Frog Room Tour 2022! New Rack System is Built!!

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh yo what's happening friendos welcome back to the tropical garage my name's Troy and today we're going to be embarking on the frog room tour for 2022 I'm really excited to share some amazing footage with you and uh I'm actually kind of proud of what I captured in this tour I do think it's the best tour of mine to date by far um it's also a really long video so I'm not going to Ramble On Any Further so to start things off we are going to do an update on the 300 gallon display paludarium and uh yeah grab a beer grab a snack whatever tickles your fancy and let's get this thing underway all right guys um my shotgun mic died on my camera so uh doing a voiceover for the portion of this video so here is the 300 gallon storm paladarium quite a bit has changed since the last update in June the main one being that the glass frogs and the outer Lopez are no longer residents here the glass frogs have been moved inside to my 180 gallon redhead histrionica small form vivarium and I ended up selling off all the adelopes balios because for me they were really almost primarily nocturnal and I figured if I was going to keep nocturnal animals I wanted to keep these in the tank and these are the crucial hyla kraspodopus which in my opinion is one of the coolest tree frogs on planet Earth as far as the paludarium itself I'm really happy with it and I'm happy with the way the plants have been growing in still don't have fish in the Aquatic area yet but the water seems to be doing pretty good I really only service the sump like three times in almost two years but I mean that kind of makes sense since I don't have any actual you know fish food waste or anything like that but I do have some glass frog tadpoles still in the Water Area developing so I guess they do create some sort of waste in terms of the plants from the initial planting I've obviously lost a few plants but the majority of them are still here and they're obviously thriving particularly this antherium or aquinum it's an absolute stunning plant this Leaf is about 28 inches long and um yeah it's doing amazing and this is the antherium veggie eye both of these are about their uh maximum size for this tank um they're starting to push on the glass and it's going to be a problem pretty much I do also have some gloriosum in here um it's a really nice plant lots of different cuttings of the varicosum I think I have black or red or maybe both I I don't actually know I know I have some cobra um the Cobra is up here and I have some regular or standard and I also have the dwarf mini I don't know there's a ton in here tons of stuff um the liverwort is doing really really good and I'm so pleased with how it's growing on the wood I specifically only use the ricardia liverwort in this tank because I wanted the shortest and brightest green to contrast off the Dark Water Area and I didn't want any stringy Moss because since this is a display tank I do trim the tank more often than most of my vibs and not having to trim the Moss regularly was something that I wanted I did also add a fog system which I showed in the last update it comes on periodically from a smart plug timer I haven't really been running the rain system unless I'm shooting a video or a reel or something since I have all males in here I haven't really had the need to run the rain system but best believe once I get a female I'm gonna be making it rain on these toads see what I did there now I did have to trim some of the Riza hieroglyphica leaves as you can see here they were pushing on the front of the glass and getting them all dirty so it's whatever but anyways here's some more shots of the craftsmanopus really really cool frogs but yeah I'm really happy with this tank I do have night Lighting on this tank so uh I'm able to watch the craftsmanopus be active at night which is really cool and the waterfalls or drip all areas whatever you want to call them are doing really well I think this one on the far left is my favorite uh it's got a really good cool drip pattern and it it looks really natural in person uh this one in the middle definitely looks more like a drip area more so than a waterfall um but it's still pretty cool nonetheless you can see it all cascading down and then this one on the far right is more of a waterfall I guess but yeah uh I figured what better way to start off the tour than with one of the tanks that I'm most proud of so I hope you guys enjoyed the 300 gallon update now uh let's get on to the rack system all right guys I decided to do a voiceover for the entire room tour because the voice over audio sounded so much better than my shotgun audio so here you're looking at the main wall and the three empty slots up top obviously are going to be filled with three 44 by 17 by 24 inch vivariums but you can see the new rack is completely built and uh I don't plan on adding anything to it besides those three tanks I think it's a good size and uh adequate for a hobbyist so the top right tank we're going to go over first is my faga lamani yellow vivarium this is the second pairing sort of uh that's a new female you're looking at there my original yellow lemanis were in this vivarium but my original female started looking really rough um a few months back so I decided to give her a break from breeding and everything and I moved the original male to this tank with the new female I got um in hopes that the female would have a break and have a chance to recover but uh yeah anyways so um you know I'm not even sure some of the plants in this tank it's the bromeliads are neo-regelia Malibu and compacta um yeah it's a Sponge Filter wrap bottom with the uh dry lock and foam and uh some aeroids and whatnot just you know my typical plant schemes for my breeder tanks um I am happy to announce that they are breeding and you can see here the lumani tadpole grabbing some fresh air which is uh some pretty cool footage and I'm really happy about that so moving to the left of that this is another new tank and another new style of background for me this is the cork flat not to be confused with the cork bark it's cork flat background um I ended up uh you know carving it and adding some extra layers to it and uh yeah I shaved it with a wire wheel brush drill drill bit attachment like I've done my other phone builds so kind of my take on um this style which I got from my buddy Sharif a bunch of tanks on Instagram I got this you know this style from him and in this tank I've got the renatamir reticulata solid there are three different morphs or forms of this frog there's the solid striped and red-faced um I have the solid which I think a really cool frogs um they're not so shy for me which is cool and uh yeah so the plants on this tank are same as usual nothing crazy here um some philodendron some pepperonia this ruffled leaf plant that I got from glass box Tropicals is an undescribed species I'm not exactly sure what it is but whatever so um there's uh some philodendron Pearl marks and some little growing tropical moss and leaf litter so all four of these tanks are new tanks these were not in the last tour I built these in March of 2022 and here's another one and this one I've got the ranitamaia Highland cirrhensis which I had before in a in situ Alto which I love the tank I wish I could have kept it but it just didn't match any other tanks so it wouldn't match the rack system so I unfortunately had to get rid of it but I've got some erythrodactylon and some philodendron it's called Lincoln Park Zoo um some other stuff in there typical for my tanks really cool frogs though again these ones aren't super bold but they're not super shy either they're kind of in the middle so they do let me film them and they don't run when I open the door so um kind of cool but they're not out in your face like uh you know terribilis or uh some of my histrionica are just wildly bold so uh really cool frogs though and uh these are the only two random tomato species I have the ransoman reticulata and the ranta Maya Highland sorensis and the Frog room is really dry right now because of that heater so normally right now I have all the tanks taped off but since it's uh film time and I wanted the glass to be clear I've removed all the tape from the vents so in this tank we've got some danger babies tinctorius azurius this is a wattley line and Bertram line so they are fine spotted areas and this is my second pairing of the fine spots I got from my buddy Nick Zappa or Tink tank some of you may know him but uh yeah it's another foam and dry lock I did the dry brush technique on the dry lock and I really liked it I got that from I never tried the dry brush before but um I got that from Tanner from serper design and in this tank we've got my new fogger histrionica Bullseye as you guys have seen many times before but the tank probably looks quite a bit different um I ended up having to rescape kind of all the wood pieces because the background was falling off and it just was pretty miserable looking so I ended up rescaping it I didn't like have to actually pull the frogs or do any foaming or silicone I just kind of put some new pieces of wood in there and balance them wherever I wanted them to and prop the background up against the glass so there weren't any gaps or anything like that so um yeah same uh bromeliads as before some new regime Malibu and Big O but I did add some varicosam and that other plant that I can't remember the name of and here we have my vagalamani yellow the original tank I had them in um I haven't really made any changes to this as you can see and I don't have any adults in here I have this one who's a a sub-adult it's got some stubby thighs but um I usually keep those frogs so um nothing different in this tank and obviously you guys couldn't tell um what I'm hinting at is I did lose my original female it was a long slow four to five month downhill slope process I'm really gonna miss that frog she was she was my golden girl so to speak but um yeah here's a couple nice clips of her so sad day for the tropical garage but um you know as a breeder these things do happen so next to that tank we've got the father of histrionica Bahia Solana which are sort of rising to the top as one of my favorites um mainly I mean they are absolutely stunning beautiful frogs but um they're so bold they just do not care I open the door feeding them taking pictures of them recording them they just they're almost like terribilis it's crazy how how bold these frogs are um they weren't always that way either you know when I first got them they were kind of shy but you know they've they've really come into their uh environment and acclimated really well so uh yeah I'm just just really thrilled yeah they're just beautiful pardon the interruption this is just some really cool ufago histrionica about here Solano courtship that I couldn't really fit into the tour any other way because it's such a long clip but uh I hope you guys enjoyed [Laughter] yeah I mean that would have been a crime not to share that with you guys so freaking cool and we're back and also with a very special frog these are the Fraga histrionica large form redhead these are also just absolutely stunning frogs um one of the coolest things about the redheads is just how variable they are um you know you could have four froglets and they literally look like they're from four different you know groupings of parents it's just wild and uh that's always fun and exciting you know some of the frogs you know the Frog would come out Bullseye you know what to expect with um the redheads it's like it's literally like a it's a it's a mystery every time so but these are just absolutely beautiful frogs um the tank itself I think is probably very similar to the last tour just has some music I did add some this fake rock to it I don't think I had in the last tour I'm not sure but uh there are some fake rocks so very cool tank but those are the first two rows of the of this rack and now we're going to go down to the bottom let me sit down on my booty butt and uh first up we've got the dendrobates tinctorius Vanessa which seemed to be a crowd favorite people love the Vanessa um with you know much reason too they are absolutely beautiful black and white and gray frogs um some are just black and white some have a tinge of blue but these are not the same as powder blue sometimes people think they are the froglets and juveniles definitely look just like powder blues but as they develop in the age they look you know far different so the tank itself is hasn't changed I haven't added anything to this tank in in years so it's really just trimming and pulling plants and whatnot as far as the way it looks currently it does have some of that begonia Maldonado or Lita or whatever you want to call it which does grow like just it's such a pain in the butt for me so I am ripping that out you know every two three months and I throw it out but um yeah tank is very basic breeder tank for me and uh yeah really cool frogs the danger babies notorious Vanessa and this tank we've got the danger baby stinktorius Brazilian Yellowhead which are also amazing looking frogs unfortunately mine don't produce healthy Offspring um I've had a couple that were healthy but I mean we're talking maybe five or ten percent that were healthy and the rest are they have deformities and the tadpoles are messed up and uh yeah it's annoying but the tank again this tank hasn't changed in years just trimming and clipping same thing that begonia Maldonado and uh the van car Covenant is finally starting to take off but uh yeah these are really cool frogs and a very basic breeder tank um yeah my favorite thing about these guys is just that vibrant yellow and the white toes and to the left of them we've got the dendrobates tentorius citronella um I have always loved citronella and I bread them years ago and from like 2009 to 2013 and I ended up losing my mail and I just I think at that time I uh was kind of making the move more into the foga game so I just never picked them up again until I moved out in the garage where I had more room um and yeah I mean look at these guys they're just they're just they're just beautiful frogs they're big bold hungry voracious eaters um one of mine has a DOT and one is solid-backed and The Offspring have been so far I'd say 50 50 on with a DOT and without a dot but the ones that do have a DOT have a very small dot so um really cool frogs as far as plants there's some Moss some liverwort uh some varicosum from grezial yeah it's super simple and in this tank we've got the dendrabates tinctorius oyapak I picked these up a few years ago they were in the last tour as well um still have a trio two males one female and these guys produce pretty regularly for me I don't pull many froglets just because I don't want to or sorry I don't pull many eggs or raise many tadpoles just because I don't want to get stuck with a bunch so I probably raise like I don't know 40 to 50 a year um and uh yeah that's that's I like that number just I feel like it's a good good amount to supply the hobby with and not you know not too big of a number where you're stuck and lowering Market costs and interest in the the morphin itself so um this one does have a lizard in it as you can see this is the Ghana Toadies um agabularis or something I'm not a lizard guy I don't exactly know I got that lizard from my friend Jake um when I went to drop off some frogs he's like here man take this lizard so I was like okay and I just threw it in my uh oyapak tank I thought it was dead but I actually saw it when I was resetting their tank recently and uh yeah it looked perfect looked healthy I was like holy crap and now we're going to move on to the main Rack or main wall this side is going to have the 9 44 by 17 by 24 inch vivariums um right now up top all I have is some froglets and some tubs and some supplies and whatnot but um yeah I think this is going to be a really nice kind of statement piece when you walk into the frog room to see the nine large vivariums I don't know if they're I think they're large they're something like 80 gallons um large ish I'll say but uh yeah we've just got some froglets in these tanks up top some citronella some yellow backs some fine spot Luke's some katari um another yellow back and uh citronella and I also have two male Giant Orange tinctorius um I got years ago they were doing really poorly a few months back but they have recovered and are doing really well so I'm happy to announce that and in the other tub I've got a bunch of mint terribilis and green sips I think I may have some Vanessa as well in there um but yeah the mints are doing great I have quite a few of those so um the tubs are really simple it's just the Sponge Filter mat on the bottom and then I do a thin layer of uh dampened sphagnum moss and leaf litter on top and then to the left of that I've got my crickets for the tarabilis and the graspodopus I've got some Leaf litter that I just microwaved in the house and made it smell terrible and some Petri dishes and some face packs I like to do my face packs right above the lights in the wintertime because they stay at that you know 75 76 degrees so they're kind of perfect temperature for shipping um but I'm really fed up with face packs right now because they keep leaking on me but here is a new 44 by 17 by 24 inch tank again this is the cork flat background I did use two inch panels on this one and I really didn't have to add any layers to it I just shaved it with the the drill brush our drill bit brush whatever you want to call it um and uh it came out pretty cool I think I used a darker cork on this one um this is freshly set up so it hasn't grown in well at all yet but stuff's still alive and nothing's really dying so um I think in a few months it'll be a nice nice design especially once I you know I'm done filming and I tape the tank back off but uh this one has my ufaga lamani orange I currently have a female and I'm on the lookout for a male so um hopefully I can pair this beautiful lady up and get some breeding out of them which would be really cool um but yeah you can see the background has a nice texture to it and I think when the Moss and Vines and everything start growing up but it's going to look really really nice but uh you can see my orange luani as well isn't super Orange it's kind of a orangey yellow or a yellowy orange that's um but I've been trying to beef up the carotenoids for her and kind of get that orange to come back a little bit I'll see what I can do I'll keep you guys well no I probably won't keep you guys updated because I don't post enough on here but I'll do my best or try to do my best that's probably the better better verbage uh to the right of that I've got the anshikaya ufaga histrionic and shakaya tank another 44 by 17 by 24. um this one's gone through some changes from the last tour I think the last tour had a bunch of hieroglyphica in here but those hieroglyphica needed trimmed and eventually got to the point they were just too big so I had to remove them and I acted quickly and I put in some [Music] I think they're the same species I guess but my bromelia guy was talking to was saying that the compacta are actually larger than the Malibu which is kind of weird you know you would think the compactor would be the smaller one but nope they're the bigger one so um Tank's still doing really well these frogs don't seem to want to breed for me um I've had three froglets out of the water in three years and all three of them were not healthy or I should say did not make it so um at this point they're just pets for me um and I absolutely love them and they're one of my favorite pets so um very blessed to have those and uh you know never thought I'd own those frogs and to the right of them I've got my blue histrionica and what you're currently looking at is a new female I got a little while back because I lost my original female last winter which was devastating but I'm happy to announce that these ones are producing and I've got one frog run out of the water already and as far as the tank goes um it has changed quite a bit it used to have a bunch of the varicia fenestralis but they just got too big and I had to remove them and I replaced them with the original Malibu um which the frogs seem to like those as well so that's always a good sign here's one of the morphing tadpoles probably be out of the water in a couple weeks I would say but uh truly a stunning stunning Blue Frog and Below them this tank probably looks vastly different as well from the last tour this is the dendrabates Luca mellis fine spot um I ended up pulling all the bromeliads out just because these frogs don't really use them so I didn't have a need for them in the tank they were kind of cluttering it there's a fern that's been growing in this tank that I didn't put there that's just oh it's the bane of my existence at this point um this frog here is like a hunchback Helen I'm pretty sure it's a female um it's deformed but I've told you guys before when I have frogs that are deformed I don't euthanize them I do give them a shot this one's over a year old and doing really really well as you saw I was eating and everything like that so um the other plants in this tank are doing really well the orchids are actually holding on biof items philodendrons pepperonias Moss liverwort all that stuff is really growing nice the tank kind of looks Barren up at the top because that's where all the fern was that I removed so um yeah it's uh it's going through uh it's going through a phase right now I'll say but I think uh in a couple months it should look really cool um the terrestrial frogs are the non-bromillion frogs I think their tanks look really cool without bromeliads you know you get a chance to let some of the other stuff shine through and um you know familiar to take up a ton of space and we kind of get all the glory but this is uh another Orchid I'm surprised it's still alive it's the uh the Panthers caledician tentaculata cross I believe um I can't believe it survived it's I think it's the only one I've ever had survive out of probably 15 or 20. so that one's been holding on for a couple years and that makes me happy because it is one of my favorite orchids so um but yeah these guys are producing for me and still doing well and to the left of them this is the follow babies terribilis mint vivarium that I did a highlight on a couple years ago [Laughter] um it's just so good it's nice I just can't do it but uh yeah these frogs are still doing their thing they're just they're heathens um tons of eggs tons of tadpoles tons of froglets big beautiful massive massive frogs um I should say massive massive dark frogs not frogs but um yeah the varicosam and Celta picana the pepperonias everything's growing really well in this tank it's probably from all the of a poop and fertilizer um you know it's just uh it's really good for the plants so uh I did have to pull a bunch of the uh pepperoni and villacolas it started getting a little too stringy and just creating this weird crazy Bush type of thing at the top um so I had to pull that but other than that I do very little maintenance on this tank there are some tadpoles in that water area which is kind of cool but uh to the left of them this is the um new another new 44 by 17 by 24 probably looks kind of barren this is the uh dendro baby sanctorius Missouri's fine spot uh this is my original Trio not pear but my original Trio that I have um very reduced pattern there's very little black spots on either on any of the animals but I left this one really bare on purpose because when that moss and liverwort and the little Mark gravias and Vines take off I think this Tank's gonna look really really cool so I'll probably do an update on this I don't know that's kind of funny but um I'll probably do an update on this one maybe in six seven months um just to show you guys because I think as far as The Hardscape and the way I carved the foam with the drill brush I'm starting to get a little more surgical with it where I can really manipulate um the shapes and pattern I want to do in the foam and I think this is a this is the tank that really uh kind of displays that so I'll show that off in a couple months but right now it looks pretty pretty Barren there's not not many plants um maybe I've been set up for six weeks maybe eight weeks total um with frogs maybe four weeks so but anywho I think it's going to be really strong design and uh yeah I mean the frogs are just simply gorgeous these are from uh Travis stuchman from TCH dark TCS dark frogs um good buddy of mine and uh yeah I'm really happy to own them and yeah they're always anytime someone comes over people looking like whoa what are those things because they're just so cool but you can see here that texture I'm talking about and the carving that I did um there's like some little tunnel areas basically in this wood that you can't really see unless you're looking at it in person I've had a couple people come that have seen it in person they're like oh it looks way different than the Instagram stories that's a way cooler design so anyways let's reset for the next rack moving on to the final left wall on the top left we've got my ufaga pamilia bastamanos these are the tropical garage or AKA The Unknown Locale um these are a stunning pamelio I get some that are orange red orange and red with white feet not just the white toes they have the white feet in the white bellies the males have a dark throat patch these could be Red Frog Beach but um they didn't come in as that so I'm not going to call them that but truly awesome awesome Familia um I think since the last tour I did change the bromeliads as you saw in the beginning there those were the varicia Sandra Sai um they seem to really like using them so I may end up picking up some more um to the right of them we've got the faga pamilio salarte which probably look kind of similar to the ones I just showed but these ones don't have the white bellies or the white feet they have the white toe tips looks like someone took a little miniature nail polish brush and brushed their fingernails their tank looks pretty similar you can see here the infamous walk of the ufaga so so cool watching a move like that um but yeah these are a breathtaking familiar species or Locale I should say and I think any faga enthusiasts should have those in the collection to the right of them we've got the ufaga Familia escuto um whoa and their tank looks probably identical to the last tour um lots of moss growth and bromeliads um really cool Familia really really tiny pamilio frog I've talked about it before but the froglets are just you're kind of in disbelief how small they are but uh really cool lots of personality in these guys um to the right of that you've got the faga pamilio Mio calubre and their tank looks pretty sad right now um again that whole dry thing I talked about in the winter time really dried out a lot of the plants and Moss but nonetheless the frogs are just super cool blue almost have like a a purple Hue to them it's really cool my male especially has kind of a purple Hue to him so um they do really well there are lots of froglets at them every year um every all the Familia produce really well for me to be honest with you um below them is the faga histrionica taro uh I don't believe these were in the last tour um this was an old tank that I kind of rescaped I left the background up but I kind of reset the wood and made a new wood Hardscape um and I think I used the same plants that were in I can't I think this was the in the last tour I think it had the um Vaga pamilio Bronco maybe I honestly I can't remember I'd have to go back and watch but the tato nonetheless are amazing looking histrionica really really unique looking frogs and quite variable too um I did have some producing out of my original pair from these guys uh about a year and a year and a half ago and um yeah I ended up losing one of the pairing uh was it my mail and I do have two frogs in there now but I think they're both females so um yeah it seems like a reoccurring thing that I keep talking about losing males and females but um my ufaga the large obligate like the larger faga histrionica and sovatica breeders and Keepers they know what I'm talking about but a lot of you guys that don't probably like this guy keeps killing all kinds of frogs and it's anybody that joins the large Advocate World they tell me about a frog doing poorly and just randomly dies I say welcome to the larger faga game because that's just part of it so unfortunately um to the left of them this is the ufaga sovatica San Lorenzo tank um really really cool frogs but these guys are amazing I've had them for about 10 years and produced a plethora of froglets and these guys are like tanks for me I rarely rarely lose froglets um very very Hardy and bold and hate to interrupt again but uh I felt that I had to share these clips as well this was my fair loofahgas levada San Lorenzo they just have to be courting when I was filming so uh I had to include this as well [Laughter] [Laughter] hope you guys enjoyed those beautiful clips of the San Lorenzo silvatica now back to the tour so yeah uh this is some cool footage of a morphing froglet or more flit whatever you want to call it just thought it was super cute and uh really cool so I'm glad I captured that as well um tank though I mean should look really similar to the previous tour you know obviously some and to the left of them we've got the faga pamilio cemetery Basta Meadows uh these were my first pamilio and these guys are very very bold much more bold than the tropical garage or unknown Locale basti but to be fair my unknown Locale are farm-raised wild caught where these ones are captive um the tank looks pretty similar as it did before this plant here I can't think of the name of it I got it from Nick Stacy starts with an A and I think of the species names with the Z maybe I don't know I I don't really remember you may have seen it in the um I showed it earlier in the fog of histrionica Bullseye tank over here sorry the lights are out so I can't really see it but um that tank over there uh it's a cool plant it kind of like creates these draping leave effect and looks really natural um but yeah these guys are just they're always a a fan favorite and um I think they're probably the coolest Familia Basta Meadows in general to me are probably coolest most variable um the boldest good sized you know pretty uh pretty good breeders I'd say as a whole and moving on we've got a really pathetic looking dendrobates tinctorious Qatari tank and I apologize for the way it looks right now but I promise there is a reason why it looks the way it does um the most disgusting plant in the hobby the Ficus Pamela chorusifolia Oakley fig whatever you want to call it just ended up creating this huge Bush and it grew out from the background probably like 10 to 12 inches out just created it started growing towards the front and it looked kinda cool but just was taking up so much space blocking out so much light I just ended up having to pull it all so that's why the tank looks so bad it'll look cool again once the moth starts growing and I plant some Vines and whatnot so don't worry that tank will have a Resurgence I promise um yeah I'm just talking about how close that Ficus came to the glass it was like four inches from the front glass so I probably should have took a pic or a video to share with you guys but I'm a terrible um YouTuber or content creator so I don't think to do stuff like that but anyways these frogs are doing really well they're really cool I used to have a pair I do have a trio now because the one I I held back um the one I held back has you know pretty much no spots as you can see there if you shine a light on them you can see spots um but if you don't have lights on it just looks like a big dark blue almost Black Mass but um katari tanktorius are one of my favorites here you can see I have a flash on there and you kind of see its pattern more same with all these all these images here these are all flash so you can see more of the pattern of them uh to the naked eye with no external lighting or no extra lighting I should say they look much much darker which is cool or less cool to some people I think it's really cool I love them I think the the blue is so unique um it's just they're they're a fascinating thing torious so that's the mid-level on the far left rack and we're gonna sit back down on my booty butt and in this tank this is the actual this is actually the first enclosure I built myself um the glass enclosure I'm talking about not doing like Escape or whatever but I actually this was the this was the old drip wall tank I had some erotic in uh the Pena Blanca erratus and it now currently houses my all of 80 zaparo which hard amazing looking frogs they're amazing little frogs I have a group of them in here I don't even know how many I have maybe seven um they're really really cool frogs they have a nice nice bright red color uh with some blue and they've got like a granular texture they're just really really awesome looking frogs but it's weird how their boldness is because they're always out if I'm from afar I can always see them out foraging and they call all day long but the second I go towards that tank with a camera or myself it's like they're they're gone so I really wanted to share their calling a calling clip of them with this video but uh I just don't know if I'm gonna captured at this point I just they call all day long I may just have to record it and insert a clip here so you can hear it but yeah they just I mean I'm sure you probably heard it in the background during this voiceover but for whatever reason they just uh they're so shy when you come around but if you're like at a distance they're they're amazing looking frogs and they're amazing as far as activity but plants in this tank I don't know what's in here this is a hodge majest stuff hodgepodge or hodgemodge I don't know we've had a few too many tonight but uh I'll say a hodgepodge of plants uh some of these are from my buddy Richard Gilliam or Bubba gilliams they like to call him um there's some other stuff I got from Sean Harrington in some froglet packages this one here that like I think it's a pileia maybe I'm not exactly sure but Sean sent that to me and um that plant I do like the way it looks but it grows a little too crazy as well I'm constantly throwing that one out and uh I have to apologize they're screen blacked out because my memory card exceeded the space so I had to go upload some stuff and uh free up some space so um that's how that's how much video I'm recording for these room tours honestly probably 90 to 100 gigs um of a video I'm recording possibly more uh in this tank we've got uh some detrimady's tinctorius [Music] um that's uh philodendron montanum there and uh Moss grew really well got some wood and I actually built this tank like this Hardscape I did in a few hours I did Black foam and then I pressed hydrolon directly into the wet foam and then I just foamed in some wood with some black all-purpose black great stuff expanding foam um and then it was like you know it cured in a couple hours and you know it was done so I really like the way it looks so I think it's a really really cool looking tinctorious tank again no bromeliads um so yeah you'll like you'll notice that my tank Tori's tanks recently have been having no upper millions in this tank we've got the dendrived stinktorius green sipaluini this tank probably looks vastly different from the last tour as well I think two tours ago maybe in 2020 it was really really Lush with that Ficus and in 2021 it was really bare because I had to rip all that Ficus out which I explained in the 2021 tour and now you can see that Moss is growing back and the little Vines are starting to grow and um that's sort of the look I like going for with the dendromated tanks and the green sips um they've always been one of my favorite tank torious um I just always love that green blue contrast um the spotting they're just they're they've always been one of my favorites and I mean when I say always I'm going back to like the year 2000 when I started uh with dart frogs so I've always always loved these guys really really cool that male there is uh 14 years old so beautiful beautiful male um still breeding these guys breed like crazy for me still so um yeah I don't think if you're buying dart frogs don't think it's gonna be a a two-year investment these guys will live for a long long time if you take care of them correctly so um yeah tons of moss in this tank it's actually one of my uh one of the sources I use for Moss if I'm building a new tank and I haven't ordered any new moss I just take pieces of this and throw start it propagate it in the new tank uh you can see the ventilation there is actually gets covered in Moss in the summertime but it's winter time and it's dry so uh in this tank we've got the dendro babies tanktarius yellow back and you can see there why I hate that begonia got begonia leader is what I got it as but some people call it Maldonado and the gabonia sector I don't look at it look look I mean it takes up so much room and eventually just starts to block light and I do like the plant but it just it grows too crazy for me I I just can't deal with that constantly I've pulled it out of this tank like literally like a five gallon bucket full probably four to five times and it grows back in two three months that's kind of a cool shot you can see my male yellow back with the tadpole on his back um didn't even know it was in there but I started filming I was like hey um same thing with my oil block the oil block had a Deadpool too I didn't even know I talked about it but um there is some other plants you can see there was a little bit of some Mark Raleigh synthesi poking out there um and as I was rummaging around through the tank I felt something move and that that frog there hopped out so I was like oopsie sorry buddy um but yeah I think I set this tank up in 2019. and I did this um so pretty much the same as it was then just all new growth um but yeah yellow backs I think are uh severely underrated um I think they're just they're really really stunning frogs and um yeah they just don't get enough light shed on them so uh that is the last vivarium of the frog room tour and uh yeah I if you guys are still here whoever stayed to this long you guys are some some true ogs and I appreciate you um that's the final wall the the far left wall and again here's the overall look at where the room is currently at with the right wall the main wall and the far left wall um yeah I really like the direction it's going super uniform and I really can't wait to get those three up top done but um I did end up putting up some egg crate some black egg crate along the top so I could put my fruit flies up there because it doesn't have the wires like the old wire rack so I had to make some sort of shelf um and I wanted to be able to breathe I did also make a little hook for my little Grabber helps me get fruit flies down because you know we're about 90 94 inches off the ground where the fruit flies are so um it's pretty high up so instead of getting on a step stool every time I use my little my little old person grab her no offense if there's anybody super old watching this I know I'm super old but if anyone's really old I also made a little shelf here with some spare tubing I had uh I put my thermometer my fly cups and ringers or whatever I have out just random random stuff and then I put I put some thermometers um on each wall put one at the top and one at the bottom so I could know in the summertime if the Tank's up top are getting too hot you know bump the AC a little bit and if the Tank's down low in the winter time are getting a little too cold then I can bump the heat a little bit so more monitoring of temperature um so you know that those are a couple things I added um that I didn't have in the room before I guess I could have but it just seems to make more sense now but um yeah anyways for you guys that stayed for the grueling 51 minutes of this video I do appreciate you you guys are like a cult I'm amazed that you guys would stay this long and watch my really probably super boring video but I I do appreciate you just know that and any new people that stayed this long I would appreciate a like And subscribe if not I just hope you enjoyed the video so um yeah that's gonna do it Goldberg out foreign [Music]
Channel: Troy Goldberg's Tropical Garage
Views: 157,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frog room, frogroom, dart frog
Id: lWecR7B7r_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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