Full Forum: Jerry Seinfeld & Spike Feresten at the 2017 Pebble Beach Classic Car Forum

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here's what I thought we would do today I thought we would explore your personal car journey there's a lot I don't know about the beginning of it and then get into the collecting your theories on what's collectible and and car storage and the rest but first what I love to ask people on the podcast is when did you know that you were a car guy when you were young what was the moment well there was a kid next door to me where I grew up that had a tractor that you could pedal and had a steering wheel and it was metal and I had never seen anything like this with a seat and it was the seat and the steering wheel right and this metal body to it and so this is about four or five years old I would go over to this kid's house in the morning knock on the door and ask his mother if I could borrow the trash and I would do that every morning and eventually that mother went to my mother and said do you think you could buy him one of these things because he's constantly coming over here and I just shot a special for Netflix that's coming out a stand-up comedy special comes out September 19th and we have footage a lot of my home movie footage and there's footage of me on this tractor Wow and but that was the one that I got that my father he went and bought one and he brought it home and in the station wagon we had a black and white Plymouth station wagon I think it was like a 57 and he remember him telling the story that he pulled into the driveway with the tractor put the car in park turned around and I was on it now these things I'm sure I see some older guys here that you probably remember these things so it was a metal wheel with a hard rubber you know type of tire around the metal wheel and I wore out two sets that hard really hard rubber on suburban sidewalks so that was probably now I didn't know what that wasn't about right right that was really the beginning the beginning and then I mean if I could jump to I would say I was about 11 or 12 68 69 and my uncle took me to the New York Automobile Show and that's where it really lit up because otherwise my parents cars were just you know you know ordinary Detroit stuff Ramblers and you remember what you saw there that that was that moment yeah I remember just the Porsche logo the Alfa logo and the mg logo those logos I'm very I'm very into graphic design of everything aesthetic of everything and but those logos Piglet the Alfa Romeo logo is one of the most exciting things I think I've ever seen you know you look closely it's a serpent eating a baby it's a horrific image but nobody can you believe they had in mind nobody nobody minds that and they stand I think they're still doing it now they put the baby back in the Serpent's mouth are you aware of that I'm not aware of that yeah the Alfa logo on the right side is a serpent consuming a baby alright but I love that at the Alpha logo I think one of the great logo then the Porsche logo so that leads to the car magazines I'm guessing the car magazine and the dreaming but what what's the first what are you doing like in high school are you able to afford a call no no no no couldn't afford anything did you get your license when you were 16 yes I got the license the day I could get it I was into you know then the Stingray the Schwinn sting-ray I was a if you're of a certain age that was another thing going to lit up a quadrant in our brains like oh they're gonna make a bike that has a stick shift in the middle yeah yes you can when you stop you can just put your feet down and talk to a girl in the neighborhood with your hands on the thing and that's the first time you realize oh I can use this machine to express myself in a through in a form of mechanical culture right right that was another step but even that was I would say an interim step - and I'm gonna say the mg brand when I was a kid no this is pre Porsche I wasn't even wear the mg brand and what they were building and what they looked like and felt like that was really the my Big Bang model you see that little two-seater with yeah Cabriolet you want to be that guy right I want to be that guy I don't know what life goes with that car but that's what I want but I just want to be a guy whose life you know when you're young you're 15 you just imagine do you what kind of life am I gonna have I didn't really care honestly as long as that car is in it and what what was your first car what was my first Fiat 128 sport L which I just found another one very hard to find these things they dissolve like alka-seltzer and I found one in Portugal I just walking through my living room you know you you got that damn phone which is you know responsible for 90% of our hobby and I just went Fiat 128 sport for sale let's see what comes up and boom there it is in Portugal and it's got 30,000 miles and original interior original everything 15 grand and it was and I've been looking since 73 but that's another story but did you buy it of course I bought I bought it because it had rack & pinion steering I mean I was educated by Road & Track rack and pinion steering transverse engine independent rear suspension okay that's it McPherson struts right you know and it was one of the most exciting car moments of my life spike was just a few weeks ago I haven't even really driven it that much I got it you know you go through he sorted out a little bit make it work and I got in it and now between that car in 73 and now how many Porsches I've had everything from a 917 32 a good month and every Porsche iteration in between and I got in that Fiat and I drove it around and I went I was right this was a great car in 1970 what do you think you're buying a little nostalgia with that car too is more than a little know whatever little right you're kind of buying back your childhood a little bit oh the whole thing yeah but focusing on the technology of that time right and then I don't want a Mustang I don't want it's not advanced mm-hmm I want a transverse engine front-wheel drive car I don't want a big heavy driveshaft I want I want forward-thinking so how long do you drive this car and where are you driving it are you driving it when you're in college is that your yeah I Drive it in college I start my comedy I sell the car to get which I sold it for it was 2600 new and I got $1,400 for it four years later with 70,000 miles on it and I took that $1,400 and I moved into Manhattan to try and be a convenient there you go well it worked out yeah they took care of them yeah so you're in New York City you're a comedian and it maybe I'm wrong and remembering this is there what's the that comedian car that you bought where you drive around with the other comics to the clubs did that ever happen at the Mercedes the dream in New York yeah no there was no cars in New York nothing no so where do we pick up after this Fiat you sell it you become a comedian yeah I become a comedian and then I moved to LA I need a car and I I bought in a Fiat 124 sedan but you're kind of skipping over a piece right there let's go let's just go back to how did you get from mg which is what is the life of a guy that has an mg B or an MG that first of all he only has two seats yeah because he's only interested in his buddy or a girl and that seemed like a cool way to live right you know why do I want somebody behind me mm-hm you know when I'm in my car exactly but the connection of why I think the real question of why we're all here this weekend is why does a car make you feel cool or good or correct or whatever whatever what it what is it that a car does that gives you this feeling that you want why do we pursue them I think that's if you have an answer for so you're just going to really about to share some ultimate wisdom about this well I started with this thing we started with the with the tractor right he went to the Stingray yes that'd be a Wow the Fiat was all I was worried deep but I want to know what you bought what did you buy after the Fiat when is the next this is when I had a little money yeah what honey sob turbo I always wanted to have the leading edge of technology and where did the money come rule this technology that isn't geeky but it's it's geeky but it's cool you know like design cool so you got to have a design aspect you got to have quality engineering and you've got to have tactility and sensation you kind of have all those thing right for it to be a car that I think these things are this mechanical culture is the type of aesthetic fashion in a way or expression of who you are and how you want to go through the world the one one you know when young people here they have other ways of exploring the world for us the automobile well with that I could see the world you know I'm just thirteen-hundred you'd want a little sailboat or something right for me it was escaping from my parents that's a way to drive away from them that's just another way of saying go see the world right so I don't know they're enjoying it you're in the Saab is this la now yeah I was in LA and everyone and black and everybody you know why don't you get a BMW like oh this is the thinking man's beginning but still we're not into any collectible cars at this know it or not so is it Seinfeld is it the series yeah money starts coming yeah then you know I had too much money and you start making choices yeah and it's the 88 911 is that the PI I already had that I was I bought that with a stand-up comedy yeah that was so you had your eye on a Porsche back then is that what is the moment where you go Porsche Porsche 911 well that moment we're gonna go back now to 14 15 Road and track taught you the thing that got me about Porsche was no grill right no old man grill in the press right it's and the hood just drops down yep and all my parents cars you could see the horizon before you and I don't where's the road it's the road out there's it's out there somewhere but we don't know where and the first time I got my father's friend had a VW Beetle and I got in that and that nose goes down and the roads right there and to me the car things especially the sport if you're a sports car person you're trying to connect with the road mm-hmm which is another quadrant of psychology we could or why do you want that why is a plane not interesting because you know but anyway so the Porsche thing was no driveshaft no grill no heavy cooling system mm-hmm these guys are they're thinking different they got their own thing they don't seem to care what anybody else is doing nobody else is making rear-engine air-cool cause why are these guys doing this and then you and and then they would when they have these comparison tests and they would win they say this is the most fun car this and I like the design that of aesthetic economy there was an economy right two Porsches that Camaros and Mustangs and GTOs Pontiac I mean didn't have had you driven one before he bought know you hadn't know so you where did you buy this car was it in Beverly Beverly Hills Porsche you still have this car I still have the car yeah the black car yeah is it all right 20th 1988 there you go yeah what are your children's birth dates can you rattle those off and did it live up to your expectations that first drive yeah okay yeah because of the steering oh you know once you you know please excuse my Porsche enthusiasm but once you feel a steering mechanism with no heavy cast-iron engine laying on top of it mm-hmm there's no going back right because the sensation of steering I I had to fill out this thing for a christoforous recently they had some questionnaire what must of Porsche never have what must it always have I don't remember the other one but what must it always have is great steering great steering is to me the essence of the automotive experience the the performance acceleration all I saw all that secondary to me too great steering great steering and I you know I was talking a friend Steve Serio last night he was saying he has a 911 are the new one and he can't slow down and he goes too fast I go I don't have that problem to me when I'm in that car the sensation is so great I don't care if I'm doing 30 or underneath so I'm about that what's the communication between your senses and the car is communicating the road to you and what is that back and forth communication so let's let's take the 911 you're on Seinfeld young the show where because I came into that late it was on the show in the last three years and you'd had a couple cars what's the moment where you know you're gonna start collecting these things you know what's the moment where you have to figure out I need a hangar at Santa Monica all right to put cars in you know you know what I mean because it yeah but I don't think there was a moment here's the moment okay so I have this eighty eight nine eleven and then I buy a 91 964 c4 and that's kind of okay oh I see these things kind of progress and I start reading more of the history I didn't know really about 356s until the 80s right I didn't know about them the nine eleven was really my car and so I start trying to figure out what's the deal with these 356 is what are they about and I'm looking at them all if you just try and understand 356 is there's so many varieties it's just completely incomprehensible the Cabriolet the Roadster the a the B to see the four can of pusher I was like I couldn't penetrate it it was just too much stuff and but the speedster kind of jumped out at me it's like oh this thing seems like the pure expression of a sports car a small two-seater and I love the shape of it I love the little windshield the little lightweight seats I thought that's a cool shape I'm gonna buy one of those I'm sure you can't drive it cuz that's built in 1958 but I'll buy it you know I mean the money's pouring in the windows at this point I got to do something I'm a single guy I'm not it's not a furniture and hard quick sidebar about art which I hate sometimes asking me about art some art dealer came up to me the other day says you're interested in our what do you think of art you know those trying to hustle me you know do you like art I go yes I love art I love it I said I just don't think it's valuable which is the truth okay so so I buy this 58 speedster in Wichita Kansas and as an object the white one the Dana aquamarine blue the aquamarine blue yeah with the ground interior yes so I buy this car and Wichita like 60 70 grand for it and it runs and I bring it back to West Hollywood as an art object and when I start driving around the string drives pretty good and then I'm going out in traffic and I go wow this thing's it's only a 60 horsepower but it gets down the road Wow mm-hmm and then and then I'm on the 405 doing a hundred you know oh my god these are how could this and then and then the Porsche addiction really kicks in oh my god these guys are making cars in 58 that can handle themselves in in 1995 traffic this is we've often said if you were gonna winner your collection down to one car it might be the 58 speedster yeah the one car collection that just delivers all over the place and ultimately useable like you're saying just usable right you don't want to crash it like our friends uh Kerman does no no cause it kind of wraps around you like a soda can and then they have to peel you out right I'm gonna move this so it's yeah so you've got a speech I recall you had two speedsters that were identical like that they were consecutive serial numbers right yeah is that where it starts to get crazy that moment where you go let's probably well the moment is when you bring home a 58 speedster and find out this is not an art art object you can actually use this right then you go okay well what else is there right and then you're gone right assuming you have a hit series at NBC in the night you know I take that for granted I remember there was there was trouble with one of those speedsters it had a long history of crashes the one that I like that I should never have sold and there was one that was perfect that you didn't say yeah oh I probably had ten of them I buy it I'm still I'll buy another one right well good they go well slow-motion crash on this one of them tumbled down a hill yeah no there was a stagehand while we were shooting the forklift yep right why didn't were you in the car no no it was in the parking lot where we were making this series and I don't know I was moving the car around somewhere and there's a forklift and he's coming at me and I'm honking didn't see me but he's imagine the pork you know but but I I had somebody at Jim Perrin mmm-hmm 356 geeks might know that name who did the history on that car which he would do I don't know if he still does that he'll make all the phone calls find out all the owners get all the stories and puts together a little book for you it's so wonderful but he found out that that card had been rolled down mountains you know that card the for the forklift did drive into the car while I'm in it on a horn I'm sitting on the horn stop your fork left back over to brace I remember the day you came in with a tangerine 73 RS yeah now remember you know I'm at a different point in my car collecting like I showed up my first day of work in a 74 a 911 yeah hundred thousand miles right and you you looked at it and you said right idea wrong example nice to meet you too mr. Seinfeld you better get a new car I thought I was here to write scripts but ended up you know you're exactly right about that car that's 73 tangerine RS that's another moment for you or it suddenly there's speedsters there's and I remember you took me for a ride on the 101 remember we went on to the honor of you look at how fast this is and I thought it's not as fast as a modern Porsche because that's where my head was at right just new Porsches and silvers and but that car where are you now in that moment so you've got well that's that's then then you get injected with the RS r Iram right and you find o so that's another formulation you know the speedster was one idea of an open kind of minimalist thing and then the RS well what about a car that's not for everybody but it's kind of like a race car that we kind of civilize a little bit let's let's take a racecar and civilize it so you could drive it on as your car on the street and that's what our s's are and then that's then you're on that drum you know that's the moment at the beginning of your collection where the the dealers and the guys you know who are selling these cars now they know they've got a guy who wants to hear a story right and for you you know share with everybody how you find these cars in bet these cars like what's your methodology for do well I met Sam kabhi leo who was my car constantly arey when I went to buy that second speedster because I talked to Berto Lander down asserted do I know anybody who could look at an old car for me and tell me if it's any good right and he I do know a guy and he introduces me to Sam kabhi leo who I'm still with to this day so that's 25 years and he's you know one of these great true enthusiasts but his business is buying and selling old Porsche ISM which he's been doing since the early 70s or maybe even mid-60s when he got back from Vietnam so he then fills my head with all these other ideas of things you can get so now you got a guy who knows a lot with a guy who's got a lot of money and wants to get into this and it's you know it's nine and a half weeks with the Mickey basic you know you're just going to town but he's he was knowledgeable he was sincere he was a totally ethical and we start what the what the car community collector car community started doing about years ago I started doing 25 years yeah right what's an a boy what's a 9/11 or what's a for cam what's a 930 turbo with a power factory power kit so he's giving me all that and he's got this whole Southern California network which is Jay Leno says every car ever made is somewhere within 30 miles of Southern California well that's not true I mean I remember when you said he'd found the last 356 made and it was in a cornfield half-buried do you remember that story is that they grabbed me the first 911 that's the first 911 yeah so how does that how does that come up Hemmings it was living through Hemmings and they're selling the first 911 ever made in one of those little Hemmings ads you know this 64 line the first 911 ever made that's incredible you dial the number some guy in Michigan you get the VIN you know you call the factory and it is the first 911 ever made and I bought that for 300 grand and what it was underground it was happy it was it was really totally deteriorated and so I this was I think a prescient if I can use that word and it's a company I think I can but what so I say you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna send this car to Porsche in Germany and have them do the restoration because that'll really enhance the authenticity of the whole thing which I did and they just and they displayed it alongside the one millionth 911 which was just made at the Museum of Modern Art last weekend yeah yeah there you go so I was a little ahead a little ahead do they know how you feel about art no let's keep that quiet and it's great but a guy with his hands on his face is not worth a hundred million dollars screaming okay so he's screaming I'm not getting a hundred million value here [Laughter] when it this is a question about what you'll buy and what you won't buy it what condition in that car is an example of it what you know when you look at a car what's like the least amount of car that's left that you feel is restorable well it depends on the history of the car what why is the car even have any value right you know you know as far as a project what you know what do you like more do you like a car that you have to go back and restore and put back together do you like it restores are you a preservation guy well I've done that a number time I'm kind of a little over it although I did just start a 65 for cam Cabriolet Dolphin blue with a blue dolphin gray with blue top and interior mm-hmm one of the last Carrera twos music so I went for that but normally I'm kind of my restoration days are kind of over okay yeah and what do you look for in a preservation car because that you know there was a little bit of a hub of with his speedster yeah there's back you know a factory preservation versus the guy who owned it preservation right and whether that has any meeting the little modification someone does with a one owner car like what does preservation mean to you preservation means do you like the story if you like the story and another huge aspect of cars that we don't really think about too much is the guy you get it from or or the or the woman that you buy it from what are they like if that experience is nice the person that's selling you the car not only the going through the deal-making process but the person themself and what they say about it the type of person they are if you like them and you kind of like that G they yet they have a sincere appreciation this is not just about money mm-hmm if it's not just about money you're on the right path of buying something and kind of wanting to carry it on you know I've bought cars from I bought that 59 GS for camp from that old veterans in the wheelchair he knows he's dying you know and he's got this car and his the money that the car is going to bring which was over a million is gonna change his wife and his kids life but he doesn't want the car to go to some broker and get it volleyball around the community and everybody trying to take a piece and it's flipped and it's auction and it's he wanted someone that got it and liked it to have it so that's that becomes that guy becomes that car and that becomes the story everybody asked the the first question you should always ask what is the story and if it's a good story and a person that you could hopefully even connect with a little bit then you always kind of think of that person when you get in the car mm-hmm you know you you won't you probably won't know no disrespect to David Gooding but you probably won't think of David Gooding goodbye a car at an auction and they call that David good he's a hell of a guy and he is a hell of a guy he's a great guy but but you know what I mean yes the personal connection the connection to the person then to the car then you have something that could mean something right well when do you buy at auction I mean you do buy at auction I do when it's something that I I know I can't repeat that out elsewhere in the marketplace right so it's a one-of-a-kind one yeah for some reason I know I'm not going to find that on my own right when I saw that 58 speedster that no one had taken particularly good care of and was in decent drivable condition that was two years ago I knew I wasn't gonna find that again I want to talk just a second cuz it's uh I know this about you when you're out here in LA well and down in LA you sleep with your cars yeah you stay in the garage and you're with them yeah I'm sure with us like what's important about that hangar space as far as you know are there humidity things that you do and is there optimal temperatures like what is your hangar space garage space theory like if someone were out there wanted to put together a place for storage don't don't de mess it up with a lot of crap you stay away from wood you know don't have a lot of wood why no no what is like bugs in it and he said it cracks and it corrodes and it deteriorates clean I like clean I love you know what I love a gallery space I like when they take an old concrete floor and polish it and it's clean and it's you know pretty but it's old mm-hmm you know I love this thing that they're doing that with some in the VW community they're clear coating some of these old patinaed cars and I love that just take a car that's kind of a little rusty and the paint's faded and just clear coat it just kind of preserve it are there cars do you have car regret when you sell one of your cars I know it was it two years ago at Amelia you know 16 cars my way if you replaced those cars yes are you sure about that I'm not no that wasn't it was it that was a very small part of your collection yeah and that decision was what it was an editing decision of if you have a five cars that you like and someone says to you well if you can only keep two which two would they be and you go oh I no one ever asked me that question before and you look at them and you go they tell you the truth the two that I really love are those two and the other three I just keep because I like them and so I'm 63 now and I'm thinking why am i somebody else could be enjoying this I'd rather spend all my time with the two that I love then five where I love to and really like the other three just for the variety I want to put more miles on the ones that I love fanatic you know the 10 out of 10 and there's you know when you see them in a magazine do you get pangs you feel it's a little weird of little pain are there car is that you've sold that you end up buying back and what would that be there was one car a 92 Cup car that I bought new from Beverly Hills Porsche that I sold twice bought it back twice plus buying it new so I bought it three times I'm never recently sold it again so I have a chance to buy the same car a fourth time why are you doing that I don't know because I keep thinking you know you know here's here's the dumbest thing a car people will think you'll look at some car that you have and you go do I really need that that's the dumbest question you didn't mean any of it need is not an applicable verb in this world ix exporters right why are you thinking about doing it again is it the old no no I'm not gonna buy a pack you're not no well alright well before we take questions from our friends out here are you gonna buy anything this week yeah I am looking at some some things this yeah but no I always feel pretty safe when I buy something at auction because I know I'm as crazy as anybody and the the money and the crazy there's very few people that can yeah you know you know match bow what do you wait I had one more question for you I really want to know the answer beauties the idea of this modern collectible now now it used to be cars that were maybe ten years old that suddenly became collectible like 997 gt2 gt3 RS is gt2 s now it seems like with the 911 are the Ford GT there are all these new cars that are instantly collectible how do you feel about this maybe maybe I a typical arrogant human attempting to predict the future and this is what people will want in 2035 you don't know nobody knows the the lens of time is solves everything and nobody nobody can jump forward in time like you're saying this bike this sport jack Jeanne's think that everybody is doing we're gonna be laughing at this I'll be laughing about it five minutes yeah the it's the sticker price though you know you know how 9/11 ours were you know they were sold by brokers and suddenly you're seeing them it's 600,000 you're seeing the gt2 RS right now being sold $200,000 over sticker people just to sell their spot right wait you know what is that is that that's just the mouse and the cheese thing well they just remove the cheese a little further away the mouse will go after it you know yeah that's all that is yeah III do kind of believe that this this does feel like the the peak of the internal combustion engine I don't think in 2035 it's going to be the propulsion system of the masses that's gonna be so I think these cars that they're making now it does kind of feel like a last-gasp in a way that maybe if you're a fuel burning type person you might want to grab some of these things I don't I do believe that but I don't know which ones nobody knows which ones right people are going to really want who knew the soft window Targa plastic rear window it's gonna be what people are gonna want 50 years because it turns yellow and cracks that's right alright we're ready for your questions if you guys have a question for Jerry or myself about collecting we'll be happy to try and answer it go ahead whoever wants to go first is sure all right so what do you say are some similarities between car enthusiasts and comedians there isn't much most comedians do not relate to cars I don't know why for me I mean in my particular interest a great joke and a great car everything on it works and there's nothing excessive that doesn't make sense or doesn't need to be there I'm gonna go back to the speedster idea to me the speedster and a great piece of comedy are identical they're perfectly minimalized ideas I would say I've also seen you you know you're a professional racer of a sort on stage doing comedy it's very stressful business and you're mostly a guy who relaxes behind the wheel you know gets to the PCH and drives down yeah you know that the only relation I can see but I'm the same way I'm not a racer you're not a racer either right no I don't like trying to prove that I could have been a great car driver but I never got the chance and I'm going to show you here on Pico what I could have done may I ask you what is your favorite or - your favorite cars in your collection Porsche in your collection what is your name young man my name is Demetrius Lahiri Demetrius I love your outfit you look so nice today especially your little pocket square I'm very impressed with your parents well we're interest I would say the speedster would be one of my favorites as one and and an early 9/11 the 1979 11 st which was a race car that still civilized enough to drive on the street those would be my favourite 356 and favorite 911 yeah killer cars well it's over here let's take someone on this side hello adjust your hair okay what are your wife and kids think about your collecting there you go well he's flying home right after this so that tell you need to know the kids are you know your kids always gonna be opposite of you so Mike my kids think well one of my kids thinks that I have all these cars to show off so he kind of doesn't like it and I understand I don't I'm not trying to impress anybody I just liked them and so he always asked if you come to pick me up at camp tomorrow don't bring a different car just bring the same car every time like a normal person my favorite thing with my wife is she will catch me at 2:30 in the morning on my computer and my underwear looking at cars and not porno and that's my favorite moment when she catches me you know you know I'm on bring a trailer I'm not on bring a tailor in the back there you get a microphone on this gentleman here I'd like to ask you a question about a specific one of your cars can I show you what it is right you could just tell me I know what I have asked because apparently the fabricator they worked on that worked on my car just wondered if there was a story behind that particular car did race here and it raced in a boat was called Pebble Beach something in 1954 and it raced against five 5003 and they crashed together and I owned both of those cars and I have it there's a black and white shot of two of them nose to tail racing and it's one of my great the car collecting moments to have both of those cars back together we should recreate the crash here next year Drive to each other in the parking lot do we have a couple more questions we have time for a good sure right there thank you do you have a car that got away Oh purchase you were bested in Anor yes let's hear it what is well there was a Swiss guy who had a 356 gunned I think it was number two or three Porsche ever made and I made the deal on the car with the guy and then he decided he couldn't bear to see the car leave Switzerland and and decided not to sell me the car and sold to somebody else but I have another early Porsche that as I have the earliest unrestored Porsche so that that's good enough for me that's a good one right that's the good mine yeah I'm very happy with that yeah yes sir did your subliminal tractor deal air express itself in buying a Lamborghini since he started out as a tractor builder I thought he was gonna say did you ever buy a tractor yeah did you ever buy a Porsche I do have a Porsche tractor but the the five year old tractor to jump to the Lamborghini that's a you're way out on the branch there sir Barry you're out on a twig now we have time for a couple more quick ones if anybody has somebody in the back here I was wondering what your thoughts on keeping them completely original or starting to modify like these outlaw things we're seeing and replications and that sort of thing not my personal taste because I I kind of got to the point that I like the story of Porsche and if I want to go faster I'm just getting something newer and I like this is the way it was at that time the time travel aspect of old cars to me is a big part of the fun when I and I live out in East Hampton and there's a lot of roads out there where you can't tell what year it is so if you get in a 63 and that's a 63 everything on it was made in 63 you can kind of go into that little dream like well gee if I was had this car in that year this it would be just like this so the increasing the g-forces on old cars is not my particular taste but I don't know you do it every once in a while you've done it you go through a phase did The Smothers Brothers speedster yeah the the roof 911 at 71 yeah that you designed with Sam yep and Volkswagens you go through these weird Volkswagens like yeah yeah I do these little storms yeah I love Volkswagen and you buy them and then you get them and then you sell them I do sometimes yes yes and you were in one not long ago I thought maybe two months ago I talked to he said I'm obsessed with 60s Volkswagen late sixties Beatles is there anything else other than Porsche that you collect in Volkswagen no I mean I have the Fiat that I found you got a four Machino what is that thing that scooter II thing the room roomy yeah well that was a counterfeit that that didn't work I love Lambrettas I love late 50s Lambrettas because they they're I love the design and I love that they went out of business mhm Vespa survive so they're not as cool but Lambretta didn't so they're the cool one thing right and I have a really great Lambretta that I do Drive you don't have a motorcycle you know motor so no no I was a motorcycle guy at a certain point but I then I didn't want to take the risk yeah and definitely not now yeah any any other questions a couple more sure anybody hand him a mic and I'll let him ask so what do you think about Ferrari and if you like technology why why not argument your collection with some of those a Nutella file I whenever I go on vacation I always go to Italy I only only wear italian clothes except for the jeans I only eat Italian food and I just buy as many Italian things as I can and I love Ferrari I don't have any I'm kind of scared of the Ferrari collector world it scares me the numbers and and you hear stories of things that were fake and it's just a little too scary for me and I've driven them I adore them is there Ferrari you've always wanted what would that be if I had a Ferrari I mean I'm a Ralph Lauren is a friend of mine and he has a fantastic Ferrari collection and I've gotten to be in lots of them and the GTO I drove in his GTO and drove it and that that's the greatest car I've ever been in in my life that that is the most exciting automotive experience I've ever had so I love him but no I've never had the right it would have to come from somebody if Ralph said to me you know what I'm thinking of getting rid of something I'd like you to have this then I would love it because it's from him and we're friends and so I would need some kind of emotional connection I think to get me into that world one more question in the back there this young man this is awesome okay speaking of loose connections you have Acura as a sponsor for comedians in cars getting coffee yes being a huge fan of the show and during the filming always seeing in front of the apartments white Acura Legend sedan yeah I'm curious about the connection there if you had a hand in those cars that were chosen to be in front of the apartment and sort of you're talking about the TV series absolutely yeah oh wow no that's just a coincidence Wow okay and I did communities and cars in 2017 that's when a Kia was my sponsor sure or 20 a few years ago better question maybe why did you choose Acura for that partnership or was there anything they just were the most motivated to be part of the show we've now I now the show has moved to Netflix now so and I've got Lavazza the in Coffee Company and how do you pick the cars on comedians in cars getting coffee I picked them based on the people you know of people cars remind me of people and vice versa so I try and find a car that's like that guy so the moon seek a Fiat jolly what was that thinking Louie is a Fiat jolly the guy that makes no sense there's no reason for louis c.k to exist what we're gonna end it right there thank you so much for coming Jerry Seinfeld everybody thank you comedian very well done
Channel: Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance
Views: 110,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Porsche, Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, Pebble Beach Concours, Pebble Beach, Concours, Concours d'Elegance, Pebble Beach Classic Car Forum, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
Id: dL8pFOfQQDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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