Full 365 days in 48 min. Crazy experiment! Vintage car + Bugatti. BIG part 1. Homemade.

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this video sponsored by Squarespace this is a big series on the construction of our crazy project with unique shots that were not included in the main series we fit a whole year of work in one video time we'll tell what will happen and we will begin enjoy watching so this is the beginning of our next crazy project which will be based or rather stand on a Ford test more precisely what is left of it Alan Coco F made two options here is his Instagram the First with a roof from avulga and the second with a roof from a Bugatti without thinking twice we settled on the second option it's clear that we didn't buy a Bugatti in order to take the base and rear end from it and Ford was not chosen by Chance the wheelbase is almost the same as that of the Bugatti and for the rest of the dimensions it also fits perfectly the next step we went in search of the 21st Volga I found a good option in a neighboring Village we loaded on a tow truck and take it to the workshop since we only need body panels the technical condition has no role and therefore the body was bought for parts first of all we throw off the hood first from the Volga and then from the Ford since there is no clear instruction on how to combine a Volga with a Bugatti based on a Ford at this stage everything is done in advance and with clamp we firmly decided that we needed to reposition front wheels in order to get a result as close to the cons except in the picture as possible there were a lot of suggestions to just shift the arch but that's not an option here's a clear example of what it looks like when you just shift the arch so our friends helped us with this issue as you can imagine it is not an easy job to shift the wheels by six inches on a front-wheel drive car so that it drives smoothly afterwards it's not the first time guys have done this they've done a lot of cool projects including remodeling ordinary cars into drift cars in the end every car was driving great in our case that's exactly how it turned out first the struts were moved then step by step the engine and suspension were moved forward by six inches the guys helped us a lot and the rest is up to us we'll have to do the wiring figure out how and where to put the radiator in but I'll come back to that a little bit later the main thing is that the wheels are in the right place the car steers and drive straight we put the hood clearly in the center and decide to base on it we took the native Loops from Ford and connected them with the landing pads of the vulgas Bonnet the result is a simple design and a removable Hood which is very important when the hood is in place we throw off the remaining front end elements from the Volga [Music] in order to integrate The Grille fenders and bumper it's necessary to remove all unnecessary that goes beyond the dimensions of the Volga s panels [Music] and after an hour of trimming and fitting we put on the fender in general everything worked and we can say that it was rather easy than expected now it remains to make the platforms on which the fenders will fall for this a square profile was taken and then everything is clear without further Ado after half a day of work we have such platforms that are perfectly symmetrical with each other which in principle can be seen when the hood is closed the next step is to patch up what has been unpatched a bit of sheet metal couple of hours of welding and in general everything looks more or less need almost like a factory in order for the hood to close and openly again go to the donor and carefully uninstall this panel on which the hood is located in the original it's clear that the Ford lock will no longer be useful to us therefore we remove it and put it on the distant shelf then many many hours of fitting and for you it's only a few minutes foreign [Music] decided on the location we attach The Grille to this panel for ease of positioning and Tack it with welding in order to close all the gaps between the Ford and Volga panels we make a dozen cardboard templates which we then transfer to the metal and the metal in turn will be transferred to the body when all the patches are ready we fix the Shelf with a hard wire and we begin to patch [Music] foreign [Music] and the same amount of cleaning of the seams we have the following result everything is clear rigid and made of metal it will remain to putty and Prime everything minimally the vulga bumper at the factory rests on this strange panel and we mount it to the Ford body [Music] when the main power elements have taken their places you can do a preliminary assembly and already a little understand what we have according to the factory Bugatti slippers are size 20 real Italian 20s wheels from Oz so we lifted the cart put it on a rack remove the old wheels and here's for comparison as they say before and after the donation when the wheel plates fell into place it became clear how many inches are they from The Hub which means we can order spacers what is it and how does it work using these plates which are ordered individually you can put any Wheels On Any Car within reason also spacers are often used to extend the wheel plates and in our case they're two in one that is we put wool plates that initially did not fit and extend them out by two inches as a result we get the wheel as in the picture [Music] trying on spacers it was hard not to notice the terrible state of brake discs and pads I don't think it's worth explaining the importance of the braking system therefore where possible we want to achieve maximum reliability the brake pads were also replaced we've more or less figured out the front but things are more complicated with the rear after a little thought we decided to buy a Bugatti yes yes the same Bugatti Chiron in a 3D model it cost us only 25 dollars and here's how it looks we'll make a body based on it I mean the part of the body that we need for the project so to speak non-waste production in the 3D model we cut the body in parts and then cut the panel into thinner ones each such panel should not exceed a thickness of four inches so why did we divide all the parts into four inch thick panels This is due to the length of the cutter The Stroke of the spindle and so on and based on these technical features we came to the conclusion that it is easier to cut many panels with a thickness of four inches and then glue them into one whole body how does it work we put a sheet of polystyrene on the CNC e the sheet size is almost 47 colon 24 and starting from the given program we start bar relief cutting for many many hours sheet by sheet after a few days of sharp milling and sampling we move on to the next stage first of all we release the blanks from the sheets at first glance you might think that there is a lot of waste and one more body of some smart could be cut out of them yes a body of a smart would fit here without any problems but the elements of Bugatti can't believe me if it was possible to arrange the parts more economically we would do it given the cost of materials recently so we cut out everything Superfluous with a knife and an hour later we have such a pile of Lego parts for adults at first glance it seems that it is unreal to sort out this chaos but trust me if you spend a couple of days at the computer thinking how to cut the body correctly and into what parts you'll know each part by name and determine it even with your eyes closed the whole thing will be assembled using polyurethane blue it looks like mounting foam but unlike it the glue does not increase in volume to avoid waiting until the glue seizes on the previous layer and for better better fixation we screw all the elements together with self-tapping screws part after part hour after hour after two days of work we have three main separate elements a roof and two sides all there's left to do is to connect them and get a solid structure here's how it looks we adjust the Junctions with a grinder with a pedal Circle we apply the same blue and then we screw them together with self-tapping screws the next day when the glue is dried we have a one piece body and now we can clearly see the parts that need to be improved we fill such holes with the same blue we wait until it dries cut off the excess and move on now we can finish the form which is what Andre is doing flexible planar various lasts a couple of days of work and 10 years of experience will make a Shape close to the ideal as far as it is possible to do it with expanded polystyrene the next step is to Prime and putty the form in order to make its mold later most often this operation is replaced by pasting with metal tape and the Matrix is made by it we use a slightly different technology rather it's a matter of habit but it's easier for us the first layer is priming in our case it's a simple water-based paint yes the one that is used for painting walls and this is important as any other resin or solvent based material ruthlessly corrode expanded polystyrene here's a good example just imagine let's say you made a car body cutting it out gluing it finishing it for a couple of months and finally the long-awaited final primer you primed it and after 15 minutes the body is gone that is why at this stage we use water-based materials in addition they are much cheaper than professional two component materials and they are just perfect for these purposes after we applied the first layer all the spots that need to be putty appeared the putty used is also one component water-based yes yes the one that's used to putty walls the next step is the developing layer most often the base paint of a dark color is used it is applied around the entire perimeter and later when grinding all craters chips indentations and rough Stripes from sandpaper are clearly visible along the body are such thin longitudinal lines they are also above the Arches to keep them crisp thin and elegant we need to line them properly masking tape is glued along the line and starting from it planes are lined the main thing here is to stick the tape correctly and evenly otherwise you might line something that was not planned well then a few days of grinding and a couple of pounds of dust we did was to determine the places where matrices would attach and detach from each other that's where we made the edge that is the entire structure will consist of many rigid Elements which will be assembled into one large integral Matrix with the help of bolts this Edge will be the connection point it is made of plastic piece by piece we were fitting it to the shape of the body and tacking it on the Hot Melt glue the Bugatti has a mohawk in the center of the roof it will be very difficult to fit it into the Matrix it is much easier to make it separately so at this stage we remove it then we do the flanging it's already clear now how it works and into which elements we divided the body in order to get the fiberglass part out of the Matrix without any problems in the future the first layer is the release agent tinted blue so that it can be clearly seen where and how much of it is applied this is a release agent based on light blue it is considered single use unlike wax but in our case it works better because we are not planning to make a line production of bodies for Bugatti and in terms of time this release agent is much faster than applying wax in several layers polishing it and so on so for a single copy it is easier to use this kind of single-use release agent we applied the release agent to elements that are not adjacent to each other and this was made for a reason a little later you will understand why we did it that way then we tape the adjacent elements with a film in order not to spoil them with compounds that will be applied on the blue areas the next layer after the release agent is gel coat in the white compound we add a little bit of the same one but black then we add the activator and we get a gray gel coat which is applied evenly with a brush we made it gray so that it is visible where and how much of it is applied also the difference in the two colors allows you to see how well and evenly mixed the compound this is very important so it has to be well mixed basically this is the first layer which will be the front layer after we finish the work the release agent will be removed as a thin film [Music] the next step is to apply glass fiber mat covering it with polyester resin we do this when the gel coat has already hardened you cannot press it through with your nail but it is still sticky like Scotch tape that's when you have to apply polyester resin so that all the layers are well joined and stick together it's pretty the same story here with polyester resin polyester resin is a two component compound so we mix a plus b nicely and apply the first layer with a roller then layer by layer we spread the glass fiber mat we used the material with a density of 150 300 450 and 600 these are grams per square meter but we used 150 density glass fiber mat only in the most difficult delicate places where it is complicated to spread the thick material evenly so basically the work started with 300 density and then everything is clearly seen a layer of glass fiber polyester resin and a roller but you can't spread out a couple of layers at once according to the technology you can spread out the next layer the next State as polyester resin is strongly heated during polymerization and if you make a thick layer of it this compound would deform when heated and can easily deform the framework on which we applied it and of course the polyester resin shrinks as it dries if you apply it layer by layer it's not a big deal and it's unnoticeable so we did it this way layer by layer day after day and in the end it took Andre almost two weeks to do this work each layer is well coated with resin and rolled with a roller in the end we use this metal roller with needles to remove all the air that remains under the glass fiber mat before applying the next layer we run a coarse sandpaper over the entire area to remove the obvious roughness and needles from the glass fiber mat in the end in order to create a more or less rigid Matrix form we put two layers of 300 matte three layers of 450 mat and two layers of 600 mat it took 132 pounds of polyester resin nine pounds of gel coat and a lot of work days for Andre so why did we tape and Zone the areas as you remember at the joints we have plastic edges we've already put glass fiber mat on them from one of the sides now is the time to remove the plastic as a result instead of a flimsy plastic Edge we have a rigid Edge which is an integral part of the main element now all that's left is to put glass fiber mat on this side as well and we will get the right design but once again a surprise was expecting us in some places the resin has found way out we peel off the top layer of gel coat clean up and putty the spots where the resin has eaten away the work piece the rest was done in the same way a few days we covered it with the glass fiber mat layer by layer and now we have a finished Matrix which should be detached and then we'll evaluate the result the first thing to do is to cut off the sharp edge with a disc grinder the next step is to drill holes around the perimeter later during assemble process we'll insert bolts in the holes and it will be possible to tighten all the parts of the Matrix together [Music] and finally we start to disassemble the construction as you see the edge has been lubricated with a release agent and now it has a clear border which perfectly adheres to each other the second Edge was applied in a liquid state and perfectly took shape basically that's what you see on the screen in the end we didn't manage to keep the expanded polystyrene blank intact although no one really tried because after gluing it we realized that it's impossible to take it out of this room [Music] there are only two small doors well if we fold the expanded polystyrene body into the trash bags it goes perfectly through the door as you can see the construction was large complex and rigid so we disassemble it by all available methods in the end the Matrix is ready it is good [Music] so we assembled The Matrix and prepared it for the application of The Parting agent now we can use wax we leave it here for five minutes each time we're going to polish it the wax works as The Parting agent so that after putting all the layers we could easily take out this large and complex form out of the Matrix and now we have to use the method of applying five layers of wax we need to polish the wax properly as the competent people say we have to use soft rags okay what is the next stage the first layer is gel coat roughly speaking it's a special primer that is going to be the facing layer of our body when we get it out of the Matrix what about the next step the next step is to apply the glass mat in contrast to The Matrix we're going to gain the thickness right away we're going to use one layer of glass mat 303 layers of glass mat 450. the estimated thickness of the piece is about three millimeters you've seen this process several times I suggest we shouldn't dwell on it let's move on to the fun part we unpack The Matrix and get a solid fiberglass Bodywork and by the way a footage to prove how solid this material is [Music] and then we unscrew 50 bolts and get to the unpacking foreign you can clearly see why the Bodywork was divided in several pieces and was isolated this way in the end this complex solid form is disassembled easily and we have a finished body we just need to get it in another Workshop six miles away but before that we cut off all the excesses and the remaining glass mat after that we polish the sharpest places we're doing right now because we want to carry this body with our bare hands from one place to another if you cut your finger with or got a splinter of glass mat once you know exactly why all in all I think the fiberglass Bodywork is quite a decent technology one of the main advantages of it is that this body will never rot or rust by the way the experiments with plastic carb bodies was conducted back in the 1950s and the first production car with fiberglass body was Chevrolet Corvette in 1953 just imagine 70 years ago but this material has disadvantages of course but that's a topic for another video and in this care this is obviously and simply the right option [Music] foreign addition to creating unusual carzar Workshop also creates smart tables finally we decided to make it for sale of course no business can be successful without a working and usable website it's possible to make such a website in approximately 10 minutes on the platform Squarespace the sponsor of this video for this you need to choose template and customize it for yourself in a few clicks you can personalize your site and what I like about Squarespace the ability to see how the site will look on different platforms it's easy to make changes and you don't need to be a programmer to set something on your website number of ready-made templates over 100 all of them are free and available in a choice also all this templates have adaptive layout all are made qualitatively and correctly displayed in all types of different devices there's no problems with editing the site everything is clear even for novice users editing content may be performed by man not familiar with the layout of web pages and programming the Squarespace space has many controls animation fonts all this can be customized for yourself to create individual style that no one has you can save 10 percent using Code access garage when ordering [Music] so the next stage is to cut everything that prevents the fiberglass shell lower but first we take off everything we can until we have just a naked Bodywork this is what the guys are doing by the way this is an unusual way to attach a bumper three rivets a metal plate and the car gets perfect gaps it wasn't hit wasn't painted we should give credit to the previous owner because the condition of the body is really great in the first video I've told you that we bought this car partially disassembled this was an unfinished project but the work on the body was almost completely finished considering the fact that it's Ford and it's from 1992 we can say that the body in a perfect shape apart from a a few parts but we're gonna fix them [Music] we removed this torpedo dashboard and now there's just one little thing we're going to remove the heater all the cables and wires because we're going to do a lot of sewing cutting and welding and all this plastic will hinder us greatly and we can accidentally burn it before cutting off the roof we need to cut out the windows it's a pretty easy task we only need one string and two bass guitar players as for the rest of the Interior They removed everything from here before us we bought this car like this the previous owner repaired the body painted it but then he stopped working on it in fact this happens all the time when a car restoration project lasts for a couple of years all in all it's not about the skills or the experience most commonly the enthusiasts lose interest in their projects and then it's quite hard to resume the project you've abandoned for a year I think anyone who was in this situation will know what I'm talking about and in the end these projects end up on Craigslist or similar websites and the ads say it's almost completed you just need to assemble it and we bought it to disassemble it even more after a few hours of work we have an almost completely clear body so the next step is to saw the roof off because the who created Bugatti made it such a way that we can't put the roof on top of it and since the angle of the back window is completely different that's why to stop the body from collapsing when we saw the roof we create improvised braces of the body yeah these braces are very important the car really collapses if it's not a framework or convertible type of car they work in a completely different way and the body is designed very thoroughly but our car is not convertible that's why we installed the braces [Music] okay that's it we strengthened the Bodywork now we get on with the sawing [Music] the next step is to draw an arbitrary line and the show begins [Music] [Applause] [Music] then we use every tool that can soft cut or affect metal in any way [Music] the Bugatti s body is shorter than Ford's body and in order to put the fiberglass shell on it we have to shorten it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we put it on and realize that it doesn't fit at all it's not hard to lower a car by adjusting the suspension and before installing the new suspension we need to make sure if it will fix the problem and if we can install the Bodywork forward if we set the car as low as possible to do this we put the car on the pads trying not to drop it on the ground for the next hour we were busy picking proper pieces of wood meanwhile measuring the Gap with a super precise tool the foot of our former Stoner here there's our Bugatti this is our Bugatti after the specialist approved the height we put the Bodywork on [Music] now it's all become clear and the lowering the car solves this problem to do this we've decided to cut off the coil springs and they order coilovers and do it properly that's exactly what we did in the end we cut off the coil springs to install the wheel properly we put what's left of the shock absorbers back and then it became clear that the Arches don't fit to the clearance right now we lowered our car with improvised means without coilovers we're gonna have round Arch just like in the picture and to keep the work going we're going to weld The Arches again I think it starts to look pretty cool we really like this picture foreign [Music] the degree is right it's going great so let's weld some arches [Music] after a few hours of work we can see the shape clearer the top of the vulga part has this nice round Edge and now we're going to try to replicate it with improvised means we install the arch using screws [Music] thank you and then it just falls into place we take out the temporary screws and put the permanent Arch on the temporary Fender since these metal body parts will be covered with pounds of plaster we're gonna perfect it and create a matrix and then we create all these elements from fiberglass in the end we're gonna get fine in light panels that will perfectly fit to our tasks but it's just a theory in practice we're going to remake them a several times foreign [Music] so at the first glance it looks pretty weird the thing is that it lacks decorations that makes a car look the way it's supposed to for example this is how the appearance changes when we put on a minimal set a front bumper a sill and drag the wheel where it should be and that's when I had a sigh of relief because I 100 pleased with the proportions that's the most important thing the rest part of the work is to finish the body and a few other things yeah it's not that easy but it's just a matter of time and to get the right outline was our main task meanwhile the work on the Rex doesn't stop after two of the lair hours and one Andre day of measurements which in fact is the same thing it became clear that it would definitely not work to fit the donor's windshield struts to the Bugatti body therefore we cut off all the excess and separate the racks we decided to make the ark like this we took a simple plastic form [Music] we checked how it would look and what we need to change that is that's about how we figured it out so we realized what angle we need in order to get here this smooth beautiful shape which is such an integral feature of Bugatti therefore we took plastic and the boys had to make it out of metal foreign [Music] as you can see this is done manually the main task here is to get two absolutely identical arcs for the body to be correct and symmetrical in the future therefore after each operation We compare one pipe to another and adjust them based on the result we estimated this shape by item based on the height of the car which we need to get in the future a few hours later we have a pipe of this shape which is firmly inserted into the cavity of the factory pillar we merge them slightly by welding and check the Symmetry with a laser level we understand that everything is okay so we can weld everything well we also thoroughly weld the pipe in the front in such hard to reach places it is difficult to weld everything well but with the help of an angled grinder a hard to reach Place turns into a very easy to reach one and we can continue welding in the back we weld the pipe in the region of the strut mount to a pre-reinforced platform the next step is to thoroughly weld the structure at the cutoff point of the factory pillar simultaneously adjusting the metal well and so on both sides after everything is tightly welded we take control measurements adjust the shape with a jack quite a bit ntry on the template and in general we are very pleased with the result [Music] foreign [Music] the shape of the shell and the Arches fit together perfectly and this means that we can safely finish the bearing frame it would be more correct to call it a safety cage most often such a thing is done in racing cars and it is needed in order to save the living space of the car crew in the event of an accident and it is also used for longitudinal reinforcement of the body initially safety frames were used in rally races but later their use became mandatory in other disciplines it is made only from round pipes since round sides are less dramatic depending on the complexity of the frame design different reinforcement options are possible starting from simple ones these are arches over the heads of the driver and passenger and ending with complex ones a spatial skeleton that combines the front and rear suspension cuffs into one power structure Sills and sidewalls as well as the safety cage of the car interior itself this is exactly what we should get here's a good example of how such a Frame Works and saves lives of course we're not going to participate in races and we are making the frame only because we have completely cut off the upper part of the body which did not fit into the project at all now we need to marry our pillars with a frame because so far they have nothing in common as a result everything is visually clear here at fixing points to the bottom and strut mounts reinforced platforms were made of thick metal foreign the pipe to the back it will replace a piece of spark and body the only place that we didn't have time to finish was the base of the pillars they need to be honed a bit of sheet metal angle grinder and tack weld after two Valero hours one side is ready but Andre had to do the second one as a result it looks like this the next step is to Prime the frame first we thoroughly degrease it a bit of black primer stir it well and we can get to work as you may have noticed the guys often work without respirators and the cameraman is no exception this is how the whole process looks from the outside after an hour of painting without a respirator [Applause] [Music] by that time the safety cage has already dried up 10 times and we can do another fitting this is another fitting of our shell to understand what problems we can face in the future and this is that our Bugatti Silve is much higher and it's a little wider than that of Ford we have 15 centimeters of space that we need to fill with something this is exactly where the fiberglass shell of the sill is joined to the metal body of a Ford this will be the basis for future Sills it remains only to fit cut and install it in the body to get this paneled as close to the doorway as possible we had to fiddle around with it we saw the sheet of metal in some places along we also make a lot of incisions in the places where we'll bend it we adjust it try it on and so many many times when the mold is fitted to the opening we are ready to weld it as you understand the solvent Vapors have not yet disappeared and the cameraman sees the garage exactly like this as a result it took about 6 Volare hours and two cutting discs to adjust the door sill at this stage before welding we need to sand the body in those places where the metal will be welded since in the future we will have no access to the inside of this box so we prime it in advance with zinc primer or well through primer what's the point in removing paint and applying primer the thing is that the temperature is very high at the welding points and the usual coating Burns Out accordingly the metal is exposed and we have corrosion inside the box but a special primer is not subject to these provocations and holds firm even at this temperature something like that the next step is to assemble the already primed puzzle [Music] well further work on adjusting the door sill is on your screen Valera clearly measured everything adjusted it hammered it and in three Valero hours we have such a box which as a result is welded on all sides with reliable and thick metal in the final we cut off the jointing Edge which we made with a margin we prime it and have this beauty we are adjusting the door first we disassemble it and take out all the stuffing glass glass guides lock and a window lifter then we cut off the bottom of the door by leaving a small margin it is this part that prevents us from installing the door into a new narrower doorway and finally the first fitting we watch evaluate understand what needs to be fixed and fix it then we try on the door again and that's what we get we made this new detail we carefully implanted in here it remains only to give it the right curve and we'll get a completely new bottom of the door as a result that's exactly what we did we fitted a beautiful new panel around the entire perimeter cut it a little bent it and minted it roughly fixed it with screws and the next Andre day after welding we have such a picture which in principle we are very pleased with okay the main issue is that the doorway of Volga is 35 inches so the lighting is the same but in our project in the concept the door is twice as long and if we use two Linings we can't work with this part so we have to be smart for that we took two vulgar door Linings and using improvised means we put it in the same plane thank God the form is really simple and the horizontal line goes straight without any deviations curves and transitions in the end we have the right form of the door lining the stock Volga has the same lining but twice as long we stick metallized duct tape on every hole in joint in the end we have this panel we measure it and after that we'll recreate this piece using fiberglass we're gonna do this according to the old pattern first we use the release agent then the gel coat a few layers of glass mat soaked in polyester and after half an Andra day we completed the Matrix it looks like this the next step is to fit the door trim to do this we cut it off put it on the body and fix it on the spot then we go to the vulgar donor to remove the door handle in the final version the door will be a little shorter and behind it there will be an air intake as in the original Gotti [Music] in the end we were satisfied with it and this means that we can fix it for good in order for the fiberglass lining on the door to be fixed on well we need to modify the upper part of the Ford door with the help of a simple device and a Chelyabinsk marker this panel is made it's welded into its place and we proceed to the handle you can see it yourself we cut out the hole and after a few Valero hours we managed to cross the lever mechanism of the door lock with the handle from the Volga with the help of this thing as a result everything works fine it opens and closes but now we are faced with a question that we need to raise the window and the original glass does not fit here anymore since our original mechanism will not enter either because our door is shorter so this is what we did first the mechanism was disassembled extra bits were cut off and long hours of fitting began [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we adjusted the window lifter guide to our required size now the next step is to make a pattern for our future glass since this original glass does not fit our doorway and we need to make a new glass first of all we decided to make a pattern of the future glass from plexiglass and in the future to give this sample to production for the manufacture of normal glass a suitable cardboard was cut out transferred to Plexiglass cut along the Contour with a grinder fixed to the mechanism and put in place and it became clear that when opening and closing the glass will rest against the visor of the Bugatti case with the help of a pipe Bend this Arc was made [Music] as a result we have a limiter the glass will be attached to it in the future now it remains to make the right pattern here on the table we see glass from our vulgar tea and a donor from which we will try to make a template for the further manufacture of new glass see that it's straight this is Plexiglas it gives into molding very well but at a certain temperature now we are trying to connect say two improvised glasses together so that our Plexiglas takes the form of glass from bulgate but to do this we will first prepare everything and put them together [Music] foreign judging by what we see I think the experiment was a success the form has acquired the features we need you can see immediately that the desired radius has been achieved in general Plexiglas completely covered our original glass [Music] we're slowly getting to the front panel Matrix the fenders and the hood eventually we will replace this tired metal with fresh lightweight and strong fiberglass for this we removed the decorative elements clean up the rust and start polishing since this paint looks very questionable and can eventually cause troubles we remove it as much as possible after 10 Bolero hours we have a clean surface on which we can apply pounds of putty and start shaping it after all the old paint primer and putty have been removed we degrease the surface and throw on kilogram after kilogram of putty foreign so what is this done for the fact is that the Bodywork of the Volga even came out of the factory not quite smooth not to mention the traces of 60 years of service and besides we have significantly changed the shape despite the fact that the splashboard will eventually be brought to an ideal this won't work because all Technologies are breached here and this quantity of putty will definitely make itself known that is why we will make these elements from fiberglass in the same way as we did the back of the Bugatti when we sharpened the splashboard we don't forget to regularly estimate what kind of hinged elements there are a lot of attention should be paid to fitting by the way it is convenient to putty right on the spot we glue the headlight with masking tape and putty right on it then we will immediately have a guide to the beacon how many putties we need to put on the sculpture [Music] thank you we sharpen everything that is in the garage at hand flexible planes in flexible planes some kind of bars you can even wrap the ruler which was used to putty and sandpaper it is also convenient to sharpen with it we sharpen it for development as we said earlier we will pile kilograms of putty on the old panels from the Volga bring the shape to the ideal in the future we will remove the matrices from them and make new fiberglass Parts as a result we will get light strong beautiful body panels with the correct geometry [Music] but not everything is so simple and fast and this work took more than one Andre a month we continue to putty our sculpture alternate the direction of spreading the putty that is if we pulled one layer across the hood then we pull the next layer along the hood to cover these furrows which are formed during putting by the way a very cool putty with a color indicator initially it is blue and then during the reaction it changes its color and it is very clearly seen that there is no need to hurry and it's very cool that it is clearly visible that you should not start grinding the putty and when the putty has already fully polymerized the curing reaction has ended the blueness completely disappears The blueness is completely gone the curing reaction is over it already becomes white which means that you can already start grinding it foreign [Music] starting from it we make the right Gap that is it's fit to the wings with a grinder we remove everything extra we take off the wings and then the exact same process as with the hood kilograms of primer kilometers of sandpaper Andre day after Andre day and coat as a result we have an ideal shape [Music] [Music] [Music] first of all we pulled the shape of the bumper from the 3D model cut it into plates and cut these plates using a CNC made of expanded polystyrene then we assembled The Constructor which was disassembled into 3D models and got a copy of the Bugatti Chiron bumper although made of foam we put this foam mold into the body and with the help of putty brought the mold to its proper condition The Next Step was to put several layers of glass wool on the putty mold and get a matrix with which we will make a fiberglass bumper or rather Valero will make it actually his entrance foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so finally we filled up our bumper let's run through we applied separation wax to the blank after that we applied this is how the final fill looks like but that's not all we have to divide it all now and I'll tell you it's not that easy foreign [Music] Valera is busy with the rear bumper in the original Bugatti there is such a wing which opens and changes its angle according to its shape we adjust the bumper we cut off all the excess and attach it to the main body in fact it's not even a bumper it's part of the body since Bugatti has a one-piece design we did it separately because it's easier to make a part that way well now it remains to combine it here we decided not to bother too much and just screw it on the screws and for reliability tape it up which is what you can see of course it's a joke these are just temporary holders for positioning and the adhesive tape is needed so that the resin does not leak from the joints since we will connect these two parts with glass wool after the resin dried we began in a hurry to prepare the whole body for rough painting a couple of months ago I promised the guys to roll out the intermediate result of vulgari to a local car company called location and of course according to the best traditions we finished painting and assembling at night a couple of hours before departure the first thing they did was the main body the old paint was was removed with a solvent by the way these things perfectly played the role of coat this is such a thin layer of paint or special powder so that it can be seen where the surface has already been sanded and where more work needs to be done also the coat penetrates into all the recesses flaws and traces of rough sandpaper and after grinding these places stand out in contrast unless of course the color of the coat is radically different from the color of the part that is why I apply a dark coat to a light detail and then a couple of hours of grinding and we can paint by the way these particular shots were shot 15 hours before departure so everyone who was in the workshop had to pick up some sandpaper before painting the doors hood and wings we put them on the body check that they more or less fit together and immediately attach the door handle from the Volga when all the body panels are fitted you can start painting Andre conjured a little here added a little varnish to the ground and looking ahead I will say that it gave a very cool effect put the first layer of white soil it will also also be a substrate for red paint once again I repeat this is a rough painting only to visually divide the car into two colors as in the concept and get to the event so the front part will be white we will leave it just primed but the rear part the half of the Bugatti will be painted red [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the best way to help us is to like press the bell and of course subscribe [Music]
Channel: Axes: Garage
Views: 3,602,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supercar, homemade, art, creative, bugatti, chiron, homemade bugatti, diy, how to make car, building custom supercars, making bugatti, homemade car, woodworking, wood creative, woodworking art, how to make, wooden car, builder creator, diy car build, garage build, race car build, auto design, made a car, volga 21, volga, hypercar, USSR, French car, crazy project, vintage car, dashing axe, axes, axes garage, supercars, car tuning, timelapse, BUILDING
Id: aevCw9SD2Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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