FULL CHASE: Burglary suspects fleeing CHP get stopped by PIT maneuver in Inland Empire

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uh when it gets to those surface regions when it gets especially dangerous running lights running uh signs and also there are pedestrians walking around staying on the freeway at least you're staying amongst other vehicles but they're really accelerating now they have that open carpool lane so sitting around 75 pushing towards 80 miles per hour right now where they're going we we don't know the CHP is right on top of them and eventually they are going to run into more traffic like right now right this is really where it really starts to bog down here in East part of the 210 Freeway and we're hearing that it started in Lakeview Terrace he's slowing down behind a car in the carpool lane the car right in front of him just coming oh I see just coming to a stop because of the slow traffic he's kind of boxed in there right now but he's gonna work his way out and as you can see they're not going to force the situation but they are staying behind them and there are air units overhead as well but the CHP now has taken over this Pursuit keep in mind they are burglary suspects that's at least that's the preliminary report another CHP vehicle moving into position as they worked away still weaving from the carpool lane to the middle lanes and CHP right behind him and they're finding these Open Spaces perhaps it's because they hear the lights and Sirens coming and folks are trying to get out of the way like that vehicle right there kind of opening it up and this Mercedes moving pretty quickly when it can so they still are bent on trying to get away they're they're on the shoulder yet again using that maneuver to get around some of the tough traffic yeah it looks like they I thought they might be exiting but nope they're going to just go right over back to the carpool lane wow it's amazing how much they can maneuver and throughout this traffic you know when you're driving on a normal day you can't get 10 miles an hour we're not breaking the law either so these guys are continuing on over at The Far Side uh they so far have not seemed too intent on taking Surface reads or getting off the freeway staying on the freeway if they continue to go this direction of course they'll eventually get into the desert and get into Riverside and San Bernardino County but right now so far they're intended staying on the 210 eastbound not getting off and just weaving through all of this traffic which will go for quite some time this traffic goes all the way into you know as you head towards the desert and right now they're passing the the Mount Olive Road and I don't know if any exits are coming up any other freeways are coming up but I think they're stuck on the 210 eastbound for now okay so and as you can see there are big tractor trailers a lot of folks on the go uh and you know we've gotten back into that heavy traffic time where kids are back in school Etc uh Summer's basically over for a large swath of Southern California so traffic really builds up like it normally does throughout the fall and winter so coming out of Summer then uh the head the thin stuff is gone the heavy stuff is back and here we are in a Pursuit and watching somebody trying to maneuver through all of this traffic 42 miles an hour right now at least a reasonable speed not as dangerous as it was before he's having a pretty much the carpool lane is pretty empty yeah so they've been able to kind of maneuver their way through all of this but the traffic will continue on for many miles it's not like it's going to open wide up for them anytime soon there you see there's a pickup truck right in front of them but keep in mind we don't know exactly who's in that vehicle how many people we do suspect at least three people we don't know if they're armed but being burglary suspects are going to handle this very carefully and we still have no idea what these guys are thinking or even if they have a comfort place because quite often we'll see a suspect eventually get to their home turf where they understand where the streets are and where they're going this guy is just really just going straight on the 210 Freeway yeah and you wonder how much they know about this suspect or suspects if they could be part of one of those theft rings that we've been seeing all the smash and grab robberies you know you don't really see three suspects in the car very often one of these Pursuits and so and we don't know how this Pursuit started either maybe they were being cased or watched by detectives or maybe this is something entirely different nevertheless they're trying to get this car to pull over and so far no luck and he could go for miles on this freeway we're not even to Irwindale yet and still has uh lots of lots of a freeway before it gets to trying to think what uh what is the next freeway yeah we'll look ahead the six six oh five yeah 605. it's a 605 uh and the 57 also uh so that uh is the direction that they're headed but we'll see what they choose to take looking for a mile per hour now and so far I don't have it but he's moving pretty pretty well yeah 50 thank you 50s in the 50s not not excessively fast but he is passing by traffic pretty quickly it just shows you how slow traffic is if he's going 50 and passing all these cars yeah the rest of the folks are bogged down but that carpool lane is really working in his favor right now not that he's going to be going anywhere that we can't get to as well but he is uh maneuvering his way through accelerating on the carpool lane largely passing traffic but not by any means getting away from the CHP traveling through Vernon now so he's made quite a bit of distance and started in Lakeview Terrace and it hasn't been going on that long [Music] one two two CHP Vehicles behind them three three vehicles so far not a whole lot they can do either with all the other cars on the roadways sometimes if it's a wide open space perhaps it's possible to to pull something a spike strip or something like that but that only happens when it's a clear path wide open road right you can't do it maneuver either so it's a matter of just tracking them and staying on his tail right and and that's what we're doing as well we're going to watch them continue to pursue him going about 60 miles per hour in the carpool lane which has remained fairly wide open at 6 28 in the evening almost 6 30 in the evening as this vehicle is just continue to roll Eastward we believe it's a Mercedes-Benz which does have some ability to maneuver and and accelerate so apparently at Mercedes-Benz C-Class as you can see gray in color dark gray hmm trying to get more information on what exactly uh if there is any specific information clearly by calling these guys burglary suspects and we know this wasn't just a random traffic stop exactly you know it wasn't a DUI or some situation like that obviously they know a little bit more about this situation maybe that is why they tried to pull this car over wide open uh opening much more so on the 210 eastbound as a consider continues to move Eastward now 70 80 miles per hour yeah the farther east you go it just starts to open wider look at that he is going now way over 70 75 miles an hour now that largely hasn't been my experience in going east on the team you know it's always Pursuits that they have a wide open right we always say they defy logic in many ways and sometimes it is it does defy logic when it comes to the traffic they always seem to find a way through nevertheless it doesn't necessarily mean the faster they go doesn't necessarily mean they're going to get away either it's it's sometimes illogical but the CHP Vehicles can go just as fast and obviously faster than what they're capable of doing as we approach the 6 30 hour our live coverage of this breaking news will continue streaming live on abc7.com you can also watch it live on our website and we're going to go to World News Tonight with David Muir on ABC 7. okay we are streaming live on ABC 7 this Pursuit that happened uh about I think it started about 25 minutes ago started in Lakeview Terrace we are now in the East San Gabriel Valley along the 210 traveling eastbound uh probably right now uh getting we passed Irwindale so we are um see we are as soon as I can get a locator I can let you know but we know that there are three burglary suspects in this Mercedes and it uh we don't know what exactly other warrants might be out for these people but we know that they're at least three people in this vehicle and began pursued by the LAPD and switched over to the CHP and that has been going on for a good oh 20 minutes now and this is Jory Rand joining the coverage here of this Pursuit now eastbound on the 210 and as uh David Ono and Ellen you were just talking about it is shocking how clear the 210 is right now right where is this kind of openness anytime we have a story in San Bernardino or Riverside because uh it's never when I'm driving this is not typical and uh you see the police overhead right there is at a sheriff's shop or CHP CHP Shopper keeping up with this Pursuit right now last we saw 70 80 miles an hour eastbound on the 210. yeah traveling mostly on the carpool lane but he'll head over to the shoulder of the road he's just been weaving in and out of the traffic but look at this it's wide open and it always amazes me Jory they're like where do they think they're actually going to go because you have the helicopter overhead keeping an eye on them right we know there are certain circumstances where helicopters are not able to fly if you're around an airport anytime you're an LAX airspace you can get in trouble if you go up and over the mountains and one of the mountain passes that's another possibility but not really there's nowhere to hide here on the 210 and often when we see kind of more urban settings often the car will stop and passengers will get out and flee that's not happening here on a freeway setting either so however many people are inside of this car we know it is multiple people that this about they're pursuing suspects here and we're not going to see them likely Evacuate the car on the freeway although now we're starting to see some traffic pick up yeah it's picking up there we are apparently Lone Hill Road I don't know what the what locator it would be still East San Gabriel Valley obviously on the 210 eastbound but definitely slowing down a bit he's they've been able to stay in that carpooling which has been pretty quick yeah and uh it doesn't look like the glass is too tinted so at some point we might be able to get a look inside the windows there of that car often you can see how many people are inside you can tell what kind of state they are in agitation wild movements gesticulations things of that sort but haven't thrown anything out of the vehicle yet we've often see that with Pursuits um wow really slowing down yeah down to 35 miles an hour and you see I think that's a CHP officer right behind um when they're when the traffic was a little heavier pursuing officers were pretty aggressive in trying to to keep up and um and they are there right behind you still see that CHP vehicle right behind this this C-Class vehicle driving and is this still an HOV lane yeah double white there HOV lane on the 210 this is the carpool lane heading Eastbound in the East San Gabriel Valley and so uh on we watch to see what happens here this is this is not a very eventful Pursuit but I would say that's what law enforcement would like to see probably better better you don't want to see some of the dangerous Maneuvers here we go uh tinted windows on the side so it is difficult to see really difficult yeah what is inside who is inside if there's any kind of Weaponry what their state of mind is state of behavior and and so we wait now down to about 25 miles an hour and we really don't know um if they're armed we don't we really don't know have much information yet that at least we don't maybe they have more information on these people but I don't know if he's armed or if there are in fact three people for sure and so uh forgive me what was what was the last freeway intersection interchange that they have passed here oh gosh do we know they should be coming up on 57. on the 57 okay so still a ways to go um before you start looking at the 15 North or South which way they're going to go so several major freeway options but in the left lane uh that will take some maneuvering to get across these Lanes of traffic you wonder what the state of the gas tank situation is how much fuel this car has how long this can go where they're headed and how committed these uh people are to getting away if they're in this for the Long Haul if they're just going to keep driving until the tank runs out or they try something but there's really nowhere to go in this situation this is just a relatively uh I don't want to say slow speed Pursuit because last we saw is about 70 miles an hour I don't know how much the helicopter might have been interfering with that speed but this looks like a pretty average speed Pursuit here yeah on the 210 freeway now it's going eastbound on the 210 it eventually dumps out into the 10 in Redlands and heads out toward Palm Springs and Coachella Valley so no matter if we just don't know if we has a full tank or not right folks heading to Las Vegas know this route pretty well or anywhere in the Eastern San Gabriel Valley and Beyond Rancho Cucamonga Riverside San Bernardino and uh and ABC 7 reporters know well when it's even further you start heading towards Hemet and and well beyond yep 70 70 80 wow okay uh that can't be right is he going 83 miles an hour yeah sometimes the radar is a little hanky I believe we have do we have Chris Christie standing by no okay in route we should have uh Chris Christie momentarily here uh Chopper two Scott Air 7 another in our Fleet is headed that way and so uh we wait it does look like speeds have picked up a little bit 80 miles an hour here according to air seven but but again this is what they want this is what Law Enforcement wants you don't want any crazy driving you don't want excessive speeds you don't want weaving um driving on the he was driving on the shoulder of the road just a bit ago but yeah but you know thank goodness it hasn't been erratic speeds horrible driving I mean it's just been Garden variety right now you want you want uneventful you want an uneventful Chase uh I can't tell isn't that another Lane of traffic that they just pulled out of I see it it looks like a double yellow are we in the section of two lanes of carpool he's in the carpool lane right now but there's another Lane that he's been Crossing into that is indeed the shoulder okay yeah so he has crossed over into the shoulder several times and in some areas you see the double HOV lanes but you can see there double yellow to the left and the carpool lane that that driver is in right now Crossing back over into full Lanes of traffic number number two lane if you're counting the HOV and we'll see what happens here um can we see what traffic looks like up ahead if this is going to continue on at this speed or whether you think this will slow down here several cars here in the HOV lane and back onto the shoulder he's made it to the Claremont area now so he's uh traveling you know he's keep continuing to go East he'll be out in Azusa soon yeah and so we we spoke a little too soon um as far as uneventful this is now driving on the shoulder yeah they get a little more desperate they see that they're getting you know that helicopter is just right over that car it's got to be a little intimidating to think of where are you going to go nowhere to hide yeah and you you know there's a pursuing officer right behind so they know um they know they're not getting anywhere yeah Upland now Inland Empire yeah I don't know if you saw that it looked like a bit of dust kicked up there in the you can see dust trailing from behind those tires so driving on the shoulder um there is a lot of garbage dirt dust chopped up tires um that are in there so if you start talking about speeds of uh we're here at 80 miles an hour on the shoulder eventually you're going to run into some problems and so now Crossing back over into the HOV lane we'll have to see if he decides to stay on the 210 or the 15 freeways coming up they could exit there but right now it looks like he's uh dead set on that carpool lane to the 210 East The Claremont Club Okay so in Claremont on the 210 here Claremont Club huh like um Club I don't know that is yeah every time there's a there's an underpass or an overpass uh there you can see the the cross street right pops up for just a second I keep trying to check it every time it means really fast this looks like uh let's see if we can catch this here and no still 210 I know we try and freeze frame that yeah yeah okay Claire Claremont headed toward Mountain Avenue in Ontario yeah Claremont Club is just that section of the 210 uh where it bends a little North and then straightens back out due east um in in Claremont so we're approaching Upland here uh Rancho Cucamonga in a couple miles and uh obviously beyond that we're talking Riverside San Bernardino or San Bernardino Riverside right and so uh Claremont and it just goes and it looks like traffic on this Tuesday at the 6 40 hour which typically you would expect to see a little more traffic that's true it looks wide open right now and I don't know if CHP or other law enforcement is pulling any traffic breaks traffic stops or blocking some on-ramps but it is pretty wide open it sure does yeah so that's a good what quarter mile ahead of this car easily yeah it's got wide open space and I guess he's going a little too fast to do some any type of pit maneuver if he did if it did have a wide open space could they even do it at this speed yeah you're talking about uh serious but again I don't I don't know if something just came off the car or whether that is just debris in the shoulder but it looked like I saw a large piece of something so I don't I don't know if they were able to do any kind of spike strips at some point no nobody's seen that so far so we're this is just debris that it's kicking up in the shoulder and at speeds of 86 pushing 90 miles an hour on the shoulder you can see pieces flying of debris you always often see chunks of of rubber from tires just litter right and sometimes we've seen it is approaching approaching some traffic now but we've often seen these suspects uh you know throw stuff out of the car especially if they've getting rid of evidence if they are burglary suspects you know but we haven't seen any of that so far yeah yeah you just you also wonder about a string nail or a bolt yeah yeah exactly any kind of uh you know a large enough Pebble can get in the tread of those tires and and puncture my family just experienced a puncture Tire with a pebble this uh last week yeah so it can do it at a high enough speed hit at the right spot at the right time you find a weak spot at the time it could happen so still on the shoulder um right yeah the pavement's throwing me off a little bit but that is the shoulder and um closing in on the yeah the retaining wall there but just uh straight going so you have to wonder what these cars the drivers of these cars that he's passing I know I see a car Zip by you at 85 miles an hour on the shoulder yeah that in and of itself is can be dangerous you know seriously how often if there's traffic do you just dip off onto the shoulder just to look around the car in front of you that happens at the wrong time with a car going 90 miles an hour and you're talking about some serious trouble wow right now he's about eight miles from the 15 freeway so we'll have to see what they decide to do but yeah I driving on the shoulder is is definitely a dangerous situation yeah could be problematic and now in Ontario on the 210 um an unknown number of burglary suspects inside this car attempted pullover and the car took off again we don't know how many people are inside what their state of mind is obviously their state of mind in general is to get away yeah exactly and now pulling into some traffic and we do believe it's three burglary suspects started in Lakeview Terrace and now he's trying to weave in and out of traffic yeah we'll see if there's an exit here perhaps they're making their way over to the right lane to get off the freeway hmm you would think at speeds like this that perhaps an officer would step in and try and stop it but with this many other cars around it's not something you're going to really see them do unless the situation would warrant and right now it does not look like it does oh there's a man there goes that news van yeah so there's a good view right there hi guys keep up the great work see if you can keep up safely with what's going on here we'll check in with you later tonight but this continues with highway patrol in Pursuit now in the number four lane and again we're waiting to see at Foothill Foothill freeway if um an exit is upcoming but now we're crossing back over number two lane and back over into the HOV so it looked like it looks like we're about back up to 60 miles an hour or so in this Pursuit 72. and back up to speed as our signals cutting out a little bit you wonder if that's just sheer distance or if that is the heat but this is video from earlier of this Pursuit yeah this is when he was really weaving in out of traffic this is back to the live shot I believe correct okay yeah back on the live so yeah he's approaching the 15 it'll be the 215 and after that the 10th so um we'll see what uh what they decide to do but now it's back to 90 miles an hour yeah how how long will we stay on the 210. Rancho Cucamonga area now she's uh made a lot of uh made some clocks and miles on this car yeah and we don't know if this car is reported stolen or not we haven't heard any other information very little coming into US yeah do we see plates on the back no it's tough to tell with the sun reflecting whether that's hitting the yeah it looks like there's a plate on there um so so by now law enforcement knows whether this is uh likely knows whether this is a stolen car or not but onward we go I always think about the people that are in the car with the suspect driving you know that's got to be a horrible situation I can't even imagine so yeah it's interesting we see so we again we have two two choppers on this Chris Christie is on his way in another in our Fleet and it looks like the traffic being left behind behind this Pursuit is starting to back up on the 210 eastbound where we saw pretty free-flowing action here 86 able to go obviously on the shoulder you're talking a different story but at times it was just wide open um behind what we're seeing on this camera there is a pretty heavy flow of cars backing up because once you see you see you have a lot of cars pulling over when they see the law enforcement the lights and Sirens they're going to pull over it's going to slow things down and what was a pretty easy Tuesday commute looks like it is bogging down exactly and we do have Chris Christie in air 7 HD and Chris do you know anything about these uh Suspects well so far I can only report what you guys have been talking about but as we get a better Glimpse behind him here I can tell you unfortunately as I look at the situation from back here and also looking at our Maps uh the 210 really doesn't clear up for him that carpool lane is a bit of a luxury right now but really the main lanes are pretty steadily uh you've seen a lot of volume for uh Tuesday afternoon here but of course we are in the prime of rush hour so it does it uh completely surprise me it makes a lot of sense but obviously he has had a lot of luck in his uh in his way here as he's had that car pulling completely to himself and the further east he gets I can tell that there are more and more units joining the pursuit uh and these are all rest assured California Highway Patrol units at that so they are getting ready for a major felony stop once these three eventually either run out of gas or give themselves up if they potentially make a run for it and foot bail that's the other scenario there has has been talk of a spike strip interestingly you can see there's people that are actually streaming this and uh actually pulling over on that overpass there to catch a glimpse of this Pursuit but there was talk of a spike strip uh that would be highly unorthodox but as you guys know we do see it occasionally from time to time when the situation and the circumstances are just right you might once in a while see a spike attempt on the freeway but with this much traffic doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to my mind unless they find themselves in an area that's more secluded or with a lot less traffic say the least but you can see here as we get closer the volume kind of breaks up a little bit but he's still very much committed to that number one lane at about 80 miles per hour or so not extreme speeds but certainly doing just over the speed limit at a pretty steady clip here at times he was slowing down with traffic but then once he sees a straightaway pick it up right up to 80 to 90 miles per hour and here comes another slowdown in that number one lane and as we look at it from this view I count at least five is there a sixth one back there Rob yeah there are several more Silverbacks a sixth and another one so a few yeah a few more uh closer to eight to ten units all together in this Pursuit that's eight to ten behind him the big question in my mind is how many are in front of them are they trying to create traffic breaks are they trying to meet up with him at entrance ramps or eggs it ramps up ahead here you see this fake out that we've seen a number of times over the course of this Pursuit as well he'll get over to the left or over to the right where he sees an exit ramp and then at the last minute swerves over the gore Point as if he thinks he's going to lose those officers behind him so far he has had no such luck and is just continuing to play these games that again law enforcement has all the Time in the World to play these games he only has a finite amount of fuel in that tank guys yeah and you talk about traffic that's picking up it becomes a bit of a moot point when this car just decides to use the driver just nice to use the shoulder where it is wide open and the the spike strip I cannot see a situation where you would expose an officer to trying to lay that down with a with a car driving at 80 90 miles an hour and not a lot of room you have the jersey barrier um you know you you find that officer exposed to some serious danger and so I would not expect to see that Chris but again as you said we have seen crazier things happen in some of these Pursuits and again this car on the shoulder I don't know if you caught that but a pickup truck was in the HOV lane and tried to pull over onto the shoulder seeing the emergency vehicles but not realizing that that car was using the shoulder as well yeah it almost looked like he was trying to get involved there you certainly saw some erratic moves by that pickup truck and now you can see as you said jury he is fully utilizing that left shoulder now for the next several miles that's going to be fine but as you get much further towards the east there are limited shoulder opportunities along the 210 Freeway you mentioned the spike strip one of the opportunities they may have been planning for and may still be planning for is if he gets off at an exit ramp it's very difficult as you said to deploy the spike strip across the main Lanes of a freeway but it's much easier when you get to an exit ramp where there's only one lane and maybe a shoulder to play with if he shows signs of exiting you could potentially set up at Exit ramps up ahead and then you have a much better shot of possibly spiking one or both tires but in any event you can see uh for now that appears to be off the window because he's all the way over in that carpool lane waving around anybody in his way and making full use of that left shoulder at a pretty high clip here we'll go ahead and pop up the real-time speed tracker I think we're still looking at triple digit speeds now as he gets further east here into San Bernardino where traffic is much more free-flowing very little slow down from here on out he could take this all the way out to the East and have have nothing really nothing hindering him whatsoever but of course the more he accelerates to Triple digit speeds the faster he's going to go through the fuel in that Mercedes-Benz yeah that car is moving right now and you almost hope that driving on the shoulder at this kind of speed that maybe something there a piece of debris acts as its own Spike drip Spike strip it won't have the same effect where what makes those spike strips so amazing as you know Chris are the the spikes that come off and remain open for air to flow freely out of those tires and it breaks it down pretty quickly that would not happen with a nail or a bolt or something some kind of piece of debris in the shoulder that you would hope would inflict some damage to the tire but um you never know I don't know how often street sweepers come through and clear those Lanes but I I know driving on our local freeway is there is often a lot of debris yeah you're right about that Jory run flat tires can go a little bit further but it would still hopefully have the effect of at least impeding the the handling of the vehicle the actual steering could change a little bit and you could still see some benefits of uh of a successful Spike but in any event that's uh like I said for now still off the table but the number of CHP units dedicated to this Pursuit is really catching my eye and I presume that will continue as they continue to hand this off to neighboring agencies last I heard this was Baldwin Park but I believe that some of these units by now must be Rancho Cucamonga units that have taken over this Pursuit and will continue this Pursuit for a ways to go before we get closer to Palm Springs and now you can see we're getting much closer to this uh Mercedes-Benz which is very heavily tinted almost illegally tinted I would say from my vantage point uh impossible at the this angle to see through those windows I am getting a lot of static in my ear up not sure where that's coming from if that's uh that that might be you I try uh four or let's just stand by one second here uh still pretty bad but anyways guys uh he is now ha he now has that entire freeway to himself if those units by the way are in a position where they are forced to pull back for whatever reason which I don't anticipate they do have that California Highway Patrol helicopter Right Above It All calling the shot so that helicopter overhead is calling out for Speed and location and those units on the ground can then concentrate on just continuing the pursuit at a safe distance without having to worry about a whole lot of extra communication or radio traffic they're right behind them they've got plenty of officers dedicated here and now uh it becomes a much safer situation always safer on the freeway but when you have a wide open freeway like this with not many other motorists in the vicinity then you have the the opportunity to get a little more creative and it looks like he's getting off getting off this is 215 right at the 15th at the 215 freeway that's the 215 and he will have the option here I believe he still has the option of going yep southbound now he's committed committed to the committed to the southbound side something just flew off of that vehicle or he may have just run something over I saw some Sparks there but he is now committed to the southbound side of the 210 Freeway where by the way traffic remains relatively light here but at least he's going to stay uh in the metro area of San Bernardino he's not going to continue into the desert at this direction he's going to go Southbound on the 215 freeway and maybe we'll start to figure out whether he has connections out here whether he is familiar with this area or whether he's just continuing this Joyride along the freeway but as long as he's on the freeway that's where law enforcement would like to keep it guys I'm going to hand it off to you for just a second until I figure out where this daddy oh it might be uh yeah you got it Chris okay so now 215 South this now gives this driver the opportunity to head back into the LA metro area on a number of outlets but anytime I see a car heading east like this car was you wonder whether they're going to try and go up over one of the mountain passes where helicopters might have some trouble making it up and over you talk about Fuel and you talk about elevation but now is this so it might have just exited off of the 215 this is it wouldn't be the 10. we're still too far north I think for the 10. this might be the 66. he's right there he's right there on the 250 guys and now coming to yeah now off of the freeway he's at the exit ramp yeah okay he's on surface streets making a left now on Baseline going westbound on Baseline Avenue and now maybe preparing to go the opposite way on the 215 freeway doing a 180 and now going back Northbound on the 215 freeway and that's when I was starting to get at there if we see these kinds of turns it tells you wait a minute I'm not so comfortable I don't know my way around here or my final destination is not going in the direction that he was going so for whatever reason we're speculating but for whatever reason he's decided to go ahead and reverse course get off the freeway and now going the opposite way Northbound on the 215 freeway now I would expect him to stay on the 215 freeway all the way up to the Cajon Pass because if he gets on to the 210 which he could do then he knows he's in for some more traffic and something tells me that this guy does not want to keep fighting that traffic that he's been fighting for the better part of the last hour or so that's just a guess but obviously he may have a destination in mind and that might be take key priority in any event he's going northbound now on the 215 freeway towards the Cajon Pass we'll see a wild look at them cutting off that truck a wild swerve in front of that 18 wheeler a great move if you're trying to lose those officers but there's plenty behind them to make up for that last minute move another wild left hand turn through that uh fortunately green light and now this Pursuit again back on surface streets taking on a more dangerous profile here and now we can expect a possible pit maneuver here if they see an opportunity one has to believe that pit maneuver has been authorized by now you would think and it almost looked like that pursuing officer thought about it thought about it and just kind of realized there were too many cars around but once you see a vehicle like this being pursued take wild movements like that you can feel the desperation and the danger ratchet up pretty quickly and pretty noticeably and it seemed like that officer knew what was going on realized what was happening here and thought about it but then just didn't have this the situational go-ahead to be able to pull that off and now we are on Highland Avenue back on side streets you know we said early on here that it was an uneventful Pursuit and that's what you want to see from law enforcement's perspective blowing through a red light it just turned green but you see people there I don't know if that was a baby stroller or a shopping cart but you see people in intersections and you have a car going this fast Chris you start talking about some real dangerous possibilities innocent motorists left and right pedestrians what was an uneventful Pursuit may very quickly become very eventful here goes the pit right along the right Fender there and spending that Mercedes out of control doing a full 180 and disabling that vehicle for now we'll see if there's anything left in the tank there he has come to a complete stop he is now facing southbound face to face with these three CHP units head on now with his hands and arms in the air driver getting out of the vehicle it is over for him he understands that that vehicle wasn't going anywhere and his time is up the driver calmly giving up here proned out assuming the position right there in front of those officers appears to be obeying the commands but remember there are two other suspects that we are aware of inside that vehicle so a textbook pit maneuver to finish this guy off and end this Pursuit exactly the way they train at the Academy a perfect 180 face to face with those officers immediately they all jumped out and the suspect fortunately gave up as they now attempt to detain the driver detain the driver of that Mercedes-Benz again we don't know if that Mercedes belongs to this guy or perhaps if it was indeed a stolen vehicle we only know that the original one was burglary these are burglary suspects as uh CHP and it appears uh San Bernardino Sheriff now involved in this Pursuit uh as they appear to be taking over this arrest here it looks like a number of different agencies including is that does that say ATF I'm not sure what does that best say it says police it's just police I thought I saw it yeah it could be a number of different agencies including La Verne which is not too far away also you've got Fontana and San Bernardino in any event you can see them still very cautiously uh pointing their weapons at that vehicle uh about to approach it momentarily they definitely can probably make out those other suspects by now but again through those heavily tinted windows it could be difficult but I would expect they will begin approaching that vehicle momentarily using the PA system to give those orders for the passengers to one by one step out of the vehicle what we're not seeing by the way I don't see anyone else I don't yeah they don't these are obviously dark tinted windows and we were told there were multiple suspects but given how quickly the driver got out Chris I'm surprised that if there is somebody else in the car that they haven't given up as quickly it's rare you see I mean this was a driver for somebody else here comes somebody else here it comes the passenger climbing out of the back seat and about to give himself up hopefully here we will see he may be injured I'm not sure he is collapsing at it and now another person visible in the passenger seat so that would add up to three if there was a fourth we don't know but that passenger from the backseat crawling over the driver's side onto the pavement there with his hands up appears to be cooperating as well this would be suspect number two out of the back seat driver in custody and then one more person in the passenger seat who will be ordered out of the vehicle but uh it doesn't appear and you got to wonder why he didn't just come out of the uh out of the uh the back seat the good old-fashioned way by opening those doors but for some reason he climbed out and maybe the child lock was on who knows but in any event now they are getting ready to order that fourth third suspect rather the third suspect who was sitting in that passenger seat out of the vehicle and uh we would expect if she intends on giving up she will be coming out as well in just a few seconds but right now uh you can see not much movement coming from that passenger seat which is a little bit surprising yeah now you see the officer backing away and I don't know if this is this is a case of someone being non-compliant or they're just kind of regrouping to assess what's going to happen here but this person doesn't appear to be moving inside not making any motions are non-compliant and you can see that canine at the ready yeah now here we go uh that will be that will be the first make we see some movement coming out now she is now thinking better of it and now coming out with her hands up and good for her because that canine unit was ready to pounce the driver's seat of that vehicle if she didn't and you can see fortunately it looks like this Pursuit is coming to a peaceful resolution but uh the suspects obviously taking their time crawling out of the vehicle but fortunately all's well that ends well fortunately nobody hurt over the course of this high-speed Pursuit out of the San Fernando Valley LAPD San Bernardino CHP a number of agencies uh bringing this pursuit to a peaceful resolution yeah you have to imagine that it was made known that they have a canine unit there who they were about to send in if they had to if no movement was made because it looked like this woman did not want to get out and then very quickly the decision was made to do so but as I was saying earlier Chris it's rare you see a driver just know it's up The Jig Is up it's over and he just got out and and gave up you know usually it takes a little more time or some kind of fight left in him he had nothing left and it was that's you know you'd rather not see a Pursuit but when it comes to an end that's exactly what you want to see it's over yeah exactly out of gas literally and figuratively immediately putting his hands in the air because if he doesn't show his hands the risk to his life becomes dramatically questionable so the first thing that he did is exactly the correct thing which which was to show his hands and arms put them up in the air that's exactly what they were ordering him to do uh the vehicle fortunately was immobilized once that inertia switch was flipped that pit maneuver has the effect of disabling the vehicle completely and it would require a full restart to turn the vehicle back on fortunately that was not attempted and he gave himself right up and you can see uniformed and unmarked un uh you know plain close officers uh at the end of this Pursuit from a number of different agencies most likely bringing these suspects back into LA County yeah and once again kudos to that officer who put off the pit maneuver we have seen many fail in the past that was textbook as you said Chris perfect you can see exactly where that car is is lined up with the with the street street lines I mean it was just such a perfect maneuver it brought this to such a quick end and you can see lined up there facing the opposite direction well done to that officer that's right one more for the CHP highlight reel and uh three dangerous people off the road fortunately what could have been so dangerous uh at the speeds that they were traveling and weaving through traffic again when it was on the freeway you breathe a little bit of a sigh of relief but once he got off the freeway continuing those erratic moves and those wild left turns I just start to take a deep breath because you just never know uh what kind of a miscalculation that driver could make and how much more dangerous these Pursuits become and fortunately they wasted no time right off the freeway and within a couple of minutes they saw their opportunity he took it and a very uh well earned uh uh steak dinner for him tonight because we have actually some videotape of that pivot over now that we can replay just a perfect pit uh to end his day yeah that driver gets the win or the save however you want to classify this in baseball but uh and we even have a rewinding a replay just like they do in sports okay so all clear here can't see that enough great job and then the the officer just gets on out of there because they would be in the line of fire but Chris Christie thank you for hustling to this scene and adding to this coverage um invaluable and we thank you for this and we'll see you at the next one I'm sure you got it guys that's right thank you thank you you got it guys no problem
Channel: ABC7
Views: 7,795,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, eyewitness news, abc7 los angeles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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