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welcome class 1a and today's video I am doing Ari uh she is literally throughout this whole year probably the most uh most uh broken broken laner in mid now this one's interesting okay oh my [ __ ] dude what bro I should I should have flashed on the jack dude oh my [ __ ] goodness bro by the way this game has enraged me for the past like [ __ ] couple days I can't even lie it's pissed the [ __ ] out of me but yeah in this video um I'm playing Ari I'm going to show you guys how to how to destroy in your lane and in team fights or later on in the games this has just [ __ ] absolutely pissed the [ __ ] out of me this whole week in ranked I've never seen such [ __ ] players in my life man I've it is is horror you got be [ __ ] joking me dude I'm against twitch mid oh God bro now I've seen the all man okay here his twitch he's an ADC jungler literally he is super weak early he squish as hell oh you have to do charm hit Q hit W that's it that's literally that's what you have to do in lane try and just poke over electrocutes up from otherwise I know Vol top half we've seen them somewhere hover b side electrocutes back up that's good yeah I know nice that's fine that's one kill that's two two stacks in dark I did I did uh lose my uh ight butt nice fantastic IC that's my goat good stuff we got blue buff as well push this out doesn't have TP so this he's going to lose this okay six we can roam as well this is wonderers we're going to get boots as well so we can run faster twitch is missing as well which is that's another kill that's fine that's fine that's another Flash nice it's fine I traded I traded his his death for for another kill I'm on stacker that's good another Vision it's not bad I'm four and zero it's good luckily luckily uh twitch twitch didn't get uh dark either so this is good we going get this playing back okay twitch is roam bottom all you have to do here now is keep pushing the towers get get the platins um we've got the grabbies or three of them at least so do a bit more damage to them I need one more kill get my 10 Stacks to is missing you can probably one shot me at any point he does survive lucky bugger okay you survived cuz a potion Dam that's kind of annoying it's fine if I my D I'll pop a potion here oh he's so he's so lucky God damn bro I needed either w w or literally one more Auto attack he would have died for myignite but he potion up which is fair play to uh the reason why I W M Treads uh is because three of them are if you also include Vol that would be four and they've got quite few lot of uh CC's uh that can that can uh CC me so that's how M Treads uh mads are really strong right now as well so that's also another reason another reason is I've got my dark seal Stacks or mag I later on in the game so I need to keep that protected okay nice good for Ras that was should chased me out I can't lie nice six and zero okay ni that's good okay I'm going back here I am actually going to purchase this med ice straight away Andrews let's go that's good okay that's T gun as well oh back get my next item there we go okay there one done that's no one down nice nice to pushing top the only thing is I need this blue buff though I can't lie I'm using up so much Mana that's never back go Andre perfect this game's pretty much done I can't lie I finished it in what like around like 14 minutes the roam I did was perfect I mean I usually usually roam quite a bit I Ro I roam decently well because I mean this ramas Ramis and Ari go really well really well together so nice Now kill I mean I'm I am literally Uber fast nice another one down that Lu is dead I one shot okay that guy really wanted to get the kill okay nice night all back here again got my uh cripp oh my first stage now just just because I've got mag I mean there's really nothing nothing else apart from just keep on fighting um if I didn't have medice pretty much what you want to try and do is just pick pick one off from like the with J the jungler with you or with yourself in Lane just one by one like ar ar is really good when it comes to uh One V one in or even 2 one in cuz of our Al so just try try and do that whenever you can this guy's not going to grief for it is he he is going to grief for it nice that's flash do bar I don't know I just not carry on doing the godam baron but is what it is I want to try and end this game fairly quickly but but these people do not want to this guy really want bans because I do that much [Laughter] damage B is much more better it than what he used to be but it's pretty pointless if if I'm doing already that much damage doesn't really affect it you have you have to LIT go MK Treads as well we should do Baron I want to try and do Baron please please you've got Smite come I'm push out Top Lane with you can split push quite easily you can go l b uh side of the build as well um just to be a annoying split Pusher that's his b well gone good that's CP Bloom nice one let's go we switch to blue blue trinket by 20 minutes you want to try and switch to Blue trinket um and then uh do your spit pushing or whatever or whenever you get bar you want to try and go Blue trinket then you can start split pushing your your lanes let's get this depends how much of vision they they've put in okay one sort of vision there's another one there okay pay attention to that yeah just split push here I've got bar buff let the other other team do uh or the teammates do mid or whatever okay twitch could be around here put a control W no twitch M okay lovely that's fine that guy's pushing as was playing really like a scaredy cat which it is fine but let's let's go let's go stopwatch we go stop watchat him stop is pushing that's fine I really hope that minion would have blocked that que but that's that's what happened in leag nice that's fine actually you know what n Let's Go full damage going go full damage we're going to need a rod into death cap we're going to go full damage here need for stop watch I should we good without it one down okay okay let's go M I don't know why that gu p o oh I missed my flash God [ __ ] damn it that's quite embarrassing I [ __ ] up massively team dest it is what it is your team destroyed an inor teesty that actually does kill me I should have just uh as soon as uh raminus uh taunted I should have just gone and hit him I probably would have survived that but also the tanks uh are trolling me there they should just hanged on on the other side while I was hitting the tower but is is why is this guy still split pushing what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people an ally has been there we go thank you guys for uh watching the video uh there'll be a lot more videos coming out soon sorry for this one to be out late uh had issues but yeah catch you guys next time peace
Channel: Mastergames770
Views: 103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to play ahri, How to play ahri mid, how to play ahri season 14, ahri challenger, lol ahri, ahri lol, ahri mid season 14, ahri gameplay, lol ahri montage, ahri guide S14, Ahri pro build, Ahri carry gameplay, ahri rank 1
Id: I1jWhwgFalM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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