive onto the back wheel of the rider from UAE moving into potential second place absolutely massive effort being put in by Danny volerring and indeed Marlon Royster and valering knows that she needs to say in touch with Casio Dharma run by Android 32 and get the one two finish for SD works as the climbs dealt with well it's something of a headwind conclusion to this event pretty much a straight run Royster will battle hard to get back into contention great ride today by Juliet laboue and Lisa longer borgini is kind of yo-yoed off the back of the front you see the the winds coming across the Riders they for the last four or five kilometers are pretty much into a headwind significant is that likely to be doesn't look alike it's going to be too troubling for this Rider [Music] full-time collected another Quebec he gets the news your gaps going north [Applause] [Applause] out of the saddle to maintain momentum and it just looks all so easy at the moment about 38 seconds yep so they reabsorbed of course Sylvia percico and continue to to fight behind take a remarkable change in fortunes for your leader [Music] where she to be retained by the Chasers behind having said that's plenty of motivation Persico still has the legs for the fight and now she's got some assistance so three of these four Riders were right up and over volaring is just going to make it an entirely legal nuisance of herself as well she might by just rolling to Second wheel and then requiring that van androy has to ride around two Riders roycer is trying to get back on Juliet laboue as well for the team DSM Squad wants to try and retain an interest in a Podium fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a lot of Quebec he knows that the issue is not absolutely you shouldn't quite knock this one out of the park still the potential for a sting in the tail here and Emmy vollering is doing the need for by just sitting second wheel that's frustrating and it just sort of affects the morale of riders who are already pretty much at the end of their tether it's been a long day out you see Devon Android has to go around following and then [Applause] make our way around kashianuvia Dome and up into the the lead of that group it all counts in large amounts roycer trying to fight her way back and if she manages to make it in well it's an extra headache for those that are chasing they know they can be jumped by time trial Stars such as Royster at the death inside 10 kilometers to go of a race that began with 156.6 kilometers in front of the 140 starters in this the 20th edition of tour of Flanders for women and the SD work Squad starting today as red hot favorites took a long time for any significant break to to establish itself eventually we had the Intrepid solder was Army walliston racing clear the New Zealand national road race champion representing the interest of the Aging insurance at our quick stab Squad they're clear of the field for a while she was eventually joined by Eleanor Barker and Elise shabby for a further extension of her period in front and as we approached the copenberg while things all changed significantly with the SD work Squad putting three Riders up front in the company of Sylvia Persico and of course it's very much there was the reigning Champion a lot of kopecky she remains out front because a little by the time they came to the penultimate climb of the day the quantumont it was just self and Sylvia persica going for Glory it's a lot of kepeki she'd fancier chances in a one-on-one against Persico I think she was happy enough too to display the dominance and the strength I was made here one of the classiest bike riders in Classics racing over the last couple of years and a lot of kabeki racing clear on the Claremont to what is now an advantage approaching 40 seconds and well reusers made it back on [Music] Jamie vollering there as well and they will watch with interest to see what Kasha Nivea Doma Sylvia persica sharing van Android and now Juliet labou can do are they racing for a second it increasingly looks as if that's the case [Applause] [Applause] [Music] heading from West flounders back into East Flanders and approaching udonardo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign ERS certainly Racing for a second I wonder if there's any potential for someone to come back up well at least along the borghini will be at a minimum Italian Rider makes a two-track secretos in the world I suppose the battle for minor honors but no less significant really given of course that Lorena Vegas has been distanced and delayed and we're gonna have a change at the top in the Women's World Tour got a quebecue in a familiar role in a familiar position for her who would bet against her doubling up next week in Ruby don't think about that right man winning on home soil and still to be achieved to be completed into another significant victory for Belgium we've only won this race uh once before kopecki's breakthrough success last year it was Grace Rebecca taking the win back in 2010 ahead of Mariana Voss in kirstenfield Boss Of course uh former champion of this event not able to feature another somewhat delayed start of the year as a result of some iliac artery issues recent operation albeit she returned with a decent third place finish during the week into our store I had to work hard to make our way back in here is letting the wheel go a little bit she's I think really suffering the potential for an attack and it kind of makes sense doesn't it because cachinevia Dome is certainly the most frustrated but a couple of writers there for the SD work Squad and it's Demi wallering that's going to cover this one and Shireen van androy it is who's asked to close the gap so you leave it over just refuses to give in frustrated but what's he going to say to the SD Works Riders Demi vollering's not minded to write you wonder whether they with 45 seconds and six kilometers left might be minded just to ride a little bit just to ensure no one's coming from behind but of course the team directors will be letting them know who looked at the end of her tether a moment ago just he might just uh slip away unnoticed it's unlikely to happen [Music] and the cars are kept at a polite distance behind do they say it they're starting to come up from behind specs they put a little bit of daylight between themselves in the group behind it's command and how inspiring is that for the local populace as they see one of their own racing to Gloria Newton Arda [Music] [Applause] six kilometers remaining and victory speeches if not yet quite being composed respects the idea of it so some ways you think almost as daunting for a lot of quebecue as the race itself [Applause] she's a confident Rider she's certainly not afraid to say what she thinks do you feel the Limelight is not something she goes looking for her it's about racing her bike letting the racing uh tell its own stories [Applause] [Applause] in the car thank you winner of this race herself in 2018 and now the car for the SD work Squad and she's helped Mastermind this success and she's not smiling yet or making any assumptions just keeping a lot of Cape informed of the situation she just uh I mean if there was any sort of we certainly wouldn't be wishing it upon her but if there was any sort of mechanical issue or technical problem to Advantage could shrink rapidly so she needs to keep pressure on the pedals not let the mind wander Focus has been impressive meanwhile her Rivals behind well that Android in the shoulder to the wheel meanwhile our teammates at least the longer borgini just tries to recoup some minor joules of energy see what she can do for the Trek Sega Fredo Squad in terms of setting something up to raise the promise so much for so many squads but well pretty much everyone looking at SD works all day the strength and depth among their squad is well it's its side to behold really two riders in this Chase group the strongest Rider of the day for racing to glory on home solid for the second success of year fighter has doubled up in this event and won it in successive years since Miriam melker is in the second and third editions of this race back in 2005 and 2006. for the Netherlands No Rider has won this race more than twice it's an exclusive Club but a lot of Cape is about to join [Music] another good uh 600 meters behind and that's always instructive isn't it it's the local cyclo tourists can manage to match the pace I'm a world-class bike rider like a lot of kopecky remember she's out there for almost 160k you can do it for about 100 meters just in case you were thinking that this was a ride to the shops that's I almost think is very instructive world-class athlete world-class all-round bike rider technically superb always in the right position throughout the day [Applause] over the carpenberg just had to close a slight Gap that's the closest thing to the position but really this has been perfectly put together you know Quebec is just sensing that she had that little bit of extra power when she approached the Claremont only having distanced her teammates [Music] that have encouraged Persico to make her own contribution [Applause] some ways helping to if not be the foundation of victory for a lot of kapaki certainly helped us set up the solar race to success for the last 20K that dude [Applause] and I'm familiar territory to bike riders all over the world at least this woman from Flanders a truth Landry in every sense [Music] everybody still not risking a smile she feel that it's a little bit too far right but serious features will crack into a smile of relief and contentment and satisfaction of the job well done classic season began of course with the strata Bianca where the SD work Squad had it between themselves herself unvolvering racing up into the square at the conclusion of strata Bianca and frustrating me for a lot of Quebec who took the victory in 2022 was following that prevailed in a Sprint that following wasn't 100 sure she was going to have to do and uh Valerie took the win on that occasion but this is a win that means so much to a lot of kapaki Defending that uh that title she took the picture of course in omloop at the beginning of the classic season also won nokra corset coming up on her third win of the season but not only that but a third major classic and this one is really uh well the one that really counts isn't it [Applause] yep now she can start to celebrate now she can start to believe all of that effort and all of those training miles are paying dividends the racing for second behind Android potentially trying to set something up for at least a longer borgini but what legs has she got left we'll focus now on who's going to get the win and they're almost inside actually so it's a long straight run to the line from here so she's gonna have to uh to ride it all the way down to the line before she celebrates but of course that camera is for shortening the gap between the machinos that she's well over half a minute in hand a lot of kopecky the road has decided and it's decided that the heroine of Belgium is a lot of capacity and tour of Flanders he's going to be claimed by one of their own for a success and second success of year they wind up for the Gallup behind but it's the guy for minor positions the podium to come and TOP Step we'll go to the 27 year old from rooms near onto our in Flanders Victory and tour of flounders for a second successive year was to SD works enchilada kopecky who at last for the first time in 156 kilometers can raise their arms into light celebrate the win in the end a display of sheer dominance gets deleted out longer borghini is gonna try and hold our following persico's gonna come with a run on the line but it's going to be a one two and why not celebrate that one one two for SD Works following gets second reversing the finishing order of strata Bianchi already is celebrating okay thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] ER continues they just want everything you always said the winner last weekend yeah it means louder indeed where has she been all day [Music] with interest to catch and get the the thoughts from the finish line of your winner let's leave it here from her very shortly [Music] to the man as well in our Podium celebration coming up very shortly yeah Anderson gave a great account of herself today has managed to hold off the Chasers behind some honor in that team youngboy though frustration that they weren't able to contend for Glory [Music] still waiting for that first win of the year [Music] Lucinda brand is [Music] going to lead the group into this finishing Sprint and a Sprint from minor positions he was among those like a coil spring I'm going to unleash that Sprint of course that World Cup leaders jersey adding further interest and reason in this Sprint from minor positions brand yeah possibly find that price [Music] so personally managed to get up to take that one I think just ahead of beavers it was pretty shattered after her efforts today I don't think there were too many riders in there that weren't pretty shattered he said perhaps this one certainly seems uh as cool camera collected as any writer in tour of Flanders today Ron of ambulator has been claimed by one of their own once more and the SD Works Steamroller continues to roll that's what it means [Music] all right it's continuing to stream in here to the Finish Line as we get a look at the battle for the minor positions of the podium positions at any rate one two finish confirmed four SD works nothing to track Sega freighter could do about preventing wallering from getting up and Persico still have the energy to go for a second but not quite able to get there following just uh relegating at least a longer borghini who made a huge contribution to this bike race to the final Podium positions I've got borgini holding off her fellow country one press ago for that for the honor of that third place finish but uh celebrations all around for the SD work Squad 12 ceremony they have the last resort it is a long Lamborghini catch up with a lot of kopecky now and uh that should be a very very content writer won't she a lot among the winners today have the men's Podium let's hear from him to win again the tour of Florence how does that feel very special um I mean everybody so for sure but um yeah it's amazing how yeah with the whole team we wrote the race the race exploded on the copenberg what happened there yeah I thought first okay it's dry and then uh part was was wet and it was so slippery under a grip so I had to get off my back and and run and then yeah we were in front with the four of us eventually you're in front with Persico she's very dangerous to go to the finish with yeah is a very good writer and um yeah go with her to the finish line and you're never sure also have to switch your hard race so uh yeah I wanted to go as early as fast as possible you were alone on the quarter months is that the most beautiful thing that can happen uh yeah I mean when I got off the Claremont I think I was there for something that was yeah it was um a lot of people cheering it was very nice we saw you asking uh the time Gap when did you realize I'm going to win this uh yeah actually when the car came next to me and said like yeah it's 50 seconds only five kilometers to go I was like yeah I cannot lose this anymore another party for SD works because you're one and two yes the season is going super strong and yeah it's just amazing for for the team to uh yeah to win flounders again and then also be second congratulations [Music] I don't think they're partying too hard are they because they're certainly staying focused on the battles as we get confirmation of the finishing order at the conclusion of the 20th edition of tour of flowers with a lot of quebeci getting up to leader Misty works one two don't be rollering second across the line of the chase group behind the flying Belgian no longer borghini for thirds uh Persico did so much in to contribute to a glorious edition of this event media Doma and the rest in the top 10 but it was really all about capacity all about the SD work Squad they've still got the small matter of pirate bay to come next week but really there's Classics team can celebrate glorious uh Victory once more a dominant spring campaign bowlering and longer borgini heading to the podium ceremony as I was just mentioning we see the men's one coming up very shortly as well understand that um had a very successful [Laughter] [Music] okay she doesn't fancy the fruits and mayonnaise so which is the only Belgian uh within about 50 kilometers radius that isn't interested in having um fruits and mayonnaise right now a little bit unsettling stomach that's been sustained by nothing but sugary gels all afternoon you can just wait till after Ruby next week how many concession stands thereabouts are doing some decent business uh let's remind ourselves oh what's been a fairly hectic day out there crashes didn't well they weren't as frequent as you might think really they did start to happen a little bit after a couple of hours of racing and that has gone down on the right and on the left and this was probably the biggest crash in terms of the number of riders that were implicated eventually we had a couple riders coming across to Annie Wallace and Wollaston the New Zealand national road race champion venturing Ford she was at racing Zelda for quite a while and this happened one of the more significant moments of the day and animate van gluten in her final appearance in Ronda van blander and unfortunately not able to add to her abrasive victories as that moments in attention getting into the gutter fairly Hefty collision with the ground so one or two Riders landing on her and not able to race back into contention at that moment and this was the carpenberg when as we heard from a lot of Cape she was just one of numerous writers indeed almost all the writers who were forced to get off their bikes and walk up it was a very very treacherously slippy ascent Miranda Weber's was among the quartet up front for a while at least slowly but surely became Whittle down as first weebus and Ben Marlon roycer wilted under the pressure from their teammates a lot of kepeki and it was just one-on-one with Sylvia Persico of the UAE Squad as they approach the final brace of climbs Claremont and the patterburg and beckoned for the duo up front and then well he told us afterward she was almost deaf by the time she emerged from The Claremont close to go almost falling off her bike as she hit that worked and slippery section of cobbles no such inconvenience for a lot of quebecue opened up a half a minute gap on the rest perisico dropped back into the clutches of the chase group approaching the final kilometer a lot of kopecky could celebrate and pretty quickly she could celebrate a one too [Music] years in succession two victories for Belgium [Applause] foreign [Music] trying to drag weary legs back into action for one final kick to the line to ensure that one too [Applause] so now they head off to the podium it's looking away actually from the finish line so a little bit of a cruise down there and sort of crowd down there as you might expect they will stay long into the night here is quite the festival I can tell you down in odonada it's foreign couple of nights and set to extend through the evening we'll pop down there I think for some fruits and mayonnaise and maybe of the local uh produce from the Trappist monks near our bets it was the Collegiate Church of Santa Wild Burger tariffs in well Burger 88 meters 1498 to 1624 took them a while to get a build into when they built it it stayed up for a while [Music] you could get used to that couldn't you so with Conor MC van gluten heading towards retirement interesting that of the 140 riders today 84 of the Peloton aged less than 30. New Riders heading towards retirement and definitely a sense of a Changing of the Guard I suppose a lot of capacity at 27 years of age represent someone in the middle on very much at the height of our powers evolving isn't far away in terms of uh most of our powers not quite the strength to go with a lot of cape over the biggest climbs and not only that that endurance and that ability to punch and punch again is the Museum well worth a visit by the way if you ever get a chance you're in this part of the world and into the uh tour of Flanders Museum down there in Newton in 2003. [Music] extensive archival image and sound material from old radio television reports cool okay and of course if you want to come and ride the route up to reply there was a sign posted from the Flanders Museum or putting GPX into your into your head unit s will be ringing very shortly Harold to the uh the win of a lot of capacity [Music] should be joined on the podium very shortly by the winner of the men's race in case you were wondering the glory and overhauling that's Patterson and uh yeah disappeared up the road yeah [Music] yeah it's um it was a very long solar winds for both of the winners of tour of Flanders [Music] yeah the whole year already we were doing one and two and um congratulations [Music] immense amount of History it's absolutely gorgeous part of the world Caroline is one of those extraordinary musical instruments that plays the bells you know it's a keyboard that manages to chime on loads and loads of different Bells I think [Music] minimum of 30 or something upwards of 30 Bells can be on those uh Caroline David the oldest one in the world which dates back to 1510. it's uh is in Newton [Music] [Music] that's good and just who can stop as he works with uh Mary to come next week ly different challenge too many Hills to contend with plenty of cobbles [Music] and this is because comparing injuries [Music] I moved the podium this year and it's great isn't it it's great I'll cry down there great atmosphere great sensification about it it's going to be a great old chair when we hear a lot of kopaki presented to the crowd along with the inners of the men's race [Music] for a while it may look like it might have been a double up for the UAE Squad it's going to be a Persico involved in the final of the women's event I might have got a double first as well to make do with a couple of third place finishes foreign [Music] quite able to get the win but [Music] the backup his victory from last year in the manner that a lot of kapaki did [Music] all right I recommend the Tour de France who can also win tour of Flanders since we've had one of those there's your top three from the men's race getting the Win Racing in Solo ahead of Matthew Van Der Paul with Matt Patterson winning the Sprint for third from white van art [Music] amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for some support for the winner as you might expect but still there's a polite Round of Applause because they like bike races regardless of where they're from in this part of the world is a huge Hero on a very popular figure isn't he the way he carries himself the way he races his style of racing always entertaining he's won many fans for his approach to the sport as much as his ability to produce wins [Applause] unexpected I was not expecting microphone in my hand but uh thanks to all that came today it's you're the best the best fans ever and uh yeah congratulations to Matthew and uh and meds uh it's a wonderful Podium and uh yeah I'm uh really really happy with the win and uh yeah thank you everybody [Applause] I don't think there could have been a more popular foreign [Music] go ahead guys [Music] distance [Music] that's an All-Star cast in the top three of the the men's tour of Flanders as you might expect the road will decide and the road generally decides at the very best and only the very best [Music] present at this particular celebration [Music] his enthusiasm is infectious isn't it again [Music] please pause [Music] [Music] on the SD work Squad no champagne to be sprayed on each other super super race today coming back from illness first race in a little while and really honored this race with a battling performance and still retain the strength to Sprint to Third and a position on the podium [Music] not able to hold off the final search of the line from Demi wallering [Music] and uh success during the week as well [Music] [Music] wait to hear this [Music] [Applause] okay definitely could get used to that goodness a lot of kabaki she is I think as they understated a little bit shy maybe not someone who Embraces the Limelight too enthusiastically it's all about the racing for her but this is a proud proud moment she will be soaking up this atmosphere albeit not too keen on soaking up the champagne bubbles she could possibly avoid it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] second year in succession will be creaking a little bit [Applause] even Elisa longer borgini's getting into this one [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] any good second that I can already like to count from the back um [Music] [Applause] little shop on your flashlight foreign [Music] [Music] well they saved a bit for the bus I think they definitely earned a tough day out there's your top three a lot of kabacki racing solo ahead of Chase group led in by Demi wallering her teammates Lisa longaborghini of tracks [Applause] [Music] thank you well they'll be here long into the night celebrating dissecting analyzing discussing moments arguing over the merits of the success but they can be no arguing about the top Rider today and the strongest Riders prevailing once more [Music] always delivers inspiring performances data [Music] well that's it our Podium ceremony is pretty much complete our broadcast is drawing to a close I believe that's the final business sure we have any more formalities to uh Jersey or two to present maybe the UCI World Tour jerseys [Music] [Applause] but we do a bit of business to attend to and it is of course uh more Podium presentations the first writers from each of the editions of women's and men's and of course Fernando's Classic's doing great work as well to level up the prize money between these two events last year that's something that's continued this year it's uh not just Classics these events continuing to embrace equality between the men's and the women's Peloton and the women's Peloton of course the strength and depth it's noticeable isn't it the last few years always have the very best athletes but the sense that there's a real quality right through the Peloton and it's only to the benefit of our entertainment we do have a couple of jerseys to present Lorena Rivas has managed to retain the lead in The Women's World Tour that Sprint for minor positions proving valuable and important for a woman who played her role as well in the victory of a lot of kapaki today European champion [Music] broad beaming smile for the Dutch woman she also enjoys a visit to this Podium here in Flanders and the uh under 23 leader of the World Cup is Michael Van Der Doom our Traders prevailing Canyon SRAM with something else too celebrate [Applause] [Music] 13th on the day leading in the group of 345 so that's it for a random blunder and for 2023 what an engaging and uh inspirational event that we've had today glorious success for today and indeed in the women's event for a lot of kopecky racing home solo for a second successive Year my name is Declan quick it's been my very great pleasure to bring this to you throughout the day thanks very much for watching we look forward to battles at the road in the next year we'll be back in Flanders next year but for now from all of us here in New dinarda it's good foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: FloBikes
Views: 167,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flobikes, cycling, pro cycling, worldtour, watch live
Id: BFiVdc52CB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 54sec (11994 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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