From Guilt To Grace Gratitude Part 1

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how foolish of you to try to impress folk you don't like with money you don't have when really the folk who love you gonna love you regardless and the folk who don't didn't love you to start with so you're not gonna miss what you never had I want to preach again from this subject from guilt to grace to gratitude from guilt to grace to gratitude this story in the New Testament Gospel of John is pregnant and pregnant with meaning because it is in this passage and other passages as well but in this passage Jesus introduces himself as Messiah not to the religious leaders or readers of the Torah but he reveals himself to a woman in public who is a sinner and Jesus lets his guard down Jesus allows himself to be known by this woman of some suspicious character he's not after the highbrow socialites he's not he's not particularly impressed with the religious and and the the moderate in their temperament and those who are closed mouthed about their past he said I did not come to be a doctor for those who don't think they need one because they there are well don't need a physician I've come to seek and save that which was lost Jesus is tired he comes to Jacob's Well in the town of psyche are and being physically drained because of his humanity he sits to rest in the shade of Jacob's Well Jesus is physically tired he is so human that he gets tired yet so divine that he says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest he's so human that he gets hungry yet so divine that he claims and he truly is the bread of life he's so human that he gets sleepy on a boat what's so divine that when the storm rises he raises his palm to say peace be still Jesus is not 50% men and 50% God Jesus is all man and all God and in his restful state this woman comes at noon to draw water at Jacob's Well it's unusual that this woman comes at noon because the other women come early in the morning before the Sun is blistering become early in the morning because drawing water is woman's work and women come early in the morning before the Sun is blistering hot they come early in the morning to draw their water to begin their daily chores but this woman waits until all the other women have drawn their water and she comes when she knows that nobody is going to be there because of her life and her sin and a guilt and she knows that these are nosey church women they are gossipy lashing backbiting pretentious church on Sunday the gossip all the week church women and so to avoid the way they look at her I wish I had a witness in to avoid what she knows our best sanctimonious glass their hottie proud stares at her to get away from that she comes when she thinks that no one is there can you imagine how many people would come to church if it were not for people who go to church you miss that run that by you one more time imagine how many people would come to church if it wasn't for the people let me run it by you one more time chance would be a wonderful place to go if it wasn't for the people because some of the meanest people in Houston come to this church every Sunday have a got a witness here pretending that they don't have a pass to talk about pretending that they don't have some decisions they wish they hadn't made pretending the beeping good all their lives and they hide under them big hats dark suits then little thing on the head on the first Sunday night choir robes and neckties but strip all that stop all of us and like the woman at the well everybody here is guilty you want to know why I carry on so much at church it's because even though God knows everything about me from the past he still chooses to use me I wish I had a witness in all the stuff I've done I should have been in the penitentiary is there anybody else here know if you had got caught you would have been shot you could have been dad never got a witness here but God knows you and he still loves you my back don't light your fire your wood is wet if that doesn't get you excited it's something wrong with you keep sitting there you may not know anything about God's goodness but to those of us here who know if it had not been hallelujah hallelujah if it had not been from a God who was on our side I don't come to church to impress you I don't come to church to see what you have on or to hear by somebody else's business are they get involved in some mess that don't concern me I come here because I'm guilty and I need God to see about me that woman absolutely refuse to go to the well with those other women I'll rather pass out in the heat then the be round folk who are phony I rather get sick than to be around people who are pretentious it reminds me when I was a boy growing up in unis people used to leave units which was called the country and they'd would migrate to Lake Charles which was a little higher than unit still country about a little better than unit Eugene you need to understand now and then when they really got a few coins together they went to to California they go to Pacoima to the valley in California and then they'd come back and try to impress us like like they had air conditioning in their car and they'd have the window rolled up and I never could understand why they were sweating so much that will do anything to pretend to be something he's not they're not hot car with no air-conditioning but they wanted us to think that they had made if they had arrived come on talk back to me if you can how foolish of you to try to impress folk you don't like with money you don't have when really the folk who loves you gonna love you regardless and the folk who don't didn't love you to start with so you're not gonna miss what you never had that woman said I would rather sweat in the heat then be around people who pretend but but this day somebody is in the shade and when she encounters him he's a stranger because everybody who first meets Jesus he's a stranger and he says to her give me something to drink he initiates the conversation give me something to drink and she said sir how is it that you being a Jew asks a drink of me a woman of Samaria you know that the Jews and the Samaritans have no dealings jesus said if you knew who I was you would ask me for a dream and I would give you living water she said sir this well is deep and you don't have anything to draw with how can you give me a drink Jesus said people who come drink at this well they gets thirsty again but the water that I give them will bubble up as a well a ever lasting spring of living water and they will never get thirsty again she said this are you greater than our Father Jacob who dug this well she's fuzzy she's not clear she really doesn't understand who she's talking to and then Jesus to get the woman to really understand who he is he says I have a gift to give you it's a gift of God and and when you drink from this water you will never get thirsty again because what I will give you is living water and this woman still can't grasp it she kills she still can't can't understand it and so and so Jesus wants to make his point he says to her not only do I want you to have it but don't call your husband and now he gets at what's really her problem her need is not for water her need is for salvation Jesus always meets us at the point of our knees we come for one thing but we leave with something else something I taught to help me preach it this this this woman now is is on the horns of a dilemma because it registers in her mind that this man is not like any other man he's not looked at her in a lustful kind of way he's not asked anything untoward of her he's been kind he's been decent he's been respectful of her and and now he asked this question that's gonna draw her from the shadow go call your husband that that that that that statement draws out background this statement brings up history that statement illumines hurt and disillusionment pain and disappointment because five men have already lied to her five men have already used her five men have already disappointed her and the man she's shacking with does not even respect her enough to give her his last name which leads me to tell some little honey in here this morning if he's got to get a license to drive if he needs a license to go fishing I wish I had a witness here if he needs a license to go hunting then he ought to have a license to live with you and if he can't respect you enough to give you his last name drop that zero stop stop stop being silly you you go you go rent the house then he come move in the Bible calls your silly woman talk back to me if you can if my grandmother were here she would see why I buy the cow when you can get the milk for free stop stop stop getting hooked up with these foreigners and I don't mean out of the country foreigners I mean folk who don't know God who don't go to church folk who are not serious about life folk okay put one good sentence together they have no business being engaged to you because you're unequally yoked I'm gonna get back to the text in a minute but but we are raising our children wrong we are messing our children up and that's the way we were raised we can't help but raise the way we were raised and but we are messing our children up because we were raised wrong so we raise our children wrong and by wrong it that's what I'm talking about you tell your children you ain't no more than nobody else I don't don't you know don't don't don't think you any more than anybody else oh you you got to be over here and you got to mix with everybody and you ain't no more than on people go just be with everybody that's wrong raisin here you have gone to college to train yourself to think and hear your parents have invested in your education and make sure that you make good grades and make sure that you'll be around decent people make sure that you were raised in a church so that you could get a good grip on life and have a positive outlook on life and a good worldview and then you go hook yourself up with some trash who don't even work that's wrong I wish I had somebody to help me them and be separated there are you about to mess up your life with somebody who ain't worth nothing because we raised them wrong I wish I had time to stop right there no no no no no that woman that woman had five failed marriages and she's living with a man who won't marry her and but Jesus says go call him and now she's on the horns of a dilemma and she knows that he's an unusual man so she has to tell him the truth she said sir I have no husband and Jesus said you don't have to be ashamed of that because I already know you you don't have a husband you've had five husbands and the one you have now is not your husband I know that and then the woman tries to change the subject she says sir I think you must be a prophet your people say we ought to worship in this mountain and and and our people say we ought to worship on Mount Gerizim jesus said it's not about mountains let's let's get back to what we were talking about it's not about a worshipping on Mount Gerizim it's not about a worshipping on Mount Zion God is a spirit and they that worship Him must seek to worship Him in spirit and in truth and then the woman said when Messiah comes he will tell us all things jesus said the one who is talking to you I wish I had some help to appreciate your looking at what you're looking for you're talking to what you're talking about you're speaking with what you're speaking of you're standing by what you're standing on I wish I had somebody here I said I wish I had somebody here who knows something about God's grace when your past comes up to haunt you the grace of God comes to put it down when the devil comes to bring up what you used to be I wish I had a witness grace comes up to say I took care of it is there anybody here got some detours in your pants got some dead ends in your pants that the grace of God is so amazing that in spite of what you used to do you're a new person today I wish I had one or two more believers who's not embarrassed to talk about what you used to be because until you face what you used to be you can never go towards what God has destined for you have I got a witness here as long as you're fake and pretend like you got it all together God can't help you but the minute you confess that you need a Savior he'll come to your rescue is there anybody here if I had to call out on the Lord and he came to your rescue he pick you up turn you around place your feet on solid ground anybody here ever been in a bad place in your life and thought you'd never be able to get out of that terrible situation but then the grace of God came and found you in your darkness came and found you in your mess came and found you in your adultery came and found you in your drug addiction came and found you in your alcohol dependence came and found you in your situation came and found you in your circumstance the grace of God turned you around made a way for you got you out of that dark please if god's grace is for sitting for you I said if God's grace is sufficient still and you're not embarrassed to talk about what God found you if you're not ashamed to mention what God had to do to save you come on tell somebody I'm guilty I was guilty I'm still guilty but His grace is sufficient his mercy is everlasting his truths endorse all generation Paul taste and see that the Lord is good that woman was guilty she had five husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband but when Jesus told her who he really was look at her gratitude now she moves from her guilt onto God's grace now she's going to show some gratitude she dropped her water pot the thing that was win she left it at the well the thing that was breaking her heart she left it at the well the thing that was making a shame she left it at the well is there anybody got a water pot you need to drop this money drop your Paris drop your guilt drop your situation drop your addiction drop your dependency drop learn about what people say about you drop trying to be everybody's friend drop your water pot she ran into the city and told everybody come here I want you to see somebody come see a man who told me know who she's talking about come see a man a man from Galilee come see a man mistake different supernatural capacity superlative in sovereign majesty exclusive in spiritual beauty he's the God of gods the Prince of princes virus of ten thousand the bright and the morning star if you know why don't you drive somebody thank you for turning into a call to joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little guru of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 are feel free to visit our website at you that lily grove org until next week God has called us to a life of joy
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 39,431
Rating: 4.7821012 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend, Terry, Anderson, Pastor, Lilly, Grove, Missionary, Baptist, Church, Houston, Texas, Call, To, Joy, Religion
Id: HocmbjLC514
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2012
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