Aba & Preach are right about Jordan peterson

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what's popping what's cracking what's going on what's up we are doing a quick one today damn this shit's close um as you can see in the screenshot and in the title I'm reacting to Albert and preach's video reacting to Jordan Peterson crying with uh and the Piers Morgan interview and I'm saying it's a short one because generally I I agree with Ava and preach which I think I'm gonna tell is I kind of just agree with how I've been preached so there's not really much to say first things first one was seeing um Mr JP man cry um had two thoughts I'm like wow this guy cries a lot he cries really frequently comes up it happens a lot in interviews videos and whatnot but my second thought is putting aside my own bias against red Pearson because I'm going to say I'm probably biased against him I I've just seen him use too much um inaccurate data and information and misquote things not necessarily intentionally but it just seems to be bad at siding information for his viewpoints and opinions uh when it comes to things that aren't his specific professional field but if the fact that he's crying about young men that are struggling people that are considered in sales and other people that are called in cells whether they serve themselves or not I don't think that's crazy I don't think that's crazy to cry about that right like I think we're crooked I don't care but like look when people are going through something that's really hard for them you empathize with them like is that is that crazy that he's empathetic towards a group of people that look to him for answers I have people in my life that look to me for answers on problems that if I were to deal with them I wouldn't even think it's a big deal like personally I would like go like I know people that have easier lives than I have based on the actual situations but that doesn't mean that they have an easier life than I have because they have to process it and go through it themselves like I'm not like I don't feel I don't think I suffer from any serious mental health issue so just that alone makes no matter what you're asking life the assistant it's gonna be harder than mine it's just going through it um let's sit like right now and then sells one thing like I'm not concerned we're looking for a female or partner one whatsoever I've had Partners before a choice but like and right now I'm focusing on other aspects of my life I could probably change my viewpoint if I've never was successful at any point with getting a partner whatnot make me really desperate make me really upset I mean the desperation was trying to get a job right now if something that's equally important to a lot of people is having a partner I just can't do that and it seems like nothing I can do at work and yet you hear like you hear hey you gotta be six feet tall you gotta be making this much money I just watched a video from Auburn preach where girls were saying like yeah if you're like 25 years old you should be making eighty thousand dollars a year are you making a hundred thousand dollars a year like at that at like in your mid-20s I'm like that just that just doesn't happen and if you think and I don't think every girl thinks that there's just some girls that were intrigued think that um if you think that's the average person which it's not like you're wrong you think the average female thinks you need to make them that much money to be um to be a worthy a partner or anything but if you think that it's gonna be up it's like okay well if I look at this I'm not gonna I might never make six figures or it'll take me 20 30 years to make six figures and I was like okay well money's the only thing that matters I can't even get that old it seems like like you're gonna you're gonna harp really bad negative thoughts you're gonna have a lot of set things you're either gonna probably gonna be depressed you're gonna internalize it you're gonna externalize it and Jordan Peterson someone who talks to these people do you you know makes they complain he feels heard oh there's a problem gives them an answer um I think also I've been preach talk to these to this so This same group of young men um interestingly enough well yeah 25 well from even 16 to like 35 I think anyone older than that would call like a young man even my audience is from 25 to 35 predominantly too so most most of my audience is older than me so I'm never gonna really talk seriously about relationship stuff I've dated a couple girls I don't know enough that's gonna be I can't help you that's that's people with more experience can help you with that but again like the point I think I haven't reached help I think they talk about things like that but again people like Jordan sometimes I've been preach get labeled like their Jordan Peterson somehow like like they don't even try and do the same thing but they do talk to young men who don't feel like they're being heard by Society do I personally feel like I'm being heard by Society I don't know I also don't care um I I feel like I don't have some of the major issues that some of these people complain about now again I've had Partners um what I need is money and a job and I'll figure out everything else later that's really it but if you want companionship you want to feel like your opinions have value you want to feel like you're a special like I mean again Society like I think people cater to certain groups or like I had to talk to some of my friends about how they cater to black men I'm like I was talking about gang violence and crime and whatnot I was talking to some other my other I was talking some of my black friends like yeah the black people are a lot of black people's biggest issues and by that I mean there's confrontations that are deep rooted from society and historical contexts that make it hard for black people but like it makes it like we don't work together like we should be um there's the violence fear they're stealing and whatnot again it comes from there's other societal readings that make these issues but like I was trying to explain that black people cause a lot of problems for other black people and they're like no no no no I don't want to say that I don't want to say I'm like wait chill vote chill first of all I'm black people I'm telling you what my experiences is part of it and if you look up some data it's a data privacy like from my it my experience is the case but they didn't want to say anything that could potentially make minorities or pocs feel bad uh and that doesn't happen for young white men um that doesn't seem to be the case I don't like feel worried about just talking and say their opinions some of their parents are up so my opinions are up but I feel like you know if your opinion is up and you're a black gay person you can just get away with saying it um unless you're condemned by another black gay person like you have to be it's like a race to the Bible say we're getting we're going all over the place point is JP talks to sad white boys um and he's sad because they're sad I don't think that's crazy um if you want Jordan Peterson not to be the guy who they go to be the person that these people go to talk to these young men hear their problems find solutions for them it doesn't have to be him if you don't like him but they like him because he decided it's going to be well he didn't decide he's going to be in he just said yeah this is what I think is the issue so that's it that's all that's all that's what I want to say um if you like what you saw leave a like if you want to do a subscribe do a subscribe um I'm out
Channel: TriumphToo
Views: 3,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aba, preach, aba & preach, Jordan peterson, incel, incels, young men, social issues, trending, gaming, news
Id: eYQog2rjkGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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