FROM THE ARCHIVES: Scott Peterson Talks About The Disappearance Of His Wife Laci

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first of all describe what the past month has been for you that's been absolute terrible as it is for everyone I mean you see us in Prescott you haven't seen me as much in the media but you see our families and the rhyme oceans out there and the grief the frustration you know we go through a range of emotions from anger to frustration to grieve for me it's a it comes at different times during the day two weeks ago I knew exactly what to do I go to the volunteer center at the Red Lion and open up the center and wait for the volunteers to come and work on things and and then I go out and put up flyers I know exactly what to do and that was gonna bring Lacey home and now I don't know exactly what to do and that's so frustrating that's the hardest part I mean we have a core group volunteer still working to get her picture out there nationally through corporations and organizations and obviously media and other means so we continue to work tirelessly many people do to bring her home and we can do that during the day and unfortunately at night don't know what to do and the grief hits and it's unbearable but you you also have recognized that Lacey is hurting worse than any of us she's the one that's not with our family she's the one that we need to find and bring home that gives you focus it gives you yeah yeah there are times when you just can't continue and you have to you're driving you have to pull over and stop and if you're doing something you just can't continue try Steve is didn't have a task to know what to do a positive task and try to try to focus on that there are certain areas you can't go to it's hard to go to the park it's hard to go to you know it's important though because these mornings when down there alone yeah I feel closer to her maybe that's a attempt to communicate or something yeah and you mentioned right off the start that you haven't been in the media no it was the first three days or so when she disappeared it was a absolute privacy issue not showing the the grief of our family not exploiting that after that it was a conscious decision to remain out of the media I decided upon by everyone in the family and the volunteers in order to and I'm sorry to say it to media but to keep the media here to keep them hungry for you know an interview with me or a picture so that they would keep coming back so this story won't fall through the cracks says it has happened with other missing people with other abductions and it's up to the family to keep that going so we made that conscious decision together that I wouldn't speak obviously we did lots of media with the rest of the family and to keep them here I didn't but unfortunately now the suspicions of me have grown so great due to people you know wondering what happened to the you know inappropriate relationship that I had with amber Frey that it's necessary to speak it's appropriate time to in order to ask people to keep looking for lacy because they're not looking for lacy as much as they should be right now let's talk about some of those suspicions because there are a lot of suspicions out there I think people want to know first of all why would you leave lacy who is eight and a half pregnant alone to go fishing on Christmas Eve okay our day was planned for you know Christmas Eve dinner at her mom's house at our mom's house preparations were all made gifts done lacy was simply going to be baking that day and it's not uncommon for us to you know simply um we have separate pursuits she does not you know play golf as I do which was my other option for that day and being you know seven and a half months pregnant she's not gonna want to go out in a boat but it's simply a leisure activity to pursue that day and you know was our plans were you know I may not be everyone's choice to do things like that but it's the way our relationship works I know when I approached you Oh an amber Frey I told you that I would be reporting that you had a girlfriend but your response to me is that you had no comment either way mm-hmm why didn't you just come clean then I'm glad yes asks a question it's simply you know wasn't appropriate to comment on it and unfortunately there has been a statement in the press that I denied it which was made with another reporter when I characterized a National Inquirer article as a pack of lies and I did so without reading the article unfortunately the article I thought to include I know also included I suppose life insurance policy suppose it blood evidence and I forget what else but also included the report of amber so I called it a pack of lies not knowing that she was in there so it's just not important to comment about that I'm glad that ever came forward let me turn that off for me that's my phone unfortunately I thought it was off and I let's answer that question again somewhere here yeah it's kind of going crazier than that okay yes I guess I asked your question again I'll just talk about why why didn't you just come forward at the divine when I asked you if you had a girlfriend why don't you just come clean then right right at that time it wasn't appropriate coming about because it's not relevant I'm glad you asked it because never reports that I denied it when I characterized a National Enquirer article as a pack of lies that included unknowing to me I knew that the article included this life insurance supposed life insurance policy bought this summer supposed blood evidence and other strange reports like taking the floors out of our home and I didn't know it included you know this relationship that I had so I characterized as a pack of lies and that's come out as a denial which is it was never intended to be I simply approach that issue as it's not relevant and there's no reason to comment about it now there's a reason to comment about the number now I'm glad that amber did the press conference I'm glad she came forward guess allows us it allows lots of people I believe to start looking for lacy again because it's slacked off because of that because her suspicions about me she claims you deceived her she claimed ever yeah yes she did not know she did not know that I was married that is correct and you know so I'm glad she came forward I informed her that I am married and of Lacey's disappearance shortly after you know Christmas Eve is a couple of days after Christmas Eve I don't know the exact date I'm glad she did the press conference I'm glad that's out there it had nothing to do with Lacey's disappearance your stomach must have been turning though when you see her go on television and it's national and here's this girl saying he lied to me he told me he was single true your stomach must have been turning you know it is a positive to allow us to go on to search for lazy that's how I view and that's how I felt about it I wrote you I said good this will be this will be done in a week keep looking for Laci now you know Lacy's family says they can no longer trust you mm-hmm that was unfair and inappropriate for me to have that relationship how do you know there are wonderful people throughout your family I know that you know we all have loved between us and I know that wall keep searching for Laci and you know I told Lacey about the relationship she knew about it and it's an important between us and we'll continue to search for and bring her home that's inspired the big issue with a lot of Lacy's family talk to me and friends say if Laci knew that you were having an affair she would have said something to someone she would have kept quiet about it I don't know if she mentioned it to anyone or not I did see a report in the news interview with a friend of ours Lorie that indicated that she did not believe that I told Lacey more I also said I know Scot and he had nothing to do with her disappearance and that statement to me is what's relevant because you could you know okay question my my morals and my poor decision-making that's fine but don't stop looking for Laci she's out there somewhere she shouldn't be she should be with our family you mention so let's keep working over in our home you know that you mentioned during the network interview that only you and Lacey know your marriage that's correct explain that just as anyone's you know intimate relationships it's a you know it's between those two people and yes you should share things with people on some things you know you don't share those people not at Lacey find out about the affair or did you just come out and tell her no I forgot it I don't so if she knew why why come out I mean what made you say I'm gonna tell her today what what made that day the data tell her just because it's the right thing to do and as you know and you're not doing the right thing it just you know it's yep you know you feel you know sit dear stop making you can't function you have a hard time you know looking at someone you mentioned it was the right thing to do but from my understanding is that after you told Lacey you continued to see amber was that also - I saw her yeah no no it was not explained that that is the explanation it was not the right thing to do but you continue to do right and it was not the right thing to do and then even after Lacey went missing you continued to romance this girl know she claims that you called her on the 24 and told her I informed amber about Lacey's disappearance and the fact that I was married on the 24 mean there's no known on the 24th I believe is probably the is a few days after she says that you called her on the 24th December 24 and told her you were with your parents in Maine okay that this is I called her informed her about Lacey's disappearance on the 24th of December no no I did not there's a few days after that called her and told her I was buried no claims she just claims and you called her on the 24th told her that you were going to Maine you're visiting your family Maine and then you were going to Brussels Gloria I'm not going to waste what little media time we have and in this forum with you know this is a short newscast I don't know how much of these words you're going to use or not I'm not gonna waste that by defending myself or talking about irrelevant things it's better served if we talk about what happened and where's lazy so the facts are that we know that on Christmas Eve I left the house here around 9:30 she was here in the home okay that's a fact ascii out there because it's been reported there honestly that I saw her leave the house okay she was in the house it's one thing we know second thing we know is that the dog was returned to our yard with its leash on at 10:30 bye neighbor those are two things we know about her disappearance hopefully this can help some people there are things that we need to get out there are the tip lines which is the Modesto police tip line two oh nine three four two six one six six and also one eight six six lacey info he'll a CI info and that's tip line for people who have talked to the police either they talk to him please call that tip line if you saw her that day have you seen her since or there's something you think is important in the neighborhood I'll be very specific the other big push the wean heat is Laci Peterson calm people go there and print off the flyers and distribute those in every medical center and bus stop high-traffic area in the nation cuz it could be the next fire the appraiser hug our family and I know I know more than more than I I know that you want to find Laci and the second thing you want to do is clear yourself from suspicion correct I mean that is you want the focus back on lazy and not on you I want people looking for Laci cuz they're not doing that right now and that's why I'm sitting now with you in hopes that people will go you know what if I think he hadn't so involvement if I don't think he had some involvement that doesn't matter because Laci is what matters and she's out there missing and she needs to be home with her families so I don't care to defend myself I don't care what people think of me you know as I've said question of my moral character if you want to but look at your heart think of Laci her picture baby and make the effort to bring her home and that's that's the simple reality that's a simple thing we need to do just do think whatever you want to me long as you're out there and you're comfortable yourself that you're doing what you need to be doing to find lace here in our home I know that law-enforcement officials have told me that you won't take a lie detector test that you've wavered back and forth on that why well let me say this about the investigation I gave you two times earlier 9:30 and 10:30 when the dog was returned here investigators on both sides law enforcement and private have asked me not to comment any more about times about conversations they have the police about the possible polygraph you know tests I've taken or not and they're you know things surrounding the investigation so that it can be clear so I'm simply not going to comment I got those thinking I'm not gonna comment if I have or have not taken a polygraph with the police the life-insurance policy why take one out on lacy 250,000 we have life insurance policies in place that were established when we bought this home the trend right now at two years ago there was no life insurance policy taken out recently as has been reported in the National Enquirer the dubious source of alien information as well I know that a neighbor saw you removing things on the 24th you mentioned this morning that it was umbrellas yeah we have some large umbrellas for the backyard pool area market umbrellas I think is a term for them why would you store those in the winter it started to rain so he's gonna store them just like you asked why would I store them I was taking them from the pool to store officials of mine had told me sources him mentioned to me that there were cement bags that were in the storage area and apparently a few of them were empty sure well I could take out in the backyard and show you all the same at work and brick work that we've done to this home you'd find you know cement bags around her so this was something that it was home remodeling or what were you doing with it yeah and again we're starting to go into areas that investigators have asked me not to comment about so we should probably you know so if we put the brakes on at that point okay I don't mind commenting about the life insurance policy but I you know I don't want to give specific times or other information that could jeopardize what they find is valuable information in final AC okay I know that you mentioned on Good Morning America that it would surprise you if they found blood sure your vehicle's explain why well take a look at my hand you can see you know cuts here on my knuckles numerous scars I have work on farms I work with machinery I know I cut my knuckle that day on what day on Christmas Eve reaching in the toolbox of my truck and then into the pocket on the door I cut out my knuckle and there's blood stain on the door some drivers Hedren sources that might have mentioned that you also when you came home on the 24th did some laundry you washed your clothes do you understand why that may look a little suspicious to the average person why would he come home and do his laundry well the average guy that goes out in the ocean fishing get some salt water on comes home wet what you can do with your wet saltwater clothes yeah anyways but now again work you know I probably shouldn't even mention that because the what they've asked me not to uh so we should do that's what - stop that - question you and that was I talked to mr. Rocha yesterday okay yes and he didn't have too many positive things to say correct one of the things he said and I'm quoting here as far as you're concerned it's lie after lie with Scott does the guy ever tell the truth that's fortunate that that's his thought of me do you understand why he feels that way though as far as the girlfriend is concerned well certainly I you know I was an inappropriate thing that I had never lied to Dennis I have never lied to Dennis I think I saw him last lacy disappearance and prior to that it was a year before that that Lacey and I never saw him that's her father Dennis right gonna have to ask you sure are you in any way connected to Lacey's disappear I had nothing to do with Lacey's disappearance and again even if people out there question that if they would just look at their hearts and make the effort to bring her home to her family I don't care what you think of me because someone had to know yeah someone out there knows and you can be the key to finding them by putting out that you know next camera well it's a it's a plea to the audience that's why we're doing this if you want to make a statement to anybody huh well that is I mean look in your hearts and know that you've done what you can to bring Lacey home and if you haven't please do it and that's going to Laci Peterson calm and print out that flier and put it in every medical building on your car and bus stations or use the tip lines if you have any information that's what's gonna bring her home and think what you want of me but do you know your hearts you should be helping Lacey I know that's really all I think I have to say okay I just want to explore okay about Lacey because I know that you get really choked up when you talk about it Lacey no I think you can summing up pretty easily with looking at her photograph the photograph for a big smile in the press because you guys met in college er yeah and tell me what what can make you cheat you right away I know she's got a beautiful smile I linked you guys I'm just being able to complete each other that's it but I mean you asked how well and all I have to do is look at that picture you know that she's a bright one a bright light and a lot of people's lives so do you think she's still alive she is you sure yes late she's still alive she's out there and someone's holding her and these are critical days that we have left until the due date of February 16th yeah we just need all your help that's entirely too difficult to know that doors closed tellers the little guy in there thank you
Channel: CBS Sacramento
Views: 314,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, CBS13, Sacramento, CBS Sacramento, Scott Peterson, Laci Peterson, Dr. Phil, Gloria Gomez
Id: 2ycm-E7lQwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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