Full Guide to Planning Your 2024 YouTube Year

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there you are this is what you're going to want to do to plan out your YouTube channel for Success this year we're going to walk through step by step exactly what I would be doing if you were to come to me and say Nate how should I plan my channel this year this is what I'd say howdy howdy everyone Nate here I created a template for you completely customized to running a YouTube channel it is free I'm going to put the link to it in the pinned comment as well as the description so you'll probably want to get that template and follow along as we walk through each of these steps in this video first thing you'll be greeted with as you view this template is this Grand that YouTube template perfectly to go with that Nate black right but the first thing I want you to go for is this direction document right here on the left because as per our guide here the first thing we're going to be looking at for planning your channel this year is the direction you're going to take which is why you want to start with these things your brand and why I have two questions I want you to answer first what do you want YouTube to do for you or your business and insert your answer here if you're following along you can go and pause the video and insert your answer while you're watching this and then the second question is is what do you want to do with YouTube these are the two questions that I feel are overlooked dramatically by almost every YouTube Creator because in most cases we think hey I want to get to the money fast or I want to it's all about this topic or this game or this cooking or whatever we think the topic of the channel is but we don't necessarily pause to ask ourselves what do I actually want it to do for me and what do I want to do with YouTube now for this video I'm not going to dwell too much on this because I created an entire video about these two questions and I put a link to the guide here if you want to watch that video and get an additional ins inses into how you should go about answering these two questions next we're going to look at our brand standards these are the things that you stand for as a brand now a lot of times when we think of brand we think of a company like a Nike Swoosh logo or we think of Coca-Cola happiness or we think of those things but we don't always pause to think what is my brand for my channel what am I going to be known for what do I stand for and what do I not stand for those are very important things to identify as you're planning your year so on brand standards here what would I do here I put insert your standards or words here but I give an example this happens to be the brand standards or the words that I use for this channel the words I use are radical authentic high value and fun and you can look at my channel and see if you feel like the content matches that or not and then I put a definition of what that actually means in action behind each word so as you're going through here I want you to pick the words or the standards or the things that your brand your YouTube channel will stand for and then give a little bit of description of what that means so in this case radical means means facing fear being different and standing out authentic means it's about real people and real stories high value means it's actionable its results oriented and it's helping people become more wealthy and then fun for me means approachable and interesting content if you struggle or are currently struggling with coming up with these words here's what I'm going to challenge you to do just write the first things that come to mind and move on I know that's crazy but if you're struggling with perfectionism or overanalyzing the words nine times out of 10 it's better to just write something down and move on and then come come back to it in the future all right you got that it's time to move on to Brand enemies these are essentially the opposite of your brand standards these are the things that you disagree with that are on YouTube or in your industry that you're playing on so I want you to write your enemies and why each of them are enemies and what you do instead here so I gave some examples again from this channel that you're watching right now one enemy of my business I'm running here is generic tips instead I want to always be giving real examples and real data as much as possible another enemy my brand here is boring delivery of whatever content is being shared in those videos instead I want to focus on fun and fresh delivery as well as making my audience laugh as much as possible now why did I choose that because when people are laughing they're retaining information better it's a more positive experience it's more memorable there's a lot of reasons why I chose that but you can see why I would choose boring delivery as an enemy here no matter where you are on YouTube I don't care if you're a gaming channel or an underwater basket weaving Channel you're going to have brand standards and brand enemies because I promise you this will help you become more defined and next we're moving on to your position or how you're positioning yourself within your content this should not be overlooked because how you position yourself in your content whether you're the one that's bringing them along for a journey or you're a teacher that's showing them how to do something this will dictate how your audience consumes your content what they expect going into your content and as I've been doing hundreds of hours recently of talking one-on-one doing consults and otherwise with creators just like yourself one of the biggest blind spots I keep seeing is not understanding the positioning so as you're going through this and you need additional help you can click this handy dandy button I put in here for the guide on how to position yourself all right now that we've got that it's time to talk about your goals and the timeline for how your channel is going to grow over time I want you to identify your primary three goals you want to accomplish in the next 3 months and these can be things that you can't directly control so for example an income amount or a certain amount of subscribers gained on your channel and I wouldn't go much Beyond five if you feel like you have additional ones the main reason reason for that is it's harder to keep track of them and it's been often shown with studies Etc if you have a laser focus you're much more likely to accomplish those things than if you have a whole spread out focus all right you got that next and this is a bit different you might not have done this before but this is something I've been experimenting with myself and that is to write down connections you want to make these can be with people you admire uh other channels in your space that you want to collaborate with or companies you want to work with even if they're Pie in the Sky crazy out there people that you think I would never be able to connect with that person why don't you give it a try and just see what happens all right and we're moving on we've got a timeline I broke this up into quarters of the year so about 3 months now there's a reason for that in most cases on YouTube I've seen it take a minimum of about 3 months to see a significant change with any pivot that we make not all the time but in most cases this is what I've seen so there's an important Distinction on what you're putting on this timeline here with goals it was things that you hope to accomplish that you can't necessarily Direct ly control like number of subscribers gained you can't control people and force them to subscribe but on the timeline these are actions that you can directly control so for each of these segments you're essentially setting a goal but you're kind of setting a plan for a commitment of what you're actually going to do during each of these so I want you to set first the number of videos you're going to publish during this 3-month period if I'm publishing once a week that comes out at about 13 videos then I want you to set your published frequency for this 3month period I put as an example two times a week once a month Etc this is the interesting consistency thing that a lot of people talk about here on YouTube it's not so much that your channel will fail if you are less consistent with publishing it's that for most people setting yourself a consistency of publishing means a commitment which keeps you on track in fact just last week as of recording this I was having a consult with someone and he said Point Blank if I don't set a consistency for myself then I will push it off and push it off as I'm polishing polishing polishing forever and not actually publish a video so for each of these segments months 1 to 3 or 4 to six Etc I want you to commit to a publishing frequency for your own sake if not for your audience sake okay you got that then I want you to plan the number of collaborations you want to complete during that period and actually put a number on it so if I was going to be publishing 13 videos during that period maybe I want to do four collab videos why am I making you put a number on it it's because it's really easy and I'll speak for myself on this as well it's really easy to overlook doing collaboration videos cuz in many cases they feel like they're more complex it takes more communication there's back and forth all of that but is it worth it most of the time yes it absolutely is and so putting a number on it it's something you can directly control is valuable then what I want you to do is outline your most important actions you're going to take during this same period so one of those actions might look like get ahead eight videos another action could be plan and outline first program another action could be hire second editor now with each of these things I want you to remember that what you're doing is focusing on actions that you can accomplish and this list of most important actions can extend onward and onward and onward what how did that get on the list okay and I also put a handy dandy guide here for my simplest method that I found to get monetized if your channel is not monetized yet you can click this link to watch my video on how I'd go about doing it and then what you do is you move on to the next quarter and do the same thing and the same thing and with each of these I did my best to be helpful and give another video I put buttons in here for other videos I felt like would be really useful at this point in the channel okay next we're moving on on to the current resources and this I give you a little guide here I'm not going to go in depth on this but this is where you put all of the things that you use regularly for your channel that's why I put in my description here at the top no more hunting for links to everything you use this is to improve the efficiency of running your channel by putting everything you refer back to regularly on one single page so for example here at the top you can put your brand guidelines like the colors you use regularly within your videos or in your thumbnails this is the item over here like your primary color you can put your hex code here and then where you use it over here how to use thumbnails Etc and if you need to add additional line items here you can just click here and insert below and then below that I put categories ideation thumbnails editing miscellaneous tools and I provided some handy Links of things that I would use in each of these categories I also added a mindset section to the bottom of this because I've got the question more than once of Nate well what books do you recommend what would you recommend for keeping your YouTube creation mindset up so I shared some books that I recommend here in this current resources section as well all right next we've got this collab collaboration sections and this is a starting point for you to keep track of the collaborations that you're running on your channel so put the channel name here the point of contact the person and what their position is if they're the channel host or if they're the relationships manager of that business their contact info and then your notes on the collaboration now the reason why I didn't go more extensive on these collaboration cards here is because most of the time if it actually turns into a collaboration this is going to become part of your production which I'm about to show you and it's time to move on here in the template you're going to click this to open up and go go to ideation this is a handy dandy list I created to help you put all of your video ideas into a single place down here we have unreviewed ideas I put idea a in here as an example and if we open it up you can click here to add a description of what the idea what the idea oh my goodness I could spell this idea is about here just your raw notes so when you put an idea in here the idea is for it to be as simple as possible just put it in if you have a midnight idea just put it in here and I think this is also a good point to mention this template I created can be done on your phone as well so yes if you're in the middle of the night and it's midnight and you have this idea boing pop into your head you can just pull out your phone open up the clickup app and just input it right there in fact pretty much everything I am showing you here can be done within the app on your phone as well it doesn't have to be done on desktop all right so one action I want you to do right now while watching this video is put some ideas into this unreviewed ideas list it can be five it can be 10 it can be 50 as long as you're able to keep watching this video while you're putting your ideas in multitasking right but I want you to do that because next what you can do is go through your unreviewed ideas list and start evaluating them and here is how you're going to evaluate them using the C's method which I gave columns to over here so C's stands for spread excitement audience and simplicity and what you're going to do is rate each of these 1 to five with five being high on each of these factors it's going to Output a c's score for me which in this case is a 14 the higher this C score the more likely you should be as your ch channel creator to produce that video this is a way of qualifying ideas so that the best ideas are brought to the top so I went fairly quickly through that because I have an entire dedicated video about this C's method that I put as a handy dandy banner up here you can just click this button to watch the video if you want additional help on it so as you're going through and you're reviewing these ideas you can click here to give them another status either a future video meaning ah we're not quite ready to make this or a video that you're considering doing which would mean on radar all right let's say that I think that ideas C is a Dandy ke idea and it's time to move it to production yes I'm going to make this then I'm going to click on it and I can move it over to production okay and to find production I'm going to go over here and click production these are the videos that are currently being produced on my channel this is where I put any idea that I say yes I'm going to produce this idea and I'm put it into the input here I haven't done anything with it on production yet it's just here and once we're in here it is very simple there are statuses according to where your video is along the process of producing videos so I've got input these are the videos I haven't done anything with preparing is if I'm researching and or preparing that video to be recorded when it's ready to record I move the status to ready to record by clicking the status right here and then when I'm editing it I move the status to editing when it's ready to publish move it here and then when it's published I change the status to published right here all right and you'll notice down here in the input area I put a template video code video name this is how I go about outlining videos now let me know if you want a dedicated video to this so when you put an idea in here you'll have the raw notes in there and you can just go in here and copy it and paste it into your idea which was idea C here a video code is just an identifier for each specific video and this is especially useful if you're running a team or you have multiple people on your team so a video code for this channel could look like just 00001 that's video number one on that channel and then every time you add a video to production the number goes up code number two 002 it can be as simple as that and then beyond that put the language title on it this is the human language so people don't always have to look up what that code means and by the way if you're running a business and you want additional insights on how I would go about approaching this just let me know in the comments okay once we've got that we're filling out this template here you can just click view more you're going to input the idea or the primary purpose of that video the title ideas you have for the video thumbnail ideas for you have for the video and then the outline for the video right here is where you put the step like intro or beginning because we don't do intros anymore I need to remove that just the beginning then maybe step one channel Direction Etc and then you just click to add additional rows to the bottom the reason for the step is so you and your editors can be on the same page this is the content for this step and if you have edits scenes or notes to pass on to your editors that's what this column is for to minimize the amount of communication needed between you and the people working with you that's could be an example it's a stupid example but you get what I mean all right that's your outline and within the outline you also would want to plan things like your call to action or how you're going to end your video then from there you can pre-plan your pinned comment your upload notes anything you want to make sure you do like check the box because it's a sponsor video or add chapters to this video all right I debated adding this last section and in the end I decided to do it as a bonus because it's not something I've seen a lot of people do and let me know if you want additional training on this I added one more list to this template and that is Affiliates and sponsors this is where you keep track of affiliate and sponsor Outreach that you are doing also use it to remind me to make a video about this in the future if so desired but here's what I want you to do for this because this is beyond just YouTube Partner program monetization this is how you would actually go about outreaching and finding sponsors and Affiliates so at the bottom we have potential this is where just like our ideation list we can just put in the ideas of sponsors that we think would be good for our Channel when you think of a company that you think man I would love to work with that company just put it in this potential section then let's say you look at this sponsor a and you say you know what not right now I've I've done my due diligence maybe I reached out and they said ah your Channel's not big enough or something like that you can just change the status to Future you give it a due date you say I'm going to come back in a month now we have some other statuses here incoming requests let's say somebody reaches out to you requesting that you review a product or that you share your rates with them that's when you would input from your email or wherever that request came in you would input it into the incoming request section right here these are ones that you haven't filtered yet we just want to keep track of them here and then once you're at the point where you've started outreaching and communicating with these people that's when you change the status to in communication right here and as you can guess the current status are the ones that you are currently working with now I provided some handy highlevel statuses here the delivery terms here can be like a dedicated video a post a mention a review and remember you can change these statuses to fit your own channel let's say this one they want dedicated videos and posts you can select more than one here and then you can select a delivery duration over here so a single video or post 3 months duration 6 months 12 months now I've got a lot of questions of how best to support me doing these videos in the future and the number one thing I can say here is if you find this template useful go ahead and click the link and start using it because I'm an affiliate with the company that I've built this template on and they've shown a propensity for constantly updating their platform and making it better and better and simpler and simpler to use as well as they were super personable and working with me and making this template into something that I could give to you for free so if you find Value in using this template I created for you that's the best way you can support me right now thank thank you and also you have a radical year ahead of you so go crush it
Channel: Nate Black
Views: 73,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nate Black, Nate Black YouTube Creator, YouTube Creators, Grow on YouTube, Make Money on YouTube, Radical Creators, Radical Moment, youtube channel planning, 2024 youtube year, youtube strategy, youtube ideation, winning youtube ideas, grow on youtube, youtube template, running a youtube channel, youtube template link, youtube template download, youtube channel strategy, youtube channel management, youtube channel planning tips
Id: eBuZ_erh5UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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