[Full Movie] 花木兰 Hua Mulan | 战争动作电影 War Action film HD

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Closed captions were added by Moxi Media. Notice! In that year, the Northern Wei dynasty was invaded by the Rouran army led by Yuzhijin. With many cities captured, the Northern Wei dynasty quickly fell into chaos, and the people were stuck with a miserable existence. Close the city gate! The emperor Tao Tuoba was forced to fight on the battlefield as the leader. The fate of the Northern Wei dynasty was uncertain. It's her who saved the country. Her name is Mulan Hua. Catch the thief! Catch the thief! Give my money back! Give it back to me! Catch the thief! Catch the thief! Show me how much you've got! You did a good job, son. So you work in team. Not bad. I can catch a lot today. Wanna die? Ouch! Hurry up! Hurry up! The pig head... Constable Xing, Constable Xing! Mulan. It's you again. Mr Xing, these men blatantly committed theft in broad daylight. Now the gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. I see.Take them away. You have got away from the punishment for two times. You are arrested this time. Since I've succeeded in escaping for two times, how dare you call yourself a constable? Your scamp, Go! Well, you can go. Mr. Xing, Mr. Xing! this is the tenth. So... You told me half a year ago that you could let me work as a constable as long as I could capture ten thieves. Have I said that before? Of couse you have! You said it when I took my third exam! And I do better in martial arts. Moreover... Is it because of your physical ability that I don't let you become a constable? Then why? Must I express it clearly to make you understand? Have you ever seen any female constable in our country? Although there is no precedent, none has regulated in our country that a woman can't be a constable. So I plead with you to keep the promise. I just wanted to get rid of you at that time. Who knows you would take that seriously! Could you please stop putting me in a quandary£¿ Besides our country, there is no female constable in any other country or dynasty! Women should do what they deserve to do, such as needlework and weaving. These are all good stuff for you. If you women become constables, then what are men for? Well, don't catch thieves anymore. If you catch them all, what else can we do? Ay. Sister, sister! Come out to see the soldiers! Here is an imperial edict! Rouran invading our country, the military conscription starts today. Every family should have one man join the army and leave for the front, to drive off the Rouran army and protect our motherland! Rong Zhang! Daji Gao! Hu Hua! Yes! Your honor, my father is too old... Mulan, stop! Step back! Your honor, I must resist the Rouran army with my life! I won't come back without the enemy expelled! Sister, is our father going to to fight at the front? Guangfu Chen! Dad. Your birthday is coming a few days later. I planned to give this to you on that day, but I'm afraid I can wait the day. Don't worry, I will come back. What are you doing? What are you doing here? Joining the army for my father. My god! Cheating the emperor by disguising yourself as a man, you will be killed. Go back home now! --Military discipline and rules: --If your true identity is found, --one who does not proceed hearing the drum --both of us will die! or does not stop hearing the cymbal will be killed! Then keep the secret for me. One who shows a contempt for the prohibition rules --or enters the gate on a horse --Hey! will be killed! One who joins the army in others' names I'm serious! or takes women into the army will be killed! Did you hear that? One who bullies his people will be killed! One who engages in rape will be killed! The game begins! I win! Give me! You cheated! I didn't say I was gambling with you. Fair play! Leave this here! One more round! Fu...ck you... What's this? They are all six! Getting others' money by cheating, you do have some ability. Wai...wait! Where will you sleep? This is my bed. If you like a bed on the side, I can exchange mine with you! Th...then... Then thanks, bro! My surname is Qi. You can call me Ziyun. I am Daji Gao. This is Mulan. New recruits, fall in! Fall in, quick! Go, go, go! You... Are all recuits here? Yes, general! Can these poor guys fight? Since coming in the troops of me, Rong Lee, you should keep the three points in mind! Follow the order! Follow the order! Follow the order! Because you are going to face a hell you've never seen before. Only by following my order can you live! What general is he? What the hell is that! I agree. Number Four, no talking in the lines especially when I can hear you. The formal training will begin tomorrow! One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Three! Four! Six! Seven! Reporting for duty! General, Mulan got the flag again! Are you caught in haemorrhoids? Fuck haemorrhoids! I bring you a good thing. Soap! How did you get it? Who! Who is there? Who are you? Why are you here? I didn't mean to peep at you. How old are you? Fifteen. Why didn't you go home so late? I... I don't have a home. What's your name? Lianhe Chu. Where is your family? They were all killed by Rouran army. General, could I look for a family to adopt the kid tomorrow morning? No! I won't go! I want to fight with you to avenge my parents! Don't shout! Fighting battles is an adult matter. I am not a kid! Let him stay here. General! One who can swallow the food while crying can fight. How could you bring him here? Think about it. The general even let him stay here. If he tells your secret to the general, both of us will die! He has promised to keep the secret for me! Moreoever, it's me who saved him! Not even that! Fall in! Get ready to go! All the soldiers come with me to the rescue! New recruits gaurd here! Act in accord with your duties! Set out! Set out! Fight! Take the woman away! Run after them! Mulan! Don't be afraid. Your highness princess! Here is Rong Lee! Thank you, General Lee. It's my duty. Bold! As a new recruit, how dare you disobey the military order! I am aware of my mistake and deserve punishment. General Lee! Without him I would have been killed. His contribution outweighs the crime. Your highness princess, military orders cannot be disobeyed. If everone defies the military order as Mulan did, then how can I lead the army to fight? But he saved me! I plead with you not to intervene in military affairs! Mulan Hua, do you admit your fault? Yes! According to the military discipline, you would have been killed for defying the order! But regarding you are a first offender, and you contributed a lot to rescuing the princess, your punishment is filling all water tanks in the battalion. If you disobey my order again, I won't forgive you! I accept the order! Thanks for leaving me a life! Get up! Yes! As a soldier, you have to follow orders! I would keep your words in mind. The general will be unhappy about this. I don't care! Your highness princess. You don't be so polite. Let me help you. I can't have you do this! Don't worry. This is too heavy! You are a princess. You cannot do this dirty work. What's more, I deserve the punishment. If the general knows you help me, I would get in trouble. Your general is so strict! The military discipline cannot be disobeyed. I agree with General Lee. Mulan, how old are you? Nineteen. Nineteen... Are you married? Not yet. Nineteen... You are old enough. You should take marriage into consideration. With our motherland faced with a crisis, I shouldn't indulge myself with romantic relationships. Then after the war? You will go back home after the war, right? Why is the atmosphere between them so romantic? If only I could have saved the princess. Go away! My darling. Daddy, I don't want you to go. My dear Mulan, I would be back soon. I'm afraid. Don't be afraid, Mulan. You can light the candle when you sleep later. I will be with you in the light. All right? One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! General, Four! the soldiers work so hard. They cannot even drink water. Three! Four! A big war is close. The army will go to the front at any time. Three! I'd rather they sweat on the training field, than lose their lives on the battlefield. It's too dangerous here for you. I would immediately order someone to escort to you to Pingcheng. I haven't recovered from the great shock. Are you sure? I see you are fine. Three! Four! One! Two! Three! This is big! Are you thirsty? Have some water. Thanks, your highness princess. Our Mulan is going to be a prince! Go away! Are you tired? Not tired. I can do it myself, your highness princess. Mulan, you are so pretty! Like a girl. I'm also good-looking! Two! Three! Four! Your...highness princess... It's im...improper! You... One! Two! Three! Sh...She is so beautiful! Two! You should keep calm wh...when courting a girl. You have to... Shut up! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Do you know you're cheating the emperor? Well, since you've saved my life, I won't tell his majesty. But...why? My father is old. I cannot let him fight on the battlefield again. Although I'm a woman, I will fight till the last momennt! This is the life I choose myself. You must live well! Don't worry, your highness princess. I'mm hard to kill. Come on! Cheers! Drink! I think the best wine comes from Yuzhong City. If we have the chance to go there, let's drink a toast! Good! Drink a toast! Cheers! Cheers! Fill that up! Come on! Come on, there is still some left! Fill that up! Cheers! Come on! Drink it! Give me the alcohol! Drink! Come on! Drink more! Drink! Is the Xun (an ancient egg-shaped, holed wind instrument) important to you? This is the only thing my father left to me. Was it made by your father? Yes. My family is famous for poterry. After the war, I will become a potter so that my father can rest in the heaven. Mulan Hua, Why aren't you sleeping? Neither are you. I often fail to sleep. I've get used to this. Why? As soon as closing my eyes, I would recall what I don't want to recall. I often see you sleep alone outside. Why? I fear darkness. I can't imagine as such a brave man you would fear darkness. I've got used to sleeping with a candle lit. But in the battalion, lighting the candle would disturb other bros. You can sleep in my camp from today. There is still a empty camp opposite here. You can have the candle lit for a whole night. General... it's not appropriate... We are all men. That's settled then. Go ahead. Mulan. Ge...general. Why are you still awake? What's on the table? Give it to me. I want to write a letter home. I can help you. No, thank you, general. I...I can do it by meself. Come on. Say to me. And I write. Dad and Mom, I've already entered the army. Although the current life is tough, I get well with the fellows. Have the flowers bloomed there? It's a little cold on the border. But the moonlight is beautiful. I can hear the birdsong I've never heard before. Rest assured. I will practice hard to protect my hometown and fellows. Please take care of yourselves. Don't worry about me. Fight! Rouran's cavalry is so fierce nad tough. The Northern Wei's cities were captured one after another. More and more people lost their homes. Mulan witnessed the cruelty of the war, and experienced the loss of humanity. One! Two! After that, Mulan practiced even harder than before. In addition to the daily training, she undertook extra exercise. And because of this, she missed an important battle. Not enough! Are you kidding? Don't believe you can get rid of us! No way! Defiant? Let's go! Surgeon! Surgeon! Hurry up! Save him! Please! We need a doctor! Surgeon! Hurry up! Surgeon! We need someone to save him! Quick! Daji, Daji! Daji, how are you? Daji! Where is Ziyun? Where is him? Surgeon! Ziyun... Quick! Ziyun! Where is Ziyun? Neng Zhao, where is Ziyun? Where is Ziyun? "My surname is Qi. You can call me Ziyun." "I am Daji Gao. This is Mulan." "This is the only thing my father left to me." "After the war, I will become a potter." Why are you so hurried? General, we can't find Mulan. She just left this. Chief, we don't need to worry about such a weak enemy. Why not let me proceed directly towards Yunzhong City? The troops led by Rong Lee occupies a crucial point on the only way to Yunzhong City. If we besiege the emperor of the Northern Wei dynasty in the city, Lee's troops must take actions to save him. In that case, we can capture them all! Fire! Come on to put out the fire! Quick! A Northern Wei spy is in our camp! Run after him! There! Run quick! Hurry up! To hourse! Quick! Run after him! Stop! General! General! We need help! Call the doctor! General! I'm stopping the bleeding for you! General, general! Call the doctor, quick! Wait a moment! Mulan Hua is dismissed from the military from now on! Take her to the prison! General! This is a military order! Take her away! Why? My father is too old to survive the war. Is it only becuase of your father? And because of myself. You shouldn't come here. My life so far is filled with failures. I did poor in needlework and weaving. I have difficulties reading words. The matial art is the only thing I won't give up. But it is no use. I once wanted to become a constable. But I was turned down for I'm a woman. I just want to do something well. Am I wrong? You are right. You cannot understand me. I can. How can you share my feelings? Do you think only you have failed to do something? After the coming battle, I'll let you out. But before that, you can only stay here. You mustn't get in touch with other soldiers! General! Do you know you've committed a capital crime! If you don't want to lose again, you must be alive. If one dies, nothing is left. General, we lost the battle! Retreat! No! I'm fighting with you! General, you must be alive so that our death is meaningful and our country can win the war! Retreat! I'll fight to death! Go away! Go away! What are you doing back here? You were defeated! How dare you come back! Go away! Get out of our land! General Lee, tell me please! Is my son's death meaningful? Stand up! Get up now! Hurry up! General! His majesty was besieged in Yunzhong City when proceeding toward the field! His majesty ordered you to recue him! Fall in! Hurry up! Quick! Let's go! Someone comes here! What happened? Someone comes here? Is there anyone? Let me out! Let me out! I must go out! When we arrive in Yunzhong City, the major troops garrison outside the city first, and I need a few men to inquire about the inside with me. Yes! General, why is there no Rouran soldier outside? I'm sorry for being late. I plead for your forgiveness, your majesty! The Rouran army outside the city has already retreated. Retreated? Retreated. This is awful! You landed in their trap! Why are you coming? Why are you not with the general? The battle is urgent. His majesty was trapped in Yunzhong City! The general was ordered to save his majesty. I'm saving you! His majesty must led the most excellent troops to the battlefield. If even in that case they were defeated, they must have faced the main force of Rouran. How can our force resist them? Then what can we do? How can the general disobey the order! Let's go! Wait! You said "Yunzhong City"? Yes. "If we besiege the emperor of the Northern Wei dynasty in the city, Lee's troops must take actions to save him." My god! I must go to Yunzhong City! Do you want to die! There is something more important than my life! I'm going to search for the cellars in the city! Take care of yourself! What are you doing here? General, there is no time for me to explain. Your majesty, I have a solution to save your life! General! Move them! Yes! Quick! Hurry up! If I die, remember to transmit the letter for me. No! As long as you are alive, our army won't lose the war. Our country won't lose the war! Someone once said the same thing to me. Come back alive. Proceed! There! You bastards! Stop talking nonsense here! Find him! Fight! Emperor! If you surrender, I can leave you a life. Tell me your name! You are a brave man! You are qualified to be killed by me. Mulan Hua! Run! You are a woman! Well, you can die clearly knowing you're killed by a woman! Dad, Mom, I've avenged you! General! Men! With you here, my army won't lose the war! Our country won't lose the war! We are fighting to death! You can change your name to Mulan flower(hua). Good-looking but too weak. Some flowers smell more charming compared with the appearance. Have you ever smelt the fragrance of a flower? She won't die! Mulan! General! Look! Your majesty, here is Mulan Hua! Your majesty! Get up. You saved my life, and helped General Lee repulsed the emeny. You are my rescuer, and also the hero of the Northern Wei dynasty. I plead with you to forgive me for cheating your majesty. I had to join the army in place of my father becuase he is too old to fight on the field. Women of our country is as strong as our men. And you've proved your love of both your parents and motherland. How can I blame you! I won't punish you. I'm going to reward you! Tell me, what do you want? Sister! Sister! Sister! You've grown so tall. Have you matered a set of sword play? Mulan! Dad. Mom. Dad... Good to have you back. Good to have you back. This way. Mulan! Mulan! I'm coming to give it back to you. This is her story. I believe thoughsands of years later people can still remember in the Northern Wei Dynasty there was a unique female who went to fight the war in place of her father. Her name is Mulan Hua.
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 2,337,973
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Keywords: Movie, 电影, 電影, Film, Full Movie, 中国电影, 中國電影, 中文电影, 中文電影, chinese movie, china movie, 华语电影, 華語電影, China Film, Chinese Film, YouTube Movie, 花木兰, 花木兰电影, 木兰, 花木蘭, 花木蘭電影, 木蘭, mulan, mulan movie, mulan full movie, hua mulan, Mulan Hua, hua mulan full movie, 战争, 动作, 战争片, 动作片, 战争电影, 动作电影, war, action, war movie, action movie, war film, action film, chinese war films, chinese war movie, chinese action movies, chinese action film, historical war, historical war movies, war action films, war action movies
Id: DeSNdSxfVJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 10sec (4450 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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