From the archives: Apollo 11 begins journey to moon on July 16, 1969

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and it's just five minutes to the historic launch of the Apollo 11 with all going well astronauts Armstrong Collins and Aldrin sitting there Atop The Great to Saturn rocket in their Command Module getting ready for launch here's Jack King and launch control skip shelvin informing the astronauts that the swing arm are now coming back the astronauts will have a few more reports coming up in the countdown the last Business Report will be from Neil Armstrong at the 45 second Mark in the count when he gives a status on the final alignment of the stabilization and control system we're now passing the four minute 32nd Mark in the countdown still go at this time four minutes 15 seconds the test supervisor now is informed lunch vehicle test conductor Norm Carlson you will go for lunch from this time down uh Carlson handles the countdown as the launch vehicle begins to build up we're now hitting the four minute mark four minute mark four minutes and Counting we are go for Apollo 11. we'll go on an automatic sequence starting at three minutes and seven seconds the astronaut the uh engines that generate that thrust uh combined horsepower equal to 543 jet fighter planes their launch a vehicle there weighs as much as the submarine Nautilus they burn 5 million 662 000 pounds of fuel with equivalent of 98 railroad tank cars of it a capacity of a small Town's water tank lift off the noise reaches 120 decibels and it's been compared to 8 million Hi-Fi sets playing at once he receive the good wishes thank you very much we know it will be a good flight firing command coming in now we are on the automatic sequence we're approaching the three-minute mark in the count T minus three minutes and Counting T minus three we are go with all elements of the mission at this time we're on an automatic sequence as the master computer supervises hundreds of events occurring over these last few minutes 50 minus two minutes 45 seconds and counting the members of the launch Team here in the control center monitoring a number of what we call Redline values these are tolerances we don't want to go above and below in temperatures and pressures they're standing by to call out any deviations from our plans two minutes 30 seconds and counting will still go on Apollo 11 at this time the vehicle starting to pressurize as far as some repellent tanks are concerned and all is still gold as we monitor our status for it two minutes 10 seconds and counting the Apollo 11 th tonight the moon at liftoff will be at a distance of 218 096 miles away we just passed the two minute Mark in the countdown T-minus one minute 54 seconds and counting our status board indicates that the oxidizer tanks in the second and third stages now have pressurized we continue to build up pressure in all three stages here at the last minute to prepare it for a liftoff T-minus one minute 35 seconds on the Apollo Mission the flight to land of the first men on the moon all indications are coming in to the control center at this time indicate we are goal one minute 25 seconds in the counting our status board indicates the third stage completely pressurized 82nd Mark has now been passed will go on full internal power at the 52nd Mark in the compound Garden system goes on internal at 17 seconds leading up to the ignition sequence at 8.9 seconds we're approaching the 62nd mark on the Apollo 11 Mission T-minus 60 seconds and counting we've passed T minus 60. 55 seconds and counting Neil Armstrong just reported back it's been a real smooth countdown we passed the 52nd Mark power transfer is complete we're on internal power with the launch vehicle at this time 40 seconds away from the Apollo 11 liftoff you can see the water pressurized 35 seconds and counting we are still go with Apollo 11. 30 seconds and counting astronauts reporter feels good T minus 25 seconds 20 seconds and counting T-minus 15 seconds guidance is internal 12 11 10 9 ignition sequence starts six five four three two one zero all engine running lip guard we have a liftoff 32 minutes past the hour lift up on Apollo 11. oh boy we've become used to what a former man on the way to the Moon [Music] it's like a good trajectory so far doesn't it well it's very good very good that's that's beautiful down rain you're one mile altitude three four miles now appeared in the sun there so there's a lot 30 195 feet per second everything fell into place still see it yes indeed on the screen here we're through the region of Maximum Dynamic pressure now yeah everything looks good here we're 13.50 in the start bottom set eight miles downrange I'm not sure whether I'm a fan I'm looking at it on the screen and looking it up the window s Cliff Charles worth taking a staging status that's for the uh we're dropping the first stage going through the second stage power inboard engines you're healing from the capsule Communicator astronaut Ken Mattingly at Mission Control in Houston talking to the astronaut range 35 miles 30 miles high standing by for the outboard engine cut down now and this is reporting uh this is Jack Riley reporting the voice of Mission Control there we go beautiful and ignition each of these events are very interesting to us go all engines you're looking good all right Rogers you're loud and clear at Houston at three minutes downrange 70 miles 43 miles high velocity 300 feet per second we confirmed sure we've had the launch Escape sort of suggestion the alarm from confirming both the engine skirt separation and the launch escape tower separation Houston be advised the visual let's go today the visual simulation your guidance is converged you're looking good the Boost protective cover comes off and the windows altitude 62 miles velocity 10 300 feet per second eleven Houston you are a goal at four minutes the second stage of these five J2 engines right on the ground track of a million 125 000 pounds of thrust amazing camera space agency has there we can still see that spacecraft and at this point it is almost 93 Miles higher 208 miles per hour 72 miles high velocity 11 000 feet per second we'll see a thousand miles an hour it's got to get up to 17 500 to go into Earth orbit
Channel: CBS News
Views: 60,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbs news, news, live news, livestream, breaking news, apollo 11, neil armstrong, moon landing, kennedy space center, space race, apollo mission, apollo 11 launch, apollo 11 mission, archives, cbs news archives, archival footage, space
Id: jFUvSg2zXXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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