Frigidaire Refrigerator not cooling, this finally fixed it!

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all right all right you guys ready for another diy repair i've got my refrigerator here the other day i walked i got some milk out of it and i took a drink and i just thought this is not cold enough and so i started feeling around on other stuff in the fridge and it just wasn't quite cold it was cool but it wasn't quite cold so i looked and i looked on the front of my refrigerator and you can see these numbers right here and it's telling you what the refrigerator temperature is this is a refrigerator this is the freezer so you can see the refrigerator is 55 degrees your refrigerator should really be 40 degrees or below so obviously there's something wrong but i've never done repair on refrigerators but that's what diy's all about i'm gonna figure it out i did some research which maybe is what you guys are doing right now and that's why you're on this video so i'm gonna get back here um from my research it sounds like it could be the condenser cooling fan so i'm gonna take this cover off down here i'm gonna take a look at the condenser cooling fan see if it's running if it's not running then i'm gonna get the part number and i'm gonna find a way to order it so come back here with me okay so down here on these refrigerators um there's this little just cardboard cover that i'm gonna have to pull off to get to where the coils and the cooling fan is at the the cooling fan the condenser cooling fan blows over the coils and that's what keeps them cool so if it stops blowing that air over those coils then they're not going to be as cool it's not going to be able to keep your refrigerator as cold as it should be at least from my research so here we go i've got a little i think this is a quarter inch socket so i'm going to pull these things off here you can tell this really needs to be cleaned anyway see if i can get this out of here oh my goodness okay oh so the condenser fan is running so that may not be the problem um i don't know how well you can see up in there let me see if i can get a little light okay so there is that's the condenser and then you have this cooling fan that blows all over these coils and the coils are they're i mean they're pretty dusty so um it's obviously not the fan because the fan is working so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna vacuum off i'm gonna vacuum out this whole area i'm gonna try and clean off those coils and see if that makes any difference all right guys so i've got my compressor running in there what i'm gonna do is i wasn't quite sure how to clean those coils off because i'm not really going to be able to get a vacuum up in there real good so i just got my compressor i'm going to put a little air attachment on it i'm going to try and blow those coils off as best i can it's going to make a terrible mess but you can hear my compressor running in there um i may not actually shoot video while i'm blowing that out i'll try to uh if i can just to show you guys how i'm doing it i'm sure there are other ways to do it maybe even better ways but uh i think going off with there might be a good way so we'll see all right guys so what i just did was i got my little um handy makita vac here which is totally awesome by the way um and i vacuumed as much of the dust and stuff off these coils as i could now i'm gonna take my compressor with this little air attachment and i'm just going to try and blow all the dust off these coils after i do that i'm going to see what happens i'm going to see if the refrigerator starts cooling down again that was one of one of the other things that i found that was suggested is to look and see if the coils needed to be cleaned off because obviously if they're covered with dust you're not going to be able to cool that air blowing across them is not going to cool them off properly okay so here we go so [Music] okay so cleaning the coils did not work um i was super pumped because a few hours after i cleaned the coils i came in my wife said it's cooling and it had to drop like 15 degrees so super pumped i was gonna come back on and show you guys this awesome repair it didn't work so um on with the troubleshooting so my fantastic beautiful wife over here is gonna plug this in but i'm gonna tell you guys what i'm doing real quick let me flip my camera okay so i'm currently in the freezer i removed the shelves and ice maker but what i'm really wanting to look at here so you have a white panel that covers this up at the very back of your freezer these are your evaporator coils so the two things now that i'm concerned with is the evaporator fan which is kind of up under here you can see it right there and the defrost thermostat which is this little guy right here now it's going to be pretty easy to figure out whether or not the evaporator fan is working i'm going to have my wife plug in the power to the refrigerator and the fan's either going to come on or not if it doesn't come on then i know i need to replace the evaporator fan if it does come on then i'm probably going to buy a new defrost thermostat one of the reasons for that is because on all these coils right here when i opened this up there was just a crazy amount of frost and ice built up on there so that could be what's going on but i'm gonna go ahead and have her plug that in and we're gonna see if fans start trying all right okay okay the fan is running so that's a good thing all right so the evaporator fan started running so the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna order a defrost thermostat when that gets messed up it can cause cooling problems in your refrigerator and it could be one of the reasons that all that frost and ice was built up so i'm gonna order that i'm gonna get it um and i'll get back with you guys and show you how i'm replacing that and we're gonna see if that tackles the problem all right two days later i just finally got the part that maybe i need i'm not quite sure until i put it on there so um got my part from amazon you know it was crazy the other night it was about 5 30 or 6 o'clock and um i i needed to order this part and so i got on amazon found the part i needed but i wasn't sure i was going to order it off there because i was like it's 5 30 or 6 there's no way it's going to get here tomorrow and i was thinking i'll just go to my local appliance repair store and pick up one of these parts but it said it would be here the next day which totally blew me away i don't know how amazon does this stuff it's like magic but i don't really care how they do it as long as they do it so the downside is it did not come the next day it was a day late but whatever the part was 6.99 and appliance store wanted almost 26 dollars for it so i saved like 20 dollars on this part it's right here show it to you this is called a defrost thermostat and so it basically just kind of helps automatically defrost your freezer at least i think that's what it does i'm not 100 sure so um new part here i'm going to get inside the freezer i'm going to show you the old part i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do show you how to do it and once i get the new part on then i'm going to have to plug the refrigerator back in we're gonna see if everything starts working and i'll shoot another video as to whether or not it started working and i'll probably shoot another video if it doesn't start working to tell you what my next steps will be okay guys inside the freezer right here you can see my evaporator coils i think i showed you those the other day but right up here is the the old defrost thermostat i haven't taken it off yet so what we're going to do is the way you replace these things is i'm actually just going to snip these two wires that connects this this thermostat onto here and i'm going to use connectors that came with my new defrost thermostat you can see these little blue connectors they're called butt connectors and you have to have a crimp tool oh my crimp tool fell down let me grab it actually these are combination wire strippers and they also right here you can see is a crimp um part of the tool so not every wire strippers has the ability to crimp i actually had to buy these other day because i have a bunch of wire strippers but i did not have a pair that would do uh crimp connectors for for butt connectors um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get in there and i'm going to take the old one out i am going to connect the new one and plug this thing back in we'll see what happens here we go here is the new thermostat you can kind of see these are kind of pre-cut right here for you to pull that off of there okay so it just kind of automatically strips for you but i'm gonna have to cut that old one cut the wire off that old one and then strip the wire in there so then we can use our butt connectors match up the colors put this in there put the old side in here and then we crimp it together but they also sent some heat shrink um to go over so before i put that on there what i'll actually do is i'll put this heat shrink over these wires then i'll do the butt connectors i'll cover it up with the heat shrink and then heat that up so it shrinks down over that to cover up those wires all right i got my new thermostat in there it's uh clips onto that pipe and uh so i'm gonna plug this thing out and put my panel back on i'm going to plug this thing in and i'll give you guys an update quick update you guys good news the defrost thermostat worked as you can see right here negative two degrees on the freezer 37 degrees in the refrigerator so defrost thermostat did it i had to do a bunch of things you saw me on the video checked the condenser fan cleaned the coils checked the evaporator fan to make sure it was running and then i did the defrost thermostat and that's what fixed it so sometimes you got to troubleshoot these things i'm just glad i got it fixed hi guys so there you go diy keep at it you can get this stuff done it's not that hard uh i got about maybe an hour of time in this um i'm not sure exactly not much more than that had to wait a couple days on a part but only paid seven dollars on amazon for this part so i fixed this refrigerator for seven dollars if i hadn't hired a appliance repairman to come out here and do it no doubt it would have been a couple hundred bucks they probably would have had the defrost thermostat on their truck but just come out here they're gonna charge you a ton you know just troubleshoot some stuff uh do you know with the internet today just do a google search you can usually find what's wrong a lot of times you're able to fix it a lot cheaper sometimes it's going to be a little bit too complicated you're going to have to hire somebody and that's fine but anyway keep at it i also have a blog about living debt free i'll put a link to that in the comments if you guys want to check it out all right see ya
Channel: Lee Logsdon
Views: 203,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frigidaire, frigidaire refrigerator, repair, frigidaire refrigerator not cooling, refrigerator not cooling but freezer is fine, refrigerator not cooling
Id: 7M5g0vN1_MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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