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[Music] what are you - I'm back with another video I have no product in my hair besides the meal our miles I still like forgot how to pronounce it but the pomegranate and honey leave-in conditioner you can see what time it is video I'm going to me I didn't know I'm going to be showing you guys how I defined my curls it is video will be featured I can't choose coconut really great this house done by my crusty nail polish but um I just got into mill and I think I'm going to add this to my up defining process today we'll just see how this goes if I like it then I will continue to use these and if I don't like it I must still continue to use this because he wasn't sheep but she smells really good it's just like this of course it's a crazy [Music] we do get eaten I went in of course to get my girls crafting room I like really falling in love when I hear like I'm starting to figure out what it like what to do what not to do I'm still I'm still trying to figure it out the like now I have more knowledge so my girls can be moisturized balloon with the wild hair and this is actually pretty good super relaxed the legs - you're a natural your size go in [Music] it [Music] don't forget the bag it needs love too this is how my hair is looking after the oil okay so we are going to go in with the cream for the first time okay okay it's something bigger than what did I use it too much y'all had me in it on my first I mean I I think I had too much but it's okay so broken [Music] let me find out see little bit definition coming through all my curls are definitely moisturized let's just see how it turns out with the equal so today I'm using eco styler gel the art you know I also have olive oil I like that too late and it's all change later just like ribbon pieces of my hair I go out and then I get ego and I just curl random pieces so I like take a piece I just put put it going did you wrap it around my finger like that and I do that with the rest of my head [Music] I'm gonna get back to you when I'm at the front of my head okay so the back is done and I'm starting on the top so you can get a better view of what I'm doing I just get you go put it over here and if I feel like it needs to be smooth out even more just get it [Music] [Music] [Music] the micro basically define most of our define oh no I just get the right to the right tooth whatever you want to kind of come and then I'm party I think bobby pins since my hair is too short to really stay in a part by yourself [Music] and then hit a little bit of oil [Music] of course I did ages not the best [Music]
Channel: OnlyKris
Views: 19,580
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: qN3p_1a9djk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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