First Time Watching Disney's *MOANA* Made Me Want To Sing Along!

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel my name is [Applause] everybody now let's get into this movie reaction you already know when i watched in kanto a lot of people was like bro you gotta watch moana so i'm like alright cool i didn't see moana but you know with me having little siblings you know you hear the songs so many times man in the beginning there was only ocean until the mother island emerged i love hearing folktales like this man voyage across the vast ocean to take it why was a demigod of the wind and sea i mean if you already got that type of power you know what's the whole point of trying to take something like that but you know people get driven by just having ultimate power was maui boy look at that hair man shoot what product you be using boy oh my god bro this animation looks amazing damn look like the mummy shoot for a big dude that man is coming he's really agile dude was dipping a demon of earth and fire oh that looked like the one monster in ragnarok heart of te fiti were lost to this yo that is straight terrifying just that deep blue darkness man hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread she's loving this thirsty jaws of inescapable death [Music] you really just gonna put a whole bunch of black ink on the paper like that how many maps do you have oh thank you mother that's enough i know she is so adorable we are safe here damn that baby's crazy trying to rip his face off i know oh i appreciate that ocean water well you got another one hey yo weirdo why you trying to get me to go deeper and deeper into those now i have heard a theory that a lot of people have been saying that i guess that turtle or another turtle whatever or tortoise is supposed to be the same one that was in finding nemo looking like alfalfa [Music] hey i was wondering how somebody would find that thing because it was deep in those [Music] [Applause] she would drop the stone again i don't believe that that tortoise is the tortoise from finding nemo because this isn't a pixar movie this is just an original disney movie and i haven't watched a lot of original disney movies for to know if they put in pixar easter eggs in those movies as well so [Music] you already know it's a disney movie they gotta have some weird animal in here be the sidekick or something so she want to be an adventurer [Music] that rooster right there needs some help need to get him a helmet or something that was a great song we had to start the movie off with it's a nice cool vibe man what you like what day you are [Music] the glow up for moana was crazy man look at that hair hair looks amazing so y'all got to tell me what product y'all be using you know grandma hair looking good you are the future of our people moana they are not out there they're right here i mean you could probably bring some people from out there to your tribe you know you can probably expand you know fulfill our future that's one time we got a strong woman leading the village okay should they not even trying to hook her up with a like an arranged marriage or whatever to have like a manly stuff they like just have her doing it so that's cool you know that's different that's good pork of course he had to show up oh this boy over here trying to that boy was challenging me bro i'm about to hop up in there bro you trying to crunk i can crunk with him you feel me fired for pretty much everything should we maybe just cook him [Music] no i don't know if you want to eat him that'd probably make you stupid if you eat him we should clear the diseased trees and we will start a new grove there thanks moana she's doing great [Music] are you just saying that i know she's probably walking like man this girl don't know what the she doing there's something you need to see our traps in the east lagoon they're pulling up less and less fish they probably stopped swimming over there because there's like breath they're just killing us man it's like everything time we go over there man we get kidnapped we fish beyond this a rule that keeps us safe instead of endangering our people so you can run right back to the water i don't think you should have did that in front of everybody man i mean it is kind of dangerous going beyond the reef you know i don't really like the ocean he's hard on you because because he doesn't get me because he was you giving sea yo that water looked realistic man his best friend begged to be on that boat your dad couldn't save him [Music] damn do you see the effects on that water that looked good i've been staring at the water like i said i haven't seen these movies but i have like five younger sisters they played this song so many times bro i mean it is a good song bro i i can't i can't lie one of the things that i really do like about a lot of these disney movies is they have like this recurring theme where people don't want to just settle they want to do things that make them happy or they want to do great things they want to leave some type of legacy you know do something that's better than what we've already been doing you know and like this generation you know my generation and maybe the younger generation i don't know what the hell they doing you can see a lot of people they're not settling they're trying to do good things better things [Laughter] girl you really out there this better be a daydream you better not be out there are you about to get in trouble [Music] oh my god oh sh oh my goodness i hope she don't get knocked out you got hit back into reality should knock you on your ass [Music] don't quit tell me keep trying failure makes you stronger you know you just you know how to you know what to do next time whatever just happened blame it on the big bro look at this shot it looks so good swimming around her in unison and stuff or i chose the wrong tattoo why are you oh that's a good tattoo great do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef i mean of course they didn't you know how do we get here you know question you keep asking yourself who are you meant to be i mean it's really hard to find your purpose you know there's so many things in the world to do and it's it's really hard to find what you want to do when you don't have the correct resources and you don't have the correct knowledge or the correct guidance you go make you a fire ass beat with that man just look at the architecture that looks so good man like this this whole movie just looks great and i really like that they're starting to make a whole lot more movies showing a lot of different cultures now i know a lot of people have different viewpoints on that some people they don't like the whole change and everything other people they feel like it's just disney catering to people and stuff but to me it doesn't matter as long as they're making it you know and it's good quality [Music] we were voyagers i mean of course we were you thinking we were made here when he stole from the mother island darkness fell monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back that is a good reason you don't want to keep losing people and resources and i know they care more about the resources than they do to people but you know this is probably back in the day when they actually did care about losing people find maui deliver him across the great ocean to restore the heart oh you got it grandma that's what's up at the bottom of his hook oh man that looked like a great wallpaper man stop the darkness save our island there's a cavern of boats we were voyagers we getting voyage again man you really gonna do that in front of all these people chief it's your mother yeah i could tell something was wrong with her how she sat down she already knew her time was coming close when she was talking about them uh sea rays i think that's what they call it huh or stingray stingrays my bad why we gotta lose a grandma bruh like damn i can't believe you there is no way you could go that i won't be with you yeah she gonna be with you the whole way man damn oh my god already the movie just started kinda it's like disney always gotta kill somebody off man oh they go grandma [Laughter] joe that was beautiful right there i liked how they did that yo if you didn't have any motivation then you could definitely get it now do not tell me it's that pig ah hell nah that's even worse what is your dumb ass doing here [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] wait nobody got time to be babysitting you there we go nice water the ocean is a friend of mine you shouldn't have told him that because that's why he went into the water you should have left his dumb self in the waters leave him in the water or eat him like for real i'm not babysitting this little dumb dude i mean well at least it's good that you're not alone you know because that can make you go crazy [Music] come on girl you being reckless right now ocean can i get a little help [Music] boy i said help me not knock me out what was that god [Music] yo did you just drop that on her oh thank god demigod of the wind and sea i am one hero of men what it's actually maui shapeshifter demigod of the wind and sea hero of men girl don't let him take over your your speech so you can sign my oar i'm here cause you stole the heart of defeat and you will board my boat sail across the sea and put it back uh that's what i'm talking about girl bring him down to your level i got stuck here for a thousand years trying to get the heart as a gift for you mortals so you can have the power to create life itself yeah so what i believe you were trying to say is thank you thank you you're welcome but we already got the power to create life how the heck you stay here for a thousand years and you are this conceited when you're staring at a demigod what can i say except oh yeah this song too i saw dwayne johnson post a video of him singing a song to his daughter boy somebody gotta knock you on your butt yo i wish i had moving tattoos but i mean i ain't got no tattoos but still [Music] this boy is playing her and she all up in the song how you fall for that she was not paying attention to the lyrics [Music] boat snack ain't enough meat on that thing for you bro not even for a snack wow this dude really made a statue of himself hey all right moana i see you that girl got some straight shoes she don't mix leg day she be doing them squats [Music] i know that hurt i know that her especially you went into salt water too no that went through her nose and stuff why are you gonna put me under the water damn this dude really trying to kill this girl i thought he was a hero for all and you will restore the heart why would you do that [Applause] you afraid of it no no i mean if he was afraid of it i don't think he would have threw it it's a homing beacon of death if you don't put it away bad things are going to come for it comfort this the heart you mean why would you do that you already know they try to sell those as toys oh that that is nice right there i like that design tighten the halyard find the stays you can't sail oh yeah uh that wouldn't make any sense okay well yeah all right cool so she doesn't know the terms but she just knows how to sail kind of remind me of mad max man don't do that they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine and you're not really fine the heart forget it you'll never get it back besides we got a better one man get up out of here nobody wants that what gives a damn about your autograph coconuts i don't like the bowling ball sound of it oh they can have darts man that's unfair right there that's unfair [Laughter] damn okay i see you moana [Music] oh he went through that thing fast oh let's say y'all can't fit through that lava monster ever defeat a lava monster no have you yeah i thought you said that all of your tattoos were your victories you didn't defeat that lava monster so now you're just the guy who stole the heart of te fiti the guy who cursed the world you're no one pharaoh yeah she's right put this back save the world you'd be everyone's hero [Music] you're so amazing we got good chemistry with each other man there's some good voice acting i couldn't do this man i'll be scared out of my mind teach me to sell sure i know his breath stank when he did that kick you're a princess you are not a wayfinder you will never be a wayfinder you will never be anyway [Music] why would you do that are you gonna show her how to sail pull the sheets not the sheets nope no it's cold wait it's getting warmer you disgusting disgusting already knew he was speaking some bs when he said that why can't you just accept that we working together why you gotta be so childish enjoy your beauty rest you know a real wayfinder never sleeps well you know we not all demigods like you you feel me some of us need sleep i thought you stayed in the village you know kissing babies and things oh i liked how they shot that right there the wind through the hair oh [Music] the ocean chose you for a reason if you start singing i'm gonna throw up you can't be talking he was the last one that started singing like i said you already know his breath stink i was just gonna say are you gonna be like constantly falling like how they was in spy kids too [Music] i don't know my watch doesn't tell time but i know that whole thing was like an illusion spoiler alert for people who haven't seen it [Music] well she's dead i mean yeah she didn't stick the landing look at bats down here yo these monsters bro i can't deal with it [Music] [Applause] fish hook yeah it sounds like she got a hell of a right this is stupid i'm just gonna walk up and get it you go up there he will kill you just stick to the plan i mean the whole point is to get him down here right what have we here it's a spa just pick an eye babe i can't i can't concentrate on what i'm doing pick one pick one they are funny-looking came to bring you some toothpaste are you just trying to get me to talk about myself i will gladly do so in song form oh my god no can you just talk to me man my boy you ugly probably the ugliest thing i've ever seen in this movie [Music] he turned into that reindeer i know that reindeer wasn't like frozen right like i haven't seen frozen but it it looked like [Music] this girl moana is so smart man i see she's taking a barnacle and she's covered it in bioluminescent algae as a diversion to at least you know sir hey hey did you like the song i mean it was all right you know it wasn't one of my favorites [Laughter] i'm trying to be sincere for once and it feels like you're distracted now we're never making it to te fiti this mission is cursed it's not hurt your confidence that man bro it's only been like what a thousand years i mean of course you're gonna be a little rusty man get up why are you gonna give me a speech telling me i need one cause i'm how do you earn that one that's a man's discovery of nanya what's nanya nanya business i thought he said ananya is it why your hooks not working man don't be worried about that girl you i know the water going bring her back on the boat you want to tell me i don't know what i'm doing i know i don't i mean you don't need to know necessarily what you're doing you just need like i keep saying you just need to have the will to do it just got to bring the heart back to the island man i had human parents they did not want me they threw me into the sea damn i gave them islands fire coconuts anything they could ever want but you didn't get real love you didn't get a real family you did everything for them so they'd love you it was never enough i can see why you say it's a curse then man that is heartbreaking or maybe it was just never enough to you yeah that's a good start going on come on why would you put him back on the boat man we don't need him oh my goodness that's like one of my biggest fears right there bro just like the fish is popping out of the damn water a big ass fish oh my god and i do not like whales oh my god [Music] [Laughter] he was tarnished you know the ocean used to love when i pulled up island because your ancestors would sail or seize find them and if i were the ocean i think i'd be looking for a curly-haired non-princess to start that again thanks so she's gonna be the next demigod i think she probably a better demigod than help it's time i mean we haven't even reached the island yet man you don't wanna wait also you're just gonna leave her there oh okay [Music] yeah i wouldn't have been ready for that either came up quick you can't turn into like a faster fish what are you doing finding you a better way we won't make it yes we will man you gotta trust her man now we would have been able to make it if i told you determined oh come on let's not have one of them scenes where you get real mad and scream at her and stuff and then like disappeared or something it was made by the gods you can't fix it next time without my hook i am nothing that's not true wow i thought she motivated you saying that you know you are you you don't need the hook and all that stuff this dude be so quick to give up man i'm not the right person you have to choose someone else hey it's heartbreaking maybe this has happened before like they probably didn't get to the point where they met maui but they probably got to a point where they might have been close to some if they gave up too easily you're a long ways past the reef oh grandma i never should have put so much on your shoulders if you are ready to go home i will be with you i mean but your home is dying you know y'all gonna die soon you just gonna accept that why do you hesitate i don't know because you're about to die that's why what's she talking about the people you love will change you well what the heck i didn't know what was going on right there i like that transition though i am everything i've learned anymore hey come on girl you can't give up now you feel me you came this far bro i got goosebumps off of this man straight up gave me chills [Music] oh bro they better have me start tearing up man it's a motivational moment right here and it's emotional you just gotta believe that you can do it that comes for anything that you do and i'm talking to y'all i ain't talking about like this movie [Music] i mean when she get hit by the impact of the water or something girl i'm so proud of what this girl's become man she's growing a lot no come on yeah be smart for once oh he was smart yeah there you go can you help me out okay i see you what what are you doing here but your hook one more hit and you acting like the gods won't give them another hook or something thank you you're welcome he said it he said it uh i know he's happy to say that [Music] yo that is a great way to distract that thing man [Music] yo you could have did that at first if he was just gonna do that then [Music] [Applause] oh boy get it right in the chest that was a strong and impactful hit i don't think that thing is going to be getting up anytime soon [Music] what what oh you tell me that's that's the thing [Music] oh i like how they got the light on her right there look like her own little spotlight can i see you moana looking badass oh no they did not just bring in the slow motion look at the hair blowing in the wind and stuff i know your name um i like how she hit that word so terrifying guys just coming to her [Music] there she go over there looking beautiful again looking young and fruitful [Applause] [Music] i wonder where they get the idea for this movie though and if they use like any like realistic themes in here [Music] see that boy never had to bow down to another guy before so he didn't know what to do you know it'd be rude to refuse a gift from a goddess thank you your kind gesture is deeply appreciated i love the design right there when it comes to just this whole thing [Music] why would you i mean that's that's sweet you know i'm just thinking why would he have a tattoo of her but that's pretty cool at the same time i wish her grandmother could come back to life i can see why a lot of people love this movie you know the music is nice and it has a great message man and it has great characters i may have gone a little ways past the reef i mean i know she's probably been gone for like maybe a couple months there we go let's go in [Music] [Music] there go that disney ending right there man that was good oh of course and this is another thing that disney does i don't even know who this is singing but you know it's still a good song though okay this movie right here just took my breath away man it made my heart stop for a little bit i just i love the animation the characters the the music oh lin-manuel miranda made some songs that boy be killing it that dude is like a genius bro just how many great songs that he be making for disney and stuff he had a good team around him um and i know a lot of people want me to watch hamilton and stuff i want to watch hamilton i'mma try to watch hamilton you know with it being a musical and stuff i can't play a lot of the music that plays but not like i'm saying i love the animation i love the characters i love the voice acting that good chemistry it had a great message i know this is very inspirational for little kids and young girls and stuff bro look how realistic these cr in credits look shiny wow it has an in criticism still upside down here just need a little push can we be real if my name was sebastian and i had a cool jamaican accent you'd totally help me you would you know you would oh wow that's a nice little uh call back to i think that's the whole mermaid i haven't seen a little mermaid but why you gotta be hating on him bro and you get all them legs like you can do that yourself bruh it's nice to see a lot of movies nowadays have more and more end credit scenes and stuff okay everybody and that was moana bro this movie was straight up beautiful i liked pretty much everything about this movie it was like a masterpiece man and disney they've been when it comes to their animation department they always come out with some bangers and i feel like they'd be teaming up with pixar because why wouldn't you you have the probably the best movie studio ever because pixar they just come out with great movies every single time i mean there's like a lot of pixar movies that i haven't seen and i know a lot of people want me to watch inside out i'm gonna definitely check that out too i love the voice acting i love the chemistry i love the characters dwayne the rock johnson did fantastic the main girl she was amazing the animation was just so gorgeous every single time i see these disney animated movies or pixar movies and now you're seeing like dreamworks and stuff the animation is just so good it's starting to get to a point where it's looking so realistic man and it's like the same with video games and stuff too is getting to a point where it's just mind-blowing it's mouth-dropping i cannot wait to hear your thoughts when it comes to this movie you know let me know what is your favorite disney animated movie and also let me know what's your favorite disney pixar movie you know those are two different answers i'll go ahead and give this movie a 10b plus because it was damn near a masterpiece man and that's another thing that i love about these animated movies that disney would bring out is just how inspirational they are for kids you know how they just have these good messages and stuff and that's another one of the things why i don't like what people will say when it comes to like kid movies where if there is a kid movie that isn't that good or it's like kind of stupid they like oh who cares it's a kids movie like no no you know that's why we be getting like these really bad movies nowadays or we get really terrible quality and content nowadays because we have so many people that just settle with mediocrity i don't settle mediocrity i always want the best quality content that you can bring out man go ahead like this video share comment down below subscribe click the bell so you know when i upload more videos follow me on all my social medias you know the links will be down in the description below oh and if you want to see my full-length movie reactions to this and any of the other movies that i do in the series and stuff you know with tv you can go down and click the link in the description below to my patreon and with all that being said i'll see you on the next one all right peace [Music] you
Channel: MellVerse
Views: 171,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, moana reaction, moana movie reaction, moana, moana movie commentary, moana songs, moana soundtrack, first time watching moana, movie reaction, disney moana reaction, commentary, film, first time watching, funny, mellow, movie, movie commentary, movie reaction first time, movie reactions, movie review, movies, react, reactions, review, reaction video, aniamated movies, disney movies, dwayne johnson, the rock, react to moana, auli'i cravalho, how far i'll go, you're welcome
Id: kATNxZzrjF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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