From Healthcare To 6 Figures In Tech (IN ONLY 4 MONTHS!)

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so one of the number one questions I get all the time from people are what is a sales engineer people ask me Cyrus can you explain to me what a sales engineer is what is your day-to-day like okay what was it like for the boot camp that you did how do you scale in the industry how do you network things like that well my next guest I think is even more uniquely poised to actually answer this question for you all than even I can y'all my next guest she is a does not look like it at all uh 40 year old black woman who broke into Tech during the same boot camp that I did but in my opinion it ended up working out even better for her than it did for me yo I'm super excited to have this guest on and talk about what she's currently doing her next step plans as well as the company she's working at Tiffany thank you for being here thank you for being technically technically our first guest as the podcast version of tech is the New Black how are you doing I am good thank you for having me happy to be here and actually just turned 41. my birthday was on the 23rd so I'm officially 41 now I didn't even know until I think yesterday the day before yesterday that you were 40 like really in my mind because I've met you I've been around you a couple times interacted in my mind I thought I was like I was like she I was like she might be like a year or two I'm 32 I was like she might be like a year or two years younger than me I was odd but at the same time she black woman she could be a year two years older than me and so when I saw a 40 I was like what and what's crazy is even when I was thinking you were a year or two older or or younger than me even then I was thinking that based off of not even how you looked but more so just the way you moved your maturity things like that so to find out I'm like oh wow 4941 I'm like that's that's crazy that's wild so it's funny because that actually brings up this is completely random even from what uh some of the things we're going to talk about but that actually brings up one of the number one questions I get a lot of people ask they're like hey I'm 37 38 I'm 40. like yo is the tech space for me can I get an attack are people hiring people my age and in my mind I'm like I'm like I mean that's that's not oh like yeah but nevertheless realizing like okay from their vantage point maybe if I was 40 I'll be feeling the same way but what are I guess your thoughts to like those conversations about ageism in this space right it was definitely a thought of mine number one not not only because of my age but the fact that usually by the time you're 40 you've been doing something else like much longer so people are looking at you like okay why did you decide to make this career change like after a certain point and by the time you get to my age you're typically making a certain amount of money and so making a career change and now coming in knowing that you're the new kid on the Block you don't you know you have to take on the the mindset that you don't know anything your boss which I'm pretty sure my boss is younger than me um yes and so there's a lot of humility you know involved in that and it was definitely something that was on my mind but I'm really big on when it's your season it doesn't matter right like it doesn't matter how old you are you know what color you are how long you've been doing something else so I didn't let that uh dissuade me um I would just say make sure that you have all your ducks in a row and you know why you're doing it so that you don't get discouraged if it does you know come up did you during your and we'll we'll talk about in a moment like your process of breaking into Tech and things like that but like during the interview process the applying process all of that uh was that like a thought in your mind and did you do you feel like you saw any hesitations or reservations from anyone so I think being a black woman and looking younger than 40 definitely helped like no one knew like when I was interviewing you know I probably asked you how old you were yeah no well you know it would be illegal so okay yeah it would be illegal and I think you know sometimes people are kind of trying to piece things together um because you do put on your resume obviously like when you graduated and things like that if you oh yeah that's true yeah so they try to piece it together but they obviously can't ask and I think it just always throws people off or if by chance especially when I see you like when I see you like I was gonna say in person when they see you virtually your interview they're probably like oh well okay this through my math all the way off exactly or people ask about kids you know like my son just turned 19 so they're kind of like wait how does that you know she was in sixth grade doing something yeah exactly so you know I'm I'm sure that it was a thought in people's minds it never came up as a topic of conversation and I definitely think that you know know looking quote-unquote more youthful helped versus you know somebody I know there were like a couple people in my cohort that were older one gentleman and that was a concern of his as well you know just like what is that going to look like when I'm interviewing and you know I clearly look older yeah when I did the program um there was a a gentleman in my um in my cohort where he was in his mid-60s it was actually his third or fourth time during the program but it wasn't because he was having trouble getting jobs he actually had never applied for anything and many of the instructors were like man you got to get out there and in his mind he just was saying he was like ah you know I'm just making sure I'm I'm making sure I'm fully fully prepared and it's just you could just tell he just doubted that he was going to get anything and So eventually you know I saw the news on LinkedIn and he ended up getting a job and I was always I went crazy in his comments right you know as a sales engineer I was like do who he's such a great person so you know it's it's so sad how often times like ageism exists sexism exists all these different isms exist in the world but I almost feel maybe this is my thoughts I almost feel like sometimes we allow the fear of those things to be more powerful than even like the reality of them exactly I 100 agree but the fact that the matter is until you put yourself out there you don't know what's going to come of it anyway you know I don't know how much money he spent doing that over and over again all that time and energy I think yeah so I don't know if they've changed it but but when I had done it in shortly after it was like once you you pay for the program you can do you have access to that program so you can show a pop-up I mean technically I'm supposed to be able if I want to just show up and just kind of be in there then you know kind of be able to do that so that's supposed to be how how they sold it okay gotcha and that could be the case too yeah still I guess I know that but yeah just even the time and the energy though you know it's like that time and that energy could have been actually interviewing with companies or talking to we just had a team meeting in Nashville last week and there are two people basically with the company that I work with and they are there are two people who are visibly older like I know that they're older um and they're like the rock stars of our team a wealth of knowledge and you know all of that just run one of them so just for clarity the reason why I know Ron I worked at the company that Tiffany works at I worked there for about two months literally the month I left Tiffany started it I think one or two weeks later yeah and it wasn't for bad reasons it's really a great company and Tiffany's going to talk about that uh but yeah that's how I know who Ron is and like like yeah like you said he's clearly older like I think he's maybe 60s like mid 60s he's much he's significantly older his mind is sharp he's hard worker he's a great resource uh but anyway I stole your thunder yeah no no no I was gonna say so Doug is one of them maybe I'm thinking Doug okay go ahead um so yeah like a wolf I mean and cat was like amazing like hit me up anytime like put some time on my calendar [Music] um so I I think that you should not discount yourself um you know if you're older because we all bring one of the things that we all had to like give a take away at the end of the the time that we were there like what was that our biggest takeaway and for me having come from a healthcare background which I know you know we might get into or whatever when you enter into spaces where people may have already been involved in Tech or involved in the industry that your company services from a tech standpoint you may like discount yourself your experiences and things like that so I you know said that my biggest takeaway was own your experience you know and so it doesn't matter your background your age and things like that like own all of those things because the company who hires you is going to hire you for those unique characteristics that you have anyway for what you bring to the table so I guess what you mean own like you kind of like like dive into that a little deeper being so for me it's being sure of myself okay being sure of how all the things I've done that have been great the lessons that I learned that weren't so great um my my background my expertise how all of those things even if it's not specific to the industry or specific to that particular you know field that is going to help me in my job yeah you know and and just because somebody else has been working in Tech since they graduated doesn't make them any more um well suited for the role over me yeah that's that's very true um that's that's very true I definitely agree with that I want to kind of go on this a little bit longer but um for the sake of time I do want to ask so the company that you're at so you're a sales engineer one of the things the questions people made sure I had to bring up was if you can talk about your experience in terms of like just the the day-to-day or the week of being a sales engineer right so I'm still in training number one one so our training lasts for 12 weeks and that was really that was one of the key pieces that was important to me when I was looking for a company I've had some companies like oh yeah we have an Excel spreadsheet and you just kind of run through it and I'm like dude like you you're not getting ready to set me up yeah and they're looking me crazy exactly because I know what I'm doing right I'm like okay no next take me off your list um and so with this company I knew that my training would be for 12 weeks it's I mean well you know because you did it for a couple months or whatever it's very regimented which I'm Type A so I love that like I like being able to check the boxes off okay this is what I'm supposed to oh you love that yeah I love that yes um and you have a go-to person you know you have your trainer who's walking you through certain information somebody who you can you know pop in teams shoot them a little message or whatever get your questions answered so my day-to-day now um I typically log in like around 9 A.M but it's quiet really until 10 a.m um I know like okay for the week these are the videos that I need to watch the trainings I need to go through um how I need to learn the information and so I block off time on my calendar there is never a day that I work eight hours and I'm comfortable with seeing that because my boss knows that as well like you know like my boss will legit like Ping me and you know I know that this week is like a long week like you all are learning a little information if you need to block off time in the middle of the day for a workout or a little nap like you never have to and I'm like these people pushing me to take a nap yeah even Friday so okay you know we're off on Monday for the holiday yeah so the Friday before the holiday we end at 2 p.m yeah I remember that yeah I missed that and you know but this week we're learning like a lot of information and coming off of that team meeting so I just felt like a little bit behind a little bit discombobulated I'm like you know I know we get done at two but I'm probably gonna like finish watching the rest of my videos after I got done with um my demo and my trainer was like no you'll have time we're gonna finish it up next week enjoy your early you know off day or whatever um but that's really what my typical day is my day is based on what I know that I need to do I may have like between three and five planned meetings for the entire week like the whole week and the rest of that time is like how I see fit to you know schedule things on my on my calendar so yeah so my experience so first of my experience I I think when I had because how long have you been there exactly like is this week eight this is no this is actually week going into week seven okay yeah I hit a month on uh August 18th because I started July 18th okay cool yeah I think that it's this is around the time uh this is around the time I had left um and uh for those listening or watching on the the reason that I had left was there was another opportunity at another company that I thought was was better fitting for me and also it was going to give me enough of a break to like build up everything you know with tech as a new black so I was like okay I think that's perfect uh but ukg is a fire company uh fire company and I mean but the company I was at before my first tech company dial pad very similar in terms of many of the you know the off time people kind of you know making sure hey you're taking time off because my father had passed while I was at dial pad and when they had found out about it they uh they found I was in training when they found out my father passed and you know they told me to take off as much time as I once and I was scared I'm thinking in my mind like no this is a trick right they're gonna let me go They're gonna say hey uh so you know so I told him I was like oh well I just take the day off I'll be back tomorrow they said no they said no they said take the rest of the week off don't worry you're gonna be paid and they said they said hit us up Monday let us know when you think you'll be ready to come back they said but your job is here don't worry about it and you know I started back working that next Monday still in my head out ah now I gotta get back to it but I saw like their heart in that and I was like this is really legit and I stayed there for a while long enough to see like oh wow this is really how this company is then of course I learned this is the culture of most tech companies that are out there because this is just kind of the the overarching this is the culture of the of the tech industry right and then when I was at uh with ukg where you're at now Father's Day hit and when my team found out and again I'm still in still in training ukg when they found out that my father had passed they got together and sent me like a care package and I was like this is this is crazy this is this is wild um so so it's definitely uh super super beautiful I know one of the some of these questions to me I think are like ah but I know they're important to people so since you are in training in orientation are they docking your pay are they giving you training pay or have you being paid this past seven weeks two months that you've been there have you been getting paid like your your like salary I so let me tell you not only am I getting paid my salary I had a similar situation no no family you know passing but I got coveted my third week of work and I didn't even realize I had covid I was sick I shot my back my boss a message like that Monday morning like I'm not feeling my best this is probably going to be an off-camera day for me you know just to give her a heads up like why I wasn't going to be on camera for the meetings that we had including a one-on-one meeting that I had for her and she's like no problem I'm kind of feeling the same way do what you need to do so you know my son is 19. like I said we we may interact a little bit in the morning but I hadn't actually like talked to anybody until I got on my one-to-one call with her and realized like I sound horrible you know and she recognized like you sound horrible she's like are you sure you're okay like do you need to take some time off I'm like no I'm gonna be okay it's a quiet day you know I'm gonna be okay she's like Tiffany like if you need to take the time take the time later on that day I'm like oh maybe I am worse off than I thought I was take a covid test found out I had Covey I shot her a text message because it was like after work hours she's like immediately I'm gonna email your trainer push everything back I know that you so how our schedule works is you learn information and then you do a demo on Friday yeah so she's like we're gonna push your demo back don't worry about anything the best thing you can do is take rest let us know if you need anything else similar to you I'm like I don't know yeah yeah I'm saying that yeah exactly I don't know am I gonna have a job come Monday or whatever um but I I could not work like I was sick like at least for a couple days I couldn't even get out of bed and I didn't have to worry like all of her checking up on me was literally just checking up on me not just wanted to see how you were doing when did that face covered you gotta get back the training I got a care package in the mail with like tea and all kinds of like little stuff you know to help me get better or whatever and even that Monday my trainer reached out to me like before we were supposed to get on for me to do my demo like are you good to go like if not let me know we can push it back like I just want to make sure that you you know that you're good yeah so during that time and during the entire time I have been getting my my pay like what it says in my offer letter and then one of the things that they do which was really impressive to me is so you know for those who don't know when you're in SC because you're part of like pre-sales a portion of your um you know you're on target earnings so like your total salary package is attached to a commission and they kind of give you this incentive because even when you're out in the field initially like you're still it's like you got training wheels like you're out of training but you may not necessarily be closing any deals they're like okay we're gonna entice you a little bit to continue learning to keep pushing forward doing your best we're going to give you your commission for three months yeah so this month is my first month getting that and I'm like yes and I'm getting ready to uh leave for a Mediterranean Cruise like the end of October sound like these little commission checks real good in Barcelona that's fire so no you get your pay that's fine yeah because I know um and one of the things I do want to dispel uh listen y'all don't think that you have to work at her company because one of the things I noticed is that when people found out I was a dial pad everyone was trying to work at dial pad because they're thinking oh the benefit Cyrus is getting you know how great this company is things like that for anyone who who wants to know all the benefits and stuff that she's getting I actually interviewed her before I interviewed Tiffany on IG live um so we'll we'll put a link to that video in the description uh but you can watch that interview where she goes through the list of the benefits things like that but most of the benefits most of what we're talking about is experience industry-wide not for every single company are definitely some bad apple companies out there but one of the things I try to dispel from people is don't think you have to work at dial pad don't think you have to work at ukg or like a friend uh Malachi don't think you have to work it to Blue I don't think you it needs to be these companies they're literally literally tens and thousands of tech companies out there uh that are offering really great pay and really great benefits but you're someone who many most people who want to be in Tech they want to be in Tech because they're like hey they're in a very bad financial place and they're like man I wanna I wanna make more money so I want to be in Tech but that was not the case with you you know you were making you're making really good money working in the healthcare industry so like why would you as as a woman who had been in your industry for a while you were very well positioned you were making making good money uh you knew your industry very well why what led you to take that leap to want to transition out of that comfort zone and good pay and you didn't need to be in Tech what prompted you to make that step into putting in the work to put it short burnout you know anybody who knows somebody who works in healthcare can probably you know resonate with they feel burned out you know after working in that field for so long in general I was already starting to experience some burnout and then covet hit and when when Kobe first hit I was actually doing home health so for people who don't know I would literally like drive around the territory that I was covering and going people's homes well when covet hit people didn't want you coming in their homes that's true and then uh the facilities that we would cover like these assisted living facilities nursing homes and things like that that we were contracted with they didn't want us coming in like everything was shut down and so number one my livelihood started okay yeah um and I'm like when I started have to you know when I'm dipping in savings to pay bills like we we can't do that yeah and uh so I actually went back to a Health Care System a hospital that I used to work at before I decided to do home health like six it was like six years prior and one of my co-workers was the manager so it was you know it was easy no-brainer or whatever um but I was not working full-time I've not worked full time in forever so just to have to transition back into the hospital and work full-time was not going to work for me now that worked in my advantage because I was getting paid really good money because they don't have to pay you benefits but the disadvantage to that that's how they do it I mean benefits get your own benefits exactly which you know yeah is expensive you know um and so it it was nice from that standpoint but it got to a point where having to deal with the weight of covid not just exposure but also um you know as a as a therapist I typically don't have to deal with like patients dying right like usually when I'm working with patients they are doing relatively well which is why we're trying to rehabilitate them like they're out of that acute illness part well with covid we didn't have that luxury because people had to get up they had to be moving and so um it just got to be too much you know and I'm like I got to find something different and I really didn't even know what that looked like um I've also done like some business coaching on the side and various aspects I had built my own health coaching business so I knew that I liked talking to people coaching people presenting to people and things like that and uh you know saw your live actually and I I wasn't on at the beginning so I didn't hear like what you were talking about or like what your role was or anything like that was that was I interviewing someone no this was yours individually and at the end you recapped like what you do what your role was where you went you know and I'm like okay this sounds like something they kind of combines all of these things that I already enjoy doing yeah and then the following week you were interviewing somebody um why can't I his name Jessica no not kai-man yeah yeah Emmanuel yeah not Hudson I'm sure but I'm thinking uh I'm thinking of the comedian dude uh yeah our friend e-man yeah yes um and so that kind of like solidified it for me because I'm like okay these are two people two totally different backgrounds yeah yeah um you know no understanding of tech prior to going into this boot camp no background in Tech or whatever and so you know we went ahead and I dove into it started doing my research yeah I think uh I love using so like you mentioned like what you seeing myself in e-man and seeing that okay both of us are have two different backgrounds I love one of the things that I love so there are a lot of people that have done careers or done uh the other boot camp that um that I sometimes um uh partner with the promote but what I really love about the people that I feel like I've connected with the most who've done um who've done the same boot camp as me yourself Kai uh e-man um and his wife is how different all of our backgrounds are uniquely different as well as how how different like it's been for all of us like we're finishing the programs people ask me all the time like oh well you know um hey how long is it gonna take me to get a job after the program and I'm like yo like I'm not God like I don't know no one can tell you that uh but but I I love giving them all of us as examples where it's like hey it took me two months it took my homeboy iman's wife one month it took my homeboy Malachi three months took my home girl Tiffany four it took e-man five but it's like so it's literally it's like it's a thousand factors that play into it but I'm like one common thread with all of us is that you know all of us took the program seriously we all were like really grinding at it you know we were we were using the tools that they gave us um and I love when you came on alive and you were kind of really harping on like yo like the work that's involved in it that you can't treat it like okay you do this program and then they just get give you they hand you a job it's like that's not the case at all um and so but but I really love how unique your story because I think you're the only one out of all of us that that had a had a a career that you had been in for a while um and so so I really I love that love that about your story there's a dude uh I want to spend too much time on this but it's just kind of random there's a dude who hit me up recently where he's complaining he's oh hey I did it and he didn't do careers he did a different program and it's been about two months he's like he's like man it's been two months I'm still not he's like really tripping and he's I think all these companies are racist I think that's why I'm not getting nothing and I was like dude buddy I was like buddy dude no like stop it I was like how long is it and he was like it's been too much I'm like dude I was like bruh no and then I you know get and I I sent him you and I sent him a bunch of other people as I said check out all these different people whatever and uh and he sent some other voice note where he's still kind of doubting and I was like man I just gotta throw my hands up I'm like dude because and I told him I said man you can't carry that I said once you break into the industry I said that mentality will will still tear you up it'll keep you from moving up in this industry yeah um so the company that you're at we don't have too much uh too much time because we have to get to the next segment but what are some interesting things with ukg's technology that you think would really trip people out where it's because again they're they're so so ukg they're at HR software their merger of two different companies one is called ultimate uh and ultimate uh Pro or ultimate Pro I think yeah and then and then the other one is Chronos groups so they merge together into one company ukg they're in HR software company and one of the things I think is really interesting is how people don't even know what technology can do it's like what is a HR software company do so can you mention probably a couple of the really cool features they do that will probably blow people's minds right so I was the same way I am like I don't know and so like the the techie term is like human Capital Management and like okay that sounds a little shady like you know human Capital management or whatever you know but what I love about it is it if you think about yourself as an employee what we do is manage everything from even the time of recruitment to the time that you are fired or the time that you are you know retire um and so even you know when you all go to like career sites and you apply for a job and you get like that little quick email that says thank you for your application yada yada yada we look forward to reaching back to you like our software does that you know or when you are moving through that interview process and you get hired and you're signing on for benefits and so your company sends you to a website for you to start selecting all of your benefits or whatever like that's what our company does like it's you know your company's information like painted on top of our platform I think most people don't even pay attention to these things when they're working at a company they're just like okay yeah I got an alert about this let me do this and they don't really think through like yo another company probably had to be involved with doing this and that yo this is technology and like how did this actually happen right even you getting paid like you getting paid properly you know um it all is an underlying platform and and software to make sure that that happens and so it's really important that your company is using a good software because we've all probably had those instances where you worked for a company and they was crappy and your paycheck didn't come on time and they like oh we got we got to cut you a check and it might be three or four days and my bills still need to be paid yeah you know exactly yeah my favorite so there are a lot of different features we could talk through with ukg uh but my favorite feature that I thought was really trippy is how they have their AI I can tell the company if a person is might be considering quitting yes which is like yo yep like like how right that's true are you quiet quitting yeah have you heard about the quiet community yes yeah your company knows you're going if they got ukg software they know you think about quitting right yeah that's hilarious uh that's hilarious um all right so cool so we're actually about to go ahead and go to uh a segment uh techie or tacky so this is where we discuss recent technology and determine if it's something we actually want AKA techie or if it's something no one has a need for tacky uh so take your attacking so the first one um that we actually are uh going to be talking about is the voice control with Amazon so Amazon is adding Amazon is adding a voice powered gaming to big name games with Alexa game control kind of reading on it says Amazon announced the launch of Alexa game control allowing Gamers to play games by using their voice one of the games I'm not even because they're trying to promote it Dead Island 2 will be the first game to be compatible with Alexa game control with other games to follow Gamers can yell at zombies now is what they put in there so Alexa game control gives users an accessible hands-free option that allows for easier gaming Plus game developers also gain a new tool they can use for more interactive gaming experience it's currently in private beta and will initially only be available in North America with no word on when it'll be available in other countries Amazon was not immediately available to answer our questions so what what do you think about this like so to play video games now I literally just bought a PS5 okay and I've not played video games in a long time so I'm getting light-headed I'm planning to watch I'm getting virtual motion sickness but I I guess do you do you consider this techie or tacky where it's like yo to play a video game where I'm just using my voice or is this like yo that's that's dumb right so for me number one I come from like Super Nintendo generation Atari generation so like I was excited when Super Nintendo came out right yeah PS4 PS5 all that kind of stuff when my son was coming up and me trying to play video games with him like that first person view like I just can't like I'm the same way like I'm like I don't know who I am I don't know who I'm fighting I don't know where to go um and one of the things that I kind of like in my occupational therapy brain because like we work a lot with you know how people function and things like that one of the ways that I would kind of say well at least he's getting something out of this video game is like hand-eye coordination and things like that yeah so for me I'm gonna have to go with tacky because I'm like now you just like you literally are just mindlessly like playing a game and just having to talk like it's it's no you know it's already like no physical activity and now you're literally like not being physical like that's one of the reasons why I love like the Wii so if you had to like talk and move I would maybe say techie but if you just literally sitting there yelling at yo TV and telling it to shoot somebody that's fine it is like it's constantly like uh regressing from doing anything like before people always talk about Gamers being lazy because they just sit on the couch now it's like they're not gonna have to move their fingers exactly it's gonna be able to lay there and just say stuff and stare at the screen right now I say I also deem this tacky for a different reason okay I can't wrap my mind around like for me it was almost like an inconvenience it's like what does that mean like how you just say like I'm gonna have to say turn right turn left pull out gun shoot it's like that's stupid right like what right like no like it's it's like my fingers can move faster than I can speak you know exactly and and so I don't know I guess we're gonna have to see it uh I tried the the video that they had on the website I thought it was gonna actually show it but it was really just just a demo of the game it was just them showing off the game not showing like how players actually like what it might be like for them right so yeah so for that case I I deem it tacky Tiffany deems attacking as well want to know from y'all do y'all think this is cool like maybe there's something that we're not thinking about a perspective we're not thinking of you might think it's cool makes this techie or do you think this is tacky anyway let's move on to the next one all right so this one is this one is pretty interesting and this is this is something that both of us are kind of sort of uh looking like we might be customers or potential customers of this at some point so AI or artificial intelligence have made genes tailored for you literally okay yeah so all right so unspun's co-founder chairman in Chief product officer always loved Art and Science and over time the past year grew into a career they brought together fashion design product design and Manufacturing so I'll talk about the item all right so what this item is is uh the company has an AI where you can actually set up your phone of course you have to go to their website or use their software you set up your phone it actually scans you so you have to step back it would scan you and the AI scans your body and then it creates a pair of jeans that are fitted perfectly to your body so they actually they're a clothing company that doesn't have clothes they literally they're a software clothing company where they basically their AI is a tailor where the AI tailors you at your house it finds something that fits you perfectly of course you choose ahead of time what color jeans you want if you want them to be masculine or feminine cut it is and this is all from what they had in the article and uh and you know certain elements you choose certain elements when it comes to like the sizing the fitting the AI determines that to make them tailored specifically to you so when the pants are actually made they were made just for you so the whole idea is that they don't want to waste clothing I want to make a bunch of clothes and then some people don't buy them and then it's supposed to be wasteful or bad you know bad for the I was gonna say the economy but uh but um bad for the I don't know recycle I I don't know uh but but the whole idea of it is that it will be tailored specifically to you right so do you consider this techie or attack is this something where it's like yo that's that's cool I actually might use that or it's like what listen as a black woman specifically black boys you know that's what I am I can only speak yeah true those are facts exactly like you can only go to certain companies like I can't just walk in a store and buy a pair of jeans it's gonna fit like exactly like I want them to fit and then I'm short too so I I also have that problem like I may want a certain cut but I can't get the cup because then like the jeans are past my feet you know and all that kind of stuff or whatever so it's very hard to find jeans um so yeah there's a random sidebar I wonder if if uh women who get like bbls I wonder how that affects jeans they definitely where they like yo what they just is but like so fashion Nova jeans oh yeah I don't want to like put no plug on them but that's typically where I you know get my jeans or whatever but again you're you're limited to certain Styles and cuts when you are a certain height too so that would be like very cool but I would imagine that's where my BBL girls you know what that is you know that that because most of the most of their models bbo girls or they are girls who have a certain shape that it fits that look right type of thing exactly so that's that's super funny all right so you so you you say it's techy yeah uh and you know what I guess kind of going to what you said with your low guys speak as a black man I guess I just speak as a I think as a man maybe a black man I think it's I think it's it's cool I don't want to say it's whack I would just say it to me it's Tech I'm like I ain't got no use for that like right what are you thinking we got to get Erica Mike why yo he like you tripping he's like man I got a wife I got kids like yo I love the AI to go ahead and print some out for them real quick and then they do have it so where um even though they're a software company like you can go to they partner with like local like locations where they actually that's really either ship it there or you can go there and like actually just get it from those locations or they can ship it to you uh so that I think is cool yeah I wonder if uh Amazon is gonna partner with I know Amazon's doing uh they're doing physical stores now and they're doing some crazy easy futuristic stuff with their stores to where their stores aren't even going to have register to have people there and you can go literally you can order your outfit in the dressing room like you can order your outfit from home when you get to Amazon your outfit whatever outfits you order that you want to try on will be waiting for you in a specific dressing room oh wow so you get there you can try them on whatever you don't want to try on you'll be able to leave it in the dressing room whatever you want to keep you just walk out the store because they charge you for it that's crazy that's techy that's taking that's something we both can get behind right yeah but anyway want to know from y'all yo do y'all think this AI this software being able to scan you and being able to actually make something tailored specifically literally to your body do you consider that techie or do you think that's tacky we definitely want to know all right so the last one we have for techie or tacky synthetic milk made without cows may be coming to a supermarket shelves near you you already especially you being a health coach like I you probably are all right so uh all right so cool all right so let's let's get through this all right so synthetic milk does not require cows or other animals it can have the same biochemical makeup as animal milk but it's grown using an emerging biotechnology technique known as Precision fermentation that produces biomass cultured from cells more than 80 percent of the world's population regularly consumes dairy products there have been increasing calls to to move Beyond animal-based Food Systems to more sustainable forms of food production synthetic milk offers dairy milk without the concerns such as methane emissions or Animal Welfare but it must overcome many challenges and pitfalls to become a fair sustainable and viable alternative to animal-based milk and this comes from but what do you think taking your attacking so that's one of my toxic traits I can't have my face like you read it yeah oh my goodness like if y'all listening she she be making them all the jerky faces the side eyes all of that right I mean my question would be why not just stop drinking milk like if if we've gone that far we're drinking milk is causing environmental concerns obviously Animal Welfare concerns like just stop drinking milk like No And there's too many for me like I drink plant-based milk like we don't drink um cow's milk anyway um exactly I feel like there's already too many other Alternatives that aren't like that sketchy to me like I don't want milk grown in a lab in a what did they say like out of sales like a petri dish types yo like yeah I'm gonna have to go with tacky like through and through and that's that's scary actually yeah so it's an emerging biotechnology technique known as Precision fermentation that produces biomass cultured from cells yeah that is interesting so let me ask this and I'm not trying to sway you I'm not trying to sway you okay uh but I want to know do you think that this is potentially something that in your head where it's like you just don't fully no and it's the same question I asked myself or something that's like okay maybe I just don't fully know I need more I need I have I got questions right I got questions and then I can fully like make like a confident decision or is it something you're just like nah nah I'm good yeah I don't think I would receive any information that would make me change my mind yeah I'm and I'm very particular that way anyway though like even like what I eat where I buy things from and stuff like that um and and I'm by no means perfect like you know but if I can avoid it yeah then that's I'm just I'm gonna avoid it you know it's certain things you can't avoid and that's why my question was like why not just stop drinking milk then like yeah like yeah yeah so all right so let me keep it a book I consider this this tacky as well I think I I think as a consumer I consider it tacky because it's like okay I'm not vegan if I was vegan I would just do what I'm currently doing which is almond milk I only drink almond milk so I only make I drink so it's like okay I'm not vegan but if I was vegan I'd do almond milk I'm not gonna stop drinking milk because I enjoy milk so I think from a consumer it doesn't make any sense I think this is solely for them for the producers of this this is just money it's a business because since they're able to produce it without having to rely on the supply of of nuts or rely on the supply of cows or certain animals they can probably just they might be able to mass produce this faster and maybe make drop the price and make it even lower so I think it's just a business thing for them right that makes sense yeah but again for me as a consumer I'm a consumer I don't own I don't own a biomechanical fermentation Precision thing I I don't own that so so I'm gonna demon as tacky right yeah I'm glad we agree like know Cyrus don't drink them milk that's funny but yo again y'all want to know what do y'all think do y'all think this is techy Tech I mean we think this is really low-key wild but I don't know it might be something to it that we didn't really consider I don't really know I already know all right super good so uh we we got got through that that was very uh interesting I'm a super fan I'm subscribed to a bunch of different uh Tech news uh things and so one of the things I wanted Tech is New Black to be is something where we could talk about like Tech news and things happening in the world that people don't even know about uh so that way people can kind of like know ahead of time all right what's about to hit the shelves what's about to happen what to be prepared for uh but really to kind of give people Insight so they keep and look into these things because most of the stuff we're talking through are things that are not gonna be out in Mass until like six months to maybe even two years this gives people an opportunity to become educated on things before the media and certain sides of stuff jumps in and tries to push something sway something people are able to like have a certain understanding of research for stuff so yeah super super cool all right so uh next thing we have to get to the the pre-submitted questions um the people have sent in uh so people sent in some questions wanting me to ask these to you specifically it was a it was a long list of them but we had to condense them down for the sake of time uh so uh first question a User submitted is Tiffany do you this is a tough one this is a this is a tough one to ask I I don't think anybody from ukg is going to watch this whole video it will make sure not to air this clip depending on what you say uh but Tiffany do you enjoy your job slash Company please explain oh definitely um I literally and this is like not for those of you who like don't know me like I like I don't I can't do fake no like okay like seriously um I literally like wake up every day like I can't believe I get to work for this company like every day um our trip in Nashville kind of solidified that for me because it's one thing to meet people virtually and you know you have these virtual team meetings and everybody's in the team chat laughing haha whatever but to be that way in person and again like it's it's evident like I'm a black woman uh I and I don't look like and and I don't want this to sound like how it may sound to some people but I'm not even like the black woman who might blend in well with white people you know I mean that's real thing yeah like I'm a drag woman really nice dress if you have dreads it's like all of these different things that people would think exactly you know and even personality wise like I don't switch and act one way around one group of people like I am who I am through and through and to be um accept it for like who I am and be able to have a good time like I've never been to Nashville before I've never been it's like and that's Nashville is honky town yes and they like all talking about that before like if that and I'm like I have no idea what y'all talking about I don't know if I'm gonna enjoy this trip like you don't talk about cowboy boots and you know country music or whatever but I had a really really good time like even the last like actual night we were there we had left one bar and we actually did do work too I should say that we were during the day but Friday night exactly that night and we had left one bar we were waiting for our Uber and it was like this more like a rhythm and blues type band playing upstairs at another bar yeah and we're like getting an Uber goes yeah like cancel the Uber like she was literally getting ready to turn the corner we're like sorry and like ran upstairs to this other bar had another drink or whatever so I say all that to say like so my company's there like their tagline is um our purpose is people yeah and I have truly felt that way from how I was treated like when I had covet to me being treated and appreciated in value for like who I am as a black woman um even in person right or like you can't really fake energy you know what I'm saying when you're in person so that's real yeah no I love my company and they do stuff that makes me I'm like I kind of had you know you hear people say hop around right to increase your income and I'm like they doing stuff these carrots at me yeah they're they're they are really phenomenal company and I mean they're again I say this all the time most tech companies are in my opinion they're definitely better than any any industry I've worked in I've worked in a few different Industries and it's definitely Head and Shoulders above any other industry I've worked in nevertheless ukg is one of those companies where they strive to be like a rose amongst lilies where it's like oh it's already beautiful here but they strive to even stand but it makes sense because they are an HR solution company so it's like we kind of like we can't help company we can't be about helping companies retain their staff and not go above and beyond to do the same ourselves exactly like they actually own great places to work now so I know that's like oh you heard about that familiar you know to most people who work for any type of corporation like your company is like striving to be so yeah so it's like before they bought it I can't remember like how high it was before they bought um great places to work uh make sure y'all check that out because uh it'll it'll show you great places to work like companies that are great to work but before they bought it they were ranked ridiculously high on it I think like something like top 10 lists of like great places to work I might be wrong with that number but y'all can look it up and go back on certain dates to see that yeah yeah sure all right so yeah next question I'm like I'm like okay we're about to keep going off on this question all right so next question what soft skills did you lean on to help you break into Tech so as an occupational therapist one of my um I guess like big skills that I already had was like how to communicate right and talk to various people um their situations where if I am dealing with the patient I would have had to communicate something like complex in a simple way and then turn around and be able to effectively communicate with a doctor about why I was deciding to do a specific thing with their patient and you know for anybody who's ever dealt with a doctor like you have to be very clear and specific right like weed out all the garbage that doesn't really make sense so that's really one of the the big skills that I lean on now like even when I'm doing like uh you know my my trial presentations and things like that just being able to communicate effectively uh one of the other things that I pride myself on is like being able to really build rapport with people and again it comes when you work in healthcare you're dealing with all types of people from all walks of life and then you're dealing with people with their Works where they really don't want to be bothered and so you have to have like a gift for finding like how can I connect with this person and do it pretty quickly um because I got stuff to do you know and so you know from being an sc like that's a big part of our role is being able to connect with people so they talk to us and tell us their problems so that we know what we're solving for so I would say the communication and the Rapport are two big things and then just I like talking so you know I lean heavily into that like I like talking I like talking to people and more importantly listening to people and and hearing their stories if you get silent long enough like I'd be surprised like what people tell me yes because I don't try to feel all the space I think one of the one of the wonderful traits uh for people who are considering being so because a lot of people are like oh I don't I don't I'm not a huge people person I'm not an extrovert but a lot of people I'm not an expert I don't like to talk a lot well it's like that's wonderful because SC really you probably need to be able to listen better exactly then even talk because that's really probably one of the stronger Parts about the role and to your point before you start the next question I am I'm an extrovert I mean I'm an introvert so for those of you all who are concerned about like do you need to be you know an extrovert like no like I I didn't leave my house yesterday because I went out Friday that's how much of an introvert I am like I'm like oh we did people yesterday like okay I gotta stay in today the best sales Engineers that I've seen most of them are introverts I've seen that and so yeah that makes a lot of sense yeah that makes a lot of sense all right so uh all right so your tip for those looking to choose a tech boot camp do your research like that yeah I mean and I don't want to you know sound like come off that way or whatever but I know that I actually get that question in my DM a lot like uh what boot camp to choose or which area to choose and you have to do your research like yes I'm sharing my story I know you go live every Monday share your story but at the end of the day don't take our word for it like same way like if like I go to church and I listen to my pastor but I still open up my Bible you know so it's like it's the same premise like do your research make sure that the the boot camp that you're going to read the terms and conditions and things like that before you sign that contract in before you pay your money to be sure that you're you're getting what you want out of it and you know that you can put in what they are telling you you have to put in in order to get the result that they're saying you know and actually leads perfectly into the next question uh what what are some like I guess one or two tips you would give to help someone be successful during a boot camp and post boot camp okay so one of two tips during boot camp show up live the sessions are recorded but unless you have like an emergency I would say show up live like the the interaction between the instructors your classmates and things like that is going to carry into like post which I guess I'll give my second tip for like post or whatever when you build those connections within the boot camp like I had one of my instructors actually refer me for a job and now some of the connections that I have outside of that like just being able to interact with people in Tech is because I built those relationships inside of the boot camp you know so yeah that's so important I uh I did a a webinar recently a live webinar where I was in part one of the day I was talking about how to move in the boot camp and post and I was saying yo it's it's incredibly important to not just be long just do this boot camp I'm just gonna kind of like whatever take a few nights and not really pay attention just do it and want to get a job and it's like yo you don't realize that while you're doing this boot camp it behooves you to be a standout student and to interact with the instructors because these instructors are all seniors in this space and not saying they're gonna get you a job but it's like they could tell you they could hook you up and tell you about some folks and stuff and so that's I got a dial pad like one of the instructors was like yo check out this company dial pad I might know some people and so it's important that uh that people do that so I love that you um that you you spoke spoke to that yeah all right so um man so there's a lot that I wanted us to talk about we didn't have the uh the time uh to cover it but I definitely I want to have you back in the future Tiffany what is something that I guess that's only your heart that you're like man I really want to convey Express to people um and please share that as we close out right you know I was actually thinking about that like on my drive over I figured the question would come up you know like you're you're parting a statement or whatever and I get a ton of questions like I mentioned about not just what boot camp to go into but like how do I decide what to do in Tech yeah how do I decide what company to apply to and things like that and you know it's Sunday and I'm not gonna get too churchy oh yeah but we can go there what I will say is like before like yes I wound up you know on like on Instagram listening to your live or whatever but it was already something that I was like praying about like I knew I could not stay at my job yeah everything that's happened like the post that I posted on LinkedIn that blew up that led to me getting the job that I have like it's truly of God like I I think I'm special but you know what I'm saying but not to that extent like the the post was not I don't think that it was like viral worthy but it literally went viral and so my my parting advice would be don't let what you see somebody else doing put you out of position you know because it may not be like I I want everybody to get it like a taste of this money A Taste of this life um but I'm a real big proponent of being a good Steward over the now and so if you're at your job like even in the midst of me trying to leave my job I got employee of the month I hated being there wow but I got employee of the month right so it's like make sure that you're operating in excellence and taking care of what God is giving you in the now because it don't matter what boot camp you go to what company you decide to apply to or what route you decide to take if it's not God's timing then it's not going to happen you know and so just make sure that you're not out of position what is for you will be there you know in in the right time when it's your timing to do it or whatever so take the information do the research um and then just start making sure that you are in proper position in order to receive it when it's time for you to do that that is good Tiffany thank you so much um I'm I'm very happy like for what God has been doing in your life I'm very happy just for just for your story like where it's at right now it's been super dope like connecting with you um I definitely look forward to us getting to know each other more we're gonna do some really other cool things with Texas new black so be on the lookout uh for some invites for other things um thank you so much so Tiffany can you please tell people where they can find you at and connect with you definitely so if you are on Instagram or LinkedIn I uh can be found on Instagram at health coach Tiffany and on LinkedIn Tiffany pool you know I'm not gonna say I'm gonna be posting on there but y'all still connect with me I'll answer your DMs and your messages though but when she does post it's viral worthy so make sure you connect yo so thank you all for joining us on this episode of tech is the New Black uh make sure y'all do all the stuff that you're supposed to do on the social media platforms like subscribe share turn the Bell on all that good stuff tell your friends about it and please let us know in the comments like what you think about it what you want to see next and we'll see y'all in the next episode
Channel: Tech Is The New Black
Views: 167,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: afrotech, blackistech, renderatl, techisthenewblack, getmeintech, techtopics, pocintech, lewlater, marquesbrownlee, mrwhostheboss, linkedin, linkedinrecruiter, techcareers, techjobs, informationtechnology, careerkarma, saleengineering, coding, programming, techbootcamps, bootcamps, jobs, jobinterviews, application, resume, coverletter, workfromhome, wfh, womenintech, blackwomenintech, latinosintech, latinwomenintech, blackmenintech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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