Fugees - Ready Or Not (Champion Bootleg)
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Channel: DelightDNB
Views: 15,528,059
Rating: 4.8850856 out of 5
Keywords: drum, and, bass, dnb, d&b, drumnbass, drum&bass, liquid, chill, chilled, delight, music, funk, chillout, electronic, EDM, fine, finest, fresh, groove, groovy, good, better, best, delightdnb, freshest, drumandbass, smooth, smoothest, vibe, vibes, Fugees (Composer), Ready Or Not (Composition), fugees, ready, or, not, champion, championdnb, bootleg, remix, edit, Bootleg Recording
Id: ts0WO6wJB3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2015
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The Fugees /ready or not bootleg will forever be one of my favorite tracks remixed into existence. Champion definitely pulled it off . Absolutely love this track and can't forget to give credit to the original BOH stunna junglist masta zinc!