From 90 Breaker to 80 Breaker - BDog Series Episode 1

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b-dog energy returns and this is his second round back into golf after months without playing please keep that in mind throughout [Music] great shot oh hey man it's like you've been playing okay 179 what'd you get we played palm hills together for his first round a few days before this the same issue came up that was in julian and vlad's videos okay reset reset that's in the bunkers on the right b-dog was aligning way to the right on his shots dude what a shot good great punch tap that in there bro great paw unfortunately players i missed the drive and it was a bad one to miss with the filming because absolute stunner use hitchhiker look at it even got a bit of roll out which is not normal here but that's b-dog's drive absolute boost center cut okay so it's 275 how much what do you have on you okay 100 yards okay i think off the deck you're probably gonna get about 180 so you're gonna leave yourself probably about a hundred yard shot in are you happy with that yeah that's good okay but we want to set it up because it looks like it's still dog legs a bit right yeah so we want to see that sign in the middle of the fairway there yeah hit it to the tree directly behind it to that tree trunk okay cool four iron two seven fur pick that spot in front of the ball that lines up to that huh okay reset we're going at the right hand side bunkers again yep that's the one we played palm hills together for his first round a few days before this the same issue came up that was in julian and vlad's videos b-dog was aligning way to the right on his shots sometimes the body and clubface were aiming 30 yards right this triangular alignment sickness arrives during times of inactivity we addressed it in this round i'm not of the opinion that the body can align anywhere and the ball goes where your club is aiming your brain knows when things are not correct it compensates and adapts to get the ball to the target and will automatically make body moves to somehow get the ball to start in the direction it's supposed to go these compensations lose your distance and control when you're properly aligned it all falls into place like magic your brain just knows and you can go on this one you can go a few a couple yards left of the thing out again bro that is like 25 years right huh the caddy even could see it from the caddy even could see it from the side she was like stop stop him immediately pick the spot in front of the ball right yeah and then line your body up to that and that is so perfect right there uh feet below is going to be fun no no difference sorry dude yep yep because the thing is you're saying ball above the feet should be fun when you look at that the pins on the right hand side yeah all the green unit is on the left you just got in front of you and the pin it's just two bunkers you don't know what's there but you can see left yours drew off the ball above the feet lie which is perfect because we want it to go to the left we don't want it to go to the right in case you leave it short and in the bunker great shot in the hole in the hole [Music] oh that's a basket [Music] good shot bro was i was aiming right again yes queen it's okay the next one next one we go to the next one oh that's closer the game inside wage distance is something that abandons us when we don't play enough golf we need to know our wage distances we need to know our carry for each wedge to successfully hit greens when we're in the wedge range it doesn't matter which handicap you play at this area of the game shaves strokes and mitigates mistakes like a baus bdog has a rough idea of his distances with the wedges but just like me a lot of work has gone into his swing and longer game but the game within pitching wedge range is too vague and neglected we'll keep count of where there are some simple simon strokes that we can shave off in future his strike is super solid with his wedges now and the flight is sick so that is a big positive but these scoring clubs need to be semi-dialed to the correct distances to really turn you into a bouncy bounce why and how one you can set up your distance to hit the green anytime two you can stick the green to allow for a putt which is always makable three you can understand that with 20 yards behind a pin that 90 yard shot to the flag can be a nice comfy 96 yard wedge that you know how to hit leaving a 4 to 10 yard putt 4. you build huge confidence knowing you can stick greens to rescue the score that's a worker baby perfect oh okay you have to remember that one what is that [Laughter] hey what a pop bro what a good caddy b-dog was fitted poorly for his cobra driver it's a pity because it's a great club but it really is the club and not b-dog that is getting in the way of breaking 90. it's never performed the way he needed every club must be low effort and low stress otherwise you're fighting your equipment you've lost 90 percent of the battle if you do not love your club when you look down at it this driver hurts his game a lot and puts him in non-advantageous places okay b dog can clear that lip with anything but he doesn't need to try four iron and duff it so he's gonna take the six ounce very comfortable shot straight up at that bunk in the distance which is 220 yards away to reach so he's all clear to go and from there we're going to probably have about a sand wedge in bro perfect yeah our alignment's great oh what a good shot perfect [Music] happy with that i don't know what's behind the pin right all i can see is the slope and i would suggest you see that tree there behind the pin yeah the big one on the right and we're at that tree trunk because we can see there we can see there am i going 80. 80 exactly and that one tree trunk in the sun you know yeah just like fork yeah 80 80 yards is gonna be brilliant that's perfect yeah but look like what can you see here right so your thing i don't know what's there i'm gonna walk it up and we've never played yet so your second round back i never played this course but we can see what's on the right so if you go right you've got a putt right if you go at the pin and you don't catch it we've got two bunkers in play but i think you may be just a little long okay so the pins at the back tiny green but we'll get it done [Music] okay one slice great shot good patty luckily we've got a good patty [Music] oh okay 158 what you got eight times i like it eight that's perfect now this one huh yeah yeah exactly we think you like perfect bro looking so good there but wait d-dog come back when you aim there you're not looking at the pin i'm looking you're looking at your landing spot okay okay not bad a little fetish but good a little fetish yeah but look at did you see that do you see the direction that's absolutely perfect i'm happy with it okay so this is where the partial shot becomes unavoidable you may chunk one you may hit one fat so now you've got like a partial 45-yard truck the key is to get good at this get the club and just find your distance okay that one's not slightly right that's a lot there perfect perfect good drive good five so we decided against the driver because the driver brings hollow stuff in on the right i don't like we've got 205 to get to that bunk on the left you're not going to go in it because we are going to aim you see the bunker next to the green there on the right you're going to aim at the right edge of that that's that's where it's going play this hole as if it's straight straight through that bunker i love it love it looks good bro what are the shots man what a shot did you that's a zen marker nothing to do with that shot but available she suppose sometimes you get your head full of nonsense right like there's b dog's ball that's his purest money strike he can make it's just it's just the other side of these cart these these card tracks okay now look at that he was worried about bringing this bunk into play he hasn't reached that lip yet the only place he could possibly have reached is if he pulled it left of that red stake so if you're imagining cuckoo your own holes you're going a bit cuckoo nuts just stop and imagine a different hole so he's imagining the whole dead at the pin this bunk is in play forget that the hole in our mind went right over that sandy part there above the cart you see there we just imagined that hole okay okay [Music] hello come on baby come on how do you know good oh much [Music] great shot oh unlucky but that was a damn fine shot from where he was good part great part great put great pizza it's a club he should be able to hit because he's striking the irons pure and that is why you must go to the fitter who is not tied to any one brand it's why i always say take any club out of the bag if it's hurting you more than it's helping you if you're struggling and the driver is losing you strokes hit something else to set up the next shot from a decent place if you have a bad hoodoo with the club get another one you'll never fall back into love with a driver once you have checked out of the relationship it doesn't happen nice shot baby good shot babes good shot honey darling sorry darling good job t-rock the right so i'm just aiming straight at those rocks i won't reach uh no i wouldn't go out the rocks i got the white where b-dog has improved so much is the iron game look at that shot this is so big at one stage he was hitting every single iron 120 yards no joke but then he said to himself that either he gets himself fixed properly or he gives up golf and that's where a lot of people get with golf b-dog did what he had to and saw a coach worked on the changes and that ability to drop the ego and change plus the hard work to make the change is why he is ready to break at regularly head down forever come on what a good caddy great strike brother hit it wind hit wind [Music] [Music] oh troy [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hey perfect perfect shot yep come on stay up stay yeah i think it just came out a bit uh a bit hot a little hot beauty that's your best brother that's five handicapped shots bro perfect perfect right okay that's fine slowly slowly slowly perfect shot great shot oh yeah let's go with a little fader oh oh god too much fader same place join oh sorry sorry pear we're in skies always hey wait do another one uh ha ha ha ha ha same shot 56 just pitch it on the green it's okay that shot but i think you could do better when i saw the picture i was between the two i want to land it over the the fringe yeah i wanted like like 50 centimetres on the green same shot just a little firmer because now you can have some assertiveness right yeah that's the shot you see you gotta use enough loft to be assertive and sure yeah like that's that's as good [Music] it's okay if you want to hit the driver but the first thought should not be it's a par 5 driver because we've got only 500 yards to go yeah do you want to hit the driver or do you want to hit the floor it's up to you okay do you love it i love it then you're gonna love it but if you don't love it you're gonna hate it and then let's see because now you have no pressure let's see how the driver goes but i mean when you love the shot like that much that's your second best foreign spanish [Music] yeah i love my forearm he hit it at that that tall spindly tree the top of that tree that's your target on that tree left of the front bunker yeah yeah there were the planes flying over now okay that tree right at the top of that tree for iron 307 no need to smash eh we're gonna hit it in two more shots beautiful lineup do you want to know how b-dog and you can break 80 on the regular if he sticks the green with these shots he two putts for a paw instead he's pitching back onto the tight pin from the deep shaisa please keep this mantra with you inside pitching wedge range get it on the green if you can accomplish this most of the time you will break every scoring barrier in your sight resist the temptation to think one-dimensional thoughts the game inside wedge distance is important not as an island the game inside 120 yards brings big richard energy in a way that a driver simply cannot your body understands contact and body moves through chipping and pitching your hands understand touch and club release through putting your confidence to get up and down after a botched approach is the 15th club in your bag the short game energy filters up into the rest of the bag the game inside 120 yards is the mistake mitigation hq if b-dog can dial in this right here he's threatening the 70s pretty intensely three putts happen three putts are not deal breakers they happen the goal is to never three putt but it will happen where you need to reel it in to score better is if you three putt more than twice a round if you're three and four putting regularly then it's an issue beyond merely the greens most players who are good tea to green are good on the putting green most people will think it's because they are good from tea to green they're good tea to green because they practice their short game this is filter up golf economics less dispersion inside 20 yards means less dispersion inside a hundred yards which means less dispersion of the t b-dog's main progress is getting out of his own head he's used lessons and the driving range to understand he is more than capable this is a big move towards single-figure golf you need to get out of your own way stop sabotaging yourself stop watching crap videos about swing mechanics that don't even apply to you in the first place then in the second place stop taking those mechanics and misunderstanding them and applying them wrong to an already misdiagnosed problem b-dog is free of nonsense now he's cleared his mind and this gave him confidence and self-belief and trust in the process he accepted his tempo and realized he doesn't need to keep up with anyone he forgot all the nonsense of watching people who swing different to him he loves watching freddie ernie and the lazy swingers of the club what a difference in mindset never let it be that you see the mental game as being aloof to blow up holes no it's decision making it's commitment it's understanding what you can do what you can't it's about being relaxed it's about getting out of your own way b dog is at the stage where he is so out of his own head that he can swing free and hit great crisp long and mid irons dog makes a great start to his return to golf he showed his savage striking of the irons he showed us his go-to club for iron which he never had before legend he found that it's time to let go of the terribly fitted cobra driver we discovered the wedge game needs dialing for distance control to stick some bonus greens the positive aspect was the crisp striking and the stellar partial pitch shot execution the touch around the greens and putting to convert the up and downs is something that will be easy to get back with some long awaited practice he needs to acclimatize to the grainy greens because he is used to pass palum grass which is a sticky often low grass with no grain bermuda will play with your soul and tickle your raw exposed nerves with the grain and differing strains from one course to the next i hope we can break 80 with bdog by the end of the next seven weeks i think he can we're going to work at it until we do
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 101,186
Rating: 4.9470549 out of 5
Id: LHhOu04o9-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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