Fresh Harvest 1-Gallon Fruit Wine Making Kit

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hello and welcome i'm larry janke fruit wine maker and a friend of northern brewer i'm here to introduce the fruit wine making kit from northern brewer today we're going to unpack it and show you everything that you need to get started with a one gallon wine making batch inside of the kit you'll find a two gallon fermenter the bucket is real handy for fermenting your wine and it's easily graduated on the back so you know exactly where you're at comes with the lid keep it nice and airtight and an airlock to keep any contaminants out also included in the kit is a one gallon carboy this is where you'll be transferring your must into here that makes the wine it also comes with a nice airtight lid and another air lock other things that are in the kit we'll just unpack this and show you everything that you need first thing that we find is a fruit wine bag this is where the fruit goes this will go into the fermenter to ferment your wine we have ingredients that are available these will show you how to do these later but everything that you need for making the wine is in this kit also included is a no rinse cleaner the most important thing to do is to make sure all of your equipment is very very clean you don't want any contaminants getting into your wine that's also included we have pectic enzyme wine tannins your yeast and a nice handy booklet for you as well that's a guide to home wine making also included this is what measures the sugar this is called a hydrometer this will tell you what kind of potential alcohol that you'll have in your fruit wine other things that are included in order to get the wine from here to here you want to use a siphon you don't want to just dump it in there because one of the most dangerous things to introduce to a wine is oxygen so we have a racking cane the tubing is included and then later on once you go to bottle the wine we also have a bottle filler included as well so that's everything that you need to get your fruit wine started all you need now is your fruit you can get fruit in a puree form you can get from fresh fruit or you can have fresh frozen fruit right from the store in the booklet that we have included in the kit it has a list of all the different types of fruit that you can make wine from everything from apple to strawberry and everything in between now it's time to make wine we'll have a longer version of the whole process of making wine from fruit and we'll have a link to that video on this page or in the video description
Channel: NorthernBrewerTV
Views: 9,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winemaking, how to make fruit wine, fresh harvest wine kit, fresh harvest wine, country wine, how to make fruit wine at home, fruit wine recipes, wine equipment, fruit wine equipment, homebrewing, homebrew, make wine at home, what do i need to make wine at home, can you make wine from fruit, can you make wine at home, homemade fruit wine, northern brewer, midwest supplies, where can i but wine making supplies
Id: Nxlms7SNurM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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