From Blender to Substance Painter: The Quick and Easy Export Method

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hey guys today we're going to talk about how to export a model from blender bring it into substance painter and prepare it for texturing the first thing we have to do is we have to have the model so we're going to import an fbx that we have okay so we have this model here um and so basically what we want to do is we want to export it from blender bring it in to substance painter and do some basic preparation so that it's ready to receive textures um the first thing that has to happen is your model has to be UV unwrapped now if you download a model from the internet you can see if it's already been UV unwrapped if you're modeling an object yourself chances are you're going to have to manually uvn wrap it all probably do a video about how to UV and wrap in the future um but for the time being if you don't know how to do that I would just take a look online to see what there is okay so um we're going to select our model to see if this one's been UV unw wrapped you go to Ed edit mode and you see it looks like it's already been UV unwrapped so we're just going to select each of the objects if we select everything in tab see everything's pretty nicely packed in there cool so after you UV unwrap your object an optional step is to uh vertex paint everything now I have a whole video on how to do this so I'm not going to go super deep into it um I'll just quickly do it to this model okay so after you've unwrapped your model and you've assigned vertex colors optional vertex colors to your model the next step is to make sure sure that you have a material added to your model I'm going to rename mine just full mattress and keep that there so after you have your material added you want to select your objects go to file export fbx I'm just going to save mine to downloads for now and over on the right hand side you see the limit 2 button this isn't always necess Neary but I typically do it every time I'm going to click selected objects that way it will only export what your what's highlighted and then after that's done I'm going to click export fpx and it should have exported once your model is exported you want to go to substance painter and I just close out of this opening dialogue and you're going to see it's just completely blank go to file new um and mine's automatically set it set to the blender starter asset template I'm going to stick with blender starter assets and then I'm going to go to file select and select my file looks like I forgot to name mine so it's Untitled open and then project settings your document resolution um it's really up to you um the lower the resolution obviously the more pixelated your image is going to be for this model I'm going to do 4K and right here is important your normal map format blender uses the openg format and so make sure that's selected and then everything else you should be able to leave in its default setting so go down and click okay and here is your model now your model's not quite ready to texture because you need to bake your mesh um and basically what baking your mesh does is it calculates the the curves and bends of your object and identifies the vertex colors in your object so that when you add smart materials and smart filters it appropriately adds those to your model so in order to bake my texture maps all I'm going to do is go to texture set settings and scroll down to bake mesh Maps when I get to this dialogue box I'm going to go to ID and you see my color source is set to material color I'm going to switch that to vertex color that way it will recognize my vertex colors when I use them for masks and then I'm going to go to bake selected textures cool and once it's done it these buttons will free up and you can click return to painting mode and your object's ready to be textured again this video is not going to cover the actual texturing of an object but I will will be covering that in probably my next video so if you liked this be sure to like And subscribe and stay in touch for what comes next thanks bye
Channel: Ghost Studios
Views: 1,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender to substance painter workflow, substance painter, blender tutorial, texturing, blender, how to use substance painter with blender, substance painter tutorial, blender guru, blender to substance, blender to substance painter, blender and substance painter, blender texturing, how to texture models in blender, how to export textures from substance painter, blender to substance painter tutorial, blender substance painter workflow, blender and substance painter tutorial
Id: zciyDaFtok8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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