From Space to Jail: NASA's Craziest Story | Tales From the Bottle

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if you've ever been in jail you might have had another inmate come up and tell you about how they've been to space before or about how they are currently in space at this very moment now it might not be a good idea to refute this but these claims are to be taken with a grain of salt because to my knowledge there's only been two points in history where an incarcerated person could say they've been to space and it's actually true one of these points in history is today with space shuttle pilot James hell currently serving a 4-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to two CS of manslaughter in 2021 don't drive under the influence kids the other point was in 2007 when astronaut Lisa Noak was charged with attempted first-degree murder and her story is absolutely insane Lisa Marie Caputo was born in 1963 in Washington DC her dad was a computer scientist and her mother a biologist in 1969 she watched man land on the Moon and in 1978 she saw the introduction of female astronauts she paid frequent visits to the National Air and Space Museum and to make a long story short she wanted to be an astronaut from a young age in school she excelled at both Sports and academics standard astronaut backstory ivy league College US Naval Academy graduated with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and was commissioned as an IGN in the Navy where she worked as an aerospace engineer like all astronauts he has an incredible list of achievements but let's just look at the coolest ones firstly as a woman she was part of a very small minority in this line of work and fought a constant uphill battle when she was doing flight training with the Navy in the mid to late ' 80s women were banned from combat assignments by law this led some in the Navy to wonder why even bother training them it was very hard to get accepted for Flight Training and as a woman you were training for a job you were literally prohibited from doing but get accepted she did and train she did here are some of the cool aircraft she got to fly the Douglas A3 Sky Warrior the LT V A7 Corsair 2 the Douglas A4 Skyhawk the t39 saber liner and the t2 Buckeye that thing's beautiful Lisa Marie kaputo qualified as a naval flight officer however in 1988 she would no longer be Lisa Marie kaputo because she got married to a former Naval Academy classmate you might question the wisdom of getting involved with someone you work with and if that's the case then brother you're going to have a lot of questions by the time this is all over with her marriage Lisa Marie kaputo became Lisa Noah wack this name didn't really suit her because as you learn Lisa Noak was actually very much in favor of wack she had three kids with Mr Noak whose opinions on wacking are not publicly known but forget them kids because in 1995 NASA announced they was selecting a new group of astronauts and Lisa wanted in her application was one of over 2,400 that NASA received the next year NASA announced they had selected their candidates for 10 new pilot positions nine new International Mission specialist positions and 25 new Mission specialist roles of which Lisa Noak was one this class of 1996 was the 16th group of NASA astronauts and is the largest group to date humorously dubbed the sardines Noah completed her training in 1998 specializing in the operation of the space shuttles robotic arm at this point you might be wondering why someone would throw this all away like what crime could be cooler than operating a robot arm on a spaceship smoking a cigarette on a motorcycle maybe if you stole both the motorcycle and the cigarette and think about the selection process for astronauts to be chosen for such an exclusive position you basically have to be a perfect human being no cigarettes Steelers allowed accidentally take a pen from the office back in 1982 eh you're out but noax life as an overachiever was about to become complicated in 2002 noak's husband who worked as a flight controller at Johnson Space Center Mission Control was called back to active JY in the Navy because Afghanistan up to this point the couple had scheduled their work lives in such a way that there was always at least one of them to look after their three kids now Noak would be alone in 2003 the spatial Columbia disaster claimed the lives of Seven astronauts three of which were from noak's class of 96 she was the personal casualty assistance officer assigned to Laurel Clark's family Clark had been close friends with Noak and her family said Noak did an exceptional job in this role taking care of not just all the paperwork but also looking after Clark's son they did wonder how stressful taking on all of this might have been for Noak especially seeing as she had her own three kids in 2004 Noak participated in survival training in which her and five other astronauts were dropped off in the wilderness in Northern Quebec and had to make their way back on foot this 12mile journey took 11 days in these 11 days Noak uh grew close to one of the other astronauts William oraline and after the return the two pursued an extra marital Affair here we go this was an even bigger risk than you might realize both Noak and oraline were serving Navy officers and seeing as both were married they were both committing adultery now God is very clear on the rules for adultery Thou shalt not in this regard the Navy is in alignment with God adultery is considered conduct un becoming of An Officer and a Gentleman which you can be charged with under military law after a lifetime of hard work to get to where they were these two Goofs were risking at all for some well I won't be CR about it py Panky not long after oal Line's wife discovered emails between him and Noak that were very salacious or in other words they betrayed the idea that they were just friends oal Line's wife divorced him in 2005 he moved into a small apartment gave Noak a key and she often visited and left personal effects there in a brief return to more commendable exploits Noak went to space aboard the spatial Discovery in 2006 she brought a few things like mascots and Banners from former schools as well as her grandmother's engagement ring have you no shame during liftoff the crew noticed some debris fallen off the external tank and the first day in space was dedicated to seeing if there was any damage Noak spent 6 and 1 half hours examining a white splotch on the nose con with the robotic arm as the crew feared this may have been the result of some sort of high velocity impact it turned out it was just birdshit upon her return Noak was forced to address the shoddy state of her sham marriage and she separated from her husband in 2007 around this time opaline realized he just wasn't feeling the whole Affair thing anymore and he told Noak it was over but they could still be friends according to him she took it well which is such a man understanding of relationships as you'll soon see because it turned out she did not take it well offline thought everything was cool no problems he even thought Noak was was very accepting when he told her he had started seeing US Air Force Captain Colleen Shipman this guy Cosmic Casanova over here he thought this all went down great he didn't see a problem with the fact that Noak was still calling him nearly every single day or the fact that she would still come over to the apartment until his new girl was like why is This Woman's bike here get the stuff out of here Chipman even asked him are you sure she's okay with this like there's not going to be some crazy lady showing up at my door trying to kill me to which ol Aline or ol for short responded no she's fine with all this however Mr woman understander never got the key to his apartment back off Noak when he went off into space Noak entered his apartment logged onto his computer and had a look at the emails Shipman had been sending him while he was up there for an astronaut this guy sure does seem to have a problem with people reading his emails does he not know what a password is an email from Shipman read will have to control myself when I see you first urge will be to rip your clothes off throw you on the ground and well that's enough of that ofal Line's responses weren't quite as impassioned as shipments I need to see you I am having Colleen withdrawals must see Colleen that sounds like something a zombie might type out Noak was not pleased that another woman had taken over what she taught was her spot in oal Line's affections so when she found out that Chipen was currently flying on a trip she made note of her travel itinerary and used it to draft up an elaborate and obsessively detailed plan Shipman would return from her trip and arrive at Orlando Airport at 1:00 a.m. February 5th 2007 and Noak would be waiting for her Noak took her husband's car have you no shame and drove 900 miles from Houston to Orlando it was widely reported that she wore maximum absorbency garments which are basically astronaut diapers to avoid having to stop Noak drove from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers she was wearing diapers did she say why she wore the diapers so that she wouldn't have to pull over during her 950 M Journey diapers diapers diapers diapers she wore a kind of diaper and in a bizarre display of NASA Ingenuity diapers although she later denied this she checked into a hotel using the name Linda Turner she paid only in cash calling Shipman touchdown in Orlando shortly after 1:00 a.m. but she had to wait 2 hours for her bags I hate the airport all this time Noak was there watching her she was wearing a hooded trench coat glasses and a black wig when Shipman finally got to the parking lot she sensed that someone was following her as she made her way to the car she heard footsteps running and she quickly jumped inside and locked the door good thing she did because suddenly there was a woman trying to get in Noak then knocked on the window telling Shipman she needed help because her boyfriend was supposed to pick her up and now he wasn't there and she needed a ride because she was in this parking lot all LA and it was dark and she was scared Shipman didn't know who this person was but she knew something was off she said she wouldn't give her a ride but she could go get someone if she needed help Noak then asked if she could use Shipman's phone Shipman said the battery was dead and then Noak started talking and she couldn't hear her but she saw her burst into tears maybe this person really does need help she thought she winded down her window a little bit to hear better and as soon as she did Noak pepper sprayed her you she exclaimed as she sped off a few minutes later police were on the scene and they caught Noak trying to throw away a bag They confiscated it and searched her car sorry her husband's car what they found was shocking a loaded BB gun which looked like just a regular pistol a drilling Hammer a 4in folding knife latex gloves rubber tubing and most shockingly of all pepper spray oh wait you already knew that but they also found a floppy disc and USB drives with photos and drawings of bondage as well as an image of a nude woman although it wasn't clear who this was Noak was arrested on charges of attempted kidnapping battery attempted vehicle burglary with battery and destruction of evidence at pre-trial arraignment the prosecution argued that the facts and evidence suggested Lisa Noak had a wellth thought out plan to kidnap and possibly harm Colleen Shipman she was ordered released on $15,500 bail under the condition she wear a GPS tracker and not contact Shipman before she could make bail however the Orlando Police also charged her with attempted first-degree murder in a move her defense claimed was solely to keep her in jail in a second arraignment she was charged with attempted first-degree murder with a deadly weapon her bail was raised by $10,000 she posted it and was released NASA then asked her to come to Johnson Space Center for psychiatric evaluation bit late for that Lads probably want to to beef up your screening process two psychiatrists diagnosed her with obsessive compulsive personality disorder Asperger syndrome a single episode of major depressive disorder and a brief psychotic disorder with marked stressors at the time of the incident and if you saw anything other than two bears high-fiving in those images I've got some bad news for you the bad news for Noak was that NASA terminated her assignment the Navy called both William oraline and Lisa Novak in now that it was public knowledge that the two had violated the Navy's rules regarding adultery the Navy terminated oal Line's assignment with NASA and he retired shortly after in 2008 they decided to wait till Novak's case was resolved before dealing with her the evidence against Novak was pretty damming as such she took a plea deal and pled guilty to felony burglary and misdemeanor battery in 2009 she was sentenced to a year probation sounds like she got off lookie but then the Navy stepped back in she was reduced in rank from Captain to Commander and discharged under other than honorable conditions years later William oraline and Colleen Shipman got married they have one son together what a wild ride from space to jail we soared with the Eagles and slithered with the snakes and I tell you one thing drawing all this in the space of three days was really really fun and the voices definitely did not come back if you appreciate the effort I have a bunch of other videos just like this one because for some reason I subject myself to this on a weekly basis meaning if you subscribe you'll see a new video every week I'm also on Facebook Instagram and Tik Tok if you'd like to see the videos there too I would appreciate the follow well until next time stay safe your client have anything she wants to say I think she does Judge come forward I'm glad to have this opportunity to apologize to miss Shipman in person why don't you turn in face Miss Shipman when you do this I'm glad to have the opportunity to apologize to you Miss Shipman in person I am sincerely sorry for causing fear and misunderstanding and all of the intense public exposure that you have suffered um I hope very much that we can all move forward from this um with privacy and peace
Channel: Qxir
Views: 1,560,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lisa nowak, bill oefelein, william, colleen shipman, footage, cctv, explained, true crime, story, space, astronaut, drawn, animated, irish, funny
Id: P1240pBzz2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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