Friday The 13th - NEW SINGLE PLAYER CHALLENGES! (Broken Down & Power Struggle!) Ep. 1

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what's up everybody h2o delirious here we are in the Jason single-player modes I am gonna try the challenges out I'm a little bit sick right now it like my throat I definitely feel a sore throat coming on and it might affect me talking every once in a while but we're gonna try to push through because I've been wanting to play this hopefully it's good I've not seen anything on it I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to do anything we got some objectives here we got a hoodwink I got smash Adam's head with the hood of the car I got a in Bugsy's life while he relieves himself in the woods oh that's gotta suck that's got to be a turbo way to go we got a grab and kill Bugsy on a smoke break oh these are just different objectives like I mean obviously I can't kill Bugsy twice we also got to smash the car if it tries to escape we got to get all three skulls as part by Jason or help them again they don't get a hit an objective so on the way to a wild party a few of the boys are experiencing car troubles in the middle of the woods make sure they don't make it out alive but that won't so I'm gonna be the best Jason is so for the helpful mechanic I got to get three skulls as part five Jason so let's go ahead and choose Jason are five Jason I will I want to I want to be part three Jason but since one of the missions is for part five Jason we are going to choose this one and I have actually never played as this Jason before we're gonna go ahead and pick his three personal kills and then for the fourth killed we're gonna snap some legs break some damn legs that's what we're gonna do he's got oh my god she's equipping shears he's serious he also has a skin change oh I could put a blue email what we're gonna put a blue overall code on him that's what we're gonna do because we left okay so obviously I'm not gonna be able to get all the objectives because two of the dirt is I gotta kill Bugsy twice let's just jump right in here and see what Jason Leary's can really do maybe faster if you helped man man just hurry up I want to miss the hot chicks the part yeah no one wants to miss the hot chicks Bugsy expecially Jason Jason loves hot chicks so they're pretty mother kill Jason I know I'm very pretty mother thank you so single player guys oh my goodness I have never I have a blade Jason anything solo oh yeah we got some knives right here looks like this Jason carries a lot of knife in five traps so I need to be careful because they could probably sense me what we want to do want to do this oh look got one walking away you should never split up with your teammates she'd never do it but this one I need to kill him why he's pink oh no guys sit still Oh PML be enough [Laughter] oh he's a beautiful wooden wood unicorn Wow thank you mother I knew you I knew you trusted me I knew you believed in Jason you've always believed in me mother what is this all I could spy get spy on him oh look at him look at him trying to fix that car look yeah I don't kind of fixed it yes yes no idea yes no idea the danger he's in no idea oh no no oh we got it we got it we got to smash his head in with the UM with the hood of the car let's uh let's go over here so we could spy on him yes yes spy on him Jason spike I did not mean to do that why am I looking that way Oh Jason our victim is in this in this area right here all right sir he he doesn't know he doesn't know yet he doesn't know there's no idea Jason's covey you better watch out you better not cry you better watch out i'ma tell you why Jason's gonna smash your head in right never walk into camp crystal Ling this is my turf Jason's beautiful mother damn champion I did it first first try very successful that was awesome that was awesome they didn't even know even nope make mommy proud Jason don't wanna them escape is it what is this check pockets unlock something that called check pockets I have no idea oh when we got hurry all this new emotes okay we unlock new emotes we got the cabin boogie like it so now we got to redo that whole thing and then we got to smash the car as it tries to escape and grab and kill Bugsy on on a smoke break let's do that list we're go ahead and retry I want to miss the hot chicks the fart that's right no one wants it missed objects we all need hot chicks in our lives even Jason Voorhees these are eat he loves hot chicks oh yes so pretty so pretty little Jason I will kill them all even though you're thinking about Bugsy is a pretty man I will kill him there just for you so we need to let me--let Bugsy go on a smoke break because we gotta take him out on a smoke break and then we needle it Adam finish the car so he could drive away and I could take him out with the car that's exactly what we need to do I need to take my knife I've been losing I've been I've been losing my knives all over these woods it's not a good thing for Jason not a good thing do a little bit of stalking action oh yeah you fixed that car this is slowly Adam oh I wonder if I could walk over oh my god I could probably walk over there and smash his face in with the car but I can't do that I got a little I got a little fix the car we got Bugsy over here with it what are you doing Bugsy what are you doing huh oh boy speed you have another we have another we time there we we don't hey don't play with you we we too long that's a different thing that's not pink you do that Jason doesn't like that in his woods where are the hot chicks I want to chase a hot chick in a slow motion right now while I watch each IPPs that's Jason's favorite moment and his movies when they trip don't you turn around don't you turn if he doesn't fix the car he's definitely dead if he doesn't escape he's doomed for the rest of his life Oh buzzy buzzy are you going on the smoke break already that what's going on right now smoke great time okay all right listen Bugsy don't do it don't do it smoking kills you do not want to do it it's a pet it's bad for your health it's bad for your lungs Bugsy don't do it oh my god she's smoking holy hell Jason get a hold of yourself oh yeah kill for mother I did it just for you mother I killed just for you he was trying to pollute my home he was trying to corrupt my Lance how dare he try to corrupt me like that oh I want Adam to see this guy so we got it we're gonna move back I move back we can't live we can't let him see us look at him Oh No is he gonna see is he gonna see my bodies no don't what makes a car no no you wait he saw budsies body so how am I supposed to get past that port what the hell this is your home Jesus Oh protected what I did it it says I did all the challenges really we got it we got to do it again we got we got to do it again all right so the real goal is it gave me the challenge didn't remember us Jason well mother can't make them remember so I think the hidden the challenge is for me to crush Adams for me to crush Adams head in the bat bottom the car so I don't have to he gave me the challenges I don't have to stop the car I don't have to kill Bugsy from smoking so I can just get on my fiend again yeah I spin the feet all right he's not under the car yet it's gonna be quick isn't me really quick ice me so quick oh my goodness [ __ ] soon is yeah that's what we're gonna do right here oh my god I push him to face [Music] he did deserve that it out this is really portable yeah skillful mother yeah yeah where's where's the wrench at huh did you lose the wrench did you lose the rinse I'm gonna need you to get under the car again Adam Adam I swear if you start walking over here I will just go ahead and annihilate you know we need to I'm hoping I'm hoping he goes for a try to fix the tire again what we need him to do is if he starts walking over here and discovers us Bugsy again I'm gonna be so angry oh this is definitely it this is definitely the wrong jason has no chill and no tolerance I will make them all suffer just for you my dear yes for you we did it we did all the challenges it might have been a little bit sloppy but we didn't look and Danny Jason now we can go through the menu and go to the next level but now we got challenges too right here um the objectives watch your step catch any counselor in a trap walking tall complete the entire mission without using the [ __ ] ability as part six Jason so we got to change Jason's seared to perfection roast Chad in the fireplace all Chad you shouldn't go near you shouldn't go near the fireplace AJ we had to boil AJ's face the kitchen and uh shocking revelations electrocute Mitch to death on the generator God all right so this one we got a lot of deaths a lot of kills but first things first we got a pic part six Jason which is this one right here we're gonna go ahead and throw his three special tax on here cuz you know Jason Jason is its different flavor you ain't know what we're gonna uh we're gonna risk some jobs maybe possibly we probably won't rip no jobs but we'll see let's see what it's all about let's go ahead and jump into this one the power struggle challenge oh did you just hear that no nice I might have escaped screaming help me someone getting bonked upstairs man you don't get loud when we get it on [Music] what's going on are you doing just testing it out honey [Music] not the [ __ ] electrician here don't be scared yeah don't be scared there's nothing to be afraid out here in the dark nothing at all don't be afraid of Jason Lee are out there Jason I know they are mother and get your revenge oh I will mother I will find them right now mother honey I'm home I'm home honey is anybody around is anybody here I'm not afraid of anything either Jason I can't do it I couldn't do it are you serious right now you gonna fight my skills and they deserve to die I didn't know she would look at this just ruining the plants ruin it all Chase's plants now you're gonna run for me oh my god how they happen come here what you think you're doing what the hell do you think you're doing [Music] you like that one don't kill nobody like a father kill your bedroom to die make them suffer like weak so they walk in afterwards Wow okay okay this is gonna give me a good heads up for later on they walk in afterwards now I'm supposed to kill him in the fireplace which I can do as soon as he walks into the house it's over and then and then I'm supposed to kill um we're not I will kill her I forgot forgot but we'll figure it out after the next the next scene but for right now I'm supposed to kill someone with a trap - this is definitely gonna take a couple of takes right now just look at him I have no idea I have no idea - Jason's right behind him no clue don't turn around don't you dare turn around oh nice dentures you had there yeah Ken there's no need to freak out Jess [Music] holy hell the music is loud as hell the wing completely failed make them pay I will try mother but everybody you can't do it all right we're having a challenging experience here guys so I can't use the shift so pretty so much pressure on Jason all right so the last time I try to go through that door and they both heard me or something so I'm gonna go through the front door this time and hopefully hopefully we can open that door without a come you know a commotion we don't want oh maybe if I open the door while in like like spirit mode I'll in undetected mode like like this mode right here maybe we could do it guys oh yes may i beautified you you're so beautiful now you can add of the [ __ ] that's my special thank you mother thank you I am so special I'm so special so we know how to kill these just likes to watch the world burn ham Jason is up with you and Aiden or die Jason Oh make them suffer and here comes the other two now I have a feeling that might fail because I don't know their paths yet so we need to figure out how to kill or I need to go shut that door too because if this door is open and I shut the door shut the door guys I can't shut the damn door okay okay okay this is what we're gonna do we're gonna open up this door right here we're gonna hide in this room yeah we hide in here actually no nothing there my number I'm not gonna hide in there I gotta guess that I gotta get us up we got to hope that he doesn't see her body come on come on come on we're there alright so they are they haven't made it yet like butt-buddies right now look at him just walking together now I have to kill her with a trap to do this perfectly I have to kill her with a trap and then kill him at the fireplace I'm not entirely sure how well we do this but we're gonna reduce some little stocking we're gonna figure this out we're gonna figure out what they do now hopefully no one's here I'm gonna check the house see what's up let me go to check the house oh no they're gonna he's gonna find her find her [Music] Oh how's it feel Chad reel up Jason they deserve to die they can suffer like we did there she is there she is alright so this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna put some traps right here right here she's gonna she's gonna want to come back to the house right oh where you going hoochie lady it's not safe in there no no it's not safe in that place why you want you turn around like that no no one's in there nobody nobody's around don't know what you're talking about dare turn around we're gonna put this right here got a trap we got a trapper we got out we had a killer in are you running too huh Rena - it's another trap right there there's another trap oh I wouldn't go in there you sure you should never go in there oh no no we got a we had a coach her in today now we we missed the point I'm good I need this one right here yeah yeah walk this way what's this way Jason's gone Jason's gone I left undetected I got detected so I didn't do it perfectly but we did all the challenges right I do all the challenges she even we got the melbourne shuffle find them thank you mother thank you we did all the challenges except for the hidden objective I have no idea what the hidden objective could be I'm gonna go back into the game and I'm gonna figure out what they hid in the object of this we must find it guys must find it we're gonna forget we're gonna see what happened today she instantly gets can't you shut the door jam I'm gonna check that house wait a minute I can't do all the challenges in one go cuz I gotta kill someone with a trap whatever whatever this is this is about five figuring out what the last objective is that's what this one is it about let's go ahead this place is very soon either I don't know why I came out here either that which added the fire rope to him a little bit to catch up to you later on like that I will mother I will kill just for you mother need to catch up to her because I feel like the last point is inside of here she turn around you dare turn around you lady you wanna hang out a little bit girlfriend you're the hang with me hang with hang with the food with your favorite pristine back work Jason you're evil Jason is evil Jason do you have a baseball bat time to take the beanie on this special kill hunting down yes we were undetected we did everything great the only thing we didn't do in that round was kill someone with a trap which you can't do it's impossible it's a possibly mommy proud Jason now we got the pelvis don't escape oh nice we did everything we're good we can go to the next level before we go to the next level I'm gonna end the video right here so please if you have watched this far I want to I want you to personally hit the like button for me because I want to see actually how many people have made it this far I'll catch you all in the next video peace out everybody bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 2,195,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: H2O, Delirious, Funny, Hilarious, Random, Moments, Friday the 13th, Jason, Teddy Bear, Chase, funny moments, Kills, kill jason friday the 13th game, DLC, Part IV, Jarvis house, DLC Dance, solo, Single Player, Challenges
Id: SuBvaMeaGpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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