Full Fight | Patricio Pitbull vs. Juan Archuleta - Bellator 228

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I'm just going on records look at that record of 29 at 4-4 pitbull you look at who he's lost to they were champions and you look at one Archuleta 23 and 1 on a 18 fight win streak like you said this is the best against the best here's Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen from the forum in Inglewood California Bellator MMA now presents the conclusion to the opening round of the featherweight world grand prix tonight's first man you've been in set for five five-minute rounds for the Bellator featherweight world championship and now live on the zone introducing the blue corner at five foot seven wing in one hundred forty four point six pounds and his first world title challenge he's near-perfect with 23 professional victories only one loss fighting either Venice Beach California but challenger Kwan thus [Applause] and across the games the champion tonight fights out of the red corner at five foot five weighing in 144 point nine pounds the reigning two divisions Bellator world champion enters with 29 professional victories four defeats from the in charge of the action Jason Herzog fighters gunner for the rules in the back there were no final questions from you boo no final pushes from you read if you want to touch gloves do it now come on ready to fight referee Jason Herzog getting set to officiate what could be five five minute rounds for the Bellator MMA featherweight world championship as we have reached the final matchup in the opening round of this featherweight world gram 3:1 archuleta looking dude become the champion extending his winning streak to 19 that is what it's all about the gold and it currently belongs to Patricio pitbull and the red gloves Archuleta in the blue this is round at number one and archuleta by the way John telling us that he believes footwork is going to be his biggest advantage of this fight well as because his footwork is gonna create the angles that he's going to be able to attack bit more off of but while you're saying out a pitbull is exactly what I thought he would do I'm gonna go to the center here and I'm gonna let you dance around and get all that energy out and I'm just gonna wait to get my shots Hitler has ten ways via first bound king over submission Archuleta has five wins via first round knockout look at the difference in power Archuleta's got tired his head he doesn't have what pitbull does eleven of Archuleta's 23 victories of compañía for mikhail hippo has that snap Archuleta went given the right opportunity in Lanzarote shot he could put you out hearing from douglas the food on lima course he's gonna try to get his blood to make tunnel back from the man who took it from Ann Marie McDonald coming up next month in the final of the welterweight World Grand Prix Archuleta trying to six AGA's way and that was in the not a laughing matter charge okay watch what occurs a sidekick thing goes off target of course Patricio pitbull will have up to five minutes if he so desires but he's already saying double thumbs up I'm a champion be careful with the logos or annoying than hurry right as annoying as a robopup archuleta back utilizing the footwork and like you say Patricio pitbull staying in the center of the cage and pitbull dude this is exactly the way the pressure on looking for the guillotine btr-4 doc deity because people has pitbulls victories have been vehicle attack by looking for the gift in here in round one barge a decent one Archuleta controlling the heads just relaxing into position pitbull is just controlling he's not even trying to squeeze right now until he feels that he gets the apartment close by the way Archuleta Sloane lost via Bravo choke or me excuse me Bible and that was way back in 2015 if you see football engage his hips where Archer on his head that's where this kids tight and the referee warning people about the need to the head gel because the knees down he's in a crowded fighter you see his knee on the ground there's no God he's grabbing any part of his body other than his hands and feet to touch the ground and his ground a fighter [Music] until letter once dude what does he need to do here to alleviate the pressure and try to to get back up on his feet and avoid being tapped out here while the foie gras Gigantes not to avoid the pressure because there is no pressure most of it these ladies of pitfalls really could be super welcome left in the first frame scheduled to 5:00 for the Bellator MMA featherweight championship they go on top of you is incredibly heavy it's got a very good pressure the inside met bullets had to survive and endure some personal tragedies including losing his longtime jujitsu trainer Alexander Bosco unfortunately completed suicide in January of 2018 but that's not all he also lost his longtime kick boxing trainer brutal brutal kebaya to a car accident seven years ago so pit bulls had to endure his fair share of tragedy you know their son I mean again be worn as a good knee was to the chest shoulder area he can do that yes he can obviously Jason Herzog knows that he's they watch the knee just can you stop hey be careful of its placement final half minute of the first and archuleta just neutralizing the cheek him trying to keep him any offense pitbull sparred with some left hands to the body final 15 seconds of the back and now this play unloading the right hands on Archuleta Archuleta gets the flag [Applause] feverishly fighting from his backbone work with time's running out [Applause] happen good iguana to the ground throws the kick like yourself on the way off balance goes and throws that big right hand loses balance just launches it down towards getting around a couple big shots of hippos are to notify your back but all those nice little mouths that's just pitbull telling if I could go where I want [Applause] thank Belen round at number two the champion Patricio pitbull the slight finger coming into this championship out in the red gloves one Archuleta in the blue gloves after five minutes your unofficial scorecard reads that's easy ten nine pitbull against the first round and why is that serve as pretty supple these guys planted the shots he's the guy that did what was if you're talking about volume shots the better shots he gets it always trying to educate the masses where this is the rather we expect Archuleta has got to start pushing the place to make fit more work but he doesn't push that pace to make a verb that Phil's gone five rounds many times he can do that it's got to fish him at a pace that he's not coming you told me something interesting as we talked about this fight you almost said that a pitbull archuleta has to lose the first two rounds and and he wants to take pitbull into deep waters but as all you know everyone thinks you have to wait are I have to be winning always but you have to be creating situations to say well this is my game plan and I create the situation that maybe losing but automating you work Allah Frank Shamrock against key to arrive you know we're good how do we fix the problem and I am serious job we need to definitely change I'm perfect Rancic loves the baby go ahead fighters got a really good work that have to created to go straight out good he's going for a knee tap goes up not saying the judges eyes you continue yeah so Juan Patricio pitbull get a little frustrated low blow running guys I fight for that's true Archuleta though bouncing up and down the balls of his feet coming in trying to use angles to to close the distance on the chip when we can walk it into a buzzsaw that cuts off Jackie you gotta be careful allergies got a great situation for you for the takedown neutralized by Pitbull look at the bummer all things about Archuleta when he gives in these situations generally more than usually if he's going to exit you're gonna see a man being a shot on the exit he is normally willing to disengage from a wrestling situation and come back at him since he's had a hard time getting in a pitbull he bought this situation two and a half minutes left in the second the champ putting all the pressure on Archuleta on the fence again includes situations you can't make somebody work but right now it's pitbull making Archuleta wait now the target like president Scott Coker looking on a cage side matchmaker rich Chow as well pokers always been a fan going back to the days of the k1 tournaments Pride Fighting Championships Olympics take school you have seen of course cycles and never go to anime nabek parted the one or two ladies at Arsenal an attempt to see them code for that jumping me he'll do those things off of any position minute and a half left in the round Archuleta unable to turn the tables on Pippi now he does oh yeah now watch this just what you say solvers those hands up high stretch our China out bring them down foot stomps our just irritated right John what did they I mean they invited this what they do her body make you leave your fort which makes you change your bowels good I'm gonna minute left in the second roughly looking for more action you have the don't see bill about this boys started to do these upgrades in a separation if someone cannot get that takedown and the reason that Jason's not is that you solve it the double unders capable actually has to tell the position he's trying not to take away an advantage that he has bogs down compounded on McMillan Dryden big is just keeping Archuleta pinned along the fence [Music] [Applause] referee Jason Herzog doing a great job of telling the champion to stay active while you're against the cage and now is the real problem is if you look at the activity of pitbull in that round he took the round off he didn't do a whole lot offensively he didn't land all up you're getting around away vendors don't want to get away that's been dominat pushed when it comes to Patrice your husband now he has been to five rounds cha'aka but in this situation a family stays around maybe that's a good thing [Music] from the fabulous forum here in Los Angeles California we're about to embark on round 3 of this Bellator MMA featherweight championship bout the Challenger one archuleta looking to extend his ready streak to 19 which research pitbull looking to maintain his hold on the gold and immediately Archuleta comes storming out from his corner that was a suitable aren't you letter really try to utilize that for work that he's learned from guys like TJ dosa and Duane Ludwig and you mentioned TJ Dillashaw was supposed to be in the corner but just minutes before his fight he was told that he had to watch from the crowd because of his suspension yes he was suspended by USANA but he was also suspended by the New York State Athletic Commission and since that was done he state of California will take and they will upload that suspension and not long to be either a competitor or a trainer [Applause] Google's got a very tight tipping a few TVs get shut up if the plasma Boeing is we've got archuleta leaking like a political document here with a minute and a half gone in the firm a political document and people does not have anything close to appeal keep subtle place and he stupid yeah he's trying to just [Applause] he needs to impose his will and skill with three minutes left here in the third Archuleta is bleeding from the cut on his head with a Kitchener it's gonna be the worst of it is none of this is something that should stop him right now mentioned during the prelims the red wedding reference that Jaffe son and didn't get from the game of Thrones and this is literally a game option to develop our MMA featherweight championship and they continued to jockey for position it was one of those elbows on the ground the side of his head that opened up toccata again it's it is our first vision archuleta was able to get back to its feet and head when this flight is completed please join us for the feather labor Grand Prix selection show that is coming up next yours truly and Jenn brown we'll handle the duties bhakta that should be fun and it definitely of a twist with a chance choice but we are set here to determine who will be the champion for that selection Chuck maybe than a half left in the build again Archuleta misses with the hectic and it looks like Archuleta's right I giving up problems you got hit with a shot you can see there's got a little bit of swelling Angelina is picking up the pace this is what he has to do if he wants to come away with a win against pit bull he has got to push the pace he's got to have a hierarchical fight archuleta switch to supplements is with that right uppercut on the exit minute left to 1/3 again pitbull looking for his moneymaker that right hand he also has a very good left hook that he uses and again scores with the right tenth of his 29 victories have come due to his punching power Archuleta unable to close the distance on the champion he is unable to get that he's staying far to the outside even outside of kickboxing and try to close that space it's a lot of spaces better just working and when he does close the distance unable to get the takedown there with the now 20 seconds left in the third stanza [Applause] and there are children of changing levels but it's people looking for the panty [Applause] saves the Spaniard potentially right here one Archuleta avoiding that guillotine choke of the final seconds of the round how do you have it after three rounds sir right now I am pitbull ahead two rounds to one March a lot Archuleta got hurt in that round and round goes three Co pit boy let's see why he wins this round I want you to watch the right hand straight down the pipe boom puts him straight back there you can see his hands go back it's telling you he's still there but it puts him off-balance on to his butt and from there did good damage with the elbows you see him hit the ground he tries to do the up kick here comes the elbow he cuts it right there that's the slicing elbow it opens him up you see pitbull actually looking at it because it takes a moment for it to open up he sees it that was a beautiful elbow and there is TJ Dillashaw who once again unable to be in the corner do boluses Benjen the former bantamweight champion trying to do some coaching from his seat just really rallying behind one Archuleta needs to be also stated by Duane Ludwig and Joe Stevenson who arch let's start out with they're both still at is born fourth ran the penultimate round Archuleta comes out with scores with a combination of the Jack pimple lands on the truck and Archuleta this easily says emergency that was lacking in some earlier featherweight opening-round bags tonight exactly but as Archuleta comes in he's got to be careful because he is leaving oak leaves for people to exploit Archuleta's all about entertainment all about giving the crowd a showing meanwhile pitbull maintaining his residence in the center of the cage is definitely scared to claim to where he wants the fight to be and so far he's been the one controlling what would you like to see more out of the champion here in grass court well just got a guy like Arjuna coming at you it's those moments right there don't you let up on his back it's okay that's what I'm talking about don't just back off look for your counter it ends up the position a yes advantage and now get go hasta pick up one Archuleta any hits on hips does that many whoops that's why you see pitbull ride in his video to the beauteous Maximus don't think I've ever said that before Joe these don't look like a whole lot but they all hurt that's a charley horse every time we're going to see a high amplitude German suplex out of the Brazilian depending upon his hand structures see him bring his lips in archuleta slip hips that's telling you I'm gonna try to elevate you just working on trying to separate them it's not easy this is where Archuleta does not want to be against the champions stinky defense although Archuleta do some damage here that those elbows to the ribcage pickle just feeding those piston like these again to the Gary era of Archuleta still unable to unlock down he's got his hands on [Applause] by the way pit bulls never bit me submitted two minutes left still to come in the second of our two main events lyoto machida leading a guard Mousasi in a middleweight rematch saucy looking to avenge a loss five years ago and [Applause] I know he stepped in as it did complainants I'm gonna give him the time keep your head up you cannot make any more mistakes I jumped in on that well I understand yes okay look at this they can care about your kind of changes the angle a little bit not intentional but if you're thinking as you starting to go our many non-intentional is this gonna have here cuz you're going being hit there poke up to five minutes to recover from the shot below and what you waiter what you're seeing out of pit bull is what a pitcher in the more smart a writer does if his heart rate is high he's now bringing it down and coming up next it will be the Bellator MMA featherweight revery selection show okay okay as the eight fighters who advanced to the quarterfinals will your good I'll make a choice get an opportunity to impact their destiny in this tournament given the match makers of break as we was you mention here Archuleta moving in three-and-a-half minutes remaining in the port and Archuleta swinging wildly there does not score with that combination he's not be careful we've seen pitbull with the common step right into that left hook from the jab exactly right boys who I'm talking about when you go you leave you no keys and does he catch me and it appears that's exactly what Phil is waiting to do three minutes left in the fourth frame for whanau the brick John McCarthy here and Capeside joined by Jay Glazer Chael Sonnen Bellator MMA nyway champion to leave a late McLaughlin to Jenn brown as our channel scorers with that combo right now Archytas got volume going in the struggle one on the right hand go by pitbull again two and a half left in the run and there is a naked shot well defended by pitbull and again he's working for that team and you wonder archuleta from long distance telegraphing the takedown and what he's trying to do is these at that same footwork that he's been coming in with strikes and change levels and get into him it was a little early for the what what all right I think our car clock was because I stopped it okay we apologize my initial timekeeper was right so that is the end of the risotto one handle and the fifth and final round is coming up who will be a part of the selection show has 45 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fifth and final round the two touch gloves the champion in the red gloves Patricio pitbull the Challenger in the blue gloves the Spaniard won Archuleta Archuleta trying to extend that incredible win streak to 19 and he is coming out aggressively knowing that this is his final opportunity and how do you have it after four rounds on your unofficial scorecard yeah I have a right now where I have pitbull he's got this as far as with those new decision Archuleta is gonna have to take chances he's got to go after it he wants to win this fight by Patricio pitbull looking to close the show and electrifying fashion and every time I've watched people in a fifth-round sense his loss to pack burnin he has always dominated the fifth round of a fight he has saved himself he knows he's gonna go out for dine he's gonna try to do damage in archuleta with one minute God in the fifth knows that he has to take risk see an apt to be calculated but he has to find a way to get through the minefield and there he changes levels but it's well defended by Patricio pitbull who of course has Erick Aybar seen in his corner you watch out tip of the funds that takedown how he just gives digs knee on their hook just overpowers water jalena and pitbulls also worked with pretty good wrestler up [Music] oh and this brother you're right [Applause] rippled now trying to change levels it's being stymied by Archuleta who now kids the chapel on the fence looking for the high crotch go pitbull and they're just looking to gain the advantage Archuleta trying to make something happened trying to drive him against the cage looking for a space that he can attack sucks the leg up get those balance to good can't get him down all these techniques that you use time and time again against other opponents and then you come in this guy just Steiners all literally they're expending kilojoules of energy I love the way though thought about it there's this up fast a fast pace here with all the midpoint of the fifth and final round James chaps [Applause] [Applause] shot a huge victory over Michael Chandler to join Ryan Baker as the early double checks in Bellator MMA [Applause] Paulus looking to target the body before going upstairs there's a mother left and labs for the chip [Applause] oh there is a product what's it from the head box watch I have a slash illogically minute left ground and the right hand again Kyle I'll kill it on the face and Archuleta has to be cognizant to the fact that he has to put it all on the line here as we near the final 60 seconds pitbull looking for the single a group swept taken but immediately cowered by traumatic back towards freak I shall be back his feet Hitler actually made a burn technically sound and very effective inside to protect them actually describe his back he's gotta make something happens thirty seconds we are and they made featherweight world grand prix final member the quarterfinals being determined in this championship bout 20 seconds left but it appears that Patricio pitbull is on his way to successfully defending the title and joining the seven others [Applause] potato I know it's academic but I gotta keep the the tradition going they're telling me in the truck ask Big John who won this fight oh there's no doubt he won his fight pitbull won this fight he keeps his title only the only damage he took off of this is it illegal clashing hands you wouldn't have a mark on it if it wasn't for that big shout out to the people in the truck Norton Greg the whole crew doing a fantastic job as always the best the best and of course speaking to the best you're looking at him right there Patricio pitbull whoo looking to continue to add to his legacy 32 years of age looking for his 30th career victory 18 in Bellator and remember he already has the record for most wins at 17 looking to is numeric Reese that far and now Darion Caldwell Wow there I guess the selection show is starting early the commission has to do a better job here hey Darion Caldwell away from the cage don't want to take away from this flight but boy tempers are flaring John it's getting down to serious business only eight fighters now including the winner of this fight have a crack at 1 million dollars if your this is what makes fighting what it is emotions the belief that you're the best Caldwell trying to call out pit bull going you don't want none of me we'll see what happens soon because we're gonna know just a little bit who's gonna fight who Bob well hungry like the wolf meanwhile the pit bull making his way over to one Archuleta good sign of sportsmanship from the Chafee's at his issues but a lot of fighters but it's what makes him who he is he is one of the best in the world and we will find out if Patricio pitbull with that cut from the clash of heads over his right eye all right Michael C Williams standing by with the official decision ladies Devon have been gone the distance will go down tier three judges at Capeside defer judge Michael Bell scores the fight 49 46 judge Bob McCarthy Steve's hit 50 45 judged Anthony Maness scores at 49 46 I'll have it for the winner by unanimous decision now advancing in the featherweight world grab pretty and still Patricio pitbull successfully defends the Bellator MMA featherweight title with his 30th victory increase in his win streak to by snapping Archuleta's 18 fight win streak so the field debate is now complete the selection show is coming up but right now let's hear from the champ I'm here with your winner Patricio pitbull that was a five round battle you were in control the whole time were you feeling good in this fight this dude is not water I want you to thank you for this fight I am very happy we did that great battle here so Los Angeles I love you guys did any of his movement back and forth the inside and out give you any problems yeah he's very dynamic above me and my corners you are a rata to this game and who made it that's it next up let's take that GP well I think next up is for you to go up on that stage and there's gonna be a selection show congratulations on maintaining your title ladies and gentlemen the champ Patricio pitbull [Applause]
Channel: BellatorMMA
Views: 6,089,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bellator, Bellator knockouts, Bellator knockout, Bellator MMA, Bellator highlights, Bellator submissions, mma knockouts, mma highlights mma fighting, mma fight, mma fighter, mma junkie, mma on point, mma ko, top fights mma, mixed martial arts, fight championship, ufc highlights, ufc, ufc fight, top 5, top 10, knockout compilation, Patricio Pitbull, Pitbull MMA, Pitbull highlights, fight submissions, fight endings, fight promotion, strikeforce, fight card, Juan Archuleta
Id: 9uQRtaksyJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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