Friday Homeschool Chats with Beth

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hello everybody welcome back to teach from home another friday homeschool chat with beth that's me i'm beth and um on this channel i like to go live every single friday and chat with everyone and answer any questions kind of talk about our week um and just kind of get to um talk not really face to face but um just kind of chat a little bit with you all so i always always enjoy um coming to these on fridays and chatting with you all seeing how you're doing um i like to give a week uh recap about what we've done and um yeah it's just a really fun time this week has felt like summer like i don't think it could feel more like summer unless we were at the pool all day long it was just the weather has been in the 80s it's been sunny we've been outside so much like it has been a gorgeous week oh my gosh laura just told me we lost the audio you know what i didn't even plug the audio in like what would i do without laura hang on okay can you hear me i even forgot to plug in my my phone okay laura help me out can you hear me oh wait a second okay okay good i okay so my son was taking a class here at my desk right before this and then i quickly set up everything and got started totally forgot to plug in my mic okay so now hopefully it's all good okay good hi laura thanks for helping me out oh my goodness um not that it would have been a big deal to do it without the mic but still the sound is just much better with the mic um okay great laura good to have you here how are you doing this week i was just saying oh my gosh this weather has been amazing we just feel like it's just full-on summer this week like we were outside so much we've been doing some yard work um just it's just been so amazing like getting out into the water outside like we haven't gone to the pool or anything um the pool um opened this last saturday um in our town but we haven't gone yet we don't even know if we're gonna go this year we're just not we're not really sure and so um but you know we've got a sprinkler and we have a water table and you know we may go to the pool you know later on i just i don't know but that's not what we've been focusing on at all this week um we're just focusing on having fun getting outside enjoying the beautiful weather so um i have some updates so saturday we had our um co-op cookout with those two families that we've been getting together with all year long um for a um outdoor co-op where we just got to be out in nature so um one of the families uh was moving out of town and so we got to have a cookout with them and it was like the first time that the dads joined us and we just held it in our backyard and the kids played and ran around and were crazy and um all the parents got to sit and chat and so that was a really really fun time that was like the first like social event that we you know have like hosted in over a year and it was amazing to do that i love to host i love to have friends over and so to do that with them was just amazing it was really nice to kind of feel like we're easing back into normal life um because we did it with friends that we feel super comfortable and safe with and so it was kind of a nice thing to be like all right we can start hosting things again we can start seeing more people again so that was a really memorable time on sunday um my husband's parents came to visit um and they gave my second son his birthday presents because his birthday was on tuesday so they came over to visit on sunday and that was really fun and he got some presents and then monday i'm looking at my notes right now monday was memorial day and so we really wanted to do something fun that day but we really didn't have anywhere to go or anybody to see and so we were trying to you know monday morning i was trying to say what can we do i don't just want to you know use this day as a stay-at-home day my husband was you know off work it was a holiday so we're trying to think of what we could do ended up going to an arboretum walking around and seeing a pond and if you watched my instagram stories it um we were on a bridge and we saw all these baby ducks and geese and we saw turtles and fish and it was a really really beautiful day um to be out there and so we did that and then um what else did we do that day we didn't really do a whole lot else we just spent the morning out at the arboretum and then just came back home and oh i am i did sell our crib last week in our in my life i was sharing how i was trying to sell my last baby crib and i did i sold that so that was really nice um what else happened so monday we just did that and just kind of hung out probably cleaned the house that day too um and then tuesday was my son's birthday he turned nine my second center nine and so um he got some legos of course which is his very favorite thing um and then we did have um just three best friends of his um two of them were from the same family and then the other one was just one and they came over and we had a little backyard uh birthday party for him and that was amazing too because last year i don't know if you all did this but we were doing like the drive-by birthday parties last year all last year so we got invited to a lot of you know like car parade birthday parties where we just decorated the outside of our car we drove past their house and this big long line of cars and waved and honked and you know handed out presents you know quickly through our window and sprayed silly string that kind of thing so that was kind of fun but i didn't really want to do that this year at all i really if if at all possible i really wanted to do an in-person party and so he got together with his three best buds and again it was just an outdoor backyard birthday party um it wasn't anything elaborate you know he doesn't really want a whole lot besides just being with his friends he wanted a special cake he just wanted he wanted vanilla cake and that's what we got him and i ended up making cupcakes instead of cakes so that everybody could just have their own separate ones and didn't have to worry about you know anybody touching anything and i don't know but it just it felt super normal and it was so amazing normally in the past with birthday parties we invite anybody and everybody that we want to like we want it to be a huge big bash and you know all my kids have summer birthdays and so we would you know either have parties at a park or we would you know do outside in our backyard or we've done other ones where we've like rented out places before um like a trampoline park or um a gymnastics building like you can have birthday parties there and so we've done a little bit of everything for birthday parties but you know when it comes down to it they don't really ask for much besides being with their friends and having sweets and that's what we did and he loved it so that was on tuesday um his actual birthday and um and then ever since then we've been doing some gardening like again if you see my instagram stories um we there was an area on the side of our house when we first moved in that was just overgrown with weeds it was just terrible like nobody had taken care of it there was this huge tree that was actually like growing into our house and like damaging the siding and like nobody had taken care of it and it was just terrible and so when we first moved in um my mom and um and uh her friend came over and i had just had a baby and so i wasn't doing anything um yard work related and um they came over and they tore down that tree they had a saw and they cut it all down for us it was amazing and then my husband went out there and pulled down all the weeds and got all of that out of there and we built a flower bed right next to the house because we didn't want grass to grow up right next to the house we wanted something there and to do some landscaping um but then that was like at the end of fall last year that we did that um and we just we were like well we'll just plant something in the spring you know it's just too late in the year to to plant anything and so now we're kind of a little bit late to the party with this because it's already june but i we finally planted grass seed there this week and i'm going to buy some roses to put in that flower bed and um so that'll be really nice because we've had knockout roses um in multiple houses that we've lived in i've always planted those types of rose bushes because they're beautiful and they're pretty low maintenance you really don't have to do a whole lot to them you could trim them a little bit if you want to if they get out of control but if you don't want to you could just leave them and let them grow we have had issues with like june bugs that like to come and eat our rose bushes and so that's not always ideal but um my husband's wife my husband's boy my husband's mom is a avid gardener and she told us there's like this special special dust or something that you can um you can spray on the or like what am i trying to say like just kind of dust the rose bushes with this special powder and it will repel june bugs and so that's what we're going to try to do but i am super excited to get those in the ground and i know that my daughter my five-year-old loves to garden and she's been asking me she's like i want to plant some flowers so i think we're going to go buy some flower seeds at the um lawn store and then we're also going to buy those bushes so that i can just plant those bushes and then i think it'll be really exciting for my five-year-old to like actually start flowers from seeds in a garden i think that would just blow her mind to know that she grew something herself so that's really exciting i just haven't gone to the you know like home depot or lowe's or wherever i'm gonna go to go buy those so but that's that's been our week it's been pretty busy just being outdoors and doing the gardening and you know like actually having some people over it's been a huge change um from where we were a couple of months ago and i am here for it let's see oh laura's doing a lot of comments let's see we just found out we're expecting baby number four oh no way that's so exciting oh my goodness wow i can't wait to host things and hopefully luck don't be over by the end of the month last year we were living like nomads we had cake and didn't even decorate for my then four-year-old but this year i went all out with unicorns oh that is so exciting you know what and i just feel like it's good to sometimes just let our kids experience like the basics and just be excited about the little things you know i know that when i first had kids like i went all out like i was a pinterest mom and i'm i still love pinterest i look all over the place for different things that inspire me but like i would do like the pinterest birthday parties and like all the decorations and all the themed food and all of the you know the cake had to be amazing and like the food and the and all of it and like it was and all the themed like party games and stuff i did all of that and i don't regret it like they were super fun but when you do it for your two-year-old like my two-year-old son he thought it was fun but it's like he also would have been fine with just you know playing in the backyard with his friends that's what we've come to find out um i still love to decorate and make things super special for my kids but this year i was happy that he was content with like okay you're not gonna have a ton of people at your party but it's better than when your friends drove by the house last year so we're getting there we're gonna get back to normal very very soon it's coming but this was just a huge step up from last year so that was fun congratulations laura oh my gosh expecting baby number four that is so exciting i really really hope that the morning sickness and fatigue just passed by quickly i absolutely felt that with all of mine as well and it's not fun but for me it didn't really last you know like past the the first trimester i've had some friends who like had morning sickness all the way through their pregnancies and that was horrible um thankfully my morning sickness it pretty much was over by the fourth month and then um you know then you just deal with being tired all the time and then getting really big and being tired and it's just pregnancy is just magical isn't it but that is so so exciting wow so you've got some big changes coming your way pretty soon that's excellent all right let's see what else so that was our week and then oh so i also wanted to tell you like as far as book reading recently i usually like to read a lot of fiction i'm not a huge nonfiction person um because i really just like to be entertained i like to read good stories and um and read about really good characters and i i used to read a lot of nonfiction but that's just i just love to read novels now and and um good stories but recently so i mentioned um maybe on instagram that i was i got this from the library the brave learner by julie boger and um i was super excited to read it this is how far i've gotten like right here i this is what it is i normally don't read real physical books i am all about reading on my kindle this is like a super old kindle but it works really well i love this thing the reason why i love it is because most of the time when i read it's right before bed um before i go to sleep because during the day i just don't find the time to sit and actually focus and read because either one my kids need me or two i feel like there's always something else that i should be doing you know like cleaning the house or working on a project or you know doing something productive and reading is not productive except it's just one of my favorite hobbies and so um i find that i just read right before bed and that way the kids are in their own rooms and they're sleeping and i'm not going to get distracted and that always helps me go to sleep like i cannot go to sleep without reading first and i also like to read with my kindle because i don't have to turn any physical pages and i also read like in the dark like i don't leave a lamp on because my husband and i just turn out the lights and and so i read with this because it's already lit i make sure that there's like an option on here to make it not like a super bright screen it's like this kind of like green like something to where it's not going to hurt your eyes at night so i make sure that i have that filter on there um but that way i can just quietly flip pages not making any noise and i don't have any lights on to keep my husband awake and usually i fall asleep with this propped up by beside my nightstand um like it's like this is like resting on my mattress and then this is like tilted on my nightstand and i'm just flipping through and then i fall asleep and wake up and it's still open um but that's how i read books i read books on my kindle because it's just always there i don't have to flip pages all of that so i got this book physical copy because they did not have it in the ebook version or like the kindle version and as you can see i'm not doing a very good job of reading it so i i need to just make time every day i need to just be like okay for 30 minutes or whatever i'm going to like go in my room shut the door and just read a little bit because i really really want to read this book i'm super excited to read it um i just haven't cracked it and then i went to the library yesterday to pick up a book that i got for my kids to read aloud to them and i thought i was only picking up one book i had requested it and i was um gonna go just do the drive-by pickup thing they'll like bring it out to you which is really nice um so they brought that book out to me but then they also brought this book out to me and i had forgotten that i had requested this so this is called unschooled raising curious well-educated children outside the conventional classroom um and i requested this because i was trying to find all of the books i've read multiple books about unschooling but i have not read all of them and this was one that my life my library had and i was like this looks like a really good book so i requested it and apparently it was ready for me and now i'm like am i actually going to read this like it's not it's on it's not on the kindle um but it looks really really good so this is what i need to do i've got a speed read both of these um because this is probably due pretty soon i don't even know like my library lets us check out books for like a month and it's probably been about a month i don't remember who who knows what time it is so we'll see um we i'll try to read these but then i'm also reading this one for our book club that is in fact happening next week on wednesday if you signed up then you should have gotten an email from me saying that it is going to be on wednesday we're meeting through google meet and um we're going to read the first two chapters and so this is a really look how small this book is it's really small so it only has six chapters and so i figured reading two chapters um each time we're gonna meet three times and just go over two chapters each um so that's that's another thing that i need to focus on um so if you have not joined my book club i'm going to share the link here in the comments let's make sure that's the right link yeah so there is still time um to join that because what i think i'm going to do is i want to keep the book club small and right now we are at 10 people right now that are going to join and so i would really rather cut that into smaller groups because you know meeting through zoom or google me is not the ideal i really really don't like um meeting online honestly because it's just everybody talks over each other or like you know microphones cut out like mine did and you know like stuff just it's not the same as meeting a person and if we have a lot of people and we're all trying to be able to discuss it and and we want to keep the time frame small i feel like a smaller group would be better so i think i'm going to split it up um because there's still more people joining and so i want to make sure that we keep it in small groups so i'm probably going to um separate the groups and make sure that there's different times that we can meet so that it's a smaller group because i think if we get like 20 or 25 people it's just we're not going to be able to really really discuss it and have everybody have a chance to share their thoughts so that was my idea and so laura i know that you are all signed up and you're in there that's awesome i can't wait to have you there that's going to be so awesome i realized the first two years i was doing it for myself so my second restarting got my you got your book last night awesome yes i mean it's really it's such a small book it's not like you know we're reading a super thick book all about oh my gosh the biggest book that i ever saw about homeschooling is the well-trained mind have you read that one um i borrowed that from the library years ago it's the size of a bible it is extremely large and i remember getting it from the library and being like does anybody actually read this from front to back does anybody like you you need years to read this book and like it is not easy reading as well i have not read it all the way through i ended up taking it back to the library i tried to read some but you know it takes time to read that book it's all about classical education um and it's just it's dense very very dense and so i think that it is a good book to read if you're interested in classical education and where that came from and how they did it so so long ago and now like people are starting to go back to it because they realize that it's a really really good teaching method um but there are other books about classical education that are just maybe not as good i don't know but at least a shorter smaller version of what classical education is and so if you haven't read the well-trained mind i'm serious it's it's like a bible it's this big um but otherwise you know most you know homeschooling books are not that long and they're not that um complicated to read and so i think it's good to educate ourselves about different teaching methods and the history of education and so that's why i chose dumming us down because it really written by john taylor gatto like this guy observed what education was doing and why it started and all of that and i think it's just so important for us to know like why in the world do people choose to homeschool in the first place like who started doing this who was the very first homeschooler um who allowed this right um it's all good questions it's very good questions and i think the more that we educate ourselves on why we're doing this and why other people are doing this and what we can do and what we can't do and what it looks like is just going to empower us that much more to do our homeschooling well and so i am very excited to do this book club with all of you and if you haven't signed up yet like i said there's still time because i'm going to just add a second section of our book club so that we can get more people in and i'm excited that a lot of people are interested in this like that you actually do want to educate yourself on you know the history of uh home education it's going to be fun the other thing um that happened this week was that i hit a thousand subscribers on youtube so thank you to all of you each and every one of you thousand subscribers for like giving me a chance on this you know like i didn't start that long ago and i'm still new to this and still trying to figure out you know the best way to make my videos and share my knowledge about this and and get to know all of you and just serve you the best way that i can so i was super excited to hit a thousand subscribers and i just appreciate all of you that show up and watch my videos and comment like it just means so much to me that i am you know getting to help you guys out and and just share you know what it looks like for us as homeschoolers and hopefully it can help you out a little bit so because i hit a thousand subscribers i really really wanted to do some type of giveaway just as a thank you to all of you um and i had asked a while ago on my social media like if you were to enter a homeschooling giveaway like what would you want to win because i want to make sure that i give away something that everybody is interested in um and i thought about you know like what do homeschoolers really want like what is the most important and my thoughts were you know a printer um a a laminator like those are the things that i first started out with that i used so much in the first few years and i mean i still use them but i used them more back when i was you know first starting out like making things laminating things all of that um and i thought about oh if i could give away like a planner but i'm just not a planner homeschooler like i've never used a planner i think i've tried a couple of times to like write things down and it just doesn't work for me maybe it works for other people but i want to give you the best home you know homeschool planner and i don't know what that is since i don't use one so i was like well i can't give away that um i don't know i really um really want to think about like maybe a gift card to give away to people that way you know it's digital and i can just send you that and um you know through email and that way you could use it in your home school however you wanted to if you wanted to use it on you know buying books for your homeschool or buying more supplies like we all need more school supplies right like pencils and markers and paint those they go through that stuff so quickly um which reminds me i still haven't bought construction paper for my daughters and they keep telling me mom we have no construction paper and i just keep forgetting to buy it but i need to i need to buy that laura says is your aim to become monetized um that's not really something that i'm super you know interested in i you know i am making this my business and i do plan on you know providing um products for you um and different things um but really what i'm most excited about about hitting a thousand subscribers is that i get the community tab on youtube which means that i can like post updates on the uh community tab on youtube like i can write different things it's kind of like social media um or i can post pictures on my youtube community tab that kind of thing i can um have polls on there that you guys can um you know vote on just it's just a better way to communicate with you all instead of you know right now i can only post videos um and the way that you communicate is either emailing me or finding me on social media to communicate with me and so with the community tab um you can actually you know i feel like you might be able to contact me through it but at least i can post things on there that you guys can read and so i already follow other youtubers that use that community tab so they'll ask questions they'll post a picture of like what they're doing and like and put you know it's like social media like i said just sharing more updates that are not in video format so i'm really excited about that i just feel like that's just another way for all of us to um communicate with each other especially if you're only watching my youtube channel and you're not following me on social media if you don't have facebook or instagram um then we can just communicate in that way so that's what i'm super excited about so if you're watching this on replay or if you're watching now go ahead and comment like you know would a gift card be something that you'd be interested in like i want to make it worth your while but i am yeah i just want to thank you all for being here so let me know what you would most want um to have a giveaway for and i will um i'll do that shortly so what else oh i'm still working on my website that's another thing that i have uh been tirelessly working at um i have the website i am working on putting up blog posts and other resources on there and so once that is um ready for everyone to see i will be announcing that and sharing that as well and i feel like that's another thing that like i would be able to post in the youtube community tab like i'm not going to make a video necessarily announcing my website i would just be able to share the link um on the community post so that you would all be able to see it um but i'm excited about the possibilities um of a website and blog and all of that um i actually started a blog um back when i was a new mom and it wasn't even anything like i followed other bloggers and like it was just a more more of a big deal back then like in 2010 when i first became a mom i started reading blogs and there are all these like famous mommy bloggers is what they called them and like all of them were just like blogging about their days and raising kids and having babies and all this advice about what they were doing and it just made you feel you know like you weren't alone in raising small children and everything tell me in the comments if you read mom blogs a long time ago or maybe you still do i feel like they've changed like it's not as it's just different now um but it was just a big deal back then and so i actually um started a blog but i think it was like you know i wasn't trying to be a professional blogger or anything i just really wanted to write and like share about um parenting and what i was doing with my kids back then and um so i don't think anybody read it except for my mom and maybe my husband um but that was about it and i wasn't even trying to like you know it was totally a free thing it just was a way for me to like write and get stuff out there so now i really want people to read it and i really want to share more um resources and things that we do in our home school and you know hopefully i'll be able to share um you know other people's um like different articles about homeschooling and just lots of other things um it's it's a really different way um to communicate i'm learning um you know trying to make youtube videos and then also trying to do a blog it's like just completely different worlds so i am i've never tried to do blogging um as a business or being a professional and so it's it's just i'm learning a whole lot and that's what i've been doing the last couple of weeks is just researching figuring it all out making sure that it's ready for public eyes and so um i'm excited to share about that soon hopefully soon it's just not quite ready yet but maybe i'm just a little bit self-conscious and i need to just put it out there soon and people can just start looking i don't know gotta just do it right laura says yep i did blogging during infertility through my first two babies pregnancies waiting to get pregnant see i feel like that's so helpful laura to know i mean because i know so many other moms would benefit from reading about your experience and you know knowing that they weren't the only ones and like you know just learning about how you were coping and you know your experience like that is powerful it's so powerful to other moms to just because they may not want to talk about it with their friends who are not having the same struggle um they may not want to open up to people on social media and share their journey but just knowing that you know you were going through it too like it it just helps people out so much so do you still have your blog laura or are you have you given that up because i feel like it is a lot of work you know to keep up with it and you know it takes so much time to get your thoughts out and organize them in the right way and you know make it something that people will want to read i think that's my fear is that i want to make sure it's something that people will actually want to read from me and not um be bored i tend to be super long-winded and so i'm trying to make sure that how i write um gets to the point quickly um and then it's something yeah that people can relate to and be entertained and yeah hopefully be inspired by as well it's great to go back and read about my past experiences as well yes i mean before i did like blogging and tried to put it out in the world i did a lot of journaling i've been journaling since i was in high school and um there were a few years there probably like three or four years that i did not journal at all because i was just so busy with babies and little kids and i just did not have the energy to write out my thoughts and during this pandemic i've started to go back to journaling and i find that it's so therapeutic to write out those thoughts and my experiences and um you know it's it's not for everybody because not everybody wants to write out all their thoughts but for me it really helps because i have a lot of thoughts and i like to get them out to people um so i haven't posted for about a year when my third baby was born and my audience was struggling yeah i mean that's that's tricky too because so many women more than we know struggle with infertility and and all of those issues and so it's it is hard to to be excited when it actually works out for you i have a lot of friends like that so i can understand how that can be tricky but i'm so glad that you were able to to find that way to you know share your feelings and share your experience and i'm sure that you did help a lot of people with that so that's wonderful so like i said i am super excited about the blog i just feel like it's taking me a whole lot more work than it was to start the youtube channel and so it's um it's just taking a lot longer than i thought but then tomorrow the last thing that i had on my list of things to share is that tomorrow is my birthday and um i'm excited about it because it will be um the first time that my husband and i go on a date um since march 2020. so it's been over a year of us not going on a date which you know i feel like a lot of parents are probably in the same boat um we just you know chose not to and it was hard but we still found ways to you know just put the kids to bed and be able to have some quiet time on our own at night that that was really fun we still got to see that but um but yeah we're actually going out somewhere the grandparents the fully vaccinated grandparents are going to be babysitting the kids which i'm very excited about and feel great about and we're going to go out and like actually eat at a restaurant i'm going to be eating outside of a restaurant because i still still don't feel comfortable going inside a restaurant i just it's going to take me some time uh to get back into things but i feel okay going and sitting outside of a restaurant and eating a meal it feels fantastic actually um and some of our favorite activities that we like to do on dates is usually dinner and a movie like we love going to movies we love going out for a really amazing dinner and just spoiling ourselves in that way and before the pandemic we had actually made a point to go out on a date once a month and i don't know how you are and if you you know go on more dates than that or less dates than that um but for so long you know in our parenting journey we did not prioritize dates you know because we had babies we had toddlers we had preschoolers you know and we were always having babies and it just was like no we can't leave you know and and we did still make time for each other absolutely but you know we just felt like dates were a luxury and we can't spend money in a babysitter it's so expensive and then you know um then going out to eat and going to a dinner is expensive and so we just don't want to spend the money and um but then probably a little bit after i had my fourth baby um like three years ago almost three years ago um we made a priority to say you know what we are gonna go on monthly date nights we're gonna make that a priority just one night a month we're gonna go out and have fun and enjoy just being a couple and um having really great food and going out to see a movie we wouldn't always go see a movie because there wasn't always something that we wanted to see so we would do other things we would go out and find a place to go have coffee together or go out to a really great restaurant that had awesome desserts so we would like hop from restaurant with great food to another place with great dessert um maybe go somewhere for a drink but we didn't always go do a drink because i'm not you know i don't love i don't need to to drink is what i'm trying to say i guess um but either either way just having fun doing something we don't we don't normally get to do that's always really fun and so tomorrow we're gonna go out to a restaurant i don't want to go to a movie theater yet so i'm trying to find out i'm trying to figure out what we can do it's going to be in the middle of the afternoon we wanted to do it when my toddler was napping because i just don't i don't know if the grandparents can keep up with her um because i can barely keep up with her and so i was like if she's just napping then we can go out for a couple hours and the big kids can they'll be totally fine with grandma and grandpa and we'll just be back before she wakes up hopefully um so i don't know what we're gonna do after me uh eating a meal and there are a couple of different places that we really really love that we're excited to get back to and we haven't decided exactly which restaurant we're gonna go to but a lot of them um always have outdoor seating like that's not a new thing and so um yeah haven't decided yet but if you follow me on my social media i will definitely share pictures and updates about that too so oh also congratulations on your birthday mine's in a month from yesterday that's exciting yes i love my birthday like it's so exciting i you know i love to just make that a special day i've never like had big birthday parties since i've been an adult like that i know a lot of my friends try to do that or they try to go out with their girlfriends and i've done that some years um but yeah i mean i just i just want a nice meal and i just want to spend time with my family you know since it's a saturday my husband's not working and i'm not getting up early to teach my classes and so i actually get to sleep in on my birthday which is going to be amazing and then i'm going to choose what i want to do the whole day which is what we let our kids do on their birthdays too they get to decide the whole day and so my favorite things are family bike rides so i'm making my family go on a family bike ride tomorrow some of them are okay with it some of them are not but we do it anyway and um so do a family back ride early in the morning before it gets too hot and then date in the afternoon and um probably end up having some cake with the kids i don't know if my husband if he's watching this did you buy a cake mix i don't know if he did or not um but we'll probably want to have some cake with the kids because they like you know all the whole you know blowing out the candles making a wish singing and all that so we have to have cake with the kids and so that's going to be super fun i'm very much looking forward to that but that's that's my whole thing so i'm going to go ahead and wrap up because these always get so long and i don't mean to make them so long um but yeah i'm so happy that um all of you showed up laura thank you so much for sharing about your experience and what you guys are doing congratulations on expecting your fourth baby that is so exciting um i hope you get a lot of rest and uh just try to do the best you can you'll make it through and um yeah so i will be um in touch about the blog and like i said if you still want to get in on our book club that's happening soon and um yeah i think that's that's about it if you're not following me on social media i will leave it down in the description box after this is done so that you can follow me on those and see what all we're up to during the week i like to share a lot of different stories and stuff on there so all right it was so great to see you all i hope you have a beautiful summer weekend go have some fun and tell me all about it next week when we see each other all right bye guys
Channel: Teach From Home
Views: 61
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: teach from home, friday homeschool chats with beth, homeschool, homeschooling, chats, homeschool tips, homeschool tips for beginners, stay at home mom
Id: y1E0_rxGvYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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