How to Play Scratch Golf - STOP and THINK and REMOVE THE EGO! Anyone can. QUEST FOR THE BRAAI PACK

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hi i'm matt and i'm a pro rep banker in golf course for the second round of the international 36 hole wednesday holiday you saw my morning round with steve at roger crum where i wasn't really concerned about the score i was just having a knock about but this round is different i want to shoot a 72 from the tips at bangkok inn i'm playing alone so i can focus on my shots 100 of the time every time without talking to anyone or getting any unsolicited info helpful or unhelpful this round is all on my shoulders and in my mind my main focus though is to give myself as much time as a tour pro golfer on each shot especially putting it's midday and very few golfers play at that time because it's 38 degrees celsius which is 101 in freedom degrees i hit a few chips with my callaway training bra before the round so i could get a better feel for pitching and chipping my chips have been too armsy and handsy lately and that breeds the yips which increase scores there will be errors which is good because we'll see where i go wrong all by myself instead of having outside distractions to blame what's the true cause of my last shots on a side note eric from impact golf malaysia crafted me the set of ito bori irons this is the first time i'm using them i've played this course three times before from the white and the blue tees but never from the back i still struggle with the shot that goes way to the right this is my debilitating shot and one i need to get out of my system with better tempo i found my ball in the dry part of the water hazard but if i hit it from where it was i would have damaged my club so i took a drop 2 driver lens to the left if you're chasing any score these wayward shots instantly make you think about failing 16 holes ahead of the failure being realized the secret is to trust that every next shot will be fine and every next hole will be great i'm going to work hard for my bogey on this hole there's nothing else i can control at this moment the formula is simple mitigate mistakes as much as you can and then trust that you'll score well on the other holes that's amateur golf in a nutshell there is no strokes gained it's about mistake mitigation inner trust and emotional management the only thing stopping you is your own mindset remember reduce big errors and trust your game i hope so so players before the round i practiced a little bit with the orange training bra to try and get my body connected for the pitching and chipping the morning round at ratchakram which you'll see on the channel was horrendous patching was horrendous so i'm just trying to focus on the short game this one and also play a bit more intelligent [Music] 234 yards is long the breeze is slightly into me coming off the right side making it play about 240 yards i don't feel happy with the two iron on par threes so the next best is to hit the four iron to the front of the green from there i'll close my eyes and hope for a two-part if i stay short of the green which is what i expected i can roll an eight-iron down the hill to the hole easy life there's plenty of green to work with i don't want to miss on the right side because then i'm pitching uphill onto the green much tougher [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] bye finding the right line and committing to it is not a difficult thing but usually i just try hit it close enough happy with the two-part power and apathetic about a two-pack bogey i'm happy with the mediocre two putt instead of a near-miss with a chance of going in the mindset is well it's good enough so who cares and that is a big difference between scoring low and scoring single figure golf in this round i'm giving myself a professional amount of time on the greens because i do in fact rush my putting [Music] normally come on what a good caddy the bank to the left of the bunker is easy to clear regardless of the club i hit that means i can hit the 4 iron and leave myself a shorter approach into the path 5. my general tactic is to always have a wedge of some kind into the par 5 on my third shot just get it out of the sand 100 and back into play we can scramble our tushies off from there [Music] [Music] is sun perfect baby planting feathers growing birdies baby [Music] i've hit every one of these irons off the toe so far this round this should be a six iron shot easy peasy lemon squeezy with my shrixen irons unsure of where the ball is going though and assuming i'd hit it off the toe i take the five iron this is what i would tell someone panicking about the water just hit it out to the right side where it's guaranteed going to be dry chip and putt it's a basic four or a lucky 3 gtfo and smile as you wave that's okay uh after a poor tee shot in my mind it's still a birdie chance but much less likely now on the t i'm thinking birdie is an 80 chance but now i have a shot from a slight upslope lie onto a green below where i am which also runs downhill away from me toward water so now my mindset changes to just get it on the green i could make a putt for the birdie but i'm happy with the paw from this position now i don't like upslope partial shots so let's get it on the green first and foremost the t-shirt on this hole is way easier from the back tees i can lift my arms free on this shot but that's all for nothing if you don't plan correctly for the remaining shots to the green i see a 270 yard shot to the green protected with water on the left and inviting bunker on the right while the smart golfer inside me says hit the eight iron to leave a wedge into the green the big richard energy is simmering just below the surface and that's my big problem lately big richard syndrome so i start justifying it to myself i think that if i slice it i'll be fine i'll have a short pitch into the green or an easy bunker shot i want to avoid the draw into the water because the wind is also off the right side because of that fear i will probably push the shot further right but you don't realize how much you'll try avoid the water until you're over the ball and if you don't back off well it's too late i got so lucky by hitting a pop gun puffy's shot if i hit it solid i would be oscar bravo and hitting my fourth shot from the same spot 270 yards from the hole i got away with it but if i could do it again i'd play the 8 iron and wedge the 10th t-shot is much easier from the back tee the line i need to take from the blue or white tee is either over the trees on the right side which brings oscar bravo into play or i hit to something to the left which leaves a longer approach into the green and brings water into play from the back tee it's an easy driver like a mouse [Music] uh [Music] 200. oh okay perfect my pen liner okay perfect a bit of a pity players pitched up there would have been perfect but just spun back down the hill probably could have put a little more on it than the five yards or so but it is what it is let's get it in i hit the green on this par 4 from the white tee two weeks prior i'm not hitting the green not today into the breeze nope the line to the green is also close to the oscar bravo line i override my instinct to take a two or four iron which i would hit up toward the left side instead i take the driver when you're thinking of another shot while standing over your current shot you're not hitting the right shot and then comes the type of shot which derails the golfer's quest for a scratch handicap and another puffies i created all by myself that's dropping two hitting three still standing on the tee like a dingleberry we have to keep our head on our shoulders though stay in your mind not out of your mind i don't want to walk off this hole with a freaking seven [Music] an innocuous little hole that was played really badly and i lose two strokes on a hole that should be par or better it's essentially a four iron nine iron hole but not today this is down to me not committing to the tee shot and having two shots in my head while standing over the ball commitment in golf is either one hundred percent or zero percent okay draw a draw draw baby um okay on the green good baby good shot [Music] and the front is gonna be 210 so i could probably get a four on to the front edge let's go to iron and see if we can get a 240 with a fader if it goes straight i'll be on the left side of the green worst case bunker short worst case lie is pretty good oh what is that you may is never a bad thing i could be making birdies but pars are excellent scores regardless of handicap you can almost never be unhappy with power but then we reach the second era of the day i love this hole i hit the ball onto the fairway just left the green every time i played here prior and i know the line to take i'm very very comfortable with the line on the drive but then i just lose my mind for a split second it doesn't take long and it doesn't last long but it's devastating it's just a split second where you have a thought a doubt a silly fleeting moment you hit it too hard from the top of your swing and you lose a ball just out of nowhere you think about not losing the ball to the right and you go do the thing you don't want to do so iriti and hit my third shot the way i should have hit my first i score a bogie here and i lose one or two shots to add insult to injury though the original ball was playable up at the next hull tee box i didn't know there was that much space up there oh well we take a five and move on it just shows how tiny the error can be that loses a single shot on a simple hole when you already have the shot in your arsenal locked and loaded when you're trying to shoot 72 every little error counts one or two strokes you need to get back later with a birdie this is a silly pursuit isn't it why would anyone want to be a scratch or plus handicapped golfer honestly it's a drag i reckon if you don't want to be a regional or national level amateur or turn pro there's no point [Music] [Music] a casual chill 7 handicap is going to win so many saturday competitions and have you sipping brews in the clubhouse like a true big richard when we look at the stats for the second round the two lost balls and the penalty drop cost me the 72. like i always say it's about reducing the errors doesn't even matter if you're approaching level par still have to mitigate the mistakes i reduce those errors to their absolute minimum in this round which i am proud of but the line between par golf and mid to high 70 golf is very fine but i'd say that this round was not bad for a 13 handicapper like me by all means players take this game seriously or don't but understand the purpose of why you're playing what's the reason to take it seriously what's the reason to be out there are you really going pro are you really rory or are you a regional level top amateur there's a lot of fun to be had just potting around with us the riff raff you can get the white trousers and pink shorts with matching belts when you get to the plus two handicap until then you're just one of us
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 340,815
Rating: 4.9163761 out of 5
Id: TQCK_Lx763E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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