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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel so today's video i will be working on my front porch makeover and this is probably one of the biggest transformations i've done on my channel in a very long time so i hope you all enjoy and let's go ahead and get started alright so here is a quick before clip of how the front door looked before we got the new to us door that my dad recently gave us i was so excited about this door it's absolutely gorgeous and if y'all don't know anything about doors they are super super expensive so i was beyond excited to get this one um but if you look closely you can see our front porch area was pretty stained up all around the trim work and needed a fresh coat of paint even the side of the house had a lot of concrete splatters all over it because the previous owner to us laid this concrete slab after they painted the house yellow so you can see all those marks all the way down the house and i decided to do a lot of touch-ups today and really just transform the front of my house because it desperately needed it so i'm starting off by just blowing off all the leaves and then i'm gonna jump right into painting the side of the house with some old paint that the old previous owner left behind i'm not sure what color it is it doesn't stay on the container but all i know is that i am just painting over all these concrete splatters and anywhere that needs a fresh coat of paint already come with me i'm not really asking we'll get away to a place where we don't [Music] know [Music] this is what we waited for so i quickly wanted to mention that the hand painter that i'm using right now is amazing if you're someone who does a lot of projects or paints like bigger things definitely pick one of these up next time that you're at the store it will change your life they are great and then i'm just taking a paintbrush to get really low to the concrete down here at the bottom of the house this part was really textured so i couldn't really use the hand painter this low but i did the best i could at making this look a little bit better and then right after painting the house and doing all the touch-ups i went in with this valspar the perfect white paint and this is an exterior paint by the way that way it will last and i just painted all the trim work really good i think i did two coats on yeah i did two coats around the trim on the windows and then three coats on around the door frame that way i don't know just the door frame gets a lot more use so i wanted to make sure that was really coated and that it would last i think that i'm going to hiding somewhere by a gay star baby they ain't never [Music] escape [Music] so while i was painting my sweet little zoe decides that she wants to try to sneak off and she waited till the perfect opportunity when i wasn't watching look at her look at me to see if i was watching and she's like oh i'm leaving she went for a little stroll i don't know where she went but when i noticed that she was well kaiden actually noticed that she was gone he said mom where's zoey i was like i don't know and then she come around the corner of the car i obviously i don't think she left the yard but i just thought it was funny that she decided to take a little stroll whenever i wasn't watching [Music] all right so after painting all the trim white i went ahead and started on the concrete so i'm using the glidden porch and floor paint in the color dark gray and i'm starting off by just trimming out along the house and along all the columns and stuff and then i'm going to go ahead and roll this on so the only prep work i did on the concrete was just make sure i blew it off and tried to make sure all the leaves and sticks were up unfortunately it was a very windy day so every time i turned around a leaf was blowing on the paint but it still turned out really great and it covered up all the stains which which is exactly what i was looking for so i'm very very happy with the finished product and i feel like this paint works pretty well i will say though it is super hard to apply to concrete so make sure that you get the right type of roller i used one that was for like textured walls and i thought it would be you know nappy enough but it wasn't definitely make sure you get something that is very nappy that way it goes into the grooves really easily [Music] like it is like it is [Music] breathless [Music] cause where you go is where i go [Music] i don't need nobody else i got you and you got me too [Music] all right so next up is this old rocking chair that was recently given to me by my brother and sister-in-law and then my mom gave me this old stand so i'm gonna put a fresh coat of spray paint on these and bring them back to life and today i'm using the rust-oleum spray paint in the satin finish and the color black and i'm gonna do two coats on the rocking chair and two coats on that little stand by the way i absolutely love the spray paints that have the trigger instead of the button that you push with your index finger it just makes it so much easier to spray paint whenever you have the trigger your finger doesn't get sore and i feel like it just gives a better finish so if you are new to spray painting definitely look for the kind that have the pull trigger instead it will just make it a lot easier for you and it won't kill your hand and by the way i know the rocking chair looks a little splotchy right here but after the second coat that did go away so if that ever happens to you don't worry just try another coat and then go from there you may have to like stand in between just depending on the finish but luckily for this rocking chair i was able to do two coats without sanding and it is holding up great we've already rocked on it the kids have climbed all over it and it looks really really beautiful [Music] all right so now moving on to the front door i was really trying hard to salvage the red door i didn't want to paint it i love the red color but we had to change out the deadbolt and the people who painted the door red didn't paint behind the deadbolt so you could see where the wood was showing after we put the new one on so i was going to try to spray paint it black and see if i could like make it look okay it didn't end up working out it looked terrible so i went ahead and painted the whole door but i am using the rust-oleum spray paint and the matte finish to do a fresh coat of paint on the dead bowl and the handle that way they match so after spray painting the handle and the deadbolt you know all the same color it looked really good except for when i pulled off that black or that blue tape and then i had like the faux deadbolt square it looked terrible it looks so cheap so i decided that my only option was to paint the door i could have went with a lighter color but i already had this whole gallon of paint um of black paint that i plan on using for the interior doors of my house and a um lowe's employee actually recommended it to me she said it worked really great for exterior doors and interior doors so i was like you know what i'll try it and we'll see what happens i painted the entire door black did the first coat everything looked great i was super in love with it by the time i did the second coat i realized yeah maybe this wasn't the best paint to use for the door especially somewhere that's super humid like florida but it's holding up okay i've only had a few issues there was one little spot that bubbled a couple times and i sanded it down repainted it and it looks fine and it hasn't bubbled since so i'm hoping that it holds up okay so i don't want to recommend this paint to you guys and y'all use it and have the same issue just definitely do your research before you buy door paint because the last thing i want is for y'all to paint your door and it start peeling or chipping really bad and i just i'm not sure how this is gonna hold up but i'll keep you updated um but it looks good so far so um i'm happy with the finish i just truly hope that it lasts by the way worst case scenario i will sand the door down and repaint it and i will learn from this mistake just like every other project that i've might have had like a little mess up on i've learned from those mistakes and i have made sure not to make the same mistake twice as someone who does a ton of diy projects i want y'all to know that there are so many times where i mess up i couldn't even count on my fingers and toes how many projects i've messed up like pretty much all of them but guess what i learned from them and i've gotten better and better over time my decorating style has gotten better and i am not trying to like toot my own horn or anything but i do feel like over time my projects have gotten better and that's all because i've learned i have just gotten you know more comfortable with what i've been doing and you know it's all learning process so don't ever give up keep trying and you will eventually perfect your craft and you'll be really good at it [Music] all right so now moving on to decorating the space i'm using these two pots that were similar in size the one was brown so i just quickly spray painted it black and then i'm adding my two ferns that i recently bought from lowe's they were on sale for two for 20 bucks and i tried my best to find the fluffiest greenest ferns that i could possibly find so i put those in the pots and then i'm gonna go grab my rocking chair now that it's nice and dry and i'm gonna go ahead and finish decorating the space [Music] so whenever i was brainstorming how i was going to redecorate this space i knew that i wanted to keep a pretty neutral theme that way i could use a lot of the items that i already had on hand and then everything would just flow really nicely together so i went with greenery with the white flowers and then i added a really pretty pop of color to the rocking chair that pillow came from walmart for five bucks so super inexpensive and then i found a really cute door mat from walmart it says hello on it and it was like 11 bucks i added that and a old rug that i had on hand underneath of it for a layered effect and then the last thing that i'm going to do is well my husband's going to do is add a new light fixture so this light came from lowe's and i will link it below if i can find it online it was 50 bucks but i feel like it's a very timeless look so it'll last a very long time and i feel like it really made a huge difference on the front porch and a quick little tip if you're looking for lighting but you want to stay like inexpensive what i like to do is get on pinterest or wherever you can find a good inspiration photo i look at what they have and then i go into lowe's or look on amazon and i find something very similar that way i get the look but i also do it on a at it budget at it it looks so nice i love it i wish i had matching ones on each side it'd be super cool all right so this is the best part of today's video the before and afters so here is a quick reminder how it looked before and this is what it looks like now i lose my breath whenever i see you you stole my heart what is it that you do all right that is going to be it for today's video i really hope you enjoyed watching me transform my front porch on a budget and if you want to see more videos like this don't forget to subscribe if you're new and please give this video a thumbs up and share it with a friend i really appreciate it so much thank you again for watching today's video and i will see y'all in my next one bye y'all [Music] i just wanna love you just wanna hold you just wanna be with you till we grow old please tell me you'll stay oh take me away i want you for myself every single day
Channel: Karrie Lynn
Views: 607,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: front porch makeover, porch makeover, porch makeover on a budget, budget friendly makeovers, farmhouse porch makeover, diy makeover, house refresh, home refresh, home updates, fixer upper, diy front porch, diy, front porch transformation, front porch diys, farmhouse front porch makeover l, farmhouse style, diy farmhouse decor on a budget, painting my house, front door diy, spring porch makeover, spring porch refresh
Id: 9SZCO4hgBL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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