Fresher Mock Interview SQL | Technical Round | SQL Interview for Fresher | HR Interview

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[Music] hello hello sir good morning yes tell me something about yourself sure sir so first of all thank you so much for giving me this opportunity so my name is Kor and I am from Pune and I've completed my bachelor's in business administrations and international business coming to my hobbies um like to play guitar or I like to play badminton um yes that's all about it good so you have mentioned or your cvq so what rating do you have given for yourself so I would give myself 10 out of 10 for giving efforts for towards learning SQL as I come from a non-tech background okay so I have tried my best to learn sqls and I'm proud to say that that I'll always be learning that very good so we now we are doing the mock interview okay so tell me uh what is the primary key the primary key is a key that is a unique key which can only be one in a table and it cannot be a null value good can we put more than one primary key in a table no there can only be one primary key in a table okay is it possible to drop primary key yes we can okay so do you have command about yes so we can drop primary Key by using um alter table table name drop primary key good what is the foreign key so sir the foreign key is used to combine two or more tables um a foreign key can be more than one and it can accept null values as well okay is it possible to delete data from parent table if the data is existing in child table no we can't we'll get an error okay so anything else if we want to delete the data from parent table that is the existing in child table yes we can delete the data firstly from the child table then it is possible to delete the data from the primary table okay good you have mentioned the joints so do you have do you have practice on that joints yes sir I would say that okay so um just tell me about the joints yes so there are five to six type of joints first comes the inner joint second comes U left joint then right joint then full outer joint these are the basic joints okay okay do you have the cross joint yes I'm aware okay what is the inner join so the inner join is uh it actually gives us common values between both the tables so that is inner join what is the left outer join so left outter join it will give us um common values from the left and it will include all the values from right okay what about right out joint so the right will give all the values from the right table uh common values from right table and it will include all the values from left table as well okay so can we say the left outer means it show the everything from left and Common from right that's okay and what about full outer joint it will show all the values from both the tables combined in a single okay okay is it possible to join uh do joins in a three tables yes we can okay good and you what is the view so so view is a dynamically constructed form of tables that we use to make the commands easy so it is used in cases where say I have to um view a table multip multiple times in a day where I have to view specific data which can be Select Staff from table name where the salary is in range of 50,000 and 60,000 so instead of writing this in an entire way such a long code I can just put it inside a view and I can just call that view by saying select star from the view that I have just created so that will make things more easy and faster okay is it possible is it the table and view is having same row ID no they have different row row ID row ID okay do you have the materialized view yes it's a better version of uh normal view okay suppose if I drop my main table egit view will be exist yes in materialized view yes it will as the values are stored in actual table in materialized view okay and what about view no because the tables are show in the cach memory so okay so according to you just correct me the table and materialized view is having so same different row ID is it take materialized view physical space yes it will take physical space okay is it the both is having same row ID or different row ID same row IDs same row ID so the values will change dynamically if I'm changing something in table it will be changing in materialized okay so just I'm correcting to you that the table and view is having same row ID okay okay and the table and materialized view is having different row ID okay okay is it possible ddl command in a view no it is not possible is it possible uh DML in materialize you I'm not aware okay no problem is it possible ddl in a materialized view yes we can okay is it possible to drop view yes we can okay good so what is the uh dual so dual is basically a dummy table that we use in SQL okay what is the CIS dat CIS dat is used as a reference where we can fetch Uh current today's date as a reference in the data okay so uh can you tell me the aggregate functions sure so there are five aggregate functions which are minimum maximum sum count and average okay what is the command of the find the to Total salary in a table so we can uh do that by sum of salary and the command U and find it by select star from sum of salary select star H okay from table name okay not much of okay we should aware about that okay no problem so what is the difference between we and having so the wear and having there are few differences there so having can be used only with Group by after Group by um whereas where it can be used anywhere and uh in having we need to use aggregate functions along with having uh whereas in case of where we don't need to actually use uh aggregate functions there we can directly use it and uh having is faster because uh it faes data specifically using aggregate functions whereas SAR command is not that faster good what is the difference between delete and trunk it so so in delete uh we can delete only specific rows trunet will delete everything um okay delete can be rolled back trunk it we can't roll back is it possible by delete we can delete the all records yes we can okay which one is faster trunk it is faster okay okay everything is okay so so we are giving to some question just try to solve on your laptop okay yes okay how to find second maximum salary in a table sure we use the max function here okay yes this is it okay just show me okay good so just show me you have mentioned some table just display that table this is the table good I needed to fix the is specific means there you have mentioned the C name where you have mentioned the IBM TCS and Amazon vpro can we Face the maximum salary in a group yes we can yes just write for [Music] so I've WR the logic but I'm getting an error could you please Che this is the logic that I'm following so the logic is similar to finding second maximum salary okay what you are writing m you are just writing the I guess you needed to find out the maximum salary in a group right now so what okay we just need to find maximum salary maximum salary in a group okay this is the code good very good uh now the next question what I needed I want to display the maximum salary those who have greater than H 80,000 okay uh yes 80,000 for H this is the command that will help us to find maximum salary is greater than 80,000 good okay okay done yes okay okay so overall everything is okay okay sir okay so do you have question for me anything do you want to ask sure sir so apart from this now you know that what is my knowledge level so where do you think I should increase my knowledge or if there are any specific pointers which will help me to get good skills to be acquired in your company okay the most important thing your confidence is good that is the most I I guess you are doing the first time the mock interview yes sir and you belong to non it yes sir and everything is okay somewhere you lack somewhere because of the practice and in here whatever we have cury given you got it and you are doing so do more practice and uh whenever the questions is there you can sort it down and do the practice in front of the Mir mirror and some people are there in front of you and again try to give interviews then check it you will be come come as soon as because the shortly you can reach there the next time whenever we do we do in interviews hope we be come to more complex questions yes sir okay so all the [Music] best
Channel: Lotus IT Hub training institute
Views: 33,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mock interview, HR interview, HR top interview, Hrquestions, HR Interview, HR Questions, HR question, HR mock interview, HR interview question for freshers, HR interview questions for freshers, interview tips, hr interview, hr interview tips, interviewtips, interviewpreparation, interesting, mockinterviewm hrinterviewquestions, mocktestpracticeset sqlforbeginners, sqlinterviewquestions, mockinterview, sqlcommands
Id: WF_-8S4mSpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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