FULL FIGHT | Oscar De La Hoya vs. Bernard Hopkins (DAZN REWIND)

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from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas Nevada this is the one we've all been waiting for hello once again everybody I'm the Colonel Bob Sheridan along with Dave bond tempo and what we have for you the much-anticipated unified middleweight championship of the world Oscar De La Hoya takes on Bernard Hopkins and this should be a dandy take a look at the tale of the tape few things that will tell us Hopkins older he's taller giving away an inch and reach and look at them for middleweights 156 and 155 have you countries that take it in the metric system there you have it right before you now with the rules of boxing here is Dave Bontempo all right Colonel the Unified Rules no three knockdown rule no standing 8-count fighter cannot be Saved by the Bell at all only the referee can stop the fight but positions do have a lot of input and add to that of course the 10-point must scoring system by three judges Dave Moretti Paul Smith and Keith McDonald Verne and Hopkins will be decked out in the brown as you see and across the way De La Hoya in black and white Kenny Bayless calls the two combatants to the center of the Ring and will have this one underway for you the unified middleweight championship for not recognized University as the middleweight champion but here we go consider the clean punch trunks are ok hear that guys we went over the rules in the dressing room I want you to keep the fight clean protect yourself and what I'd say you must obey good luck to both of you touch up all right this will be interesting again this is one of the problems for Oscar De La Hoya tonight is he's fighting the guy that's taller than him and when he fights the tall guys he has a little bit of trouble but he's a master boxer but this guy is a trap setter he is a master boxer himself he knows every trick in the trade and his 44 victories remember one of his losses was Roy Jones jr. and the other loss goes way back to his very first professional fight so basically this guy is 44 and one even though the records a little bit different and he's a throwback in the sense that he has stayed in the middleweight division he has become a force over the many years in this division where's Oscar De La Hoya has moved up from being in championed in 130 pounds this is the natural spot for Bernard Hopkins Verdun sometimes looks like he's waited but he knows exactly what he's doing all the time he's a master ring technician and oscar has a deal with that tonight Oscar a little bit quicker but this bag knows how to roll with punches he knows how to avoid power he can get rounds away and still come back and get you and that's what oscar has to look out for nobody really opened up here lot of caution he expected to be a chess match really nothing done in the first minute Bernard goes head hunting [Applause] but bran does a lot what oscar has done in so many fights that we've called Renaud feels the guy out sometimes for two or three rounds sheet yes he test his jab and test potestas right hand he moves back and forth side to side and master ring technician it's a 12-round story or a little bit less when Hopkins fight said the veteran fighters know how to relax only try to make the fight come to them set up the situation that works best but Hopkins is a guy that talked about the traps that's very significant you have to hustle him here he monkey throws the right-hand lead as if he was a left-handed find her and gets away with it because he is so quick well he's a Philadelphia fighter and he shows it talked about two nice kids Bernard ed problems early in his career before you really get into boxing had his served time his guests in the state of Pennsylvania learned a lot while he was on vacation and came out he's a model citizen now and a wonderful wonderful guy in a terrific fighter for nine Hawkins everybody knows about the golden boy a different upbringing 92 Olympics and he's a master box from one of them kids too the biggest difference between them is that delahoy has been getting his duke since 1992 with the Olympic movement in all the titles Bernard Hopkins outspoken for many years about not feeling he got his recognition and it to come his way especially with the victory over Felix Trinidad well the local networks of the United States had him actually on their telecast when Oscar De La Hoya took the title from Felix Thurman we saw it afterwards when actually he was praying that Dana Hawaii would win because he know that this would bring him a lot of recognition too if he could in fact beat Oscar De La Hoya tonight but certainly the money is there as round number one ends close Ron I don't know who you give it to either one did much I'm gonna give it a day dan looking for Dave because la was too late it's dead more the price is already there we fish early on Tad's and brother the seam ridges and work that corner raus the way we still get Floyd rain with a seat okay keep you the empty corn he goes [ __ ] man you gonna beat this time a bit Jim and from that round there's a good jab by De La Hoya getting there first driving Hopkins back that's a nice weapon if he can get the hands of Hopkins apart and then nail him with the jab well and that's why I gave Oscar the first round there wasn't a lot between them but he did find a home for more cleaner punches I thought then did Bernard but remember about Vernon he's a guy that can mess around with you make you look bad all the time and boom all of a sudden you find yourself in Houston and that's the way Bernard is he has all the tricks of the trade and he's so subtle often times it's hard for us to pick up what he's doing and this is our business too he's one of the few guys that not only has power but can make the waiting game work to his advantage because of the traps he Springs and it's a risky type of fight style you have to be an exceptional athlete to get away with it which means that when you set the traps you have to be successful a very high percentage of the time because you don't get that many opportunities Bernard Hopkins to the right of your screen Oscar the left hand with his back to you now Renaud doesn't worry about anything he does what he does you know when he feels the pressure he circles away from it right away makes guys look bad he's just pouring with his jab he's looking to load up a big right hand Oscar smothering most of his jabs and people get a little antsy in the arena when I test his right hand he were owning it round number two well Hopkins will give you the impression he's not going to throw a punch for a long time and then it might be a right hand lead something he shouldn't get away with and he'll start a nice combination for himself De La Hoya very aware of what this guy is doing these are two master boxes different styles of master boxes grenade will Coast along and his defensive frame of mind never pushes it it golden 12 rounds but mind you and his 44 big pieces got 31 knockouts that's more knockouts and then Oscar De La Hoya has but again for Oscar to moving up to this 160 I don't think it's his optimal weight and it certainly is for Bernard Hopkins and again we mentioned the age earlier Dave Hopkins is 39 but he's not an old 13 egg as he'd never been beat up he's 39 going on 30 and for Hopkins he was salivating about this matchup and certainly praying that Oscar De La Hoya would get past Sturm he believed that oscar has come up too far coming up for 130 and that his level was in the 147 to 154 pound range so he intends to assert himself as the dominant middleweight the natural middleweight here and when we talked to Bernard yesterday he was telling us I've got to get angles on this guy and set him up the land of a big shot on hostile lands a nice right hand of his own but Fernandez found his target and Hospital six and seven shoeshine punches and the first one and then he comes up just before the bell and misses his last shot so this is Oscar De La Hoya's corner again [Applause] we're confessing you can start with dear piggies damn sticking something because he's taller and you can get in okay you can't he's hypnotized he looks at remember remember dude he'll try to jam with you super far over the top like one see with the jab making hip the time you don't worry you stop delahoy oh trying to get in there's the jab towards the end of the round and the right hand gets through that's one of the moments he had in that round and Hopkins had a few moments with his left hook and his jet even though that was one of the heavy applause landed by De La Hoya in slow motion really showed it that we didn't when we called it live he can't really tell but again Hopkins rolling away doesn't take the brunt of the punch and that's why he can fight into his 39th year he told his mother that he was going to retire in 40 but we'll see no fighter that I know of you said you put the pronoun promised his mom I'm gonna retire in 40 but again Dave this guy is not a 40 year old body he doesn't blow up in between fights he stays at the middle weight may be five pounds but he has got to kill himself to get ready for fights and he doesn't take any punishment in place even in Roy Jones do to fight and you like the fact that over the course of time keeping the body that way most guys naturally drift up a couple of weight class and even face the way of the couple of weight classes just quite natural aging but he is a phenomenon in terms of his body is Bernard Hopkins and there's that bright hand lead again from the right-handed stance you have to be really confident in your angle and your ability to fool your opponent to get away with that as a right-handed fighter and he did us a little square up of the shoulders we've got the the drive from the back foot to get his jazz we're not is the one that gets the angles now now he grabs you pushing back any business ability back get up to halfway through the third round here in Las Vegas hot September night outside but inside here it's perfect [Music] sliding around was right trying to get the angles is Bernard this is gonna be a chess match throughout we're not Canada that's by design by the way goes with the right hand lead that time and that's why he was short with a jab this guy doesn't miss an opportunity to do what he wants to do loaded up the right hand and took a bunch of shoeshine punches of De La Hoya he'll make you come in and he'll work the angle on you and he's patient enough but then he'll spring the shot as you come in and from the del apoyo perspective more bounce in his step that in the sturm fighted body looks a little bit more on the muscle and it looks fresher than he did in the sturm fight they're coming in against Hopkins and he'll need every bit of that just do his best here because this is a guy who can exploit more opportunities than sturm could but you know on the sturm fight that took place last June and here we are in September see you know Austin didn't take much time off as the belt ends round number three didn't take much time off before he's back in training camp to get ready for Bernard so he stayed at 160 all that time and Bernards always right around that as you take a look at the boy be whether senior working on us man look here when you gather in the corner ye doing [ __ ] man great within that book right hand do you know how to do it break with him I guarantee you gonna land you can shout to the showing uppity booze for me baby that cup of different people good yeah yeah even the calendar day baby counting his ass and go with the loop well in the corner of Oscar De La Hoya as this right-hand lead gets in and then the tie up the Hopkins maximizes his chance it's a one punch deal and he ties you up I don't know if or not had enough one punches to win the third round that was a close round but I tend to lean in code De La Hoya in that one but I was you know that's the type around that the judges could have gone with grenades diseases and Oscar and sits and moved up and weight is fighting an awful lot of clothes round it's harder for him to be dominant as he's not overpowering guys so he's taking more to stay in the punching zone and that's showing up on the scorecards in the first few times he hits guys he's not shifting them he's not dominating them but between rounds the ride act being read to De La Hoya's quantum in saying this is the worst I've ever seen you so he's really trying to rally de la jolla feeling that when Oscar gets in front of Hopkins he's not throwing punches than there's an illustration well I think Oscar feels you know the power of Bernard Hopkins he's felt it on a couple of engagements here and like when he fought and this thorough fight he was a bit on the conscious side there and Bailey eats out a win and he's fighting similar way but this guy that he's fighting now is a master master boxer so you always have to be crutches and I think that's what Austin's thinking you I don't know that but I think that's what he's thinking at least that's way he's fighting and Floyd senior doesn't seem to like now he's not getting enough situations where he's getting off first there was an example where he did what Hopkins is doing in the countering side is waiting landing a good shot even a couple good body shots and then tying del apoyo up limiting any opportunity for exchange it's I hit you pretty well and then it's over I don't know what the Barnard saving his left hook for to the body but you know here it is Austin get the best of this Renaud most of the time has been head hunting but you know that might be one of the traps he's trying to set who those but I'll tell you one thing he knows what he's doing fainting fainting Mosca doesn't fight a lot of strategy here this is not a street fight and Philadelphia from tough sections in tough cities I think my dad's waiting a little bit too much here cos we could steer this round from him has been the Hopkins game to wait and then landing foot right hand and board delahoy he gets comfortable with that pattern he can try to break through it and get off first and punch through the targets but I think the flash here the two fighters in the fourth round as the bell ends it goes to De La Hoya I can ask her out in front by a couple of points now alright get so close to that dancing okay now cross the bridge a baby give me about beat you're getting a little closer with the jab you know I didn't give this as close let them go just go where I told you all right dela Hoya landing a couple shielding the referee and he gets away with one don't see it he can't get called and on the inside gritty battle there Hopkins landing on the borderline and Oscar a little bit south all right here we go to round number five this is scheduled for 12 it's the unification of the 160 pound division for nine holes three of the titles and Oscar De La Hoya calls the WB o version of it brown trunks with his back to you of course is Bernard Hopkins reigning undisputed middleweight champion of the world Oscar disputes that because he holds the WBO title one of these guys should be absolute undisputed champion when this number five I'm the Colonel Bob shirt with Dave bun tempo we're in Las Vegas Nevada jab jab boss gets low again this time though Hopkins figured out the distance we heard from the corner between rounds you're getting closer with your GEB and that time Hopkins got all the way there with his jab and he came straight behind it with a nice two punch combination and jam is one thing the sneaking to punch combination behind it is what did the damage you know Bernard is so intelligent and knows so much about boxing he could be doing things in these early rounds trying to set something up for around the tune from now that's how patient this guy is you feel confident about one particular area make you forget about a body shot say or a hook and then make you pay for it later well he tested his hook upstairs that time now he's being on the left hand down there's a reason for that he wants to try to sucker De La Hoya in he throws the right hand Oscar's able to gobble up the jabs here to submit around for Bernard Hopkins he's dangling that jab hand down low hoping the telecoil lunges in oh this is part of what we call setting the traps for opponents nobody does it better than Verne an Oscar moving back and forth nice slick defense Verdun Hopkins never gets beat up even though this is a close fight he doesn't get beat up and one of the reasons is he shortens the part with the waiting with the trap setting a three minute fight might really be a minute forty of the round rather to three minutes and because of that it misses me knots about three rounds of action off the fight moon multiply that by fight over fight in his career and he's preserved himself well there and put himself in favorable strategic situations well there's several things about Bernard Hopkins number one he doesn't blown up in between fights number two he's a master boxer and ring technician and number three is you just said Davy boy he really does shorten fights and shorten rounds by doing exactly what he wants I think this is a Hopkins round Oscar staggered a little bit and all of a sudden Bernard jumps on him I don't know if he tripped the gun on the end of a punch but that's a Bernard Hopkins round in my opinion take the flurry away take the phone away with rough terrain drop the rain then come one at a time comes the drops of rain drops of rain all right you got to go back off that counter jab and the war is gone you know where it's going that's the shot go let it go so we're about we keep you there busy me [Music] he legs is bad man back in my jammies just sitting there like they're posing break on with the level great okay easy keep using the jab will keep killing you this was the only thing I disagree as we come to round number six with Floyd is he says his legs are bad but his legs and bad that he makes you think his legs are bad Boyd knows that but he's trying to give confidence to Oscar De La Hoya again as I look at my score sheet Oscar slightly out in front and this fight may be and I'll go one more disagreement with the corner that said it's easy no not against us good it's easy from where you're sitting maybe but in a unified championship fight against a master trap center anything parties of course what they're trying to look for Oscar De La Hoya to do it hey you know take more chances don't let him lull you into a slow-paced fight and don't forget Hawkins defeated the Felix Trinidad who has beaten Oscar De La Hoya so he won that tournament and he really has just started to since that fight capture the acclaimed on a large level that had eluded him prior to that he's starting to enjoy the limelight and being a celebrity and being recognized and that is something obviously that Bernard Hopkins Cummins now that he's finally gotten the lung so to speak that he wasn't before she took him Billy is actually 38 39 years old and gets the respect he's having a nice crowd at the midway point house to set up right in front of him gets off the right hand but again he gets it off as granades pulling out and get a real decent jab there at that time grenade will give you what you think you're taking see he goes with a sneaky right-hand stop without say stop gentlemen here we go Kenny in total demand boy Kenny Bayless come a long way he's a terrific terrific referee no he's getting a lot more assignments well he's getting his point across but letting the guys fight is not the story here they're doing what he says and the pace of this chess match is allowed to continue and that's what these guys are are involved in boxing in the chess match situations set forth by Hopkins yeah and Kenny doesn't want to invade on that you'll see them sometimes come in and think he needs to break it up here sees the hands go up in the air and then he'll leave it alone he'll back off I'd love to fight his fight good instinct by our referee as well as by both of these fighters oh man I don't think Brad's done enough in this round you talk about a shoes it's unbelievable here this mosque is showing the footwork Renaud doesn't like being shown up like that but that's a nice round I think Oscar De La Hoya comes the bell that's it that's the De La Hoya around that's one of the more definitive rounds in the fight although they have metal anima [Music] you don't put it up any day me wants to drag it along until you see woody for doing that J he is though and don't wait for him you got that you got to put the person then keep it there making make it fighters well back in five to life good way to make back a mom Nick and fun that's good advice the Baltic woman really mains a counter-puncher or takes the offense like his corner has suggested well they think he's out in front in the fight but in reality it's too close to call I've got Bosca out in front slightly I'm a huge burn on hopkins fan we all love Oscar so I mean we're not influenced like perhaps the judges I because we do so many more fights than they do but in going back and forth the the corners are looking at the possible scoring phases in terms of how their plan was set up beforehand and wonder they liked the fact that he was setting traps he's doing what he wanted to but he's not taking enough initiative offensively if you're looking at it for the delahoy upper spectrum things are going well from right now though and he has turned it up a notch here in Oscar in round number 7 Oscar waiting waiting waiting the zoo and Hopkins to go with the jab in for more right hands he gets it on the chin of Oscar but not with a lot of force watch how Hopkins cuts off her ring slowly and drives him back back to a corner maybe we'll get the opportunity to see that he slices the ring up ever so slowly and into small pieces and little by little suddenly guides you back into the corner you didn't even realize you were going to go there and then he does his work so so slick you know he really wants to land the right hand so he pom-pom Paul with the jab bang or he'll go with the right hand leading come back an alien with a hook he's at the head of the body this guy can do it all his enchant goes up for Oscar Oscar on the western part of the United States of America and not too far from LA its de la jolla territory boxing fans in the United States tour the biggest cities in the area of Philadelphia New York Boston they could be big fans of this man Vernon Hopkins out of respect for his style of boxing Renaud tried to turn it up a little bit but I'll she's doing a nice job defensively right here with a minute to go this is anybody's ready I think the separator here though is that Hopkins has been more effective aggressor actually getting punches off because De La Hoya has been backing up and playing a little bit more of the waiting game yes good defense but the offense has been with Hopkins I think this is I agree with 24 seconds to go it's his round to lose now yeah jab jab was the right hand Renaud Oscar bouncing bag he hasn't taken anything hard yet but this is a guy that has said he's testing things Dave that he might have an idea for the next round on the falling around setting traps all the time is Bernard Hopkins bell ends I get to get that one Doron that's the professional Ando I need my dad to be stronger sir I'm the my dad to be stronger my dad was not struggling up for me all right I need my dad to be strong on what it is in there clean break when I asked for a break we're not going on this issue man [Music] but man jeez you alright we get ready to go to the eighth round I have De La Hoya's slightly out in front but just as easily gave some judges because of all the close rounds could have it one to two points the other way so don't be surprised and if it goes the distance it'll be controversial again as since Oscar De La Hoya has moved up from 147 a lot more subject to interpretation in 154 and 160 as he has to trade a little bit more with guys as a boxing something that he can't sit outside and control the bigger fighters don't mind coming after him and interestingly they only told Oscar De La Hoya to Jeb nothing about the hook nothing about moving I just think that he could do it with the jab and set it up but he needs to be moving he's not moving at all and Bernard will give him a feint and try to shift it one way or the other very good left hook to the head the body as much now there's a good one underneath the elbow and he goes to felt the power after the head shot he starts with the right hand and finishes with the hooks and many fighters will start with the hook and then go upstairs using the hook at the back end of the combination and it's another part of his mastery Bernard Hopkins having a good eight route Oscar waiting I'm thinking a little bit too much I mean it Oscar probably can't talk about so he's got a box of them waiting won't help you with this guy you gotta continue to try to unbox Pernod but you know I'm saying that but you folks should know boxing know as well as I did that this guy is very very difficult to love box look at the jabs jab jab and the speed in much more real-time then it isn't a gym and you can't afford this take it and you also have to wonder about if the specter of the right hand by Hopkins in the fact that he has set some traps and Linda's of right hand Leeds has kept a Lahiya from moving to his left so that he doesn't walk into something I believe that totally because he has been frozen by the idea of the right hand of Hopkins and just when you think you get the right under control this guy can snap a left opti ahead order your body comes with this jab jab you think you have grenades boxing very well here in the 8th round they continues this way I get this fight dead even going to the night [Music] [Applause] the crowd would like to see us to doing more but in reality this is a terrific terrific prize me too strategic geniuses in their hostile lands a couple at the end and that could influence the judges to go his way but right now after 8:00 I get it about even which would indicate to me if we're anyplace near right that was probably the judges of split stands right there by the tree no one come right back more I'll come right back all right keep the pressure on the jab is gonna do the job the dance won't get the job done it's my rail right it's my counter with the dead baby all right can I with the dad shoots my jabs down there she was came right here keep me dead living my busy okay that's always a good instruction given by Floyd Mayweather senior keep the jab busy that's good instructions for any fighter Oscar hasn't fainted as much of this actually those last two fights at middleweight he hasn't fainted as much as when he had Gil Clancy working Bernard Hopkins has answered his faints when he's tried to do it in this round heat he knows all about those two Hopkins saying between the 8th and 9th that this is my round here very confidently yeah well he's picking up a little bit [Applause] first 30 seconds gone my Anastas felt a little bit of the power in the last round and in this round Coburn on if the fights not even as the Illinois is ahead we're not his shooting make me pay more now that he was earlier the heads came together keep it clean keep it clean here we go Hopkins is trying to bug him for purpose and the referee does not want the buggy to include a head butter so that's where it's at for Hopkins as he's trying to do it a street job on delle foyer right now rough him up and that's not a bad idea either ask him much more tentative now that he was clearly going as they say that he gets up he does but look at the Hopkins now as opposed to waiting and setting the trap like he normally does he's much more aggressive here now he sees something he cut off the ring on him as Delaware is trying to circle out of trouble he's a master dad Austin comes with an uppercut doesn't body oh he he really whacked him but that left hook if that's on the liver Oscar the way he's react he may not be whoa he's not getting up it's up to seven and eight and nine and ten Oscar De La Hoya is knocked out by a left hook to the liver by Bernard Hopkins how about that thing we've seen it different times in this fight the lead right hand and the left hook at the end of the combination and it looked initially like it was a variation of that theme here for Hopkins now that Oscars got his wherewithal back he's really annoyed seeing stamp it down on the canvas he realizes this guy set up that trap corner and that's some difference in it in the true middle way that Bloods been and he trains down and been awaiting us have been trading up and that was the power he could hit right on the lower right side of his body with a limit comes down under the ribcage and you cannot recover from it he realized it was thrown in a situation that normally the fighter would not expect it to be coming there Hopkins had him off balance and made him pay brilliant fight a big vote for Boston because I think that some judges could have had him leaning in the plate but Bernard came on to the last two rounds remember about three or four rounds ago when you and I were discussing how this guy you know sets things up here oh hey Jim and then downstairs the second punch and then the one after that at the tail end and the combinations he's finishing with the body shots there's the one that hurdle and then upstairs and he's nailed them with that shot and it was the second shot in the sequence coming behind the gym quick left hand upstairs down Bing boom that angle doesn't sure but that's a really crushing left tour showing you just enough how the gym it was optional to Hopkins whether that jab landed it was a deception device and then the left hook coming right behind that and he knows he's got himself a signature shot there something he'd been setting up looking for round after round and the frustration of Oscar De La Hoya he knows he made just a slight mistake because actually has young mr. Suleiman Mauricio puts the WBC strap on him we listen to Michael buff ladies and gentlemen referee Kenny Bayless counts to ten the belt comes to a halt at one minute 38 seconds of round number 9 the winner by a knockout victory and still the universally recognized undisputed middleweight champion of the world the pride of Philadelphia Bernard the execution [Music] well the executioner has struck like the black mamba and this one he's stung him with that left or gonna brilliant brilliant job by Bernard a I really admire his fighting style and of course we all admire Oscar but this guy is really really a good fighter trap setter patient waits and then in round nine delivers the big shot well a wonderful win he remains the undisputed middleweight champion of the world for none Hopkins in a ninth round knockout over Oscar De La Hoya it looked like he got into a boxing contest the first three or four rounds what were you seeing what were you doing first I'd like to thank Doug new edition of Magazine Magnum but um Marlin sponsors Larry answer your questions I wanted to show everybody that I can box and that three or four years ago you even mentioned that I willing to go down to 54 in box but not now but I came like it was a big talk and you know you heard about to talk about me wearing 156 but then I'll be wrong my training walked up the Klan Bowie Fischer and said we're gonna fool on we're gonna come in a little of the junior middleweight so you can be faster you could be lighter and you still have your power we know ourselves Larry and that's why I was boxing earlier to figure out to show that I can outbox him airy and I think I did I don't know if you agree but I think I did well I did I disagree I had but Oscar winning most of the first or of the early rounds and it seemed that what was happening at least to my eyes was exactly what you said that Hagler made a mistake in doing against Leonard did you sense that and turn it up because you were asking in your corner am i winning these rounds yes I felt the urgency and Larry I told my trainer and cut man Leon taps is that right a knife or a frown a49 friend I said am i winning this fight and but we said keep it up push it up push the jab in there and I knew was urgency and now I moved out on sure you were winning oh hell no one sure because I know Oscar was boxing a good boxing game it's like this what about him surprised you um his movement and him coming out the fight went straight up I mean I he didn't run I give him a lot of credit he didn't run he didn't you know try to look for a gift from the bodies of the boxing world for the judges and he came the punch I mean it surprised me like but it is surprising where I didn't have a plan B C D and E I mean I did have Plan B and you see it kicked in all right now you turn up who turned it up in the second half of the fight what did you see did you see something but he's slowing down or was it just you going harder um I think was just me going harder I didn't see him slowing down matter of fact um I didn't see him take a break in a whole fight I was trying to get inside and sort of like rough him up and put my weight on him to push him back to work on his legs but um he was little crafty little son of a gun he was slipping and I'm moving and holding and he when he was holding me um he was holding me like we're like we're like a deaf a hug and he didn't let go to the referee came in so he sportif are smart fight up until then all right now let's take a look at what happened at the end of the fight with the knockdown and knockout on a body punch you describe it I'm setting him up with the jab I believe I threw jab and then I leaned to the left and hit right in the liver I just want a great body shots yeah that was yeah and that right there I heard him I heard like Oh like a wind come out and then I went up with a low left foot left foot wasn't too much damage but the left hook was the one that really made him say uh I heard like the wind come out of it it was sort of chopped liver it was a chopped liver with a little bit of sauce on it the Hopkins awesome Larry I'm good to be back on pay-per-view ology affect everybody in golf Greenberg how satisfying is this for you not darkening what happens you talked about beating Trinidad now you've beaten De La Hoya how satisfying is that for you um at 39 almost 40 in January I want 20 defenses I'm one away where was that unlucky number 20 better satisfaction that is satisfactory to me and what I've done Larry I told my mother before she passed that I won't fight past 40 and you know what I think if I do I mean a superstitious guy but I believe once I go back on my word I always pay a big price and I'm looking to do big fights pay-per-view or HBO bring on all of them bring on all of hi Roy Jones has said now that he's been knocked out by a light heavyweight he's willing to come down and wait is it more possible that you two could get together in your next fight it's HBO Ross Greenburg and Mark taffeta which I'll know they can put it together I would like fight war in the drop of a dime and come back and do my last offense as a middleweight yes Larry is not Roy Jones bring on Tarver thank you very much and congratulations again Bernard
Channel: DAZN Boxing
Views: 842,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bernard hopkins, best, body shot, boxing, dazn, de la hoya hopkins, full fight, golden boy, highlights, knockout, oscar de la hoya, recap, replay
Id: h88LTIzZv64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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