FULL AP SMOLDER ~100000 Damage! NEW CHAMPION GAMEPLAY Season 14 | Build & Runes | League of Legends

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hey everyone welcome to another game play and today we are going to play ap smolder this is my second video with this champion and my second time playing against Kata and using dark Harvest so last time I played full ad with nearly 600 AD if you want to check that out now I be trying AP All right so for now I'm just going to stack with Q every time you kill an unit with q or damage an enemy Champion to get a stack and upon reaching certain amount of stacks you unlock an upgrade for your que it's a good thing that you can actually stack on enemy champion cuz otherwise I would just have to play like nus but simpar to vagar in terms of St it's similar to vagar in terms of stacking see I've got a stack like this when I pressed Q as for scalings smaller has AP scaling on qw automat but it dos physical damage still which means it doesn't benefit from has been SL Magic Pan but the passive actually does with magic damage so I thought I just go malam into that way should be nice okay not B dark harv is for fun of course I can tell that the strongest build is AD but it's fun to try AP that slows and goes to minion hey I might be able to kill her now I wish I to ignite cuz is your HP yeah was so close I might save my Q now go in at her with WQ fire an enemy has been SL upon reaching 25 Stacks K damages surrounding Target so it allows for faster stacking oh should just come on Ka I wanted not stuck your was just one oo I didn't expect to do so well against cata ah a smer I thought TP would be better an enemy has been slain it was worth trying I couldn't see her at first and now she's staying now she might greet something and there's Kane in the jungle she has ignite Advantage I need to be careful but iorn has Shield so we could baak her Shield wait wait for shield hey oh so close I could have like waited one second and also I got closer to the passive but it's fine I've got to kill as well an enemy has been slain okay okay I'm up also when you just stuck manamune it dos additional damage on Al souls and abilities so let's see if smold can prog that I had such question in the comments Killing Spree so we'll find [Music] out I smell now out is really slow so it's worth pressing W first so you can set it up and then hopefully the slow is enough to just keep enemy in one place after that to slow again invol okay on 25 St camar sounds so fun can we go I got it now there's Splash damage as you can see an ally has been slain an enemy has been slain M was following I now oh yeah right that's all okay just like rumbles out a bit or [Music] SP yes I like going to on him Marino says people think there's no more Imperial dragons but he never lets me prove them wrong so just a bit more and I go [Music] AP [Music] C probably bucked so with W can just set it up there's so much room to and Q again especially the cions plus three oh look at that yes yes you have slain an enemy he is dead I hope you weren't nice then I'd feel bad let's go okay she got get an ally has been slain you have yes that was great come on it worked other small there it doesn't have enough damage [Applause] by Daisy all right time to back and now AP I had an idea to go n stting in Rift maker and then the new item storm search [Music] guys it's better to keep that e for escape God like wait so I can stuck like this or it just died let's see I need just do it in the right moment let's see again if it spawns again will it go that's plus two oh waste something nice oops shut down you like [Music] nles I'm so hungry I could eat a whole bunch of [Music] fine all right where is Kata oh they're doing Drake hopefully not his mom an Al oh on oh there was cut down my bad I forgot about her we should have just gone for Drake first they Ed for a reason it's okay though I just reminded myself that smallo actually heals him now that's something really nice for Top Lane smaller or ADC well Plus for how does LX win so hard against Darius I guess with the range do you see anything fun up there oh no so I over stay for a plate I'm going to die and can vot to heal thinking about item choice for boots because I won't benefit much from Magic Pan like I said or maybe I still do that because as you can see passive additional damage still deals magic it's just not as much I just play him as a caster an ally has been slain your team has destroyed a [Music] turret an ally has been slain the game is getting harder Nowata is fat going to be demanding team fights an ally has been slain that's SL I couldn't even cast the S the Sal is so slow you have to set it up it doesn't launch instantly so that was stupid I should have just like here [Music] already okay it's not over yet we just have to play [Music] differently this is going to be fun I still believe we have better team fights so that's why we need to W out set it up I wish out was faster hey Mom what are the fire thingies next to my ears called oh okay see it it's on time down oh the synergy well played now that's a comeback the eny small is getting he's playing the stronger ad build but a of items going to be fun too dest oh I wanted to get the stack land flame I like that amplifying toome is cheaper also Rift is different now when you press it you actually have to ride it and I'm not really being used to that it's something new I'm going to try later such kind I Le your turet has been destroyed oh they clear now yeah there Wasing up that's better someone needs to the top maybe I go there if you don't fight but there is a [Music] dragon ah I want to chase are you out it already I mean it was better to go for Dragon humans are so weird like one minute they're all small and round and the next they're all thin and wrinkly he maybe it's time to just rage play this way an enemy has been slain an ally I like this I'm like a okay I think I Ed it right near got two trets out of this yeah was quite nice I think how was a damage oh he so that damage how do scared comes W are not [Music] enough I'm going to get you yes what if there is Kata I think late game AP is fun oh is it a shut down nearly couldn't go back would die from catas passive I do it this okay heax is behind us I recommend only going in if you have your e we need an escape of this CH okay I'm going to yes I don't want to flash up oh he [Music] di your so intense an ally has been slain will they Baron I don't think so let's check okay they do that I want the stack so I've been thinking about rft breaker for each second in combat it GRS bonus damage and also GRS you some he I try people will be fun and next storm sech and for storm search in order for it to be useful we need to doal enough damage so it triggers that's why I am using it lat and now it should be nice all the Dage I've got extra damage here as you can see from the passive and just are we not fighting Three Stacks let's go Drake yeah just Drake I told you we have good team fights there was actually a lot of protection and I'm actually having solid amount of damage so as long as I position right we should win every fight uhoh I don't have V yet I need my old [Music] first come on now we can fight to fight them they want to fight I think cuz they think they want this [Music] got fight or not almost no now that is far away okay is coming I've got some healing already I'm actually healing a I like you okay this is really fun is is time for magal Dragon let's go for storm search that will be great for team fights oh I'm going to get an upgrade from Q now and it does some through damage Max Health through damage so it destroys thanks thank hey AP version is fun when you play with manun too oh my team needs [Music] help do I split more yeah I see now I fight with for B and we don't have enough damage been destroyed I thought that would kill him we can win I just have to be there there's so much has been destroyed I still have old so I should have teleported for my allies I think I just didn't think they would get out now stacking Mars less it still Stacks towards passive damage right so it's infinite hey we can actually borrow isn't it so funny that the whole time you were looking for me on those pretty Islands I was on another pretty we need Vision Vision I mean we have S so shouldn't the problem to do this and here we go and going to engage I only got small D though oh not the minion block an ally has been SL yes I've got him oh I'm being chased by Pik enemy oh this was risky [Music] oh that's a problem your turret has destroyed my gathering storm will trigger soon so I have to keep my E I don't know where cata is as my old the Escape TR I need to switch shrink it I'm so hungry I can eat a whole bunch of [Music] Dr what's K doing here okay I hope they commit for this Drake we can just do this uhoh oh Pike hello Pike so that was storm search maybe I just sell manam and I've got 1K AP yeah I know it was a really good item but like I said it's a small there I guess I'll be fine without it what was the damage what are you kidding me he did all of this himself I like you yeah [Music] right I got fight [Applause] that's Oh no I got someone or no come on it was so close I should keep it for s in z or something oh yes K is De that's huge we can go go oh that thought is far [Music] away not one shot and I have 27 cover STS [Music] [Music] too me I need to be more patient with my it's way too easy to avoid it your team has destroyed thank you he might face check funeral I don't think he knows I love doing this it's so fun is W that Ka also darious [Music] oh no we need dragon soul or better yeah isata didn't want to risk I got Dario D St interesting Drake a I like you do we have smart okay we got drag back dragon soul blue trinket what an intense game really fun for the video hey then imagine if I had Elder cuz I feel like having Elder with this is like an execute got isn't there I'm going in oh this is our time Maron oops misclick uh-oh oh he St up not the C enemy [Music] enemy for real kill a Legendary at least it's won't cost us the game I wish it didn't happen and also I know we started Bing without my o so yeah they had advantage of small D out I think I get Shadow flame magic damage and through damage critically strikes so Q critically strikes let's see I that I was chasing and down the hill but then the bugs were a city and I squished [Music] it this time Kane CAU me soer oh got a good hit yes so that shadow flame damage okay yes smaller you're about to die I think small there stop running I got him okay we don't need to worry about this one just push for now your team has destroyed an inhibitor an ally has been SL watch this D just got [Music] melted your inhibitor has been destroyed so it's not an end yet your team has destroyed a turret that is chasing us oh no it's a dragon run [Music] away nice one she got power glass that's important got to stay on my CL like mom [Music] always what if I went or this it lowers my old cool now or maybe I just get St let test I could always consider an our glass toy I hit Kaa yeaha oh that old key enemy wait how did we lose that I hope you weren't nice then i' my item Choice was B why not something defensive your turret has been destroy I can't believe fin this up there's just no way as bear and now the game got much harder the dragon does whatever he feels like doing because of my mistake an enemy has been slain thanks for playing I will see you're the loudest mom in the entire [Music] world I probably don't need this anymore Marino says people think there's no more Imperial dragons but he never lets me prove them wrong I can't afford to get C now don't I mean what if they there's so much just end we have to wait for inhibs if they do Al there so be I wish I went another L something whenever I die it's just C us too much oh yeah right d thank you an eny tret has destroyed h no one car about K he actually stayed has destroyed an ally has been SL an Al [Applause] [Music] has see you later Daisy the forest protects us here you can see the importance of having defensive items one mistake and this happen now they would have to mess up we hard like how do we win this I'm so hungry I what fine if only I waited with Baron to have my old first SM oh ni no stop him stop him where's K where's K oh wait we can [Music] win what if I can't eat them then why I'm too slow can we actually win oh my I don't have anything to teleport hold on too oh my clear is so huge good thing I still have n so who knows no win yes you can we can win this cuz I got n l we actually wanton this game oh my it was so crazy you saw that stop on how much damage we have done what a game that was the most satisfying AP smolder game that will ever happen probably hard to say who to honor the team was really nice wow it was just one hit my heart is beating that's nearly 100K damage with ap molder wa and how much through damage so if you enjoyed this you can like And subscribe I will be making more smaller videos as well as other new content and you can let me know in the comments what do you think okay that's nearly equal as a [Music] version still did some physical oh because of AP scaling all right I'm so glad we won got four Hearts so thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: Eternal Hero
Views: 91,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smolder, lol new champion, smolder mid, new champion league of legends, smolder gameplay, smolder guide, how to play smolder, smolder lol, smolder league of legends, smolder build, smolder runes, lol new champion 2024, smolder explained, smolder s14, smolder season 14, smolder gameplay lol, smolder adc, ap smolder
Id: kYrlbIzw2oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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