RACE REPLAY: Omloop Het Nieuwsblad Elite Women's Race | Spring Classics On GCN Racing

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hello welcome along exciting times here on GGN racing we are live line to line today for the elite women's boom lipet news blood Danny Rowe is back with me again to take us through the action Danny this is a race that I know you've done for many purists out there racing really starts with the cobblestones it really does and I'm so excited to be here today alongside your fine self to commentate on this woman's race it's really going in the right direction with women's cycling and the coverage is fantastic and like you said this is the first real classic of the season everyone's going to be nervous looking at each other and this is one of my favorite races night so last year's race was won by Chantel a black let's have a look at the route that the riders are going to tackle today it's a hundred and twenty two point nine kilometers in length and Danny we head out against and we've got the first cobblestone section is the hard work which comes at thirty eight point nine kilometers are covered then we go onto the route to strap the kur gates and then we're going into these climbs the labor the woven burger Muhlenberg coming quite fast succession in the middle and then they're quite weighted towards you the iconic climbs the Merc Apple mule and the boss burg at the end yeah exactly and I think we'll see quite a steady star although people will be nervous they will be thinking about those climbs and cobbles at the end of the race and they do come in quick succession and we do normally see this race split to pieces it's all about positioning and I think there'll be a lot of nerves going into the first cobbled section that is ultimately where the race starts there's some new teams new riders compositions so that'll also be really interesting to see how the riders are working together today and that is going to be one of the key points of this race and in terms of the looking we've been kind of keeping an eye on the wings it's quite um we say the group weather's pretty grisly in it in Europe at the moment and very windy as well on the wind kind of with watching the wind maps its kind of shifted in the sort of last hour or so as well so we're almost gonna have sort of a hex or cross headwind heading out of ghent and then into the sort of you're part of that course that we saw on the map there where we loop around you think that might cause a few issues today yeah definitely and I think that's why the European riders tend to fare better in these sort of conditions they'll be rubbing their hands together looking at the course keeping an eye on the wind they'll have their directors in their ears telling them of any changes that might occur throughout the race and see where some of these teams can really benefit from the crosswinds the riders know how to ride in those winds the likes of Chantal Black Lorraine Aviva's and yeah I think that will play a huge factor today it looks wet windy classic classic classic weather and that will play a big part some riders favor these sort of weather conditions and others down a big of it as a big part of it is a mind games as well I think if you can really embrace this weather then you're already winning you know unless you know you're thinking oh no it's raining and cold wet and windy you're already defeated so I think that'll play a big part in it today too in terms of those riders that might have started their season Tour Down Under and in and and in slightly warmer climes some riders are coming into this almost got a thousand kilometres of racing in the legs already and there's those riders the Chantal blacks and a big fan blue tan those riders that are coming in to this race this is their first race of the season do you think that that will play a factor or or because of the race that we have here in Belgium and in Flanders it's such different racing yeah I think it's really interesting actually because I think there is an advantage of already having raced this season you've got that top end effort that you really can't get in train in that race instinct of moving with different yeah moves throughout the race and finishes and and climbs but the roads are so different in Australia which is where we've seen the riders race already to these sort of cobbled classic type roads where their narrow positioning is absolutely vital and like you say these riders will be slightly fresher they haven't done the long travels that the other riders who have already been in Australia have done so I think there's benefits from both sides I think for me personally I liked racing on Australia so put that number on my back feel the nerves cuz that is a big part of it as well being in a bunch again some of these riders wouldn't have been in a bunch since potentially before the World Championships if they didn't race there so yeah it'll be another factor that will play out today let's have a look at the riders we're gonna keep an eye on we're gonna go alive pictures very very shortly let's have a look at who we're gonna watch out for Chantelle blacks got to be up there as a big favorite yet band of boss he's had a good start to the season and she was up here third last year Marta Bastian Ellie second last year she's now with a later polemic as we go down through this one Sarai paladin now a CCC live had a great season ameliafe Arlene Lucinda brand great cross season that she had Lucy van der Hoff from the British rider from high-tech products has had a great start to the year and some people are talking about Sarah Gaughan T as well yeah definitely I think it's actually quite open today and I think that's what makes it so exciting being the first rate of the season everyone's looking at each other testing each other's form seeing how their winter of trainings gone and I think Lucinda Brown could be a really good one to watch she had a fantastic cyclocross season but like you say Chantelle black she's podium three times in this race so she knows it like the back of her hand it'll be an interesting to see Sarah gig on say racing today she had a fantastic start to the season but like I was saying totally different to these classic conditions that you can see now and position in this vital so it just tests another aspect of cycling racing essentially indeed now before we go live don't forget to subscribe to GCN racing hit that subscribe button hit that Bell icon as well so you're notified whenever we go live but also our social media team at GC and do a great job of letting you know what those when those races are going to be live so hit that subscribe button and if you're watching live give us a big thumbs up as well that all helps with all their various bits and pieces that we need in the background here on the channel so if you enjoy the coverage today and give us a big thumbs up I think we can go down to five great brows we had the presentation this is the rollout and you're going to see some some new colors in the race today we got the velar team that's right onto the back of the bike coroner and the likes of Koren Rivera the the Sun we're brighter here is just playing over her heavier rain jacket on in current time she didn't have a great season last year in terms of the number of victories and coronary taking but she's a classics writer she's won the Taurus tarnishes one rider is welding on ever discount on that on a day like this yeah no definitely not she knows how to ride these races she's obviously super relaxed in the back you know rain jersey on you see we tend to see the bride is bright Briona mom live team you see her at the front of the bunch all the time she really likes some marshal that front of the race yeah the likes of Koren Rivera she could do well it will be really interesting to see how she starts this season 2017 was a fantastic year for her win in Flanders and I call this a mini Flanders you know a lot of the climbs cobbled sections are the same so I hope she does have a good season this year there's the Park Hotel Falcon Berkeley there's Loretta we bus you can see there in the Dutch champions Jersey in it if you've been following the the various wranglings that have been going on between Lorena and her team she had a phenomenal season last year had a lot of interest from the bigger teams and I think her and her Park Hotel balcony looking at some of the reports have reached an agreement at this point and that's kind of a pretty much all they've said about Lorena Rivas and and where she is she's staying with the team at the moment yeah she's definitely one of my picks for today and she actually didn't finish last year but she had such a fantastic season after the first few races she actually won 13 races last year but like you were saying with her trying to get out of contract and not being able to get out of contract coming to some sort of agreement would that change the sort of dynamic how she feels in the team without then change her form I know for example when I was raising it was all about you know happy head fast legs and if you felt really content in a team then that made such a difference it's how you perform so I think that would be interesting today see if they put the past behind them with those sort of differences in her trying to gather the contract whether she's just back super focused and in the form that she was at last year Audrey called on Drago just moving up for a track Seca Friday and this team today the what a team of heavy hitters that they've got in this race I let my sluicing to brand they've got Audrey chord or ago they got lot ahead Tyler so a lot of La tulipe so now on to head Tyler and Ellen Van Dyck Ruth wind and Trixie Warwick so what team yeah it's an amazing team and I think on paper that has to be the strongest team you know Lucinda brands come over from somewhere that'll be a real interesting dynamic to see how she works in that team Ruth window on a stage of the Tour Down Under Ellen knows how to race you know she's been in this peloton for a long time you can see yet found a boss of scarless Neider Skyler Snyder here from the Bulls dolmens all all heading to the back here all with the touch time to get rid of the big rain jackets already and yet Pierre just handing her her jacket off to Nanak at noon again that's a good sign Fuhrer for you today today for someone that's new to cycling watching this early race dynamic that kind of shows that yet yet is potentially a protected rider today yeah and also it's really interesting that they call Bob to the back together there's obviously one designated or maybe a couple spread out throughout the race in terms of the domestiques one riders going back to to give the jackets away but I think it's quite interesting that only after two kilometers they've taken them off I guess that shows potentially they are off the star line for a long time wanted to keep warm and that maybe they're feeling that it's not quite as cold now they've got going and warmed up a bit and it's always interesting to see the difference in the riders clothing choice you can see some riders with full leg warmers over shoes and long sleeve long gloves almost like a winter right I think organic there's got a big buff all the way up around her face and again it's really down to rider preference again for me specifically I never like to ride in in leg warmers I'd rather use kind of the hot rubs that you can have on your legs because I never felt I was in that sort of race mode if I was all wrapped up and here again you can see Julia sook coming back putting her great jacket away I guess potentially it's not as cold as they first thought yeah Alison Jackson just back as well team some Webster Susan Anderson and Allison Jackson Francisco cough floor Tia McCoy Koren Rivera and Julia sook is that team for a team someone when you when you start completely with the leg warp and the arm warmers at your jacket your big right yep you Jill a you your big jacket a buff you think if it when the race warms up and if it hot some but if you do have an objective to try and do something today you've then got to try and get it all off yeah last year any saw some riders struggling there Corinne was getting some help from Julia super to try and get her waterproof off and it's really about picking the right time to do that as well obviously at this moment after only a couple of kilometers in the race it's a safe time to go back to the car but you know if you leave it too late and the race starts kicking off and there's no chance of getting rid of it or even just taking off I guess you could just throw it on the side of the road but even getting off could be hard you know if you've got cobbles and clients which do come in close succession then that could pose a problem as she's running through some of the colors that you might have seen so this green then this green jersey as we get our first attack of the day from the doll jeanne van Eyck team this is that was the velar crush cheap so don't cheney van Eyck just having a dig off the front here you can see a writer from a lychee Bellini hot on her heels not letting her go away this person is this in a calm handsome when this sir having to go off the front get confirmation new colors if it is so quite a few riders are riding in their new colors for the first time but earlier taxi the if you familiar with the women's pro peloton those bright yellow jerseys of the elaine BTC ljubljana team as they are now so they're formally elated Bellini merging with the BTC city Ljubljana team to up the the budget and back on Bugatti Marta Bastian Elly back in those colors this year and say whose team somewhere but the back as they're trying to get rid of those jerseys everything's starting to kick off at the front canyon SRAM the the team at the they've got the likes of Ellen attic Keaney in there the Barnes sisters Zara up there as well for Canyon SRAM today lot of people talking about Keaney for this one CCC lives the royal paladin it's a good bet for CCC live today they're in their bright orange jerseys will pick them out f DJ app temperature or scope they're in their familiar blue and white colors but this is the start of a a first decent move here yeah there is a really decent move she looked like she went on a small incline and it really did sort of start stringing the bunch together you saw the Sun web team coming together to work together after they got rid of the rain jackets to try and get back to the front and she's kept this attack going and that's what's really impressive she had a gap there was riders trying to close it and she just carried on carried on I think that's so important if you're gonna attack make it work don't just waste energy Amelia Farley in having a bit of a mechanical oh that wasn't just her team card the blue that went faster just trying to sort of gaze out here the former Swedish champion you can hear the car just beat them so it looks like she's got the the chain caught between the the chain set and the frame the team car gets up to her so kept going as long as she could persisting with trying to get the chain back on before she waited that's a good lesson as well for any young riders that are watching in terms of Emilia the team car quite far back in the line and just kept going as long as possible riding as long as she could just trying to get that chain back on it if she could and and then once the team car gets to you then that's what you get off and change and it isn't the Col Hanselman that's clear yeah and she didn't panic you could see she was really calm she took a drink took her time to put the bottles onto the new bike that she was given by the team and Amelia has been in the peloton for years and years and it'll be really interesting to see how she comes back I'd love her to do a good ride today she suffered from a bad concussion last year she had a fantastic year in 2018 where she was fourth in the World Championships and everyone thought this was her back again after she had some great years in the high tech team unfortunately last year she didn't race much because of this concussion and she's back again this year with FDJ so I hope she has a great year but the Cohasset is looking really good here this is almost the roof replay at last it is I was literally about to say that if we think back to last year the car had someone was the rider if you remember the news who got clear and caught the men's race didn't she last year yeah yeah that's what I love about women's races versus than them I do I have a fan of event peloton I think because the races are shorter for the women's or I think this is a hundred twenty three versus around two hundred kilometres it means that the women's is such a fast and furious racing from the word go you can see how strung out this is already whereas the vent there are a lot more lulls in the peloton hence how Nicole hassel did catch Elizabeth Bennet on the back new colors this year four drops if you're a fan of drops they've done sir they've gone I like the drops came this year it doesn't look good Elizabeth finished moving up there they're still on those bright yellow Cannondale bikes back to that leader though Nicole Hanselman this rider from Dolce Neve a night sport so drops in there and today in me Emily Moberg and they got finished schmekel Sarah Fenton and Maria van spoof is the team they're quite an international team for four drops in this race and this year yeah I'm really pleased that the dropps team have been able to continue I know they had a lot of problems with potential sponsors last year but Bob Barney's done a great job in being able to secure the again to be in the peloton this year and yeah I do really like birthing care I think Nicole was actually taken over as their kit sponsor this year so there'll be another dynamic I guess the riders that have maybe new clothing sponsors or I'm new to the team and they need to test out the clothing as well and especially if they're not from Europe they might not have had a chance to ride in these sort of weather conditions so they'll be sussing out then you get what they like to race in what they don't what's warm what's too warm there's so many choices out there now it's probably five different types of long sleeves relays under vex so yeah something out and this these first few races that's the multum accountant's LSK latest team which is Lara dev 4 is wearing 121 for them the kind of gold black and white jerseys for them the WCC team are here as well the world cycling sent a team for the UCI cycling school they've got iro get group from Ethiopia is wearing 231 for them 30 seconds is your time gap the first obstacle we would say that the riders are gonna tackle is the haka which is a nineteen hundred metre cobble section that comes with 84 kilometers to go Christine major oof we were chatting about her before great season always a worker for really over the years football's dolmens but she seemed like she started to get a lot more opportunities last year she had a good cross season as well solid cross season for her again you she's a rider ever ever discount in a race like this no definitely not and I'd love for her to have more opportunities and yeah that definitely did start to change in me seemed throughout last year but she's just such a super domestique and I think she's almost found her place being a sword or mystic rider and it looked to see that she was going back to the car then so whether that was just herself or or teammates will soon find out and to kind of see the dynamic between these teams to suss out who the riot leaders are for today's race that she is such a fantastic respected rider as well in the peloton if Badgers is around then you know you're in the right place for riders and today for those that haven't been around the world or as we say come from Tour Down Under and those sort of races this is is there always that that element of nervousness when you come into your first race of the season that that sort of okay as my winter gone as well as I thought you might have had the right vibes when you've been out training but it is completely different when you when you pin on a number and you get in here yeah totally it's not always about numbers especially in these classic races you can see Ellen fans like they're just relaxing at the back she knows that this is crucial part of the race and she'll move up when she has to but there's some riders that are so so nervous that they're trying to be at the front all the time potentially taking press by the side of the roads where there's curbs that can cause crashes everyone's quite touchy again being in a bunch is new for a lot of riders if they have ridden since World so that's another thing to get used to through the course of your career and into as we just seen Nicole handsome the group we've got in there so in the course of your career how did you find there the shift as these years are going on because it is getting more intense in there it's getting the speed is up the talent that used to be sort of pocketed to be then just a couple of teams has now spread out through the entire peloton we've now got the the big order you know these World Tour teams like you know mitchelton Scott Trek Sager Frodo movie star how did you find it as the years went into the back end of your career and the shift in speed and the dynamic of the racing yeah it was actually amazing - you did a podcast with Kristin Armstrong with three-time Olympic gold medalists last night and we were talking about the evolution of women's cycling and how far it's Cartman is great to see this coverage for example that is a big step forward in in women cycling but it changed so much throughout my career my first year was in 2009 on Nicole cook steam vision one reason and I actually did Rome and it's just grown a little strength to strength and I think that does come down to a lot of carpet coverage essentially if the get their business names of Mantua Jersey know that that will be on the TV they're going to invest in these teams then with investment comes an increase in standard because a lot of these women now will be full-time whereas when I first started the majority were having to work at the same time so it's just going from strength to strength at the speed is going up you see in that in average speeds from the quality of racing and especially the quality of the teamwork and racing is definitely changing riders are now confident to work as a team because they're confident and they've got these contracts whereas before I think riders were really trying to look at themselves a lot because they were worried from one year to the next that they wouldn't have a contract and it was all about UCI points rather than potentially working for teammates in different races so yeah it's amazing to see now that their real difference in women's cycling and these these teams are developing color say of the foul car our travel and service team interesting waters in there again and watch out for a ten-year campbell turned it out in Tobago was with the world cycling center T last year at a phenomenal season did the trinidad and tobago rider suit also barbara chorus deep for four movie stuff but daddy you can tell us a lot about abbey Baker's your her coach yeah I am actually so I've been coaching happy now for just over a year and she's really developing as a rider she had a fantastic cyclocross season this year she was racing with the Trinity racing in the cyclocross league she's recently racing Valencia she's really happy and content in Las those who doubt which again is half the battle if you have been content in a team then you tend to bride better so I'm really excited to see how Abbey goes today she's usually really well positioned and she's definitely got a good leg so I've got my fingers crossed for her and Barbara she's also they're really good rider to watch and she's super aggressive always in the right place at the right time and I think for her if she could get over these clients she'll be there in this friend she's a fantastic spread time so the catch is made Nicole Hansen win and it's a teammate is the first rider that gets up to us she gets the the not to go stud of Cheney van Eyck here the the team that clearly I've been given the orders by the directeur sportif this morning to make sure that they get into brie in slow motion attack in there they always look to each other thought right your core shall I go I think it's me I would have tried to have come a bit more from the back although there hasn't been a huge reaction in the bunch I think potentially it could have been a bit more aggressive but she has got a good gap now so see how this once looking at the weather as well I think it's predominantly head with so trying to attack into a headwind is almost like you're just hanging yourself out there to dry so I think you have to take weather into consideration and wind direction when you are attacking like this guarantee thanks all of you for getting on board over on our chats thanks all of you for shooting it and saying hi now it's just a little shower here Nadia Millie it's just apparently I'm insulting the whole of Australia with my pronunciation of Sarah big answer is it G G chanting just happen today right if you write in for now I'll always take I always take a correction and apologies if I hugely insulted you with that one but just this is Nadia mini says soft G is it G chant even told me Nadia I'm gay right we do it we don't do our best back so let me burn for tuning in GC and racing it's the the ulna pet news blood the elite women it's Mary Van Wyck to Burke and from dull Jeanne van Eyck that's going clinic or handsome when her teammate was the first ride end and go 114 kilometres to go as we said the first obstacle is at the harbour which is the first section of caudal stones we then go in and to the route two straps of 57 kilometers that's with sixty eight point nine minutes ago the labor which is the first client that comes with 81 kilometers to go that's 900 meters averaging four percent so harcum then that the labor so where we've been lining up trying to get themselves jockeying for position for those climbs this the donkey leave and I team they're one of those teams that are always at right I mean I was you know bright from the tour down under there they're always a super aggressive team be and I love that why not take the race you know by the horns you know try and go up against these three big teams like trackballs dolmens you know by doing this they give themselves a really good chance to be in the race and give themselves the opportunities to be there at the start when it gets super hard and these cobbled sections these climb to come thick and fast they're putting themselves at the front they can get themselves in a break by the time the races that are that's the biggest opportunity to get have to be there at the finish right members of my pronunciation police correction thanks everyone love ya Christopher Poole it's G gang tape apparently okay I can say thanks for that sorry home insult with the whole of Australian today shout out to Janice Ashcroft in in Adelaide thanks for a sing high so thanks hero connection nice to get it done early out get out of the way for the day as you might be following a few with us for a cross or GC and racing I'm now learning Dutch they throughout the throughout the year that's my goal of the years to improve my Dutch 113 kilometers to go this this shows we've looked at this start and looking at the wind direction it's gonna ski you can see it's gonna be super tough and anyone to try and get away and when you're in this with this position you've got you always think you know you come it's gotta be a couple of others that want to come with me yeah definitely and I think unfortunately if you're solo at this stage was still a hundred and thirteen kilometers to go you really are kind information perigee ganz hanging about she looks chilly she does well she's got from Australia so I'm sure this is a bit of a shock to the system for her I were just stepping out the TIBCO Connors they always changed him suffer each year and Sarah 19 national is that was a national champion is the National Time Trial champion of Australia and a runner-up spot herald-sun saw Ryder there is a big big difference isn't that when you get into these Flanders Rose button chasing group now Brian is five riders coming clears with started again a little bit of reaction here and the the opening kilometers were on event on the pet news blood today welcome aboard this is our first big classic of the season and will be bringing a lot of light classics here on GC and racing this spring its Burke those are starting to swell a little bit this is what happens isn't it when that group just gets a little bit too big it just double rules everything back together again yeah this is what I've become too dangerous and when teams really do need to be attentive it's all very well sitting near the back knowing that there's not any significant cobbled sections or climbs coming up but this is when a little group could easily just nip off the front and that could be game over so it's really interesting to see the teams that are present now on the front you can see the metal to the Scott team TIBCO la vie bianna the park hotel team Bobby Starr Canyon trap so a lot of those teams are represented at the front and they will have grinders to do that so they would had a team meeting before the start of the race and potentially split the race into sections so one rider could be have the job of looking after the first potentially into the first complex action so don't let anyone gallop the front or riders over and above the two to three riders especially if any of the big teams and present and then your leaders will be sitting a bit further back trying to conserve energy you can see here time the era from the canyon shahram team she was the winner of the Swift Academy and couple of years ago which is proved to be a fantastic program to get you know women or opportunities for women to race and she's really taking this opportunity and doing a fantastic job for can ensure [Music] question from Michael become depending on which part of the world you're from are there any Thomas to get this freak away specialist in them in the women's peloton but me and go look at someone like rarity Chapman yeah or elephant dying I would say she would be one that could stay there essentially the yang Brodie Chapman is also one that is this super strong in that sort scenario they see so many solo moves in it when it's racing we saw Chantal black with this solo last year but it's really about sort of taking those opportunities opening on these quick SEC concessional climbs towards the finish team of you start just moving up a little as if John's got it lined up but I didn't manage now that we're kind of on the roll that we're all back together here was a night I caught up with an Amiga fan falutin earlier on in the week and what she had to say what's your now we're going into classic season what's your expectation for the for the classics it's gonna be quite a long campaign as we're with this being Olympic year as well yeah first time folks only hanako-san on the classics until the yes I will not think about Tokyo at all actually I'm also not selected yet they'll be announced on the 8th of May for the Dutch riders yeah and also love the classics so I would feel sad only to think about 2020 is an Olympic year there's so much more to focus on yeah I they all the classics all right I will target so yeah and I look I can't wait to race and to start racing you jo-jo started up for the classic season and I expect this year with a good winter and no sex at all that I will be a higher level or that I had all the years I've caught up with one of the videos that came out from the team of you on a training camp with the men's team how is that different training with them as opposed to the elite women's team or or on you rain harder it's mostly Tomatoes high-intensity uphill longer also like we did all the efforts to on the TV major rights but Jack it's I would not say it good for me every time we'd like for an n9 they came out of my convinced the length and with intensity was off the something yeah I've seen it my fitness level went up like super quick last year and that's why I want to do it again it's so good it's not possible to do or something like yourself by yourself unless this like yourself because the support was also amazing with the team like with all the swingers and and the hotel chains and roots they may follow car so yeah it's also not possible mentally I think to organize something fingers specifically it's like to do so many key majors by yourself so I was awesome to do it with the guys with the group it went very fast and it was fun also three team came to the guys I couldn't a lot have done that five years ago it's also personal he is to extend every year a little bit your amount of hours you can do to obviously like to put your body on the stress factor or my challenge and if you do that like the cops the history of already put in some hours and you will get over train or over weeds or sick so it's also a protest that I built four years with my coach there's already a lot of hours before and yeah I think you can still train the hours I did find basic oh but then my body is not a joke anymore of for our training right so I I need to search for another stress factors for my body and yeah ii don't have anything can be the guys that's like at this moment in my career is also a stress factor for everybody that's where I look for me I still do a really good weeks after otherwise you will get better of it Anamika bam falutin err so Emily Emily Luke TRO the victim of one of the slowest bike changes have seen in a while he lost pedal something you don't see very often either the the bike for Emily was right in the middle of the of the team car as well lots of attacks now Hanshin even act very very animated at the start of the underpin news blood Danny Roman McDonald all of you to take you through today's action family that was that was a slow changing as well her bike right in the middle of the of the team car as well that kind of shows the hierarchy of order within a team yeah for sure obviously your leaders would be on the outside with quick access but I've never seen that in a race before a pedal coming off the whole pedal as opposed to maybe a prickly or shoe problem but that was a slow change I think she's going to be hold hoping for a lull in the peloton which we actually can't see now and as long as she was back on her bike when the cars are still going through she should be fine because she can use the cars to get back through the convoy and back what's the back of the peloton but I thought it was so interesting what Anamika family and was saying there a couple of points absolutely how she targets every single classic that she rides so we know that she will be the leader for this race today and also that she tries to increase her her mileage or some sort of stress from bacter to her training every year because otherwise their body would just get used to the Saints and training stimulus and I just wonder where she's gonna go she's already training with the man onto 200 kilometers in a training ride I'm not sure how how much harder or hot longer she's going to be able to to train in the next few years but I think yeah she had an incredible year last year and she's going to be one to watch I guess through the classics and for Tokyo as it is the Olympic year yeah we just saw peony can Ellen and Eric at the back of the race don't see me man I constantly just testing out the peloton to try and get away here the rally pro cycling team in the they're wearing their orange Chloe Hosking was rider them was further down the group this shop is cheb immunity [Music] welcome white colors a big diamond again it's a big attack goes in this is super impressive by the team you can see a Park Hotel brighter here just trying to get to her and Ally Ljubljana team member trying to get across they really need strength and numbers here for these attacks to work and I saw Rosella raft Oh actually was the first rider I've seen in shores of Jersey which I'm very surprised about i actually wrote of the team in silence in 2017 with Rosella an Italian rider and she was one - really - filled the cold so she's obviously Manning up for this race or potentially those is going to be super aggressive it has that kind of raw this is actually femke marcus for the park hotel team and she's the sister of Rihanna Marcus who writes for the CCC lifting and 7k the rider you're seeing here from Park Hotel is also a speed skater so she's doing Jules sports at the moment she's really you know high up in the nation ranking for the Dutch speed skating as well so this is a really impressive move and if these riders really collaborate together that this could be our first real key move of the day 107 kilometers to go riders been trying to get decent breakaway established for quite a while peloton at the moment 12 seconds is the gap already at the moment we saw that early attack by Nicole Hanselman told Cheney van I could be testing out this peloton constantly since the word go today just managing getting get away you can see the wind really buffeting the riders as they try to get clear yeah that's a great shot there you can really see how windy it is out there and if it is a headwind that's gonna be really really tough for the riders but this race does there are so many little twists and turns and exposed sections and we are coming up to a slight climb with 13.5 kilometers that could split things up a bit you're seeing riders potentially stopping for a nature break maybe yeah provided for stopping together in so they could work together to get back on as quickly and as efficiently as three riders looking good at the front of this group think it's mica Bogart that's up here for a lay PTC city Ljubljana confirmation of that one 15 seconds the the gap and they are holding here just checking back over the shoulder just to see what sort of damaged but they are doing to the group behind still four stages here today something's really spread from left and right-hand side of the road which tested me that some sort of love in the peloton and no one's really trying to push across to this career after the peloton colors the - tibco colors love to see down there just it will just run you through a few of our favorites as our breakaway tries to get themselves established if you're just tuning in today last year's winner Chantal Blackwell Chantelle vanderbrook black oh she is now on the stylus anomie pen falutin and the rider that we've got to watch out for debate martyr Bastian le is writer that we expect to be up there as well Ellen and Cecchini from Canyon SRAM Sorum Calladine potentially from the CCC live team Amelia Farley of fdj unique from from Bobby Starr Jelena Erik though as well could be an outsider for them I want to get Makai from somewhere we send a brand from tracks a good friend and outside if I hurt us Lucy band aha high-tech products another rider trying to come across the gap here looks like a typical rider just using this slight incline in the road together over to this group of three now that of establish themselves and a break we've got the other owner he can hear his search find Berger told Jimmy Van Eyck in confirmation about breakaway group Tara Lee this is such a hard room to try and stay away and a brief on it's obviously really straight the ride is a in insight at the peloton was so when the roads are twisty and turny and there's a bit more up and down they can hide and get away but unfortunately for them on this route you know they're almost being hung out there to see the jackets and just been there buffeted by the wind so for the riders today 10 degrees Celsius dropping to 8 as the day goes on 37 kilometres to big gusts of 69 to 70 9 kilometers for the riders today 5 kilometres from the finish first cobblestone section is there that again that you feel even early on here you've got to get though then we'll see a kind of hierarchy of power coming to the front before that first cobblestone section oh yeah definitely I remember when I was 3 was a really real key moment and a really good chance to test the team and get a lead out essentially for your leader so I think you'll see a lot of teams come to the forefront of the race before that section and then really power in the cobbles to try and go over in the best of shape possible you know in the columns bottles would come flying out their cavity crashes and a lot of things right it's a point to keep themselves safe at the safest place is at the front I'm excited to see start that that's why he loves so much about the classic there's almost many races within one race there's races to the bottom of the climbs races to the to the start of these comment sections and throughout these sections so that's why it's super excited from start to finish so our breakaway group MK Marcus Micha Bogart and Christina shrine burger those are the three riders at the head of the race the road is that we fill er up there if you want a ride ahead from typically just battling across the gap which point do you think do you decide that it's that it game over when you're trying to get across to a breakaway group like this because you generally want to hit it you wanted anything on you wanna cross that cap yeah my savage between these two groups and like you say there has to come a point where you almost give up because still at this early stage of the race you'll use it so much energy and it's all about saving as much as you can I remember an analogy we used to use was that you started the race with a sponge that was full of water and every time you made a bit of an S that you're squeezing a little bit more water out the sponge to the point where basically you're completely everything so all these little moves that potentially don't pay off are wasted energies that you don't want to be sort of giving away at this stage of the race you can see Julie superb coroner very very relaxed parts back out there our three reiner group Christina frying burger decides to it's time to get some get some fuel in already cold days like this Andy you're fueling becomes even more important it's really really important especially in these sort of conditions cold conditions your energy consumption will will be high and so it's really important to eat a little and offset and almost like that sponge analogy keep getting in so that there doesn't come a point where basically it's too late so I think that's a really moving you know that their bodies are starting to me and feel I directed a lot of the riders will have an energy drink in their bottle so that they get an energy in the calories in and through drinking if they find it hard to eat on the bike as well which can be actually really tough in these sort of classic races because you're so fixated on positioning get over to the cobbles getting over the crimes actually find that there's been a big gap as we when you last ate so by having the drinks hot dogs you know you'll get another drip food in those energy that energy and throughout the race every time you don't drink kourin river unless there's some a few issues with a radio potentially Cora Rivera yeah it did look like that the radio is super key in these races to be able to communicate not only with the riders but with your director in the car behind christina shrine burger just starting to just get distance from the group a 23 year old rider from Austria to Bogart powering on hit the shoulder that don't cheat evo 19 did a fantastic job to get themselves into the breakaway today see these two riders powering on through here just to give you a bit of if you weren't with us in the beginning of our broadcast today in terms of the group we've got those five cobblestones sections the first being the Harper grenades in four to go we then Kalinka then covered 68.9 little distracted curtain gate at six to five point seven and then the Jaeger I answer sixty three point one to go then the powder strap with 51.9 run you through you climbs are you gonna see today so 81k to go that's the summit of that is that labor moving on to the wall from burke with sixty nine point one to go then on to the modern burg the cobblestones there then there eckleburg the barren trees the mail from burke the foster home the ten boss with thirty one point nine to go then the I can Mullen with twenty six point four to go and then we get in into the the iconic climb to the Newark Apple Muir with sixteen point seven to go and then on to the boss Burke with twelve point eight to go so that is what the riders are going to tackle to date the history of this race going back we go just go back to 2010 Emma Johansson one live backyard banks back in 2010 2011 2012 was the lowest goona bike we TIFF Cromwell on it in 2013 any pizzas in 2014 we've had an event of Greg and Lizzie diamond in 26 he was out a year she started with no gloves internet freaked me out yeah start there no gloves that it was a lot colder than that and that is today even and I thought it was crazy I think it maybe was a bit of a mind games very yeah brave the path is sure but it's a yes this race been going since 2006 and there's only been two riders that have won this race twice and that's Suzanne to go Emme Hanson and Emmy Hans's has be on the podium five times and won this race twice like they just said sushi she was a real key favorite for this race issues since she was on the Starlight Lucinda brand in 2017 double up today and then Christina see Gardner was a great win by her in 2018 Christina cigars gokyo biggest victory so far in her career as the tax come from the peloton slimy hereafter as well they're from Canada I'm doing a really great job being the star obviously trying to chase down any moves that I'll go in that Christina see God I remember when she won that edition and it was almost a huge shock to her and the sent the pictures she's got her arms out out in front celebrated at issues that she looks more shot them at them happy which is is really nice to see I love seeing outsiders witness rates privacy you may not think are the key it looks like these work these riders are trying to get a bit of a chase going here get a bit frustrated that they haven't got a set group of girls that committed and really tried to chase there's a tack down and we are kind of closer to this birth contraception now so the nerves I've been getting higher and this tempo rider is still battling to try and get across look at the weather you can see really is today the blustery winds I hear me commenting on the the jacket here of femke marks been in this situation and if this wind this is fear or impossible to try it I know it over and we love all our and this is this is suck it warms away from us but in this situation is it's virtually impossible take your hands off the bars in that position and and take your jacket off yeah it'll be more dangerous for her to try and either take it off force into half so she's just gonna have to have to deal with it and hopefully maybe at some point in the race you'll have a chance to take it off so there's a bank sir from the maker on the left-hand side of your screen a British rider leap on a stage in the Giro last year she's doing a good job for bigger obviously trying to get this these sleep needs writers back conditions today is there this look at the down the riders are riding through today these are the days Danny when you really sad that you retired from racing on a very very sad to be a warm studio watching the race but though this is Savage and like I said at the very beginning of this show some riders will embrace their and some riders this just to feed them and they will you know they hate every minute of any see the crosswinds as well the riders are almost you know thrown to one side of the road and this is where it's really really important to be at the front and you'll see the night food victims get to the forefront of the rapes to make sure they're at the front for his first comment section mitchelton Scott moving up speculative Lizzy banks talking about they've had a really solid start today - the season with Emily at em accessory organs taking their victory down in Valenciana Andy Thomas as well the American she says she's a good rider on earth on a solid day like this she wrote well in Scotland she did I think it was actually Lea Thomas that it looked like that little box is protected there so Lizzie banks is right in just on the outside of Lea Thomas to protect other whimpers obviously coming from left to right the riders in the right hand side of the road the gutter to make sure the whole peloton can't just benefit from from their riding in the front and this is where the race is going to get you know super excited potentially super dangerous where is certain one too the front this deep there's a lot to him Tyler and he left there in the blue jersey with the white sleeves the finland boy just gets bumped over the top of that road furniture see the finnish rider they're ready soon of battle roof window just moving up as well the american national champion you see her owners stars and stripes jersey just getting herself up towards the front here tracks seeing aphrodite canyon shrimp very much to the front and a tip co-writer and confirmation of who Nestor is coming across for that Shimano neutral service car is in that gap this is a really nice position to be in at this stage of the race where everyone is getting really nervous before this cobble climb the rain is coming down the wind is proving to be a factor in this way race and these three riders in the front and just out of that trouble they can work together and hope that they can get over at least one or two of these really crucial sections before the peloton sweeps them up and even then it could be a reduced peloton given the more of a chance to to stick in you can see tiny arabs broken coming trap team still at the front here doing a fantastic job staying out of trouble and she's really proven that she could ride in a bunch i think the problem with potentially a couple of the swift academy winners that they'd have had before i've come from maybe being super super good on a server but actually not knowing how to race in a peloton and obviously with the classic races tires it's part of my crease and it's not just all about your numbers and how strong you are it's about how you can position yourself how you can ridin in a team and how you can use these conditions to your advantage of this is savage savage conditioners and you can see actually in the middle of the road here this is always a really dangerous part of road racing on calm belgian roads there was almost a gutter in the middle of the road so you know the cobbles are dangerous enough but they've got this on gutter to try and content with where you have to be careful how you actually navigated your bike from the left and the right hand side of the road or vice versa because if you came into too much on the side that we all from your back wheel you can get stuck and that could be really treacherous Emily Newsom is your TIBCO rider that has latched on to give us a trio of leaders big Katusha big blur lazy banks it's almost very much to the front of the peloton this team are up there Audrey called or ago is not far away so if you're just tuning in it's femke Marcus from Park Hotel Falkenburg Michael Bogart from La BTC City Ljubljana big respect Emily news for the for the chase to get across there that bouncer that's a gutsy ride too it took her a while but she got there eventually she did a phablet for just battling on because she has made it and I'm sure she sort of made a big sigh of relief as she got to these two riders at the front now they are out trouble as we approach in the first cobble section of the day oh good to see them up there Emily use them from Team tip cone that's Vivi 36 year old rider from the US being with TIBCO since 2018 just a few of you asking on the the social are we showing the weather isn't happy this is the most exciting no pet news about today you can watch that with our air friends and colleagues over on your spot where we're showing be the basics like this okay and thanks all of us let us know where you're watching us today and just be named where you're watching give me little shower would like to put a little pin in the map around the world nor in a weakness getting brought through here from her Park Hotel Falcon bug team is better potentially some friction that might arise within that there's a potential for some friction or do you think with Lorena wanting to go and she said in our interviews and I was reading like just before that she's got nothing against any of the riders that she raised with or as a pro rider is that you've got to just put it behind you and and if the team's gonna win if she's gonna win you you've just got a forgetting or when you're when you're in there in there and taking orders yeah I think initially there probably was quite a lot of friction when they were going through the batter of her tried to get out of a contract but I think when it comes to this stage the first big race of the season you have to put it behind you because ultimately it will then affect her performance the teams atmosphere so I'm sure they would had a training camp that she's in this team now so she really needs to to embrace it and they're riding really well you can see see if everybody's here in this break of three at the front of the 50 second gap which is pretty substantial especially going into this first hang look to prolong intersection of cobbles and then you can see one of our other teammates there keep the chlorine and Weavers at the front so I hope that they put it behind them and that she haven't have another fantastic season I was really impressed by the way the Park Hotel team were riding in the last part of the season last year we both commentated on the tour Norway together and they rode fantastically there so I'm sure they'll put it put it behind their car to try and navigate around there so sticking point to these raises that you have to keep your eye on you know get around cars and being so attentive and that's another reason why these races are so Saavik you have to clean you know on top of every situation see Audrey I think Rocco caught on for the track celebrated scene here at the front of this race she's written this race of many occasions or is to actually end up a date I can't quite yeah I think it's an Ellen actually but again like Audrey these are the riders who Brittany's races time in the time and time again and that also makes a real difference I know for me for my last season on the road if I'd written the race in previous years you went into it with a different kind of confidence to do what to expect although that weather conditions might be different essentially they're the courses are a lot of the same and you know when the decisive moves are going to be when you need to be in the front and the usual energy and again you have just the confidence going into the race having written it before it is a big deal thanks I'll just give you a few showers will put a little map around the world let's go and go airy from Osaka in Japan we got eg from Wollongong news Sydney Brown from Lincoln Nebraska thanks for saying hi nan and Nick Makos Ian from San Burley San Tan Valley in Arizona they didn't click past me quite quickly Ian's launching from Ottawa Canada and we've got to FK from Kazakhstan thanks for shooting in we've got Dionysia from show at forest in in England and so worth Apple Martin from from New York thanks all of you for for saying hi father an hourly from Boulder Colorado David Pollock from Vermont and as Beckman from Germany so all over the world as we love here on on GC and racing if you're wondering what the weather conditions and the weather forecast is it's pretty much like this throughout the day so 10 degrees Celsius dropping as the afternoon goes on to about 8 that's 50 degrees Fahrenheit dropping to about 46 rain fall past as well these sir it's pretty stormy there 37 kilometres an hour winds dropping to 32 kilometers as the day goes on bus gusts of 69 to 70 nine kilometers an hour that was the the weather forecast so that's what they were they're battling against today and battling being the being the operative word if you're just joining us today welcome aboard thanks for joining us here on G Siena racing in the elite lymphoma lahpet news Brad 120 2.9 kilometers and eleven hundred and sixty-three meters of elevation starting in gets finishing in and nineveh is the the course and the route today five cobblestone sections ten climbs that they have to tackle including the iconic Merck Apple Muir with 16.7 comets is going something that one then on to the boss bag and then the run and down and he meant to nineveh we're looking at Danny that first these first couple stages leaves first climb so we can already see Canyon strap tracks a calf read of mitchelton Scott all very much up towards the front got feeling today do you think we're gonna see earlier on in this race because of the conditions are a much smaller selection than that we might have thought that we might have seen if it was if it was a bit different weather-wise yeah you do find that a lot with the weather conditions being this bad that the race will screw up a lot more because the riders are more attentive to be at the front and that will just call for a faster rate depending on the weather conditions you can see you know the riders face is now it is such a grim conditions they are obviously going and quite impatient if you listen back they're really driving and off the front for the for the big team the Bowles team are together you can see who sit around they're just poking through in the track SEC afraid and cut colors Bobby Starr you can see these routines have really come in to the front as teams and we're coming into the last ten kilometers before the comment section Rhianna markers there who is the sister of femke Marcus one of the three riders in the front group at the front of this race staying out of trouble before we hit these these crucial parts of the race there's another ccc right and quite close behind a lot o rider so i think we are going to see it becoming faster the barriers and it's almost like a race in itself to the start of these iconic parts of one rider I can see towards the front who please complete our course today his Chloe hosting in the origin of rally cycling she's she's in this team in there and rally cycling got him they've only got four riders they've got Heidi Franz Leon ganzar clay hosting and and Sora tour Devan I hope I say that right Canadian viewers a clue hosting already a winner this year but it had hands at the end that these are sort of races now at this rally team that she could get a little bit more freedom and we know Khloe's sort of pedigree as a as a rider and she's already very much up towards front yeah I've always really to see how Chloe is going and she could really be yeah I guess an outside of it she was forth to here in 2018 and I think again for her if she could get over these climbs then she's got a massive chance this race comes in to the finish with a small group and she's there you wouldn't count her out who she is one of the best sprinters in the peloton she's now riding for the rally team and via social media she seems to be very happy and content in the team so yeah I think once we get to the quick succession of clients and comments we'll see software her form is she hasn't won a race already this year in Australia but again like I said at the start of the show is very very different and it's really hard to compare we can't really say that those riders will will be at the end about the front of this race today because it is so totally different forty seconds is your time gap your breakaway group MK Marquez for Park Hotel Bangkok Micha Bogart from Lane BTC City Ljubljana and Emily Newsome from Team tip coat Silicon Valley Bank - given their their full name back to the front of the peloton mitchelton Scots juanita me glowed the Richardson's got right up on the right Lucinda Brandis meetings through Christie Medeiros in the orange there with Luxembourg champions helmets lots of fun lots of shouting around the front of this peloton Jean a car over 14 C CC lives at third a tall girl in the middle of your screen there in the orange she's always in a great position I rode with her in my final year and she was such a good teammate to have in the bunch always could navigate herself well and that's I think what comes with Dutch riders they grow up on the bike and they're such technically good riders and that yeah it's half the battle in Mike Wright and I know for myself I really had to learn how to ride in a bunch how to stay in that soft sweet spot were in the tops of 1020 riders in a race and not be at the front of the front views and energy and she was fantastic for that and she was in she's been in the top ten a couple of times in this race she can't sprint so she's another rider a little bit of an outsider who I'd love to see do well today so this this brutes said it heads outs of against par-cook we're at it's that first cobblestone section and lots of changes it's one thing as well when you get into this part of the world thingy there's so many different changes in in road surfaces and there we go from those sort of big slabs almost as you were talking with there with the groove down the middle that you're always aware you can catch yourself on then you get into the sort of this weather you've got they're almost slick bricks then we've got cobblestones you got the tarmac there's constant you must just be when you're in that peloton and in this situation basically on a wet day like this it's your brains just working overdrive yeah it really is it's just always so much to think about and also with equipment at the start there's always IMing an hour on what you wear and what tire pressure are you gonna run especially when there's cobbles involved and the rain a lot of the riders now are using a lot lower tire pressure than they ever used to and there's been a lot more evidence now to say that the how she doesn't make much of a difference in terms of the resistance that then it has on to the road so I think you're better off safe than sorry and run a little bit of a lower pressure you can see Shawntel black here on the left-hand side being screened for the bowler on the team it's the first time we've actually seen her in this race it she's almost kept quiet over 30 kilometers which is exactly what to do as an NDA when you're the leader of the race she knows what she's doing and she knows when these roads get narrower like say there's so many different things to learn in the classics I think that's what makes it such an exciting race if you see the state of these roads here there's potholes there's this sort of gutter in the middle of the road that narrow they're sort of muddy puddles on the Left you just get on the road that could cause yeah carnage Kabul she climbs there really is something all the time to have to think about and you need to be so switched on mentally as well as physically Marjorie's here on the front you can see bowls are coming together as a team and I think that's a real key point for other riders I know for me when I saw other you know big teams coming together you knew that was a time to move and be there and be there at the front I don't know that's a rider in a classic like this but as a small director I used to find it exhausting exactly it's like you're in the it did have that lowdown in the end sometimes they get heated there in that situation here comes Paul Darwin's Christie Mae Jerusalem champion of Luxembourg now they look like they're trying to play this one he could see now in mitchelton Scott riders just scrambling trying to get themselves up there and we're starting to get some splits now down the back of the peloton Danny you get to this open section and now they again the the bull's Dolman steamer and they're looking serious here they really are this I was saying about it's not always about power if you find yourself in an echelon at the front then you're happy days if you're at the back you can be putting out double the power and be going backwards essentially if you've got no one to protect you from the wind so the ball's dolmens have obviously looked in the road back they've picked a point where they think it's a potential cross tail went where they can't split the peloton coming into this this is a very technical part you know you've got your down hills your far sector you can already see gaps happening in the peloton and if there is a gap and then there is a comment section or a climb half the time then these groups don't come back together and that's what you see all these slips and essentially breaks throughout the whole race you can see my kabocha just kind of just trying to stay on the back of this group 88 kilometers to go in the peloton starting to look fairly serious behind we head towards the first of those cobblestone sections Chantal black with looking good at the front on to that climb of the year the Harper will be be the first obstacle that the riders will tackle that's a 19 hundred meter cobblestone section and the Labour comes with 81 clásico there's nine 900 meters in length Lee the Labour then the wolfenberg which is 600 meters now look at this starting to they're starting to see some gaps now we're starting to get some echelons potentially just opening up at the front he looked a little bit more serious from the from the front there they're just closing that one down that's a little looks like morning to the glow just bringing that one back together you can see just how open it is swinging left and right through the roads here of Flanders and that peloton very close now to our trio just apologized for our bits of picture breakup if that's that's affecting things yourens too much you can tell the the weather conditions and the riders are having to face today also poses its issues for their for the host broadcasters you can see mitchelton scott taking that inside line then to try and come next to the bowl storm and steam in the lead and into this first cobbled section this is actually the longest cobbled section of the day with nearly 2,000 metres long so I know all these riders will be super nervous to try and get a good position into that it's almost tick tick it off the box they'll probably have all the prides and collards it's off their stamp so every every time they can get over those in one piece it's almost a sign relief right onto the next make sure you get yourself in the right position to then tackle the next one almost take it one step at a time rather than thinking too far ahead in these races when so much can happen in the interim it looked like those three riders were just about to be yeah they were about to be caught and that'll be a real shame for those three who've really invested in in that gap you can see the gaps only ten seconds now and especially when they come into this cobbled section I think you'll see them being swallowed up there's a gap ten seconds so they've gone to the the aerial shot there me just taking the glass off I can't read me notes in front of me age comes to apologize apology so that as I just said momentarily that's the host broadcast is when you get conditions like this it does it does pose some problems well let's let's look but through the the early part of that race big big shout out to dog Cheney van Eyck they Nicole Hanselman again first attacker of the day as she was last year and that bird that breakaway group kind of in a day like this you're almost if you're not got the big focus now you're almost kind of doomed from the start in a way you are but that was really impressive from the dulcis team there they obviously had a plan of action from the start and nicole Hanselman was i thought we were gonna have a repeat of last year when she caught the mint but that wasn't meant to be but they all had counter-attacks straight off the back and then they found themselves in that move of the day and unfortunately they did drop out of that that key three that we're seeing at the moment with only about a 10 second gap at the moment I think for these teams it's brilliant to try and be aggressive it's their real opportunity to get in the break and anything could happen in bike races especially races like this where there's just so much to contend with like we were talking about earlier so I think fair play to them I take my hat off to the smaller teams especially that take these races on and and really go for it big shout out though as well - Emily Newsome what what a chase and again apologies for our lot of pictures there just trying to get them back it is a host broadcaster issue not Arendt buts Emily knew some of the American writer there from Team tip code that that's just utter determination that you're gonna get into that breakaway yeah I don't know exactly how long she was battling to get across fall but it was definitely at least 10-15 minutes and I think like I was saying at the time if she hadn't have made it that would have been so much of her energy just used up and wasted so I think that would have been a big sigh of relief when she got across to those two riders and made it and now she has found herself in that group though looking at on the opening kilometres our pre-race favourites they're a Lucinda Brands Chantal Black we've just seen starting to come through towards the front Lorena Lee this is it's just being piloted around that peloton isn't she towards the front anyone that you haven't seen so far we've not really seen annemiek van veloute emily is anyone else a bit absent would go back and look like we've had a bit of a bit of a tumble here and this is yet burned a boss here that's good that looks like she's gone down yeah a few other key riders here that looks like Audrey called him from the track SEC afraid own team so we didn't quite see what happened there but look at how many riders were caught up in that crash and they need to get back as soon as possible because the race will still be going on without them at the front are we gonna see a replay potentially here of the crash these yeah on the right-hand side of your screen there you can see a tumble doesn't look too bad I think the trees that almost saved them there's also something on the other side of the road yeah they look like they went left and right as the the shot here from the back of that one the case was definitely on and that section and here we go on to the cobblestone section here in hard-cooked 2,000 meters in length Emily Newsome leading the peloton on to here before katusha Bigler looks like Lizzie banks just coming through here in the blue and right behind her the the Swiss National Champion the NXT GT or the Harford mist first cobblestone section we've been waiting with with anticipation for this section there's such a skill to riding cobblestones quickly Beverly is forget it in a big gear usually get into the middle of the road where it's generally a bit smoother yeah just keep powering through ultimately does Rosella righto they're at the back of your screens and I think that these rotar sort of crash that found themselves in the back they just can't panic the great news for them is that there is about a 15-kilometer section between the labor and the wolfenberg which is a next key section so I do think it will come back together these top teams would want those riders back in the bunch which probably will cause a bit over love in the peloton once they've got through this cobbled section this cobbled section will be fast and furious but once they get out on the other side hopefully there will be a bit of a lull for these riders that I think we caught up in the crash I don't remember Magnus seven ever first I'd ride in the couple stands at him release together folded classics he was like just find the smoothest bit follow me the easiest ever done just to rest over the cobblestones yeah okay Christine made generous you can see up towards the front here Katusha team a very animated Milan Russa the Swiss champion is is they're here itís just struggling on the back here Emily what's worth there from NXT gee that seems got the brick and a fan in there as well that's NXT cheating the daughter of four Perry Roubaix one service you can armor yeah and it was great he was very up some animated on I guess social media at the media about really supporting a living team obviously his daughter races so he had that interest call Dear Lizzy bankers just missed that bottle there but yeah sadly what this is her first big road race so it's a pretty tough one to be thrown into initial first didn't see how to struggle it there at the back of these club contraceptives but these riders the ones that are in the best position of the race now as we probably enter in the last few few meters of this couple sexually you could see a plant there on the side of the road 10 and the riders to slow down and they get that left up then back up smooth roads it's pretty weird actually once you've been pride in all couples when you go back onto the road it feels really really strange what you've been batted around it's like it's a real relief to me back represents a smooth road that's phosphor for the balls team trying to get back onto the back and she's one of the balls team are gonna walk back in the peloton she was there last year the real key component to - that's a real shame seeing her go damaged now it's one of those situations is if she said there's a bit of a gap after the labour to potentially try and get in here is just try and use the groups try and ride the groups jump from group to group and in front of you to try and get back up to the front me you can see now the difference here the year the pressure on this is the Labour so you can see average brain in the 4.2 maximum of 13.8 and Lizzie banks looking very animate there's an amine found falutin you can see there on the right of your picture first time we've seen her in the Black Sea lake with the world champions Jersey just poking out underneath ominous signed Hannah meek now coming up towards the front she knows how to get over these climbs and she like we were saying about Chantelle you know it's only 18 three kilometers to go now this is the first time we've seen that so she's really saving her energy and she knows where she needs to use it definitely asking on the socials who's with us today so it's me Mike McDonald if you were this regular here on GC and racing Danny bro there's a long time if you were with us last year on GC and racing has been polluting and takes off Olympic champion world champion former road rider as well with the wild deals of the last team you race for with with Mariano vas so former teammates of Mariana Voss and we're lucky to have a guy on GC and racing to give insights into this race today erase that danny has done on a number of occasions that you found a boss on the Front's of fur this group looks like a looks because that money certainly blow this weather as well yeah yeah the tool rider of the major - Scott team and they can really work together these great riders know how to to raise them use their power to see that same peloton go over this type just a few moments ago so I'm sure they will be able to get back on we saw that there is a feed at the top they can see groups ahead and they can use those to just try and get 19 buzzer who's is looking backwards here so she's not going to put the power down fishing teammate trying to get back on so that's really powerful she's going to use this time to drink get another bottle from the one year there on the side of the road I just hope that you can get back this shows Christine chirp right there's Marta Bastian Ellie in the Italian Japanese years the first time that we fir we've seen her today Christine so cool so calm at the front when she took that ball had a little glance see what it was because the swanee has always put a bit of a marker on it don't they whether you've got water whether you've got any energy drink yeah she is a really cool and calm and collected and it's just important that she's taken everything into consideration so she's not just battling it on the front she's on the front and that's it's the best place for her she's looking back to test to see where her teammates are to make sure she's doing the best job she can for the team the balls dolmens riders just trying to maybe take the win this Shawntel black just moving up on the left you've picture Hannah Barnes just coming up as well the former British champion you can just see her from Canyon SRAM of the British champions cuffs on her Jersey for the bowls T middle of your screen that looks like organic from the movie star seed now coming to the front play cost King in the century picture in the orange of rally they're in a we must get back up towards the front again by how far hotel balcony teammates wind blowing across here 81 kilometers to go if you're just tuning in welcome aboard the Walden Burke is with the Roy to strap a 68.9 to go that is there they keep it on the wreath in the we've got the Wallenberg is the next serious climb that the riders will tackle that we're starting to get to the the group's spread all across the countryside here today follows up there Sarah that Novello tell that are in here today there are these riders should really try and be collaborated together to try and get back into the peloton because there is a strength in numbers here I think I'll definitely Moberg he's just site before the drop speak now Rihanna Marcus she's a super strong rider great team time to our rider as well so hopefully she could try and help get these riders in to work together the crew Micah Bogaerts Arianna mean a [Music] get an apple perish all up towards the front upsie for BTC City yuki-onna my party is getting a pooja isn't that something for LA Jerez constantly glancing back on that as they change direction through these different sections they're just irk you what if you're just tuning in yet found a boss their teammate who was the third here last year going down in a crash trying to pick her way back through some of the group's behind this main part of the peloton Sarah Roy there and towards the back for four minutes and Scott's you look pretty relaxed there you can see why the riders style and how they're kind of on the bike in terms of how sort of stress they are she looked really chilled that Sarah royal be a great teammate for this sort your classic race for about fluence and make sure she's at the front she's got everything that she needs Sarah's a super strong rider she's actually just coming back from injury that obviously fit enough to race today and that's good to see see the hole someone seemed pretty much here at the back and they want to too worried now with this sort 50 kilometer section between these really key key points in the race and this is so these are the times where you really should try and conserve energy that you are going to need when these climbs and cobbles come thick and fast is there when you've got the leaders in there you've got to try and pace is it is it into the really into the into Gareth Bergen into the bottom of the viewer where you where you're really trying to get you where it's really gonna really go off if it hasn't already yeah I think is the most important part actually and then it's almost the group is formed by the Mossberg and where the Vosburgh is quite straight and there's a quite technical fast running to the burn come off a main road and then you go through the town before you turn left onto the sort of have a section and they're bright up and over onto the church it becomes very very narrow and I think that's where you know you sort of highlighting it on the roof in terms of where you happen to be on the front for that all sometimes done that always go to plan I know for myself I actually ended up getting what I've been a crash everyone's so nervous before that drive because they know it's ultimately where the race could be won and lost and for me I had to chase that on and thankfully I did so it's not all over but for sure that's where the riders have to be at the front where they can stay out of trouble like there's a technical descent as well off the mirror so it's not just about the climb it's about getting over the descent as well with no gaps Gloria Rodriguez and shares here from miyabi start hand up stay on the peloton for as long as possible still got that big rain jacket on the cialis bounce just in front just on the back of all peloton there's Marta Bastian early Italian champion just so you can see the year on the left here just starting to creep into the picture there she is and she was season last year she's already started well she won that's one Dave well-developed Liana Evans victories last year for a Sebastian le yeah so so impressive like you said she's already started the season off well with a win in this stage in Valencia and I think because it is Olympic year this year these riders are going to want to start in the best sort of shape possible they want to test their season and also for morale is great to go into the first race and the first big classic like with us here today and form is there and they just need to build slightly I think if they're way way off then that can cause like especially at the Olympics is something of a target which I do think it will be for Marty a masculine le there is quite a big crime in Tokyo but nothing too steep that I don't think she could get over so yeah I think really interesting to see where this classic style race today and if she can carry on the season that she had last year then she'll definitely be a force to be reckoned with a definitely a favorite for the Olympics yeah I mean last it is he so she want or Father's she want a harder Lance wanted to enter she was second in the world build land run as well so as I she's such a solid classics rider which is soil in Van Dyke just putting on a she'll a brief window the American champion also doing the same it must be difficult you gain these big downfalls and then you getting there the crosswinds that are just there just be to you and to try and stay try and keep some sort of ulti constantly jacking on jacking off gloves on gloves off yeah definitely and it's definitely very cold because once you really hard if it's rain that you have come we're so still with you know over two hours of recent to go you don't want to be losing energy with your body trying to stay warm so it's important that you do get a chance to put more layers on as we were seeing the American writer booth with the death trying to get her rain frame jacket back on as you hear in the streaks of of the breaks now with Alice Barnes in the British national chapter Jersey Earth Canyon trap in the middle of the peloton and she that she's another good one of being able to conserve energy and know know where she needs to be in the bunch riders using this opportunity before the thrill sort of racing kicks off to to fuel up and make sure that they've got enough energy when it goes the secret L colors so you're going to be seen a lot of new colors now back to the front of the peloton next objective the brightest the cobblestone sections and reaches that and then we go on to the climb off the the wolfenberg Chantal black in the center of your picture it's like organic I think from the movie star see the cabin shop writers clay asking just moving up on the left of your picture the orange is serving very very vigilant very very much to the forehead as the Aussie today [Music] definitely she is normally really good at position and as no it went to be at the front to give herself the best chance essentially of getting over these climbs which is her weakness pianist than pure pure sprinter if she's there at the end then she's definitely gonna be one of the favorites in this bread in terms of like one bass cuz you you and we Commonwealth Games anyone that's not from the Commonwealth country the Commonwealth Games one day road race as well where you were you were in that group coming into the coming into the finish with Chloe said she can't do those she can't bring it out on earth and it's quite a hilly course that Commonwealth got yeah it wasn't there was it was actually a course with a lot of land there was two significant climbs in the course it wasn't almost it was kind of an almost classic type course if a criterium style short steep declines nothing too long which wouldn't she was in the shape of her life she had a great team around her and she want that comp well better when I was the but yeah she's proven that she focuses on something that then she can really be an all-rounder as well as a sprinter jeet when you see Trixie Warrick for the first time in a trace I always just want to go legends don't you when you see it for the first time good to see her just towards the back here for that for that track Sega for a team in Trixie as I say such a legend and I know them from Eleanor back stead and those those young riders that are going into that track say afraid of team I've seen sherry burn and Roy that's in their training with that team what what a team offers these young riders that track second foreigner assigning what better mentors to have and the likes of Lucinda brand Ellen Van Dyke and Trixie Warrick it's an incredible opportunity for those riders to just learn so much of these girls who have been threaded through the evolution of cycling essentially they know where to be what training they need to do and how to really how to ride as a team I think that the younger riders coming through like Ellen backs she's probably used to being so super super strong that she probably would have had to have written in this off team dynamic before and she's going from winning the junior races to now be him in the team where I guess a lot of the time now she will be used as a domestic but to learn off the likes of Trixie is a real great opportunity and similar to me actually I'm coming from the track onto the road and then being it's in a team with Mariana box it was just incredible to be able to learn so much from you know these are riders are such lovely people as well and obviously that makes a huge difference if you feel comfortable riding and ask me for advice when maybe you think it's a stupid question that these riders are always out to try and help it's really good Koya said the force of the Sun web seemed there that's always a worrying sign with a hole at the Sun web SEMA coming to the front you know that there's going to be a potential crosswind I remember it was in there Norway Norway and they all came to the front like this and then suddenly they they turned lands and it splits and pieces they you know they worked so well together in a sawfish log formation and that was the end of that stage so yeah whenever someone gets in the front be scared yeah what a team they've got here today lose in terms of what they can do in this could it be a day for the likes of Koren Rivera floor Tia Makai is phenomenal rider for that tea meshes in the center of a new picture this out here team team somewhere VanDyke still there there's Alice Barnes the British champion see that bright white jersey still looking quite white that Jersey as well could tell compared to the conditions yeah I'm not sure how it will stay I hope she's got good washing powder because it's definitely throughout the classic season it's gonna get very mucky okay predictions if you want to make a prediction who's gonna get this one today here you go for dining today 74 K out we've got a gotta do early morn to them as well you never an out without a favor you can outsider as well okay outside with Lorena beavers okay right just took my pick now okay right so I'm okay I'm gonna go Lucinda Brant that's my as my favorite coming in off off a successful cross season she's done well in in the cross and my outsider looking around the front of this group picking out a young rider I'm gonna take okay come on I know I just got I've just got to go for it really nominate that I've got to pick out if she can I have Chloe husky because my as my outsider okay I'll go it said that she's mad she's my second she's my second choice I wasn't sure if I had to go young rider you see in terms of not that Chloe's not young but you know do you know my meme I didn't know whether I could look exam four as my as my second favorite her okay so there we go get your predictions in and Bastian early and we miss is Danny Danny's tips for today's still we're in it very much bit of a holding pattern now we've had those early breakaway groups we just tuning in welcome aboard thanks for joining us here today on GC and racing life line to line action here on beaming woman's full of pet news blood a Chantal black the winner last year it was black one it alone one minute and nine ahead of Martha Basti and Ellie and Ian van der boss an amine fan falutin was up there in fourth last year and it was very much early on in the day it was that dull Cheney van Eyck team that really set things going with Nicole had someone being the the first attacker of the day Christina shrine beau who was also up there we had that breakaway of Becky Marcus Micha Bogart and Emily noose are doing a phenomenal job routine TIBCO to get back on the team somewhere now looked like they're starting to drive this one on the front 73k to go they are obviously about to turn [Music] into a climb comment section of the merit for the course or somewhere where they know it's going to be crosswords look at this there's been a crash in the middle of the bunch these riders are going to be caught so far behind they have no momentum now they've both got to do a standing start into this narrow road and that's why these teams are you know it's so so good time and time again and unfortunately now Emily Moberg he's coming from the virtue team over to drops and looter anomie van glutton at the side of the road so this is not what the world champion would want here trying to get a chain back on and this is the issue that you can see here as well riders trying to come back through the team cars there's the mitchelton Scott team car and you can hear the panic on the horn here from the directeur sportif of mitchelton Scots as anomie tries to get back on let's have a look at the head-on shot here all getting below all coming together some look at me at the corner an anime fan falutin was trying to get that shame back on and now she's got a chase the world champion I'm surprised no one's actually come back for her I would have thought that the Mitchell Scott team would have had a kind of a chat to say economy is in any sort of trouble they've watched the city grind would wait with her by thinking that sort of panic and you know sometimes get a courthouse so much of your own world that you just you just focusing on getting through that key sector they have now gotten to another comment section now that they've just coupled to the peloton is starting to split so he could see Christie Medeiros just on the franchise of them just marsh managing the line of their common stains Richardson Scott riders you can see just up towards the front to try and control this one they'll know that Hannah McMahon falutin has gone down he is just trying to get back on to the peloton she's not panicking she's just using this car now to try and get her way back through the convoy and on to the batter but very confident Chantell black hits the front football dolmens you can see as we just sweep through that section there and apologies for a bit of picture freeze the issues today with the with the the weather back with us Joanna meet Van Vleet and you would say disastrous for the world champion but as you said no panic by her yes especially at this stage I think with still you know 70 kilometers to go I think there's still a lot of time to for her to get back on I think the biggest problem is now she is using that sponge as I was talking about before she's using energy where you know that could be helped essentially it's not pure energy that she's using to attack or to try and get a group away in the front that she's formed it's something that's been a case of potentially bad luck bad positioning and a problem with her bike where she's going to have to use that energy now just to get back into the race it's one of those days though isn't it and you we've been lucky to see line to line today right right from the rollout they're the sort of nervous energy that you must have to use to constantly stay at the front of the peloton in these conditions on these roads yeah and I think it's even more heightened today because it's the first race back it's the first race in Europe and it is a classic and we're seeing so many different elements of the race from the road furniture cars and navigate round gutters in the middle of the road cobbled sections narrow narrow roads and again everyone's so nervous they haven't raced in a bunch for a few months now the weather conditions there really is something all the time to contend with so yeah it's it's a really nervous race and I think the riders will be pleased to sort of have these small groups formed especially if they're at the front of course now one question I had on the chat can't it's gone through it's click through but it was asking the difference on a day like this and I know it's a technical question that people ask all the time in it on these sort conditions is the difference and stopping between the rim brakes and disc brakes as these sort of days where the disc rates are and their introductions become an advantage yeah for sure I think a lot of riders are very open to the fact that the disc brakes are a lot more responsive and I think especially in the wet I've definitely choose to use rim brakes sorry disc brakes over rim brakes I think the problem comes when there's a difference in the peloton so some riders can basically stop a lot quicker than others and that's where I guess the controversy lies in terms of the safety of everyone in the peloton if there's a difference between the two any any team in particular that you can see I'm looking around that that really look that a looking really solid at the moment we've seen some where very much sort of riding and they do right don't they very much as a unit within within the peloton yeah I think they always have they're really impressive I think the problem with some web is potentially either they can't take it all the way to the line so they ride fantastically throughout the race bowls have shown to be starting this really well I'm also Bigler you're seeing them as a unit quite a lot of throw out from the start of this race today and it's just interesting to see the different dynamics with the different team compositions we've got a lucinda brand moving over from some web to track I check I think Trek on paper looks like the strongest team but you know it's whether they put those strong riders together and actually ride well as a unit and it will be interesting to see you know when we were to get into the crux of this race in a few kilometers time in terms of which teams are coming together at the beginning of 2020 they have it there's a few little bits of spit son today just poking out there that'd be yeah that's nice nice to see and apologies there for a momentary picture breakup you can see the host broadcaster getting us back into pictures now and it steamed some web dolmens like Suzanne Anderson on the front for team somewhere followed by Marsha ruse your eider that will be already motivated to get this group going now if you're in a smaller group at the front it's always easier to navigate yourself around and subscribe through to finding ourselves this group I think this is actually just a small group that had crashed this is the start of the race the front of the race apologies for the issues that you hear you coming coming back to coming back to us we're doing our best sorted out the you can see the host broadcast is kind of switching from from coverage back to the helicopter buts any week valve Luton just coming back into the back of the group there we we heard her in that interview before and it was really it was reinter esting I love catching up with her in that in the beginning of the week but we saw last year some dominant in things like the Giro row sir but she's she's trying to decide how her seasons gonna go and she really seemed like she's targeting these classics yeah it seems like she's targeting everything actually but she really is a standout rider and she does almost stand out from everyone but I personally believe it's because she puts herself out there and she does different train and she does different things and she's obviously so clued up about her body in terms of saying that year-on-year she has to stress her body in a different way because otherwise your body will just get used to that training stimulus and that's what I try to do as a coach you know give my riders different things to do throughout the winter and a different you know training stress to make sure that they are still improving because ultimately you just get used to your body gets used to Wuornos so I thought that was interesting and that she's been training with the men and I follow a lot of riders on social media and I think she is the only person and that you know almost went on the mitchelton scott men's team training camp you've got riders that are husbands or boyfriend's with professional riders flora Makai is with Dylan van bar for example from Team INEOS so they will have that sort of stress of getting out there with these amazing male riders that will push them on but I think with Anamika van flute and she is actually proactively going on to their camps so she's doing 200 kilometer rides day-in day-out she was saying in the interview she's being pushed on the climb she's going faster so I'm sure she will be one of the key riders to look for this year and I especially with Tokyo although she did say in that interview that she's taking one race at a time she wants to get this classic season done because she is targeted every single one I also though I do think it's important to say she's never been on the podium in this race before so that's almost an added motivation I think for her being an older rider in the peloton and having achieved so much I think when these races that she actually has never been in on the podium whatever one before that gives her motivation to do well to win this race you can see the aerial shot 68 kilometers to go we are being shown here head of the race onto the cobblestones this would be the brightest strapped that we are getting onto it seems somewhere it's the Kirk gate rather as we've jumped into so looking at the the distances here Suzanne Anderson team somewhere is on the front just looking around this group just to see who's still in there someone look at the back of the group so we'll just see who's battling to try and and get back into into this one here this is really savage you know it's still 67 kilometres are good to go so a writer there on the side of the road having problems for their bike you know you really don't want to be dropped at this stage and look at that there's literally groups all over the road she's just picking these riders off one by one to try and get her way back to the front you can see rolling that big gear as well ana meet van fluting who's rolling through there and then the apologies for the picture freeze host broadcaster start today and get down to Nineveh I was over there last year I went over and I was there did the host on the year on the men's race but the atmosphere in ghent for the presentation in the the velodrome was absolutely unbelievable I was walking down there in the morning from my hotel and I saw a guy with a with a shopping trolley he hit full DJ set on the front and a set of speakers in his shopping trolley and it was it was absolutely an atmosphere to atmosphere to behold in there yeah I remember the presentation actually it was almost like a real party atmosphere you know it's really dark lights music everyone around the velodrome just to make us even more nervous before the start the aerial shots ooh through the Kirk gates at six five point seven to go then the Jaeger die is with sixty three point one to go look down the through the groups here and Janelle crooks to eleven so they're just focusing on the the back of the the peloton at the moment just to see where animate valve Luton is but you can see the Mitchells and Scott riders on at the front just trying to maybe take the pressure off a little bit they'll be getting a nods from the the team car and as to where Anna Meeker is as you said I'm not I'm surprised they haven't sent riders back to try and find her yeah I am especially someone like Sarah Roy who could you know do a fantastic job to try and get her back in a super strong rider over the cobbles and it's you can just see how savage of those cobbles are you know the riders are really rocking and rolling all over the place and I think that's why you know these classes classics does favor the bigger rider the more powerful rider because you know if you're sort of that under 50 kilogram mark which I actually think Adam Eve Luton is although very strong which maybe counteracts that then you just get thrown four pieces and that's why it favors the riders more like you know Martha Bastian le the favorites we've been talking about shunts out black Lucinda brand who know how to ride these cobbles and again as well on the men's side you're bigger riders are your classic riders so yeah I think I am surprised that they haven't sent a rider back for for vamp Luton and this is the the running towards the finish in terms of in terms if it comes down to to a group sprint is that that's a few corners leading into this into this finishing straight it's got a little curve round to the to the left as well wasn't a problem last year cuz Shawntel black was up was on her own yeah I think that was a really you know a real great move from Sean's our black going off on the mir and then holding on until the finish line especially with a downhill running I think that definitely favors someone who goes off the front solo there are quite a few corners in the leading in the last kilometer and a lot of these teams would have done records of the course to make sure they know exactly what's coming up in the lead ins to either the cobbles all the climbs or essentially the finish which is the most important if you don't know what's coming up it's really hard to know when to time your sprint for the team and your team sprinter and a lot of the teams will have talked about who is going to drop what rider off at what stage so it could be that someone like Marjorie's would start early with say kilometer to go and then you know your fastest sprinters are left towards the end with your final yeah Chloe type rider to try and finish it off for the team but yeah it's just something else to contend with but you need to do a wreck on a lot of the time if you haven't got the opportunity to do that a lot of the riders will go on Google Earth and really try and do your homework and I found that the more homework I did the more confident I was going into the race I really knew what was coming up and it was just something else that you almost had under you under your wing thanks to all of you for for getting on board apologies for our momentary loss of pictures as you can see we get when you get shots of the finish line and the helicopter shot they are busily pulling cables out drying them off and trying to get everything to to work so my apologies for the momentary loss of pictures thanks for saying hi and Martha MacDonald and Dani wrote with you today thanks for getting predictions in for who is going to win today little shout-out to Owen Rogers watching on the on the Eurotunnel okay get pictures under the under the sea that's amazing I think I'll get pictures from the by Trace that helicopter Baker what you can watch GC and racing under the sea Scott Herrmann thanks for checking in over on Twitter as well thanks for saying hi Keith McCrae as well Lucas Knopfler thanks for saying hi on on Twitter as well great to have you all with us so if you have got a prediction will and a meek van falutin get back on smash of them who and win the the question that we're all I think she'll get back on I think she'll smash up the mirror my prediction is that she's not going to work okay we run down towards the finish there's still plenty of obstacles we are back so the head of the race 63 kilometers to go sometimes that can be do their best to keep an eye on here the Jaeger 800 metres of cobblestones this section they keep going back to pictures as best they can so our apologies for this we are lying to the line here on GC and racing in the the weather you can see as playing havoc with with the what they the broadcast today and if you ever get the chance and I've been one I'm doing this long time when you never get the chance where you get to a race and watch the live broadcast of what it takes to get the live broadcast because it's not like a stadium sport like football or rugby or anything like that see just look at have a wound around it you can usually get a glimpse of the back of the outside broadcast truck cause you've got your motorbikes I've got an antenna on the back which is being bounced off a plane in the sky is just circles the race so on days like this when you've got low cloud and you can't get the sometimes the plane can't fly or they have to try and bounce it off a helicopter and sometimes you're trying to get pictures from a hundred and two hundred kilometres away so sometimes you have to have an interim satellite dish in the middle so the motorbikes will bounce it up to the plane back down to the satellite rock in the middle back up to the plane another day and sometimes Tour de France they have two planes circle and then back down to the finish so it's quite a complex thing in the the cameras when you get in towards the finish or all cables so they've run cables for the last kilometer and all those cameras are more cabled that's why you'll go back to your finish and you'll get cable you'll get cable shots in the finish and all those cables and everything and the satellite trucks and they all just plug into the back of the Obi trunk so it's quite a complex thing trying to bring a bike race so especially on days like this but it's not there with you few people with an iPhone just turn it turn it very technical and then all that goes up to the satellite in the in space and back down this it's even more complex isn't it because we did just get a very very brief shot off what like floats from a guy again on the front for team somewhere but they're very reduced bunch at the front and I think it will just be split to bits now I can't see a huge sort of peloton coming back together because these climbs and these cobbled sections do come in quick succession sort of within ten kilometers of each other and that's where you know these gaps will just get bigger and bigger especially when you have got the stronger riders at the front I think van falutin will get back and she's gonna pick her way through these groups and you were just seeing here the convoy is that of riders maybe that was just traffic I'm not sure so apologies for our loss of pictures so the they are doing they are doing their best to were try and get them back to users thanks for bearing with us today if you've got any questions for Danny row along side me it's week she helped them she held the queue a for an hour last year and during the Colorado classic so she can they're holding can't take a Q&A with thrown everything that we could at Danny at last year in in Colorado classic so with sixty two kilometers to go the next target will be the Marlon Byrd 400 meter climb average gradient of 6.2% we're back down to this this group this peloton each time we we dive in there will circle around just make sure that we can try and make out as many riders as you can that's like Koren Rivera just in front of our Marcus the rider from CCC live here looks like Brianna Marcus and Sarai paladin I believe at the back there for the CCC live team they're just Rihanna Marcus is such a great domestic rider I hope she gets some more opportunities for herself this year in the team it's always a hard one that you know you've got really strong riders in their own rights riders like a Rihanna Marcos and Christine Missouri so almost set themselves as these super domestics but they are strong enough in their own rights and it's just all about them hopefully didn't being able to take opportunities within races where they might find themselves in a break which they can get a result from yeah for themselves when they work so tirelessly for the whole team throughout the season back to the front when they're just moving up on the the right of your picture here and I mean fan falutin is back there she is the world champion sitting there in that the white jersey you can see with the black jelly I'd be an econ the extreme right of your picture movie star Lizzie banks just moving up Marta Bastian Ellie that you can see the Italian champion very much to the front of this one good recovery there from fan flutes and you wouldn't really expect anything less no you wouldn't any see this group is pretty big coming back together although strung-out hair orbits a narrow section of road but it's interesting to see a lot of the rights of the runner on their drops and that just shows that there is obviously speed aggression in trying to get his hair to try it you know just having a big sets Eric their grace brown very much too bright for mitchelton Scott the water laying in the gremlins in the machine today trying to get the pictures from the motorbikes out on the course when they're out of the saddle let it be any justice that latches on to the wheel of the American champion Chantal black on your left therefore dolmens Bastian le Medeiros getting themselves up towards the front 60 kilometers to go it's a good move no she's overused brief to get to the front pencil or to be attentive your strength and power to do it alone other riders they're also keen to get to the front of trying latch on to them when they make a move you're making it really hard today here and there's Loretta Weaver's you can see the Dutch national champion kind of barns very much up towards the the front of this one to Canyon SRAM for our science and negotiating their way truck sites some of the newer teams of the this is Kylee waterís from the multum accountants LS Katie back of that group for as long as she could hear just 400 meters at six and a half seven it's also Cabo so you know there's another element to this crime it's hard enough without the cobbles when third the cold was in there as well you could actually see in the last set of pictures of Chloe Hoskins before rally was still very much in there so she's given herself the best chance for a result today she has indeed we'll go from the molenberg the climb comes with 56.9 to go hopefully they'll be able to get back out and see that as as Danny said that's a common climb we'll then move on to the record work we've got the powder strategist to 2300 meter kabul section which comes with 51.9 to go to the palace track that comes after 71 kilometers it's the record book then the climbs come in quite fast succession after that will be the record berg the baron Driss the elder hamburg divorce which is the boss and all the ten boss which comes to 31.9 to go then on to the icon Mullen then on it and we get then we'll have that run in to get odds Bergen for the mirror Kapil Muir and then over the top of that one and back in to the boss burg and we are on the on the climb here and it's Chantal black that moves through to the front flirty and McCoy insert there as Marta Bastian le Ruth winter Hannah Barnes all very much the front the Muhlenberg you can see here is a maximum gradient of 14.2% so ten percent into fourteen point two four hundred and sixty three meters in length placing banks as well towards the front she's having a great road I'm really impressed those nearby a busy banks because she hasn't had many opportunities to ride at these sorts of races and she's not even on the scene for a couple of years coming from America and the timko team so she hasn't done a lot in here she had a fantastic year last year she's picked up by the British team to ride the world great dates day I rode with her European chops and she was fun times they consume strung Rider I know she puts to work and that was apparent to see the or season Marta Bastian Elly has a look back this brigade smaller Ellen van Dyke is just on the back of the group here to get bad thoughts so she has got herself back into this group so she'll table around it ah the same names is been together together said parts of our Sienna leave a blue moon winter you know from your top 30 for about six of them here in the top top 70 race scene that's great as well so it was the same Reuters that the sandy area [Music] and I mean fan polluting going for a bottle they're not getting it on that occasion if it becomes a bit of an art doesn't it when you hear when you're handing up you bottles and it becomes so important at this level to try and get get it right front group very much made up before our pre-race favourites as far as we can see it's really important for these riders not to give up either because you can think that this sort of stage I'm never going to get up on the front but it only takes a little lower than that peloton these riders can can't get the corner change of wind direction so these brightest people [Music] particular section is really is a game mental strength as well as physical version of persian when ultimately concedes is making long road ahead of me with no shelter from the wind although this webmail doesn't seem to be started although I'm sure that's a sign if I would be is or not because we know that there is word out there today for sure that's correct we can see just that narrow roads are kind of almost being sheltered from the wind in that little gap in this front group tucked away someone I haven't seen a yeah but again they're not too far off the back there's one rider here battling try again my god she's almost better off waiting for this big bigger group behind and latch onto them rather than China when solar energy in between so in no-man's land I think these two roots will come back together and you will see quite a significant group they're going into the next climb which is the powder structure that gene Cora var did you say that sometimes in front yes she's wearing a cap and she's not clear Riddick to a brighter and again she was I believe six or seven last year in this race I was with her coming into the finish of the front group of about twenty five in 2018 so yeah I'd love for her to get bull dolmens very much looking to set this up Betty today Chantal black Eva bjurman Christine Medeiros Monica Luna confounded bosses Scylla Schneider was the T going into this one though and around a brigand the bull dolmens team today and a big fan falutin an issue she's found and way back Basti and le the italians and riders back here you can see that Italian champions Jersey man the boss kicks off at the front gap just opening up through there yeah she looked back there and so she had a gap so she's just the most chilling over the top of these undulated roads there's a real sort of strength in numbers game when you're coming into the last sort of 50 kilometers of the race the more numbers you've got on the team the more cards you can play so I think the balls they've got a few riders in there I'm not sure how many teammates about flu had actually had in it at this stage is quite hard to see especially with these conditions but the poor numbers you've got the front more confident you could be that when the counter-attacks card you've got someone to follow got one yeah it's like grace bro it's really hard to pick these writers are actually at the front see Martin busted early they're in the iconic Italian national champs care yep just getting rid of the bottle now that's another sort of key part of these races you know you don't want to be carrying any extra weight over these clouds you could see Lorena Bieber's on the left hand side being brought by her teammate here skin is still in the race and they would still a lot of climbing to go but she's obviously in a great position so far that's Orien paladin I think for the CCC live team they're just battling to try and get back into some sort of contention right is looking around you know he was going to share the work and the problem isn't that is if you lose if you think you know you're almost wasted time if everyone's looking at each other by the time you've stuffed out who is going to chase back all of you is going to collaborate to this chase berry you've lost another five ten seconds and it just becomes harder you've got a lot of FPGA riders for and DJ riders in that room so they really need to take the papayas odds and just get to the front and commit as a team with otherwise essentially they're going to really lose out Christie may juris back on the front here the portion of you to strut which is their 380 meters and one that they didn't have on the road book they didn't so if I see little surprise there the riders that we think you know as an extra one but I'm sure they've done their homework I'm sure they know about it and you can see Marjorie's here there's a bottle girl flying that's a another nice part about being in in smaller groups they don't have to try and navigate around a hundred bottles going flying from these cobbles it's also about having the confidence it looks like if this is Sariah paladin here she's just sort of laying off this group on the cobbles and Alex Barnes there from Canyon charm in the British colors trying to get back to this front group Quest's question from Jessica not saying do you miss racing on a date part of me doesn't pass he doesn't this was a race that I really really enjoyed my best result was seventh in this race in 2017 and then I actually tried to help Janna and a lead out in the front group in 2018 so I think you do associate races in terms of how much you like them with how well you did on the day so because I did have good days in this race I do I did love it and I do miss it I think in the races where you've really really suffered or you might have crashed then you kind of look back on them and think oh I wish I'm glad I'd never have to do that again so part of me does wish that I was there but I still still hold by the decision being the right one for me to stop what I did I still love bike ride bike riding I'm passionate about cycling and I never wanted to get to the point where I hated the sight of the bike I love being involved now especially in this increased coverage of women's cycling so now I can just sort of sit back I'm trying to stay super fit riding and doing other things but I love and still you know being I guess a real fan of women's cycling and it's great to be here today oh it's just time for me the cobblestone she's trying to find a little bit of smooth tarmac along the side see just picking out a few of our riders that are in there Chantal Blacky abandon boss animal and pollutant Ruth window Christie Medeiros Loretta Weaver seen Korra VAR by Hosking obeah nico we got cell from sir the swiss champion Makai jana meaning i'll try and get a full rundown grace brown on the front it's Jelena Irish just dropped off the back of the group this ameliafe Arlene as well just in this group just see it drops rider just in front there and some riders are using the gutter the smoother part of the road and then others are just choosing to battle it out on the cobbles and it's just about when the up really if you get stuck behind riders in the gutter or whether you could actually move up on the cobbles if you're strong enough to Christine major us on the France starting to up the tempo if you were with us if you've been with us from the start of the race today Christina rider that we said never ever discount her as well but it's Chantal black the former world champion in the orange hair just moving up towards the wheel of a teammate you guys got a new rider down here on the side of the road from file car quite catch a glimpse of who that was with the bull dolmens team now starting to look series in the front Hammond Medeiros and Chantal black they really are and butters has just proved it you know everything we've been saying right in terms of how good she is as a domestic she's doing all the work here for Chantal black I know Chantal likes to stay at the front of bike races and this is what Christina Mudder ooze is this helping with her she's essentially guided the way for her cobbled sections and you can see how strong she is cuz there's evens sort of gaps in this small group here in the front you've got from a guy on the left for the sub web team she's been up there Lizzie banks is still there for the big leti Ruth winter who he knows had a really good start to the season already winning in Australia so she's a father for fine form bossy and Ellie's already won in Valencia that looks like a problem here for the Park Hotel rider and these groups just trying to do everything they can to close these gaps and get back into contention like Brady Chapman it's the back of the group attacks going in front is great just getting whittled down under the pressure constantly of Alderman's and team some web console stones this section here 51 kilometers to go we are this is the path of strat the section of cobblestones that we are on here Arianna mean age is getting dropped off the back of the group under that pressure [Music] [Applause] looks like Julius ook I believe off the sub web team now just trying to put some power down in this front group essentially split up again going into this section of the race Marjorie's staying calm and slowly closing this gap up to the subway rider with Chantal back on her wheel Lizzy banks still in that group behind as well as well as martyr Bastian le dangerous closes it down was starting to get this group down to about twelve ten twelve riders Chloe Hosking on the back yeah it looks like this groups actually just kind of split in half you can see a few more riders she was trying to hang on the back there at the back of the back of this shop there's probably yeah like you say 10 15 riders Chloe ah skin there at the middle shot a car over organic in the back for Bobby starting you really have all the key players the elephant died from the trick so afraid it seemed and then three riders just in the back of the screen they're trying to get across to this group which could be the final movement of the day there we are splits the heart quite quite closer depending on the collaboration between the team - they've got on the front or who they haven't got the front might depend on whether they get back to this group or not major risk has it glanced over the shoulder big like a t-shirt copyright is in that curve team somewhere plenty of options Hannah Barnes rather just swinging out to the side there looked like her style fifty kilometers to go here in pet news Bloods again excuse our momentary picture freeze that's we have the host broadcaster having a few issues back with us sorry fifty points to go back into us thanks for your patience today we really do appreciate it and you can see that host broadcasters are having me issues this is at this front group they Danny really is getting down to that that real select you all those riders pretty much that we put on the riders to watch it are all up there and now that's something in itself yeah it really is and I do think this is going to be the key move I think the small groups behind will latch onto this key group knit here that we're sin at the front but essentially when we come into these reels of close succession of climbs and cobbled climbs cobbled sections we're going to see it split again and it is these key riders that we were talking about at the start Bastian early haven't actually seen Lucinda Brown I'm not sure if she's still there I know she was your pick today I know Ellen van Dijk says she's got Ruth winter as a teammate for the trek Sega Fredo team bowls are really taking this on Marsha ruse and Shawn sour black have been the two that I've really been at the front of this group really tart trying to drive it forward to make sure that the efforts of this group get in a way you know stay away Lizzie banks has really impressed me from the big leti I think she might be out there on her own if not with one other teammate and I was actually just about to say I didn't think Canyon shrimp had a rider but we did just see Hannah Barnes there - Schrader on the left-hand side of your screen just getting over to that front group so I think she could be a great rider for today and obviously is in good form that's also really interesting you know the first race of the season the first classic it's such a test of form and yes there can be bad luck but essentially if you're in that front group you know you've got good legs and that's gonna really help then for the rest of the season Anamika van balute and she had that chase back Sanna meet family is it gonna hurt isn't gonna hurt the legs at all I think it would have hurt you know I've seen at the start you know you never want to use energy like that especially with I think it was around 70 kilometers to go she is back in the front group whether that will have a bearing on how she now finishes the race I'm not sure probably not you know she's been tearing him with the mitchelton scott guys of up to 200 kilometers this is only 123 kilometers or though I do think you find that women's racing is can be a lot more fast and furious and aggressive because of that short shorter distance of the race and we're seeing such a select group you can really see and lift and it's just on the left-hand side of your screen there in the middle to the Scott best with our world champ stroke just get out before we get to the next section 48 kilometers to go thanks for joining us here today on GC and racing thanks for your patience really do appreciate it as you can see it's a hosts broadcast issues the the loss of pictures is there a beam a just on the outside there that is a view may wow I'm very impressed I'm very proud coach wow that's really nice to see it looks like actually quite a big group behind it looks like it could all come back together arena beavers because she had a problem that we cut at the scene potentially in this group behind is it's not the front row there's Sarah Roy in front war trooper no arm almost no leg warmers she said no cm she so he can say in that Sarah Roy on a day like this I said if that makes you hard an Aussie probably is so lovely weather all that Rosie's will be on there now say yeah that does be an Aussie respect them doesn't like it say they've just come back like and see there are a few kinda giraffe riders here now it's not Alice bath because we would see her in the British champs stripes in this group is starting to swell that's a be may on the right hand side is screen for lotto Sadao Marty bus in any which we've spoken about before Ruth winter a lot of these P riders hair matter is still on the front and you can see now the peloton behind if that's what you want to call it is 35 seconds behind this sofkey break then you've got although it has been attritional I would say riders going out the back rather than this group forming from an attack of the picking out the brightest that are in this group so Sarah Roy like asking it's just sat back at the group here so good to see the dollar z4 rally getting up there today the cycling team and a few riders as well they got to get there's got to be that point as well where you've got to think I've gotta get rid of my jacket at some point yeah definitely you definitely be having that into the finish especially for the mirror and the fosberg and two final times of the day you want to limit your way to be getting to Harper's living banks in the back there she's got to make up the front here from big luck a lot of these teams now do have numbers to play with although I think Abby may might be on her own with the lotto team but even you know great to be there at this stage for such a young rider Hannah Boggs has got a teammate I can't quite make out yeah he's right behind her and there's a group just coming into the picture here of about me or nine riders he will potentially latch onto this green in front we verse moves up major is still on the front what a job she has done today for Chantal black Marta Bastian Ellie out of the saddle air in the trickle or Jersey the Italian national champion owed me a knee right behind her the Hannah Barnes there moves up with their smooth winter authority and McCoy who knows in this group as well and bad day everyone just looking around here at the moment just at that group behind just to see who's coming back up to them they all look quite chilled in terms of not being too bothered about this group coming to join them here I think the group behind will be you know riding flowers to try and get to this group to be really in the bike race you know as soon as they hit another key point part of the race it's going to split again so they need to be in this group to be in contention and we just said it looks like the roads going slightly uphill they're looking at the riders Cadence's and style you know now that the saddle that take it off food and these riders behind it desperately trying to latch onto the back before they stop going downhill picking up speed again you boo Jack in the white jersey here national champion of Slovenia see her up there in the group this is having a good day outs as well England dangerous is still knocking out that tempo on the front the teammates are gonna pay her back with a victory today 46 kilometers to go if you're just tuning in welcome aboard here on GC and racing it's the public pet news blood 120 2.9 kilometers from getting to new development to be done on and Danny rode with you today to take you through today's action what a day it has been in the cohan's when the first attacker of the day we have had a breakaway group that sir contained the lights of 14 in Fryeburg family Marcus Micha Bogart and Emily use of but it really has been a nutritional race and as Danny said as the group that has now made up that select front group and I mean fans Lewton having a chase back there was a on the corner and we went around the corner we still Anamika at the side of the road having to put up shame back on she had a chase to come back in to the group we'll see how if that has affected the lakes of anomie Glanville outen at all today very very tough riding conditions for the riders today the temperatures been dropping as the days gone on there are like surfers between 10 dropping to 850 246 Fahrenheit 32 kilometres an hour winds from 37 strong gusts as well this select group now as we head towards sir the next targets along the route so that we've gone over the model book or cobblestone flat sections are behind us it's the wrecker burg then the barren trees and then the elder and burglary of force and all the gut feeling attacks we're just gonna try and wear this group down and you think it's just gonna all go off on the couple more before the boss Berg yeah my pick would be that this this group will stay motivated to stay ahead of any chasing group you can see that the gap had just gone up slightly to 40 seconds I think it's in their best interest to stay away now it's still about finish that's a really good opportunity to be able to go for it and attentively with the solo Rider or if the team that have got numbers in that front group to be able to counter attack each other and hope for them something sticks and then it will be I know yeah I guess a solo finisher or a reduced bunch sprint which we do usually see in these classic races with such and attritional race with all these different elements to contend with see Lauren kitchen here from for the fdj team on the front of this group really tries to keep this group motivated now to to get back in attention you can see the convoy of cars behind they'll have their directors and their air you know urging them to get back because like I said numbers is key in there so if these riders gonna have some help at the front then that's going to be really beneficial and I think the FDA they actually don't have a rider in this one group so even more for them that they have to just keep going and going off that into that turn that's a cross-section isn't it off the tarmac right turn onto the cobblestones yeah look sleepy as well so again just got take your time especially when you're in a group like this there's no panic you should just really stay calm because chances are you know it's just going to be strength now and I guess positioning into the clients and cobbles that is going to determine whether you're going to stay in this group so you don't want any mishaps from you know just taking corners too fast in these conditions Ruth window American national champion so you can just see the stars poking out from under there she lay and a meat van volute and news three we're on to the record Berg now 800 meters in length is the record Berg see nine percent is the maximum gradient average gradient of four percent it's just kind of managing this group I think it's Eleanor to Keaney that's in there that as well from candy shrine here we go so Chantelle black the other rider in that una convoluted major is van der boss Sarah Roy is in there Bastian Le Bon's core of Abu Jaffa Cecchini be an ich also in there 21 Reuters we are being told cop is in there as well Makai Van Dyke window Parkinson and banks Abby made Park Sandra lot to see down and then you have rooster husking and witness this is a really nice group size 21 you know no one can really hide you can really try and stops out who the leaders are in their groups and we really try and you know chat to each other now and come up with some sort of plan for the finish and you really have to do have ABC you know scenarios you know but these classics races it's all very well and good Sam we're writing for you know one writer at the beginning of the race but you can just see that so much that can happen and you don't really know where people's forms are so it will be a case of real communication communication is key at this stage of the race of only 44 kilometers to go now only just over in an hour of reason it's clear to see that Marsha ruse is working for shots out black her teammate they have got numbers in this in this group here Jean a core of a limb so she's on her own unfortunately for CCC live so she's gonna have to just play it safe follow follow follow because she doesn't have those cards to play no right today you've got to say that writer on the front she is the team mate extraordinaire his pristine major routes from full dolmens what a job that she does in these races for our teammates when she's given the opportunity that she takes them bull dolmens have also got Lana Copernican the rider here that also I'm there to be able to do this job for Chantelle black grace brown you can see third in line 21 riders so we're getting in here so Chantelle black hoonigan van fluted may juris vanderhoffs sarah brightness also in there it's a nasty Nelly bars Karim abdul-jabbar to Keaney being ink changed any writers cough McCabe and Ike winter Parkinson and banks in their 21 riders Rousseau Hosking and open Bevers what a fruit here no Lucinda brands and Chloe Hoskins got to bring it home for me you have I was crushed when you say the pasty there because that was the name it's just going through my mind wait just as I'm gonna share if she wins I guess there's a be made just on the back of the screen but I think if I was an area now and just be telling them to move up slightly if she can because any sort of change it went directional you know if you're really suffering on the fly is where you can lose connection and then you're really on your own as opposed to having slided room which is what I always tried to do which is where you basically position yourself right at the front at the bottom of the climb and hope that comfort off your silly conception with that group and you just sort of slide him back through the group if you're not maybe feeling there or not you know a pure pure climber and you're giving yourself the best chance to stay in where the group that you might be in Sarah Roy as he said she gets the Aussie Aussie Aussie award of the day with no arm warmers Sarah Roy respect to Sarah Roy and thanks to all of you for getting on board thanks for saying hi Sonya Harper happy may Parkinson for the win there she is from LA to see down ok they go I think you but I think we'll burn Daniel hit the ceiling if if Abby make one today Abby maze coach alongside me she's in this group Lizzie banks there there's Marion Russa the Swiss champion best anime fans Luton with right behind her teammates targeting their the classics we have that interview with her a little bit earlier on it was great to just get a bit of insight into what Anamika is thinking going into this season in particularly going into the classics plastic Marta Basti and Ellie's doing a classic Bastian Ellie here though is it she just sat back they're just kind of chilling on the back of the group she is the first later I think you know it's all about being smart as well as you know having the strength and I think if that's your best card to play then then do it you know why not no one's I remember actually when I was writing with class and build and I said after a race high average such high waters in that race and she had actually won the race and she'd average less than me and no one knows don't care sort of powers you were doing they only care about the result so that just shows that it's all about being smart knowing when to use your power sitting back you know using the advantage of being on a wheel in front so that you can use your power come finish isn't that that isn't that the the lesson it when you go from being an amateur rider or go or you switch into top level Road so I was around for Stephen Roche say in terms of that's one lesson you need to learn when you when you turn pro is how to use as little amount of energy as possible throughout the race yeah totally and I think that's why the Dutch are so good because they've been exposed to so much racing from such a young age so they've just got that experience and they've been brought up riding bikes not just them racing but you know whether it means a school it's just in any infrastructure of the roads in the Netherlands is just lends itself to being on a bike and this is a really tough climb now that the riders are coming towards and not almost a kilometer in length with a real steep severity to this climb is same right as outlet saddle which usually does show that the climb is steep Hannah Barnes out the saddle through the center seal seemed some web setting the pace here Ruth window just sat behind animate valve Luton she's decided that's the wheel that she wants at a ban falutin yes keeping herself out of trouble but towards the front for someone like a young right when you look around this this group and you look at the young riders like having a and we saw arena we've it's last year what a phenomenal season that she had and it's a bee maze ride last year in the women's tour in bridge got caught just before caught just before the finish but looking now he said she's so happy within that lots of suit our team and within that system and that now it's just getting that getting over that line isn't it that first Pro win yeah it just makes such a difference when you can send in a team I think it takes so much stress away where you can just focus so much on your performance you know if you feel secure and a team you know you can you know confidently ride for others and specific races and know that you will get that back one day you can learn from different teammates I think it is a step up going to lotto Sadao just in terms of the race in opportunities as well unfortunately last year with job she didn't have a huge amount of races on the calendar and again not necessarily for results but just for race days and experience and like we were saying knowing how to race of how to use your power you know it's absolutely crucial so yeah I think she's going to have a great year there's no that you can't compare any candy winning games and world with into like the World Tour teams and you're riding race after race after race day you know weekend week out against the best in the world you know year after year and you watch the way those those young riders come through and then all of a sudden it just clicks it'll be good to see how she does this year there Sarah Roy in the century pictures as we said the teammate of and a meek fan pollutant just ready for battle pair no arm almost no leg warmers today and that's quite an art as well as a rider to reach through to you to your swanee to grab your bottle yeah I get comes with experience you know and especially again from riders on new teams knowing your swanee is knowing where and how they like to give you your bottles on the side of the road and this you know it's so so important because it's your fuel at the end of the day I've been in races before where you know you've almost been dying for a drink and if you miss it you know that can have probably more mental you know challenges the natural physical when you get that bottle is just yes this isn't quite a sigh of relief and you can see the pace kind of yeah coming up there got a suryya piloted now on the front of the ccc there but i guess they will be motivated to try and get back because shana is on her own and i wouldn't say she is you know a real favorite to win and this is this front group came into a bunch breath so they're desperately trying to get back into this race and they've got numbers 32 seconds now it's kind of steady around the thirty thirty to forty second [Music] counts are still still could get back i don't think it will but we're not so about that over a minute mark i think if they were to work together the heightening could catch but again you know most teams are represented in this front group so it's almost a case of you know letting them do their thing now and hoping that when you cross the line coming from the group behind that you know you can get good music your team's 121 riders making up the the front group they just heading towards the next one thirty two seconds is the gap so mccoy van Dijk window as the make up of this group and we may Parkinson and Lizzie banks swiss champion Floyd Hosking and Lorena Rivas that is the makeup of this we're heading towards the next objective which will be the elbow book the foster home thirty six point five kilometers to go the summit of that one then on to the ten Moss which is nine hundred meter then on to the I cam Mullen and we will get it into that run in towards the Muir capam your interferons Bergen and then we will hit the boss Berg last year's winner Chantelle Black is in this group she came in alone one minute and nine last year solo victory in that Dutch national champions Jersey Marta Bastian early leading the group sprint in behind ahead of yet band of us with Anna meet van pollutant coming in 4th everyone just wrap in a gel grabbing some food in this group Rousseau you can see just fighting the the top off the energy gel there bass there Martha Bastian le just starting to move up towards the front track saying of Frodo represented in this group LM Van Dyck and Ruth wind up both in their 42 seconds so the gap is holding over that chasing group behind so these climbs are gonna come thick and fast now here we go straight into the air remember got to divorce at all 1400 meters 3.7 percent average maximum grading it 48.6% is a nice little graphic there this shows you how the the gradient goes as the climb goes on you found emboss towards the the front hit it so what a day what a ride again from the writer here with the the orange short-sleeved rain jacket on this is you're chasing group and just see Alice Barnes in there the British champion from Canyon shrimp older sister Hannah is of the rider in that leading group we have been lied to line here on GC and racing for the pet news blood thanks for bearing with us as well the issues that the host broadcaster was having throughout so thank you for all of you thanks for your patience thanks for sticking with us and thanks for all your your chat thanks for all your your comments if you want to make your predictions to make them as ahead of the race so Alice Barnes is chasing on the front of that group behind or at least riding temple on the fronts be happy with the the makeup of that that front group I would say the teams that are represented in there for the canyon SRAM team 37k do still Medeiros knocking out that tempo honor the front the bull dolmens team really well represented at the front [Music] oh and you can see see the way that climb just drops down kicks back up the summit with 36 and a half K to go and falutin just pleased and ready you would almost say the tricks a go fro dos one year on the side there's Ellen Van Dyke is just a little bit skew if to one side she's got that energy gel in her mouth waiting to the opportunity to try and get a feed here that gap though 46 seconds it was Alice Barnes on the the front we just sent a writing tempo when you would say on that group behind keeping the pressure on Christine we saw her out again riding cyclocross all winter Abby Mae was racing as you said rice racing cyclocross or winter do you do you think now this has become is becoming and will become so much more important for for classics riders we've we've seen multi-discipline riders throughout you know the last women cycle with Mariano and calling for a Provo and I'm just jumping in and out from from roads attractive mountain bikes a cyclocross but do you think cross now is going to be the thing that riders really need to tell you in the winter yeah I think crosses for sure especially going into the classics if you want to do well in the classics then I think it's being proven that so many riders are taken advantage off you know that high-intensity the short efforts that think that you need to be a good classics rider essentially I don't think you could do it all I don't think you know an outstanding world class track rider and you know being really really good on the road there's only a certain number of riders that can do that Kirstin field for example but again with Kirsten she's only just you know truly really doing well on the track now that she really seems to be focused and on it especially coming into Olympic year but yeah like we said with cyclocross I think it's just you know apparent here again with a beam a bride is like marrying a boss you did does cyclocross in the winter loosened a brand and again on the men's side as well you're seeing a lot of classics riders about Nepal who you know have this incredible crew cyclocross season and then coming to the road and you know all guns blazing haven't done that real you know top-end work these short sharp efforts that is essentially they're essentially what you need for the classics I know that's what we've been working on with a be me Parkinson you know this 30-second one to three minute efforts that you need to be able to stay in the groups at the front ameliafe Arlene you saw that the former Swedish champion from FDJ and that grew behind you can see lorena we've sv be asking where the dutch national champion is and very quiet in this group as well is Lorena Rivas it's Hannah Barnes towards the front good to see Hannah up here in this in this group she's almost she almost seen the last couple of seasons to settle back into a bit of a work of me wrong yeah and I hope she does get the opportunity because she really is such a talented writer and again she knows how to position herself she's been at this pillow top for years now she actually started solving the road seemed straight away she dabbled in a little bit of track but didn't kind of already go there while we were riding the track in sort of the end of 2010 she started with us but soon found that road was sort of her thing so she's been you know really in this peloton for you know six seven eight years now so she's written this race in numerous of times it's obvious that she loves being part of the canyon shahram team that she's been in for years but like you said she did seem to sort of slot into that domestique role and also on the British team as well especially with the likes of Lizzie Dyckman me and in that team you know you're automatically place into having to work for someone else so I do hope that she gets an opportunity potentially today I think it's a tough one being out there with Elena Cecchini they can both sprint so I think they're both just going to have to be open and honest in terms of how their legs are feeling and who is going to go for it today you know that really can only be one famous shout out to Peter and burn just giving me give me a heads up which is good thank you you know me I'll always take it I'll always take a correction some our Swiss champion milena it's it's the EU is is like an IE so it's a roy sir thank you thank you that's much appreciated there's a group black una confirm fluted major ruse the pasadena you jack plants Cecchini Kaurava be any jack here on the front she's a super strong rider she's one in blue e before and these sort of classic conditions really really super super strong she's also written on the track before so she would probably tell a lot of gym work and i'm program and i think that's what a lot of these riders will be doing now and it's interesting to see you know the real change in sort of training techniques especially when it comes to gym because a is it a lot more of these riders programs now especially in the winter you know to try and build that real pure strength that you need to produce these high powers for short periods inside these you're chasing group and it's fdj probably the biggest losers of the day I would say unfortunately for them with no one in that chase group they're obviously here and this is what they have to do and these other riders can you know sit back and say well sorry you know I've got Ryder at the front so we're not going to help but unfortunately yeah it's a real tough situation to be and when know no one's in the front group and you're having to do all the work for potentially no reward if they don't get back to the front group before the finish don't forget give us a thumbs up on our live broadcast if you're enjoying our line-to-line coverage of the pet news blog today and don't forget subscribe to channel hit that Bell icon you can set your reminders and you know that when we are going live we will have more live elite professional women's racing this season if you were with us last year remember Danny and I were here for jira roser tour Norway we did Colorado classic amongst others as well this group okay we're in a little bit of a holding pattern here we're going on to the ten boss which will be next that is the next climb along the route the summit of that is thirty-one point ninety goes nine hundred meters in length then we on to the I cam Mullen and then the last two climbs are cobblestones two of the most iconic climbs in cycling if you were if you want somewhere to go and ride your bike this a bit different come come to come to Belgium I love Belgium not now in the winter yeah there's such you know iconic prestigious climbs aren't they you know it's such history such a history of you know in the sport of these climbs so it is definitely good to experience it I know Flanders have a sporty yes it's always good to try in there it also I think really you know brings at home in terms of how hard they are you know you watch it on telly these cobbles and you think I could I could write that easily and then you try and write them yourself and you get thrown around so much more than what it looks like on TV I know some writers especially on the men's side in races like parry Bay will strap their hands up for the cobbles they are not not today with only a couple of sections being coupled but yeah I would definitely I would definitely encourage people to go out to Belgium to ride these iconic climbs so you're a leading group on the left and you're chasing group annoy led by the team FDJ neither Akutan Futuroscope 48 seconds is the gap between the two groups they're the team that really have lost out in this one today we Jack back through to the front window now moves through we are climbing again last Ianelli on the black back this is the 10 boss average gradient of 6.9% maximum of 8.7 and now the team of Marta Bastian Ellie's starting to get into the mix here starting to work for the Italian champion who you can see just towards the back of the group oh the anique is looking great for ma b start as well on the back just smoothly pedaling away on the back she's aside she gets she's such a dark horse in there this one we we see her working for everybody else you have that solo attack in the Giro Rose the last year and she where she got away she's been national champion of France's so many people I'm sure would love to see oh just get that that big classic win as well yeah definitely I was on a team with Audrey Gordon regard she's a huge fan of her being she has been national champion before Ben hunter he had the opportunity you know in these big races both super super strong rider and she did look really composed they're not you know rockin and rollin all over the bike you know we really gelled you can just see the slight gaps now in this front group where you know it looks like boo jockeys are really trying to test the to let test the length of these are these other riders tell me Hoskins still in the then a few riders just trying to hang on the back here and the tempest is quite a short untruth winter Wendigos from this group so now we go Ruth window out of the set of the American national champion now goes on the attack we've been waiting for this move to go it's answered straight away somewhere straight on it had a band cut-in sure I'm Lizzy banks from Bigler straight on it as they now start the descent off the tables that was the first little test who's gonna be the next rider to go we're all looking around at each other now 45 seconds is the gap between this front group and that chasing group behind they've got to be careful that they don't take the the wind out the sails completely here and let that group come back because that again changes that would change the dynamic considerably letting the likes of FDJ back in there someone's got to take control here oh yeah they have that same problem when attacks and counter-attacks start you do find that you get real lows in between and that's where it does get dangerous for a group potentially to be able to come back but larger is this straight on there she doesn't want she's almost trying to be realized this one group to ride and this sort of steady sort of steady state that she's riding that now she's obviously had a mortise from Chantal who knows exactly how she wants to try when this is raised and it's obviously not trying to follow counter-attacks and them attacking themselves Sarah Roy up there second wheel that was just a little bit of a test I think from Ruth window not the full-out attack just wanted to maybe wait the legs up see how the group are reacting little shout-out to charity jarana watching in the Philippines I think um they kind of meet was saying that she headed out to the Philippines for a better training I think you've got the tour of Philippines coming up there very soon back to our chasing group CCC live and FDJ Nikita are the teams that are on the front here 31 kilometers to go and are the next objective about the the route the Aika Molen is the next climb can this group drag themselves back into contention here in the omelet pet news blood we're heading into down towards there the finish today in Nunavut suck can this group come in to the finish will it be a solar winner though we had last year Chantal black was the winner last year Lana communicant is now back through to the frontier for bull dolmens we're in this fast section now between the team boss and I cam molar and this is pretty steep limas the averages at 5.4 percent but there are there are steeper sections in that 700 meters and then we come into the mirror so these riders are really going to want to try and you know keep this group ahead of the race you know really keep one of their riders from each team near the fronts and make sure they can answer to any attacks we just saw through the window there the first attack of the day and now we have another move here from this Boles rider I can't quite make out who I think it's vehicle Annika okay I'm Hannah barked hotly on her Hill so I just said Marjorie's was potentially trying to neutralize this group well I was obviously wrong because they are now trying to attack to get someone up the road and split this group up it's obviously too big they're not happy with this composition of riders potentially Chloe Hoskin they everyone knows how how you know how good she can spread so are they trying to get rid of her and make it harder so that she's not there cover the finish line 19 years old Lana communicant was bronze medalist in the under-23 European Championships last year so class Rider good sprinter Oona kept doing a good job here to get into this select leading group 21 riders making up this front group you could say that the winner is going to come from this group unless FDJ and CCC Liv can drag this group back into contention Saroyan paladin of the the CCC lifting new signing for CCC live this going across a related bellini last year is the rider really that has missed out today we had her up there as one of our pre-race favourites and Emilia Farley did a big job on the front hit former Swedish champion great to see Amelia back in and racing she had a an absolutely exceptional 20:18 she was so so consistent she had five victories and ten podiums then she crashed last year she had that how that head injury that took her most of the season to come back from yeah it's a real sort of talking point at the moment concussion in sport and really how serious it is Sabrina students from CCC Live is still trying to get back from a terrible concussion that she suffered a couple of years ago and it is really such a serious you know such a serious injury and something that you really have to think about your you know your long-term health essentially to not try and get back to earlier and take it really seriously unfortunately because you can't see how she could you know a broken leg is really hard for these riders to you know I guess come to terms with it they can't race from a head injury but yeah super super important to take it slow but great to see Amelia falling back where she belongs unfortunately for FDJ they haven't made this run group and they are trying to do all the work and having to do most of the work they've got you see helping with only rough one rider in this rock group of 21 Machado Kaurava they're obviously not super confident that that is the best scenario for them so they're helping FDJ with this fight to get to the front but I unfortunately I think it's over especially now we're coming into the last major three climbs like a model coming up now 610 metres not a huge average gradient but backs of 12 and that's where varieties can really use you know attack it's their antigen trying to get the gaps on these steeper sections someone like Val Lewton you know would love you know relish the thought of you know anything over 10 December one minute now the gap so this gap now going out over that chasing group so riders just getting rid of those jackets so we get in towards the final stages of the omelet pit news blood when will the big race winning attacks come Marta Bastian le you can see the Italian champion she's got Lorena Lemus locked right on her my lane old Roy's a hit from Bigler Katusha in the black jacket just moves up ball dome as the real strength in numbers here teamed somewhere with Francisca and floor Tia McCoy teammates of anomie van pollutant which she's got some teammates in there Lizzie banks was looking for a little bit of feeding there bit of a bottle is he backs they've got the jacket on still got the leg warmers on she's British she should be that she should be like Sarah it's like summer I know that she's cooking under about you know leg warmers over shoes but again you can't not go she's having a fantastic day out there today so it's obviously working for her she's another one Evert I think she she's a former medical student as well Lizzie banks I think she took a break from that to pursue your career as a pro bike rider many doctors in the women's peloton and back to our chases CCC live just one rider here you can see I think that Suzanne Anderson from somewhere but it's just trying to maybe run a little bit of interference now on the back of this the back of the two riders working on the front here yeah and that's what you could get as well I guess if the riders up ahead I've got numbers they don't want this group to come back and it is slowly coming back now at 50 seconds so these riders now they collaborating with this chase there is a potential little lull in this front group or they or bienick is still on sorry boo jack on the front here with Lizzie banks on there well a couple of little gaps after this little rise that they've just been over as they approach the next I can Molan climb of the course coming into the last 25 kilometers of this bike race for the for the write the coaching you Danny you got your rider in there a B Parkinson on the on the back of it have you made what would you be saying for her right now if you were telling her what to do well she's on the road out there for lot o so for sure to follow but to me she seems to be on the back a little bit a little bit too much on the back the last rider and I think play into her strength she should be a little bit closer to do the front to make sure she's just you know it's windy out there a little bit more protected a little bit more sliding room she's a young rider rather than sitting literally right at the back but again just trying to motivate because she's having a fantastic ride so you know just trying to pick off one at a time again not looking too far ahead to the finish you know the guy come on and coming up and getting over that in the best shape possible and then the Muir and then the Mossberg and then obviously thinking about the finish Christine maderas is up their tempo on the front grace brown right behind her some Alderman's and mitchelton Scott's Chantel black and Adam Eve and falutin big favorites going into today's race now we start the run towards cards Bergen and into the mirror Kapil Muir that iconic climb that we have will be we are expecting the big attacks to come on that as Christine maderas there just corrects herself going in to that corner don't forget give us a big thumbs up on our broadcast today all helps as I always say with the the tinta web jiggery-pokery and in here if you're interested there's a poll going over onto the gcn racing on Facebook as if the race will learn will break up on the the Muir but don't forget give us that to subscribe thing gives a thumbs up as well we're going to start see some attacks and riders as Royce there goes here for the big lap katusha team it looks like a good move here actually riders behind although modules looks like to be right now steady-state doesn't look like there's a full odds of counter-attack deterrent get on her wheel Jerris is control in the front if they grew this could be the good long rate this is the end long range attack that we need from someone out of this group the the running of when you're trying you've been in there in this position when you're trying to lead a rider into the to the bottom of the muir it's really it's a real technical running isn't it doing that job that Christine's doing on the front here yeah it's also about having confidence in each other to you know that they're going to get you in the right place at the right time and that you know they might be waiting in the back and you know really biding their time and you know almost sprinting to the front right at the last minute rather than wasting all that energy at the front you know with kilometers and kilometers to go still to the bottom because so much can change in the lead-in to the last you know couple of hundred meters before these turns into the bottom of these prestigious climbs or gobbled sections and I'd be interested to see if Lizzie banks attacks here you saw them going one two in the Giro and that worked really well and Lizzie banks said our first ever Pro when so now I'd be interested to see and see her just coming to the pit off of your screens now whether that is now a real key racing move now for the bigger team back to our chases this is the chasing group so Danny Danny Graham just on the back here for a lot of suit out it's still the list they really get they really fit this group out and they they have it was actually a real significant group before and now only looks like about 15 riders so they're obviously riding hard at the front especially with the seat see live girls and actually the FDJ don't seem to be working with them there's only one rider left now in this group so something must have happened whether attacks happened it's really worth of this chase group down I did a lot to see doubt coming in to today's race with a good good team lots of seed out team so they had annelid elena custody and back to the front Medeiros in the pressure on looking for some help here from bhujette just to keep the pressure high they had Danny Christmas in there as well Ariana for Danza and Julie van de Velde also in that group 21 riders if you just jumping into our coverage here with 24 kilometers to go I'm gonna pet news blood it really has been a race of attrition tough conditions for the riders to last year's winner Chantal Black is in there he found a boss man flutes and Windham Jairus Weaver's Corriveau Hosking B&E corduroy Cermak I circle back boo Jack Parkinson Kok una convento Roy boo jacket Cecchini is the makeup and they just put the graphic up just as oh but there we are going to see fireworks or this big this group is just too big to take to the finish line now you know there's too many riders from you know the same team and the groups and I think we're just going to see attack after attack once we get to these last couple of climbs and key parts of the course coming into the finish line floor tear McCoy gets an energy gel from the teammate francisco car i'm impressed by lana Kahuna cam the young rider here not just 19 as well they're rider in here for bull dolmens yeah that's really really impressive but I get to be on a team most almonds that you know they've really learning off the best they've been such an established team for so many years they know again how to work as a team to get the best out of every each and every rider and good to see as well that was an entry cently and I can't remember the new sponsor off top my head but bull dolmens have gotten have got a new sponsor which was which is very very good news yeah really good and I love to hear you know that that sort of views as well you know like drops you know they were really struggling for Mickey sponsor and to be able to carry on you know in this world tour peloton be at the best races it was just great for the sport 23 kilometres go live coverage line to line here of the elite women's amulet pet news blood today Danny bro is alongside me right arrow who has ridden this race multiple occasions and sir Anna McMahon volute and just close Hosking just moving up on the outside here now for clay Hosking looking for the Sueno grabs the bottle and you can see this one years at this stage of the race as well they've got the energy gel just kind of stuck into the top of the bottle good way to get a double double feed up to your riders you'll see that a lot they just tuck the gel into the top of the bottle I'm impressed with Chloe hosting today I am as well it'll be really interesting to see how she goes over that I can one of the mirror and the pause burger and if she is still there maybe we should have told you no gotta rent as one of her favorites because she's definitely the best sprinter in this group Cocina Cromwell Berta Zola Jana meanie Paladin kitchen a part of our chasing group Anderson van Gogh Christmas Jackson Bram what a van I am saying that right it's Canadian rider twelves of the riders in this chasing group and for fans around the world Japanese fans are we gonna mean a good to see her getting in there another British rider Danny Christmas is in this this group as well so could seem them up then what about Canada yeah it's great I'm actually really impressed with British riders you know we've got a lot of other bands in this front group happy May Parkinson Danny Christmas and the chase through busy banks in the front group as well so yeah there have been a really really great day we are here this still 40 seconds is your time gap as we head towards an ultimate climb of the day the iconic Kapil Muir the summit comes with sixteen point seven to go there's just goes it comes in just explained that you've been in there Reyes I've written up there but it's totally different kind a totally different ballgame racing and a cue you come in and you've got that first kick up haven't you and then into the square before you start that sort of an iconic bit round the top yeah so comes in off a really main road is super super fast you go over a bridge and turn left into the town and it already starts climbing now and then it goes on to sort of have a you've turned left round the corner and then that's where it gets super narrow proper cobbles really really Steve's or a round and left hand bent sweeps up round the church and the problem is Danny if you find yourself at a big group or you know the lot of riders around you it's a really technical fast steep descent then with the was Berg only four kilometers away from the bottom the meal the top of the mirror you know there's really not much to time to them close gaps or recover that before you have that and then it's just a really fast running to the finish so that is a really key part to this bike race which we are going to see very shortly and isn't the best of them the best place to almost attack on this sort of the tarmac after you come out of the square and you kick left before you go and swing right around thee towards the church where's the best place to make you move on them on the climb I'd say almost as you turn round one to the ruptor to the right on to the real steep part of the climb that's where the couples really get thick my brother sort of Colleen smooth cobbles that you get when you've entered the town and that's when you can really commit knowing that you've probably only got a minute to really power around up and around the church and get them gas and you just can't look back it's not about commitment if that is where you want to try and go to either split the group up or try and get away solo before you hit the pause but then you've got to just go for it and not look back everything you got 35 seconds 20 kilometers to go this leading group being driven by bull dolmens Christine Medeiros with Lana Copernican has been swapping in and out with Christine Medeiros Sarah Roy is the rider with grace brown that have been doing the work here for anomie convoluted for mitchelton Scot Ruth window on the left of your picture there the u.s. national champion tried that little testing attack so show that she's on some some good form ellen van dyke just on the right of your picture there una can comes back through in the orange of all dolmens the two riders in here for team somewhere from Fran Chester cough and a flirty I'm a kite right I again flirt yet when you is a rider that it's she in terms of what she's won in her career she's still only 24 I remember meeting flirty and years ago in the Tour of Qatar but she's still only 24 she won she's won get Wavell him in her career she's won things like that Emlyn van West but last year second in liege bastogne liege for floor tier so she again I think she's a really really solid classics rider she is and I think she's really trying to establish herself as specific you know it's really trying to find the best in terms of where she fits in and this is the bridge that I was talking about the real fast running they'll go over the bridge she'll turn left onto the course you can see Falacci there who were just talking about really in the best place possible I'd say you know you don't want to be riding the back here you need to be in the top five or six riders you know if people have mechanicals getting onto the couples they're in the wrong gear you do not want to get caught behind Chloe Hosking always in the right position Sarah Roy you know she's really protective about blue and now who was on her will as we come into this town and they're about to hit this famous mule shuts out black last year's winner up towards the front of this one and Barnes just getting squeezed back just a touch Ruth winter is there now Sarah Roy comes through to try and line this one up for anomie van falutin we are waiting for the big attack will it come from Van falutin will it come from shantel black Ruth winter stage winner DC in the Tour Down Under this year for Trek Sega Frodo she has started yet on great form and we are on the mere couple more now this is where we get on to the real cobbles of the climb they turn left they'll sweep round to the right and that's what the road narrows they're going through this circus and this is all about position there and it is bad Luton on the front she is going for it now she is gonna give it her all from bottom to top so you can see anime fan falutin on the front this is the climb 19.8% maximum gradient where it kicks up around the top but it looked like you had found emboss that was straight on a flirty and mccoys there Lizzie banks having a phenomenal day out is the Katusha big low rider van fluted just grinding out the temple on the front Bastian le right on the wheel of Shawntel black in the orange she's got the hands on the top Bastian le just started to make a move this is you're chasing group 30 seconds down but they're now hitting the big one the move on Keros bergen so we'd have a look at this group van falutin pressing on here starting to just thin out this group the world champion keeping the tempo high bastian early is right there as shantel black 13 life floor Tia McCoy having a great day here for team somewhere latched herself right onto the wheel of fan flute and as Ellen van Dyke takes to the pavement on the other side of the room it's an interesting line there from Alan Van Dyke as they come round onto the steepest section of this climb they're going to come round they're going to have the church inside as they crest round to the left hand side of this climb now and Babloo and has really gone from the very bottom because she knows that that riders will not be able to hang on for that long she can hold that sustained attempt Oh Lizzie banks there there's Bastian van Dijk just moves up and the chasing grip Chloe asking some of the chasers looks like just stir starting to come back onto the back of the group Cora var is their boo Jack is there as we go up into this iconic section van falutin just little by little now opening the gap up over flirty McCoy these are the sort of sustained efforts that the world champion can do you can see the difference almost Danny between the tempo in the gear at van falutin is writing and flirty and makai here is just clinging on to the advantage hold that advantage of anomie van falutin on this climb climb she's gonna have the church in sight in a minute she could see that launcher there's really hot on our tails and there's riders strung out all over the road these two riders have got quite a significant gap here she's got to keep going all the way power-to-weight she's such a slight rider but she's got that power and she's showing that LM van Dijk is still battling on master bus in it is there Lizzie banks is still there this group very much still in contact with valve Luton here he's probably got about 10 seconds on this remainder of the 21 that was away at the start you'll see there's Ruth window now the shot here a fan flew to look at the gap now of the world champion she would have just shifted through those gears as it just started to level out now we go up through the iconic shot here up towards the church at the top floor to Makai where is she there she is the team somewhere brighter keeping that tempo high his Ellen van Dijk bastian le in fact right behind and Shawntel black last year's winner this is a solid chasing group but it just how much of an advantage as an elite van volute in' got over the top of this time van blue to note alone we've seen her and from this sort of gap just ride off and ride away that was so impressive and you could see she just didn't give up all the way over the top now you can see this is a super steep technical descent she's gonna try and get it down safely it'll be really interesting to see if she just tries to go solo all the way I think she will I think the group behind was shot sour black close it to floor to Makai and they will have to work together and to try and get back to about Pluto but we saw at the World Championships just how strong Barbra lumen is on her own so I wouldn't put it past her to go all the way to the finish now floor team ik I might get some company quite seen there Chantelle black on the back of the group again you boo Jack and Ruth window with Chloe Hosking your next riders on the road then Cora var and Roy this is the shot here on the descent on the wet slick cobblestones Ellen Van Dyke another rider coming back from injury and in her first race isn't she yeah she had a really nasty crash I think it was in bowls tore at the end of the season last year really really nasty I think collarbone and a few other injuries that left her in hospital for a little bit of time so it's really good to see her back already you know in the real forefront of this race one of the world the first classic of the season Anna week van pollutant 66 road wins as a pro last year world champion Strada Bianchi pH past only eight national champion two stages and the general classification in the Giro rosa and that was last year alone who will ever forget that win in the the world championship race I think we were all stunned when we watched her ride off at the beginning of that one it was that attack on the climb and you just looked at it thought seriously she can't launch it to go there's no way you know group behind with you know and I'm at the burger Lizzie diagonally and you know all these tops super strong riders and for her to keep them at bay it was so impressive and that's why I think potentially she could do it again today and I'll be eating my words because I said I didn't think she would win today so that is super super impressive but you can see these riders are already working so strongly together almost in Ashkelon formation they're rolling through like chain gang as opposed to the team time trial format where one rider might do ten to twenty seconds on the front they're just rolling through to try and keep this momentum to try and catch an anime fan pollutant who has 15 seconds over that year when I spoke to her the other day you could tell this the fire that she's got for these classics that she wants such a run at least this classic season and no better way than to get it going with with this one yeah exactly and like I said before she's never podium in this race the force of what motivation you know to be doing well in these new racism not just you know pigeonhole herself into the sort of zeros a long long climb or either she really can't do it all and she's proven that today she is there's the shot the world champion look at the mud on the on the helmet and the glasses of anomie van pollutant she's pushing it in the winter she's been training so hard coming in to this season Olympic year and it's when you when you think back now when back into an Olympic year that crashed the enemy had in in Brio I mean it was a it was a horror crash it wasn't it but four years on and the the rider that she's kind of reinvented herself into it's just it's just been phenomenal just watching this off metamorphosis of Van Loon yeah totally and I think you know she had such a good chance in Brio as well and she's almost come back so much stronger she's really waited what she's going to do she's almost said in that interview that she had almost a year on year plan it's not just the case of get into the next season and thinking right what now you know she's worked with coaches to increase her distance the speed she's riding we're looking at ways to really push herself as altitude is it training with the guys and it's obviously really paying off she dedicates her whole life to cycling and it's also really impressive that she's back at the beginning of the season after becoming world champion which would have a lot more time restraints on you sponsor obligations and then to still be able to perform is super impressive and I think she's gonna end up going all the way you know having a fantastic season and being you know probably the out-and-out favorite for the Olympics looking at how she's riding now you can see bluejack just getting on here grinding out her way again you boo Jack back in to this group there's a little close-up shot there with 13 kilometers to go the onto the boss Burke the iconic climb of the boss burg 980 meters who's in there eleven percent maximum gradient on the boss burke this is a really tough climb as well to be you know just ahead of this chase group on because it's so so straight it's a wide road there's nowhere to hide I'm like the mule where it kind of kicks around the bends and she can be out of sight and almost out of mind on this one the gap seems smaller which gives you that extra motivation you know to really try and close it so they probably just about half Anamika valve lumen in there sighs yeah you can see there she's just about to press over the top and these five riders now are still pushing on to try and get back to her for the last ten kilometers of the race so there's the shot and Boo Jack just got on as they hit the bus Berg and that was a cruel place to make contact with the groupies short you saw from that shot behind the group that you could see Anna meet fan falutin just ahead of the group and just cresting the summit as they run in towards the the finish in universe if that is the climbs done shifts up on to the big gears now for animate vamp loosen if you weren't with us earlier on we saw her at the side of the road chain was off you know chase to get back on we were asking would it do anything for the legs of anomie van Putin and the answer is no no definitely not and you can see flauta has clearly got probably the best legs of this chasing group you could see that she knew he managed to stick with our glue and it was only the last couple of hundred meters we're Valu and we really kind of got a big gap on launching the fry but you can see she's really really pushing on an elephant Dyke he's trying to attack it over this climb she doesn't want to take these riders to the finish he's gonna try and go in between to catch my fluting on our own back to our leader 12 kilometers to go and the rider in that chasing group Lizzie banks is one shouldn't doubt them I'll be surprised that Lizzie there she want to stay to the Giro last year didn't change she's best beam year-on-year just taking massive leaps yeah definitely I'm not surprised that she's there I think after last season that was a big surprise to everyone she was really up there in a lot of the races it looks like she's just being distance here unfortunately as we're talking about how strong she is and I really hope she does get back to these these girls in the front because she's worked super super hard after that over the last few years to get into the bigger team I know she's really happy they're covered from TIBCO where she was predominately racing and totally different kettle of fish in terms of the recent from America to Europe but again she's having a phenomenal start to the season in this race Ellen van Dijk it's clear Chantelle black I'm floored teamuk I just try to get back up to them there's that two chasers they still found pollutant over the top of the climate and back to the front just in time trial mode here at the end of the race is the world champ you still got the jelly on you can see that world champions Jersey just poking out from under the this year late as chasers chasing group just come back together chasers they really need to get organized here if they're going to stand any chance of trying to back Anamika van Luton David they've got the best lady in the job to do that with ellen van dyke for sure and she's obviously you know really giving it all you can see i rocking and rolling a little bit on the bike to try and get this group to start working together again although she has proven that she's happy too sure I can go off solo so whether they will try and collaborate with her now I'm not sure that's the problem when you attack if it doesn't come off you know that almost gives the other riders an inclination into what your plan plans are if you don't want to take riders like shut down black you we know can't sprint to the line Marta Bastian le as the rider that was second last year led in the chasing group in it and knowing behind the rider on the front in the orange Chantal black great CLM van Dijk here from Trent saying afraid oh there's your chasing very confirmation Chantal vanderbrook blackfish is now tortilla McCoy Mart's pasty Mary and their Ellen Van Dyke it's so so impressive to see master buster Nellie here again you know after even if after than mere she get over it you know these classics she did so so well in the last year she's won Flanders before so she's gonna be motivated to try and catch vamp loot and she can sprint she's probably the best sprinter out of that group so even more so for her that she's got a chance of winning this race if only they could catch this lady that was said now and she's just so solid on the baigan she you know her upper body's not really moving you can see she's putting so much power through the pedals you can see how far she's going by everything that's moving alongside her she's so motivated to you know keep this attack going with a nine kilometers to go still such a long way to be out solo this his floor t-mac IQ chasers so there's still four riders in the group as you were Italian national champion Martha Bastian le four anemic van pollutant head of the race then you were world champion getting her first outings in that rainbow jersey apart from out there and training yeah look at the gear she's in probably 53:11 now maybe 53:12 she's got a couple more sprockets to get down which just shows a speed that she's riding you know looking at her cadence she's really motor and she's using those motorbikes in front to follow the best line in the road to give her the best chance of I guess having a shorter distance as possible to get to that finish line over those speed bumps there to be you know safe as possible as well going around these slippery beds and white lines on the road getting over these climbs as best as possible and again 8.5 kids ago these caves are really safe to come down faster yeah they're really gonna have to up the pressure here if this chasing group we're gonna put her back we'll we haven't had a we're not getting a time check in the top corner and we'll try and put a clock on ourselves just to be able to keep you up to speed with what the time gaps are between our lone leader Anamika van pollutant and our four Ryder chasing group we were waiting anticipating the attack now of the world champion and she will repay her team and did we get a correction did we they made a mistake on the graphic was it from Jess Roberts from just Roberts to say it's Gracie Elvin not grace brown in that group so rejoice Gracie Elvin and she actually Gracie over both gave her a shout-out because she is phenomenal in these style of races she is that sort of bigger stronger rider she knows where to be the Echelon some really her thing so sorry about that yeah I'll always give her give myself a collective slap back of the head if I get something wrong so yes apologies to Gracie for that you Chase is a strong group defending champion shantel Black is the rider wearing number one and if you go back to a year a race a year after you've won it being up here in the mix for for a podium when you've got there like Savannah big van falutin off the front it's a it's a you want to go back and win it again but sympodium against got to be a solid defense yeah for sure and you can see that there's only ever been two riders to win this race twice mu Hudson he's been on the podium five times you know it's so so impressive but Bob Lewis caught that added motivation that she's never even been on the podium let alone wanna win it and I just can't believe that she's putting time into the four riders behind so it's now up to 20 seconds the gap and essentially it's one against four and these four riders behind her are no slouch you know they're all incredible riders in their own right yeah Adam Eaton is essentially riding away from them it's phenomenal 22nd is your gap or some of the long straights they'll still be able to see her just ahead of them they've got to have the faith that they can still bring a bat what a power quartet that we've got here as they try to chase back Floria McCoy has done a phenomenal ride today got a little little fender there just - you don't see it very often in pro racing do but maybe just on odd super-wet days like this yeah it's interesting it may be a sort of a sponsor thing where you know all the riders have to have it on because I'm not sure it would really make a huge huge difference in these sorts of conditions it was more you know respect I guess if you're riding with a big group of people I think we're going to get to a point now where in the last couple of kilometers that group behind know that they're not going to catch round polluter and then it will be a game of cat-and-mouse because essentially there's only two other riders that can be on the podium so if you two are going to make and then there could be a group behind then chasing that group that could come back together so I think we're still going to see fireworks even if anomie convoluted does end up staying away and that will happen in the next four kilometers when the riders behind know that there's no way they're going to close that 20-second gap in in 2k and then they'll be looking at each other in terms of who will go for that podium spot will Alan van Dijk Luton takes that corner which is the the road to the limit their view view asking over on the chat can we have an alibi convoluted Channel you're here GC and racing is the is going to be the the enemy fan falutin channel thanks for joining us if you're just getting on board 5.5 kilometers to go 25 seconds is the time gap back from our pre-race favorite world champion anomie van Luton back to your chasing group as a gal goes up to 30 seconds as Van Dyke leads the chasing group through that corner head of defending champion Chantal black with Fleur team akai of team some Webber Marta Bastian le of aller BTCC Luciana so good to see that team up there that Shaitan group behind floor tear Mike I was tenth last year Bastian Ellie was second van falutin was fourth and shantel black the winner alone look Hannah meek found Bluth and she's putting more time into these four riders behind they're chasing their with less than five kilometers to go now she's got the Garmin in front of her she can see how much power she's produced and she'll know how much power she can sustain for that length of time it should be trying to hold that up push it as much as she can in terms so she doesn't blow so she'll know that sort of threshold power she can produce she's getting as air as possible to be as fast as possible and it's clearly working fur because this gap is going up it is date nice close-up shot there of anomie van falutin can see just dead didn't look enough that's putting a huge winds as training still got full fingered gloves on the world champions stripes on that Scott bike again this will just confirm to her that more she's done since the world championships is you know paying off it was the right thing to do she's in good form but another thing in terms of the Olympic year is that you don't want to peak too soon they you might find that the riders have a small break after the classic so exude them to them to them be able to build into the Olympics you know if you're all guns blazing already already at this stage of the year in the first so on race then you know it's impossible to try and hold that forum all year especially into you know July August come the Olympics so I think you'll see you know riders like bad pollutant you know doing the classic season clearly doing very well but then you know having a break and build him back up to the game sort of after that midseason yes even classics is finished it's that potentially wave and polluting would say that she's not sure in the second half because during the Giro racer and going straight in to the Olympics it's gonna be quite tight yeah definitely and like she said in her interview you know it's as much about recovery as its training she's still has to have these of recovery weeks to let her body trying to absorb all of the work that she's done because essentially what we're trained we're breaking the muscles down and it's only when we rest that they become stronger so that is a paramount part of a rider's training plan and something that you have to have to plan in there's also other things that you know can happen through the racing season you know illness and setbacks that you have to then factor and you can see they're starting to look at each other now there's a small group behind that you could just see at the back of your shop so I think these riders have now realized that I mean gluten is not going to be caught with now less than three kilometers to go it was just the look there of Martha Bastian ellios elenberg diet looked around her and she just kind of puffed out our cheeks and shook her head and it was like cut seriously it's yeah it's a great day out when you get to see this rider in full flight like this what a treat Anamika van falutin 37 years old is the world champion you've got to former world champions in Chantal black and Martha Bastian le in that chasing group behind former world Time Trial champion Ellen van Dyke the only rider as well that has ever won the elite women's European Time Trial championship as well and this rider is just putting time into them 35 seconds with 2.3 kilometers to go and a meat van falutin and masterclass early is I can't you know I can't believe it I can't believe it still going up to 35 seconds we've just seen she's gone past the two kilometers to go mark now so only a couple more minutes of her to dig right here Alan Van Dyke is still trying to you know motivate these riders she just flicked her elbow there to try and get a flaw commit some Chi to come through to help her with this chase group I would guess that Marta personally it's not gonna work now she is the best sprinter out of this group so she's probably just gonna sit back and try and get a second which is the best of these bull riders will be able to get now with only one point seven kilometer to go and a gap of 35 seconds to valve Lewton who made her move on the Muir and a stayed away ever since Marta Bastian Ellie now will be looking like trying to make it look like she's in a world of her as a sprinter is to look like she's suffering just to try as you do as a sprinter try and trick everybody into believing that you're actually hurt more than you are and you still win the spring great shot here 1.4 kilometers to go now for Anamika van falutin of mitchelton scott is ian to nineveh in the pet news blood they have changed the finish over the last few years and got a safe big shower gotta give some props influence here McCoy she was a Kiwi kids sauce see she was just calling to have she lose it wasn't she was like a claw like cling to try and hang onto her on the Muir she was Curtain her teeth and I thought oh one moment when they were on almost the pavement section of the course before they turned left up towards the church she was gonna hang on but then Anamika van blew and almost put in another bout of power over the top of the church and managed to get that gap that she needed this ultimate just got bigger and bigger as she comes into one kilometers to go she'll be having their you know talks for a radio the motivation for her to keep going but she will know that she's got a good enough gap to probably win this race but it is by creative anything can happen she still needs to get around these wet corners safely and it's not over till the fat lady sings but I think she's gonna win you can hear the announcer at the finish animate van falutin just searching for the zip on the relay as Marta Bastian Ellie starts to attack that group behind Chantel flat comes up to her she said she was just said here comes out of me it's just trying to sit up just try to runs in that Jersey she wants to show off the rainbow jersey as she would expect just sits back to sit up for that corner she's looking for that there she goes she manages to unzip the gelée she wants to show off that rainbow jersey out in the saddle now for Hannah McMahon falutin this was one of the first targets of the season the crowds in the finish waves to them as she gets the applause what a start to the year she can sit up and celebrate this one she won the Tour of Flanders back in 2011 she said she wants a more of the classics honor Palmyra's and a weak fan falutin the attack on the muir that no one had any answer to sits up and celebrates a fantastic victory now the sprint starts from the group behind Chantal black looting out now Marta Bastian le Fleur Tia McCoy right in there Chantel black defending champion ones first Bastian Delino the fastest sprinter you would say out of this group the Italian champion sits down as shantel Blackwell now they line up round this final turn and they will see that line ahead of them Chantel black really going for a long sprint here leading out for bull Domas trying to repay the teammates but now Bastian Ali makes a move seated sprint from the Italian champion floor Tia McCoy wants that third spot on the podium Bastian early takes second McCoy takes third then black then Ellen van for just over the 42nd Mart in to the finish that was really good so far so much going on you know from start to finish those attacks groups away slits a bit national action from somewhere those few clients in quick succession this super super ride from as well coming across alive the top ten finish and had Chloe Hoskins we're ending it out with yet Vanda boss here for the next placings and a clay Hosking leads in that group I'd be a Nichols in there Sarah Roy roof window there comes a beam a Parkinson from LA to see that she has got to be happy with that are you happy coach today yeah big-time you know to be finished shim with the likes of Missouri's and that does look like Gracie Elvin so you've got it right this time you know she's got to be happy with it and I'm glad to see that you know she's trying all the way to the line here that's super super important as well you know for her yeah I'm very proud great job they haven't their world champion the rainbow jersey what a day we were waiting for it she had that chase to get back in it didn't take anything out of the legs might even have woken the legs up in a way that little chase just traded right we see but again you wouldn't you're even if you're anime Glanville outen and you've been out there you've done the big training camp in Colombia she's done the the training camp that she did with with the men's team and it's a great video to watch I enjoyed watching that one but even if you're animate van volute and they're still though there's got to be those questions in the back of your mind when you start to come back into racing in training yeah the numbers are there you've done all the work but Racing's racing isn't it yeah and I don't think you can ever be complacent as a bike rider you know there's people coming through all the time hot on your heels so no she's a spent the work and his paying off I wouldn't say you know she gets to a start line and thinks well this is just in the bag no way not at all you just see riders coming in all to the finish this is see highlights let's see take you through the story of the day we still Amelia Farley and as that Danny and I said how fast did that go if you were with us all day you're with us for the whole race thank you thanks for joining us here on GC and racing don't forget give us a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel riders I think not quite sure of how many jerseys they needed today when they were on the start line for the for the most part of the rollout we were jackets on jackets off riders going back taking jackets off that we had that downpour then it was super windy so yeah this is a tough one Lizzie banks there she is she was a wrapped up from start to finish caused her much heart she's from the tropical part of England clearly she's grown up with his palm trees and sunshine clearly in England there's a lot to him Tyler this is the roll out and then when me attacks came they started him they rolled out in dry conditions very windy very blustery for the riders Bigler Katusha very much to the front and again for the second year running it was Nicole Hanselman of dole Cheney van Eyck that went on the attack her team the teammate got up to her when straight paths got the not that she could go for it was Marika and Vincent Burke was the next rider to attack she was caught a lot of these attacks which is setting up for an eventual group it was another one of the Dulce meeting Kristina Weinberger that started the next move she would be joined at the front by Lemke Marcus and Mike and Bogart we had Emily Newsome of Team TIBCO he was in the gap and chasing to try and come back up to the leaders on one of the Rises Kristina shrine Berger was dropped to B then with into some pretty atrocious conditions that old Cheney van Eyck right out was brought back as the TIBCO rider Emily Newson of the new s the USA got up to the front group the gaps though the groups were brought back together Micah Bogaerts went again there was a big crash which took down the likes of Yip Van Daan boss van Abbas day of bull dolmens would maker way back in to the front group after quite a chase also herd up the likes of Evie Kuiper's there onto the hard work the first cobblestone section of the date Lizzy banks British rider teammate found a boss and this was really where the race started to come alive today Christine Medeiros in the orange phenomenal ride by the champion of Luxembourg somewhere coming through to the front on mass there was a crash and this was where Anna McMahon volute and had her issue we saw her at the side of the road trying to put the chain back on her team car was Adelaide in the chase behind you'll hear it now and then see it she would have a chase to come back up to the front that happened just as the hammer really started to go down on the front van velu - no was down but not out and she would fight her way back to the front group the rainbow jersey the team car was coming past her she would chase to get back in to that leading group all of the the real serious climbs that were ahead of them they would come thick and fast rolling the big gear anomie van volute and just started to pick away through the groups in front of her to get back up to the leaders and from the leading group it was the FDJ team that were the real big losers all of the de Medeiros oil football dolmens with Monica une again and working hard for Chantal black the group's split in the crosswinds for many riders it was a tough day in the saddle the splits started to open it would really just come down to that select leading group that was just whittled down little by little at the front Francesca from team some Webb tried her luck at the front the Medeiros Blackwell having none of it's Sarah Roy Lorena Eavis jenny abu jack would also get themselves back into the leading group it would be 21 riders that would come together at the front black fan of austin pollutant Windham Jairus Weaver's Corriveau Hosking beginning voice of Makai sook banks who Jack Parkinson caution Anakin Van Dyke Elvin pooja and Cecchini were all in there Lauren kitchen working on the front for FDG Akutan behind on to the mir the Kapil Muir and this was where van volute and made her move and the boss was there so was McCoy and banks flirty McCoy did her best to try and hold it but once van Lewton went there was no answer one glance back as Makai fought to hold the gap as tight as possible and give this chasing group a chance to try and come back to the mitchelton Scott Ryder and the run into Nineveh but van falutin crested the summit with the little over 10 seconds and leave that gap would grow and grow the select group behind ellen van dyke marta Bastian le Lizzy banks and Chantel black with some chasers not far behind they did everything they could the van falutin was in the big ears and a flying Hume lipet news live one race that she didn't have on the Palmyra's five riders chasing group working nicely together but they weren't able to make any inroads in to the gap of the lone leader the current world champion up against two former world champions in at that chasing group behind van falutin focused poised and concentrating as she hit the boss Berg the chasing through behind on the long straight Klein could see the leader ahead of them so they were still unable to bring the gap back the boss Berg the final climb of the day the summit coming with twelve point eight kilometers to go they could see a van fluted ahead of them but they could not bring her back black McCoy Bastian le van Dijk and a banks work behind would eventually get whittled down to just four as man fluted was increasing her advantage all the way in to the finish in Nineveh onto the outskirts of the town just one kilometre to go for the mitchelton Scott Ryder looking for that 67th victory as a professional rider first race out of 2020 she's done all the work in of the winter she wanted to show off the rainbow bands as you would expect as she headed in towards the finish Marta Bastian le little jump from that group behind second last year behind the rider wearing number one in the orange who was chasing her down fan fluted successful in unzipping the Schiele took the final couple of corners and headed in the towards the crowd she knew she had it she knew that she could celebrate it would be one corner and the swing around the left hand curved up towards the finish line at for Van Outen so the crowd started to celebrate plenty of time to sit up and enjoy the moment the classics the real target of anomie convoluted in the early part of this season another phenomenal victory the chasing group behind Chantal black leading out Marta Bastian le Fleur team acai and Ellen van Dijk making a great return for Trek singing Fredo Bastian Ellie the fastest sprinter in the group the Italian champion but Chantal black wanted to defend that title in the best possible way if she couldn't win it by taking 2nd spot on at the podium they pushed it to the right hand side right up against the barrier Chantal black a long drawn-out sprint by last year's at whenever Marta Bastian le a seated sprint by la BTCC on her on a sheet at second floor team acai great ride by her to take third man there is your winner man flu ttan brilliant day a such a great choice and he could see her just battling with a zip there couldn't you to make sure that she could sit up and show off the rainbow jersey yeah show off the rainbow jersey show off the really love today's octant of America I only had been working harder yeah that's good and the vehicle for the Philippines and it's like yeah but that cooks off for her yes right on something and a new hood house they talk about the components back if that's your party gets filled by in panic caused water damage fundamental super cult and so hey they must've you feel doctor my and the other summer getting fast if bhakta macaron yeah so committee I found the chair home with supplies and I command Congress and empathy into the coma and the swisco made the hope on me like a longsword yep this console era check it out of the beautiful plum bomber here yeah equivalent of Jose Illinois comes and commit and go and those need external exclusive alpha Magda music home full of on the one hand I'm a blue store yeah it's totally perfect in persisted and on random you discover funds for interrupted and soloq from David in kilometer what's easily Qaddafi that king Connecticut of the strip now cake Melvin's kind of nauseous sitting around the world with the power laughter they said we luckily how's your cone will is activated it's a mug one question in English how did you experience today's race or hard cold epic relief llamas rather and with a really nice attack on the river it's also special okay thank you thank you Anamika van volute done makeup a little Cancellara attack there this thing our world champion gotta be happy with that ride today there's you top 10 in the under pet newsletter Anna week van glutton from Martha Bastian Le flore team acai Chantal black element Dyke Lizzy banks again you boo Jack Chloe husky get fandom boss and owed beginning most of the riders it's not for everyone pretty much everyone we would say maybe Lucinda brand one rider that we were expecting to be up there but they've got to be happy with that solo some great stuff 2020 was my pick second no she's us a really good so I guess coming back from last year's victory to still be on the podium floor to Akai this is a second time she's been on the podium in this race she'll tell black she's been up there a few times Lizzy bags a great ride from her that British rider in such a savage epic race yeah I mean sick place Lizzy as we said we look at her for British fans as well and and she won that stage of the the Giro Rosa last year but the classics is a completely different completely different ballgame in there yeah it's really different and she's obviously you know really learning how to use her power where to be in the bunch you saw her at the front for a lot of the races she's obviously got the strength there as well so I think as we get race on race in you know with that experience and the different opportunities she'll have with the bigger team I think she'll just go from strength to strength I'm gonna check with John I think they do the podium later on after the men's race so there's no podium on that so if you're wondering why we're not showing you the podium that comes after the the elite men's race and if you want to watch that you can see that with our colleagues over at Euro sport as well we were just shown the best race of the day well I hope you enjoyed that anime exam Billy to Danny before we go that just she's just phenomenal isn't she again absolute master class yeah I think phenomenal is a word to use to ride out you know that gap got bigger 35 seconds to the full riders behind one against four super super impressive she puts the work in she's been training with the guys and it's obviously paying off well thanks to all of you for joining us I hope you've enjoyed lying to line coverage here of umlaut pet news blood today remember subscribe hit that Bell icon and you'll be notified every time we go live more live elite women's professional racing coming this year thanks to Danny Rowe who will gain be with us throughout the season hopefully as well have a great day wherever you are we'll see you soon bye for now bye you
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Keywords: GCN Racing, Bike racing, pro cycling, cycle racing, road racing, live pro cycling, gcn global cycling network, gcn racing, bike racing, watch cycling, omloop, het, nieuwsblad, omloop het nieuwsblad, belgium, opening weekend, flemish, Muur van Geraardsbergen, Geraardsbergen, elite womens, womens racing, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, 2019, race, result, results, highlights, live, mens, elite, livestream, ភ, ឥ, ធ, ଗ, ፕ6, ළ, Խ, flanders
Id: 1LftJ_OwCZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 25sec (14185 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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