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foreign welcome back to brand new video so we are at Camp Royal today and we're gonna be giving you an entire tour of this place it's absolutely amazing it's much smaller than a Woodward but it's honestly kind of cool five skate parks unlike a school-sized property but before we do anything go down below subscribe like and hit that notification Bell they're all freaking W's so I actually haven't even touched this one I think it's called the basement so we're gonna go there first it's so good so this is Park number one it's called the basement literally underground like that's the grass right there and I'm doing triple flare okay we're gonna see how this goes it's all plywood so I don't actually think it's like skate light but like the roof is mad close well that rails what the frick bro this little section is actually sick that's where we can go from here to the vert wall oh yeah head uh now five a quarter it's a bag and I would wall ride this when my head's gonna hit that get this little Gap that's fine there's a box right here oh that's nice actually has a kick it's a quarter and ledge I miss a feeble it's nice though I like it it actually flows pretty well I mean I can only go so high on that wall but it works go down the downrail oh that's gas rails actually sick oh my God rebate rebate we're gonna try it backside instead no oh that was fun [Music] oh that was good hold on can I go the other way and land all the way in the bank oh I totally could whoa oh that was good all right I'm thinking about flipping this little box on here it definitely is doable all right that's not bad oh my God it's scary all right there's another charm there we go that was pretty darn good all right we're gonna head to a different Park and see what else is here okay so the next thing we got is this pump track it's literally an indoor pump track it's not that big but it's super freaking cool I actually wrote this this is the first thing I wrote and if you guys didn't know this place used to be literally a school it was an abandoned school and they transformed this whole place into a skate park but I wanted to show you guys all this first so we're gonna go back to the GoPro let's do it okay here we go and this is definitely like a small pump track so it's 100 made for like skateboards the transitions kind of tight it's like that you land completely flat on but it's really fun to warm your legs up the other way wow oh my God oh my yeah the is very very tight here it's really good for skateboards whoa oh god oh gaps we lit watch this ready oh wow oh can you stand up here barely oh yeah corn oh yeah oh oh oh he's going backwards that's why whoa there's a bunch of gaps here too but they're like kind of sketch oh yeah it's like whoa I'm slipping God dang dude if I stood straight out the camera I definitely hit the room if you're like just starting and you want to learn how to punk transition this is a great place to do it though like actually but like the train is a little too steep so you can't really get doubles that well that did not work at all oh I see okay that kind of works sort of slide whoa so we gotta come through here pump this okay I'm getting the hang of it now sort of working boom boom Hood oh that's kind of good oh boy transfer oh my God I think you wanted something else it's definitely really freaking cool like I'll say that for sure whoa so that's this pump track now there's another indoor building which is actually probably one of my favorite things here so we're gonna check that out right now ironically these Parks don't really have many names but this is one of my favorite there's like a little flat rail there's a spine back here it's a fun one so it's called The Spine room obviously because there's a spine right here but this rail I'm telling you this thing is just complete risk trust me this thing's cool okay so here we go get started with it oh there's a ledge right here this was also part of a school there's probably walls here and they just cut they just cut them all down this side has an extension and that side has an extension and then there's a roller this coping is sick too oh alley-oop oh I'm totally doing that to a freaking board slide boom Oh that's sick okay keep going keep going boom boom oh we lit big table okay whip stall whip yeah nose pivot good front three nice and I did this wall ride yesterday so we're gonna try it again whoa front lip far front lip no no oh that was nice boom anyway need to hit this sub box real fast now this is actually one of three indoor parks and there's two outdoor ones so we're gonna ride the rest of this and then probably head to the outdoor one it's fine this one's good just trust me check this out this side there's a little mini quarter that's super mellow there's a bank over here I actually tried to all ride this the other day I put a hole in the wall there's that Hub in there and then there's rail in the middle cross town good now we're gonna get a lot of speed this one might be a bit tough but we're gonna try and do this oh my god oh I landed so hard this side actually what's this yeah Street mode whoa oh my gosh Magic's fun dude and Israel is perfect for like learning tricks because it's not too small too small it doesn't count like it's not too big I'm gonna do board back lip front lip all the way up the tough one two of them no there it is okay okay so this is the big brand new outdoor park with a box avert wall a half five all the way down there and then there's the airbag right behind me and Isaiah is riding in circles around me for absolutely no reason at all okay GoPro time okay oh yeah this is this is a this is the spot this is where I've been chilling most of the time this box is absolutely magical this park has a ton of transitions like trust watch just wait for the gaps ready downhill Whip and there's a second one whoa you can even go from the spine to the box and then literally hit this vert wall and do the exact same thing but the other way it's a nice little half pipe with some slippery Cobain actually I thought it would be much worse bar people boring yeah they go all right oh that was good I can actually flow this part so well you can just like connect the lines and this hip is really fun to flip oh my god dude it's just so smooth let's see what we got in this box over this roller lots of speed hear the front wall really high and flip with fox oh yeah there's plenty of gaps here too we can go from here into the half pipe like that then we'll ride good everything's going smooth and flat then even from here that was fun it's a little scary but it works I'm gonna try and do another front first try no never mind now obviously that didn't go very well so we're gonna try and do something a little harder to put more pressure on myself in other words we're gonna do like a small compound and then and it with nothing front and try not to screw it up nice come on board good it's all done heel okay over the spine lots of speed gonna pump this good oh we're in the game t-bot triple whip okay we got this no maybe not the whole compound we'll do three triplets to bar and then nothing Frank 360. okay what is going on with it see if this works please have enough speed whoa oh my whoa all right oh my what the frick okay that works we're good all right bar finger whip oh that was nice oh well I ripped a shoelace in one try so we're not doing that anymore all right all right straight by the Box hot bro another shoelace oh all right here's the thing I think we've written in and out of it we're gonna go behind this bar to the resident airbag okay so if the onesie's really hot because it's just bacon in the sun airbag and the roll in here is absolutely massive okay like this thing is not a joke like I fell down this iPod twice I think Corn's gonna flip to the resi again he did it last night yeah like this this thing is no joke it's very very Steep and it's quick oh my God that is oh it's so hot okay so the bag is hot and it's a little hard so we're gonna stick to the resin and the Rezi is kind of Skinny It's not super wide but for being outside it's like pretty clean and it's not that bad like it's actually a pretty comfortable residue like literally landed like four feet down fat minutes since I've done a double bar upside down so trying that oh snap okay let's go relearn first try now we're gonna utilize the bar double bar oh all right oh well that was good okay there you have it there is your tour of Camp Royal that's all the stuff that they have here so far I'm pretty sure they're expanding it a lot in the next couple years but this place is amazing but I'm done I'll catch you next time later [Music] oh [Music] foreign
Channel: Roman Dellapena
Views: 32,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodward scooter, scooter woodward, woodward scooter camp, camp royal, camp royal scoot, mega ramp scooter, scooter fail, scooter progression, raymond warner, woodward scooter tour, camp royal scooter tour, woodward east tour, scooter camp tour, roman dellapena
Id: IXX_7KlnKGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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