Freud, Robert Paul Wolff Lecture 1
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Channel: Alex Campbell
Views: 13,594
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: sigmund freud, freud, robert paul wolff, lecture 1
Id: NILfeIshKLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Sorry for flooding today's page with Robert Paul Wolff.
Is it because I'm a mod that I'm allowed to do this without being warned for spamming? Yes.
This is professor Robert Paul Wolff, author of Understanding Marx (1984), In Defense of Anarchism (1970), and Kant's Theory of Mental Activity (1963), among other works.
Here's his video lecture series on ideological critique, and here's one on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and here's one on Freud.
Furthermore, his blog is a treasure trove of tutorials:
Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man
The Philosophy of Hume;
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason;
The thought of Karl Marx;
The thought of Sigmund Freud;
The study of society;
The future of socialism;
Ideological Critique;
Afro-American Studies;
Humeβs Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion;
Ricardo's Principles;
Max Weber's "Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism";
Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments - an appreciation;
Durkheim's "Suicide" - a micro-tutorial;
Erich Auerbach's "Mimesis" - an appreciation;
William Golding's "The Inheritors" - an aprreciation;
Plato's "Gorgias" - a mini-tutorial;
Kant's ethical theory;
A critique of Keynes;
The Indexing Problem.