[FSH SPECIAL TOPIC] Home/Community-Based Research Projects. Brainstroming Process

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[Music] hello good morning everyone so good morning to those who are watching well not in the philippines so welcome so i am meijon aguilar i am your host for today and we are really excited about this topic and i bet you are as well so for today we have uh research topics in the time of covet 19 pandemic so simulan next starting pandemic tapos this type of webinar if we are going to give it and so natalya before we start we kindly request everyone to please mute and beat you off so while we have the webinar ongoing unless of course so it'll recognize nam in kaio and then you can ask your question live and strictly no recording of the session don't worry because the full video of the event will be posted in many of our platforms next slide is the certificate of participation yes we will be giving out certificate of participation for this and we will post the google form link later in the zoom chat box in the live comments in youtube or when you access the video later so we have the video description in youtube and we also encourage you to subscribe to fieldside house official youtube channel so you'll be updated to what is being posted in youtube so once again welcome everyone to philippine science sub and i'm giving you uh jeff bunken the founder of fields i have to tell us a little bit more about this organization jeff okay um founder in a filipino science sub um so filipino science hub is a platform that we founded back in 2012 and its main purpose is to promote the cultures of stem education and research among teachers and students in the philippines so um [Music] the picture you're the person you're seeing on the left side of your screen then the u is actually the head of our international affairs um and she's currently a quality and technical uh technical manager of um in one of the leading paints and coating companies in the world so nasa nasa is a researcher in the at the institute of plant breeding in um up spanish next is jp anya who's the head of the film research university degree in electrical catalysis and he's um currently based in um finland and then we have professor majon aguilar who's a professor of chemistry in um at the institute of chemistry in up los banos so she's an expert in organometallic chemistry and catalysis and um one of one of our um uh great young chemistry educators is educators in the country right now um next is janice averilla who is a researcher at kansas medical center um america and then lastly for israel florida was an assistant professor of chemistry in up help build a technology and innovation driven philippines so we can only achieve this if we will if we are able to launch a new generation of stem researchers or stem practitioners so in addition to promoting stem education you your knowledge process and you have to be able to apply it so we are coupling um our educational program with foundations of research so it's how you apply the knowledge that you learn from books the knowledge that you learn from your teachers through your lectures and you know by by by applying them we you would be able to develop the ability to create and innovate establish attendance visual amming platform okay so um at this point i would actually i'm so okay so i would like to give the give the floor to to um phil's i have ed's uh head marty mateo and just we can actually talk about like that our current program again so uh thank you huya jeff so as the head of the filipino sets uh hubs education program so it'll in the future for phil's i have it so we uh we made the fils i had hub ed as one of the main uh branches of philsai hub to train academic frontliner so so far we have around 30 uh phil sci hub members which are mostly uh educators and these educators can impact at least 30 students per year so if they have a career for 30 years because most of our uh followers are actually in their young years on their career so 30 years it can reach up to 45 50 per class so we are projecting that we can impact around 27 million students in the future next slide please all right so uh learning and online learning so we offered some resources for online teaching so uh available uh youtube channel so an effective way to teach on an online setting you can still browse our webinars to our youtube channel next slide please also uh since nage volpon feels i have ed after puno teaching webinars and we have three young uh module warriors they are uh bs uh mse math science uh teaching math and science teaching at up los banos so sila possibi aguila civ rituya and mark cortez pino solving part so if you if you if if this is the first time that you are tuning into filipino science hub please go to our website www.philsaihab.com your teaching next slide please i i turned out the table to queer jp the floor to gp okay thank you marty uh let me talk about now about the phil sci hub research university another campaign of filipino science hub and this program is focusing on scientific research on the high school and college level and uh here we are going to share some of the best best practices in terms of carrying out the research project and we will also share our own research our own research experiences on the right attitude and mindset towards research and we will also share some tips and advices on that next slide so uh the phil science research university program is composed of eight mandatory courses so we have research ideation literature review all the way to the poster and conference presentation and right now we are almost halfway through katatapa name research proposal writing last month was it last month uh and then young next course offering would be a statistical design of experiments so that's going to be on april 17th so watch out for that and uh yumasu up until july uh uh the announcements okay next slide so uh some of the finer details of phil scihab research university because we all um mentioned this in our grand launch uh held last january and uh i certificates later uh you will find there the the link to this uh uh launch you can also find this on on on youtube and uh we've also devised a google classroom for this uh campaign so the nippo young invitation link for the google classroom where you can access all the all the past uh webinars for phil's ihub research university and lahatpung we can also issue certificates of participation for you [Music] all eight mandatory courses uh we will give you a completion certificate you went through all the process of research research topics all the aspects of research and we will give you the the completion certificate for that and i hope you can also uh do uh like a formal ceremony for for the handover of these completion certificates and become officially a part of the phil sahab research community because we are malami coming planned plano for phil sahab research university would like to take this further uh until next year like a virtual conference if the pandemic still uh drags on unfortunately okay next slide okay so shall i talk about this or yeah yeah okay so phil sci hub is uh present in many platforms so meron uh facebook facebook uh page we have the the youtube and you can always just type in phil scihab and that will pop out we're even um present in tiktok and you can always check our full content on our website www.telseihab and you will find there all the webinars the tutorials modules virtual labs and uh some of our features so last week finished your point amisi uh dr christita a filipina scientist in the us and i am maganda manga features namin and kindly check check it out on our on our website and marami papo coming offering just stay tuned and see you all activities thank you thank you very much everyone so you know so from a merely web facebook page so we have launched uh fields i have ad and then we have fields i have university this is to address your needs nasi nabi news amen so again we would like to invite you to participate sophie's i have university para makaro on tayonna completion uh certificate later on and of course paramaging officially kabilan kayosa fields i have community so without further ado so let's move on to the topic for today and i'm giving you back all those three guys and some guys that i with me right now to of course introduce themselves so jp okay back to me so uh i forgot to to introduce myself no my name is jp anya and right now i'm a doctoral doctoral student here in finland i'm now currently based in turku finland and i'm i'm doing my my doctoral studies here at oboe academy university so i finished my my bachelor's degree in uh up los banos in 2008 and right after that i worked at petron and in 2016 i decided to pursue uh natural studies in estonia and then i carried out uh the continuation in finland where i i am currently based now so uh throughout my career my my research interests would include analytical chemistry electrochemistry and anaenosababa yeah and electrocatalysis electrocatalysis and metrology actually ayan text slide so i will hand over the screen now to john marti welcome back to me okay so uh again for my name is john marti mateo and i graduated from uplb so uh same with kuya jp i'm also a bs chemistry graduate and i am now uh working as a university researcher at the institute of plant breeding at uplb and just to give you uh an overview of my research career i am now involved or was involved in 11 approved externally funded projects related to agriculture most of this are actually multi-disciplinary projects next slide please so this is just my research career i started at up dilemma as a research associate at the natural science research institute so i studied polymer chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry for controlled drug delivery systems and then i transferred to up los banos to teach at the institute of chemistry so i taught uh general chemistry and organic chemistry laboratory classes and then right now i am at i am still at ubi los banos but i'm i i i returned to i returned to research so i am now at the institute of plant breeding heading the analytical chemist analytical service laboratory of the institute of plant breeding so so far i have published five isi and scopus index journals and also two peer reviewed papers so i turned the floor to huya jeff a graduate of chemistry from the university of the philippines las vegas actually back in 2006. um after that boy worked in the philippines for a couple of years i thought for a year in upld as a chemistry laboratory instructor and then i moved to philippine petroleum corporations i worked as a laboratory chemist there um and then after that i actually moved to canada but you studied to earn my doctorate degree in chemistry uh from 20 night 2009 to about 20 to 20 middle of 2013. um after that po i actually moved to the us for a couple of jobs then so i actually worked as a staff scientist in uh at argon national laboratory which is a us government our research facility so they may perform fundamental science research that are related to energy and i specialized in catalysis research so development of catalyst development of processes to produce chemicals chemicals and energy as well as materials engineering um so and um and then spectroscopy to be added and then very in 23 years ago i actually joined um one of the major chemical companies in the world which is a subsidiary of one of the world's largest publicly traded oil and gas companies so at the moment i'm working as a senior research engineer secondary research um facility and over uh a span of 14 years of doing research starting from my undergrad years i have already published about 16 international publications and then more than more than 25 um intentions that impose so um what we're hoping um to be able to do today for is to guide high school and college students on topics that that since we started our first since we delivered our first um a research university training course back i think in september of last year now another um uh six months after um we we got flooded with those questions like and actually thanks to marti mateo because this is actually his initiative sabine some fundamentals of [Music] the types of data that you generate from research so you can categorize research um uh topics you know according to those um to those metrics um part two number which is actually the main point the majority where we're gonna be talking about like a lot of potential topics that you can pursue at home marty mateo is actually going to cover that so he will give he will provide suggestions um uh you know as to topics that that high school and college students can pursue at home and or within within the bounds of their locality so we highly encourage chipotle you know to uh take down notes because he will be um uh identifying or listing down like a number of possible um research that you can pursue at home as early as tomorrow if you have the drive for it and then the third purpose um which i will deliver is about the brainstorming process so um this usually i don't think i don't think filipino filipino students and teachers at the high school and college level really practice this much now um how do you actually generate idea like how for a teacher how do you solicit ideas from your students so um and if it comes to a point that anger now your students are very capable of identifying ideas say if you have 20 students who give you you know a total of 20 ideas how do you pick like that one idea that your class is going to work on so how you can systematically generate screen and prioritize ideas and that's what we call the brainstorming process okay so not to hold you um not to hold you guys like well for much longer i'm gonna uh give the floor um transfer the floor over to the gp all right jp take it away okay thank you kuya jeff and uh good morning paul salahat i think we are joined by uh students from all over the country uh we have people from uh uh up north apayao uh and in [Music] and also rtpm uh i think national high schools in in pangasinan just correct me if i'm wrong and also rtpm uh dumaguete and we have a yeah we have a total of 530 live participants right now so exactly really good um good morning uh so as uh dr jeffrey uh mentioned uh i'm gonna begin the the discussion for today by tackling the different types of research projects and uh yep so uh it can classify lampung research uh according to different to different classifications okay because the scientific research is very broad and you can classify uh a research into many into many uh categories but uh three categories that we are most uh i think the most practical and the most useful so research can be classified on the basis of application uh objectives or the research goal and also in according to the data gathered so itoyan blueprint this morning so in terms of applications of application you have a pure research and apply research pure or basic research and according to objectives uh you have exploratory descriptive correlational explanatory research and according to the type of data that is being gathered uh you have qualitative research and quantitative research and i will go i i will highlight each each category now so on the basis of uh application you have pure and applied research so pure research or basic research is carried out to expand knowledge about a certain topic who carry out a research project to expand the the the field of uh uh i mean the field of study in that area and it's all uh always where most of the time driven by curiosity or the natural uh progression of the of the research field and there is no uh immediate practical application but uh people just carry this out to to broaden the delay of the land so uh while on the other hand apply re applied research is carried out to solve a uh a real world problem or a practical uh practical problem and it's very direct directed towards uh that specific application and most of the times this is driven by commercial or industrial objectives so most of the time companies would approach universities to to ask or seek help about some operational issues or some problems that they are encountering in the company and then there is uh the the university at least here in finland uh would offer uh like research services to or partner up with that company to to really figure out uh what's going on so basically before young pure versus applied research and if i can just give you like a concrete example is the development of uh vaccine for for kovid19 so uh for for so long a time uh like uh molecular molecular biologists and uh and uh biotechnologists or biochemists are working uh to like really figure out the the libraries for um rna sequences so parang through time that accumulate young young knowledge about uh rna sequences uh rna uh which which sequences would uh result into or will transcribe into certain protein so as a pure research and here comes this new virus discovered 19 virus and [Music] people are actually develop the vaccine faster because the data is there the research is there so parang naging 19 which is uh you have the virus and you have to research on it so that would be applied research now taking the taking the the data or the the knowledge that you acquired from pure research so so this pure and applied research uh go hand in hand all the time and no uh and no uh type or classification is above the other so whether you're in pure research or applied research these are all very useful um research research types and uh propel non-development science okay next slide so according to the uh objective research goals uh different research can be categorized into exploratory descriptive correlational or explanatory so i will begin now with uh explana exploratory research and this intends to explore uh the research question by looking at uh by framing the the research question and identify the important aspects of uh of that research problem so it doesn't offer a conclusive solution to the research problem but it merely wants to map out the most important or the glaring aspects of of the of the research and it's usually conduct conducted to uh to define a certain problem or a new problem that hasn't been uh studied yet okay so most of the time uh young exploratory research po would uh would take an existing theory and apply it to this new problem or if it's uh totally new we can uh uh deduct the theory from from the problem so exploratory research is uh it's a very important and a very basic uh type of research no problem but uh we're just looking at the the the research question uh closer parapo makita you important aspects so data collection is often in the form of unstructured survey and interviews because exploratory research is most often used in in psychology or market research or in in education different angles of the problem okay next one is the descriptive research and this often builds on the explanat explanatory exploratory research i'm sorry this is a typo this because when you have exploratory research we have the data gathered from exploratory research it can point out to the most important aspects so parang uh the exploratory research would uh would tell you to look at this this part this aspect this aspect in this this aspect and you put in focus no descriptive research you know which is uh like a step further uh in the progression and this is used to describe the characteristics of a population to look at it more uh more closer and the phenomenon being studied so the research methods include surveys uh case studies observations and measurements so [Music] if you're studying the different biodiversities so you can look at a certain plant species and you can collect data on that on different in different settings and compare that so a main tool for for descriptive research is uh descriptive statistics or young young very familiar but i about like the mean the standard deviation because this will give you uh like the quantitative quantitative data or the it will describe your quantitative data and uh this the scripts descriptive statistics would be the the workhorse for uh uh presenting presenting your data okay the next one is the correlational research and this is a step further uh from uh descriptive research because now you are trying to recognize patterns between your variables or your factor small and [Music] and this can provide an evidence but not uh directly like claiming a causality but it will provide uh some evidence of that or lack thereof among the variables and you can collect first hand or archival data uh here so basically uh this is first hand is primary primary research archival data is secondary research because you're already like taking data from previous previous studies and we also uh make use of statistical tools to analyze uh your data here uh like the correlation uh correlation coefficients and uh well regression analysis to analyze and present present your data in a in a sensible or logical logical fashion next slide and explore explanatory research now would be the highest order research where you identify the extent and nature of the cause and effects of relationships so it upon explanatory research would be uh young very very uh familiar satin which is the experimental research because here uh uh you you make a very ordered experiments and try to control all the factors uh of the experiment to uh prove or disprove a certain cause and effect relationship okay and data is data collection is in the form of experiments as i uh as i've mentioned and the essential features of this experimental research is that there is a cause and it must precede the effect observation [Music] in applying a factor or variable so uh will always precede the effect and the variation of the variable must be systematic or very much controlled at the very least we're trying to get rid of this interfering variables or what i've mentioned in the in course number three this confounding variables now when you're trying to uh apply a certain variable or a factor uh you must make sure that uh let's say you're you're trying to study the effect of temperature on the reaction so temperature longitudinal so factors like pressure [Music] that can affect the system okay so the next slide is like a diagram of this progression so we have the explorer exploratory research at the very bottom because it gives the delay of the land if you if you will and from the exploratory research you can try to look at a certain important aspect and derive the script descriptive research on that aspect and the next step would be the correlational research where you now try to like deduce a certain correlation or relationship uh between your variables and uh the peak one the peak uh the peak here would be the explanatory research where you where you now try to experiment on the the cause and effect uh relationship of your variables so it will experimental research that we are all uh very familiar on off uh and i would just like to point out here now uh as uh like this progression but uh you can always pick one of this depending on your circumstances or capabilities but for uh high school students or or college students i think uh exploratory research would be a good place to start because because it's just all about data data gathering and trying to [Music] like explore the research question and not trying to prove anything highest order research which is explanatory research is um like the realm of like experts and i'm not not merely experts but uh uh when you're trying to do experiments on very very controlled young environment conditions and uh right now deepu not in magagawa because we're we can we don't have uh much access to the lab and so uh descriptive exploratory research would be uh like a good place to go okay next is the types of research based on the the the data being gathered and we have here uh like the two main types which is qualitative and quantitative research so qualitative research is very much used in the humanities or in sociology and uh it gathers data in textual forms because data is gathered through personal interviews okay and this explores ideas or formulates a hypothesis or or a theory out of it okay while on the other hand quantitative research is the research where you obtain data and express it in terms of numbers and illustrate your data in graphs or in tables and [Music] the main difference between qualitative research and quantitative research is that quantitative research is often used to test theory and hypotheses and you can tell that the research a research would be qualitative or quantitative depending on on the treatment so if you're trying to explore or develop a theory that's in the realm of qualitative research when while on the other hand if you're trying to like test that theory or hypothesis then now you will now move towards quantitative research but right now uh merundinpuntinatawagna research which combines like the essential features of qualitative and quantitative research into uh solving a specific research question but that's uh basically just a combination of these two okay so here is like a side side-by-side comparison of qualitative and quantitative research so the in terms of the focus uh the qualitative research uh focuses on the quality and meaning of the experience because you're actually talking to your respondents and you're taking note of uh the different qualities of that phenomenon from the from the eyes of of your interviewee or your subject while on the other hand quantitative research is um deals with quantity uh frequency how often and the magnitude of of the data okay and in terms of the research goals qualitative research is often used to understand describe and discover uh this specific phenomenon or this research question that you are asking while quantitative research would uh oftentimes test control and correlate your variables well and in terms of research design uh qualitative research is flexible evolving and emergent because when you're doing like one-to-one uh interviews or ethnographic studies questions that arise from from those interviews that you can like explore on the spot so very flexible young young research design and i'm not very familiar with this but uh nature while in quantitative research the research design would be very controlled very structured and pre-determined so hindi tayyip mcdevitt from from the the experimental design ayun now in terms of data collection uh so qualitative research po the researcher is the instrument so uh all the data is uh personally gathered by the researcher and uh this often would just uh involve uh researcher it depends on on his capabilities and capacities and while on the other hand the quantitative research makes use of instruments tests and surveys to collect data in the form of numbers or numerical figures okay so to just uh try to to appreciate the different types of research and [Music] i would just like to to say in uh important appreciate nothing young research police experimental research [Music] to go to go to exploratory research descriptive correlation research napoli nothing uh explore depending on our situation in terms of experiments and laboratory access so mamaya marty will uh will provide specific samples of these exploratory researches and uh yeah so i hope uh this lays the ground for for uh for marty's talk and i think he's ready and one more thing one more thing so um he will talk about the specific topics what we encourage you to do is take note of the things that jp had talked about though and then this other idea try to visualize what what type of research would that be depending on again the application depending on the on the objective and the type of data that you will generate so actually like what marty will talk about are specific ideas and then he will also comment about you know the types of data and essentially um um good outcomes that con that can come out of you know of of those initiatives as we move on you know um to the later parts of the discussion and then hopefully i know how you can prioritize these types of ideas okay marty all right take it away marty can you see my screen yes all right so thank you for jp for your uh introduction to research so not being upon jeff kanina uh we laid the foundation for the uh technical definitions of this research but i'm identifying a research at home so uh so what are the research that you can actually pursue at home so experiment well at your what while you are in your house or in your home i started talking about high school community based research last september and it opened ideation process most of the questions that we had before i company obamacare research at the time of the pandemic so hindi naming you know before because uh of course we focused more on the ideation process but now we will be going to the uh we because we heard you and because uh malachi is a filipino science uh uh we we are now offering this kind of topic we are now offering this kind of thought sorry so we are offering now this kind of topic to you so uh this is just a parang so what are the possible topics while at home so si si mulan kuna posta practical agricultural research since i'm from the agricultural sector no over sinaten or hindi pumashado napapan senu among agricultural research and then you subject it to different soil types and silk garden soil or predator ventures uh which is an ideal soil type for that specific plant so isaiah possible outcome from your research 30 students if you actually want your class to work on uh i did the identification of the ideal set of conditions for for example isn't as happy and mrt the types of soy of soils that would um um uh be most um suitable and that would actually most favor that would favor the growth of a particular plant a group [Music] rest is actually sandy on pilipinas on paper [Music] productivity nang land and philippines and of course efficient use of yes that's correct we are jeff so uh is subject to organic fertilization in organic fertilization vermicomposting or other types of fertilization amero available is a market cause readily available fertilizers a market so from that fertilization process again this has a bit a good impact on sub farmers nothing and to the efficient use of fertilizers organic or organic fertiliz fertilizer so uh we we must be able to suggest uh the optimized fertilization process on a specific plant paramas magandang growth so uh knowledgeable about fertilization processes okay uh next one uh use of different kinds of varieties so it opens cultural management same soil type same fertilization same watering agua watercila and hunagawa water agricultural practices are the same and then after subjecting it to same cultural management yield or town specific actually yes research no um but your regionality could actually be um something that um could bring about um new findings and typically independent actually for example if there are schools from different regions who are willing to participate in an activity now okay um all at the same um period nagaland representation he pulled that's a form of collaboration among high school uh research groups and i apologize if if we may sound like a broken record um don't dismiss these types of research as though you know they're too simple that they won't make an impact no um every research that you actually perform no matter how simple it may seem for as long as the ex the the project is designed really well executed you know um carefully and the data are actually processed um properly we can come up with with fairly influential bodies of knowledge encouraged so don't get disheartened if you cannot access the lab right now you know there are some very relevant types of research um that you can perform um that could make an impact um due to the greater i know philippines but now just just a reminder experiments experiments free space in my laptop so again this also has a a an impact in the community impact in your community we always uh we always emphasize that your research must have an impact on your community within your region yes yes all right so let's move on to the next topic so a tournament for climate adaptation so meron thailand drought and water lagging so so again this is a very impactful uh research suggest of el nino el nino fertilizing fertilization techniques and the body of knowledge that you will generate if you want to pursue these types of topics you can actually contact the filipino science up because we're also interested in this types of research we can actually uh guide you company research design on this uh this ornamental plant so walapa machadon studies on the cultural management meruma cultural those types of effects of specific factors we can quantify them though and if we can pull them together um we can really come up with the database yes cultural management for these types of ornamentals fertilization soil type watering uh watering uh young timing and watering etc etc effect of sunlight so the next topic is biodiversity so and this is also a very important parameter so biodiversity studies are often neglected research topics on biodiversity so again you focus on your community biodiversity studies let's say for example salix [Music] but if you're after continuity for example something up on the marty observe you surveyed um biodiversity surveys for example a monitoring change is a biodiversity lake in your area over the next 10 years and then after 10 years paul he gathered in new england biodiversity as a locality is a community that could have induced that change in the biodiversity uh data and and learning from research it actually like those will comprise um a body of knowledge that will have impact you can actually make recommendations to the same community to a similar community that's undergoing a similar change the stewards of these are actually teachers no responsibility yes i would just like to add also [Music] just to make it a really community-based research attunement benefits would really uh for the community soil types and you know identifying the optimal if you involve of knowledge for the next 10 years of your teaching to see if there are changes in biodiversity so same is true with rivers other marine organisms and then lastly young forest is foreign 100 square meters or 200 square meters will be enough for high school or college students is an output of your research from that uh biodiversity study tapas provide no explanation before or not the only thing that you need here is a person who can go there and take pictures of the whole of the whole uh of the whole [Music] inferences same same plot same area land area active compound is lab equipment to actually come up with a fairly well designed research project yes by mere observation uh environment studies on this biodiversity by diverse areas yeah and one more thing martino next week bo actually we have a webinar on taxonomy and mycology so we're going to be featuring um a world-class filipina scientist whose career is i know discovering new species in families of fungi so and for anhinga hanapan in a clinical application so next week if you're interested in biodiversity studies and taxonomy and mycology um attending um to me when i was in canada that's where we met when i talked to her about her webinar she was actually very frustrated because she told me that there's a plethora of undiscovered um fungal species in the in the philippines but you know uh it's out there it's out there the research is out there you just need to uh go go there and find it ikanga all right so the next one or the next topic that i have here is app development so etosa field computer science or i.t in the future predicament development as early as high school development free softwares not drug go app builder for free so software so explore uh although software nato before you shall meet an individual [Music] possible topics for apps school so right now we are uh online learning pero in the future say for example in 2022 or in 2023 blended learning uh face to face face to face an online food course in general from your uh concessionaire spending one day before or an hour before two hours before pedigree some etc teachers every quarter so petting uh max assign in langkayo and then after signing in you will see your grades federica yo maglagen and other functions like uh trend internet access to be able to use those online resources that marty actually mentioned types of research that you can actually there are also some barriers that you need to um go over for example youtube tutorials on how to code these those are some of the the things that pedestrian and then based off of that if you're working on these as a group project group learning activity and they can train one another [Music] it will generate a specific type of data now [Music] in the icc dr lee kinely i see doctor ricky nelias is also a graduate of uplb pero say us phd and uh actually uh organization upl upl chemical kinetic activity against uh insects and pests receptor antaramine receptors arise we will i uh hindi hindisha presents vertebrates at sahumans so meaning to say terpenes is the function or the receptor of your rice vehicle and not other anima not higher order animals so angina using computational chemistry terpenes and saimna tyra mean receptor from rice weevil so anub are common types of computational chemistry tools protein so it's a homology modeling from your amino acid sequence protein structure so it is necaron silent protein structure which is very uh very important la lunas are targeting non-molecules yes we have jeff okay marty so there's actually a question that i pinned on on youtube um it's from um so what she said was um what possible study can you um can you suggest posture regarding cell and molecular biology without using laboratory tools so i brought this up so um um they're computational computational approaches to chemistry molecular biology or physics um basic requirements for them to begin amino acid sequence from a certain protein which is a tyramine receptor from rice weevil nawalapan crystal structure and then transform it using a program so which brings me to the second uh type of mod of computational chemistry which is the molecular modeling after my model nathan after nothing magic protein structure is unbinding energy the more negative the binding energy you must effectiveness insecticide or pesticides are rice energy requirement paramount bind you compound nato detox protein atom and therefore disrupting the protein structure so on the dyslexia protein structure disrupting cellular and physiological response no pest which is the rice reveal so on the bayon requirements types of experiments of course you should be uh adept to your organic chemistry structures basic structures spanish panasonic behave protein structures and guidance from an expert like say for example because he's from up dilimanci dr riccinellias actually mago open shannon workshop for high school students for molecular computational chemistry you opened your computational chemistry to senior high school students so uh we will be posting that on our website as soon as possible signalizer do you have any uh additions to that kuya jeff um one particular aspect this might um appear intimidating quantum chemistry or quantum physics so um if you are interested in in research projects like this uh what we encourage for you to do is to reach out to local experts so we do have um computational experts in the philippines but um usually nasa major universities but you know um these people are parts of institutions who have extension programs so on the public extension program so it makes a been put on uh they do have program outreach activities for the mentor and to help um the highest of the high school sector on how to perform that can actually a training programs within phil say hub research university where you can also explore some chemistry and molecular biology concepts so we do have a webinar on data science rainfall happening on april 3. so that's actually going to be delivered by one of the youngest experts in in data science um who's uh currently uh working as a professor in st looks medical center so watch out for those things those activities pause saturdays um for the month of april specific areas that you can actually work on um so april 27th we do have um a foreign speaker who's actually an american and a professor um in one of the leading medical universities here in the u.s um he's going to be talking about cancer genome analysis so you uh the information on how to register um for for those um events on our website that's a facebook page or top 10 hits clinical trials or uh and and enter actually practicing as a pharmaceutical companies because of computational chemistry protein of interest and actually so um i i would actually encourage for you my teachers if you can um uh get yourself um you know if you can just like get like some music training or uncomputational chemistry it wouldn't hurt for our students at the high school level and [Music] we might be able to do to get a workshop um scheduled or sometime for later this year so um just uh watch out for further announcements but where we're monitoring your your messages [Music] so but if you actually run computational um chemistry studies first and foremost high quality or resource it works you're saving the scientists the time that they might end up like wasting um working on candidates at the high school level get in touch and and work with local universities chemistry physics biology molecular biology professors and work with them get their guidance book because more likely silicon so one thing that i would challenge for you all to do is to get to know your local experts professors among actually this computational research is a a widely used tool leading researchers may and if you're curious for about high throughput experimentation webinar um last january on the design of experiments screening so we have also what we call quantitative surveys so uh uh social so pretest uh onion participants in the magsagot questionnaire about kovid 19 vaccine acceptability uh what are their preferences et cetera et cetera and then after that you put an intervention so an intervention pediment on seminar with the respondents about covid19 vaccine nah expertise and then after that you conduct another post test what is your confidence on kovid 19 vaccine rate from one to five so one being the lowest fighting the highest etc etc about the confidence on uh kovid19 vaccine so padding is some type of research research is two parts two parts intervention mid uh is consumer preference before the pandemic market etc indifference known before and after consumer preference before and after the pandemic etc etc social sciences so qualitative uh quantitative parencha in essence applying a statistical analysis where jeff would you like to add okay so yeah yeah in open i mean a question from youtube i just would like to address this uh assertions now from mary lovelin what possible topics regarding medical biothesis the touches diseases can be epidemiologic approach the doable at home or in the community because i was looking for local studies survey topics epidemiological uh research uh well the most pressing now would be kovid19 right so but if we can like pull uh i mean like uh our experiences let's say uh well ethical uh survey survey uh research nato we can contact like positive soccer with symptoms nila i i'm just like uh saying uh things on the top of my head because computational study if you're really after molecular biology type of research predicting computational studies surveys um uh patient-facing so just make sure we just have to qualify this privacy ethical as so we're opening the aperture for different types of research pono that you can do within the community but but then there are sensitivities around it for example the things that we tell you that we suggest that you do take them with the grain of salt so yeah and discuss it and discuss it and discuss it carefully with your your your thesis advisor or your teacher [Laughter] but this is uh this is a good entry point yeah and i'm also confident research without the approval of their teachers so consult your teachers first know when you're designing experiments or when you're about to um execute a plan because at the end of the day among us those are some of the best practices of you know students when you perform these experiments at home okay so yeah and so social science is social science all right so the next one i guess this is the last one that i'll uh discuss thoroughly and these are important uh parameters actually because i say for example nag measuring rainfall during the season experimental design and how to hear the experiment you can search it all over uh all over google maraming studies about rain how to measure rainfall precipitations within the area so pedimped in the meeting references also same is true with temperatures not just focusing on the short term this is for the teachers i know not just focusing on the short-term outcome but on the long-term outcome the health assume rainfall uh count within 10 years etc etc so those are just that those are the topics that you can pursue at home so india it is as a practical agriculture biodiversity of development computational quantitative survey meteorology but you can also venture on robotics if you are into robotics and engineering you can also venture in data science data science vito because i don't want that to preempt the talk of kevin c so yeah april 33 april three so he's a leading data scientist in the philippines so watch out for that now other uh topics related to data science because in the discussion campaign so as a final uh as a as a final uh slide for my talk i'll just give you a quote from sun tzu chinese military general credited for the as the author of the art of war sabinya it does not take sharp eyes to see the sun to see the sun and the moon nor does it take sharp years to hear the thunderclap wisdom is not obvious you must see the subtle and notice the hidden to be victorious for research topic we just want we just need to have or we just need to know where the entry points are and kami is a filipino science hub we're leading you to those entry points right now we're leading you to those entry points and we we are actually providing you enough wisdom for you to see the satel and notice the hidden and and with that i conclude my talk thank you for listening and i turn over the floor to jeff ceremony this is actually a very relevant exercise to both students and teachers generating or what we call the ideation process so like it's about the ideation process the art of brainstorming for research project ideas okay so there are four parts to it so the first of which is ideation process uh proper formula exercises identify when it comes to research even at the high school level third case how do you systematically pick the right idea and then your last purpose very quickly is tips and best practices okay next okay so enter a hypothetical scenario you know um you are research a program development uh within at the high school level so let's say yes and for everyone to do individual research the more likely out of 30 ideas um you have to come up with a systematic process for you to narrow down you a pull of 30 ideas all the way down to the top three so i think you need to turn attention okay but before i um go over the steps of the ideation process um a typical how do we encourage idea sharing so for example do we systematically pick the best idea out of a collection of topics um listing your idea prioritizing them and then picking the best idea without bias and then lastly how long should that the ideation take so long at okay so but before we we we go over the steps in the ideation process so what is ideation or what is a uh this thing called the brainstorming process so at the way my definitions like um from from reputable sources online so for example ideation is the capacity for or the act of forming or entertaining ideas at the point the act of forming an entertaining idea so the department active participation and teachers students so we highly encourage um students even in as early as at the high school level you have to be able to generate your own ideas or formulate questions and on the side the one pono teachers entertaining ideas so there's no such thing as a stupid idea whenever you're coming up whenever you're executing an ideation process or stupid that that's that if you do that on the first day of the ideation that defeats the purpose of of of of the process and then you'll turn the brainstorming so it is the modeling over of ideas by one or more in the individuals in an attempt to devise or find the solution or a problem brainstorming brainstorming um [Music] that's more of an application of an existing knowledge or technology now typically ambassador is towards that whenever you come where do you're doing a brainstorming activity ideas characteristics of an effective brainstorming exercise or ideation exercise so the first of which is it should be a relaxed informal approach to problem solving so hindi reports a teacher teacher i know hi malia and gina brainstorming process it should be informal you're encouraging the students you might be missing out on some very good idea so what's very important during the ideation process is that you should encourage everyone to communicate their ideas for example in a classroom setting via oral delivery ideas happen after the session this is actually one thing that we encourage teachers to do intimidating um an effective um brainstorming process encourages people to come up with ideas which can be novel or application of an existing solution so not be gonna put it so again [Music] second or third session idea you have to set as you have to set um some criteria snap validation on score and idea and then you let the set of criteria pick the best idea and the best the best topic for research okay and then now we're moving on to the steps of um an ideation process so clarity clarification um okay so one very important question that uh we have to answer before we go through the steps is how do we ensure that the ideation process is facilitated effectively and without biases it's just toward all the ideas and make sure that they're given enough um respect and equal respect so equal respect for all the ideas group or non-teacher okay so the first thing that you have to do is define the purpose of the ideation so for example a research topic defined in a purpose and ideation more likely collapse it come up the students you know then you know it can be it can also the framing session can actually be as broad as possible the second step is solicit ideas from all team members again i cannot emphasize enough all you have to define a set of criteria or a scoring system for research topic selection so this should be based on the objectives and the accessibility of resources at the end of the day and then again at criteria for you to say that that project is actually worth pursuing okay now the fourth this is an exercise for sometimes it takes like one month or two months regular meetings a particular topic you have you have to let your students perform background research so for example if i must if i'm one of the students and i propose two different topics um i should be given enough time so two three or four weeks to come to to perform background research and then um the the last step is regroup and rank the ideas based on background information quality background research and a wild and a well-defined set of criteria um would facilitate the identification of uh the best our research the most suitable at the best and the most suitable research topic scientific method now you have to do your background research and formulate your question and then that's actually when you come up with a conclusion as to which is the best idea okay so for example um for for for research ideas and teacher and what she says is um class we need to identify a research topic that can that that the class that that the class can pursue without having to come to the school's lab and the project the project should be doable in four to six months so two points in the framing session so don't balance a statement on teacher it sets the purpose now okay identify in a research topic and then the initial scope so that though you will tap it you research for a research topic in as early as possible is in the province where majority of the population is engaged in agriculture so i'm just qualifying the situation and when when the teacher solicited for ideas so say like on the second and third meeting um these are the this is the collection of ideas that the students actually came up with so for example one of them proposed a project on robotics robotics young second student she said oh yeah i would like to perform plant research um for plantitos and plantita so mejo at a specific focus research about plants and then a specific rimpo and demographic target um she actually would like to perform research in a relevant who are interested in planting um vegetables like in their gardens or ornamental plants the third one is i i would like to perform a biodiversity research has the fourth one is modeling studies to identify candidates for covet 19 treatment so autonomous is fairly specific no so okay modeling studies they already know how they would like to approach it and then the specific target area is covet 19 treatment um identification solution elements candidates and then the fifth and then the fifth idea in a minute is to study local rainfall the variability so guys so now on the perspective of topics in your best ideas are representing some of the topics that that marty mentioned earlier but then again context this ideation process doable even if you don't come to the lab and then it should be um finished within four to six months and then lastly they live in a province where majority of the people are actually um engaged in agriculture so so the next thing that you should ask your students to do is to perform background research what would be the reason why these studies are to be pursued and you know before yo he is sent back home or the assignment performed on background research um you should also define a set of ranking criteria so for example what you think was a singaporean ranking criteria possibly oh students you propose these topics but then you have to perform background research in a span of two to three weeks and you should answer these questions so um for the idea that you're proposing are there available resources resources second is what would be the impact of your research third um very important attribute is um what the research you're proposing be doable within four to six months and and your answers to these things should be based on um background information in the latter year the students are not supposed to make this out they should present to you um you know answers based on literature search and then your fourth fourth um criteria number is um um are there local experts uh that you can consult and collaborate with um for you to be able to perform the research at a fairly um good uh a reasonable quality so young um set of criteria that you have to set for your students and then they will they would they should be able to give you the answers based on the research um background information that um they will carry that they will be uh gathering so after punon says that's when you'll gather the entire group and this is actually a very fun exercise what you have to do is you have to tabulate um your your sets of ideas against uh the different criteria and then you should assign a sporting system so for example you should score an idea a one for a particular criterion if it's if it scores low um two for for a mid level and then three for if it's scoring high so for example um we're gonna try to answer this so uh in terms of resources so for example and one student um suggested that they perform a research a research project on robotics when it comes to the availability of resources okay plant research for plantitos and quintita so third idea is biodiversity surveys agricultural area i also definitely in vegetation so more likely we try to do is we work with the students or with the team to populate um all these criteria so for example impact robotics matas it's it's it's um a cutting edge area uh uh research for plantitus and plentita if you generate these uh learnings you know that it is of importance but then again directly impacted no knowledge from from this research in comparison to the other ones now the third criterion is actually time so robotics because you have to assemble the robot and wait for for your equipment or spare parts to come in but challenging you for the six months because you're delivering supplies time for plant research for plantitos and pentitus for example not planning to mobile in a span of two to three months so definitely doable within the four to six six months um research period biodiversity definitely it's the same thing because you're dealing with plants within the four to six months uh time frame modeling study so again depends access and resources basic coding to do this so definitely six month period the miranda so moderate learning is corner and then study of rain for rainfall variability and then one for both the modeling study and the rainfall variability because meteorologists once you have already uh given a score um you know for each idea um um you know considering all these um set of criteria what you have to do is you have to add up the score and typically the way we do this is multiplicating your scores essentially you'll multiply all the scores for all the four areas so for example in this case if you multiply the scores for resources impact time experts and partners the first idea will score a six second and 81 third 36 a fourth a six and then the fifth is also a six so definitely podito say for example of thirty uh predicament formed groups of fifteen members research you know on how to grow ornamental and and vegetable plants um in and within within the backyard and then second demand they might be actually able to work on research um this this this part makes teachers realize that independent lagging is your main role is actually is actually to steward and to facilitate for them to perform these activities in scientific methods the reason why the students are being required right now to perform research is for them to be able to exercise these activities and for them to learn the necessary skills i'm down to my last three slides okay so best practices and tips so these are some of the things that you should watch out for when conducting an ideation session so for uh one about id idea solicitation clearly define the purpose and uh of the ideation exercise and the bio problems that you're trying to find solutions for so that's very important the second post welcome all ideas just try to spend some time or find ways to get answers from students who are not as vocal third is do not dismiss any idea prematurely unless sufficient background information is available so again information based idea and then last and then um a fourth bullet point is encourage every team member to participate and contribute why do you think this idea should score high on this of on this criteria on this great criterion so you'll have an encouragement for you exchange intellectual exchange amongst your among your students and then when it comes to idea selection ensure that the idea selection is information based as i said earlier a balanced set of criteria it's a timeline and then again so these are some of the things that you have to consider um the scoring i the scoring uh the scoring of ideas should be based on background information false claims in teacher spot would are you leader should be able to solicit ideas and facilitate discussion so again uh you must respond to friendly approaching you um the role of the facilitator is to steward the systematic prioritization of ideas um the facilitator communicates the ideation outcome so after puno score uh young we appreciate you sharing your ideas but then you know after all of our discussions and you know the systematic scoring of all of the ideas this is the outcome so these are the top two ideas based on these justifications so like that session based on background research at the end of the day now contribute on on on how they contributed to how the ideas were identified as you have to reiterate you have to you have to make you have to give emphasis to the fact that it's a team activity you know if you guys have identified a very good set of idea ideas set of ideas the entire team wins at the end of the day together to develop the research project and then when it comes to the team the more ideas identified during the start of the ideation session so it's very important that you actually bring your ideas forward and then uh what we call a functional team um is needed identify new ideas you can also divide your teams into sub groups so for example 30 students and they divide you into group six groups on five members you should form a small group and discuss your ideas there and then it reports a teacher student dynamics like amongst your students so you know uh research about like how research on how to grow plants you know uh for relevant to all plantitos and plantitas out there and then a biodiversity survey based on the scoring systems you have to talk about the background uh the rationale for the the conceptual framework you know um based upon which um you picked that idea and then your experimental plan how do you how do you actually what are the methods that you that you plan to perform for you to be able to answer your research problems on research proposal development and um the culmination of our research proposal development is actually a competition that we will be uh holding that we're actually holding this here it's called phil cihab's lion's den so young information website so it's open to all high school students and and teacher groups so um will win about that you can use as a research as research funding but for you know for for you know for things that you would like to add to perform like the school year and then for more information go to our website go to our fields i have facebook page and or on our youtube channel casey meron set of instructions and how high teams of high school to the students and teachers can participate in this competition so your deadline for non-submission research proposal is on april 30 so you know you have about 40 days from now um to put together a research proposal and compete for that so i'm gonna experience putin's competition again semi-finals will be mentored by a panel of filipino scientists and then you post so many you know with guidance from csun filipino scientists for from different parts of the world so yeah at this point bro i would like to um you know end by my presentation um um i'm hoping that you actually learned um you know um uh the process of of ideation and sanya puyama teaches thank you very much jp marty and jeff so i hope everyone learn a lot i myself to refresh and to give me ideas on my on my own about how to conduct research and how to encourage my student to conduct research so we are open for a few questions okay tomorrow questions [Music] i will read some of them first question is from janil bernice gion a public school teacher from don vicente rama memorial national high school in cebu so i think this is important do you consider a research as a failed research if objectives aren't met no no no no no so major ee clarifying or fundamental science understanding that is actually disruptive what that teaches you is that the experimental design or your approach to answer the question is not the most suitable approach if you're if you actually can continue the experiment then aluminum so there is no such thing as a failed experiment but there is there's there's such thing as objectives that are not met but that doesn't necessarily mean that you failed so nasa and company so you have to look into the reasons why it failed experimental design that would bring about uh an evolution on the [Music] [Music] you're performing experiments not because because you you know you're expecting an answer but doesn't that doesn't necessarily ensure you that you're going to get to that answer methodology an unconventional result is still a result so let us uh normalize uh having a result that is not uh within the bounds of our hypothesis hindi what you should do is you should go back and search the literature did other people observe something similar but then that kind of weird might actually be an important answer to other questions yes unconventional results discoveries yes actually i mean i have i have had a bunch of experiences like that in grad school now i and even in in my previous work in chicago where i was aiming to make something and then miraculously another another compound was formed even compounds that we thought are actually impossible to form based on you know fundamental understanding of of inorganic and organic chemistry so you might get a bag there's no such thing as like a failed or a wrong result it could just be that you know it's a different result indeed in the way that you expect for it to actually behave experimenting [Music] research ideas like that okay on paper it looks good but then it's just really impossible to achieve so meanwhile for example when you go to grad school sometimes for every 100 experiments that you perform none of them will work zero results you have to be able to learn from all those quote unquote failed experiments yes so 100 experiment and all failed uh think of it like it's a good way to look into your methodology tapos another approach so look for another approach so you're opening up avenues so questions actually now quite a very specific the marabini game example smarty so like for example your alternative to i taser or are there apps for computational chemistry or softwares for computational chemistry would you care to share something that you know actually homology s [Music] [Music] foods um additional question from um mom aguilan city but they're both of the public schools right now are conducting distance learning modality tapos printed modules so what can you suggest to schools who are conducting distance learning modality who can only have access to printed modules about how to write a research paper one thing that perhaps they might be able to coordinate is local libraries are through the local barangay uh officials i i think that's one thing that we can encourage [Music] and printed books printed journals coordinate with the local government and new local libraries and then universities too i say more likely materials yeah i agree cassettes writing it on a research proposal you need to uh have your literature research as well indi research proposal if you don't have a good uh literature search about background information about jung's topic of interest so uh library physical library is so the only thing talaga that we can we can do is through online choices people from university or people from the government to prince related literature for their research because we can only manage uh we can only go through this successfully if we involve everyone okay so thank you very much so there are actually several questions about biodiversity but i think it's a little bit uh topic-specific like they're asking uh how would they start or conduct biodiversity study on certain [Music] type of species of fish okay uh instead of answering that maybe you can give us some some final words okay so [Music] how would i approach this research subject is and since we already uh since we already gave you the entry points to this uh topics the next thing that you that is best for you to do is to search the literature pick a topic of your choice applications like say for example research is about the thought process of a certain individual creativity yeah creativity creativity when you're working on a research um project appreciating the research process yeah and in terms of the ideation part uh first uh web first course nothing's uh phil's hijab research university now we always take you from our environment and our current circumstances we can see from our situation right now let's say food delivery online online selling certain certain ideas may take our we take our cue from from our environment uh your heavily uh forested area what's already there and yeah yeah something happened in sabina's ap you just have to scan your environment for example exactly it's the research process that will actually bring you the solutions wisdom is a different kind of thing it's how you learn and how you learn from your experiences and your failures and how you actually apply those learnings you know to make them to make things to to solve you know future problems it's the effort that you made and it's the great process if you failed the first time learning how to do research and to also come up with technologies inventions and findings that will impact your community or the society so in as early as possible nurturing you have to expose yourself in as early as possible and you have to be um persistent all right so thank you very much guys so i hope uh medyo nabagunat in your mindset nagati manga students as well as our teachers okay so uh research actually is a very exciting field so malay mo no peripatayo actually we can also apply this research problem yeah okay so i think that's it for us today but we have several announcements of course um this doesn't end in this session so we have nobody naming ideas and then but on april 17 we have the fifth um fields philosophy hub research university training course on um a statistical design of experiments so itapo is a professor from up los banos will deliver that workshop and teachers and students at the high school and college level so will will actually bring you a training course on the statistical treatment of uh data and um and design of experiment and i think one thing that she will also that our resource speaker will share is actually an online software that you can use to process your data all right statistical software open access when is this when april 17. april 17th yes next week so biodiversity research discovery of new species um dr connie uh kenyatta giveaways saturday next week same time in the morning in the philippines she will she will guide you through so you might go somewhat biodiversity research but you next week and then data science for college level and high school are research projects by professor kevin anthony season so expert molecular biology i think he has examples um for that study so indeed um applicable to high school at college level and then chemometrics which is also like a very important um area of research interested in chemistry so that's by professor gerardo mancaso it's on april 10 at 10 in the morning and then cancer genome analysis so at the points in habit by professor chad creighton from the baylor college of medicine so april 24. so um um uh and then as we mentioned earlier phil's ihub and then our programs influenced hub research university and fields i have education so and then for the teachers out there um soon it's actually phil scihab ed teaching fellowship so the suppose is to mentor teachers on how to um teach them in the most practical ways educators teaching the teachers scientists mentors the teaching fellows on how they can teach science in the most practical manner so training courses on teaching distance uh teaching and then after that will also give you the opportunity to share your work in a module platform page so we will provide you with information for how you can uh hindi policy [Music] and then um that point of clarification po um our e-certificates are actually auto-generated so software pushing so um give us up to about seven days before you follow up and make sure that your spelling po email address is a certificate so all right so thank you very much everyone so young evaluation forum zoom shot and i think nasa uh youtube comments as well okay then i make sure na tamapo information yes okay so see you again next week actually fully filled pong attenua saturday every week yeah see you every saturday every saturday lunch date okay thank you take care everyone thank you thank you [Music] you
Channel: FilSciHub TV
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Id: oW-kB1_qFa0
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Length: 187min 30sec (11250 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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