FS19 Modding Tutorial (The basics of modeling and texturing a house)

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hey welcome to elk mountain modding i'm cj i've had a lot of requests on how i model and texture a building in blender and export it to giants editor so i'm gonna give you the basics grab yourself a cup of coffee let's get modding [Music] now that we're in blender i'm using thunder 2.82 i'm going to start up my general file here which my startup has saved with nothing in it we're going to shift a we're going to add in a cube make sure your movement manipulator is enabled and then we are going to bring that up a little bit tab in edit mode hit 3 for face select also make sure your movement manipulator is enabled in edit mode there are many different ways to model a building in blender you can use arc mesh arc pack of course use a measurement tool you can use blueprints and reference photos which i do all of that but a lot of times for farming simulator i actually go just by the look and feel of it because i feel like the in-game camera is a little bit low so a lot of times i just go by feel but model it however you want um and i'm going to speed this up but feel free to slow down uh pause it um or maybe i'll do a just a specific modeling tutorial later now we can start to unwrap so we're gonna hit tab again we're gonna a for all u smart uv project bring up our bottom tab here we're going to go to the shader editor we're going to add new shift a we're going to input a texture image texture um connect your color to base color then what we're going to do is we're going to open up i uh i'm just going to use the ranch house diffuse the ranch house siding diffuse textures that i already have built so first thing we're going to do is grab the siding make sure that you are in the um material preview not render but so that you can have a so we we can have a preview of what this looks like so as you can see it's on here it just it's kind of funky so we're just going to grab these faces along here then we're going to go over here and make sure that we're on the uv editor we're going to open up our panel here of course make sure our movement manipulator is selected we're going to check the um sync and then make sure we're on the face selection so now that we have all those um separate we're just gonna we're just gonna line them up here so they sit on top of each other oops bring this over here rotate 90 so r90 scale it up i might scale it on the y a little bit so that's why grab these do the same thing r 90 and we're going to scale it up until we think it looks to be about the same as the other side looks pretty good right there so there's our walls mapped then what we're going to do is we're going to grab all of these faces for the posts and we're going to do is we're going to right click and we're going to separate by selection then we're going to tab out of edit mode so then we have the posts and the walls separate grab the post tab back into edit mode hit a to select all then we're going to go back into the shader editor and we are going to hit x so then it eliminates that texture from it we're going to shift a i'm sorry hit new what what it does help to do here real quick let's see here i'm going to select the walls and we're going to name that walls and then this we're going to select and we're going to call house and then we're going to shift a we're going to add a image texture open up our textures here and we're going to add the house diffuse [Music] now with that we can go back into the uv editor make sure that our house fuse is selected and we're going to tab in edit mode bring those over here and then we're going to just um we're going to bring them on top of each other so that they're all in the same plane [Music] or 90. um if you box select or hit c for circle select you'll grab all the faces that are on top of each other bring them down to the post material sx scales it on the x there you go there is our posts mapped so then we're going to with the post selected shift select the house hit control j and it joins the house back together so then it's all one with two different materials go to the roof control a rotation and scale then we're going to tab in edit mode press a u smart uv project go over to the shader editor from the drop down now we can add the house material then we can go back into the uv editor grab these two top pieces of the metal that are 90 and then i'm pretty sure [Music] this one needs to be rotating 180. and so it's just a matter of lining up and scaling your textures and putting them on the texture map the way you want and the way they look good pretty simple see select both of those again come over here we're going to scale it up so it kind of fits in that area and there you go there is the roof mapped grab the fascia the same thing we're just gonna we're just gonna grab them and get them to be on the same plate so we're just gonna rotate it c to select both r to rotate and then we're just going to rotate until we get to 90. select both of those then we're going to r 90 come down here and scale it what i'm also going to do is i'm going to grab these two and i'm going to bring them on top of each other [Music] y and the x i'm just going to fit them in there so s y [Music] there you go all mapped ready to go one last thing ctrl r or tab in edit mode ctrl r and then we are going to with face select three we're going to grab these faces again just stacking them on top of each other sx for scaling on the x-axis and there you go there's our building all textured and mapped then what we can do select shade smooth go to the modifiers tab hit edge split and then apply same with up here we're going to shade smooth hit the edge split and then apply next thing i'm going to do is hit f2 and i'm going to rename this the roof and i'm going to hit f2 and rename this walls now just save that project make sure you save it so we're going to save as then we're going to export so export as a giant's i3d just name it what you want the i3d file to be named and then export as long as you have it saved and you have materials applied to every object you shouldn't get any errors so then we can open up the uh the file containing the i3d and containing a file with the textures so we're going to right click on the i3d we're going to open it up in notepad plus plus and the texture path is always wrong when you're exporting from blender into giant's editor so we're going to eliminate the first part of this texture path because all it needs to say that it's in textures the file textures and then into the house we're going to save that we're going to exit now we can open up in giant's editor now that we're in giants editor first thing we're going to do you can hit the plus and minus on your keypad to change your navigation speed we're going to create a light and we're going to grab the roof first thing is your metalness is to zero and your smoothness to zero your smoothness and your metalness basically if you have a gloss map you can apply it there and your normal map but for this we're just going to start with this and tell it that there is no smoothness and no metalness then we're going to select rigid body i'm going to take our clip distance down to something like 3000 then we're going to hit the shapes uh tab we're going to do cast shadow map and receive shadow map and then we're going to grab the walls so we're on the walls texture same thing smoothness zero middle list zero rigid body then we're going to take the clip distance down to three thousand and then we're going to make sure receive cast shadows and resist receive a shadow scissor so as you can see that's the basics and there is the building uh the only thing we need to do now is save it as a binary file so you're gonna come up here and then save as um so if we're in our folder and here's our r3d we're just gonna click on the i3d and from the drop down make sure binary file is selected and then save so there you have it that's the basics this is my first tutorial so if you found it helpful make sure you let me know in the comments and make sure you go check out my facebook page elk mountain modding and just to keep up to date with all my current projects and also join the facebook group elk mountain nation thanks and catch you next time
Channel: Elk Mountain Modding
Views: 7,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: djPnLpRYmb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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