Full Box 30 Series 2 Yuck Candy Bar Grossery Gang

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cookies world um cheeky chocolate yes there's a whole case of chocolate bars for you Oh perfect go ahead bring them on in the small Mart chocolate chippy cookies oh oh okay some chocolate bars wait a minute this is grocery game surprise blind bags to get through today oh man okay they look like a delicious chocolate bar but really it's grocery game series to series to changing groceries I don't know if this is gonna be good or gross but we're doing it all right here are we grossed I mean go here we go oh this totally looks like a chocolate bar totally open it up look at that it looks like chocolate chocolate chocolate but it's not oh it's all Caribbean sticky and melty and there's ants on the candy bar know what there's a surprise blind bags all right let's get this checklist ready deep Dee Dee deep deep deep doo-doo who are we gonna find maybe we're gonna find some color change shopkins and the first one out is you ill ill ill it's like a bottle of milk can you it's the pukey pancake mix oh she's so stretchy and gummy and grody you're not a candy bar okay the next one and we have yeah it's a squished banana and a rotten banana - cuz it's got brown all over it whoa grab the next candy bar oh this one's a white chocolate mmm YUM white chocolate bar but which groceries are inside it's a surprise and that we have oh it's hot sauce that's the tasteless tobacco sauce no it's like sticking out its tongue and its eyes are all squinty cuz it's too hot to handle well what about this one this one ooh oh wait a minute so like a yogurt cup here from the barf room it's the scummy sponge oh wait a minute but that means it's a color changer so let's eat this gummy sponge color change so I have some hot water here put it on in Oh totally totally color change is cool and color change back what just like that in a snap whoa what else do we have oh we got another guitar got a chocolate bar take out my blind bags and we have you looks like a big purple blob this grocery gang you know what type of fruit is that that is definitely a some type of fruit and what's the crud kiwi fruit oh I'll put a couple of these chocolate bars white chocolate bar chocolate and chocolate who is in here it's the gooey nachos this one it's the scummy honey I would not put this honey on anything oh is this another fruit and vege looks kind of fruit and veggie it was just strawberry it's a sour strawberry look at its face it's all like folded and soggy down at the bottom it all mushy oh another fruit and veg Oh yep that's an orange an oral Bowl orange hit it some mouth that looks like it hasn't orange in its own mouth you know it what's drooling dressing the dressing is totally drooling and turned into slides oh this one you it's like a piece of toast or jelly why is it pink oh that's not a pop-tart that's a slop tart so that's supposed to be like a little jelly filling in the inside wait a minute this one's a color change Oh what color is this slop tart gonna change dip it in oh you turned all grey yeah put it in here woo color change it right on back yeah so gross open this whole row of candy bars right here OOP turn them into chocolate in a snap perfect completely unwrapped so open up the milk chocolate bars milk chocolate all right grocery come on out hello I remember this one mmm that's whipped cream coming out of its nozzle and nostrils you know it's not whipped cream oh here is the carrot cake car brought cakes you get it cuz it looks like there's carrots in the carrot cake oh we've got another fruit and vege we've got a little lemon oh it's the lousy Lenin you know what's mouth is all puckered up too because it's so so sour sour sour lemon do not squeeze this and make lemonade it's the blue blue cheese Oh gross this is just so gross seriously if you have anything like this in your fridge throw it out your groceries gon rot alright now we're opening up the white chocolate here we go here we go which groceries is it oh I think we've had a little orange juice cuz look at that orange in its mouth it hasn't whole orange in its mouth just like the horrible orange you it's the uzi orange juice oh this one's face it does not look happy at all oh it's another so here's two of them carton of eggs on aisle nine oh but these aren't the busted eggs they are all busted up and broken not good these are nasty nuggets cuz they're in a slime dipping sauce and look at that to go with the nasty Nuggets we've got a muffin sandwich a mock muffin there's just so many now there we go got the two lemons together well get a little crowded here alright we have just a few more here on the top row so we'll just open these four there we go just chocolate now open these up whoo look where should we start let's start right here right in the front Oh looks like we've got a double order of these muck of these muck muffins whoa a double order of muck McMuffins Oh more busted eggs feel like we're creating our own little gross grocery store what else oh yes see we've got more bluesy orange juice there's so many oh we've got another car rot cake give it everybody like a double here open this one and what do we have up more nasty Nuggets telling you that's a double order what do we have here yeah it's the grub sub so it's a subway sandwich that's a color changer don't get on in see the color change begin whoo there we go let's color changing it's going all gray oh okay now danke all three of these in here there we go and see them all color change that gray color then we can have them color change back to brown look there we go all right who don't we have it here did we make a match did we make a match no we have something new and what is this it's a spray can it's this blue G spray can but it totally is oh leaked all over the place okay this one is the sewer glove because somebody's been reaching their hand in the sewer yeah which is so gross that means that that's probably like pee pee or something on the tips of these gloved fingers nasty chocolate chocolate okay now we're starting the bottom row of all these surprise blind bags open up all of these fish milk chocolate bar who do we have in here so far you know is that another owns another mock McMuffin McMuffin okay that is three sandwiches oh but we made a match because we found the other color and this Swan is the other color Kairat cake we are making so many matches there we go so there's the gray one open up two candy bars whoops - milk chocolate bars that one's like sneezing that one needs a tissue really bad it's growth pepper sauce oh it's a piece of bread Oh somebody over toasted this bread big time it is totally burnt to a crisp right here and look at its face it doesn't look too happy and somebody tried to like smear like some sort of slime jelly on it the ransom raisin toast totally burnt can I reach out and give you a hand yeah these are just so gross they have totally been putting their fingers in the sewer look at that oh these are just so gross oh yeah Oh another car rot cake tell us enough to open up a bakery with totally who's been making these gross rotting cakes put another car right cake right there well that is a popular grocery item and okay this one is totally spitting out sauce it's the only stir sauce gross we have what is this one we may imagine with this banana oh it's a squished banana squished banana yep right here here's the other one so there's the two colors open up the next one who is it who is in here and and oh it is a muffin another muck muffin Wow okay so there we go that is for muck muffins all stacked Mik up it's open up some more candy bars to kind of squeeze them all together and perfect chocolate bars whole bunch of chocolate bars come on little blind bags who oh is this more nuggets oh we made another match order well there we go so there is the match to them oh this one actually looks like it has ketchup dripping out instead of slime we've got more pepper sauce yep there we go there's another order of nasty nuggets look at that I cannot believe that so we can put an order of nuggets with each little muffin sandwich there order up and this one oh yes we made another match more busted eggs but this is a purple version of it going right into the fruit aisle we've got an aura ball orange put it right here next to that one look at these little eye droppers this is not good don't put this in your eye even his eye is all totally just boozing and leaking eyedrops oh another horrible orange orangey well it's not a coconut it's the pukey passion fruit we are looking at another color changer so dip the fruit right in whoa it's color changing color change it right back in a snap and this one is another passion fruit put it right in here whoa keep this one in here - there we go the heaven both color change have everything color change look at all these jump right back in here you turn brown it looks like eyeballs well can't forget about you slop tart it's just another busted eggs oh it's the hoozy orange juice more orange juice it's three cartons of juice all right I wonder what other matches we are gonna find now that we are down to the last row I'm surprised by bags so this is it come on candy bars hey what is in the white chocolate in this white chocolate bar well if we make a match do we make a match oh this is another spray can where is the other splooge e sprague hand oh it's right here there we go all right what else and we have another swap make this slop tart color change there we go hey this bar piece of toast kinda looks like a color changer doesn't color change does it yes no no doesn't colour change looks exactly the same to me but these slop tarts color change for sure what is this it's big and green it's big and green it was a green sour strawberry it's too sour strawberries who picked these no no but let's put them right back here where the rest of the fruits are we've got another honey bottle honey you look at the honey on this one looks different from that one once a little bit lighter all right the last three candy bars take them out of the box this is it look you're these two we've got more these gooey nachos I bet you every chip is so soggy tasting and it'll be Gary Mitchell's put the gooey nachos right there and oranges horrible orange right here the other color is like a gray orange yeah last two candy bars open intercept there we go opened up white chocolate and milk chocolate who is inside this is it this is the last chance to make any man is if we make a match should we make a match oh it's a butter you know it's gutter butter that's where they got this butter from from the gutter more gooey nachos I'll be coming Mitchell and Anne is that a chocolate bar oh is that a box of cereal it's legal cereal it's all crawling with bugs there's no cereal inside and the last grocery game is a eyedrops right here if that's two bottles of it you know this one will give you pinkeye all right cookie pan so here we go this is sixty grocery game okay they sure are cool I can't believe how many like car rock cakes and muck muffins I found I cannot believe it okay the only thing that's left now is a whole box of these chocolate bars which I'm sure cheeky chocolate is happy about that it ain't cute if it ain't chocolate all right I hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for hanging out with me I've got lots of more fun videos coming up so make sure you are subscribed then color change into happiness and then head on over to my next video I will see you there the fun will continue all right cookie fans how well were you paying attention to the video anybody happen to notice that there was a LITTLEST PET SHOP pet hanging out in the sea of grocery gangs but which one was it was it the Frog the Swan or the pink bird by cookie fans I think you need to wash your hands [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 31,869,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grossery, grossery gang, full, box
Id: S7o_bI4bKH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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