DJ Hype - Ready Or Not - Drum N Bass Remix
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Channel: GlobeNinja
Views: 14,956,748
Rating: 4.8197498 out of 5
Keywords: alternative, blues, classical, country, electronic, hip-hop, world, music, unsigned, rock, dj, hype, ready, or, not, drum, bass, remix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2007
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My god. This track gets posted once a month, and every time it's credited to the wrong producer (usually hype or Aphrodite). The track was produced by DJ Zinc. It's free to download from his soundcloud, along with the 2003 version.
DJ Zinc did this track originally (from Fugees samples), and could not clear the samples. It is the most bootlegged DnB track in history. There is a great interview with him somewhere discussing it.