Movie!沒有人知道這個不起眼的保潔員其實是董事長的未婚妻,欺負她的經理下秒被開除!#大约是爱 #最新電影 #大陸電影 #職場電影

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Welcome, welcome, Xun Ran. His works are actually here. Now they are popular all over the world. You can actually see him here and take a group photo. Oh, it’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. Hey, what are you still doing here ? Come on, come on. Come on! Let's go, wait, wait , who's coming , who's coming, one of the three treasures of our store, the big boss. Oh, it's true . If you had said it earlier, I could have publicized it on the spot to attract more customers. Now, we're making a surprise attack . Oh, this is it. Where are you singing? This is hey. What are you still doing? Go quickly and inform all employees that Chairman Wei is about to visit the hotel for inspection. All departments are requested to clean up within the scope of their responsibilities and prepare for business docking. After the cleaning is completed, send it to the front desk. But oh, why haven't I wiped it off yet? The management has to give up quickly . Oh, this arm. Oh, supervisor. Oh, supervisor. Why does the broadcast sound weird? What is called preparation before business docking ? What does it mean? Who will hit me? Go to the boss 's muzzle , be ready to pack away, do you check it regularly? Such horrible No , he is coming to take a vacation , and he also takes a woman and a woman . Okay , no problem, I won't go. That's too exaggerated. When the boss comes, don't you have to live in a top-level suite? Why do you hide in the standard room on the second floor? Are you the boss? Every time he comes to stay, he personally selects this place, including the warehouse. They've all squeezed in. What's wrong with the warehouse being converted into a guest room? There's nothing wrong with it. It's just mysophobia. It's just 100 times more common than others. Hey, I told you, can't you wipe it more carefully? Oh, supervisor , cheer up. Cheer up, okay, little one. Li is smiling. This is me again. I haven’t seen him for a long time. Manager Wang is the boss. He seems to be very kind and not so picky. Chairman, he has already started. Bring it on. I feel it . After ten years, I have finally waited for this day. Let's go see tonight first , but he must feed the chairman . Go to the convenience stores at the foot of the mountain. The hotel logistics department is good . I will find someone to clear out the inventory . Let Lao Wang answer the phone. Okay, chairman, I want to talk to you. Say a few words . Hey , hello, Chairman. Hello, Mr. Wang. I have selected the room . However, I have confirmed the things that are not hygienic . I have also arranged for a housekeeper to accompany me . Okay, okay, no problem. Everything will be as per your instructions, Director. Chief , which room are you in now? 1208 1208 OK , hey, hey, Chairman, I will send someone over right away. 108 Who is responsible for stopping your boss? He is very dissatisfied with your cleaning work. Now, I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. Is it a problem to be a butler accompanying the chairman? Do you have a brain problem or a neck problem? The guest who was originally booked in that room was immediately upgraded to a suite. The chairman also cleaned up everything in the room before . What are you still doing? Hurry up and go to work. Chairman, Chairman. My heart is actually here . Who is it? Why don’t you just go away and touch your face? As for you, you are boiling the water so loudly. In the autumn, your house is opened . It is really opened by others. It's over, it's over, it's over. My heart has been hit inside . Which department are you in ? I am Lao Wang from the housekeeping department. He is really getting better and better at recruiting people. Couldn't you be my accompanying housekeeper? Is there any problem? What can you do? Ah, a little girl like you won't be able to get in if she doesn't have any skills . I'm not like an idler . I can draw , run errands, and carry water. I'm very strong. That 's right. I'm short of rough guys here , especially people like you. I only have two requirements for you, a person whose nerves are as thick as lines. One is to be there when you need you. The further away the better when you are not needed. Can you do it? You should be able to. Don’t use too many modal particles when speaking. Are you a primary school student? Can you or can’t you ? Still not possible? Are you waiting for me to praise you? Who are you? Do you really want to worship him? His girlfriend is a Bodhisattva, right ? Is she an Internet celebrity? He is the school beauty of a famous detective school. What are you looking at? There is something on my face. Are n't you thinking that you were wearing the same clothes when we first met by the river a month ago ? It's been a month. Do you still remember? I was so drunk that I almost fell into the river . Fortunately, you saved me. My husband, please wake up. Did you save me just now? Who are you? I call Zhang Ranyu to be my girlfriend. Sometimes I wonder how a girl like you has so much courage to save a drunk who you have never met in the middle of the night. Aren't you afraid of being taken into the water with me? It's just a little effort. Besides, it's in the past . What's important is now, isn't it? Now that I really have the opportunity to take couple posters by myself, then I'll be the only one to show off my love to who. I want to get my things away quickly. Kai Wei Qi , I really like you. No matter how we started, can we keep dating like this? I have a gift for you. Do you know this necklace? Is it a newly designed product of your company ? But it looks very simple and does not look like Yunma. I'm sorry I took the wrong thing from you. Is it still there? This one is for you . Forget the one just now. This one is for you. It's the latest model in one size . Wow, it's so beautiful . I guessed it right. You really suit it. Yes, thank you. I like it very much. If you need it, please ask. Do you want to add red wine? I 'm sorry. I didn't mean to wipe it up . Let's go for a walk. Chairman, your water glasses are all empty. Do you want me to refill them ? No, can't you see that we have finished eating ? There are obviously so many left. This woman has a problem with the navigation. She said it inappropriately. Oh, I understand. Chairman, please walk slowly and wait. Even if you keep a distance of more than 10 meters from me, I don't like you very much. You stay in the air around me. I thought I wanted to follow you. If it weren't for Wei Qing himself being more handsome than in the photo, sir, wake up, sir, what's wrong? Is it cold? The wind on the mountain is too strong . Maybe I have a cold. Let's go back quickly. I finally made a move . No need. This is fine. Human body temperature is the warmest. I've wanted to hold you like this for a long time. You won't blame me, will you ? No , it's just good for you to be happy. Look, you're so active that you're almost a man's fashionable cross. What's going on , do you really think I'm a neighbor? Home labor, but you have to pay for it. Why haven't you come yet ? Haha, Miss Zhang , are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you need me to take you back to your room ? I'm not feeling well. I'll go back and put on some clothes. I'll go over to you in a while. Your girlfriend just now Are you glaring at me ? Well, this is really unfair. Shouldn't he complain to me? What does it have to do with you if he complains ? This is a very good hotel in the Wei family. Oh, by the way, are you feeling unwell? Do you want to inform me? Your assistant doesn't need that . Thank you boss , but it's not enough. This is the number 3, which means OK. Gentleman , thank you for your patronage . Welcome to visit us next time. Are you leaving ? The company just called me. I have something urgent and I need to go back quickly . Can I let my assistant go and take care of it? Didn't you promise to spend Chinese Valentine's Day with me? The suite will always be reserved. You can stay there as long as you want. If you want to bring friends over for a party, that's OK. I'll arrange the car. When is the next time we meet? No, what does next time mean? Ah, you took me over and now you're letting me go. I'm not letting you go. I'm breaking up with you. Oh, by the way, we're not actually dating. You're right to be so reserved. I have no way to go further with you . Why didn't we just break up with you? Are you okay? You invited me to vacation and gave me gifts. Shouldn't we be next? Did I do something wrong? You didn't do anything wrong . I recognized the wrong person. The person who saved me by the river that day shouldn't be you, right? I can do this. I didn’t mean to pretend. Maybe I didn’t explain it clearly that day by the river, but it didn’t affect our relationship. I was just a step late. If it had been me that day, I would have saved you. Why are you so obsessed with this, Wei Qing ? Weiqi Literary Youth , I'm not interested in your mental journey. I 've been looking for so long. I found the wrong person. I feel bad. Let's get together before I say anything more unpleasant. You , you bully others, you are not afraid of retribution, retribution. You're not the first person I've dumped. Even if there's retribution, you have to line up first. Where is Wei Qing ? Why didn't the boss tell you clearly what you're going to do when you come back ? Where is Wei Qing ? He has his girlfriend in the room. Let's go. I'll go. Look for him. Hey, I see you look murderous. What are you looking for ? Why are you asking me ? Hey, look at how hard I worked to buy so many of these things. He dropped me and covered me in mud. You can't just let it go. Well, I want to throw all these things in his face to let him know that this lady has worked hard for a month not just to facilitate their vacation. If he quarrels with me, I will stop working. Is the boss great ? Just take my things. He and his girlfriend can fool me around . Hey, hey, hey, I know you are a strongman, so I hired two professionals. Girl, don't be angry. You can't beat our boss. Go back, ah, ah, wait. Let 's just block it from here until dawn. I'm going to sleep in this breath. Wei Qing, Wei Qing. I know it's wrong of me to hide it from you. I know it's wrong. Can we start over ? I haven't made it very clear. You just think I'm tired of playing. I've been a scumbag once or twice. This time, Wei Qin, Wei Qin, it's over, it's over, it's over. I accidentally got stuck in a traffic jam . What should I do ? If I'm found to be a voyeur, Germany will be completely seduced. How can I be simple? Roughly make him believe that whether it’s family planning supplies or getting into his car, the reason for all this is just to get something back . Oh, my phone is out of battery. It’s strange that this girl doesn’t answer my call . Hey, I asked you, can you drive properly? Sudden braking will kill people. It 's you. What are you doing in my car? What do you think I want? What do you want to do ? What do you want to do when you run into my car ? I just want to get my own things back. Do you have anything in my head? I said that. It's true , it's on you. Don't let me go to you. Hey, get away . I don't want to touch you . Don't even think about getting out of the car. If you don't believe it, just treat me as a free ride. When you get to the place, just give me the things. This is ridiculous. I really don't dare to go down in the countryside. Okay, this is what you said. Sit down. Where are we going? The Public Security Bureau. What 's wrong ? Isn't it normal to bring a stalker to see the police? I stopped the car late and just let you go. Come on first, if you don't, now you don't have a chance. Hey, why did I offend you? Are you trying to punish me like this ? Is it because I entered your room before and accidentally saw a rash on your body? Shut up and stop. I want to get off and stop. Stop the car , stone, stone , your car, my car , ah, ah, stop, don’t try to run, ah, don’t come over, ah , ah, ah, help me up quickly. Help me up, are you okay? You're so dirty. I'll wipe it for you. You're so stinky. Hey, it's as if you don't stink. Oh , by the way, you have mysophobia. This is embarrassing . What are you looking for? I can't find it on my cell phone . Why are you staring at me? Didn't I also fall in? Besides, if you hadn't chased me, I wouldn't have fallen in. So we are even. Can you call the police first ? But my phone is out of battery. You are really useless. This word has been taken to the extreme . Hey, you and I are the only people here in the middle of nowhere. Can't we just leave the old courtyard and shake hands to make peace? Then what do you want to do ? It's very simple. Give me my things back. You today? I will never take the blame for anything I do wrong . How many times have I told you that I don’t have what you want. If you want to take advantage of me, just tell me straight up. Whoever takes advantage of you , please don’t be too aggressive. Can you think highly of yourself ? I want this piece of clothing on your back. Take it off and give it to me. Why should I listen to you? I'm telling you to stay away from me. If you follow me again, I can't guarantee you. As a girl's reputation and dignity, she can leave her things behind . Ah, you're crazy. What are you doing ? You're crazy. Please save it. I practiced weightlifting and wrestling when I was in high school. Although I have lost weight now, for you to be like this It's more than enough. What are you doing? Although I'm talking very strange now, do you, a little girl, want to respond to me, a grown man, in this wilderness? Hey, what 's in it? What did you give away , but they returned it? Then what on earth do you want that for? It’s not valuable. What’s not valuable? That one is worth a lot to me, okay? Where did you put it? Why should I tell you ? I said I don’t have the ability. Just search it out. You win ! If I can't find out, how can I come back to you now when I'm ten times bigger? Are you serious? Hey, I'm sorry, that 's enough . Let me go. At least listen to my apology . I'll give you 5 seconds to remove your paw from Take it off my arm, otherwise I will chop it for you. Believe it or not, I believe it. What I just said was to keep a distance of one meter and I was angry . Now I feel calm. The momentum I had just in the field made me look like this. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, if it was useful, there would be no crying Armani, Versace, Valentino in this world. You mean, I just accidentally tore it into pieces. Can you call it accidental? You can't call it that. If you are careful, can the slap I give you now be regarded as a massage? Haha, you really don’t hide. You will never regret it when you say it . There are so many people who want to be a cow or a horse for me. What do you want me to do? When will you If you're not in a good mood, you'll search me first, and then give me a bang on the ground. No, no, no. You just said it so carefully . Even if you don't know what's good, you should recognize the reality. If it's not on you , it should be lost. I'm really sorry. I don’t understand what you are thinking. Where did you get the confidence before you pushed me to the ground and searched me? Why do you think that I, a great boss, would steal something from a small employee of yours , let alone a worthless letter ? You're right, it 's just a letter. It's raining. Can't you run quickly ? What's wrong with you? I feel so tired when it rains. There's a bus stop in front of me. I 'll take you there. Who asked you to pull me ? I don’t need you to carry me on your back. Who am I in your eyes? Why do you, a little girl who is over 1.6 meters tall, have the confidence to carry me, a big man who is 1.8 meters tall? I don’t need you to accompany me or pull me up. Even if I crawl, I can crawl by myself. Climb back, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, how did you find it ? No, no, what should I do? It's so dark now. We can't keep searching like this. Hey, you guys go back first. If there is news, contact me as soon as possible. Next time , It's raining heavily. I can't leave him alone. Is there someone else? Shi Shi Shi Shi Zhang Eel Lan, why are you here like this ? It's really you I saw this morning. You came with your boyfriend. I'm not in a good mood. I came out to get some air. Unexpectedly, I accidentally slipped and fell. Now it’s raining so much and I can’t go back to the big hotel. Classmate, do you still remember me ? You are from the Department of Physics. My name is Li Mingcheng . I’ve met you a few times in the student union before. These three people this time are all classmates of our Guanghua University Astronomy Club. They are all from the same school. Can you still leave now ? Hey, what are you still doing? Your idol is injured . Why don’t you help me quickly? Oh, oh, oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on Thank you. Slow down. Then you guys take him back to the hotel first. I'll go look for Mrs. Zhou. Mrs. Zhou 's elementary school girl used to work in the hotel. Why don't you go back with us? It's raining so hard and it 's very dangerous outside. Mingcheng, let’s send senior sister back first, right, let’s go together, right, Mrs. Zhou may have already arrived at the hotel, okay, then let’s send you back first , okay, go , senior sister, please slow down , be careful of the steps.
Channel: 甜剧联盟
Views: 2,531,841
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Keywords: chinese television dramas, top chinese drama, chinese drama eng sub, chinese drama, c-drama, k-drama, asian drama, love, romance, 霸道总裁, 灰姑娘, 美女, 爱情, 情感, 恋爱, 中国电视剧, 电视剧, asiancrush, kiss, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, chinese new drama 2020, eng sub, korean drama, 出色中国电视剧, 大陸劇, 偶像剧, 甜宠剧, 好看中国电视剧, 中国电视剧2020, 言情, 浪漫, 腾讯, 中剧, 我的小确幸, 锦心似玉, 我喜欢你, 你是我的荣耀, 邢菲, 唐晓天, 医生, 律师, 赵志伟, 宋妍霏, 走进你的记忆里, Walk into Your Memory, 星汉灿烂, 月生沧海, 赵露思, 吴磊, 异地恋, 床戏, 霸总, 忘记你记得爱情, xingfei
Id: vUYSA5qN90w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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