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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the channel this week we're going to be ripping through this mack truck behind me now this is a very special mack truck because it belongs to the haber brothers and they're one of the contractors who helped us get this watch base studio finished and to show my appreciation i'm going to take this thing to 110 000 we're going to rip to the inside the underneath the back the front the top we're going to take it all the way and hopefully when they get it back they'll be psyched out of their mind let me show you what we're going to use in this thing today and then we'll get right into it behold the almighty detailing cart so this is so exciting i have every toy i could ever even imagine on this thing today i want to use our heavy duty wash and degreaser because i'm going to get hands on with this truck i'm going to use heavy duty through this alk pump sprayer here to go a little harder and get it to go on a little stronger than it normally would do a foam cannon i'm gonna use some d-lime 90 first on the back tailgate because there's some asphalt build up back there so i'm gonna let that soak for a minute and then i've got my am shine here which i'm gonna use through this foaming pump sprayer which i love and then when i get to the inside they requested the leather scent interior cleaners so that'll take it 100 there glass cleaner and then i got all my detailing brushes to work with and then we're going to use the tire and trim to juice the tires final step will be detailer after the wash i get this crazy electric blower so that's awesome i don't have to start the damn thing this is the foam cannon that i'm gonna use to apply the soap to this thing and i got my injectors for this right around the back here so so this is still a little bit of a work in progress this is where the soap goes in this is the silencer injector that's what i use on both lines that's where we're injecting our soaps we got our heavy duty right here all right so i got my alk-9 pump sprayer i've already put a half a gallon of water in this thing and i'm gonna throw a half gallon of heavy duty concentrate over the top that's a pretty good strong strength i just want it to go on real powerful i'm gonna use it on the engine compartment i'm gonna use it on the undercarriage i'm gonna use it on the tires i might even use it on the interior on the floor a little bit it's a pretty good like all-round cleaner the stronger you use it the more cleaning power it has but if you cut it like a hundred parts water then it's a great truck wash i think that's about right right there everything's ready to rock and roll this is my foam pro 12. this thing is pretty cool it's a foaming pump sprayer so i like to use i'm shine with this just gives a lot more cling time to do its thing what's nice about this one is it's got this schrader valve here so you can actually use an air compressor to charge it so that's a huge huge perk i'm gonna have air in this watch bit pretty soon i'm gonna put a nice real craft hose reel in here for that but in the meantime i'll just pump it by hand so i got like the same amount of water in this thing and you notice like to keep a lot of room over the top of the fluid even after the all the soap and water and everything's in there and the reason why is you want a lot of room for the air so you can compress it down and have longer run time shine so shiny i'm just gonna put a bunch of it in there the more we put in the better it'll work that's a good amount we got a lot of work to do [Applause] you can pump these all the way until this relief valve pops up and then you'll know it's good alright so those are all set all right i got my heavy duty mixed up i got my m shine mixed up and now we're just going to run to the back of the truck and i'm going to spray some d-lime 90 on the asphalt and let that start doing its thing the d-lime 90. this is basically 90 citrus oil and then some surfactant not horrible build up here let me zoom in on this so you can see real good not horrible we'll just squirt this stuff on here and this stuff takes some time to work but it does work really well and once it does its thing and breaks off the heavy stuff and you just go over with some soapy water which is what the heavy duty will be let that soak for a little bit not a ton of buildup here they take good care of their stuff so i'm gonna let this soak for like a good amount of time because i'm actually gonna clean the interior of this vehicle while this is soaking some people like to let this stuff soak overnight because the longer it has then you know the more lifting it can do it's only been about five minutes but this stuff is starting to let go it's already a lot of it on my floor so there you go d lime 90 doing its thing removing asphalt this will continue to melt off for a while i'm going to get into the cab let's see what we're in for over there not horrible i bust out the vacuum cleaner i'm gonna clean out their cab just so i can get at everything and i'm gonna pop open the hood take a look at the engine compartment hit that too leather this is the magic juice right here makes everything go easy this is kind of at the limit probably of what i would do before i just busted out the drill brush and the uh heavy duty and some rinsing but this stuff cleans pretty well i mean this will get the let's get the gunk right out of here use a beater towel you don't care about you know what i love about this stuff is you can just kind of keep it and you know use it on the go because you know throughout the day you end up tracking stuff right back in so i usually keep a little bit of this stuff on hand in my own vehicle and it takes care of this area for me makes it makes it nice and clean all the time i'm going to bust out a little bit of stuff on the pedals and a couple areas here [Music] such a nice breath this boar's here man [Music] [Music] these brushes are super great for getting these little weird spots that a rag just doesn't seem to handle you know that's a little better just a little bit of grime here here we go oh man oh that's so easy wow that's so good brothers wow that's marvelous [Music] what's nice about this interior cleaner is that it it puts some uh some rejuvenation into the uh vinyls and you know leathers and whatnot but it does not leave it greasy so like it will not be slippery so like that's one thing that always bugged me of different interior clears i've used over the years when i go to drive after and like you know you're trying to hold on to the wheel and it's not working that's like a hazard this stuff does not do that and i love that about it [Music] and that is better looking fresh all right next up is the glass all right yeah i like to do the glass last because the uh the interior cleaner is kind of greasy and if it gets on the glass it's kind of like some smeariness you know the last thing is this see this mess right here this is the interior cleaner so that's why i like to do this the last step makes a huge difference get all this off here all right and once i clean the outsides of these windows it'll look really mint one tip just use a waffle microfiber waffle waffled microfiber this waffle weave stuff works real well very good for not leaving behind a bunch of fibers when you're working on glass now let's flip open this hood and see what's on the inside oh yeah man not too bad i'll just get this a little soaked down with our heavy duty and let that do its thing while i'm here this is the m shine this stuff is gonna go on [Music] what this stuff's going to do is it's going to take some of the oxidization out of the [Music] helps aluminum brake dust off of things i like to foam it on through one of these pump sprayers here because it's just kind of a fun way to do it and then the heavy duty this stuff right here this is what cleans the rubber out real nice on the tires [Music] what i love about this stuff is you just see the brown just run out of the tires immediately it's so great look at that stuff just melt it right out probably brush this around a little bit look at all that good coming out of there man hey aluminum's already looking pretty shiny so i'm gonna wipe it around a little bit and uh definitely gonna make it work a little better [Music] dang that's gonna come out pretty good me dry this off real quick and we'll see what happens you know when it's dry let's see what we got whoa i'm pretty happy with how this rim is poppin rubber is nice and black rim is looking healthy now i'm also going to run this stuff through my foam cannon separately but when you run this stuff through a foam can it ends up coming out a lot less strong in here i'm running it like 50 50 which is a little better for hitting the rubber real hard and the engine compartment degreasing all that kind of stuff but when i run it through my foam cannon i've got the uh the silencer foam cannon that i run here at my bay and that's got the injector out back that it pulls right from the gallon jug and that's going to cut 100 parts water for me so that's a good strength for just going over everything getting the outside of the whole thing just as a you know a nice general truck wash you may notice i go a little heavy with this stuff and that's because i have a whole warehouse full of it out there and i can make infinite amounts more [Music] this thing is super useful for any undercarriage stuff or behind the wheel wells you know helps you get that that angle you know that angle [Music] i noticed a little bit of tar on the hood so i got the d-line 90 out so let's let this soak in and you can see it running yeah basically that's what it does you know it goes on there and it turns brown and runs off just takes a few minutes but yeah super useful for any truck that goes through any paving whatsoever gonna have car and that's what it looks like man releasing it so pretty much every speculator that was on here is emulsifying at this moment so that's probably enough time so basically once you put a citrus like bee lime 90 on there you want to rinse it off with soapy water so that's heavy duty you know basically i've got my injectors set at 100 parts water out back and i hook up this foam cannon here that turns it on [Music] [Music] all right it is the next morning figured i'd let this thing soak overnight it was getting late yesterday oh wow that's pretty cool a lot of that stuff came right off i'm gonna soak it one more time with the d-line 90 and then hit it real hard with the uh that 50 50 heavy duty from the pump sprayer wonder how my floor epoxy is going to like this stuff i hope that cleans up let's get into [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i got this thing all kinds of doused with everything that i could throw at it so i got my weapon here bi-level brush i know brush is a bad word to some of you out there but i think in this situation it's appropriate i mean come on it's a dump truck man oh yeah [Music] so [Music] so all right so i got a grit guard bucket over there and just hit this thing up real good all the junk that it picked up from the back of this thing is gone if you guys have any experience in brushing hard at equipment and whatnot let me know how you do it you know do you have like a dedicated brush for like areas in the back because i can see where like it would be hard to keep contaminants from getting into the bristles and scratching stuff you know so let me know how you guys do it i'm curious one thing while i'm doing this normally when i do a touchless wash i'll rinse from the bottom up especially if i put the soaps on at low pressure with foam cannons but once you physically touch a vehicle you might as well rinse from the top down it's just about getting the soap off at that point [Music] [Music] this thing is all dry let's see what we got so all the tar that was on here is gone it's looking pretty nice no more of that stuff on there still going to hit it with the detailer spray just to tune it up 100 i'm going to put the glass cleaner on the outside of the windows looks nice though paints looking nice i should have put some d-line 90 on these first but paint cleaned up fantastic though frame is looking pretty good this is where tarn asphalt was this is uh asphalt free man that's cool these things i was hoping would brighten up a little bit more i don't know why they didn't uh usually heavy duty would clean raised white lettering and stuff out of rubber pretty well i don't know maybe it's because the citrus was on there i don't know it's looking a lot better i'm gonna soak this down with some of the tire and trim also because uh tyron trims pretty good at repelling mud and dirt and stuff so i'll soak the undercarriage down with that you know i had these rims mint i had them so mint and i just had to put the m shine on one more time and then i let it dry i'm the one who wrote on the label to not let it dry no one will ever know nobody's gonna know they're gonna know how would they know not bad look at this do not try because streaks yeah well zephyr the pro40 yeah so fix it right up thank goodness there's not a ton of polished aluminum on this thing i'd be up a creek taking this thing to a thousand and ten percent i said so man i suck at polishing you gotta do what you gotta do do you guys think i should get into making metal polishes obviously i don't know what i'm doing so maybe i shouldn't is it coming out pretty easy actually one nice thing about m shine is that it does you know as long as you don't let it dry of course but it is a head start if you're going to polish you know getting the aluminum cleaned out getting the pores cleaned out that's a really nice head start generally on on aluminum just don't let it dry don't be like me this is nice man i'm happy to be taking this all the way for them put some salt on this thing damn oh nothing like uh fresh polish crisis averted that looks great so i juiced up the rest of the tires so this is all looking nice and i got the whole frame underneath too so that's going to repel dirt and dust and stuff so yeah we're looking pretty good those millings in there are driving me nuts man i could have gotten those out of there i don't know why i didn't think to do that should have hit it with some more d-line 90. i'm running out of time i juiced the frame with the tire and trim i'll tell you what it's looking mean next i'm going to hit up the detailer spray i'm just going to hit the cab top of the hood all that stuff and then the last thing after that will be the glass cleaner and then i'll just uh you know be all set i think it'll be all done yeah a few hours went into this thing i'll tell you what the hands-on approach takes a lot more effort i don't know what i was thinking obviously i probably should have hit a touchless style you know last little tune-up stuff you know let me show you exactly what i mean by hazing up here use one microfiber to level it out and then you come back with your buffing cloth which is nice and dry what you're left with is a nice hydrophobic polymer barrier this stuff is five times more durable than carnauba wax so you don't have to do it as often i like i like that big fan of not having to do stuff as often and i am running out of time damn it takes a lot of time to do all this hands-on stuff i think it's worth it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right well i'm gonna clean my floor now give me a like and a subscribe and throw me some comments you know appreciate that that's awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] uh
Channel: Chem-X
Views: 60,325
Rating: 4.8854804 out of 5
Keywords: Chem-X, Truck Wash, Truck Detail, Detailing, Mack Truck, Chem-X Heavy Duty, iK Sprayer, Polished Aluminum Wash
Id: reLbSZSp23s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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