Frizzled Chickpea Salad | Home Movies with Alison Roman

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frizzled frizzled frizzled frizzled It's frizzled frizzled frizzled frizzled frizzled frizzled frizzled frizzling it's frizzled chickpeas Welcome to home movies I'm Alison Roman and today we are making an  oldie but a goodie a new classic   modern canon a frizzled chickpea dish first  featured in Nothing Fancy my second cookbook and today we're going to like saladify  it we're gonna like take it in a little   bit different of a direction but  the the premise remains the same you take a chickpea you take some onions and you   cook them in a lot of olive  oil until they are frizzled frizzled is a word that I thought  I made up until literally last   week when I Googled it because I  thought someone was stealing for me I was like that's a word I made up and sure enough   it's in the dictionary so no I  didn't but stay humble you know Frizzled is not quite caramelized it's not quite  fried it's not quite crispy but it is textured It has like fried-ish edges it has golden  caramelized-ish color but it is still tender This is a side dish This is a potluck superstar Potluck superstar wow strike from  the record control alt delete that You can serve it with chicken thighs or a  roast chicken if you're feeding more people You can turn it into something with like a fried  egg on it or adding things like halloumi or feta Every single person I know that's  made this rave reviews, 20 Stars,   five whisks that's a Sex in the City  throwback I watched that episode last night Dan: 10 Rob Thomases 10 Rob Thomases It is a sleeper hit of the  cookbook I'm gonna summerify it I'm gonna make it more herby  and spriggy and leafy and coarse And sort of show the fresher side, the  brighter side of this chickpea dish I have a bee in my bonnet about raw  chickpeas I think they're disgusting We've come to accept them  and we shouldn't stand for it I've tried to love them I've tried to be like what if I marinate them What if I put in all the herbs or  preserved lemon or spicy or little They're not that good unless you're cooking them  from scratch unless you're like from the get-go   seasoning the broth like until you're like I know  how this chickpeas gonna taste at the baseline But popping a can of chickpeas and like eating one It's fine The next time you're at La Scala and  you're paying $28 for a chopped salad   and you put a little raw chickpea on  your fork you're gonna ask yourself How did I get here? What is the value of a dollar? So to first of all chickpea you need two  things you need fat and you need time And heat Those are three things I'm using a red onion because it has just a  hint more sweetness than a yellow onion but   at the end of the day it does not matter  what color of onion you're using because   by the time it's frizzled it's all  Greek to me no it's all the same   it's like effectively we won't  be able to tell the difference Anyway should we start frizzling I feel like we've   been threatening to Frizzle  but haven't frizzled yet I'm going to use the largest skillet  I have which is like a 12-inch   just regular like stainless  steel All Clad my preferred brand So we're gonna slice our onion open  our cans of chickpeas heat our oil   and then we're gonna really start frizzling, Dan Dan: Don't threaten me with a good time These don't need to be sliced  super thin but you don't want   any super fat pieces because they  will have a harder time frizzling I would say this is like thicker than you would  go for say pickled raw onion or something,   or pickled or raw onion, but definitely thinner  than if you were roasting alongside a vegetable So start with your skillet you can do  this in a Dutch oven or a heavy bottom pot You're cooking this for a long time so any  sort of like thin tinny enamel I would avoid That's a cool sound did you get that? noice It's about a half cup You can always add a splash more if you're like  I don't know if it is, you can always measure it Couldn't be me Do not catch me ever measuring olive  oil unless I'm writing a recipe This is a pretty dinky little  stove my high is some peoples'   medium-high depending on the power of your range But the moral of the story is that I'm on a high  heat again there's a lot of water in onions so   what's happening right now we're getting  the water out we're going to Frizzle them We're not slowly caramelizing  we are frizzling hot and fast I'm going to drain these chickpeas Great and basically from there I'm gonna smash  some garlic cloves we'll add them in a little bit We're just gonna wait we're gonna wait another  probably five minutes or so and then we're   gonna add our chickpeas and then we're gonna  season again and then we're gonna keep cooking I'm really smashing the hell out of  these I'm not smashing them to slice   them I'm smashing them to like obliterate them Because that is going to give you  like different small craggly bits   of garlic throughout the whole chickpea dish They're on their way to being fried  at the edges frizzled if you will They are not soft jammy caramelized  onions these are like fried at the   edges they still have their shape their texture But they're not all the way there yet  I'd say they're about let's call it   40 to 50% of the way there So what I'm going to do is I'm  going to add the chickpeas now   and then everything's gonna like  get to the finish line together So giving the onions a head start  allows everything to be properly   frizzled together because the onions take  a little bit longer than the chickpea The thing that you want to do immediately is  toss the skillet because you want the chickpeas   to have at least come into contact with the oil  which is going to help them brown instead of burn You can add a little chili flake here too this is a very mild chili flake sort of a   personal cuvée but you know your chili flakes  so add as much or as little as you like Another nice spice to add here would  be fennel seed if you like cumin,   a little crushed coriander would be cool You can also just have it be like  the olive oil, onion, chickpea So see how they look right now they're  like you know they look fresh from a can And in a bit you're going to watch  them like slowly transform as they   frizzle and turn brown and golden and their  texture is going to go from just like soft   and creamy to kind of like craggly  at the ends have a little bit more   texture on the outside but still stay  really nice and creamy on the inside So the chickpeas are browned it's  like a delicious little fond happening If you find your chickpeas sticking you  probably didn't add enough olive oil so   next time you cook these just make sure  that you're using the recommended amount The onions are fried and frizzle the  chickpeas are brown golden and frizzled Make no mistake these are not crispy  but they're not meant to be but they   are frizzle they're they're browned they're  caramelized they're tender they're full of   so much flavor they taste incredible  already and this to me is already done I am going to let it cool slightly   off the heat and then I'm gonna pick some herbs  for which to make it sort of more salady in spirit The original recipe calls only for oregano which  is something that I put in with the chickpeas as   they cook to kind of crisp up as well and  also fresh at the end I'm still going to   use it because I think it's a really lovely  herb especially with chickpeas and onions But it's not something that I  think of especially to be like   a fresh summertime herb even though like  it definitely is around in the summertime So I'm going to use a little bit still I'm  just gonna pluck off the little tiny leaves Alright who's up next? Dill you're up I think that if you wanted  to take this more in like a   tabouli-ish direction and and do a mess of herbs  along with your chickpeas you could and should I'm approximating two cups of herbs here  again I'm not gonna be measuring that amount   and if you only had two herbs to  choose from I would pick something like   parsley or cilantro and one other herb Dan: Gonna be pretty leafy  spriggy coarse over there huh? I mean listen I'm nothing if not consistent And maybe you're noticing a theme that  I'm keeping it leafy spriggy coarse That's like one handful let's  call it two large handfuls I don't know do what feels right See if I care I do care obviously I care too much You know when people are like  I could care less, it's like   I can't care less I wish I  could I wish I could care less Dan: No worries? Actually a lot of worries Actually I'm only ever worried and  whatever that thing that happened   between us last time we saw each  other I'm still thinking about it I'm saying like is being anxious  a product of caring too much or   do I care too much because I'm anxious? Like chicken or the egg all I know is that when I'm picking herbs it's  just me and the herbs and I could care less Alright so these chickpeas are cooked I'm going to eat them to make  sure that they're delicious And they are I love them Basically taking like half the herbs Mint would be nice here too The onions like to stick together which I find  delightful I feel like when you get a spoonful   of them it's like you want a prize yeah this  is like a delightful and very perfect to me   summery version of something that I  always serve in the winter and so I   don't know for me the moral of the story is  like could you summerify your winter dish,   A, and B a frizzled chickpea is  better than a raw chickpea it just is And whether you're serving it cold or  room temperature in like a salad moment   giving it this treatment is gonna like go  such a long way in terms of how delicious   it's going to be it's a little bit more  work it's a little bit more time but this   was pretty easy to throw together and  there were not that many ingredients   and again it's customizable for you  and this can be a dish unto itself Or it can be topped with feta,   put it on a bed of yogurt I don't know  I feel like people are always doing that This is also like a good moment where  not including dairy and something like   this you will not miss a single thing  if you want to add cheese you can add   cheese but it does not need it like  there is so much depth of flavor and   like deliciousness going on already  that it's definitely not necessary I'm gonna do a little lemon at the end also not  something I typically do for the fall version But I think for the summer you know we're  cool for the summer like Demi Lovato These leaves are so spriggy so coarse This is a silly spoon to be doing this with  I admit and I know when to say that I'm wrong It has like a very nice complexity  the texture is unbelievable It's frizzled you gotta you  gotta see it to believe it Dan I don't know I'm telling you  I don't have anything else to say Dan: Neither do I. Bye. Bye People tell me that cooking makes them feel  less anxious because they follow directions Dan: I agree with that Good for you this is my livelihood  is this a joke to you people
Channel: Alison Roman
Views: 159,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alison roman, home movies with alison roman, a newsletter, nothing fancy, dining in, cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, food, chef, home cooking, sweet enough, sweet enough alison roman, summer recipe, chickpeas, frizzled, vegetarian recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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