FULL BUILD VW Karmann Ghia METAL STRIP | Complete Restoration Series

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i was really hoping to get it you know stripped down and epoxy primed um and it just it's been it's been fighting me it's a lot of work guys i have a whole new respect for uh auto body guys because this is not easy [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so buster found a new place to hang out yep well at least the pan's holding up mud nest everywhere and dirt there's tons of dirt down here let's give this baby a bath [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm just hoping to eat some of that glue off this is the stuff i'm talking about here see this is this clay it's wasp nest and all kinds of other junk i just want to get all this out of here and try to get deep in these cracks now look at this stuff here it's just mud pies i really need to just cut a hole in the bottom of this thing get all this stuff out of here it's just bad so i might do that it's pretty bad i don't know if there's bondo on this side or not there probably is some here this has probably all got bondo on it it's definitely bondo right there so this is probably going to end up getting cut off and new patch put in here we got bondo here so i know i already started sanding it kind of taking a couple steps back and getting all this dirt and stuff out of here first oh also i don't know if you guys seen it yet there's a huge chamber right here there's a plate that comes off here and dirt gets in there i didn't realize there's one on the other side too [Music] there's one on this side too see those bolts holding it on let's go ahead and get that off and uh see how much dirt's behind there [Music] oh yeah there it is the other side was up to here but yeah lots of junk hiding everywhere there's some old seam sealer they stuck up in that corner you can see this old seam sealer is cracking we'll have to try to fill in as much as we can look at all that dirt wow [Music] what do you think buster this is gonna have to be fixed anyway so i'm gonna put a couple holes here hey that worked oh man a little bit of mud in there guys yeah i hope this drill's waterproof i love the way that looks right there it just looks like a piece of art or something look at all the little cracks and the different colors of rust it's really cool with the blue [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right my goal was to try to get this down to bare metal with a d a using 80 grit and other means a wire wheel and stuff like that but i even used some paint stripper to try to help out it's just it's tough it's tough to get through those layers of paint it is thick um you know you can see here where i've gotten all the way through and it looks really nice the 80 grit with the 3m da is leaving a really nice texture but man it's tough to get to that layer it's a lot of work that paint is thicker than you think it is you can see here this is the new paint that they put on at some point they put right over the old paint and then you can see the primer and stuff underneath it um you can see the filler that they put in here it's pretty thick um they were trying to fix where the battery acid had rotted rusted that away and then at some point they got a dent here and it looks like they tried to fix the dent and then they kind of buggered it all up trying to fix it so they just filled it in a couple more dents here you can kind of see where they were trying to maybe pull it with something and it doesn't look like they were real successful at pulling it so they just put a thick layer of filler over it um i'm seriously thinking about breaking out the sandblaster and just having to go with it and see how fast the sandblaster can get into some of these areas that are just going to be real difficult to get to and some of these cracks and crevices and maybe even take some of this off of here i'd like to get it down to bare metal if possible i mean we don't have to do in every every i mean it doesn't have to be completely bare metal everywhere but you know i'd like to hit this i'd like to hit in here i'd like to get in all this here and down in there back backing these crevices here you know i did this with the d a and the wire wheel and stuff it came out pretty good but it's uh it's very very time consuming i was really hoping to get it you know stripped down and epoxy primed um and it just it's been it's been fighting me it's a lot of work guys i have a whole new respect for uh auto body guys because this is not easy let's get this outside and hook up the sandblaster and see if that helps so all right we're just gonna start with the front here and see how it goes let's see if we can get some of this out of here so so it's getting there it is a messy job guys definitely don't want to do this in a regular neighborhood i'm way out in the country on a farm so not a big deal but if you got neighbors you might not want to do it it's pretty bad it's pretty messy it gets all over everything i've got some fans kind of trying to blow stuff away from me i get this one fan i get this one right up behind me and that really helps i can kind of move it around with me that helps direct the sand as it's coming back at you push it back away from you because when you're that close especially when you get into these little crevices these areas where it just it just ricochets right back at you like here so i'm not spending a ton of time in here obviously all this stuff is gonna be covered up you're never gonna see any of this stuff but i did get in there a little bit uh we're going to get in there with the osmo and get rid of the rust rust is going to be gone i'll get in the wire wheel and all that stuff in there really what i want to do is get most of this outside paint off of here so we get down to bare metal on the outside completely and any of this stuff on the inside i'm going to hit a little bit but mostly that's just going to be a wire wheel d a stuff like that also going me get it as clean as possible because once you start getting up in here with the sandblaster it just comes right back at you it's a real mess so i'm gonna try to stay away from that as much as possible i will do a little bit of it but my main goal is to get the complete outside done um i probably won't mess around with this bondo area i'll just kind of get all that off with the wire wheel mike gave me a tip to use that knotted wire wheel and it works great but i'd like to get the whole front done the dash the uh roof roof line this area here maybe get up in those cracks there do the dash the heater channel and this back area here so i'm going to keep going took a break i got to refill the tank so yeah not what you want to have happen when it's uh you know when it's bare metal rain's not good well it's supposed to rain for about an hour so hopefully it'll clear up and get back out there and keep at it i'll just have to uh sand all the surface rust off i'm gonna try to wipe it down here a little bit but it's gonna be difficult because it's covered in sand so anyway stay tuned all right guys we're getting closer it's not complete but it's pretty uh pretty close i'm really really happy that the front is all original and there's no damage on the front that really makes my day uh there is some damage on the back we're gonna deal with that i got the whole front strip the roof line some stuff in here i even hit up the dash and under here a little bit got all the glue off of there i would have liked to have done more um but i ran out of sand and i'm just i'm tired believe it or not it's exhausting but this is all bondo um the sandblast does take the bondo off but you can knock all this off with a wire wheel there's a bunch of bondo in here filler whatever you want to call it so all that's got to come off i don't know if they had a big impact here or what but we'll get it all off so we can see the damage and we'll get down to bare metal i don't know if they put the filler over the old paint it looks like they may have yeah it looks like it held up pretty good you know all these years so but we'll get it down to bare metal and put some nice new filler on there first we're gonna put epoxy primer and it's going to be good i didn't mess with this because this is going to come out we're going to replace this piece we're going to replace that piece so i didn't want to mess with that and i can clean this up with the wire wheel um same here more filler i'll get that off with the wire wheel and i've already got a bunch of this knocked down so it won't take much longer to get this off with the da and stuff yeah we made a lot of progress um i wasn't too worried about making you know getting everything out of here because a lot of this is all original paint all we gotta do is scuff it up make sure there's no rust and then we can paint over that i did hit the rust spots that were in here pretty good and i'll continue to clean that continue to work on getting it as good as i can get it i hope you guys are enjoying the build please comment below and i appreciate it see you guys on the next one
Channel: CT
Views: 226,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full build, restoration, ct, ctmoog, ct's garage
Id: 43yOh5XpdVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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