FSH ED Special Topic: Safety and Risk Management in the Laboratory: Practicing Safe Science for Good

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ayan good morning everyone from batangas i think we can start uh okay good morning welcome participants not indeed zoom and i think uh youtube channel so our webinar for today is entitled safety and risk management in the lab practicing safe science for good science and to depo we are featuring dr anna karen la cerna from de la salle university so before i put imog start let's have some house rules next slide please and so we kindly request spo to uh for our participants to mute and turn their video off during the webinar unless there's a question or put it in a comment with io chatting chat box uh either it's a zoom or side youtube and maybe also kindly request for everyone to not record the session because the full video of the event will be posted later on so for the certificate of participation we will post a google form link after the session so i think zoom chat box youtube live comments and uh so i think video description in youtube official youtube channel and also to follow us on facebook to receive that certificate of participation for this session so again welcome to filipino science hub to talk more about our non-profit organization may i turn the visual floor over to jp on jp hello good morning everyone i would just like to reintroduce our group to our new followers um we are the filipino science hub and uh it's it is our mission to promote the stem and uh this to promote the stem culture and education uh and the culture of research among teachers and students in the philippines we're a six-man team and uh we come from different uh time zones uh right now paul asimov is in the us of finland and uh see third gen nasa houston so uh we are a six-man team and uh we have been rolling out um webinars since last year and we have been very active um helping teachers and students especially in this time of pandemic okay next slide please so uh the fieldside hub has two major programs right now the phil sci hub ed and the philistine hub research university uh in phil's i helped ed uh we uh support and try to empower stem educators um so that um learning materials and another thrust is the phil science research university where we try to uh um bring stem practitioners closer to the educational sector so uh i am a practicing scientist and uh we'd like to reach out to our um teachers and students in the academe and they can apply it to real life situations and real life research but uh program summit uh are geared towards uh generating a new generation of uh philippine of pinoy stem enthusiasts next slide please so in phil's i have research university um we try to translate learning into practice so um what the mind knows uh the hands should actually uh try to make something out of i import so young stem foundations po and stem applications converge uh into uh this in this in this program research project nila and apply whatever basic knowledge that they have and uh all all these is geared towards building that synthetic mindset and and that learning to create and innovate culture uh among our students so sophia's i have research university people next slide please we try to bring out the scientists and everyone uh by teaching uh the research fundamentals and we have done this over the past year where we rolled out um eight courses uh that helped our students uh to carry out the research projects but may maybe if uh uh the science investigatory projects in high school or uh undergraduate thesis in college so uh eight courses starting with the the uh very first uh course which is uh research ideation where we try to help uh students and teachers to to come up with the research ideas that are feasible and practical and conference presentations and we have a lot of uh content as you can see so next month um 1 300 students and teachers and certificate in a formal ceremony uh scheduled for next month so next slide please so uh the fields uh the filipino science hub is ever present in all of its platforms uh mainly the the website at www.tillcihop.com uh where we have 20 000 or more visits per month and we are growing on facebook and on youtube and we're even present on tech talk so young website contains all of our webinars workshops tutorials modules virtual labs and special features so um kindly check out our website for our full content and uh offerings so now i can hand over the screen to mom dindi yes again now we are here for our webinar safety and risk management in the lab practicing safe science for good science so to introduce our speaker for this morning we will have professor meijo and aguilar so take it away thank you dindy so it is my pleasure to introduce our speaker for this morning dr anna karen carrasco lasserna is the academic service faculty and equipment specialist of the chromatography laboratory at the central instrumentation facility of de la salle university so prior to working in de la salle university she is actually hosted by the same institution as a dost pchrd balik scientist awardee so as a public scientist awardee he served as a mentor in their tuklas lunas fellowship program lecturer input analysis as well as provided assistance in administration technical and research activities at the said institution so dr lacerna obtained her bs chemistry degree from the university of the philippines first banjos with a dost sei scholarship and graduated magna laude in 2005. this is actually where i met kyrie after a few years of working in the quality assurance at meet johnson nutrition philippines she pursued her phd in chemistry degree at the prestigious national university of singapore her dissertation was on the metabolic sorry metabolomic studies of trauma injuries in collaboration with the defense science organization of singapore dso national laboratories after finishing her studies she continued work as a research assistant and subsequently as a research fellow in the same university working on projects involving various applications of analytical science mass spectrometry and metabolomics in areas such as pre-clinical or clinical agricultural food forensic science and environmental research and aside from her research activities she has also been actively involved with safety matters throughout her stay at her previous research groups laboratory taking care of chemical inventory waste disposal monitoring of regulated chemicals and subsequently as internal auditor of the laboratory management system and the group's representative in the safety committee of the nus environmental research institute and with that we are truly grateful that dr lacerna is going to share what she had learned from this a previous post to us as uh as we will hear in her talk this morning so welcome karen to the fields i have oh hey rami salam thank you very much for the introduction uh good morning um okay let me just share my screen okay yes again so okay so again good morning salahat megan maga uh good saturday morning to all um uh whatever time you are in good good evening good afternoon uh so today i will be talking about safety and disk management in the laboratory practicing safe science for good science so as um or professor aguila has mentioned earlier i'm currently working at de la salle university um a previous public scientist of the ostpc hrd and prior to that i worked in i studied and worked in the national university of singapore and from there during that time in singapore i had been exposed and learned a lot with regards to safety and risk management and that is what i would like to share with you all today okay so why do we need to take safety matters seriously so of course we need to protect ourselves we need to protect our colleagues uh the people that are working around us um we also need to protect the other workers in our facility and the people beyond the facilities um we also need to protect our loved ones and uh later on we'll cover some um safety concerns or accidents that have that have occurred and these can actually have very um uh grave consequences as you can as you will see later and because uh this happens in our workplace so we also need to consider protecting our workplace our work our study and uh the work that we do so as you can see it involves a lot of different aspects of our lives ourselves our colleagues the place that we work in the people that we work with our loved ones and so safety is actually a very personal matter and so that's why we really need to take safety matters seriously so um when you least expect it accidents can happen so you will see from different laboratories worldwide not only universities but it actually happens also to universities that are quite well known uh ucla yale ching hwa maraming ibatibang accidents that has occurred in the past years related to safety not only in in universities that are not well known or not do not have these resources but even in well-known universities these things can happen um and you know it can range from um chemical reactions gone wrong hydrogen gas cylinders exploding simply number once it gets caught once it gets caught in a heavy equipment or heavy machinery so that can also be quite tragic and as you will see means in when you're working with biological samples particularly those that are infectious or infectious agents accidents can also happen and so you know or you can accidentally or unintentionally bring the virus out and this can have very grave consequences and so um union gusto hong it drive the message today that for us to do good science we have to do it safely so safe science is good science um yes we do the work that we do we do research uh we do experiments for good purposes so to learn uh to help and contribute to the society uh pero if we do not do it safely it can have very negative consequences it can have negative impacts against a society and so uh for us to be able to really contribute and um have a positive impact therefore we need to do safe science so please uh clarifying hindi safe science in the sense that okay we stay in a very safe niche indian it's more of how we do uh this um experiments and research and studies okay so a bit of an icebreaker can i just ask our participants to um just put in the chat box uh i have this illustration of um what not to do laboratory so can i just um ask you guys to type in a number of uh of a lab risk or lab not to do that you see and kung anion so just type in the chat box what is uh yes 15 horseplaying number one what is number one a rodrigo bagno what is number one what what is wrong with number one okay so we have a lot of answers yes pipetting with mouth octopus wiring covering the first aid chart radiation hazard yes metal spill disposing chemicals in sync climbing the cabinet and so forth so makita there's a lot of things that are wrong in this picture so actually and so actually um yes you you all have like some idea of what are the things that we are not supposed to do in the lab and and as you know the laboratory can be a very dangerous place if we're not uh if we do not know what what are the things that are present there and what are the things that we should and we should not do and so it is important to learn more about um laboratory safety but uh i just wanted to share okay this is more of my own um my own opinion so for me in terms of like the general laboratory safety rules uh numbers one and two so first is first common sense use your common sense i know okay relative common sense what might be common sense to me might be not common sense to another person and of course with that we have to address those things and later on we'll cover more on that aspect but i think all of us has like that instinct of when something is dangerous or when something will be risky for us and so actually young ibang aspects like for example spiderman you know the chances of it toppling over of course common system on yondiban can i get uh can i get a thumbs up if you think that is common sense what do you think common sense demand no oh so imagine bad guy yes it's pretty much common sense um second number two avoid shortcuts because it's when we try to um circumvent or when we try to uh young or the way we do things when we try to avoid following instructions or following the correct protocols that is when usually things go wrong so for example um so instead of like getting a proper ladder and and uh using that ladder to climb uh uh to to reach the upper levels of your shelf uh that is a very dangerous um situation or scenario and so yuan these are my general laboratory safety rules first use your common sense you have like some basic idea of what is safe what's unsafe and so please make use of that uh and second yon let's avoid shortcuts let's try to follow the protocols that needs to be followed when working in the laboratory okay and then we go to the young medium specific especially if we're not very sure or kapag hindi natin established coanobayon baseline when it comes to laboratory safety so first is know your chemicals so this one it's also um quite basic especially when you're working in the lab chemical laboratory so for me i'm a chemist i'm an analytical chemist so i work with a lot of chemicals since young labco is more of a chromatography laboratory young nature of the chemicals that i work with are more of solvents and so uh for me i i need to know like what are the properties and the hazards of these chemicals i also need to know their incompatibilities and reactions i need to know their properties so for example menocon flammable solvents and oxidizers um definitely you cannot put them together so oxidizers will definitely um when when put together with flammable solvents can cause uh fire and so that is um an incompatibility that i need to take off uh take note of um you also have to know the proper handling and storage of your chemicals so depending on chemicals mode they will have different storage conditions and we will cover that more in a in a bit so we have different chemical hazards um depends on chemical um one chemical can have multiple hazards some will have mainly one particular hazard and so these are like the different hazardous chemicals classifications based on the globally harmonized system so you have chemicals that are explosives including those that are self-reactive organic peroxides you have the flammables that are your of course flammable gases aerosols liquids and solids hydrophobic liquids or solids self-heating substances of reactive substances those that react with water and produces flammable gases such as hydrogen gas organic peroxides and then you also have your oxidizers which oxidizes gases liquids and solids you have your corrosive such as acids and bases that can cause skin corrosions burns eye damage and can corrode metal you have your compressed gases so this will be your um nitrogen gas or oxygen gas that are in compressed cylinders you also have your irritants um skin sensitizers epitoxins psychotic those that can cause narcotic effects respiratory tract irritants hazardous to the ocean layer and so forth uh you have eton is your toxic substances so those that can cause toxicity when they are inhaled ingested or absorbed through the skin you also have those that are of particular hazard to certain organs so you have those that are reproductive toxins target those that can target your kidney liver etc and you also have um environmental hazards so though uh i think it's also mostly yuma corrosive snapping and some other compounds that are considered to be environmental pollutants and can can be toxic to aquatic uh organisms and so it will among different classifications chemicals young hazards of the different chemicals and these are very important for us to take note of and later on um we need these classifications actually so so this is um where we can get information about the hazards of the chemicals that we are dealing with so we need to know the chemicals that we are working with and so for us we can use the safety data sheets as a source of the information that we need to know the hazards of our different chemicals and so actually safety data sheet was previously called msds or material safety data sheet now it's shortened to safety datasheets the information that you will get of course you will have your informations with regards to the identifiers of your chemicals you will have your reach number cast number different um names so for example if you have the chloromethane if it has like other xenon um synonym synonym names or other names then you will also find it there hazard identification and classification this is again very important this is what we usually need from the safety data sheet so here in the hazard identification section of the example here it will state biohazard for that particular um chemical so um for example skin irritant i irritant carcinogenic and so forth and uh it will also state what is the ghs sticker or ghs classification of that particular chemical so it will also indicate your recommended storage conditions and so kapag it will provide you with information okay what is the temperature that it has to be stored in whether it has whether it needs um certain special conditions whether it has to be kept in nitrogen uh or or it has to be refrigerated and so forth it will also provide exposure controls and personal protection so it will provide recommendations on what is the glove that you have to use what are the other personal protective equipments that you need that you need when you're using that particular chemical it will give you physical and chemical properties stability and reactivity information toxicological ecological regulatory and transport information and we have to take note so here in the upper right area of your safety data sheet is the revision date so usually when you collect safety data sheets for your um for your experiments or for your laboratory uh you have to constantly review it so so that um revision date usually from the revision date you only keep it until three to four years after the revision date and after that you need to like get an updated version of your safety data sheet bucket in some cases like four particular chemical compounds um new toxicological information may be obtained or like collected from experiments or from knockonwood accidents or there are new regulations that have been formulated and so you have to be updated of these things and so it's important to always it's also important to to update your collection of safety data sheets for your compounds uh okay so in terms of proper storage again you have to take note of the compatibilities of your different chemicals so you can um here is an example of a storage compatibility chart so you cannot keep explosives with flammable gases oxidizing gases is under ex pressure and so forth you can keep it with water reactives uh to some extent some some chemicals might be kept together but of course given certain conditions and so this one is a very useful guide if you want to like segregate your different compounds so again you have to first know what is the hazards of your compounds and then from there segregate them so can i just ask um for example acetic acid so acetic acid is both an acid and a flammable where will you store acetic acid together with the flammables or together with the corrosives the acids what do you think for acetic acid corrosives okay together with corrosives okay okay so a lot of you answered corrosives um actually the recommended storage for example for acetic acid for formic acid which are organic acids um is in the flammable cabinet uh why so actually organic solvents like um acetic acid and formic acid although they are corrosive and they are acidic um they can actually react with your inorganic acids such as nitric acid sulfuric acid hydrochloric acid they can get oxidized and so uh incompatibility and so usually organic acids such as formic acid and acetic acid are kept in the flammable cabinet pero they are kept in a smaller uh aside from being in the flammable cabinet they are kept in a smaller containment so for example menohan small bucket or yes a small bucket that can be fully closed you'll keep your acetic acid inside that and then keep that bucket containing your acidic or formic acid inside the flammable cabinet so that is the proper storage for acetic acid so proper storage will as i mentioned will include your flammables cabinet you will have your specific storage [Music] cabinets also for acids and bases which are corrosive so as you can see from here um the the material that is used for flammables is usually metal for for flammables for solvents they might be able to dissolve young manga polymer snapping or plastics so they are usually kept in a metal uh cabinet on the other hand demand your acids your acids and bases your corrosives are kept in usually in high density plastic materials or polymer materials um you cannot keep them in the corrosives and so they usually make use of this hdpe or other uh polymer or plastic materials for the storage of your corrosives um in terms of like using ah for for compounds or chemicals that has to be refrigerated you have to make use of explosive proof um refrigerators so you cannot just use your usual household refrigerators so yuma kelvin tournet refrigerators are not suitable for chemicals you have to get um refrigerators that are suitable for the lab so humana explosion proof or yeah so explosion proof refrigerator so basically these are um refrigerators where in source of sparks or electronic um electronic sparks let's say if you have um if you're refrigerating organic solvents there will still be somehow some escapes of um of bay pores that can be flammable and so you have to make sure that um your your refrigerators do not have sources of heat or sparks and so yunyung um that is the need for these explosion-proof refrigerators and as you can see if you make use of the usual household refrigerators if anything happens kapaksuma bugyon okay aside from these storage considerations you also need to consider that for flammable chemicals you have to implement maximum allowable quantities per room on benchtop so i'm still not very sure about the regulations here in the philippines but um in singapore they have um well-defined regulations in terms of like the different chemicals especially when for example for flammables they have um a petroleum and flammables act and they define their like what are the maximum allowable quantities for given square footage or square meter of uh floor area and so you have to follow these uh these circulations um and for our case so aside from having that maximum allowable quantity per room so predicament flammables it's a flammable cabinet within the room and aside from that doing some bench tops like for example in your usual work areas or benchtop you are only allowed a maximum of 20 percent of the total maximum allowable quantity of the lab uh to be on your benchtop so that hindi machado organic solvents or flame of osmo in your bench tops so as much as possible those that you do not use frequently or your bulk of your solvents has to be in a flammable cabinet also you have to provide secondary containment for your different solvent solutions and it has to hold at least 20 percent of the volume so in cases of insane or or sudden spillage you have to be able to have that containment and so usually manuhamin tray that can that is about um a few inches deep uh to contain our solution bottles solvent bottles uh so that in case anything happens there is a container to contain whatever spillage that that that comes out so it is also important to properly label your solution so atom example 80 methanol is something that i usually use um then i will of course indicate my name so you have to have a complete description and composition of the solution so um 80 percent methanol in the code so um implied naman ion that if you do not indicate what is the other component that is water so it's 80 methanol is water um user name you have to indicate considering preparing solutions um hazards uh yes this one is very important especially if you're not the only one working in the laboratory it's also for the reference of others who are working in the same laboratory area as you uh so that in case you are not around if something happens they are aware of what are the hazards of the chemicals or solutions that you have um you also need to indicate the date of preparation especially for cases where in your working with solutions that are not stable through time those that have oxidizers or you can oxidize quickly or in in terms of like some solutions wherein evaporations can occur rapidly like babagon composition of your of your um solution and so you have to indicate young date of preparation as well as the date of expiry of until when it can be used and it is a good practice to include the ghs sticker para atleast quick reference you in terms of what are the hazards of that particular solution so again of course yes you can read it from the label this will be a more obvious and an easier reference in terms of like the hazards that are associated with that particular solution or solvent and please make sure all text content are readable and in language in a language comment also please do not use because previously i was working in singapore now so multi uh basically so we have members of different countries and i will usually remind my my lab mates our students that to please put the labels in english uh chinese kasemiensen or other languages because with that we're not sure what are those things because we cannot really read according to their own languages and so this is important so please indicate it in a language to this common to all uh so yuan in english okay so waste disposal so this is another aspect again as mentioned earlier i have been in charge of waste disposal as well for quite a while um [Music] these are some of the things that we that that we usually take note of when with regards to waste disposal first of course is the proper segregation and avoid mixing incompatibles so again going back to the incompatibilities uh of course you have your segregation of like for example organic solvents you have chlorinated and non-chlorinated the waste treatment facilities will have different uh means of treatments for the chlorinated waste versus the non-chlorinated waste and so please do segregate segregate them accordingly of course you will have to segregate your um waste that are acidic your basic waste your acid wastes um you have to segregate them from your organic solvent wastes and please okay sorry avoid using containers for like one chemical as a waste carboy or container for another there has been cases where in for example this carboy has been used for acetone and then technical grade acetone then um acetone that was in the technical grade carboy in the bottle and then subsequently negligational nitric acid in that same bottle so nitric acid waste and it turns out there were still some residual acetone that was present it caused explosion of that particular container and so yun it's very important uh not to use carboys or containers for other solvents to contain the wastes um for different types of solvent so again going back to compatibilities uh and also in if you're storing your secondary ah if you're storing your wastes before collection they also need to be in secondary containment that can hold approximately twenty percent of the total volume and again this is coming from in the scenario where in the chronospillage you would have like some um container to hold some of that spillage until you will be able to uh have a replacement uh or be able to properly dispose uh the the waste and so this is also important to have that secondary containment and it's it's easier to clean up almost a big area of your room and then mas mahirap nationalism so if it's contained in like one area then it's easier to deal with um also do not fill your containers to the brim time multiplied in containers fill it only up to 75 percent especially when dealing with um organic solvents and fuming acids um you have to have enough space for or head space for the fumes or like the vapors that are coming from this waste otherwise spreading mud exploding container um over pressurized and exploding container and so uh please uh do not feel to the beam only up to 75 so this is our usual practice also please do not dispose in the sink later on you wouldn't want to be drinking or using the the chemicals or the waste that you that you dispose in the sink as well so this is a very important matter we take care of everyone in the lab as well as our environment and so please do not dispose your waste in the sink of course there are some that can be um for example humana sodium chloride solutions without containing anything else among relatively safe solutions like that uh pede pero again as much as possible uh no let's dispose our solutions properly uh this is a no no um and you have to make use of licensed third-party waste collectors so aside from not disposing in the sink when disposing make sure that you are doing the disposal with licensed third-party waste collectors which has the right facilities to handle and dispose your waste so hindi bastabasta hindi predinyon waste collection they have to be licensed they have to have the right facilities okay so aside from knowing your chemicals you have to also know the equipments and experiment setups that you are going to work with and again this goes to this will include aspects of knowing what are the hazards of the equipment and your experiment setups what is the needed training before the use to have that proper training before the use the availability of work instructions and sops there should be work instructions and sops that are available to the users for them to refer to and also to have to prepare and to read and understand disk assessment so uh you have to know the hazards of like the equipments that you are working with you have to evaluate as well as understand what are the risks of these equipments and how can you control these risks and we will discuss that in a bit in more details in a bit so in case of emergency it's so important to take note of um you need to have your spill kit so depending on what was filled that there will be different speed um there will be different skill kits for that you have different spill kits for organic solvents versus those that are mainly for acids and bases for acids and bases you need to like neutralize first before you dispose of these pills and so they will have different uh requirements uh you also have different requirements if you're dealing with chemical versus biological spills so biological spills aside from like your absorbent pads and all you have to have um the disinfectant so usually you have to mix a certain amount of like um chlorine uh you have to prepare i think about 10 000 ppm bleach for this infection and also um in some cases you you can make use of like some but uh tablet so meru nasi in tablet form is one bucket of water and then that will be used for the disinfection of your spill so there are available kits for that and you have to regularly check the contents of your spill kit so in cases we're in the gamete you must kill kids of course some of these things will run out like your manga pillows your manga absorbent pads gloves etc so some of these might have to be disposed because they are contaminated and so you need to regularly check your spill kits to make sure that you have enough of the supplies that are needed in case of emergency um in terms of uh you know in case of accident also uh you need to have your emergency shower and eye wash so this is an example of your io uh emergency shower and this is your ai wash so eto is more of a joint a set up where in merong station emergency shower mall so they have to be unobstructed so you have to have um unobstructed access to this emergency shower and ai wash so that in case of an emergency either and also you have to regularly check them as well so uh then accidentally so that can also be a problem so you have to make sure that they are working well and of course eye wash is going straight to your eyes and pressured your water shampoo and so you have to make sure in the lagging malines outlet no um i watch station mo so walamanga ali erika book um foreign matter that is stuck on the outlet of your eyewash so important otherwise if they make use of it um and john this is one way of like doing your regular checks you have to make sure that there is water um coming out of course uh so this is like one way you have like some containment to contain the water so you really have to let it flow let it work and make sure that it has the water supply also spill kits this is also very important it has to be easily accessible and unobstructed you have to regularly check them so at least monthly and make sure that expired items are replaced and items that has been used uh can be replenished you don't know at any given point if there is an accident which one of these first eight items who you will be using and so you have to make sure that you have enough of the supplies in terms of like certain experiments or certain chemicals there are certain hazards special requirements so for example if you're make if you're working with um hydrofluoric acid um you have to have stock of the calcium gluconate uh cream so that one is meant to complex uh the hf hf can easily get absorbed in yours in your skin once it reaches your i think it can actually corrode your bone so um and it can really spread uh in the body and so it's really important that you are able to complex it or contain it immediately and so they make use of this calcium gluconate claim to do that and so if you're working with hf of course you have to have the proper training when when working with hf and also to have this particular cream in your first aid kit okay so far kamusta any questions okay so um so what i'm giving now is more of as you can see it's more of a general laboratory safety it's more of like um what are the uh the usual things that you have to take note of when working in the laboratory um every now and then i will jump into chemical safety or biological safety so these are the things that i mainly worked with when i was in singapore and um most likely in my work currently and so it's more of like general reminders practical things that you have to take note of when working in the lab okay so uh fire extinguishers you have your different fire extinguisher types depending on the substance that you have to extinguish you have your those that are for um paper wood coal cardboard and so forth you have um those that are for flammable liquids and solid fuel fires etc so it depends on the type of materials so you have class a class b class c class d e and f so a class a is again combustible materials b is flammable liquids c is flammable gases d is flammable metals electrical you have four electrical fires and you also have four cooking oils so these are the different types uh you have the blue extinguisher powder extinguisher that can be applied for the different classes of materials except for cooking oil so this is actually a very common fire extinguisher that is found in the lab general so magagamit musha for different types of fire except for cocoon oils which is uh soyun um okay so important things take note of when working uh in case of fire uh and when you're uh making use of the fire extinguishers um okay first you must go in in terms of like the general general things take note of one it has to be in an obstructed location you have to regularly check it as well so um from earlier the meron attack regularly check so you have your spill kits your emergency shower your iowa station your first aid kit and you have to add this as well so you have to regularly check your um fire extinguisher make sure that the pin is intact the seal is not broken your pressure gauge is on the operable side so measuring indicator that is just a green side and also you have to check the service date so supposedly this fire extinguisher fire extinguishers can last up to six years but they have to be checked uh yearly so there should be a professional um third party uh in charge of the fire extinguishers they had that that will be checking it your d um and in terms of like using in case you have to take note of this acronym pass so first pull the pin so there's a pin in the fire extinguisher that you have to pull for it to uh be used and then a is aim at the base of the fire so it's a flames mismo you have to aim at the base of the fire uh s is with the trigger so it's the delivery of the material uh at the fire and as is sweep sideways so until you extinguish the fire so um in case of fire you have to assess if it can be safely extinguished so depending of course fire as well as your own capability whether you'll be able to properly and safely make use of the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire you have to assess that familiar and you're not comfortable and you're not that confident to make use of the fire extinguisher then better move to the next step which is activate the fire alarm call the fire department and campus security and alert everyone who is in the same area to evacuate so so these are the things that you have to take note of in case of fire and of course assembled assembly so you have to take note of where are the fire exceeds of your lab and assemble the assembly area so again so we have covered no dye chemicals no the equipment and experiment setups lastly you have to know the lab so you have to know what is the location of your extinguishers location of your spill kits the emergency shower and iowa stations the hazards present so especially if you're working in the lab diverse projects of the different people working there then you have to have some idea maybe not not everything but you have to have some idea of what they are doing and what are the hazards that are associated with the work that they do but in case not only can you [Music] you'll be able to assist them help them to for example wash themselves or or you'll be able to help address the fire or do something else to to address the accident or emergency uh soyun you should be able to be you should be aware of the hazards present um for those purposes as well as for protecting yourself as well so for example you know volatile toxic materials in the same lab then you have to also make use of the same off of the proper ppe if there is a need for respirators please do make use of respirators if you're working in the same area and hindi major manga vapors and this is also to i think we have to develop young culture of safety awareness and safe keeping of each other so aside from like just taking care of your own self you have to also take note of the safety of the others who are working with you so you're not on you are your brother's keepers you are your colleagues keepers and so you have to also make sure that they are in a safe environment as they work with you um storage location of different chemicals again yes this is important you have to store um different chemicals according to the proper storage for them emergency accidents assembly area in case of emergencies and accidents you have to make sure that you are aware of where to go in case of emergency whereas the fire exceed uh you are aware of where are the fire alarms um and if needed young fire extinguisher and also um for some building they will have a whole point so if you if you um press that call point not only will it trigger the alarm but it will also have a means to contact either campus security or directly to the um fire department um and please take note fire fire exceeds has to be kept and obstructed in palazzo in addition you have to also make sure that your fire exceeds are unobstructed okay so this is just an example of a layout um showing okay nasa and young fire extinguisher where are your fire exceeds uh and so forth soyun now okay before we go into the risk assessment can i just check if there's any questions okay so far okay questions are current um so okay we go now to uh risk management and risk assessment so um as i've mentioned earlier when we're working with certain experiment setups when we're working with certain equipments we have to make sure that we are aware of what are the hazards of these equipments and what are the control measures that we can employ to make sure that we make use of them or we implement these experiments set up safely and so detona papas of young risk management and risk assessment so first what is risk management when we talk about risk management it is a systematic approach to identifying or assessing the risks that are associated with any work activity so that is what we call risk assessment we communicate this risk to all persons involved and we control and monitor such risks and so um actually a very big part or integral part of this risk management is young risk assessment so why do we need to sorry this is first um risk management process flow chart so first you have to prepare um form a team to perform the risk assessment and gather the relevant information so a toy preparations before you work on the risk assessment you have to assemble a team they have to be knowledgeable of what is the experiment to be performed or what is the equipment that has to be worked on or operated so that they can advise biomanga hazards that are present when working in with these experiments or with these equipments and usually a membership will be of course your researchers or students that will be working with that particular setup or equipment the principal investigator or the pi who supposedly will have um more experience um with this particular setups as well as for example research fellow or postdoc who can also help guide so these are the main members of your risk assessment team if you have service engineers or equipment specialists who can also assist in preparing these then that would also be very useful if you have safety health officers in your building who can also help then please do include them in the formation of this r18 of course you have to gather relevant information we will cover this a bit more later second is hazard identification to identify the hazards as well as the potential accidents and incidents that may result from these hazards third is risk evaluation so you estimate the risk levels and prioritize the hazards that has to be controlled fourth is risk control so the rest control will include the formulation of the control measures that has to be implemented this will be according to the hierarchy of controls which we will cover later on and then analyze and evaluate the residual risk so acceptable or hindi young residual risk after employing certain discontrols number five record keeping so it is important to keep a record of your risk assessment for three years pero please take note that you don't just keep it in record now okay and then then that's it so it's not just a paper exercise you have to make sure that you implement it you have to make sure that all subsequent users or students or researchers that will be working on these experiments or equipments will have read and understood this risk assessment so they will be able to be more competent and confident in performing the experiments or using the equipments safely the review will be every three years um it can be reviewed again after um as needed if there is new information given capac meron is a work process small and in the unfortunate case where in macarona accident or incident that means hindi not working risk assessment and the controls and so you will have to evaluate your risk assessment so these are the different steps of the risk management process the risk assessment will be covering this part wherein you identify the hazard evaluate the risk and establish your risk control and so uh these different parts consist of the overall process flow chart for the risk management now um again at different parts of this flow chart actually different parts of the process you need to have constant communication not only among the members of the risk assessment team but as well as with other stakeholders so other members of the research lab or other users of the facility in case merindincenta feedback or information that they can share with regards to the particular experiment or equipment and subsequently once you have the risk assessment you also have to make sure that you communicate it properly to all who are involved to hold all who are who will be using that particular equipment set up as well as to the management of that uh lab because they also need to keep a record of this they also need to make uh make sure that um the things that you are do have the proper risk controls and that you are doing properly so uh this uh communication is a very important part in this risk management flow chart as well okay so yes we will be addressing the questions uh later so actually um i'm again using as a reference to these my experiences the materials that i have also learned from my experience and the trainings that i attended from the national university of singapore so again much things and acknowledgement goes to them so for giving me this this learnings that i'm sharing with you as well so occupational safety health and environment office of the national university of singapore is responsible for yeah taking care of the overall safety and health of nus and actually safety help officer snapping minsan parang appreciate we we consider them as paramount villains in terms of like okay [Music] they sometimes can hinder unintentionally the things that we do in the lab not because they wanted to but because they have to ensure that we do it safely so it's it's it's that we have to recognize that that is their purpose and so we have to work with them uh so that we'll be able to find a compromise so that we can do our research without also endangering ourselves that we work together that we um that we do our things safely so we work with our safety health officers okay so why do this assessment uh protect ourselves from injuries prevent accidents and incidents assess if a workplace work process is safe to proceed assess the adequacy of the existing control measures and compliance with legal legal requirements so i'm not sure um can can some of the audience give some feedback regarding what is the requirements for is it required for laboratories to provide risk assessments here safety risk assessments perhaps in the industries tamaba health and safety requirements of the industries i would say yeah yes yes so and that is why i wanted to like share this because um i think we really need to practice this in the academ we need to ensure that we know how to do things properly and safely and so we have to make sure that we do our risk assessments before our experiments before our projects okay so um let's just go through like some uh procedures or steps on how to go about this risk management and assessment we have covered them a bit kanina and i'll try to give a bit more details to the different steps in this part so again before starting an experiment work process or operation risk assessment so you can have an experiment based risk assessment you can have a protocol based risk assessment you can also have a risk assessment that is specific for a particular project so for example if i have a project looking at the extract sorry looking at um extraction of different natural products then i would have i could have a separate risk assessment for that or you can also make it based on the procedure so for example in terms of like the initial extraction protocol you can have your own separate risk assessment as well for it equipment depends equipment so for example we have an nmr uh so nmr that is a highly magnetic and so you have to take note of like what not to bring inside um in the vicinity in in the near vicinity of the nmr you have to take note of like you have to make use of stainless steel um cylinders gas cylinders uh independent [Music] ferromagnetic materials inside otherwise they will be flying into your nmr and things like that you have to make sure that you properly assess the risks properly identify the hazards and establish the correct control measures okay so steps first form a team to do the assessment gather the information and breakdown of the activity to step so again important to this is the breakdown of activity to step so that as intelligent step by step so if you are looking at a particular protocol risk assessment uh he he made more in different steps of your protocol so independent okay it has to be step by step um information needed of course uh young laboratories what are the different engineering controls that are available as well uh young process flow chart um list of work activities so yeah step by step balance so young list of chemicals equipment and machinery that is used so you have to have that information safety data sheets and operation manuals there are important resources or information sources certain assay safety data sheets will provide you the hazards of the different chemicals and as well as the proper handling and storage conditions your operations manuals will provide you with some information regarding the safety hazards of your equipment so yuan they're very useful records of past incidents and accidents whether it be in the same laboratory or in similar settings or in yeah in other laboratories also relevant legislation codes of practice are specifically shown so yes uh depending uh so um there will be regulations with regards to flammables uh explosives explosive precursors uh etc so going back to this the third step will be to identify the hazards so anything that can cause bodily injuries is identified as a hazard you have different types of hazards you can have biological hazards so those that are involving biological safety so possible exposures to infectious agents or zoonotic zoonotic infections so you have to take note of that um physical hazards will be anything related to mechanical injuries um ah sorry mechanical injuries so physical and mechanical injuries uh causing the hazard so there you have you also have to identify them um electrical hazards uh those that can cause electric shock electrocution ergonomic hazards like these like uh if you're going to lift heavy objects you need to be able you need to know how to um lift them properly so these are the things that you have to take note of in terms of the different hazards and so you can depend these are chemicals you have different hazards past so you have those that are radioactive ah sorry this is biological safety this is your radioactive materials your idi tents your shock explosives your flammables etc um so hazard identification has to be per chemical and if you have so there are again chemicals that can have multiple hazards so you need to do risk assessment per hazard per chemical so for one chemical you have to have multiple assessment dependence hazards more also you have to identify the person's at risk we define risk as the likelihood that a hazard can cause a specific bodily injury um you have to identify that is the existing risk controls available notice controls uh given your current laboratory conditions and this is your hierarchy of press controls so um most effective will be elimination so when you say elimination you identify a particular hazard you need you eliminate the cause of that hazard so for example if you're dealing with very toxic or very reactive chemicals if there is a way for you uh to eliminate or remove that part of the process then that will be good that will be actually the most effective means of this control if not if you can instead find a replacement for that chemical then that is identified a substitution so for example um in reductive amination so in reductive amination you make use of sodium cyanoborohydride so this is actually a very flammable and toxic chemical you can you can replace it with something that is less toxic and less reactive which is for example piccolin body so that will be a replacement a less hazardous replacement for your sodium cyanoborohydride for engineering controls the tupa paso humana equipments that are available in the lab such as your of course in biological safety um considering biological safety if you're working with microorganisms and different biological agents you have different levels biosafety levels and different requirements for the different biosafety levels so bsl2 uh my basic requirement for biosafety cabinet as well as negative pressure ventilation um bsl3 you have additional requirements further if you have to go bsl4 then requirements for bsl4 and this is depending on the risk level of your of the agents that you are dealing with so less hindi hazardous those that can be done on benchtop as long as you as long as you practice uh proper or good microbiological practices then that is considered like bsl1 then of course you have those that um that are of a relatively higher risk than you have bsl2 and uh bsl3 and bs bsl4 are for those that are more of the infectious kinds uh and especially in bsl4 is if those that are really deadly and um and uh there is no known or like uh there's no uh immediate or established cure or treatment for that for that particular infection so many times different uh bsl levels now uh engineering controls again will include your um laboratory equipments biological safety cabinets fume hood the negative pressure conditions etc so this isolates the people from the hazard you administrative control demand they change the way the people work so this will include your sops work instructions provision of the proper training establishment of the protocols etc and john papasov didn't risk assessment so to conduct proper risk assessment establish um and provide identify the risk controls um lastly jumping last level of defense or this control will be your ppe so actually minsan considers first line of defense is ppe but actually it has to be it's actually the least effective and so parang last resort although of course you this is the one that you that you that is more more uh most obvious but actually it is at the last level of defense now so this is meant to protect the worker uh given hindi natin hindi lahatna control can be provided by the other risk controls then detota of papaso so in terms of personal protective equipment okay so you have your usual safety goggles or glasses lab coat gloves long pants close toe shoes so these are basics when you're working with a chemical laboratory you have to make sure that you have these personal protective equipments or shorts so you have to wear them properly actually safety goggles or glasses so you have to uh make use of them properly for them to be able to protect you glove selection is very important so there is this one case of a professor dying because of dimethyl mercury poisoning because because of a few drops long so i think 400 milligram a few drops equivalent of the metal mercury she was wearing latex gloves and this actually renovated the gloves and bleached her skin and so it was absorbed in her body and this caused the poisoning and this results uh in her tragic death and so this is to highlight the importance of selecting the correct gloves for the chemicals that you are working with so you have these different chemical resistant charts available from the different suppliers of your gloves please do take note of which glove is suitable for the chemical that you're working with so for example for dimethylformamide um a good good gloves to use for this will be your neoprene as well as latex gloves um hindi suitable nitrile as well as the pbc gloves and so young you can refer to these references and you can you have to make use of the appropriate gloves again and refer to sds so young sds new can be a good source as well of the information as with as to which gloves to use eye protection are of different types safety glasses when working with small amounts safety goggles for those that has dangers of splashes and for places for of dense particulate environment facials is used if there is even greater chances of splashes or flying objects especially if you're working with cryogenics you usually make use of um of a face shield on top of the safety goggles or safety glass so in the hindi facial blanga so you have to wear either safety glass or safety goggles and then the face shield ok so after you have identified the person's at risk and identified the risk controls you need to assess the risk using the risk matrix and so this is um again your risk is the likelihood that the hazard can cause a specific bodily injury um these can be determined by looking at the severity and likelihood so when we talk about severity um is that it is the amount of damage or harm that a hazard could create so depending on predimed consequence no hazard so that will be your severity likelihood will be the probability of the hazard according so that is uh likelihood so um this is the risk matrix that is usually used so again this is the one that uh we previously used in nus so you have this matrix of consequence versus likelihood uh if you have um you have a grading system actually so if it's not likely to occur then the score is one if it's possible two likely three and then if the consequence is minor then it is uh the score for consequence is slow one it's it's possible to have lacerations burns and other work related injuries that are requiring medical treatments that is considered to if it's something that can be fatal life-threatening or can cause permanent disability then that is considered risk uh sorry consequence uh score three and from there you will be able to make use of this matrix so kappa glow your consequence and likely i'm sorry i think ah yes yeah so if your consequence is um uh okay it seems um yeah okay so if it's low consequence and uh likely actually this one is this sorry sorry for so unlikely perro a low consequence it will be uh considered a one and kapag if it's possible and uh medium consequence uh four if it's um likely likely to happen and high consequence it's time so actually so one two three you're scoring and then for for you to get the risk it you just need to multiply so unlikely type of slow consequence that is one times one so equals to one so if it's for example likely three that possible consequence that is one times three so therefore the risk level is three uh if it's um if it's likely but medium consequence so that is two multiplied by three so that is six so and from there you can determine what is the risk level and what is the decision process for the risk then it is considered acceptable risk um score it's considered that you have to add additional risk control so it is suggested to add additional risk control kappa greater than three young score then additional risk control is actually required so so again risk is equals to your likelihood multiplied by the severity so again this will be depending on the score that you get for the likelihood versus the consequence okay so after that after identifying the risk level if needed you might have to identify additional controls so again this is if um the risk score is either three or four or four and up so hapag triune score then it has it can be considered so you can consider adding additional risk controls cut back higher than that then you have to or it is required that you add in additional risk controls um again number eight is to implement so it is important to make sure that we implement your own risk assessment so hindi launcher paper exercise paramagne useful para ensuring attention safety of everyone who is involved in the experiment or in the equipment and lastly again review and modify the risk assessment at regular intervals for example every three years or if there is a change in process connection cannot change in equipment or next scale apka then you have to assess whether that is control still holds or if needed you have to employ additional risk controls uh also if there is an accident then that means your your risk controls is not sufficient and therefore you have to review again the risk assessment and employ additional controls okay so again this is your uh risk management process flow chart uh the different parts and again highlighting the importance of communication across the different steps of the risk management process i will just briefly show you an example of of a risk assessment so this is um an example for the experiment basis assessment for a particular part of that of my experiment so for example if i'm doing acid hydrolysis of the sun leather again i have to specify the different steps step by step acid and so forth kelangan step by step and then you identify the hazards so for example the dextran ladder is considered not hazardous and so actually hazard except for like possible irritation coming from particulate matter so though that will be your possible accident and then the risk control will be mainly to where your pt is uh and so your risk level is slow so severity is one likelihood is one so actually you can again do this in excel sheet and then you can um yeah you can just put in the formula so risk level is equals to severity multiplied by your likelihood and then um if you have um hazardous chemicals like these um hcl you identify what is the hazard of that particular chemical if you're working with solutions having multiple chemicals then you have to enumerate but chemicals dito so one step can have multiple hazards uh multiple chemicals uh and then from there you also have to consider i know biohazards for that particular chemical so if for example if you have methanol it is both flammable and toxic so that therefore for that particular chemical you you will have to have two different risk assessments depending on the hazard also for this one so as you can see from here incubation of the mixture at 90 degrees for two two hours so you have to consider the hazard of working at high temperature electrical hazard coming from the use of electrical equipments um chemical exposures glass breakage and this again has to be evaluated separately so what will be the possible accidents what are the this controls that you can implement um and uh yeah and so what gamete and ppe is working under the film hood uh putting in place certain signages for those that are for the others who are working in the lab etc and so again you assess based on the severity and likelihood um so this will indicate who has performed the experi uh the risk assessment and subsequently it will be approved by your pi and this again will have to be revisited every three years you can also for example for for um steps were in meruka ibang risk assessment for that for example for the use of a freeze dryer you have a separate risk assessment for that and then so for that part you just need to refer them to the ra for the freeze dryer okay and so let me just go back again to the slides so ion as i mentioned it has to be a step by step assessment you have to specify the amount so um the risk assessment has to be based on the amounts that you are going to deal with for that particular experiment kapagnag scale up then you have to revisit again your risk assessment case for a given increase in your reactants and materials and identify all the hazards per step and assess the individual hazards assess their risks individually implement additional risk controls as needed refer to other ras as needed and revisit the ras every three years so i i just wanted to add for these additional risk controls so i've mentioned that for risk levels three and up you have to consider additional risk controls so you can add additional risk control so for example if you have to um to put in additional engineering control so for example if you have to install a glove box and things like that um you have to identify who is the person responsible and by what date and so once this is accomplished so once the additional risk control is is is in place so for example you having a glove box you have to revise or modify again your risk assessment to include that additional risk control into your existing risk control and don mua well any important so that will be like how you make use of this part of the risk assessment okay so um so i think this one i'll just briefly go through working in the working in the lab in the new normal so i think for all um yeah we're all mostly based home we do not have much lab activities but i think um for some of us who can work in the lab during mecq or gcq situations then uh of course it is important to note some of these guidelines um so you have to of course limit the number of people in the lab at any given time so you can do shift work or you can do um alternate weeks or multiple days so depending on the work that is done in your lab you can actually um arrange this work arrangement so uh for example for us who do more of metabolomics experiments wherein we need to make use of the equipments for like two or three days then the alternate weeks or multiple day arrangements works better for us so for those demand that that can be done within six to eight hours you can actually arrange for shift perks um and have project body so actually uh during this pandemic especially if you cannot really be in the lab um as long as your experiments so for example shift work very young experiments is running for like um extended hours so then it will be good to have somebody from another shift time to work with you and to help you like uh to also work on that particular experiment and so it's a good time to collaborate with your lab mates designated work areas of course you can set um as you can see from here for example one person will be working only in this area the other will be here uh in case of shared facilities in cases wherein you have to share like one area with another person then you have to make sure that you have the proper distance so still social distancing um regular disinfection of shared work areas and contact surfaces so this has to be done after every shift or equipment so at the end of the day so it's good that before you start and after you do your experiments do your disinfection ensure compliance the guidelines of course depending on whether ecq gcq mcq and of course your your university or your workplaces will also have their own guidelines so please comply uh be responsible so alam comes we want to work in the lab as much as possible pero if you're sick please stay at home uh or if you're a close contact please do stay at home and protect yourself protect the uh protect the the people that you're working with and please get vaccinated so it's important that we get fascinated protect ourselves those in the lab as well as our loved ones so for safety resources you can look at acs center for labs safety they have a lot of materials available in different aspects of lab safety the chemical safety library provides more of content on hazardous reactions safety net is providing materials for synthetic enemies so more on the synthetic chemistry side so um thank you to everyone from the fieldside hub team especially to jeff jp mamdang to dindy for allowing me to be part of this this webinar for allowing me to share um on safety uh to the dlsu central instrumentation team and to my boss professor dexogamacho for giving me for allowing me to participate here to so uh for supporting this initiative so passion co talaga you must share um not only about my research work but also about ensuring that we have that safety culture that safety awareness when we're when we're working in the lab and so thank you for supporting this initiative um to miss zochen and the occupational safety health and environment um team of nus thank you for um giving me giving me the permission to to share this materials uh as well um to my annual seniors who has um uh really inculcated in me the safety culture and awareness thank you uh to my pi perform former pi prof family and my lab mates for working with me for so many years and for being patient with me uh of course because if you're if you're in charge of safety uh minsan and they uh i um you can come in conflict or arguments but it's good that um i have very open-minded lab meets as well and so um we can discuss we can compromise and we can figure out how to do things safely and properly and my previous boss was also very supportive of that and so i also encourage for the pis who are watching uh please do take care of your students these are students or researchers that are put in your care make sure that you also look out for their safety yes the nus environmental research institute safety committee and management again these are people that i have learned a lot from and i have worked with for several years and so thank you to everyone and that's all so if you have any questions i'll please do email me and i'll try to answer them and yeah we'll have some time to answer questions now so that's all salaam thank you let's give dr lazarna a virtual clap yeah we have a lot of questions here and that was a slide not then so i guess we can go one by one uh dr la cerna so the first one is from fritz pizzaro how do you determine the expiry date of prepared solutions okay actually fritz um your expiry date of prepared solutions uh depending on stability of that particular solution so there are solutions for in a hindi advisable language after it has been exposed to air sorry it has been exposed to air or it has um it has been used for like a day so mermaid so that is usually the expiry of the solution so depend dish has stability uh so if it's um stable only for a day then yeah just use for a day if it's if it's not stable anymore after it has been exposed to air then you have to consider that so that is with regards to expiry some solutions that are relatively safe and uh is stable through time then you can keep it longer like for a month or so but in some cases as you know for analytical chemistry laboratories there are solutions that has to be prepared freshly uh and so you have to take note of that as well and i this yeah that's true and also i think uh samara in you know industrial labs they set it on their standard operating procedure yes yes yeah all right thank you and uh from ryan huang generally can we neutralize acid with any base or vice versa before disposal ayan okay so i think again we have to go back to um compatibilities so uh acid for example if you're working with organic acid you cannot neutralize it with organic bases uh consequently if you have organic inorganic bases you cannot neutralize them with organic acids because reactive it can cause fire um generally if you are working with or inorganic acids you neutralize them with inorganic bases uh soyon and of course those that are not very reactive you have to consider that so usually i think you make use of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate right uh to neutralize acids but uh water uh you only generate carbon dioxide um as uh as a product uh soil you have to consider those yeah um from jonah alim our school science lab is just small are there available spill kits in the market can you recommend the reference for the contents of the spill kit and first aid kit for the science laboratory okay so actually in terms of chemical safety the basic contents of lab spill kit will be your glove your your if if you have um usually in the money goggles cannon in place now so you don't need the goggles in your spill kits but uh you would need your gloves like forceps or things that you have to that you can use to take hold off the contaminated material uh your absorbent pads like they have like um absorbent pillows or even like um absorbent shaped sheets that that is used to contain the the to contain and to absorb the spills so and like um chemical waste bags to contain the the waste after the cleanup so those are the basic contents of a spirit uh usually available so available chemistry lab suppliers uh yep oh wow i'm not sure whether i have i can i will be happy with that yeah i'm happy because it's accessible but i'm a bit worried in terms of like regulation and like control um and yeah yeah you can check sharpie or i know first aid kitaman um i think it's more of like to address cats um and dunya in case special experiments involving highly dangerous substances like hydrogen hydrofluoric acid then you have to have the kit or the cream for that pero usually it's more of like your usual first aid kits like gauzes it's more to address cats so more of bandages first aid kits content kits content unless that's needed [Music] all right so moving on to the next question from emmanuel kapinping how should expired chemicals used and in general chem one and two so college chemistry tunnel so i do not know of any licensed third-party waste collectors in pangasinan any suggestions okay again i'm sorry i'm still not very familiar with the suppliers here but there should be um third-party based collectors that you should be able to contract so pangasinan so it can be traveled by land from manila so you can actually perhaps look for so um collectors in manila or in other provinces and then try to contact them uh yes you have to consider disposing expired chemicals in our previous lab uh because um my boss has been nus for quite a while uh i think at some point we had over 2500 chemicals in the lab which we do not really know of what to use for and they're all expired so um first it becomes dangerous through time because it can be it can become unstable and second is it takes up space in your chemical cabinets so as you as you perform your experiments you will need that space in your chemical cabinets and so you have to make sure that you clear out these expired chemicals yeah and i think it's something that they should coordinate with their department heads yes yes so actually it will be cheaper if it's a bulk disposal so it will be good to coordinate with your department if they can arrange for a bulk disposal of the waste across different labs in your department that will be better actually so less effort on the waste collector and it's also should cost less on your part okay so we have uh another question from princess king sarah quintana dr karen your delivery is very comprehensive and clear my question is about waste disposal how can we contact us third-party waste collector since we are in the province is there a separate training for treating those ways okay so again yes um depending on the location you can try to find um third-party collectors named smallapet uh dependence province or if you can contact someone in manila i understand that perhaps not in all locations or provinces meron talagan third party collector so you you might have to arrange for someone coming from a different area too to work on that and also in terms of treating wastes um i do not really advise like treating the waste itself unless you're very familiar with what is present in that waste um and for example a basic acid base waste so you can do a neutralization before disposal for small amounts of course but if you're working with like organic waste and you're not very familiar with the incompatibilities it's better to like just dispose them as ease as long as as the container is properly secured you have enough headspace in your carboy and they are in the proper container so yun even in uplb i think um we're having some problems yes definitely [Music] i just forgot a new number properly segregated properly segregated you mercury definitely is actually i know uh usually you will you will have to provide a list of the what are the different chemicals what are the different categories as well as the volume you have to provide that to the third-party waste collector and also as as as mentioned um there are certain chemicals that you can combine with anything else so that will include your yunya with mercury hf so imagine chemicals you have to uh store them uh as one container as one cardboard hindi is a okay and thank you so much uh dr anna karen lazarina um unfortunately no we're running out of time i don't know what i am uh event after this so uh we copied all the all the questions that you have and our uh dr anna will try to respond to them um so um for participating and thank you so much uh miss lazorna jp do you have any announcements uh well in behalf of uh filipino science hub and all of the participants here on zoom and on youtube we would like to uh present this certificate of appreciation so tell again and appreciate naming young time the government of the academic academic service an academic service and a faculty and equipment specialist at the cif de la salle university for delivering this webinar safety and risk management in the lab organized by the filipino science have been held by zoom and youtube live on this 14th day of august 2021 signed dr jeffrey bonkin and uh yours truly uh jp anya i am [Music] thank you for giving me this opportunity to share thank you and for for all the participants thank you [Music] and one more thing so we would like to thank you central um instrumentation facility of the of de la salle university one very important announcement for we're coming up with karen is it an eight or seven part webinar series on all the different uh areas of analytical chemistry so bon bon puyon puma expert nathan from delhi university will deliver webinars every month on specific topics in um their applications in research that's up and coming and i think our first our first event is on september right september oh so we'll have very far yes we'll have somebody from um chris argamino mr chris are getting mino from the atomic and molecular spectroscopy lab of cif to talk on his applications of spectroscopy and environmental research so please do look forward to that yep so this is a collaboration between fiscal hub and the center for instrumentation of the cif of dlc lsu so open points and teachers researchers analytical facilities within the country and the cif of the lsu is actually um a center to the that you should actually also go to all right karen what i mean uh again okay so again um so have a good uh weekend all right thanks everyone uh by the way uh google form link nasa chat box uh uh zoom into youtube and after the webinar you can check the um the video description all right thank you very much bye thanks everyone guys see you on the other side bye-bye bye everyone i will send you the link all right
Channel: FilSciHub TV
Views: 4,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bHPGrMiMTpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 40sec (7000 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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