Freshers Job Market- Getting Your First Job or Internship

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hello all my name is krishak and welcome to my YouTube channel so guys in this specific video I'm going to discuss about the freshest job market in 2024 now as soon as I probably see this title many of you may be thinking that I may open LinkedIn I may search for some jobs and I may tell you to apply as a fresher no nothing as such the uh in this video I'm going to discuss about some of the very important key points that every fresher or a college student should follow in in order to get its first internship and its first job right so that is what I'm actually going to talk about I do understand if you don't know the importance of the first job let me tell you guys okay so I completed my engineering in 2011 uh one very good thing that happened in my life was that I got placed in my college I I got placed incl Technologies but my joining was somewhere around 6 to 7 months later and uh that point of time you know I just not keep quiet in home instead I came to Bangalore I started searching for jobs you know I used to probably go ahead uh in every startups uh submit my resume and come back you know and by continuously following this practice for 2 to 3 months uh I was able to crack my first job interview you know and uh they were also ready to offer me the offer letter and the hike was also almost similar to myl Technologies itself but uh as a brand I specifically went tol Technologies because at that point of time I also got the uh call letter from the it's from my first company itself now in 2011 when I'm talking about this was the common strategy that was used by every freshers you know to apply for jobs in any job market itself right um yes they were portals but again this was the most common phenomenon that was used and I know that because many of my friends also did this right but right now we are in 2024 uh and obviously because of so many things so so many upgradation that is happening in our life um based on this let me talk about some of the key points that every fresher or college student should definitely follow to get its first internship or job now talking about one common question so this is the first point many many questions that probably come to me from a fresher or college student Kish I'm still not able to decide which technology should I probably work on should I go with DSA should I probably go ahead with full stack web development should I probably go ahead with uh AI blockchain so these are are the common kind of questions that uh you will be uh like you will also be listening and I have heard that from past couple of months right this kind of questions itself now how do you identify in which technology that you should definitely work okay one very easy way that I usually suggest to all my students you know is to probably understand about the companies that are currently working in different different technology and which companies are specifically growing and understand guys if you are a college student or a fresher it is always good to work in that specific skill set where you see that in the upcoming 10 years in the upcoming 10 years there's a huge growth in that specific field right in 2011 I joined my first company as a software engineer later on in 2013 I moved towards data science the reason was very much simple because I could just assume the scope of data science would be amazing in the future in the upcoming 10 to 15 years and whatever I had assumed at that point of time right now uh trust me everything is in line and I think I have actually made the right decision so your decision should also be based on this in the upcoming 10 to 15 years you know whether you'll also be able to grow or create your own startup and all so how do you identify what is the right technology that you should probably learn or what is the right kind of job role that you should probably go ahead with it is very much simple guys look for companies that are working in that technology and see whether they are growing or not if I probably talk about AI like companies like Nvidia meta Google right they're extensively growing talk about startups who are working in different different field so once you identify that and let's say one one scenario I'll say right one scenario I'll give you since all these companies are working right uh AI companies are working everything is working right obviously in the in the future there will be mobile app development websites scope of full stack web development will always be there right and obviously if you see the crowd throughout the world full stack developments are many many many people right they're continuously upgrading in those things if I probably consider with respect to other Technologies right now if you see the price of every cryptocurrency it's in Peak so web 3 is growing right now right so what I see in the upcoming 2 to 3 years uh Technologies like companies are also going to work in web 3 and see how they'll be building different different products if I talk about AI because of generative AI chat GPT applications AI I still feel that there'll be a huge scope as we go ahead and uh you know there'll be a lot of work that may be also going to come up yes if I talk about AI many people will first of all think hey many of the things will get automated just think about what all things you can actually build in the future so this is what you really need to identify and make sure that you identify the skill sets based on the upcoming 10 to 15 years like how you're probably going to grow now coming for the second ones once you identify those things once you start learning the skill sets the second point will be that look for a differentiator uh so let's say that I learning AI I I know data science machine learning like that 100 people also knows it right but how I am different from others there should be a differentiator right i' would also be interested in research I would also be making sure that I stay up up to date completely with all the new research that are probably happening I keep on working in different different tools like mlops uh llm Ops right whatever new things are probably coming right as a fresher you know or as a college student I am making sure that I stay up to date and I build some amazing applications right this is just one example let's consider another example with respect to full stack web development right if you consider full stack web development you can become a front- end developer backend developer but just you add some additional skill set of AI and see that how you can actually utilize in this right that actually creates a differentiator from other fullstack web developer right so this is what I'm actually telling you look for the differentiator in your skills so that you stand out from all the remaining people out there and everybody should actually do this once you're able to do this trust me getting jobs will become easy because when you write this information in your resume that will definitely work out right coming to the third Point guys uh I would always stress on this particular uh this particular point that is college time is your best time right in my college I had actually wasted completely four years you know I did not know like I my main aim was just to pass all the subjects and that is what I still did but still today I think that if that four years if I had a kind of vision what I really wanted to do and if I had worked on those four years it would have been completely different in Hindi we say there it's never late so you can also start even though you right now you're in thir third year or fourth year you start working on your skill sets that is very much important because that 2 to three years if you're investing daily right in you're working on your skills to become smarter in building some new product trust me you'll be going somewhere else now coming to the fourth Point guys and this is the most important point if you are starting as a fresher please make sure that you at least get a couple of internship or at least one internship in your college time trust me internships actually help you to build that specific experience and it also looks good in the resume it adds a very added advantage in your career uh many many people say that chrish uh you know being an AI I'm a fresher I'm not able to get jobs in the AI field you know I really want to work as a data scientist trust me um a mid a mid engineer you know let's say that you're a couple of years of experience for this kind of people it is very easy to make a transition or easy to get a job when compared to a fresher because initially fresher all the hiring team you know they require a lot of things and right now in this competitive market space um you know companies are also looking for additional Talent you know because there are so many people right everybody's learning something everybody has a key differentiator skills right so it is very much necessary that do not waste your college time try to get at least one internship and trust me at that point of time right job will also not matter like salary should not matter at that point of time I'll not say job will not matter but salary should not matter you know with respect to any internship even though you are getting low pay right I'd suggest complete that internship because you really get a real hands-on experience while you're building projects While You're Building Products over there so internship is very much important and trust me people or freshers who have already done internships will get an upper hand when compared to the other people as I said key differentiator right so internship is also one key differentiator for the people who have already worked in the college stle in different different companies right now coming to the final Point always make sure that you follow this rule of learning with respect to any technology that is 80 20% rule 20% of the Core Concepts you should really know and you should focus on 80% of Building Products right when you're building when you're investing your 80% of time in building all those kind of products any additional things that you really want to learn you'll be able to learn over there but 20% of the Core Concepts you should be able to cover it and you should cover it in a proper way because this 20% of the Core Concepts will definitely be asked in any kind of interviews now finally guys uh before I end this specific video um in my life this is a perspective of my life you know uh the more harder that I work the more harder that I work the more luckier I become right I've also seen some people who do not work that much hard but still they are able to achieve but I've seen more percentage of people you know just like me the more harder they work the more luckier they become and more easily they are able to achieve anything right so keep on working hard guys because that is what we really need to do our main goal is not just for one or two years you know it is for 10 to 15 years how we are actually shaping our career to achieve our goal that we are looking for right so do not uh you know hesitate to uh work harder keep on working hard and trust me wherever the help is required you'll also be getting that help and also try to help others so yes this was it for my side I hope you like this particular video I'll see you in the next video have a great day thank you one all take care bye-bye
Channel: Krish Naik
Views: 44,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, freshers data science jobs, freshers web development jobvs, frehsers ai internships, freshers jobs linkedin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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